#wish the wizards of once
iamafule · 8 months
One of the things I live about tumblr is that uts literally amazing for all my fandom needs. Like, you could have the rarest hyperfixation ever and there will be an entire community for it on tumblr filled with fanart, fanfics, rambles, info dumps, theories and memes. I love tumblr.
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King Sombra (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS. Wish (The Wizards of Once)
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King Sombra Propaganda
Wish Propaganda
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gog i still can't get over minish cap vaati's Everything. He is So Fucking Stupid (affectionate)
Like. This guy's establishing character moment is, in order:
he's introduced as having won an entire tournament to get to touch a magic chest and get a cool sword, which was the prize for said tournament
turns around and does a goddamn evil soliloquy TEN FEET AWAY FROM THE GUARDS who were about to hand him his macguffin on a platter
(like this man fucks up his own horribly planned daylight heist because he cannot keep a lid on the dramatics for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES, IN PUBLIC)
proceeds to fight the guards (it is, admittedly, a curbstomp for him, but it still clearly wasn't his plan, because otherwise why bother with the tournament)
gloats evilly
opens chest, unleashing a whole bunch of monsters
exposits out loud about Zelda's powers like a nerd while she is actively charging up her magic powers to kick his ass
RECOGNIZES and IDENTIFIES said magic as the special power carried by the female royal line
completely fails to recognize it as the light force he is currently trying to get his hands on (he spends like 99% of the game not figuring this out.)
petrifies her
(i have no idea if link could have deflected this spell if he had managed to get the right angle with his shield but i like to think somewhere there is a very short and very funny alternate timeline where it happens)
(more importantly: no part of vaati's original presumed plan would have involved doing this. he 100% created this situation for himself by being an dramatic idiot and picking a fight for no good reason.)
looks in the chest
there's no light force
considering his stated goals he might be as confused as you are about the monsters tbh
evil laugh
teleports the fuck out
He then proceeds to spend the rest of the game trying to figure out where the light force is and ends up having to wait for Ezlo and Link to figure it out first because he was, as far as I can tell, GENUINELY stuck on this part. He fucking kidnaps and impersonates the King, not for access to Zelda, but to… send guards to go look for the Light Force, presumably because he was either running out of ideas or genuinely thought that would work.
None of the guards even had any idea what he was talking about. He's not even good at impersonating the King. He's already sent like twenty people to the dungeon by the time you get there and it hasn't even been a week. Somehow the game spins this as a cunning plan and clever manipulation or something.
(Meanwhile the guards are just. Poking around in random bushes and shit hoping to find the light force. One of them asks you what you think it might look like.)
Zelda is literally right next to the throne and Vaati does not figure it out until you find an actual honest-to-goodness LORE TABLET spelling out that the Light Force is Stored in the Zelda, at which point he's like "ahahaha you've done my work for me this was definitely my plan all along" and takes over the castle and throws a bunch of monsters at you to stall for time while he figures out how to extract the force from her. Somehow he still doesn't think to actually lock the fucking door.
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messiahzzz · 7 months
When I came across that "joke" from Tav to Quill and Z'rell's comment (plus Halsin), I had to take a minute to process what happened. Gale might be a bit silly and eccentric but he's the kindest, sweetest and most passionate character in that party. No wonder the poor man has deep insecurities to solve, so many people reduce him to an easy target! Ofc one of the side effects would be overconfidence and ambition as a defense mechanism. He's obv lonely; only Tara and Morena ever loved him for him.
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his eccentric nature might be a part of it. he is loquacious, outgoing, and doesn’t see the point in hiding his enthusiasm. he is considered to be the weird one. naturally, wizards in general being seen as somewhat squishy and physically weak might also add to it.
personally, i really don’t like the implications of the (widely considered) autistic-coded character being the one who faces the most ridicule by far by other characters and fans (and larian) alike.
some might disagree with me on that, but i don’t find it funny by any means either. mostly it just makes me feel bad. “he deserves it. cocky, arrogant, hubris-ridden wizard needs to be taken down a peg” like he isn’t… y’know… already at his lowest. it also disregards the fact that much of his bravado is part of his carefully curated Great Wizard of Waterdeep™ persona that he has skillfully adopted to mask his general feeling of being defective. being fiercely proud of your skill and knowledge and being doubtful of having something truly worthwhile to offer are mindsets that can coexist. according to fandom, gale is either secret hubris incarnate that is only waiting to be unleashed upon the world or pure baby that can do no wrong. instead of a character that is just as flawed and traumatized as all the others, but no less deserving of genuine love.
to me, the constant ridicule just reads as further feeding into his deep-rooted insecurities and his belief that he (as gale, the person) isn’t someone who holds inherent worth. it really, really doesn’t sit well with me.
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The only reason why I don't post about Penny Dreadful every single day 3 times a day is because the last time I interacted with her was her pre-update quest where she was so desperate to get into ravenwood or pass a test that she was willing to give us a living breathing creature as a pet for compensation and that stuck with me for years. But the point is I don't remember a lot of her and I haven't seen her post-update content yet. And this is a Huge Sin on my part and I apologize because Penny Dreadful is the Best Good Woman in Ravenwood and I'm Right about this actually sorry.
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marywisdom · 11 months
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I realized literally nothing is stopping me from making my own Wizard, Witch and Wild One on HeroForge and printing them out to have my favorite heroes at home on the shelf
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lunaislandcitizen · 4 months
Wizards of Once
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Another fandom I wanted to make art of, so might as well share it here.
The wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell, I felt like a kid again reading these books, truly recomend it if you like fantasy books.
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yv-sketches · 11 months
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3 tickets to barbie please
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shiori8 · 10 months
The assistant bodyguard, the boy of destiny and the girl with magic that works on iron
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aka more doodles for the wizards of once series. This time our main trio Bodkin, Xar and Wish.
Part 1
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not-a-dalek · 4 months
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Pinterest references feat. my favorite Cressida Cowell characters (close ups under cut)
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Movie Hiccup bc I can not do book Hiccup justice
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And Xar
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campichor · 11 months
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The King and The Enchantress and The Knight
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iamafule · 3 months
I adore the httyd books with a passion but I honestly think twoo is a tiny bit better. My opinion on this does vary but most of the time I truly think twoo had so much to offer. And that's not to say httyd doesn't have as much to offer, I just liked the aesthetic of twoo so much because of all the whimsical magic fairytale vibe. But twoo had so much to offer and no one really acknowledges it. And a lot of the time when they do acknowledg it httyd creeps it's way into the conversation. I think twoo was a beautiful book but it's so underrated it's honestly wild to me.
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cami-whatsit · 4 months
Ok I’m only 100 pages into The Wizards Of Once and…. Wish. She’s autistic. And I love her already.
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
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The doodles I drew l while listening to the first book
I don't know if my interpretation of no-helmet Bodkin is correct I just drew what was in my heart
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aldoodles · 2 years
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Some Wizards of Once doodles ! I finished the series today :o)
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Guys what does it look like when your Wizard dissociates™. Holly's pupils get super fucken big and soulful like a cat's and then their Storm magic makes it so that lightbulbs pop off in the distance
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