#wipples the cat
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More test renders! I fixed up Wipple's fur a little bit, plus I got the magical jar started.
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evermorehqs · 9 months
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Stella Wipple is based on Sticky Wipplesnit from Wreck It Ralph. She is a 24 year old human, table busser, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Stella is portrayed by Leah Lewis and she is open.
Stella had a good childhood. She had loving parents, two mothers that taught her how to be warmhearted and kind while never turning down a thing she asked for. She didn’t have any trouble making friends or good grades, she was lucky enough to fall into pure young love. Life was about as perfect as life could be... until right before graduation. There was no reason for why Stella ended up in Evermore, none that she could find. But the how didn’t matter when the why took her away from everything she knew. She didn’t recognize a soul in town. Away from her family, her friends, her high school sweetheart, it took awhile to get back on her feet, to accept this was just the way things were now. But when she did, she did so with a smile. If anything, this place was just another opportunity, and that was a wonderful thing for a girl whose mind was constantly changing. Was teal her favorite color, or was it pink? Did she want to be a racer, did she want to be a scientist? Cat person, dog person? She didn’t know. After getting her diploma and moving onto the university, she changed her major at least once a year, switched up her jobs as soon as she started to get comfortable. She would even have phases where she would quit racing, the one hobby she’d carried with her since she was a kid... just to pull her car out of the garage again a few months later. It wasn’t that she didn’t find joy in anything, her problem was the opposite --- she found joy in everything. Life was short and with so much to offer, Stella intended to put every second to use. She knew firsthand how quickly things could change. From now on, she would be prepared to roll with them.
❀ Sibella Dracule: Like Sibella, she awoke in town near the end of her senior year. With it happening around the same time, she found a quick friend in the other young woman, someone who shared her confusion and the longing of missing parents. ❀ Peri Winsdor: Her favorite employee at her favorite ice cream parlor (of the month, anyway), Peri has the best suggestions when Stella isn’t sure what to order. Something to keep her everchanging sweet tooth happy. ❀ Sterling Malarkey: They’ve had a... thing going for awhile now. Stella really isn’t sure what it is or how he feels; she just knows Swizz likes to flirt, and she can’t deny she likes the attention.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Moreau's Revenge but it directly leads to a permanently feral Jekyll. They find him in a cage in Moreau's lab, pacing back and forth on all fours like a tiger. He pulls his lips up and snarls at them and there is no recognition in his eyes, just fear and hatred. Anyone who was there the day of the rescue saw Moreau being led out in cuffs, and the good Dr. Jekyll carried out with restraints and a muzzle, snarling and shrieking and trying to fight against his rescuers.
The Society is deemed the safest place to keep him (Robert almost jumped over a desk to attack the first person who suggested Bethlam as an option), so the Lodgers now have to deal with the world's most skittish and aggressive human wild cat and the pain of having Henry right there byt so far away.
Maybe Robert would be his primary doctor? He doesn't trust anyone else not to hurt Henry further, so he takes over the role of therapy and trying to help his friend regain his sense. It's slow-going, but Henry finally let him touch him withiut growling, so that's something. The first time he headbutted Robert for attention he started crying.
Ooh, what if Moreau also tried to use him to experiment figuring out Frankenstein's method? Henry is covered in scars from being experimented on and sewn back up, he kind of matches Creature now.
On a more bittersweet positive note, maybe he really likes Jasper and Creature? Maybe he bonded with Moreau's unfortunate animal specimens and now associates the smell of animals with safety, so he spends alot of time in Jasper's room. He also associates dead-but-living with safety and follows Creature around like a stray kitten, climbing on him when he gets comfortable enough and knows he won't hurt him.
The Lodgers become fiercely protective of Henry, if any rich fuck or nosy reporter tries to see Henry to see if the rumours are true, they will be physically thrown from the Society by a bunch of angry scientists. Jekyll being loved and protected as he is slowly recovering from his trauma my beloved.
Man... I just love that thought, especially if people that Jekyll knows (Like Brokenshire, the Commissioner, + Wipple n Jenkins) are there during the rescue or even led it. They find Henry and they are all so relieved but to their horror, Henry is snarling at them, he is throwing himself against the bars of his cage trying to claw them, his eyes and pupils are so much bigger than should be humanely possible, he doesn't seem to be able to even stand on two legs. His hair is shaggy and sweaty and probably has dried blood in it, it just makes him look more and more mad when it falls over his face as they force on a muzzle and restrain him. It pains them all so much because this is their friend and he has been withstanding god knows what and know he doesn't even know that he is human. They have to knock him out with sleeping meds to even manage to get him into a police carriage so they can get him out of the lab, maybe Moreau would see it and laugh and tell them that they'll never get their Henry Jekyll bad, the fucker is gone for ever now, now he has to suffer in Bethlam like him.
(Which, of course, only makes the four of them want to help Henry and make sure he can recover even more)
Robert would feel like he is trying to tame a scared stray cat, at first he can't even let Henry out of the cage/restraints without him trying to escape and or hurt him or others, so he starts by giving him food (Rachel's chicken seems to be a favorite, it seems) and reaching into the cage with a thick glove so he can touch him. Any wrong move and Henry becomes skittish and aggressive and tries to bite him, and it just pains Robert so much to see his best friend like this. But slowly and surely Henry warms up, soon he allows Robert to pet him without trying to hurt him, soon he actually relaxes when Robert is in the same room as him, soon Robert can sit with him in the cage and Henry will put his head on his lap. All those small steps brings Robert to tears and yet it's not until Henry happily thrills when Robert enters the room, or tries to headbutt him, or even tries to groom him that Robert actually cries. Henry warms up to Robert so much that he can have an entire room for himself, soon he slowly warms up to the Lodgers too... <3
Aw man... Imagine Brokenshire and the Commissioner (Man, I really mention him a lot, huh? We literally have him mentioned to be Henry's friend once but ahaha i almost want to OC-fy him at this point) visiting Henry from time to time bc they are worried for their friend and they are almost the only ones outside of the Society that knows what's going on. At first Henry is skeptical but, despite the feral part of him associating them with pain bc they restrained him and he hasn't seen them since, something in him recognizes them, and maybe that would be the first time they would get proof that Henry actually is saveable <3
Oohoohohohoh Henry with scars... Imagine the first time Henry would actually become aware (maybe it would be reverse Feral AU where he gets aware for short periods of time in the beginning?) and seeing his face and body and all the scars... Angst <3
Jasper and Creature having a soft spot for Henry my beloved, Henry immediately feeling safe with them my double beloved <3<3<3<3 Henry being allowed to roam the Society for the first time and yet clinging to Jasper immediately. Jasper, obviously, smells like a werewolf and like other animals and it makes Henry feel safe so he clings to him for a lot of the time, Jasper's creatures accept him as one of their own immediately. Henry being so intrigued by Creature and yet needing a little bit to warm up to him, mostly because he is so big and easily could hurt him, but Creature is patient and has so much sympathy and sorrow for him and soon Henry is just... Laying on his shoulders like some sort of human scarf while snoozing and shfjshjsdfhsd ;-;
Man... Henry starting to feel so safe and loved by the Lodgers and they all protect him and take care of him, they want to see him happy and recovering, even Frankenstein would be protective off him bc she knows what kind of a madman Moreau is and no one should have had to live through what Henry had to, Henry slowly but surely healing and becoming unferal and the Lodgers cheering him on and not thinking any less of him skfsjdfhsjdfJHjjsdfhjJAHJASd
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quilna · 3 years
This is Above my Pay Grade
It’s a busy night for Brokenshire. With the raid on Blackfog, it’s left to him to deal with the paperwork overnight alone at the station.
Something made all the worse when none other than Dr Jekyll shows up in clothes several sizes too small for him, soaked in sewer water, and fleeing from three very questionable ladies.
Warning for some Moreau related gore and animal abuse, threats of violence/death, and alcohol mentions. If there’s anything missing from my warnings, feel free to tell me and I’ll add them.
It wasn’t often that Brokenshire was in a good mood because he had to work overtime. There were only a few reasons why he would be happy about such a thing.
For example, if all the officers were having a pizza party to celebrate something. Or if constable Wipple and Jenkins were working overtime with him and they all just ended up shirking off work to mess around (Admittedly the more perfectionist side of him screamed every time this happened but he would be lying if he said he didn’t come away feeling a lot better than he had before.)
This was not one of those times.
It was late in the night, he was alone, and it was looking to be another full sleepless night hunched over his desk filling out box after box while the newest prisoners yelled muffled threats in the background.
Those caught from the raid on Blackfog had been trickling in for what seemed like hours and, although some of the other officers looked as smug as cats, Brokenshire couldn’t help counting every person that came in and lamenting the paperwork he was about to have to handle.
It was great for them, most of them just had to catch the criminals. The boring work was his to handle.
At least the public would be happy with the results. It was just at the cost of another sleepless night for him. Maybe even a couple of sleepless nights considering the damned parade
After the last of the arrested finished coming in and the few remaining officers left, patting each other on the back, Brokenshire was left alone in silence.
It was still pitch black outside, the lantern by his desk the only light as he filled out box after box.
The only sound was the scribble of pen against paper and the maddening tick, tick, tick of the clock.
He pinched his nose, feeling the onset of a headache, and checked the clock.
Still hours until morning and still piles of work to be done.
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
Brokenshire threw down the pen and groaned aloud, pressing his face into his hands in despair.
If this was another constable bringing back yet another criminal, he would probably scream.
Sharply, he shoved himself up from his desk and did his best to straighten himself out. Once he felt like he was vaguely presentable, Brokenshire headed for the door and opened it.
And froze.
The smell hit him first before anything else. The reek of sewage, alcohol, and tobacco smoke. It was like a physical wall and he nearly slammed the door shut in the visitor’s face right there and then.
It was only after he had recovered from this that he began to take in their appearance.
Greenish water dripped from sopping clothes, several sizes too small for the body, the hair clung wetly to the scalp and dripped down into the person’s eyes and off their chin. There was the staining of some green glowing liquid at the corner of their mouth and oozing from the nose. Overall, they looked rather sad and bedraggled, like a puppy that had fallen into a water tank.
A visual completely at ends with Dr Jekyll’s usual demeanour.
Brokenshire couldn’t process what he was staring at. Instead, he just stared bug-eyed.
“...Can I come in?” Jekyll croaked, limply pushing hair from his face.
“Uh… I… Um…” He attempted to recover himself. To do something, ask a question, say something smart. In the end, the only thing that came out was, “...Sure.”
Brokenshire stepped out of the way and watched as Dr Jekyll trudged in, too out of it to even make an attempt at looking proper. A trail of nasty looking water was left in his wake.
Slowly, in a daze, Brokenshire closed the door behind him and trailed after, eyeing up Jekyll in disbelief.
Sure, for the longest time, he had suspected Jekyll of something nefarious but he thought it would be difficult to prove. Jekyll covered his tracks so well that it would be impossible to catch him before it was too late.
He was like Dr Moreau had been back in the day. Calm, collected, manipulative.
When Dr Moreau had shown up in London, he had seemed like a completely upstanding member of the community. He had been a soft spoken man with every layer of charm that Jekyll showed. He had also claimed that his version of science was harmless, he had also been pleasant and kind and just a little bit cunning.
It had been a long time before he had managed to come to terms with the fact that Moreau wasn’t the person Brokenshire thought he was. Moreau had hid it well and Brokenshire knew that Jekyll would be just as subtle about it. He had known from the start that, if he was to prove that Jekyll was up to something, it would be a long uphill struggle.
So, it was safe to say he hadn’t expected Jekyll to literally show up on his doorstep covered in evidence.
“I’m sorry, is there a shower here?” Jekyll asked, startling Brokenshire out of his musings.
“Ah, just… Around the corner. That way, keep going straight and you’ll find them.”
Ask. He internally demanded to himself. Ask what’s going on. It doesn’t matter how pitiable he looks, this could be dangerous.
“Thank you.” Jekyll said, looking undeniably relieved.
Considering the smell, Brokenshire couldn’t help but be relieved as well.
“Uh… Dr Jekyll?”
Ask. Ask, ask, ask. Pressure him. Make him confess.
“...Why are you here?” He asked instead.
Brokenshire could have facepalmed.
He could ask anything. Why was Jekyll soaking wet? Why did he smell like a sewer? What was that glowing green liquid? Why did he just happen to be there in that state on the exact night that Blackfog had been broken up?
Instead, he had asked why Dr Jekyll had shown up for help there of all places. At the police station. Where they would certainly be able to put together enough pieces to know that he had been up to no good on that night and arrest him.
Actually, maybe it wasn’t so bad of a starting question after all.
“It’s closer than the society and I don’t have to worry about any of the lodgers seeing me this way.”
“Right but you are aware that, whatever you did to get into that state, I could arrest you right here right now?” Brokenshire pointed out bluntly.
“Arrest me? For what charge, Sergeant Brokenshire? Falling into the sewer?” Despite his weariness, Jekyll spoke with the air of complete and utter innocence. “I’m sure the public would eat that up.”
When Brokenshire looked at him, he saw the glint of something cunning in Jekyll’s eye, like the blade of a knife. He was reminded of why he was usually so afraid of Dr Jekyll.
Nervously, he averted his eyes.
It seemed that whatever he had been through that night still hadn’t completely dulled Jekyll’s silver tongue.
“You’re worried about the lodgers seeing you this way but not me?” Brokenshire shot back, crossing his arms. “What if there had been others here? What if one of your patrons had visited here tonight and seen you like this? The station isn’t a private space and- Hey, can you pay attention for five bloody minutes?!”
To his annoyance, Jekyll didn’t seem to be paying attention to the question. Instead, he was peering out of the window blinds, eyes narrowing.
Brokenshire opened his mouth to demand to know what Jekyll was looking for when, startling him, he heard an angry cry out the window, only vaguely muffled by the station wall.
“Where did that little snake go?!” A young female voice snarled, making Brokenshire jump. It sounded like a child but it was so utterly furious and bloodthirsty that he was left worryingly uncertain. “When I get my hands on him, I’ll tear his bloody legs from his bloody body, mark my words!”
“Don’t worry.” Came a calmer voice. “I still have his scent. He won’t get far.”
For a long and awkward few seconds, Brokenshire just stared at Jekyll and Jekyll stared back guilty.
“...You’re running from someone.” Brokenshire stated bluntly, everything falling into place at last. “You had to come here.”
“You can’t prove that. Circumstantial evidence.”
“Dammit!” Came a shriek out the window, “Why did we let Lucy talk us into giving him a five minute head start?! We should have just killed him right there and then!”
They continued to stare at each other, each waiting for the other to break and look away. Brokenshire cocked an eyebrow dubiously.
After another few seconds of this silent staring, Brokenshire finally relented first, sighing long and hard.
This was getting them nowhere.
“Then I’m sure I can invite-” He looked out the window to see who was stalking Jekyll, “-Those three lovely ladies in here for a chat.”
“Go ahead then.”
Rather than backing down, Jekyll just stared him straight in the eye.
Hesitantly, Brokenshire glanced back out the window.
They didn’t seem like the friendliest trio. One of them was cloaked head to toe so he couldn’t see even a glimpse of their face, another was smacking a cane threateningly against her hand like a baton with an audible smack, smack sound, and the third appeared to be mildly hovering. In the air.
He… Wasn’t entirely sure he wanted the three of them in there.
“They’re not chasing after me specifically.” Jekyll confessed at last. “But I have a feeling that they won’t be so pleased to see me anyway.” He glanced out the blinds once more. “Or smell me, rather. Speaking of which…”
“Yeah, the shower. Go ahead.”
Jekyll trudged out the room and Brokenshire was left to watch the women out there as they stalked about, hunting.
“So you said you can smell him?” Snarled the shorter one. “Then where is he?”
The hovering one in red peered around a second, then her eyes alighted on the window and met Brokenshire’s eyes directly. Quickly, he darted out of the way of the window, pressing his back to the wall.
There was a silence.
Then came the dreaded words he had been futilely hoping not to hear.
“In there.”
He swallowed.
For the moment, he was alone in the station but when the rest of the officers finished sweeping the remains of Blackfog, they would be sure to come there. However, that might not be for hours. Not to mention, he was sure some of them would be going off and getting drunk to celebrate.
There was no certainty that anyone would show up to help in time.
He forced his back harder against the wall and held his breath, internally cursing Jekyll in every way he could think of.
His eyes screwed shut and he waited.
“You’re kidding me. The police station?! Your sniffer has got to be broken!”
“My nose doesn’t ‘break.’ He’s in there and thanks to all that sewage, he’s not exactly difficult to miss. Really, I know you’re human but I’m surprised that you still can’t smell him.” A pause. “Honestly, lucky.”
“So what? Did he get arrested?”
“How should I know? He seemed to be the impulsive type, perhaps he ran into there to get away from us.”
A loud groan.
“So he’s been arrested either way?!”
“Well, it’s unfortunate, I have to confess but I suppose he wouldn’t have tasted so good after being doused in all that sewer water. Besides, being carted off to Bethlam is probably even worse than anything we could have done to him.”
“Doesn’t make it any less disappointing. I wanted to have at him.”
“And,” Came a third voice who hadn’t said anything up to this point. “Any blood sacrifice is a good one – dirtied or not. Nyarlathotep accepts all.”
“Good news. He probably wouldn’t have been a virgin sacrifice.” Came the voice from the lady in red again. “Well that’s over with, for better or for worse. Since our business for the night is finished, I don’t suppose you want to play cards? There are too many police out tonight to do much of anything else.”
“So long as nameless over there takes off those face coverings. I don’t see how we could ever play poker if we can’t see her face.”
“They won’t be coming off.” Came the third voice again.
“Oh, Alice. Don’t tell me you don’t think you can win?” The lady in red sang tauntingly. “Are you chickening out?”
“Hey! I never said that! I could win with a blindfold of my own and both hands tied behind my back!”
“That would make a card game… Difficult.”
“Yeah? Well you’ll see. Let’s go!”
There was the sound of fading footsteps and Brokenshire peered through the blinds once more to see the trio leaving.
“Hey, you guys aren’t going to do any sort of mind reading malarkey, are you?” The girl - Alice supposedly - asked nervously.
“What does it matter?” Came the teasing reply. “I thought you could do it with both hands tied?”
Finally, Brokenshire shut the blinds and stepped back into the room.
What on Earth was Dr Jekyll wrapped up in? There he was thinking his night had been busy while Jekyll was apparently making enemies with patrons of Blackfog.
Technically, this might be enough evidence to detain him. Perhaps not a proper arrest just yet but he was sure they would find evidence of Jekyll’s misdeeds at Blackfog if they looked.
He could hear the shower pouring away down the hall and he thought back to Moreau once more.
Back then, Brokenshire hadn’t known any better. When Moreau said his science was harmless, that he wasn’t like Frankenstein and there was nothing to fear, Brokenshire had trusted him.
Moreau was a gentleman - he was pleasant and kind and not at all like those mad scientist types that he usually had to suffer through. Heck, Brokenshire had dinner with him at least a few times, had conversations with him. He had seemed as normal as could be.
However, everyone in London now knew where that story ended.
He still saw it in his dreams - Moreau’s lab. Night after night, it still haunted him.
The dissected animal, unidentifiable, sprawled out on the operating table and leaking blood onto the floor. The scalpels, the sawblades, jars of internal organs. A slaughter house, so at ends with the man he had known, had chatted with, had eaten lunch with on multiple occasions.
Then, there had been the look on Moreau’s face.
Even then, he hadn’t wanted to believe it. He wanted to look at Moreau, to ask and to see Moreau frantically tell him that it wasn’t true, to explain that some kind of mistake had been made, he had been framed, or forced to do it by someone else.
Brokenshire got no such comfort.
Moreau had fled straight out the door, his creatures keeping them distracted, escaping out of London, free of consequence. In that last moment, that last glimpse of Moreau, it wasn’t fear he had seen on Moreau’s face.
It was hatred, a burning, seething hatred that seemed so at ends with the man he had known.
Despite all of it, despite all he had seen, despite the evidence before his very eyes, it had still taken years for him to finally reconcile with the facts.
He had never known Moreau.
There was no mistake, no innocent man blamed for crimes he didn’t commit, Brokenshire had simply been tricked.
So when Jekyll had shown up, unflappable and preaching that same mad science that Moreau had once been so fond of, Brokenshire had instantly known that something was wrong.
Now here he was, in the most suspicious manner possible, reeking of sewage and foul play.
However, it wasn’t like how it had been with Moreau.
Jekyll didn’t look furious. He didn’t have a scalpel in hand, he wasn’t threatening Brokenshire into silence, or covered in blood. There were no monsters at his back, following his every command, no corpses or dead-eyed horrors.
He just seemed tired.
For God’s sake, he had looked relieved at the idea of a shower.
Yet, he couldn’t make that mistake again. He couldn’t give Jekyll the benefit of the doubt or what was it all for?
His life couldn’t be an endless loop of the same mistake.
Brokenshire groaned, rubbing his eyes hard enough to see black spots prickle there. He couldn’t believe he was even considering this.
This had to be the worst night of his life.
“Why would you go TO THE POLICE?!” Hyde shrieked.
In the background, the shower poured away, no longer in use. Jekyll had decided to leave it on to drown out the sound of him speaking to Hyde, in case Brokenshire tried to listen in to figure out what Jekyll had been up to.
Lacking a spare change of clothes, Jekyll had showered in Hyde’s undersized ones instead, rubbing as much soap into it and his body as possible. As it was, he was now newly sopping wet once more, heavy with water and dripping a whole river onto the floor. Soap bubbles still clung to parts of the fabric.
It was honestly rather disgusting to walk about in soaking clothes but, he thought, he wasn’t letting Hyde out again after that night. It wasn’t like Hyde’s clothes would ever be used again. He could just burn them and be done with it.
Not that he didn’t still feel a little bad at potentially ruining clothes. Gentleman rules and all.
Even over the overuse of soap, there was still the faint scent of something foul clinging to him that he felt he wouldn’t truly be rid of until he got to the society, changed clothes, and used some proper soap and not the cheap stuff they had there.
“It was that or have those three find out who I am and probably torture me.” He dabbed the towel against his shirt. “I’m certainly not leading them to the society.”
“What are you going to tell Brokenshire?”
“I’m not sure. I guess... I was out looking for Lanyon. We went our separate ways and I realized that I forgot to ask him about that important thing he tried to bring up at the party. You know?” Jekyll snapped his fingers thoughtfully, “The one he said he would mention after the party but then didn’t? I do wonder what that was about...”
“You’re putting far too much thought into this.”
“Brokenshire doesn’t trust me. He might ask Lanyon to back up my story and, since he was apparently at Blackfog,” A sigh and a small muttering of, “Lanyon, why would you do that to yourself?” before he continued, “He can confirm that he wasn’t at any of the expected places. How he chooses to lie himself out of the situation is up to him but I don’t think he would put me under fire.”
“You sure about that?” Hyde taunted. “If it’s to save himself, Lanyon would probably do anything.”
“He’s a better liar than that. He’ll have backups.”
“He probably had better ideas than blaming me for the fire too. He didn’t deign to share any of those with you.”
“I can’t emphasise enough that you declared that you were behind the fire out loud in front of the police.” Jekyll replied sharply, “Nobody can magic you out of that. You were going to be blamed for at least some of it. If I put all of the blame on you, I could at least get the rest of the lodgers out of it.”
“You’re just trying to ease your guilty conscience for blaming me.”
Jekyll rolled his eyes and began to dry off his hair.
“We’re getting off track. So, while I was looking for Lanyon, I ended up bumping into some of the patrons of Blackfog fleeing the police. Not that I knew they were from Blackfog, of course, I just knew I had encountered some… Less than savoury individuals. They mistook me for someone else and I was forced to run from them, escaping into the sewer.”
“...And the clothes..?”
Jekyll paused and looked down.
“...I have... No idea.”
“Good. Great to know that you’ve done all this to me just to get us both caught by the police anyway. Fantastic work, doctor.”
“Better the police than being sacrificed to some blood God. I can’t be arrested for wearing the wrong clothes.” He clicked his fingers. “New plan. I found that you left some clothes at the society and I was taking them to the police station when I met some unsavoury individuals, had to go into the sewers to escape and… Changed clothes and ditched my old ones in the hopes that they wouldn’t smell me.”
He could see Hyde reflected in the growing puddle of water beneath him, lying on the floor. Eyebrow cocked, Hyde stared directly up at him in the most dubious expression he had ever seen Hyde make.
“There are… So many holes in that.”
“Hyde, I’m still kind of drunk and this is a ridiculously complicated situation to just explain away. If you have any suggestions so that we don’t both get thrown in Bethlam, that would be great.”
“Oh it means nothing to me either way.” Hyde made a show of yawning in an exaggerated manner. “After all, you’re never letting me out again. Why should it matter to me if you get locked up or not?”
“Well you wouldn’t be much good anyway. I just need some way to explain the clothes and I-”
Just at that moment, there was a knock at the door and Jekyll froze.
“Dr Jekyll?” Brokenshire’s voice broke through. “I wanted to check if you were still in there.”
Jekyll took a breath, psyching himself up, and turned off the shower.
“I am. Why? Did you think I would run?”
A silence.
Then, “Well you are seemingly being pursued by a group of women from Blackfog. If you panicked, you might have tried to get away… While we’re on the subject, I was wondering if you wanted to give in a report about it. Your input might help catch them.”
“Who does he think we are? An idiot? He’s trying to figure out what we did so he can arrest us!”
Ignoring that Hyde, Jekyll shook his head in response before remembering that Brokenshire couldn’t see him.
“I really don’t know much about them at all.” He claimed with as much naivety as he could muster, “It was simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently they have a grudge against Hyde though. Is that helpful?”
“...Did they say why?”
“I didn’t stick around to ask.”
“Of course.”
More silence.
Jekyll hated that he couldn’t see Brokenshire’s face, couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all but it would be suspicious if he came out too quickly after turning off the shower.
Brokenshire might be able to figure out that the shower had been on for far longer than he had actually been in it.
“...Jekyll.” Brokenshire said at last. “...How much trouble are you in?”
Jekyll drew back from the door, taking a moment to look for exits.
There were, unfortunately, none.
It was a shower at a police station, it was possible that this was how they washed the prisoners. Obviously there weren’t going to be exits for anyone to sneak out of.
“None, I promise. It was just the misunderstanding between me and those three ladies out there, that’s all.”
“I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“It’s not like I have much experience fleeing from people who want to murder me. I might be a little shaken up. My apologies if I’ve been a little more brash than usual. Adrenaline, you know?”
“I… Understand. I…”
Jekyll frowned, hearing the odd tone of voice that Brokenshire had picked up.
Curiously, he pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear better, hoping he could pick out exactly what Brokenshire was thinking.
“Jekyll,” Brokenshire finally continued quietly. “I don’t want you to go down the same path that Moreau did.”
“He’s a little too late for that.” Hyde snickered.
“I don’t ever want to see something like that again, you understand? So if there’s anything going on with you, if you just tell me I can help.”
“What he means is ‘I can arrest you before you get to that point.’ He doesn’t actually care.”
“Thank you Brokenshire but your worry is unfounded.”
Jekyll finally opened the door, startling Brokenshire much to Hyde’s glee. The sergeant took a surprised step back.
Absolutely bewildered looking, Brokenshire stared at the dripping clothes. Jekyll glanced down at them.
“I didn’t have a change of clothes.” Jekyll explained simply, too tired to explain properly. “I suppose you’ll want to question me, then?”
Brokenshire eyed up the puddle Jekyll had left behind on the floor. Then, his eyes drifted up to Jekyll’s face and narrowed, scrutinizing him.
Jekyll just stared back, exhausted and waiting for the dreaded verdict.
“...You know what? I won’t say anything about this if you don’t.”
That wasn’t the dreaded verdict at all.
Jekyll did a double take, trying to figure out how badly he must have heard Brokenshire’s words to have heard that of all things. This wasn’t a hallucination, was it?
“...Excuse me?” He said at last, dumbly.
“I’m not stupid. I know you’ve been up to something tonight and you’ve been spending that time in the shower trying to think up a cover story,” Jekyll opened his mouth to protest but Brokenshire raised a hand to silence him, “Frankly I already have a mountain of paperwork to work through and I. Can’t. Be. Bothered. You seem more like a threat to yourself than anyone else.” Another attempt to protest from Jekyll, once more cut off. “So I’m going to pretend I never saw you here tonight and you keep out of trouble in future, alright?”
Jekyll just stared wide-eyed for a moment, unsure if he had heard any of this correctly.
“You’re not worried that I’m-” He choked back bile, unsure if it was from the alcohol, the smell, or thinking of Moreau, “That I’m making some sort of monster or dissecting animals or something?”
Brokenshire eyed him up and down.
“No. I don’t think I’m worried about that at all.”
A pause.
“But don’t get any ideas, ok?” Brokenshire added quickly with a hard look. “I’m giving you this break once but if you make a habit of this, I’ll have you handcuffed and thrown in a cell before you can blink. I’m not putting up with this.”
“...Of course.” Jekyll couldn’t help a small smile. “Thanks, Sergeant. And don’t you worry, I’ll never do this again, I promise.”
And that statement, in Jekyll’s mind, was perfectly genuine.
Brokenshire pointed Jekyll to a back route he could take back to the society without being spotted and Jekyll was sent on his way.
As he left, the roads finally peaceful and the dark clouds above starting to disappear, Jekyll felt just a little better.
I’m not so sure where to put notes on a Tumblr post so I guess I’ll just put them here.
Admittedly, as I was writing this, I became more interested in the idea of the three ladies from Blackfog playing cards together but the priestess and Carmilla can both read minds and keep using it to cheat as Alice becomes more and more annoyed.
Unfortunately, I’m not really sure how to go with that because it feels like it would just be me trying to describe a card game with occasional dialogue in between and, as someone who once tried to play Poker before, I can say that I still don’t really understand the rules.
Anyway, I’m on the bench about this fic because not a lot happens here but if I don’t post it before the next chapter comes out, it’ll become redundant, so I guess I’m posting it.
(Although... There is a picture on Sabrina’s twitter that seems to be Jekyll passed out somewhere. There are no blankets so I don’t think he’s in bed and I’m guessing in advance that he’s passed out in the sewer after changing back. I’m probably wrong but I like to make guesses.)
I just was in the mood for the trope of “Character has to go to their enemy for help.”
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ghastolyn · 4 years
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Wipple puts icing on Cat Bun whenever he turns over
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12, 24, 26, 30, & 32 for Hound
     In what situation was your character the mostcalm they’ve ever been?
When they met meiyo again after a long break. That being said the shapeshifter and an azra were a few moments before maiming each other
     How quick is your character to trust someoneelse?
It can take up to years for Hound to truly trust someone. From her experience, any person is just a few 0′s away from stabbing another person. 
    How does your character behave around children?
Hound loves children! They’re usually nice and ask a lot of fun questions she gets to make up stories for. If someone calls her mom, auntie or grandma, she dies instantly 
      What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Hound finds the creation of zombies and the prevention of letting someone enjoy their afterlife repulsive. 
“But mr wipple, doesn’t she take parts of people’s bodies to make sure she doesn’t die?”
She does but she believes that any part someone loses before their death returns to them in the afterlife. She also doesn’t dig up bodies that have been at rest for years and turn them into zombies.
      Describe a scenario in which your character feelsmost uncomfortable.
A group of soldiers or drunkards talking about their latest conquers, sfw or otherwise, and cat calling the bar maids. If she wasn’t doing a job, she’d happily offer some concussion. 
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He has fur! Sort of!
I have hit my first serious barrier with Jar Full of Cosmos, and that is the fact that my little laptop just doesn't have enough compute power. Unfortunately it's too laggy to effectively experiment with materials and do a better job grooming--not to mention animation tests. Thankfully, I have new PC components on the way. In other good news, the fur system obscures pretty much all my bad mesh deformations. It also obscures his facial movements, but I planned for that and intend to do most of his emoting with ear and eye movements. Next time I make an animal, I think I'll use shapekeys instead of bones for facial animation.
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The groom holds up from afar (and with lower resolutions) but up close it needs a lot more work. It's also worth noting that I am using the old particle system because the geometry nodes still feel too confusing, and apparently they can't be animated.
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Wipples Character Model, Round 1
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Here's Wipples! Or at least, the first version of Wipples. I haven't done facial animation before, so I may need to modify that face mesh depending on how well it deforms. As you can see, it's quite dense! Additionally, the whole model may be too bulky and shapeless once I add fur particles, so he may get slimmed down and sculpted some more.
As usual, process below the cut!
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I think I retopologized him four times total? But that was mostly because I'm trying to get the hang of Retopoflow. I know it's going to save HOURS in terms of pushing and pulling verts, but I found myself missing some of the basic functionality of vanilla blender retopology. Thankfully with the latest version you can jump between Retopoflow and edit mode, so I know this will save me a lot of pain in the long run. Onto pose testing!
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Character sheet for Wipples the cat from Jar Full of Cosmos. For someone who has focused mainly on characters for the majority of my artistic efforts, I really struggle with expressions. Also, I have no clue how I'm going to rig his extremely bendy, amorphous form. Some process work below the cut!
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Wipples Pose Testing
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He moves!! Holy wow, this was a LOT of work. I've been attempting things that I am 80% capable of doing; familiar enough that I'm not struggling the whole time, but with a good amount of challenge along the way. I'd say I had a solid handle on maybe 30% of what it took to pull this off. I haven't used Rigify much on account of the complexity, but that complexity is exactly what's needed to ease some of the manual effort of animating. Further, I have not once set up a face rig. Not only did I have to get into the mechanics of Rigify (those airplane ears? Those are a custom setup), but I had to learn how to use it too.
It is with great misfortune that I realized my mesh doesn't have the right topology for good deformations. Here I was all worried about the face when it was those quadruped shoulder and hip joints where my topology falls short. I have two options: press ahead with corrective shape keys and counter-animation, or take 8 steps backward and retopologize. Honestly, I will probably animate a few sequences and see how the model moves--especially with a fur particle system to cover some flaws.
By the way, check out this rig! It come with so many neat features like IK/FK switching on the limbs and a full bendy-bone network on the face. I added dilating eyes and retractable claws
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Character Update
Wipples the cat was named after an IRL cat. Unfortunately, irl Wipples came to an untimely end and the owner requested I change CGI Wpples's name to something else. Henceforth, Wipples the Cat is now Gazpacho the cat (Gus for short). I have decided that as a kitten, he climbed through an open kitchen window and fell face-first into a bowl of gazpacho that Pearl was going to have for lunch.
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I feel like the smart thing to do is go back and update all my posts to add Gazpacho to the tags, but that feels like a lot of work...
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Since this blog has become my unofficial documentation for Jar Full of Cosmos, I should probably include the first step of development which was the script. I looked at a couple dialog-free scripts to get an idea of how to do it. I'm sure there are lots of mistakes in terms of formatting and content, but it was enough to get me some storyboards and the animatic!
It's long so not sure if folks want to read it, but it's below the cut for the brave/bored:
We are in a warmly lit, retro-styled kitchen of PEARL. The cabinets are mint with wooden countertops. Jars, plants, utensils, and various kitchen items cover every possible surface and a pendant casts a conical beam of light over the center island where Pearl and her cat WIPPLES are working. The atmosphere is cluttered but cozy and warm.
Pearl is enraptured by a project in front of her, adding pinches of ingredients to a large wooden bowl and mixing with a wooden spoon. The countertop around her is covered in small jars of various ingredients. On the other end of the island, Wipples snoozes and purrs, his body rising and falling gently. Pearl hums absent-mindedly and her bowl bubbles.
Pearl carefully uncorks a bottle and sniffs the contents. She tentatively pours a single drop into the wooden bowl.
A billow of purple and pink sparkling smoke poofs up from the bowl, casting bright, colorful light on the environment for a moment. It reflects brightly on Pearl’s glasses. Wipples leaps from his perch with a yowl and raised fur while Pearl stands stunned with her spoon in the blast.
We are looking up from inside the bowl. The witch and cat’s faces slowly look over the brim and are lit by a colorful glow from the contents. Wipples' eyes dilate widely and Pearl cracks a smile.
We are now looking in the bowl where a gently undulating fluid contains stars and soft galaxy colors. Angelic music plays.
Pearl claps with glee, delighted at her success of creating a bowl full of cosmos. Wipples, whose eyes are still wide, reaches a paw towards the fluid but Pearl shoos it away. 
to Pearl pops a cupboard open and selects a large glass jar from a collection of various bottles and jars.
Pearl carefully tips her mixing bowl over the jar, pouring the viscous space liquid into it. As the jar fills, the angelic music gets louder.
Finally, Pearl shelves her brew. We see a few jars of other environments such as a tropical beach, desert sands, and mushroom forest. The music changes accordingly with each pass. Finally, we arrive at a blank space where Pearl places her jar of cosmos, rotating it slightly to get the position correct. 
Pearl stands for a moment with her hands on her hips, savoring her success while looking at her shelf of jars. Wipples sits on the counter gazing longingly with wide eyes at the jars. He trills, and Pearl turns and wags a finger in warning.
Pearl starts leaving the kitchen, pausing to give Wipples a scratch on the head. 
Pearl slowly lowers herself into her easy chair in the livingroom. She raises a remote and points at an old TV set which clicks to life with the press of a button. As she settles back in her chair, we return our focus to Wipples. He was watching Pearl sit, but now turns his head and looks towards the jar. His pupils dilate once again and fill with sparkles.
Wipples leaps gracefully onto the shelf, causing the jars to clink. He steps haphazardly over and around other jars until he reaches the one containing cosmos.
We see a view of Wipples’ face through the jar. His eyes are wide with fascination and reflect the stars within.
He starts bapping the jar with his paw. With each clink of claw on glass, the jar edges closer to the edge of the shelf before tipping over and crashing on the counter below. Wipples leaps and his fur poofs momentarily.
In the livingroom, Pearl leans forward in her chair and looks towards the kitchen with a concerned “eh?”
Wipples peers over the shelf to see the counter which is now covered in a puddle of cosmos. 
He tentatively dips a paw inside which makes small ripples in the reflective surface. He then steps the front half of his body through. The puddle acts as a portal and Wipples is transported into a soft, bright galaxy full of twinkling sparkles and pale yellow, cartoony stars. He meows and leaps all the way in.
Wipples swats at a few yellow stars with claws extended before focusing his eyes on one nearby. He snags it with both paws and regards it with wonder. Rearing his head back, Wipples opens his mouth wide, revealing a pink interior a white teeth. As his mouth chomps on the star, a cane appears from the portal off-screen and snags his collar. Wipples yowls as he is suddenly yanked backwards, leaving the star spinning with a bite taken out.
Pearl stands holding a rag in a hand on her hip and the cane aloft with Wipples dangling by his collar. He hangs with paws tucked in, looking guilty, but with cheeks puffed out. He smiles sheepishly around his full mouth, attempting to look contrite.
Pearl turns her attention to the mess on the counter and begins wiping it with the rag. On the counter behind her, Wipples visibly swallows. 
Pearl lays in her bed asleep in a nightgown and nightcap. She is propped up on pillows, laying on her back, and snoring softly.  A paned window backlights the scene with sheer curtains casting soft shadows. The bedroom is quaintly decorated, although not much detail is visible in the low lighting. 
Wipples lays curled into a ball on Pearl’s belly which softly rises and falls with her breath. The scene is peaceful and quiet.  Suddenly, Wipples opens his eyes wide and raises his head. His eyes are now the color of the cosmos, complete with sparkling stars, and cast a pink and purple glow around him. Angelic music fills the room once again. 
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New Animation Project Let's Go
The shrimp music video has me in the mood to animate something whimsical and cute, so I came up with a short animation I want to try making. I have a life-long history of biting off waaaaaaay more than I can chew and burning myself out with overly-ambitious projects. Honestly, a two minute animation is probably way over my skill level but I'm going to start and see how far I get. At minimum, I will have enough assets for a couple great renders plus a better understanding of what I need to work on (hint: it's going to be everything OTL).
The short will be called Jar Full of Cosmos and will feature a witch and her curious, troublesome cat Wipples. I'll use the Jar Full of Cosmos tag to document my progress. Let's go!
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