cutdeepshiver · 4 months
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"I swear this always happens with Sandra. Hey! Ya seen a big ole eel flyin' around here? Maybe causing a bit of a ruckus? The lil' scaredy cat got spook-ified and now I can't find her. She's so wimpy..."
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iobartach · 5 months
"Psst, big fella!" He places a squid plushie on his desk. "Merry squidmas!" - Woomywebs
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The action's completed before he has the chance to object, resulting in a false raise of an arm that's currently in the process of falling back down by his side. Stuck for a moment, he inspects the new addition with a quick glance, a question coalescing on the tip of his tongue, when something Peter had just said caused his words to swerve in a different direction.
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"Ah, thanks. ... Happy... Squidmas ... to you in return? ... I think?"
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biitchcakes · 5 months
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@woomywebs sent: anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude. // ( accepting )
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Arms fold tightly, indignantly, under her chest, and the eyebrows that are previously only partially raised now shoot entirely upwards. ❝ ATTITUDE ? ❞ With a rather stiff sniff, her foot begins to tap. ❝ Pfft, I never have an attitude. Can't believe you'd accuse me of that. I'm just being realistic.❞
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neonwebs · 8 months
“Hey big fella you mind I ask questions ‘bout you?” - Woomywebs
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ || ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ!
"Uh," I hate twenty questions, but, it's Peebs. "Sure. What's on your mind?"
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chimugukuru · 10 months
“ would you come in inside out of rain?! you catch cold! “ -Woomywebs
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐋/𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 Status: Accepting! @woomywebs
Kamado doesn't mean to come here, but she lost her balance while dimension hopping and figured this was a safe place to rest for a little while. The downpour is a surprise, but one she can deal with. She's used to bad weather.
This is terrible weather.
Now she's a sopping wet mess shivering at PB's door. To her relief, he answers quickly and ushers her inside. Her hand shakes as she signs, "Thank you." But now she's standing awkwardly in the entryway, not wanting to get the rest of his place messy.
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stxtic-scribbles · 3 months
@woomywebs ASKED: "I beg your shocking pardon?" from MiniMigs to Ares
~ ☆ ~
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"You heard me," Ares responds, almost casually. Despite his apparent relaxation, his eyes sparkle with the according mischief.
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hexellent · 6 months
you know my name ? - Woomywebs (From PB to Marina :D!)
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“Kind of hard not to with all the commotion, don’t you think?”
The idol adjusts her glasses, typing away on her laptop. After a few moments, she spins it around, an amused smile on her face. On the screen was a forum full of blog and news snippets, fan ravings, questions and comments about the cephalopod in front of her. She clicked through a few pages with a hum.
“Of course, no one has figured you out yet. Probably for the best. But I imagine it’s hard not to stick out like a sore tentacle with all the things you do! I figured I’d do a little digging myself out of curiosity.”
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psycadenza · 10 months
♦ - Woomywebs
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned. - accepting !!
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“ oh !! um … fun ! “
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atrocitahs · 5 months
character / dynamics tags: @untales / @woomywebs / @chimugukuru
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aa-carnivorousfatality · 11 months
@woomywebs approached -----> ****** ❛ was it you? did you do all this? ❜
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the cocky son of a bitch was examining his talons , leaning back against the wall. a bored expression on his face.
" you tell me. "
as if to make a point , he flicked his tendril , causing a bit of blood to splatter to the ground.
" i have no time for pointless questions. "
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cutdeepshiver · 4 months
Don’t worry, I lost the ability to feel pain three years ago. - Woomywebs (From Samurai squid!)
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"Well, that's upsetting. The pain is the most pleasurable part."
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iobartach · 4 months
@woomywebs asked; "You call it a near-death experience, I call it a vibe check from Cod."
tumblr text post prompts
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For a moment, there is no response given, mind still caught in the process of parsing the other's meaning. Declining the thought to turn to LYLA for a steer, or, simply put, a translation at this point, Miguel instead blinks slowly, his face the picture of confusion the longer he spends looking over at PB.
Before reaching out, he sips from his mug, drawing up a measure of his cooling coffee, as if believing it would help him to understand, a matter with ironic connotations, for how it defied his drink's 'world's smartest brain' label. Simply put, he had no clue as to what meant by the use of 'vibe check', or if the use of 'Cod' had indeed referred to a venerated deity of theirs, an unfamiliarity that's reflected in his languid choice of phrase.
"Uh... come again? I have no idea what you were trying to say, just now."
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skullhub · 3 months
MUSE PROFILE: O'hara (E - 56210 - 2099)
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Name: Miguel O'Hara
Age: 14
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'3"
General Alignment: Chaotic good
General personality: Reckless, Temperamental, Very intelligent, slightly egotistical, Confident, Overdramatic, Nerdy, Stubborn
Family: Conchata O'Hara (Mother), George O'Hara (Father, Deceased), Tyler Stone (Bio Father), Gabriel O'Hara (Little brother)
Home: Splatsville, The Splatlands
Backstory: Miguel O'Hara was born in 2085 to George and Conchata O'hara, having been raised up in an unstable household and environment for years before he declared himself independent. He and his brother having endured hefty amounts of abuse before their father died young of unknown causes. With Miguel having left the O'Hara household a week before his birthday in order to create a safer environment for Gabriel whilst staying close to home so he and Gabriel can visit their mother when either are free.
In order to keep from losing the space Miguel and Gabriel shared, Miguel went on a job hunt and eventually settled on two options; Alchemax and Grizzco. Not wanting to come back exhausted and smelling like the ocean at low tide, Miguel opted to start working at Alchemax and immediately began as an amateur geneticist at the company. With Tyler Stone keeping a close eye on him and even extending Miguel's hours so he can "get more experience under his belt." Unfortunately despite the seemingly good intentions, these extra hours on Miguel's work schedule took a toll on him both mentally and physically. He's lost sleep, his grades started to drop, and his visits with Conchata were forcibly called short due to Tyler calling Miguel into the labs/offices in the middle of his visits. Growing exhausted and fed up, O'Hara drafted up his two weeks notice and passed it off to Stone, thinking foolishly that the company would let him go without too much of a hitch. On his last day at Alchemax, Miguel was all ready to leave, most of the stuff from his lab and personal space were packed away in boxes. And as soon as the clock hit 8, he would be out the door and off of Alchemax's payroll for good.
Well, that would be the case if he didn't wind up getting drugged with a highly addictive substance that only Alchemax could legally produce. Leaving Miguel barely able to move as the withdrawal symptoms made his already sleep-deprived body feel even worse as he struggled to keep his head up. With the only reason he was able to get up and keep going was his sheer spite and his willingness to be free from the corporate shackles Tyler Stone latched onto him. Attempting to cleanse himself of the drug, O'Hara attempted to reprogram Alchemax's genetic re-writer in order to reset his DNA back to the way it was. Fighting his blurring vision and aching limbs, he dragged himself into the machine thinking that he'd programmed the machine correctly, and found out very quickly after the machine's activation that he'd messed up, big time.
Instead of reverting his DNA back to normal, O'Hara had accidentally spliced himself with sea-spider DNA and mutated himself into a half-sea spider, half octoling abomination who now had powers that were beyond his control. He'd cleansed the drug out of his system, but at the cost of his understanding of himself and his sense of normalcy (or at least whatever was left of it anyways). Distraught, Miguel jumped out of a nearby window and fled from Alchemax before Tyler or any of his goons could apprehend him, having fled all the way to his and his brother's apartment and locked the doors and windows tight. Being so shaken up by the incident that he didn't even remember to grab most of his stuff from the labs before he disappeared into the night.
He couldn’t make sense of his new abilities for a long time, with the only guide in this whole situation being his new AI pal Lyla. But eventually he got a semi-decent grasp on his powers and started fighting crime and against the oppressive forces of the kings, not just for himself but for everyone be cares about so they don’t have to live in fear anymore. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of the late spider-squid and arachnoling due to how influential they were during the “heroic era”. Hoping to have that same amount of impact that the heroes of the past did when they were saving the world.
Extra Info: O'hara doesn't have a limiter attached to himself, he took it off his ink-tank when he started his hero work and misplaced it. He hasn't had a limiter attached to himself ever since.
Miguel's ink used to be bright red before his genetics were rewritten, now it's stuck as a bright ultramarine blue instead.
Miguel is actually multilingual and has learned to speak inklish, octarian, salmonid and a lot more. He’s even studied some of the mammalian language due to being such a history buff.
Miguel had found his Lyla while he was out junk collecting, he figured out how to reactivate her with Gabriel’s help after cleaning up her USB and plugging her into his old laptop.
O’Hara’s always wanted to work a museum however he fears he might be too young for the job.
Miguel has never been to inkadia or inkopolis due to the trains having been cut off from splatsville both ways. He’s always wanted to visit there with his brother to see what life would be like over in inkadia.
On top of having suckers on his hands and feet for climbing and paralyzing venom, he also has night vision and is developing a stronger lung capacity and voice.
Miguel has permanent markings on his face and body due to the sea-spider DNA mutating him. These markings are extremely difficult to cover up and glow in the dark/when his specials are charged up.
Miguel and Gabriel both split the bills between each other to not burden the other when it comes to the important stuff.
Unlike the other miguel’s 56210-2099 miguel is more tech savvy, however he requires at least a little bit of help from his brother if he’s dealing with anything hacking or security related.
Miguel can’t draw all that great, however he is trying to learn how to be a better artist with help from Lyla and his brother.
Voice claim: Micah Abbey (TMNT:MM Donatello)
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neonwebs · 10 months
@woomywebs // 06. collision ; sender and receiver first meet when literally colliding with each other , a minor collision due to distraction or negligence.
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    ❝ 𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. ❞  —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || ᴏᴘᴇɴ!
I've got a lot lined up today. I'm supposed to be meeting with the Union to talk about...I'm not really sure what it is you talk to unions about. My guess is they're looking to see I'm using my authority wisely. Maybe make sure I'm treating everyone right...I may have screwed myself over by putting Hobie second in command. Something tells me he'll find something wrong with the way I run things here. Sigh, not looking forward to this.
I'm so busy thinking about how this is all gonna blow up in my face later, I'm not paying attention when turning the corner, and end up bumping someone with their hands full of gear. "Shit-! Sorry." I accidentally sent the poor kid landing flat on their ass. Nice one, knocking over your employees like that, O'Hara. Wait until the Union hears this. I offer my hand. "Sorry, sharp corner. You alright, kid?"
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oceanfcam · 5 months
you're making "the face" again. - Woomywebs
Coral probably knew what face he was talking about. She didn't want to acknowledge that she was just staring for too long, actually.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get lost in thought like that-!"
She blinks, and her smile grows, ever nervous as her gaze quickly shifts to look elsewhere. She'd spent the majority of this time watching him fiddle with his things, not even speak or anything.
Just stare. Maybe she did look creepy.
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chimugukuru · 10 months
Missing: Part 1
[Begin video]
Kamado holds up her palm and brings down her middle and ring fingers- “I love you!” as she stands in front of the school gate. Something flickers in the background. Kamado squints. It goes away. She shakes her head and blows a kiss to the camera, little hearts dancing around her head. 
Something flickers behind her once more. Her head swivels over her shoulder. The phone clatters to the ground but keeps recording with Kamado looming over the frame. 
“Why did you abandon us!?” someone sobs, voice crackling but still audible. 
“What?” Kamado’s hands tremble as she signs.
“You left us to starve!” 
Kamado freezes. 
An ear-splitting shriek.
Something knocks Kamado off her feet. 
The air wavers. 
The phone goes flying. 
A hole opens up in the sidewalk. Swallows Kamado and the mysterious figure. Slams back together. 
The phone smashes against the ground.
[End video]
@woomywebs @betterbutbitter @awolxsiblings @dvingbells
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