#woof really loaded the barrel on that name
I'm not ready for the last swell stoat swednesday :c
but can't wait for excellent ermine ethursday!
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yasuragi-hotaru · 7 years
Uta Pri: 6th Stage Report Pt. 1
By now, it’s no surprise how deep into Maji Love Live hell I’ve fallen. So it didn’t take long for me to get into my head that I would, in one way or another, make it to the event in person one day. 
The moment this post hit my dash, it made me think, “Man, I would hate to miss seeing that! I feel like that will definitely be a reality for 6th Stage. Wouldn’t it be cool to be there for it?” 
“One day” could be a reality, if, with a little faith and a lot of hope, I tried.
Was by far one of the most exhausting things I’ve ever gone through. And that is saying a lot as I have been going to concerts, in local venues and arenas, rock and pop, both domestically and internationally, for 13 years now. Without a doubt, there is nothing, nothing like the process of getting tickets in Japan. 
I researched extensively throughout the entirety of the ordeal reading up as much as I could (reference links later!) before I fully committed to take the plunge.
For 6th Stage specifically, there were 4 chances to get tickets: 
5/27 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 1 in January
5/28 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 2 in February
5/27 + 5/28 Open Lotteries on eplus in early March
5/27 + 5/28 General Sale on eplus in Late March
As luck would have it, I went through each and every one of these before securing my ticket. That’s right, I lost out in all 4 lotteries and somehow, by the grace of God, scraped the bottom of the barrel to snag a rare ticket from the general sale. Now. I’m pretty sure this took years off of my life, so here’s some things I learned along the way for each entry point. 
5/27 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 1 in January
Purchased through CDJ, shipped as Registered Air Mail - this was definitely mistake #1. I barely got my package in time to send the proxy service my code for the entry period orz orz orz
I used a proxy service (Japan Concert Tickets) and they were incredibly helpful, professional, and upfront throughout the whole process!
I was overly optimistic here, totally thought it was a shoe in, NBD, so losing the first time stung pretty badly ngl
5/28 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 2 in February
As soon as I received MLLS1, i immediately updated the shipping for this next order to EMS. I received my DVD the day of the release. Yay! 10/10 recommend this shipping option if you need something right away from CDJ.
Still worked with JCT as the proxy service, but obviously lost out on this one, too
5/27 + 5/28 Open Lotteries on eplus in early March
This was probably the most stressful of the lotteries. probably because of the finality of what losing on these lotteries meant. SIGH OTL HERE WE GO.
I worked with JCT to enter, too, and they were a little less patient with entering on my behalf vs. the previous two times. Probably because they were helping more people this time than with people who made the purchase to enter in Jan and Feb.
They sent their confirmation of entering the lottery the day before the entry period ended. Cue anxiety. Woof.
I found out afterward that I could have also entered myself (I made my own eplus account after the fact), but I didn’t. I mourned over this for a while once I lost out on these lotteries, too. Oh well.
When JCT sent the losing notification, it was a blanket BCC email saying due to the extremely low chances of winning tickets, they will not be offering lottery services for future Utapri shows, for the time being. So FYI for prospective MLL attendees. Otherwise, they were very very easy to work with, and i totally understand it’s not the best use of their resources. Alas, off to fend for myself. Onwards to the general sale!
5/27 + 5/28 General Sale on eplus in Late March
At this point, i was pretty defeated, ngl. Everywhere I read, everywhere said don’t even bother with the general sale because there’s no chance.
I, obviously, refused to believe this. I believed there was a chance, even if it was a sliver of a chance. But it wasn’t over yet. Despite myself, I kept the faith and stuck it out.
eplus does not recognize international credit cards, which is ANNOYING. As a work around, I set up my account to pay/pick up at Family Mart. I figured I could figure this payment part out if I got to it. SHRUG
I have NEVER used eplus before, so I tried to poke around to other ticket pages to get a feel for how the application process works. 
Spoiler alert: the 6th stage ticket application was NOTHING like the other ticket pages I poked around on D:
I was really scared to have my browser translate the page to English in the event it messed with the loading time or cookies on the page. I tried to memorize the fields so I could at least have some muscle memory with the first page on what goes where.
At 12:00:01 JST, I refreshed the page. And eplus told me I lost my place because I had another eplus page open. I did. it was my member page bc i was checking randomly for something else.
 r u srs. 
I went to go back, and the site crashed. 
wtf the fuq.
I spent the next few minutes compulsively refreshing the page. F5 F5 F5
by 12:07, I assumed that tickets were already sold out.
I still kept refreshing
by 12:10 i officially resigned i had no chance, ready to close the browser window
I still kept refreshing
Suddenly, the application page loaded with options
I started toggling between either day, as the page said tickets were available for both
the page kept loading
the entry fields continued to show up
i kept hitting enter
i frantically just kept trying combos
then finally….the next page loaded
i s h i t y o u n o t I blacked out. i straight up blacked out, i don’t remember what i thought, what i saw, what I did, WHATWASAIR, my mind just blanked because I DID NOT THINK I WOULD GET THIS FAR.
all i remember is that i just skimmed through the page, scrolled to the bottom and it was a blur of letters i didn’t recognize and then a big pink button. 
i clicked it.
the next page just said application complete
what. that’s…..it? that’s it…..?!?!?!??! that seemed too easy. wasn’t I supposed to confirm my name for the ticket? what did I miss? WHAT WAS ON THIS MYSTERIOUS SECOND PAGE. I may never know.
By 12:30 i received an email from eplus with a Family Mart code and a message to redeem the ticket in 48 hours.
with the help from my friend, I was able to track back track the steps that led me to getting the confirmation code 
thankfully, she was able to help facilitate the transaction in Japan, so by Monday afternoon my time, I got a note that my ticket was secured.
For a long time, NONE OF THIS FELT REAL.
General sale was, by far, one of the most INSANE experiences I have ever put myself through. I truly feel for all other fans who’ve tried and either succeeded or failed. It’s GRUELING. The eplus interface was not intuitive, the entire process was not user friendly at all, and if Japanese is not your first language, it is definitely a challenge. 
However, if you are not weak of heart (or just downright stubborn like me), then I absolutely encourage you to try it anyway!!! I knew that this was my last chance and I am convinced getting my ticket was a fluke. I especially knew it, given how late I got in after the tickets went up for sale that I would be VERY VERY VERY FAR AWAY.  But it didn’t matter. 
Out of sheer dumb luck and blind determination. 
was going 
to Maji Love Live 6th Stage. 
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Things I referenced as my guide:
@aishiteruitsumo6‘s 5th stage reports
@otokogizenkaigofight‘s ask about 5th stage tickets
Bernie’s summary of Getting Concert Tickets in Japan (and overseas)
@sincerely-shine‘s How to Get Tickets to Seiyuu events
A Momokuro forum discussion page specifically for oversea fans
good ol’ Reddit
I would say, more or less, these posts definitely set the foundation of the beginning of the process, if you’re curious! (and a massive thank you to all of you, you have no idea how much all of your details helped me!)
(Continues on to Goods Line & Trading @ Sunshine CIty)
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one-of-us-blog · 6 years
The Living Daylights (1987)
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Today Drew is forced to watch and recap 1987’s The Living Daylights, the fifteenth James Bond adventure. It’s a new dawn for Bond, and that means it’s time for another globetrotting adventure. Bond is tasked with helping a KGB general defect, but that spirals into a plot involving gunrunning, stolen diamonds and opium. Can Bond get to the bottom of this ouroboros of a scheme?
Keep reading to find out…
Eli, you’re still killing the recap game! I agree with your thoughts on both “One Old Lady to Go” and “Ebbtide for the Defense”, but I would have sworn Rubin was played by Chong! And it’s always kind of bummed me out that Rose gave such a downer of an ending for Alma after we got to see her so vibrant earlier in The Golden Girls. I’m still playing catch up right now, though, so it’s time for me to hit the bricks and get this recap going!
Buttocks tight!
Screenplay by Richard Maibaum & Michael G. Wilson, film directed by John Glen
We start off with a brand new barrel sequence, now proudly displaying Timothy Dalton as 007, and then we jump into a 00 training exercise. The 00’s need to infiltrate a radar instillation on the Rock of Gibraltar, and it… doesn’t go great. 002 gets taken out of the game right away, then 004 and our own 007 start scaling a cliff face when a real life assassin kills 004 and leaves a note reading Smiert Spionom behind. 007 goes after the assassin, resulting in a rollicking jeep chase that ends with the jeep carrying the assassin going off a cliff while a parachute-wearing Bond lands in a woman’s yacht. He yanks the woman’s old timey cell phone out of her hand, plops down like he owns the place and then delays informing MI6 about the details of his fellow 00 agent’s death by an hour so he can bang this random lady.
With that out of the way we jump into the super saturated title sequence featuring a-ha singing “The Living Daylights” while some ladies pose in water and shoot revolvers.
With that behind us, we cut to Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Bond is here to help Saunders, head of Section V, with the defection of a KGB general named Georgi Koskov (Jeroen Krabbé). The defection starts alright, but the KGB has a woman sniper (Maryam d’Abo) set up to take Koskov out as he’s trying to flee and Bond just can’t bring himself to shoot a pretty woman. Bond is then a total dick to Saunders, leaving him to lose the KGB agents tailing them while he drives off with Koskov and refuses to tell Saunders how he plans to get him out. Bond’s plan involves shooting Koskov out of KBG territory in an oil pipeline with the help of the Soviet Union’s answer to Rosie the Riveter. Q is there to greet Koskov for no reason, and Bond picks Saunders up like a mom picking her kid up outside the roller-rink while Koskov is sent off in a jet.
At MI6, we meet our first Miss Moneypenny following, with the role now being played by Caroline Bliss. We get an honestly cringe-worthy moment where Q brags about his deadly new boombox (called the ‘ghetto blaster’) before Moneypenny sends Bond off to see M (after he gives her a good natured pat on the ass). Bond is sent to a house in the country where an assassin is posing as a milkman. He meets with M and the cheery Koskov for the debriefing. Koskov informs the Brits that the KGB is now being headed by General Pushkin, who’s hungry for both power and dead spies. Pushkin started the KGB’s anti-spy program known as Smiert Spionom (better known to us as SMERSH). The assassin, who’s name is Necros (Andreas Wisniewski), murders his way through the safehouse and eventually kidnaps Koskov.
MI6 assumes Pushkin is behind this, so Bond is tasked with tracking him down. Bond gets a round of gadgets from Q, including car keys with a lockpick, sleep gas dispenser and an explosive. Moneypenny identifies the sniper Bond refused to shoot as cellist Kara Milovy and Bond tracks her down in Bratislava. Bond arrives in time to see Milovy dragged off a bus and brought before Pushkin (John Rhys-Davies). Bond finds blanks in Milovy’s sniper rifle and deduces that Koskov’s entire defection was a ruse and Milovy is actually his girlfriend. He convinces her he’s a friend of Koskov and she agrees to go to Vienna with him (after first retrieving her prized cello). The KGB are hot on Bond’s tail and we get a standard 007 car chase, this time with extra goofy car gadgets, but eventually Bond, Milovy and the cello make it into Austria.
Meanwhile, Pushkin goes to meet with an American arms dealer named Brad Whitaker (played by the ever repugnant Joe Don Baker) in Tangier. Whitaker is batty and has festooned his complex with grotesque wax sculptures of famous military leaders with his face plastered onto them. Pushkin tells Whitaker that they’re cancelling a contract made between the KGB and Koskov, which Whitaker isn’t thrilled about. We see Bond and Milovy flirting their way through Vienna before we cut back to the actual movie we’re watching and see Whitaker meeting with Koskov and Necros. Koskov lets Whitaker know Bond’s snooping around, and they plan to eliminate him. We sit through Bond and Milovy watching an opera before Bond meets up with Saunders at the Prater. Saunders informs Bond of a history of financial exchanges between Koskov and Whitaker, and then he gets blown up by a bomb placed by Necros.
Bond and Milovy head to Tangier, where Bond confronts Pushkin in his hotel. Puskin denies any involvement with SMERSH getting started up again, and also informs Bond that Koskov is on the lam after embezzling government funds. Pushkin signals for a guard and Bond brutally rips the top off of Pushkin’s girlfriend in order to distract the guard. Bond’s nice enough to throw her a towel before he finished interrogating Pushkin. Later, Necros prepares to assassinate Pushkin but Bond stages a fake killing to save the general’s life and trick Whitaker and Koskov into carrying out their little scheme. While running from the fake assassination Bond jumps into a car with two women inside of it, and they promptly pull a gun on him and take him to a yacht where he’s reunited with our old friend Felix Leiter (John Terry). It’s been a while, Felix! He’s probably been too busy taking care of his son Gordo to spend much time with his buddy James. Bond assures Leiter that Pushkin’s assassination was staged, and then they plan to order some big stuff from Whitaker.
Milovy is left alone too long and gets nervous so she calls Koskov, who tells her Bond is actually a KGB agent and convinces her to drug him. Once he’s passed out, Koskov has Necros load him into a plane with Milovy and an organ transplant container that actually contains an animal’s heart and ice mixed with illicit diamonds. The plane lands in Afghanistan, where Koskov hands both Bond and shocked Milovy over to the local coppers. They escape thanks to the stun gas in Bond’s key fob and free another prisoner (Art Malik) just for kicks. It’s a good thing they did, because it turns out that guy is Kamran Shah, leader of the local Mujahideen. Shah helps Bond and Milovy get to safety, but he’s not willing to help Bond out on his mission. The next day they ride out and Bond discovers there’s yet another link in this unbelievable scheme chain. Those diamonds from that fake organ transplant container? They’re being sold in exchange for opium from the Mujahideen.
Bond plants a bomb among the opium and Milovy inspires the Mujahideen to attack the airbase where the opium is being shipped from. Bond gets caught by Necros and Koskov before he can leave the plane with the bomb on it so he hijacks the plane while the Soviets are distracted by the Mujahideen attack. Milovy manages to catch up to the plane in a stolen jeep and avoids Necros shooting at her long enough to get aboard the plane. She takes the wheel while Bond defuses the bomb. Turns out Necros also managed to get on the plane somehow, though, so he and Bond have to fight before Milovy opens the hatch and causes Bond, Necros and the opium to dangle out of the plane. Bond cuts loose the opium and sends Necros falling to his death, still managing to get back inside the plane in time to defuse the bomb and stop Milovy from steering into a mountain. Bond sees that Shah and his men are being chased across a bridge by the Soviets, so he reactivates the bomb and throws it down onto a bridge the Soviets are crossing. The Mujahideen lives to fight again!
Unfortunately the plane being in a gun fight led to the fuel tanks getting plugged full of holes, so this jet’s goin’ down fast. Bond and Milovy managed to ride Milovy’s jeep out of the plane before it crashes, and they head to Whitaker’s palatial estate. With some help from Leiter, Bond makes it inside and confronts Whitaker. Whitaker is enraged by the destruction of his precious opium, which was supposed to be sold on the streets at heroin in the US, which would have given him and Koskov more money to run weapons and so on and so on. Bond and Whitaker scrap for a minute and Whitaker is killed. Puskin arrives and then Koskov, who’s been found by KGB agents, is brought in. Koskov tries to suck up to Pushkin, but Pushkin orders he be flown home in a body bag.
Later, Milovy puts on a cello performance which M and Pushkin both take in. The Mujahideen also show up, much to Milovy’s delight. Milovy finds Bond waiting for her in her dressing room, and the two celebrate her performance with a duet of their own. A… sexual duet.
The End
Woof, somebody get me a CliffsNotes version of this movie! I know I’m still smarting from the loss of my beloved Roger Moore, but there was just something about this movie that rubbed me the wrong way. There was a smugness to Dalton’s performance that I just didn’t like, and I can’t quite articulate why. And I’m sorry, but I simply cannot take Joe Don Baker seriously as a villain. The plot of this one was really convoluted, and I feel like it took itself way too seriously. Again, I might just be used to the lighter Moore-era romps, but going from A View to a Kill to this was way too jarring for me.
Overall, I give The Living Daylihgts QQ½ on the Five Q Scale.
We’ll see you again soon as Eli gears up to recap “Can’t Stand Losing You” and “Seems Like Old Times, Part 1”, the next two episodes of The Golden Palace, and after that it’ll be my turn at the mic as I cover Licence to Kill, the last James Bond adventure to star Timothy Dalton.
Until then, as always, thank you for reading, thank you for celloing and thank you for being One of Us!
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