kristhekrispy · 7 days
I have had surprising luck as of late
nothing too crazy but I’ve been getting a good few coli drops so :]
examples from the past day or so
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cjgladback · 4 months
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Auspicious beginnings! Thanks for voting. Across the four places I polled (here, Discord, Instagram, and Mastodon), the Toy/Mobile option for a dragon-shaped wooden object won handily! So concepting today was mostly figuring out what kind of mechanisms to build.
I learned the term and technique of a Scotch Yoke for translating rotation to vertical motion (and immediately forgot it and called it a Scots Yoke repeatedly). It should do alright with a location constraint in the rig along with a damped tracking constraint for the wings propped on that reciprocating block. Rigging the wheels themselves may be a challenge, especially at the end of the tail, but I know there are plenty of tutorials for normal vehicles that should help me along.
But once we get those proportions and clearances confirmed we'll get to the fun carving and texturing to make this really feel like a handcrafted toy! And a less metaphorical dragon.
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chopcove · 6 months
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from periodic table elements, Roman emperors' forenames, and musical instruments, excluding the letter combination "Um".
Accone Acconius Actic Airhos Airopho Albass Alexan Alibine Aliforn Alius Allieno Amanaxion Ameine Ameinus Amerus Amervalt Amery Andios Anius Antac Anthan Arcon Arconiold Arcus Arinian Asilius Assflus Audius Auran Auric Aurius Auton Avibel Avinus Aviolos Avion Avios Avitinus Avitne...
Bagne Balet Ballianax Baltein Basiangon Basions Bassgus Bastan Baster Bastine Belian Berian Berinian Berony Bervalt Boarp Bonikos Bonius Boniustan Brapsture Bulfur Buliforn Cadius Cadmil Cadosmute Cadouba Calbas Caleac Caleborus Caleony Calin Callit Calucite Canus Carcar Carcon Carebon Cargon Carian Carpsios Casdos Cerbista Chadomba Chnet Chneth Cholanos Chorn Chpit Chros Clagne Clatinius Claugens Clawre Clius Cobas Cobelhar Cobugus Conese Congan Conian Conius Copho Cophock Cophona Copianian Coppipes Corine Crius Curius Custastan Dinikos Domius Doron Douba Dricele Dromer Drommon Dronino Drustanos Drutelhan Dyspan Einastino Elenc Elhad Elines Elluth Elpano Erine Erius Eupho Euphorn Eupipet Ferbius Fertinus Flocla Flone Fluronery Fluste Flutheo Fluther Flutios Flutitas Flutono Fraklo Franass Frandel Gadius Gadon Galbinus Galebohn Galenius Galipe Galla Ganiusta Genus Gleableon Glybderus Golan Golius Gorgius Gorian Gorntin Gradoran Guliel Hados Haeler Hafnian Hafnius Hanuelho Harcian Harcur Harian Haric Harius Heninad Henus Heodold Heodony Heodos Herbono Herian Honax Horaklon Horan Horus Hydro Irectina Irhon Irhordius Irhornton Irimius Irinet Irone Istet Istleba Joarp Johne Johrick Jordius Jovius Julfur Julibrius Justinus Keptinus Lagne Latick Lawrer Lebons Lethemian Lexano Liguitne Ligus Luorianus Lutelius Luthass Lutohn Luton Lybon Lycer Maclagnes Maclavios Magne Majan Manos Mantan Mantimine Marcury Marian Maxhon Maxophos Meitac Mender Merbius Mermichn Mervan Metitus Monerbius Monton Neodymic Neptus Nerianc Nesiantin Nestus Netromius Niold Niustanus Niuste Noradian Olius Osilvet Osphos Otarmodos Otarpsil Othord Oubalus Oudius Oxygeno Oxyget Oxyllipet Palba Palbard Peromius Philinius Phiscus Phocarp Phonios Phonius Phord Piellute Pientin Pipet Pipetian Pipetin Pippet Pluteno Polmius Polon Pothorian Potron Potrotan Praklo Proarp Progen Progenus Promerius Prongord Prota Psilic Psion Pstan Pstlens Pupian Quinetass Quita Quitacale Quitus Ranet Ratian Relius Rheelad Rhord Rhorine Rhorn Romba Rominus Romius Romulian Ronorius Rothos Saaca Saacius Salus Samacrian Samanthen Saxenden Saxeno Saximius Saximony Saxio Saxion Saxoppet Saxotarp Saxtubius Saxtus Scalibery Scarian Scasiold Scura Scure Scuste Seaba Seadian Seves Seviold Silian Silves Sodold Sodomenus Sodos Sodouba Sodus Staboar Staca Starenet Stasta Statiosic Stius Stleac Sulfurine Sulitnet Sullit Sulus Tabas Tantasick Tantheono Teelipet Teitas Telius Tenicks Tenobine Terajan Terbius Termin Tharan Tharius Theodord Theodos Theon Therian Thermit Thery Thius Thoraklos Thorian Thorn Thullron Tianth Timius Tinaxtus Tindius Tines Tinius Tintinius Trajohn Traklon Trelenon Trerylo Trian Troan Trobulian Troget Tromba Tromein Tromeno Tromutel Troneon Tubleonet Tungan Uranus Uraphon Ureno Urntin Valebo Valiana Vallic Vannerius Verinus Vetros Viane Viberian Vineadius Viodymius Vitablo Vitano Vitne Vitrius Vitromer Vitus Whenus Wherimius Whius Wobaganc Wobble Wobela Wobon Wobonste Wobus Woodone Woodyspan Xenobble Xentian Xygeno Xygentony Xyget Xygeth Xylonions Zendius Zenes Zinassgus Zinian Zinus Zircurac Zirenus Zirhon Ziricgus
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my self introduction
I have worked at bahrain as a free lands works as grapic designer and video editor. Now we arestarting the same works in kerala.
We are also doing the woodon furnitur manufacturing and handicrafts / arts works
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caranelguild · 1 year
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November 5 - 9, DY 26
Every few years, a major city on the continent hosts a week of athletic contests that draw in competitors from across the realms. While the trained athletes compete, the city often hosts a parallel public tournament to inspire interest and engagement. This year, the city of Augleth is hosting “The Northern Olympics”.
Looking for something less . . . involved to participate in after the tumultuous past few weeks, the members of Kanye West happily sign up for a few athletic events alongside the public rounds of combat duels (divided into the three categories of mundane, magic, and mixed). Too late to apply as seasoned athletes, they join in the public rounds. Kuene is happy to see them thus engaged as he entertains a strange guest.
The first stage of the event is set up south of Woodons in a fallow sesame field, with a track, “field”, and a series of combat blocks. Augleth quickly transforms into a party city, every bar and public house overflowing with gossiping, boasting, and energetic patrons.
Track & Field opens the tournament. While Lagoruth and Roy make no impact on the hundred meter dash and the hammer and javelin throws and Ser Lars begins day one of the decathlon, Zilybar impresses in the first round of the high jump.
The bard is also the first to make waves in the opening rounds of public combat, facing off against a buff dwarf who fights him in the buff. The combat is fierce and competitive, but Zilybar defeats his ferocious opponent with a beautifully placed final perforation, skewering the most delicate part of a lung. Tournament medics rush on to resuscitate the dwarf, who shakes Zilybar’s hand and claps her battleaxe back in her bumcrack for safekeeping.
The night is full of raucous merrymaking.
In an upper crust establishment, Ser Lars hears about the von Bismarcks’ daft lawsuit against “some two-bit guild”, and rumours seep around about how it must be a cover for some other expense. Ser Lars suggests the other expense might be deals with deepest layers of hell. Ainsley tries her (mage) hand at some pocketpicking, and is able to fund her night’s libations with the proceeds.
In a middle-of-the-road public house, Dimble hears about a competitor in the mundane combats who is using a twenty-foot tall mechanical suit of armour, something that was permitted due to the ancient event rules not foreseeing its like - the organizers are apparently conferring about what to do about contestants like this in the future.
In a lower class bar, Zilybar and Lagoruth overhear a gang of ne’er-do-wells plotting to assassinate a fellow competitor - a water genasi they suspect must be a spy from the Sea King.
Farthybüt and Ywan, meanwhile, are at the library where the hill goblin is looking for information about their cursed instrument ring.
Throughout the next day, the rest of our adventurers participate in their first round of combat, and all are victorious - though things turned dicey when, as luck would have it, Ser Lars faced off against the lizardperson carriage driver Pal, whom the dwarven noble had assaulted a few weeks back.
Ser Lars is able to fit his duel in between events of the decathlon, which turns out poorly for him - he ends up fourth in his qualifying heat after getting eighth in the high jump.
Zilybar meanwhile competes in the second and final rounds of the solo high jump competition. After being the second of two competitors moving on from his semifinal heat, the pressure is on! But he sets a magnificent above-three meter leap for his second run, which his competitors are unable to match, and he receives top prize! In reward, he is given five gold pieces and an elite leaping goat, upon which a small person (or a regular sized gnome) might ride.
The next day, after the events of Track & Field have resolved, the entire circus sets off upon the two day trek to the mountains.
Before following, Zilybar purchases a shining new skintight suit for the figure skating competition, and along with Ainsley and Lagoruth, purchases appropriate footwear for their respective events (figure skating, skiing and snowshoeing, and skiing). Ser Lars already has a pair of brass skis from his childhood.
On the evening of arrival, after meeting with Semlen, who joins the festivities, Ainsley and Lagoruth compete in slalom skiing and both manage to move on from their heats - just barely.
In the night, the mountain rumbles . . .
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worldofstones · 2 years
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6 Elements to Add a More Natural & Rustic Feel to Your Space
The key to the rustic design is a simple style that emphasises the beauty of muted colours, natural materials including wood beams or small touches of stone & clay, and cosy furnishings. Over the decades, people have aspired to be able to incorporate nature into their homes. People have a long-standing affinity for organic and natural-looking things because they make a space feel warm, inviting, and natural.
So, take a look at these ideas for incorporating natural and organically inspired materials into your interiors if you've been attempting to come up with creative ways to bring the outdoors inside your house.
1. Exposed Bricks for a Natural Look
Nowadays, you'll see many people are shifting their interests towards exposed brick walls rather than using different textures and colours. This is because the look and feel of the bricks give a traditional look to any space. Apart from this, its uniformity in the pattern creates a focal point and provides a great texture to your walls.
2. Natural Stone Wall Cladding for an Opulent Touch
If you want a natural look and, at the same time, want to increase the aesthetics of your home, then consider installing stone cladding for your walls. Natural stone wall cladding adds a sophisticated touch to your room and provides a layer of protection from harsh weather conditions.
3. Invest in Wood
One of the simplest and cosiest natural materials to incorporate into interior design is wood, available in various treatments, species, and uses. Older buildings' wood can be salvaged, refinished, and used for anything from flooring to ceiling beams in your home to extend its useful life.
4. Incorporate Natural Flowers Rather than Artificial Ones
In the past, maintaining houseplants was considered a burden. Today, you can instantly brighten any space by planting indoor bulbs, caring for low-maintenance plants like succulents and cacti, or just adorning your home office desk with a fresh bouquet. As flowers and potted plants like succulents have made it simple to add natural appeal to your dining room table, coffee side table, or front foyer table, nature is now making its way into more and more interiors in actual and natural condition.
5. Wall Murals to Add a Unique Touch
Wall murals are a unique way to bring a natural and classy look to your home. You can incorporate different wall mural ideas to embellish your room. Countless colours, materials, patterns, and design options will help you create a dream space.
6. Natural Sunlight is the Best Option
Sunlight is one of the most accessible, affordable, and stunning natural resources that many people overlook. Natural daylighting can provide life to any space, bring out the colours in your furnishings & wall decor, and energise people.
So, these six elements can bring a natural as well as rustic feel to your home. However, you can incorporate any of these ideas into your space that fits your style and budget best.
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baublefobbersleuth · 2 years
Bah-BOOM-BOOM Riff Ripped
Sketch by James Thomas “Tom” Jones (1920-2000), born in San Antonio, Texas. First published as https://ethicaldative.com/2022/05/22/bah-boom-boom-riff/ . To Her, Still One’s home is her castle,a refuge from hustleand bustle, the jostle of mobs;nest in which refuge to seekfrom the insults that bristlein digital wallowsand rants of apostles of doom,by the wherry that’s painted on woodon a wall…
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jesybry93 · 2 years
#woodin #woodone #woodas https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML7djwx8/
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yururikurashi · 3 years
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kitchen ˊ˗ ・ リノベーションする時に、キッチンは無垢の木を使ったものがいいなと選んだ、woodoneのスイージー。 無垢の木の質感とか、ヘアライン加工のステンレスワークトップとか、使いやすい引き出し収納とか、アイアンの取手とか、とてもお気に入りのキッチンです❁⃘*.゚ ・ リノベーションしたのが数年前なので、今とは細かい仕様とかが異なってるとは思うけど、セレクトパックだとメーカー定価で40万円くらいから(リノベ会社によっては定価より安くなります)で、無垢のわりにそこまで高くなく、コスパ良いキッチンだなと思っております⑅︎◡̈︎* ・ ひとつだけ後悔ポイントは、レンジフード。 標準のレンジフードにして、フィルターのお手入れとかはしやすくて満足しているんだけど、やっぱりもうちょっとオシャレなやつ付ければよか��たかなと、未だに思います。笑 レンジフードって目に見える面積が大きいので、妥協すると後々ちょっと気になるかも、というお話でした。 ちなみにコンロもオシャレなやつと迷いつつ標準にしたけれど、コンロは後悔がないです。平らで部屋から見える面積が少ないからかな?と思います𓍯 --- #インテリア #マンションインテリア #リノベーション #マンションリノベーション #中古マンション #リノベーションマンション #リノベ計画中の人繋がりたい #リノベ #リノベーションライフ #丁寧な暮らし #ていねいな暮らし #子どものいる暮らし #子どもと暮らす #キッチン #キッチンインテリア #キッチン収納 #ウッドワン #woodone #ウッドワンキッチン #スイージー #後悔ポイント #マイホーム計画中の人と繋がりたい #マイホーム後悔ポイント https://www.instagram.com/p/CLdfRzvpsfE/?igshid=199yi4t67noau
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maytoku · 3 years
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また1つ新築が完成しました‼️ . 『フレームキッチン』と『もえんげん(天井)』の格子調の組み合わせ。 . そして壁は珪藻土 . 木に囲まれた空間はいいねー . その自然な中に、自動調理機能付きガスコンロ🔥 . 自然と最先端設備の融合もまた良い . 新築を考えている方は是非連絡ください。11/22〜23なら ご覧になれます。 . 場所は金沢の諸江アルプラザ周辺です。 . #キッチン #住宅デザイン #モダン住宅 #こだわりの家 #residence #おしゃれな家 #自然素材の家 #リビングインテリア #家づくり #デザイン住宅 #kitchen #施工事例 #自由設計 #モダンリビング #woodone #ウッドワン #新築一戸建て #戸建て #livingroomideas #リビング #注文住宅 #ダイニング #和モダンな家 #外観 #マイホーム #洗面 #livingroom #ウッドワンkuro #ウッドスタイルデザイン #もえんげん https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2XiE5A_wI/?igshid=1o7ql454udjb0
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shinkunugi · 4 years
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ふた現場行った上での自分の家 やっと床塗った!!! #chomolungmachopsticks #チョモランマチョップスティックス #アンティーク #フローリング塗装 #内装 #塗装 #なのはなハウジング #エージング塗装 #agingpaint #woodone #ウッドワン #エージング #新築 #新築一戸建て https://www.instagram.com/p/CGO-LJTDmhJ/?igshid=9v6lj3cefn40
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tumbler043 · 5 years
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Refurbished tattoo ,from standard to Old school Stay Classy style! All by the master @hansxpasztjerik . #stayclassytattoo #woodone #alwaysstayinshape #tattooedoptician #schiedamorigin #dickies #tattoo #hanspasztjerik #gekkenhuis (bij Schiedam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3paQKvBKh5/?igshid=l08mkicz4dxo
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yosukekinefuchi · 5 years
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今日は週末という事と、点数がすごく高い事もあってか新港の駐車場もパンパンでした😃さて、先日モデルルームに展示するキッチンの打合せでWOODONEさんにお邪魔してきました。一目惚れしたフレームキッチン、無垢の木の収納等洗練されたアイテムばっかりでした‼️ #woodone #kuromuku #socallivingsendai #californiastylerenovation #yousouken #ソーカルリビングセンダイ #カリフォルニアスタイルリノベーション #ユウソウケン #surfing #surfershouse #sendainewportbeach #サーフィン #サーファーズハウス #カリフォルニアスタイル #西海岸風インテリア #モデルルーム造り (Sendai New Port Beach(仙台新港)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTOHWnhJjh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m91m2a4s4ys9
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Indiana has hired legendary former Hoosier and current New York Knicks assistant Mike Woodson as its next coach, the program announced on Sunday. Woodson will replace Archie Miller, who was fired this month after failing to reach the NCAA Tournament in four seasons on the job.
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caranelguild · 2 years
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The city of Samar is at the very edge of the Tulean provinces - far enough away from the capital that the lord of the city has styled himself after the emperor of the nation, as High Patriarch of the North. Rising from the center of a city whose citizenry are growing threateningly more progressive than its power systems rises another symbol of the patriarch’s vanity: the Iron Tower, a sharp and dully gleaming phallus serving seemingly no purpose at all, sitting ugly beside the beautiful Undying Palace at the top of the hill on which Samar sprawls.
Our adventurers are Lord’s Guards, members of a private protection force paid a weekly stipend to serve on call - all but one, a lizardfolk investigator named Hardric who does contract work for the Guards. One morning, these four Lord’s Guards and the investigator are called to service and told to meet in the Palace Square. They throw on their official tabards and head up to the top of the hill.
Damaia is a Tiefling mage, blue of hair and skin. She travels up from the borough of Redstreet, where arts and artists thrive and play.
Kriegencrat, or Krieg, a Drenn warrior hardened by a youth spent in slavery, arrives from the south of the city, from Woodons, a district that fades into the city’s farmland.
Hardric has the furthest to walk - from the slimy gutters of the Tumble, Samar’s poorest borough, sinking into the expansive marsh to the southeast.
Sekos is a Kokuum martial artist from the great jungle across the sea. Her home is in Farwell, a witchy borough in the south of the city.
Vola, a towering Dvargen from the wild northlands, has taken up rooms with Krieg in Woodons.
The five gather near the palace gates, where they are met by Captain Bern, a beefy Otuwan man with an impressive mustache. He leads them into the palace, to a luxurious sitting room where they are met by a secretary with Hobbit blood. The secretary, Theiya, tells them up front that they have been put together to form a diverse party to accompany Lord Gulian, High Patriarch of the North, on a diplomatic mission to the west to escort a princess to Samar on the last leg of her journey from the western coast. She is to become Lord Gulian’s third spouse (his other partners are still alive and relatively well). Due to the construction of the Iron Tower, the city’s funds are dry, and Gulian is making a financially motivated match.
In addition to representing the diversity of the city, Theiya wants Lord Gulian’s guards to look powerful - and to this end, they lead our adventurers through the palace to a special armoury where they are told to select a magical item to add flash to their accoutrements. 
Damaia selects a clutch of raw red gemstones that Theiya identifies as “Scorching Stones”, which can conjure fire magic if juggled.
Krieg chooses a gleaming buckler, called the Funderburker, which contains charges of thunder magic.
Hardric drapes himself with a beautiful golden shawl, which he is told will protect him from inclement weather.
Sekos picks “Selene’s Painted Bow”, a shortbow that conjures its own ammunition as if from moonlight.
Vola carries the “Dark Maul” from the room, a two-handed hammer that can conjure perfect darkness.
Outfitted, the guards are told to meet Lord Gulian at the western gate. He arrives on horseback decked out in debatably practical golden armour and is left in the care of our adventurers by Captain Bern and another contingent of Lord’s Guards.
The party sets out west. After a few kilometers traveled in silence, the patriarch begins to prod his traveling companions with philosophical questions, focused especially on the nature of existence. He does not find his company particularly engaging, and wanders in and out of silence for the next few hours, asking such questions as, “Are life and death truly two sides of the same coin?” and “If one’s own consciousness is the only thing proven to exist, why are we burdened with empathy?” and “Since each individual’s experience is so different from any other’s, can we truly say that we all experience this thing called ‘life’?”
To which Krieg answers dutifully, “Yes, m’lud” and “No, m’lud” but mostly “I don’t know, m’lud.”
Hardric ventures some comments, but the others are silent. Vola struggles not to knock the lord off his horse.
After Lord Gulian dines well from a luxurious packed lunch, the party begins climbing a gentle hill and enters a woodland. Hardric, investigating a brook traveling through a culvert under the road, notices some movement through the trees and tries to alert the others, but at the same moment a carriage with jangling harness, comes into view over the rise and the rest of the party advances to meet it.
The driver of the carriage greets them jovially and tells the princess within the carriage to give a wave. A lacy glove extends from the carriage window.
That’s suspicious, think our adventurers - and then arrows fly at them from the woods. An ambush! The carriage unfolds to reveal a further three attackers.
Damaia doesn’t even have the chance to turn to the trees before an arrow catches her deep in the gut and another opens a gash in her neck. She falls bleeding to the ground.
From the culvert, Hardric waggles his fingers and sends a caress of natural magicks to expel the arrow from her stomach and seal the wound as the others react to the attackers.
Vola hauls Lord Gulian off his horse, but he is struck by an arrow that pierces a bit of tin in his armour to sink deep into his side. He contributes a chorus of wails to the fracas.
Krieg and Sekos hack and batter a couple opponents, the Drenn blasting the group emerging from the carriage with a cone of fiery breath. The revived Damaia sends gouts of magical fire ineffectively into the woods at the archers while Hardric makes of the carriage driver a gruesome corpse with a beam of radiant power.
The melee continues. Vola and Sekos double team the attacker wearing a lace glove. Hardric tangles up two archers in knotting vines. Damaia hides in the creek ditch with the wounded Lord Gulian after taking another arrow. Krieg bifurcates an attacker’s head and pursues another to the hiding place of another archer.
Soon, only two ambushers are alive, and both have surrendered - and surrender their tale without further motivation. They are from the town of Plaiard three days down the road and this was a ploy to take the hoity-toity lord of Samar down a notch in a classic move of Tulean politics. The captives are believed and Lord Gulian, healed from his grievous, terrible, even fatal wound by Hardric (to whom is promised a captaincy), is enraged. He tells his guards to kill the scum and drag them back to Samar to be hoisted up above the gate as an example.
Instead, Sekos knocks them out with her quarterstaff. Krieg monitors them, trussed up in vines, in the carriage as they travel back to Samar.
“Now that I have been on the verge of death,” posits the patriarch, “I wonder: If death can feel so real, does it matter that it is unprovable?”
They arrive at the city in the late afternoon and the patriarch takes them straight up to Palace Square. He communicates his desire to reward his stalwart guards and takes them into the Iron Tower, to a lush room decorated with pillows and blankets and tapestries and cushions and rugs and sofas. He offers them food, drink, and consensual, paid sex by professionals. But really, our adventurers only ask for water, thanks, and a place to curl up by the open fireplace.
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