tamersmile888 · 3 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 35 Season Finale
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First day back from vacay....
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...and everything's already busted. I'm regretting that we didn't stay a couple days longer.
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Unfortunately, we can't spend forever sleeping our days away and putting off what needs to be done. It was time to get back to work. It broke my heart to see how upset Sunnie was when she knew I was leaving. She even refused a bear hug and she loved those. She didn't understand that I was doing this for her so that she could have a better life than I did growing up. So that we could finally buy a home. But that stuff didn't matter to a kid. I told her that I was sorry and that I would be gone only for a little while. That didn't make it any better. She had no idea how hard it was for me to leave her too.
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The babysitter told me that after I left, Sunnie just stood there staring at my paintings. Waiting for me to come home.
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But I guess she got tired of waiting and decided to take a nap.
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Later that day, a friend of Dad's came over. She used to do free repairs for him whenever I wasn't around. She told me how sorry she was. “He was such a kind man. Everyone in the neighborhood loved him, and you know he knew everyone.” She said she was just dropping by to give her condolences. I thanked her for all she did for Dad and offered her a piece of art from my collection in the lobby. I was happy to give back to someone who generously lent a hand to my dad when he needed it.
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I also got a visit from our local librarian. She said the library just added a Kiddy Corner where volunteers could read to children. “We would love to feature a piece of my artwork.” She knew how much the library meant to me and believed my story could inspire all the kids who saw it. Reminding them that anything was possible. Of course I couldn't say no to that. It was definitely a knew style for me, but it became one of my favorites.
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I think it was one of Sunnie's favorites too. Once I finished up, with Sunnie's approval, I donated it to the library.
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Finally, it was the weekend. Sunnie must have thought I was getting ready to leave for work because she ran into my arms and gave me a big bear hug. I told her that today Daddy was spending time with his family.
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First, we went to the library to see the knew Kiddy Corner. Seeing my art hanging on the wall really brought things full circle. Just a few years ago, I was selling my paintings to earn cash so I could buy Korbin's car. That car brought me to an abandoned house next door to this exact library. In this library, right upstairs, I hacked my way to Daniel and we found home again. Never knowing that it would all lead me right where I am today. If that painting could inspire every kid who ever sat down on that rug to never give up hope, it was all worth it.
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I know I would be telling that story to Sunnie until she got sick of it. But at least she'd never forget it.
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It was a nice night, so we decided to grill some food and enjoy it under the stars.
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June said she was so honored to see the man that I had grown up to be. I told her that I had the most supportive partner a guy could ever ask for. We were a team. All three of us. When we worked together, there was nothing we couldn't do. This was only the beginning.
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And a new beginning was way overdue. The next morning, our upstairs bathroom decided to throw in the towel.
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June and I just laughed about, our socks soaking in toilet water. Without saying a word, we both knew what each other was thinking. It was time.
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So I searched around for someone houses until I found the perfect one...
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Definitely a fixer-upper, but with a new paint job and new walls, we could make it anything we wanted it to be. This could be our dream house.
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It definitely wasn't what June was expecting, and she wasn't completely on board at first, but I couldn't blame her. It was a lot to take in. “It has...potential.  I trust you.” That's all I needed to hear.
My smile got even bigger looking over at Sunnie. I think she felt it too. “Sunnie, this is our new house. What do you think?” She just grinned, her eyes wide, probably imaging how freely she could run around in all that yard. 
Seeing the excitement on our faces must have lit a spark in June. “What are we waiting for? Let's go build our home.”
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 19
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All work and no play was beginning to drive me insane. I needed an outlet. Something that would help me unwind. Listening to Brianna Castle got me thinking...What if I taught myself how to play guitar?
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Just when the musical wheels started turning in my head, my radio busted, bringing me back to reality. Getting a new guitar was going to take cash. Cash that usually went straight to the overflowing stream of bills taking over our lives. Maybe it was time to pick up another job. Follow in my big brother's paw prints.
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Sean stopped over to check-in on us. I told him that I was thinking about trying on his handyman belt, working a few side jobs to make a few extra bucks. He said if I was serious about it, he'd be happy to help.
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Training started with my stereo. When I was a kid, watching Sean repair and upgrade the entire Burke residence, I used to think he was a genius. It's nice to know it's a lot easier than it looked. Although, I'd prefer jobs that weren't electrical. Especially since most of my concentration was going to not getting zapped. Thankfully, I made it through without being a human lightening rod.
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It was that time again. The bills rolled back around and we were once again in a tough position. Dad had some serious decisions to make. At one point he was even considering selling the house. We could hardly afford to live there, and he had no idea how he was going to keep coming up with the money from month to month. His retirement check could pay for groceries at the bare minimum and I wasn't even making half of what we needed. Not even close. 
But dad wasn't willing to give up our home just yet. He had a plan that would give us at least one more month of hot meals and hot water.
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A gold ol' yard sale...I couldn't believe he was selling our flat screen, but it was the reasonable thing to do. What's the point of having a giant TV if you can't afford to watch it?
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Of course, the neighbors loved him and he was able to negotiate some great deals with his charismatic pitches. “This TV has great reception. My son upgraded it himself. There's so many channels, I haven't even gotten to watch them all. Great for get-togethers.” In the end, he made $3,916. He should have been a salesman. Missed opportunity.
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Today was a particularly good day at school. I was now a B student, which meant I was one grade away from qualifying for the Bright Minds space program. Dad was super excited for me. “The first Diaz in space. I'm so happy for you, mijo.” I reminded him that I still had a lot of work to do before I could even think about taking that giant step for mankind. Harley made me promise to stream my ride to the moon. “Just in case I get a role in an astronaut movie. I want it to be authentic.” Sean said he would start learning how to freeze-dry my favorite foods for the ride. I wanted to go to space just to see him try.
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On my downtime, I did some independent studying for my potential new job. I had to know what I was doing if I wanted to actually make money.
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Tierra called and we got on the subject of my side hustle. She said her sink had been clogging up and wondered if I could come over and fix it for them. I told her that I would do it for free, but she wouldn't stand for it. She knew how much I needed the money and wanted to help me out. And getting me to do it was the cheaper choice. Respect.
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I asked if Sean would tag along to help me with my official first job. Tierra's mom was outside walking with Tierra's little brother Zion. She thanked us for coming and said we could go right in and get started on the kitchen sink. I could tell she was a little skeptical of me, friend of her daughter's, by the look she gave me, but I made it inside her house so that was a good sign.
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Tierra was waiting for me in the dining room. At first she pretended like I was some random repairman. “I hear you're new at this. You're uniform looks very professional.” “What this? Yeah. I got it from the official handyman's catalog. Membership only.” “Very cool.” “Would you expect anything less?”
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Sean walked me through the process of unclogging. There wasn't much to it. I almost felt bad for taking their money doing something they could have easily done themselves.
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I thanked Sean for helping me out on my first job. He said it wasn't a problem and to give him a call if I ever had any questions or needed him to oversee another job. The he said he was going to head home since his expertise was no longer needed. “I'll let you two kids have your privacy. As much privacy as you can have in a full house. She seems nice by the way.”
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I had a lot of fun hanging out with Tierra and her family. Me and Zion really hit it off. Hopefully, the little guy would put in a good word about me to his parents.
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Once things quieted down a little, Tierra thanked me for coming over. “I'm so glad we don't have to wash dishes in the bathtub anymore.” “I'm happy to be of service.” She asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. I would have loved to, and I wished I'd gotten the offer earlier, but me and Harley were supposed to hang out later. “Raincheck?” “I'll save you a seat.”
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Harley and I went to the music store to check out some guitars. Expensive guitars. We were both low on cash, and the only thing we could afford was one string each. Maybe. Harley was even more bummed than I was. “We really need higher paying jobs.” Maybe one day I'd strum away in my room to all of my favorite Brianna Castle songs, but now just wasn't the time to splurge. Delayed gratification. It's what growing up is all about.
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At home, dad got some bad news. He lost a friend. Sean was right there to comfort him, being a shoulder and an ear. What he did best. It got me thinking about life and how time was moving so fast. Sometimes I got so sucked up in the gravity of my own world, that I forget about everything and everyone else spinning around me. I had to make sure not to take my dad for granted, and to spend as much time with my family and friends as I could. While I had the time.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 5
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I think it was fair to say that me and Leanne were...friends. We never really hung out at school, but we talked on the phone a few times. Mostly about school, but I liked hearing her voice. So when she called to invite me to a party at Riverbank park, I was so down. There was just one problem: Papa Diaz still had me on lockdown. Even if I wasn't grounded, the party didn't start until after curfew. This get together was strictly off limits. Challenge accepted.
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I told Leanne that I would be there, and hung up just in time as Dad walked into the room. My phone was supposedly still tucked away in his dresser as part of my punishment. He seriously needed to up his hide and seek game.
He said that he hoped I was taking the time to think about what I did wrong and to learn from my mistakes. I told him that I understood. I let the situation get to me and I reacted in a negative way. I knew better next time. Then I told him that I was going to my room to finish my homework.
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As soon as I heard a door shut in the upstairs hallway, I came out of my room to peep out my surroundings.
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Dad was in Sean's room playing on his computer. He was doing that a lot lately. I was just glad he didn't come barging in my room to use mine. That would have made my next move a little awkward.
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Leanne was waiting for me outside.
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I couldn't risk Dad seeing me sneak out the front door, so the window was my best option. Now that I knew Dad's location, I had my chance to escape.
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Too easy.
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Me and Leanne met with Harley at the park. The party was looking a little weak, though. Where was everyone else? Leanne said her other friends were too afraid to sneak out of the house. She, however, thought it was thrilling.
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Me and Harley teased each other about the prank fail and Mr. Landgraab. Harley said his face turned so red he thought he saw the water boiling.
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Leanne asked if we had any other pranks up our sleeves. I told her there were plenty. Tomorrow, we were going to start a food fight in the cafeteria.
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Leanne laughed at us and said we were lame. That our pranks were child's play and we were too scared to do something really bad. Seriously? Me? Scared? I wasn't afraid of anything.
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She wanted me to take it up a notch? Just wait and see.
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That looked even better than it did in my head. Leanne was impressed. But maybe it was a little too much for Harley. “Dude...What did you do?”
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                                          (Prince of Pranks)
I said I just wanted to leave my mark. Something for everyone to remember me by. Isn't that what life's all about? Harley was worried I was going to get caught by the cops. He wanted to leave...
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But the party was just getting started.
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While I was swimming in the lake, Harley continued whining to Leanne about how I had gone too far. That he didn't want to get in trouble. Pranks were just supposed to be fun. No one was supposed to get hurt. “He just vandalized private property. That's illegal.”
What I didn't expect was for her Leanne to start flirting with him too. “You're so cute when you're a nervous wreck.”   
Whatever. It didn't matter. They could have each other.
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I was riding on a whole new rush. For the first time in a while, I felt...free. Invincible. Fearless. Like nothing could hold me back anymore. I was unstoppable. The world was my playground.
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Speaking of playgrounds...I guess daddy's little boy wasn't so perfect. And people said I had problems.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 1
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Birthdays were complicated for me growing up. As a kid, it was all about the new toys Karen and dad would get me. Until Karen went away...Birthdays weren't as happy anymore after that. As a teen, blowing out the candles meant I was one year closer to becoming an adult, closer to freedom. As an adult, I watched the smoke disappear and wish I would have spent more time being a kid. Missing the days I can never get back.
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Today we celebrated the day Daniel became a teenager. I couldn't believe how quickly Daniel was growing up. It felt like only yesterday I was spraying the monster under his bed while he anxiously bounced around in his PJs.
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Now he's too cool to ask me to help him do anything.
Even though a lot has changed over the years, some things are pretty much the same.
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Daniel's was still the crowned prince of pranks at school, although his tricks have leveled up since then. Most have been harmless. At least that's what I've been told.
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After art school, I was hustling to get my art noticed. I sold paintings at the fair and posted my work online. The big money came from collectors and art galleries.
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I even made a few bucks doing commissions.
I had plans to buy my old safe house. The abandoned house I found in the woods when I was a fugitive. I wanted to turn it into a studio apartment. It had potential, but a lot of work needed to be done to fix it up.  Not to mention the thousands of dollars it would take to purchase it from the state. I needed to work overtime to save up for it. Just a day in the life of Sean Diaz.
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I also wanted to make sure Dad and Daniel would be okay after I left. Dad refused to retire. He said as long as his hands could function and his mind was sound, he'd earn his money by working for it. Still doesn't stop me from trying to convince him to call it quits and rest for once in his life. He deserved it. It was my turn to help take care of him, and I was ready to step up.
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The day after Daniel's birthday I asked him if he wanted to go see the Memorial Fountain of the Lost. It was built for those we lost in the storm. Neither of us had gone to visit it. After it happened, we never even brought it up. I thought it would be good for us to finally go and pay our respects. And maybe get everything off our chest.
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The moment we got there, we just stood in silence looking at all the names etched on the bricks enclosing the fountain. Darryl. Catherine. Trevor... Seeing Karen's name...it was beginning to sink in. She was really gone. I replayed our last conversation. How I was so angry. I remembered the night of Prom when I couldn't even speak to her. Now I would never get that chance again. Not even five minutes later, Daniel said he wanted to go. I could see the hurt on his face...the unanswered questions. It was time for me to answer some of them.
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I took Daniel out for lunch so we could spend time together and talk. I asked how he was feeling. He said he missed Trevor. He and Harley talked about him all the time. After a long pause he said he wished he could have talked to her. Karen. At least once. Guilt and shame washed over me as I saw the confusion and pain on his face. He missed out on the chance to get to know his mother, and it was all my fault. I had lived with that for years, justifying it by believing I was doing what was best for him. I didn't know how he would react hearing the truth, but I had to come clean.
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I told Daniel about the day I saw Karen. I told him that she wanted to see both of us, but I made dad promise not to get him involved. I didn't want him to get hurt. At first Daniel thought I was lying. That I couldn't have possibly done that. “You knew how much I wanted to see her. There's no way.” I tried to get him to listen to me...
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Without a word, he got up and walked out.
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When we got outside, Daniel lashed out at me. He asked me why I would keep something like that from him. I told him I was trying to protect him. He didn't know what it was like being close to her only for her to walk away. She did it once, she was going to do it again. Daniel said I didn't know that. She could have changed. If that were true, why hadn't she come by to see us. She knew where they lived.
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Daniel implied that maybe I scared her away.  He said that when he got taken from me, his foster parents said the same thing about me. That they didn't want me to know where he was because they were trying to protect him. 
“What if they made good on that promise and I never saw you again?” I told him that I wouldn't have let that happen. That I went to go get him and nothing was going to stop me. Karen would have moved on without him. Daniel said that now we would never know. “You took away any chance of me finally getting to know who my mother was.”
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“Don't ever speak to me again.”
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Daniel found his own way home. When I got back, he had locked himself in his bedroom. I could hear his music blasting outside his door.
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I told dad everything that happened. I knew Daniel would be hurt, but I didn't want him to hate me. How was I supposed to fix this?
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Dad said that we were the wolf brothers. We were strong with an unbreakable bond that would last forever. We had been through so much together and we would get through this too. Because we could survive anything.
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I tried to talk to Daniel afterwards, but he ignored me. I decided to give him some space.
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The next few days were rough. Daniel didn't want anything to do with him. He wouldn't even eat my cooking anymore.
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Dad called Daniel out to the garden so he could have a talk with him. He said that relationships were like plants. Sometimes things go bad, but with faith, effort, hard work, and light, you could fix it. That didn't mean it wouldn't be painful. But once you work through the painful parts, the plant will flourish again. Just because things look bleak, that doesn't you give up. You have to look at the roots.
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That night, Daniel came into my room while I was sleeping. By the time I realized he was there, he was already walking out the door. It sounded like he was crying. I asked him about it the next morning. He said he was just doing his chores...”But next time you can clean your own dirty dishes.”
He wasn't ready to talk. I could understand that. But when he was ready, I'd be there. I would always be there.
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tamersmile888 · 3 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 48
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The day had finally come. Harley was about to live his biggest dream ever. He was officially a working actor. He was so psyched when he got the call after making a big impression at his audition and practiced all day and night to perfect his lines. He was going to rock this Christmas Cafe commercial. This was his moment to shine. His big break. “Tis the season for family jolly. First cup of hot cocoa on us.”
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I had the day off, so I wanted to take care of some business of my own. I couldn't stop worrying about Tierra, beating myself up about the tension there must be between her and her father. Because of me. I had to get to the bottom of what was going on. So I went over to her house to get some answers. And her dad greeted me at the door.
“You're Daniel, I assume?”
“Tierra won't be seeing you. I think it's best if you stay away from her.”
“Sir, with all do respect, Tierra and I are just friends. I don't see what the big deal is.”
“I heard about your run-in with the wrong crowd. I don't want my daughter being associated with trouble.”
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So it was true. His not so secret spy must have found out about what happened between me and AP. It wasn't even my fault. He had no right to judge me for something he had no clue about. “You don't even know me.”
“I know enough. Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave.”
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I had no other choice but to go. If I stayed and tried to plead my case, it would only make him angrier. Not like I could convince him anyway. He saw what he wanted to see in me. There was no way I was changing his mind. I guess this really was goodbye. The sad thing is, I never even got to say it.
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Today was Harley's shoot at the Christmas Cafe. He was so nervous he started talking to himself just to try and calm down. I don't know what he was so worried about. I'd seen him run these lines a bunch of times. He was ready.
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“Come on down to the Christmas Cafe. Your home for the holidays.”
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While on set, Harley caught the eye of an agent who was interested in representing him. “You've got something about you, kid. You've got star potential.” It's what I told him everyday. I guess the world was finally starting to catch up.
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While Harley was becoming a burgeoning superstar, I had my eyes set on the stars too. Everyone around me seemed to be getting ahead in life. Like they had it all figured out. I wanted that too. I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. I wanted to be more than that kid who caused trouble. So I put all my focus and energy into the Bright Minds space program, determined to use it to my advantage. Make it work for me. I had the opportunity of a lifetime. I wasn't going to let it slip away. Daniel Diaz was going to carve his mark in history. He was going to be someone. Sky's the limit.
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tamersmile888 · 3 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 27
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The worst thing about parties is...the after-party junkyard.
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My head was pounding from all the responsibilities that were now battling for my attention. Keeping the house clean. Paying the bills. Finals. Reaching for straight A's. I could feel my brain overheating from constantly going into overdrive. Any minute smoke would come pouring out of my nostrils. I needed a minute to just...breathe. ASAP.
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I took a walk to get some fresh air, clear my head for a little while, and spotted Manni just hanging out alone. Probably needed a free moment for herself as well. High school could do that to a person.
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I stopped to say hey, but she seemed kind of off. Like she was nervous to see me. I asked her about our studying sessions. I never heard back from her about when we would meet up. She said she and her friends decided to start a study group, so she didn't need my services anymore. There was a weird moment of silence where it looked like she was struggling to tell me something.
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“I heard about what happened the other day. With someone trying to run you off the road?” I was surprised she even knew about that. I only told Harley, but he wasn't the type of guy to go blabbing other people's business. Was someone else watching that night? “Yeah. It was crazy. But who told you about it?” “I know who did it. It was AP. My boyfriend. He saw us in the park talking and he must have thought we were flirting. I guess he tried to scare you off.”
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AP? Maybe that's what Concord was trying to tell me at the party. Now I had a target on my back just because AP didn't want his girlfriend talking to other dudes? He chose the wrong guy to pick a fight with. 
“Okay, so where can I find him?” Manni tried to warn me that messing with AP was a bad idea, but he's the one who started this war. I wanted to see if he was man enough to end it. Manni refused to tell me where I could find him so I  told her where AP could find me.
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Harley had my back, but I told him I could handle it. I didn't want him getting involved if he didn't have to. All I wanted to do was talk to the guy, see what his problem was with me. I would tell him that nothing was going on with me and Manni and we could all go our separate ways.
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While me and Harley waited for AP to show up, Shantiya came over wondering what we were up to. I just told her we were looking for AP. She had no idea who he was, but told me to stay out of trouble. “You've got that look in your eyes. Don't do anything crazy.” Over her shoulder I caught Concord watching us a few feet away. Before I could say anything he was heading over to a car...
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The car...Concord got in the passenger's seat and the driver pulled off. AP.
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I should have known AP was a coward. He couldn't even meet me face to face. But he could only run away for so long. This neighborhood was smaller than you'd think. It was only a matter time before someone ratted him out. Then he'd have no place to hide.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 26
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The next few days were going to be rough...In an instant, my reality was broken, and now I was struggling to put all the pieces back together. Distorted. Never the same again. Doing homework seemed kind of insulting. Like I was already moving on without him.
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But being sad was one thing. That didn't mean I had to live in filth. I could see dad shaking his head as I turned his dining room into a dumpster. Harley was on his way any minute. Instead of me moving in with Sean and his family, I thought it would be best if I stayed at home and asked Harley to be my roommate. That way we could keep the house and I didn't have to worry about squeezing myself into Sean's already overcrowded apartment studio. Harley and I were graduating soon, anyway. How much more adult can you get than owning your own house that you can barely afford?
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While cleaning up, I found Sunnie's sippy cup and it put a smile on my face. It was like a sign saying that everything was going to be okay. Even in the midst of a gloomy downpour, you can always find a ray of sunlight.
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Harley moved into Sean's room. He had no problem making himself feel at home since he was practically over every day anyway. He had a few ideas about how to make it his own. I told him he could go crazy as long as it didn't involve breaking down any walls.
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He got a job at a burger place in the city as a dishwasher. We were definitely going to need the money. He said it was only temporary until he figured out what he actually wanted to do for a living.
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Sean came over to check up on us and to help Harley move in his things if he needed it. He ended up having a breakdown looking at dad's garden. I tried to give him some consoling words, but I was barley hanging on myself. Words couldn't describe what we were going through, but at least we had each other to brace ourselves against the waves.
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I started bringing up old memories of dad that got us laughing and put Sean in better spirits. We talked for hours, laughing happy until Sean had to head back home. He thanked me for being there for him and cheering him up. He carried me on his back for months. The least I could do was give him a shoulder.
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While I was spending time with Sean, Harley was in the house cleaning like a madman. I hadn't realized how much of a neat freak he was until I caught him scrubbing our upstair's bathtub.
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When he got out, I finally opened up to him about someone almost running me over outside Tierra's house. “Are you sure it was on purpose?” “They were headed straight for me. If I hadn't jumped onto the curb, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now.” “Dude...So what are you going to do?” I didn't know yet, but I wasn't going to let this go. I was going to find out who was in that car, one way or another.
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I was surprised that Tierra asked to come over, but it was always nice to see her. It was the first time she had ever been to my house. Good thing I cleaned up the place. That would have definitely deducted a few points from my cool card. Bonus points: She really dug my chemistry lab. I hadn't used it in a while, but I had no problem starting a few new experiments as an excuse to invite her over.
Since Tierra was already there, Harley thought we should invite more friends from school. Grill some food. Put on some music. Throw a coming-of-age party if you would. I could use the distraction so, why not?
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The party was really chill at first. We hung out in the backyard and ate hot dogs as music played in the background. I invited Manni as an afterthought, not thinking she would actually come since we had only met that one time. But, sure enough, she showed up.
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Tierra was quiet the whole time and left early due to her curfew. She wasn't much of a party person, which was cool. I liked it better when we had one-on-one time anyway.
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Later, Manni pulled me aside and asked if I could be her study partner. She was having trouble with math, in particularly, and since I was “unofficially Mr. Smarty Pants” I was her best shot at acing the finals. I told her that was cool, but if she failed, my fee was nonrefundable. “And what exactly is your fee?” “Gummy fish. One giant bag of gummy fish.” “Only if you're sharing.” “It depends on how good of a student you are.” “I'll be on my best behavior.” “I'll need that in writing.”
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Later on, Concord got me alone and warned me about spending too much time with Manni. He said her boyfriend was super jealous. Not a guy I wanted to mess with. I told him that I had no interest in Manni. “Unless her boyfriend has something against derivatives, he has nothing to worry about.”
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“Not a joke. I'm serious man. Just...watch your back.” What was that even supposed to mean? I didn't want trouble, but I wasn't one to cower in fear because of some insecure boyfriend. There was nothing going on between me and Manni. End of story. If her boyfriend had a problem with me studying with her, he could come to me personally.
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While my relationships were getting twisted into knots, Harley's was falling nicely into place. At least someone in this house was finding love.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 24
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My attempt at making breakfast did not go as well as it did in my head. They make it look so easy on TV.
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Dad appreciated the effort though. The poor guy even gave it a try. “Not bad, mijo. Though, next time try to go easy on the egg shells.”
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We visited Sean's, mainly so I could hang out with Sunnie. She got so big, so fast. Any minute now she'd be calling her cool uncle to teach her how to drive. Hopefully, I'd have my own wheels by then. Otherwise, I'd be teaching her how to call for an S-rider. Or jump trains. Kidding.
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She reminded me so much of me when I was little. Causing mayhem, turning everything within reach into a playset. It's a gift, being that imaginative. Curious minds made great inventors. I wondered what awesome stuff Sunnie would create when she grew up. She differently had the genes for it.
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Harley came by teasing me about my second attempt at preparing an edible meal. This time I went with salad for obvious reasons. Lettuce. Tomato. Cucumbers. Done. He thanked me for being so cool about him in Leanne. They weren't official, but clearly they were headed in that direction.
“What about you and Tierra? I'm not sure it counts as a date if you're on the clock.” “For your information, I was off the clock.” “But still wearing the apron.” “....Still wearing the apron.” He was right. If I wanted things to move forward with Tierra, I had to let her know how I felt. So, tomorrow, I planned to ask her out on a real date. Not wearing the apron.
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Early the next morning, me and dad went fishing for a little father and son bonding time. It made me think about that night Sean gave me my first fishing lesson as a kid. When it was for necessity. Survival. It made me wonder if I was taking the fresh start we'd been given for granted. There was a time when that tug on the line meant we weren't going to have to go hungry for the night. I don't like to go back to those places in my head, but it made me even more grateful for where we were now.
Anyway, coming out with dad made him really happy. It was nice to know that I'd put a smile on his face. I don't think I'd done it very often.
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I asked Tierra out to a picnic in the park and I was thrilled she said yes. A part of me figured I didn't stand a chance, but I guess there was something she liked about me. Or maybe she was just hungry. Either way, I really hoped I didn’t disappoint.
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I went all out for our date. “I brought books because I know how much you're into those. Science fiction and race car friendship. Pick your preference.” “Race car friendship sounds promising.” “I thought so too. Seems like a fast read.” We had hand wipes, water, gooey grilled cheese made by yours truly, and pizza from my favorite local shop just in case the grill cheese was too burnt to digest. Always have options.
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By the way she chowed down the grilled cheese, it was safe to say she liked it. Now I had my go-to meal. I thought it was cute the way she gobbled up her food. It let me know she felt comfortable to be herself around me and that I had nothing to be self-conscious about.
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We sat by the pool and just talked. About music. About our culture. About school. Her favorite class was Literature. No kidding. “It is pretty Lit.” She cringed at my joke, but it still made her laugh. “You did not just say that.” “I'd say it again.”
Then she looked over my shoulder at the graffiti on the wall of the park's food court. “It's too bad we have that as our view.”
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I'd been meaning to take care of it, but doing it now was sort of symbolic. A statement.
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I started cleaning off the graffiti and Tierra gave me a hand. Once we were finished, she told me that it was a nice thing to do. I told her it was my mess to clean up in the first place. I told her how I wasn't the same person I was back. That I was trying to be someone different. Someone better. And that she was helping me stay motivated. She said that she was happy she made me feel that way. Then she excused herself to the bathroom. I really hoped I wasn't coming on too strong. I just wanted her to know that I was trying to be someone worth her time.
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While Tierra was in the bathroom, a girl came over to join me. She thought I was alone and wanted to keep me company. I told her that I was on a date and she apologized for interrupting. I told her that it was okay. “If you want, you can help yourself to a grilled cheese. It's my signature.” “Grill cheese happens to be my favorite. I'm Manni by the way.”
She helped her self to my famous dish, giving me the thumbs up. She said she was a surfer. She just came back from the beach with her friends and came to the park for some peace and quiet. “And yet you're here checking up on a complete stranger.” “I can't resist a cute face.” She wanted to exchange numbers just in case my date didn't work out. I didn't think anything of it and just thought she was the flirty type. She seemed nice, and I could always use more friends.
Tierra came back and I introduced the two of them. Then Manni said she was going to go take a walk and gave us our privacy.
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We went for a dip in the lake and continued our conversation. Tierra said she admired that I was a people person. “I'm more laid back while you're a person magnet.” “As someone with a scientific background, I'd say you're pretty magnetic.”  I told her that I wasn't sure where this was going, but I was willing to try and find out if she was. I could tell by the look on her face that we were definitely not on the same page. She said she liked spending time with me, but wanted to take it slow. To get to know me better. I could do that. For her, anything.
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At the end of the night, I made sure to walk her to her door. If I wanted to win her over, I had to go the extra mile. Let her know I was being genuine. She thanked me for the date. “And the books. I had a really great time.” “Hopefully, we can do it again someday. Without the community service.” “That was the best part. I think graffiti looks good on me.” “Me too.”
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We said goodnight with a hug, and that was that. Even though it didn't turn out exactly how I hoped it would, I was actually glad we were taking it slow. It gave me less of an opportunity to mess everything up. I was satisfied enough just being her friend.
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After Tierra went inside, I got a text from Manni.
Looks like everything worked out. Good for you.
Ha. She was something else. But...cool.
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While I was on my way home, I caught a glimpse of Tierra's dad watching me out the window. He did not look pleased. I totally understood. If I my daughter was going out with some kid I'd never met, I'd be on edge too. But I had a feeling he wasn't going to make it easy for me.
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With Tierra's dad on my mind and me wondering if he thought I wasn't good enough for his daughter, I didn't see the car speeding my way, nearly running me over.
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It screeched around the corner and out of sight. All I saw was a glimpse of its green paint as it took off. I had the strangest feeling that it wasn't an accident. Someone was trying to hit me. But why? This wasn’t over. I was going to find out who it was, even if I had to track them down myself.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 25
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Today was a big deal. It was Jag's very first standup gig. We were so happy for him. No matter what obstacles stood in his way, he pressed on without taking no for an answer. Now he was one step closer to inspiring the world. Of course we were going to be there to support him.
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June could barely keep still as we waited for the show to start. She kept asking me to pinch her because she couldn't believe Jag's dream had finally come true. She wanted him to blow everyone anyway. For everyone to see what she saw in him. I think she was more nervous than he was. “He's going to be fine, right?” I reminded her that Jag was one of the most talented people I knew. “He's been preparing for this moment for years. He's got this.”
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When Jag came out on stage, June's cheers overpowered the whole room. Jag signed to the crowd while the TV screen behind him translated his words. He even made a joke about it:
I would have hired an interpreter, but I was worried he'd steal the show. I'm like a free ticket to his fifteen minutes of fame. “I'll take it from here, Jag. Thanks, pal.” The screen is safer. It also allows me to have some fun. Look at me. Now look at the screen. Now look at your neighbor. Now look at me. Are you dizzy yet?
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He had the whole house laughing. It was incredible to watch.
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When he finished, he received a standing ovation. The smile on his face, the relief, the gratitude, it was one of the best moments I'd ever experienced. Jag had an amazing future ahead of him, and I was honored to be a part of the journey.
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The next morning, Sunnie began the day in a fussy mood. June tried potty training her, but Sunnie wasn't having it. She was getting to that point where she wanted to do everything on her own. In the end, she gave up the fight and allowed her mama to help. At least for today.
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And then I got a devastating phone call that shattered me into a million tiny pieces.
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I couldn't believe it. Dad was gone. I kept playing over and over in my head the last time I saw him. Had I told him I loved him? There was no way I could have known that could be the last day I ever spoke to or hugged my father. I still remembered him standing in the living room, me taking pictures of the family. He had such a big smile on his face because he loved being around us. At least our final memories spent together were happy ones.
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We went over to the house to see Daniel. We were all emotional wrecks, but together we would find strength and comfort.
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I held Daniel in my arms and we just stood there crying on each other's shoulders. I couldn't even imagine what it must have been like to be there alone when it happened. “I'm so sorry, Daniel.”
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Our family and friends came to support us as we said goodbye...
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At least for now...We'll see you again one day, Papa Wolf. Thanks for being the best dad anyone could ever ask for. The better parts of us. You will always live on in our hearts. Always.
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Daniel came over to our house for a little while so we could keep him company. I told him that if he needed anything, I'd be there for him. I told him that he could stay over for the night, but he said he'd rather spend some time alone.
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June said a prayer over him and told him that everything was going to be okay.
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I knew this day was going to come, but it was still unexpected. So soon. I just wish I had a little more time. A piece of my heart will always be empty now...
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But I will always cherish the days dad filled it up with his love.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 23
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Time flies when you're raising a baby cub. I couldn't believe how much Sunnie had grown already. It felt like just yesterday she depended on us for everything. Now we had to practically beg her to let us do anything for her. Heartbreaking.
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Now that Sunnie could somewhat communicate, she loved jumping into our conversations even though she had a language of her own. Michelle said June was the same way when she was a kid. “Always eager to tell stories and be involved. She was always talking our friend's ears off. She just loves people.”
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No matter how much Sunnie enjoyed finding her own adventures, she always made time to play with her papa wolf. It's one of my favorite parts of the day.
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And while she got her looks and charisma from her mom, she definitely inherited her temper from me. Now I totally see what dad had to go through. I guess it served me right.
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One of the best parts of being a dad is being able to watch Sunnie grow up, getting to know her along the way. Discovering that her favorite color is green. Learning that she loves PB&J’s. Go figure. She'd also rather steal our plates from the table and sit on the couch then be confined to her high chair. I dreaded the day when she was too old for me to read her to bed and tuck her in at night. 
I savored every tiny hug, every turning page, and every time she held her arms out for me to carry her. I had to stay present because these days weren't going to last forever. Her childhood was moving like a freight train and I wasn't going to miss it for the world.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 22
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Today the world became a lot brighter as we said hello to our beautiful baby girl Sunnie Diaz. Welcome home baby wolf.
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I still couldn't believe I was a dad. Everything was happening so fast. June is a natural. It was like she had this special touch that always seemed to calm Sunnie down or make her happy...
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...while I questioned every move I made. But all I wanted to do was love her and protect her with my life. To give her everything she could ever need or want no matter what it took. I knew I was done for the moment she smiled at me. I could imagine her growing up and getting everything she asked for because she knew how to manipulate us with those beautiful green eyes. I was already  considering getting a second job. How was I supposed to say no to that face? We were definitely going to be in trouble.
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June wasted no time getting back in shape, though she still looked amazing. She was Superwoman after all.
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We invited everyone over to see Sunnie so they could introduce themselves. We wanted her to know she was surrounded by family. Even though she wouldn't remember their faces at that age, I'd like to believe a part of her still knew them.
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Dad went right in to change Sunnie's diaper. He said he missed moments like that when we were kids. Now it was like starting all over, but this time he could avoid the middle of the night wake-up calls.
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Jag took me aside to sign how happy he was for us. He signed that he was glad I came into he and June's life. I was skeptical at first, you being a complete stranger with questionable fashion choices. But now you're my brother and the father of my niece. Thanks to you and June we're a bigger family. And I'm happy you're a part of it. And that you're fit is easier to tolerate. We'll work on that.
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As everyone else went downstairs, Diaz stayed behind. He looked down so I asked what was going on. He said that it looked like I had it all together. “You're way ahead in your career. You're married. Now you have a kid. You're living the life. Mine is barely getting started. I feel so behind. Sometimes I think this is all I'll ever be.”
I'd been there plenty of times. But what I've learned is that life isn't a to-do list. You can't just check things off and expect everything to be exactly how you pictured it. Some of the best stuff is the least expected. “Dude, I have half a clue of what I'm doing. You think we planned to have Sunnie? We were trying to save up for a bigger house, but God had better plans. You're not behind, D. You're right on time.”
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The next few days we were pretty much spending every dollar on buying new stuff for Sunnie. Baby clothes, toys, books, furniture for our two-for-one room. Things she couldn't even comprehend yet, but we were convinced she needed them. We may have gone a little over board, but thanks to the baby shower we were all set on diapers and baby wipes, the essentials. At least for now.
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When it was time for me and June to go back to work, dad was happy to babysit. We were reluctant to be away from Sunnie for the first time, but we knew she was in good hands.
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Grandma Claire stopped by to meet her first great-grandchild. She took lots of pictures and couldn't wait to show them to her friends at the retirement home. “I could see Stephen now, eager to show her his trains.” Daniel especially loved watching Grandpa Stephen's toy trains ride around the mini town he built. Maybe we could get them running again. Then Sunnie would at least have a piece of Grandpa to hold onto.
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When June and I get even the briefest second of alone time, we usually spend it eating quick meals in front of the TV. Date nights at home have quickly become my favorite. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 21
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There's a moment that happens in a couple's life that changes their world for eternity...
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The moment you find out you're going to be parents. I was going to be a father. The most incredible yet terrifying news. We were not prepared. Not that anyone ever is. But I was looking forward to being a dad and meeting the baby boy or girl who had already become the second person I loved most in the world.
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We threw a baby shower at home to celebrate. I was already imagining teaching my kid how to grill my best recipes. I wondered if she or he would be more like Daniel instead, bored of dad jokes and just wanting to get back to playing around.
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Everyone came over bearing gifts. They congratulated us and we were hounded with offers to babysit. Daniel said we could call him if he needed someone to hang around while we were doing work at home just so he could leave the diaper changing to us.
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Me and Daniel talked about how much we used to fight and get in trouble as kids. We would get along on rare occasions, but for the most part I was a teenager who was tired of being bothered by his annoying kid brother. After we got separated from dad and ran off to live on our own, all of that changed. All that mattered was protecting my baby brother and keeping us together.
Daniel said he appreciated everything I'd done for him. “You took care of me, even when you were just a kid yourself. I  know that must have been hard, but you never gave up. That's why I knew you'd always be a great dad someday.” That really meant a lot to me. I was so afraid that Daniel was going to be scarred for life because of me, but he turned out to be the smartest, bravest person I know. I knew if we could get through all of that and still maintain our sanity, we could get through anything.
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Dad, of course, had a bunch of advice for me. From discipline to childproofing, he gave me the rundown of what I was in for. “You turn your back on them for one second and the whole cake is face down, splat, on the floor. You and Daniel had your mom and me running around the house 24/7. But I enjoyed every second of it. It's going to be tough, but those early years are going to flash by so fast...Those are the moments you cherish.”
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The next few days were tough for June. Especially mornings.
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The baby's delivery date grew closer and closer, which made us more and more excited. We had gotten a ton of stuff from the shower, but it still felt like we were so far behind. And we had no room for a nursery. We weren't ready for this at all. That's when I started to panic. But June reminded me of what was most important. All that mattered was that the baby was healthy. We could deal with everything else along the way.
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So I focused my energy on cherishing each day of our journey. One beautiful moment at time.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 20
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Another busy day...another lonely breakfast. The thing about working hard to get to the top is that it comes with sacrifice. I'm not complaining. I love the fact that we're not struggling to survive.
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I just wish our schedules were more in synch.
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We were finally able to add onto the studio apartment.
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We extended the kitchen and gave a touch of color...
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Rearranged the living room and added  actually furniture...
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We even built a backroom and gym off the art studio. For the days when things got too busy to leave  the house.
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Finally, after days and nights of nonstop work in a cycle that caused us to see less and less of each other, we were able to squeeze in a day for just the two of us.
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We had dinner on a rooftop nightclub and promised to ban any work talk from our conversation. June said it was nice to just be able to breathe for a second. “It's also nice to see you awake.” I thanked her for leaving me breakfast in the morning. “Though I miss your yelling during the morning sports highlights.” 
We made another promise that night. No matter how busy we got, we were going to make time to connect and prioritize moments like this. Even if that meant getting up extra early so we could yell at the TV together.
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We spent the rest of the night talking and flirting like high school kids...
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Until eventually, the rest of the world disappeared...and it was just us.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 18
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It took some time, but things were slowly beginning to come together for us. Commissions were starting to pick up. Negotiations with my agent and clients were going better than expected. I couldn't believe that I was actually able to make a living off of my dreams.
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Even though we were making a little extra money, dad refused to let me help him with his financial problems. He said he wouldn't dare take our hard earned money. That we needed it to pay our own bills and take care of our own household. 
So I made him a deal. From now on, whatever I made from selling my produce, I'd put to the side for a rainy day. That way, if he needed anything, we'd have that money saved up and he wouldn't have to feel bad about taking from our paychecks. He said I didn't have to do that, but I wanted to. He was my dad. Of course I was going to help him out, especially after everything he had done for me and Daniel. Besides, since he was always coming over and helping out with the garden, he deserved his share of the profit.
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On my day off, I decided to visit the new museum for some inspiration. Now that I was getting more commissions, I wanted to be exposed to different types of styles to attract more potential patrons. I met some really cool artists there with all kinds of experiences and advice. I made a mental note to go there more often. It was nice being around people who were as passionate about art as I am. There was still a lot I had to learn, and many of the artists were like a well of knowledge eager to share with the thirsty newcomers.
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Of course, I ran into a few snobs here and there, but they had a lot to teach too. Don't take yourself too seriously. It must get pretty exhausting trying to walk with a head that heavy.
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Afterwards, me and the guys met up at the gym for some quality bro time. Almost immediately, Diaz and Oscar jumped into a push-up contest. Me and Daniel stayed out of that one and let the other Diaz brothers go for it. I didn’t want to embarrass my little brother in public.
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I asked Daniel how he was doing in school. He said he was still working on getting his grades up, “Slowly, but surely...” I told him that as long as he didn't give up, he would. I could tell that he was doubting himself. He really wanted to get into that space program. “If you just stay focused and don't let yourself get distracted, you'll be an A student in no time.” “Easier said than done.” “The hard stuff never stopped you before. Why let it stop you now?”
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After the gym, Daniel came over to my place to hang out and watch the game for a little while. I tried to make things light to take the pressure off. Joked about how The Diaz Duos should compete in a two-on-two. Winners get the title of being the better bros. Daniel didn't think Oscar and Cesar stood a chance. “We basically grew up in the wild. They don't want to wake the wolves.” Once the game was over, Daniel headed home so he could get in a few hours of studying before bed. “You've got this.” “Thanks, bro. I know.”
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Early the next day, June met a new friend while on her morning run. She talked about how she wished she was in as great a shape as June. June said she could join her on her runs sometime. She said she wished she could, but she was a full-time nanny and mornings were her busiest time of the day. Running after toddlers was enough exercise for her. She said if June ever needed her services, she could give her a call.
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June was super excited to hear that the indie game developers she presented to her boss were actually making a deal with Arcadia. They were publishing their game. Arcadia loved it so much that they made June the assistant producer for the project.
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She also won an award for her social media marketing job on their latest game. Like I said, things were going great for us.
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I made dinner to celebrate June's promotion. I went all out after weeks of living on leftovers. She appreciated the taste of a freshly cooked meal for a change.
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She told me about her new nanny friend, and it got us talking about having our own kids someday. Of course I was excited to start a family, but we both agreed that maybe we needed a little more time. We were just leveling up in our careers and saving up to renovate the house. Our schedules were getting busier by the day. We weren't ready to be parents just yet. Not until we could provide our kids with the life and home we really wanted them to have. It's why we worked so hard in the first place.
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But now that we had had the conversation, it was almost hard not to think about becoming a dad.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 17
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Worst work day ever. I couldn't believe Nancy Landgraab showed up at my job just to torment me about how close we had cut it with paying our power bill on time. “I'm sure we won't have any problems next month, though I heard it took rocket science to get you out of the last hole. We could always use a live-in butler.”
I couldn't let this go on. She was going to hang over our heads like a ravenous black widow unless we did something about it.
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I asked Dad and Sean what we were going to do about Nancy. Dad said that there was nothing we could do. The Landgraab's owned the only power and water companies in town. If we wanted to eat hot meals and take hot baths we had to pay Nancy the money. That was our only option. But that wasn't good enough for me.
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So me and Harley came up with a plan of our own...
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Here's what we were going to do:
There had been word around town that Mrs. Nancy Landgrab was the ring leader of a dangerous underground mob. A woman like that had plenty of secrets tucked away in her armoire. Or her personal computer. Our job was to find incriminating evidence and blackmail her into leaving me and my family alone. Or get her sent to prison. Whichever worked in our favor.
But first we had to get inside. That's were Step #1 came into play: Send in the Wolves.  I called Nancy and told her I'd take her up on her offer. I agreed to be her butler for the day under the pretense that it was my dad's idea. His way of punishing me for upsetting her poor, innocent baby monster Malcolm. Of course she savored the idea and couldn't get me over there sooner. I asked if it were okay that Harley tagged along and she was fine with it. The more to stick her fangs into, the merrier.
I asked Harley if he was sure he was up to this? “Partners in crime remember?” “Til bars do us part.”
Mission: Take Down the Queen initiated.
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Nancy left the door open for us, which seemed something only a mob leader would do. Daring anyone to step foot inside her million dollar home. She probably had guard dogs hidden around the perimeter to pounce on intruders the second they stepped foot on her paved walkway. Code word: “Off with their head.” A part of me expected this to be a trap. We had entered the vampire's lair. There was no going back. The only way out was by lighting a torch in her dungeon and exposing all of her weaknesses.
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Nancy gave us instructions on how to vacuum her carpets, dust her belongings, and take care of her dirty dishes. Basically all the chores her family was too lazy to do themselves. I put on a smile and “yes ma'amed” the entire list, Harley quietly nodding next to me. But before we got started, I asked if I could use her bathroom. She gave attitude about it but granted me access. Then she left the room, but not without reminding us that this was not coming out of the bill. She expected the full amount. I told her that we understood. Besides, we had other ways of making her pay.
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Harley and I went into the bathroom to go over the plan. I would sweep around the first floor and keep an eye on Nancy while he started working on the computers around the house. Since the one by the bathroom was closest, he got started on that one. Meanwhile, I was heading downstairs to shine up the place and hopefully uncover a trap door underneath the carpet.
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But first, I actually had to use the bathroom.
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While I was drying my hands on the super soft and flower scented paper towels, I glanced out the window and saw Tierra walking by. Suddenly my whole plan sank in my stomach like a lump of coal. If Tierra knew what I was doing, would she think I was a bad person?  What about Dad and Sean? I was slowly but surely shedding the old, angry Daniel I wanted to detach myself from but if anyone found out I was sneaking around the Landgraab's searching for a way to blackmail them, it would only prove that I hadn't changed at all. And that's the last thing I wanted. We didn't deserve what Nancy was doing to us, and maybe we would get out from under her claws eventually. But this wasn't the way to do it.
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I came out the bathroom to tell Harley we were aborting the mission just as Malcolm walked into the room. “What are you guys doing here?”
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Before he ran and rang the alarm, I explained that his mom had hired us to clean their house. And by hired I meant we were her unpaid servants for the day. It was my way of apologizing to him for what happened. “I'm sorry I came at you like that. I was in a bad place.” At first it looked like Malcolm was just going to stand there scowling at me, but then he said, “Whatever. Mom made more of a big deal out of it than I did.”
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I told him how she was threatening to cut our power if we were late on our bills. How we were already struggling and barely made the deadline last month. I asked if he could talk to her. It would help us out a lot. He said he would talk to her. Even tell how he was the one who practically started the fight in the first place. 
He also said a lot of the moms heard about what she was doing to us and were revoking her invitation to dinner parties and book clubs. Even her country club friends were hesitating to invite her over. They were afraid that if they made one wrong move, she'd cut them off too. “Your mom really knows how to bring together a neighborhood.” “She wrote the bestselling book.” I thanked him and asked if we were cool. “I'm cool, but you're still lame. The gauges look like you're trying too hard.”
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And that is how Super Wolf saved the day. I guess doing good does pay off. It's certainly a lot less stressful, especially knowing that my hands were clean. By taking the high road and walking away, I avoided disappointing my family, Tierra, and more importantly myself.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 16
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I am relieved to say that I am officially off the hook for gardening duty. Dad met a new friend while watering and weeding his precious plants. Kaci, a fellow gardener, was happy to exchange a few tips. She helped tend the neighborhood garden and had been working on it for years. Dad was thrilled to finally meet someone who enjoyed it as much as he did. They could even start their own club.
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Of course, Dad invited her in for lunch to give her a taste of his fresh ingredients. She was very impressed. He even packed up a few tacos for her to take home. I was looking forward to my afternoon snack, but I was happy to share them. Especially if dad planned on making a fresh batch for dinner.
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When I got home from school, I wasn't surprised to see a new face sitting at the dining room table. Dad used to invite over the neighbors a lot when we were younger. But seeing him interact with Kaci felt different. It felt like she belonged. And not just because she thought I was a nice looking young man.
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After Kaci left, Dad asked me what I thought about her. I said the real question was, what he thought about her. He said she had a kind spirit and was very wise. She had a lot of ideas to help out the community. Something he'd been wanting to do more of since he retired.
The whole time he was talking about this woman and how she'd inspired him within moments of meeting her made me feel happy for him. It was good to know he had a friend to talk to and engage with. It made me feel more at ease knowing that he wouldn't be alone when I wasn't around. As much as I loved spending time with my dad hearing his crazy stories about how he grew up, I didn't plan on staying there forever. I think we both knew that. Now I didn't have to feel so guilty about it.
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Harley and Leanne came over so we could go hang out someplace, but I was loaded with homework.
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They talked about what happened in a class I wasn't in. Supposedly something hilarious involving a water balloon, but I had to be there so I didn't get the inside joke. I wondered to myself why they even bothered to bring me in the conversation when they were basically staring in each other's eyes the whole time... “Could you two go drool over each other in private. It's distracting.”
They've been pretending nothing was going on between them for days, but the truth was googly eyeing me in the face. They were into each other. I told them I was cool with that. The look of relief on their faces said it all.
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They left me alone to concentrated on my homework and had their first date on my couch watching an early night talk show. Good for them.
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I guess it didn't hurt that I had my googly eyes set on someone else. Tierra had been frequenting the shop more often and I was just as happy to see her since the first time she dropped by. She spotted Brianna Castle jamming at the jukebox before her performance later on that night. She was a big fan.
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I asked if she wanted to watch her performance after my shift. Workers got comp tickets to certain shows and I had an extra. Wasn't sure if it counted as a date since I was still in my work uniform, but I was just happy she was sticking around. And to see the big smile on her face as she said yes.
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We watched the show and had a really great time. Brianna was a great singer and I kept glancing over at Tierra as she sang under her breathe. She knew every word and I barely even heard any of Brianna's songs. It was a really chill night, and a cool experience. It made me realize how much I'd been missing out on, even when it was right underneath my nose. Or behind my work counter.
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After the show, Tierra thanked me for the free ticket. Brianna was a huge inspiration and she thought it was amazing to see her perform in such an intimate atmosphere. I told her that I thought she was pretty cool too and wanted to hear more of her stuff. 
That lit a fire in her eyes. She gave me a list of songs to listen to and wanted me to let her know what I thought. Then we said goodbye and I promised to call her with my professional opinion. I did have refined ears after all. “I don't want you to listen with your refined ears. I want you to listen with your heart.”
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So I listened with my heart. And every time I heard Brianna sing, I thought about how Tierra was stealing it away, word by word.
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