#wingless does weird stuff sometimes
misswingless · 6 years
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Symmetry? Lol who is that? Never heared of her before Jokes aside, I think I will take it apart in a few places where it looks really bad and finish the front tomorrow. Otherwise I think it turned out tolerable for two crying fits and a fourteen year old (and hideous for about 20 hours of stitching but nevermind)...
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
To Be Human
A/N: Okay, so this is probably my best written piece yet. I’m going to try my best to keep up the quality like this, I just got so inspired by this episode, it was my first time watching it, and now I have finished Season 9. Remember, if you have any requests, feel free to send them in.
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There was a reaper on the loose, going by the name of April, searching for the fallen angel Castiel. At this information, you had decided not to spend the time he had with the Winchesters, but going solo on your hunt for the wingless vessel. You had been told of this by Dean as you were on your way back from beheading a vamp, but you knew where the angel was, or at least the overall whereabouts. Unlike the brothers, you had insisted with the man without his grace that you would keep in contact with him. If he ever needed help, he could call you and you’d damn sure be on your way.
“Cas?” You shut your eyes, defeated and worried that you would not find Castiel first. If this reaper did she would do her job and he would be dead. He was your friend, and that was the last thing you wanted. If he were to ever die, he deserved to do so as a soldier of heaven, as he had committed to be once again before his grace had been stolen by Metatron. Not as a human, where his life although meaningful, served no purpose other than vengeance or an order to his killer.
As much as you hated to admit it, you were running low on your faith to find him in time, not that you had much faith in general to begin with. Opening your eyes, you turned down another dark alley, and that was when you saw a man burrowing his face in his knees. From the looks of it you guessed he was homeless, his dirty hair and the fact he was sitting outside of a closed restaurant suggested as much.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for-“ The man lifted his head, and you were met with the purity held within a pair of blue eyes and messy scruff that had once been moderately tamed. “Cas?”
Pushing up from the ground with his hand, you noticed how he shook. He was cold, it was raining which made it understandable, but you had never seen him act so human.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?” It was common knowledge now that all of the angels had been kicked out of heaven, but he could have come and found you and the brothers. He didn’t need to hide from you.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Crossing your arms, you stared intensely at the angel, making him look away awkwardly. In the past he had been unbothered by it, but his body became uncomfortable naturally all by itself.
“I’m running from the angels. Metatron tricked me, he took my grace as an ingredient for a spell that discarded all of my brothers and sisters from above.” Looking around, you ensured yourself that there were no prying ears. You knew that he was on the run, and that it had to do with heaven, but not that he was a victim to thievery. Castiel continued, noticing your confusion to what that meant. “I am human now. I have no wings, no ability to heal, just a list of confusing things that your kind does.”
The rain was getting heavier. You pushed your hair from your face, looking at the man with sadness. Castiel had saved you all countless times, and when he was in dire need none of you could locate him to do the same in return.
“Let’s get somewhere dry, we can talk more.” He was quick to follow you as you stalked towards your car. As you did so, one thing that your hunter instincts didn’t catch onto was the redhead worker leaving the restaurant.
A motel room was not something new to Castiel, but your silence on the drive here had been. When Castiel had his wings, he often did not drive with you and the brothers in the impala, but the times that he had, you were always discussing the matter at hand.
After entering, you had told him to have a shower. When he exited from the restroom, dressed in his dirty clothes, he saw you sat on the bed, your head in your palms. He felt refreshed, but clearly you did not, predictably you were stressed, and the man could not help himself but come and sit beside you.
“What does this all mean Cas?” You mumbled, and then lifted your head, staring at Castiel, searching for any hint of an answer. He had always been so optimistic in conversation, but the reason for that being was probably because he was not human.
Cocking his head, as he had done as an angel quite often, he asked you what you had been expecting. “What does all what mean?”
“Angels are wanting to kill you Cas, and our world could be on the verge of an enormous scaled pandemic caused by them. This stuff happens all of the damned time, but there’s never a reason.”
“Don’t worry, they can’t track me.” He lifted his shirt, showing the ward he had gotten tattooed. You raised your hand, tracing the ink with your fingertips, his body lurched backwards at the contact.
“For now.” He nodded in agreement. “There’s a reaper after you, hired by an angel or something. We’ll have to keep on the move, as you have been doing.” You pulled your hand away, tugging down his shirt. “Get some sleep, you’re going to need it.”
Castiel let his eyes wander around the room. “There’s only one bed.” But then his eyes fell on you, as you lifted your jumper over your head, revealing you white tank top that had became see through from the rain. He had never had such erotic thoughts about you, or anyone or anything in general. Right now however, he couldn’t look away from the visibility of your bra.
“You take it, I’m going to stay awake just in case.” He took a gentle hold of your wrist, pulling you back down onto the bed so that you were sat next to him.
“We can share.” Cas said. You squinted at him curiously and then shrugged, thinking nothing much of his suggestion. It would only be weird if the two of you made it that way. Lifting the duvet, you got under the cover, Castiel copying your actions.
“What is it like, being human I mean, after you have been an angel for such a long time?” The lamp on the bedside table was still on so that you could gauge his reaction. So far you had picked up on him being less stoic and more relatable.
“Strange to say the least. My thinking process is different, I care more about not only my life but those of others. I now can see how precious human life really is. In an instant you can be fathomed by hunger or quenched by thirst, and that feels horrible. There are so many things that are acquired to be done to stay hygienic, like brushing your teeth and showering. I’m going through so many new experiences, ones that I never thought would I apply to me, but now do. To be human is about survival, in the most absurd ways. It is like a breath of fresh air sometimes but I do miss my wings.”
Smiling, you raised your head from the pillow, sitting up and Castiel mirrored your actions. “I’ve missed you Cas, I really have.” Without him, your life felt so full of hatred. Without him, you had no kindness towards heaven or those that had fallen from there.
“As I have you.” You leant your head closer to his. Cas as a human showed affection attributes, like genuine smiles and holding admiration in his eyes. He didn’t move away from the proximity you were lessening between the two of you.
“Would you like another new experience?” He was definitely tempted, you could tell from where his gaze momentarily shifted to and how he bit his bottom lip. As an angel, he would probably have been confused by what you had meant by the question, but he no longer was an angel, so he clearly received and understood the hint.
Cas made the first move, swiftly leaning even closer and pressing his lips against your own. You were quick to melt into the embrace of the kiss, closing your eyes into the process. He wasn’t a bad kisser at all, especially considering this his lack of experience.
“From the moment that I met you, I felt that you would be important to me.” His lips were still brushing your own as he spoke, his hand sliding gently up the back of your tacky shirt. You leant back, pulling it over your head, showcasing the plain underwire bra that had been holding your chest in place throughout the day.
“I was shooting at you.” Letting out a light laugh at the memory, you bit his bottom lip which caused him to moan into your mouth, to which you swallowed that sound. “But luckily those bullets did nothing, and you stood as strong as a tree, with your wings expanding on the wall behind you.”
The mention of his wings made him duck his head in embarrassment. That was how you had known him all of these years, and he had changed, quite significantly. He had watched you age and become more mature with your hunting skills throughout, but during that time he had always remained the same. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay (Y/N).” He assured you, bringing his hands up to trace your ribs. “If I hadn’t lost them, nor my grace, we wouldn’t be here, about to perform sexual intercourse.” He began to unbutton his shirt from the top as you helped him from the bottom of the material.
“Please don’t describe it like that.” His naivety had always humoured you, yet it still brought the same comfort. It confirmed that you were not sleeping with a stranger, but the angel you had always known, even if his back was bare of feathers.
Shrugging out of the unbuttoned button down, your fingers returned to the ward. As you touched it, his fingers remained on your ribs, tracing over the pentagram that had been inked in that spot. And as he made that contact, his lips returned to your own, one of his hands moving down and rubbing your hips through your jeans. Your own ran to his hair, tugging lightly at the strands.
“I take it that you have done this before?” Castiel asked, throwing his head back as you sat upon his lap that was raising from his increase in arousal.  
“Yes.” Reaching behind your back, you unclipped your bra, exposing you breasts to your friend. “Don’t worry about it, you’re the first one that actually matters.”
You rubbed your nose against his, letting your breaths collide as you began to grind down on him. Taking one of his hands into your own, you cupped it around your breast, letting him feel you and the flush that was residing under your skin.
“Can we take our pants off?” In reply, you kissed him again. You worried that you would become addicted to the contact, this contact. He was such a gentleman even in this moment, and it made you feel special, appreciated.
“Of course, Clarence.” You laughed at the name, something you had called him a couple of times after interactions with Meg. As you got off of his lap, you nipped his lip, causing a groan to rumble from him.
Once both of your pants were off, and the two of you were left in your underwear, Castiel rolled you over so that he was on top, looming down at you with a lustful darkness gleaming in his irises. With your feet, you began pushing his boxers down, and when they had gotten as far down as you could get them, Castiel removed them the rest of the way.
“Are you sure you want to do this with me?” He asked sweetly, making you look up at him unbelievably. You took your own underwear off, tossing them past his shoulder and somewhere on the motel room floor.
“That was supposed to be my line.” You corrected him, smirking at the redness that was building upon his cheeks. “To answer your question though, I know I do.”
With that, Castiel began pushing into you, causing the pair of you to moan and throw your heads back in pleasure. He had never felt anything so good, and the feeling only got better as he moved within you. Now he understood why Dean would bed many women and why he had encouraged the angel to do the same when it was supposed to be their last day on earth.
If it felt this good for him, he could only imagine how it felt for you. Sweat was building on your forehead, more collecting there with every move he made. The marks you were clawing into his shoulders only made this experience that much more surreal for him.
“Don’t stop.” You whined, biting the inside of your cheek. The angel would be damned if he had any intention of doing so. But as your walls clenched around him, he felt something greater. There was a pressure in the bottom of his stomach that was increasing with every stroke he practised inside of you.
So, he didn’t stop. He kept going until he felt a wet consistency escape you and pool over him, and he repeated such an action upon you. And that was when he realised, that he had just orgasmed. Regretfully, he pulled out of your warmth, flopping on the bed beside you, gasping for air.
“Holy shit Cas.” Your face was flushed, and there was a wetness to your eyes. “Are you sure you’ve never done that before?” Similar to him, you were breathing heavily, clearly exhausted from your activities.
“I think I would have remembered if I had.” He turned to you rather than the ceiling, brushing your hair back with his large hand. “I wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again though.”
It really was a pity to be wakening Castiel, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep, but the two of you had to keep moving. If this reaper found you, you dreaded what would happen to the man. He had many targets on his head, and you were trying to stop him from being shot.
He groaned as you shook his shoulder, wanting to stay asleep. That was a human quality you could relate to, but not one you were privileged of having as a hunter.
“Castiel, we have to go.” Reluctantly, he got up and dressed himself as you previously had. He went into the bathroom, leaving you to ponder in your thoughts as you looked at the bed the two of you had more than shared. What did this mean for the two of you? Was it just a one night deal? Being a hunter made you no stranger to such ordeals. It was a price amongst many that had to be paid for living such dangerous lifestyles.
There was always something supernatural lurking, and it was your sworn duty to execute any threats. You quickly grabbed your angel blade as the front door began to open, revealing a woman with red hair. It wasn’t hard to guess what it was. It was the reaper, and she found Cas to your dismay.
“Is it too early for room service?” She asked you, walking past the threshold of the room. Instinctively, you stood in an offensive position, your weapon gripped in your dominant hand.
“I don’t mind taking the trash out.” You replied, looking her dead in the eyes. You allowed her to come closer, thrashing your arm out in attempts to stab her. But creatures of death were stronger than humans, and so she grabbed your arm, holding it securely as she bashed your head a couple of times into the bedframe. And just like that, you were out like a light.
When light returned to your vision, you saw Cas tied to a chair, blood drawn on his exposed chest in lines through his flesh. The reaper was torturing him, and you shifted in attempts to stop her infliction, but similar to Cas, you were bound to a chair. There was no longer hope praying to the man across from you, he could not be a saviour to either one of you, instead you trusted the Winchesters would get here in time. If they didn’t, you weren’t keen on how far she would take this torture.
“Let him go.” Growling at her drew her attention, and April began towards you, though not fully leaving Castiel. His pain was etched in her mind and dripping down the angel blade she held, he was her mission, and she would not be one to give it up so easily. In return to your demand, the reaper laughed at you. The predicament was not ideal, you were giving her orders whilst you were her captive.
“Is that so you can fuck him again, hunter?” Her question made you sick. There was a chance she had been watching the whole exchange, it was an intimate moment, and it was supposed to have been a private one as well. Your stomach churned at the thought, dulling you into silence. This was one of many reasons why you resented and ended the lives of monsters, their manners were crippled along with their natures.
The carpet appeared more interesting than her face. It held the mud that you had dragged in with your boots, making the soft texture rough. You wanted to look away, but you couldn’t look at the monster as she returned to Cas, hearing his protests and noises of pain. You came here to save him, and that was the one thing you were failing at.
“How about I talk to your friend here, then perhaps you will give me the answers to my questions.” April turned to you once more, her presence pulling your eyes up from the floor. In response to her attention, you spat rudely at the reaper, earning yourself a slap against the side of your face. Her palm burned as though she had heated it from the depths of hell itself, your head whipping in the same direction it had swept.
“You’re going to have to do better than that.”  She saw your remark as a challenge, and so she grasped the sleek silver blade and ploughed it through your chest, which caused Cas to scream out at the sight and prickling of agony. Everything blurred as the sharp edge tapped your heart, sending you to a darker place than earth.
New life, it was a great gasp of air, or series of them. Your hand reached up, feeling the closed flesh upon your chest. The wound was gone, and so was the reaper, her vessel laid motionless on the floor, as did Sam, until he suddenly lurched up, appearing exhausted.
And then you saw him, alive. Castiel. You looked down to see your binds untied and on the motel floor, and you were quick to stand and go to him despite your light headedness. His eyes were shocked to see you fine, he was certain he had witnessed your death.
Death, there were so many annotations. You had been to purgatory, and Sam had assumed death had wreaked a toll on you, his brother and the angel. But here you all were, breathing human intakes of air, surviving the backlash of heaven.
“You were wrong Cas.” You began. “To be human is to be on the verge of death, overlooking it from a cliff that will one day erode. If I were you, I’d search for any variable that could restore your grace. At least then you wouldn’t succumb to such vulnerability and exposure. You would be free of this pain, and any desire you have, you’d have the strength not to give into it.”
As the brothers stared at you, confused by your outburst, you fled the room, going to your ‘borrowed’ car only to find that presumably the reaper had deflated them with the blade. That meant that you would have to ride with Sam and Dean, keeping what had happened to yourself in the same pattern as they were. They always had secrets, and you could sense something was not right in this scenario. You were beyond sure you were on the lift down to hell, and for once it was not Cas raising you from below. It was something else playing with the routine of the afterlife, and you were determined to find the conclusion as to what it was.
Opening the back door of the impala, you sat, looking out of the window as the three men exited the rented room. Last night Castiel saw you at your peak, at your most vulnerable. It couldn’t happen again, you wouldn’t allow it. You had tried keeping a straight line of professionalism the entire time you had been exorcising demons and beheading vamps, it was against your code to allow an angel to get that close. He was your friend, yes, but you couldn’t allow him to be anything further than that, no matter how your pulse flickered in his presence.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Nov 27 Dancitron Movie Night - The Jungle Book
Prowl was pretty much out of it all night. His deep suspicion of singing dogs and his inability to tell dogs from other mammals made the movie more unpleasant than it otherwise would have been.
Prowl is baffled at how long it takes people to be considered fully mature in Soundwave’s universe. Then again, he was sent off to become a police officer at like five days old.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm *Soundwave's itching to move again, but there's no way he's doing that right now - so he's just sitting on his usual couch with a feeler lightly tapping in time* *Drinks and snacks where they usually are, minis where they usually are, all that.* Swoop 7:51 pm *is comparatively clean, put together, and stapler gun free tonight* Swoop 7:53 pm *scoops up a huge stack of snacks and toddles on over to Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm *Soundwave is thankful for that. His mind is six places tonight and none of them are handling Crazed Dinobot Toddler Shenanigans.* *Bird is jamming out to the music right now, but she'll somehow fit popping the occasional treat into her mouth into it all, along with a whistled greeting* Swoop 7:56 pm *is all giggles and heart-eyes while he bobs along with Bird* Specs 7:56 pm *what's this? a whole cartful of treats! who wants mercury drops, energon truffles with soft silver centers, and cookies with delicate mercury and silver additions?* Bevel 7:58 pm *trundles in* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm *ZORI DOES! Brave scorpion leap from the nearest couch back onto the cart 😄 * *Frenzy waves yo to Bevel* Bevel 7:59 pm *waves* Specs 7:59 pm Help yourself, friend! 😄 *it's always nice to see people snacking happily* Bevel 8:00 pm Thanks! *will take something with mercury and join the twins at the usual table* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm #thank you #:D
*He will try to pick up a cookie that's like 1/4th his size and hold it overhead with his pincers. It won't quite work. Bonk to the head and startled beep.* Specs 8:02 pm *the dragon will try not to grin at how adorable Zori is* You okay there? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm #oh yes #I am fine #can you break this? #please? *Holds the cookie out* Bevel 8:03 pm *dances a little in her seat to the music* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Frenzy and Rumble join in a little. They're tired, but if their seatmate is dancing, why not?* Swoop 8:04 pm You Bird good dancer <3 Bevel 8:04 pm *grins* Specs 8:04 pm I can! *the dragon delicately snaps the cookie in half* Again, or is this good? *she probably should have worn gloves for this. oops.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm {{Best dancer!}} Preen preen. Swoop 8:04 pm Best EVERYTHING! Magnum Ace 8:05 pm -pings Soundwave for permission- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm *Zori holds the cookie up one more time to compare it to himself and whistles happily.* #it is good! #thank you~ *Soundwave casually pops a bridge open for the Leaguers, about fifty feet from the door just to be safe.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm *Little arachnid mouthparts nom nom nomming that cookie while still on the tray. It's a good viewing point. He'll watch from here.* Specs 8:07 pm Always happy to help out a friend! *the dragon delicately brushes residue off her paws while trying to be subtle about it. she licks those sometimes, better not have energon on them when she does!* *she'll sit near the tray. Swoop probably won't crush her here, and she gets to hang out with her favorite scorpion! win/win* FakeProwl 8:08 pm *shows up, sits down, props his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, zones out.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm ((10 minute warning, grab your snacks and stuff)) Magnum Ace 8:08 pm -and he's going to trot through the bridge- Bull 8:08 pm *Follows in after Magnum* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *Soundwave pings Prowl hello before resuming the tiny timing taps.* Magnum Ace 8:11 pm -time to find a seat- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[Greetings, you two.]] Magnum Ace 8:11 pm Hello, Soundwave Bull 8:12 pm Hello. *he waves up to the bigger mech* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm [[How are your sports events going?]] Swoop 8:12 pm ((do i want Cheetos or ice cream)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm ((both)) Swoop 8:13 pm ((sick)) Magnum Ace 8:13 pm ((BOTH Swoop 8:13 pm ((LOL)) Bevel 8:13 pm *likes this songs greatly* Swoop 8:13 pm ((well the audience has voted and it is a clear tie. I suppose I must.)) ((mint ice cream and white cheddar cheedos)) ((pregnant food)) Magnum Ace 8:13 pm ((haha! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm ((just needs a pickle)) Swoop 8:14 pm ((I have olives)) Magnum Ace 8:14 pm ((that works Specs 8:14 pm ((I didn't know this song was real)) FakeProwl 8:14 pm ((... did you think it was a fake song...?)) Specs 8:15 pm ((to be entirely honest, I put it in the category of "shit I made up in my sleep")) FakeProwl 8:15 pm ((oh lmao)) Magnum Ace 8:15 pm Our games are mostly practice ones right now Specs 8:16 pm ((some songs just show up when I'm sleeping and get stuck in my head, there's one that's like "I need an SOS you'll be my SOS" and I don't think that song exists, and there's others too)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm [[Ah. You are not battling actual teams right now?]] *Listen to him. Battling. Like it's an arena match. Clearly not a sports mech.* FakeProwl 8:17 pm *mumbles* Playing. Magnum Ace 8:17 pm ...they're games, not warfare ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm ((i know three songs about SOS's)) Swoop 8:18 pm *shoves an entire handful of goodies in his face like the mannerless child he is* Bull 8:18 pm *Bull Armor knew that some they had been through could be considered 'battles' but says nother* Bevel 8:18 pm ((there's also a band called the S.O.S. Band)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Soundwave looks over to Prowl, briefly confused before he realizes it's about how he worded things.*
[[Oh. Yes. Playing.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((OKAY warnings... tbh i don't remember, i watched this months and months ago. fire and violence and tigers threatening to eat kids and bees and falls from heights and things like that.)) Swoop 8:20 pm ((sounds like swoop's day to day life)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm ((i am pretty sure y'all have at least seen the old one, not terribly different)) Magnum Ace 8:20 pm But, yes, mostly practice right now ((m'kay! Swoop 8:20 pm ((Not only have I seen the old one. I've seen the video my parents took of me as a toddler ROCKING OUT to the Bear Necessities. I'll never be able to escape that dance.)) Bevel 8:21 pm ((lol ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm ((i have learned something new and powerful today)) [[May your practices be promising for the coming matches.]] He's pretty sure matches is still the right word. FakeProwl 8:22 pm *mumbles* Games. Specs 8:22 pm *the dragon's eyes widen* It's so green. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Ravage pops his head over the bar, then runs over to Soundwave to park himself on the empty side of the couch. He knows this. There's a him in it.* Bull 8:23 pm Thanks, it'll be awhile til we play another game. Swoop 8:23 pm Him on Dinobot Island? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Damn. Still wrong.*
[[Games.]] Magnum Ace 8:24 pm Thank you, but as Bull said, our season is over for now. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm {{Nooo, no Dinobots.}} Swoop 8:24 pm No Dinobots on Dinobot Island NOW. Decepticons broke island. Us leave. FakeProwl 8:25 pm *absent-mindedly pats Soundwave's knee, then props his chin up again.* Specs 8:25 pm They're fuzzy, there must be snow SOMEWHERE... Swoop 8:26 pm ((thank goodness there's no steeljaw here, they would have got a howl going)) Specs 8:27 pm *the dragon hums contemplatively. how could anything be so dry?* Swoop 8:27 pm Oh, him a .... porky pine. Kehehhh. It like Him Snarl. Poke! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm *Amused huff at the knee pat. At least Prowl was polite about correcting him.*
{{This long ago time story, no Dinobots.}} //Looks like you, Frenzy.//
\\I LIKE IT.\\ Specs 8:28 pm *the dragon gasps delightedly at the crocodile* It's a cousin! ...Well, kind of. No wings on it. Swoop 8:28 pm No Dinobot > : Them thirsty Swoop 8:30 pm You Bird not a good wolf. You tricky! Keheheh! Specs 8:30 pm *giggles* Hatchlings are all the same, aren't they. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm {{Peh, wolf.}} Swoop 8:30 pm Wolf lame. No flying. Specs 8:33 pm What a good docent. Swoop 8:33 pm Why tiger mad? Magnum Ace 8:33 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm @Prowl: (txt): Tired today? Specs 8:34 pm *gasps again at the crocodile* Weird wingless cousin! I hope it lives. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[Humans do not belong in their spaces.]] Swoop 8:34 pm Why? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm #what is cousin? FakeProwl 8:34 pm @Soundwave «Yes.» Bevel 8:35 pm He said a human hurt him. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Small acknowledgment nod. He'll try not to be too taxing today.* Swoop 8:35 pm So? Specs 8:35 pm Most, well, dragons, aren't furry like me. Still the same shape, mostly. Four legs, thumbs, wings, tail, head. And most of our kinds can't make viable eggs together. So we call each other cousins. Specs 8:37 pm *gets a little emotional about the docent. that's the best of what a docent is supposed to be, poor wolf* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm #the Bagheera is a cousin? #to Ravage? Swoop 8:37 pm *rolls over so he can sprawl out properly with the goodies set out in front of him and his chin in his hands* Specs 8:37 pm *looks over at Ravage* *looks back at Bagheera* I think you should ask him. Magnum Ace 8:38 pm -coughing laugh at the cousin question- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm =...Passable.= Swoop 8:39 pm *flicks his wings* There birds in movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm {{Maybe. We see.}} Specs 8:39 pm *the dragon smiles a little* That's our answer, Zori. Magnum Ace 8:40 pm !!! Swoop 8:40 pm *perks up* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm =Memories.= Swoop 8:41 pm Him going die kehehh Way too slow FakeProwl 8:41 pm *Prowl's rooting for the dog that looks like Ravage.* Specs 8:41 pm *the dragon, too, is supremely confident that Bagheera will win that fight* Magnum Ace 8:41 pm -it's like him attempting to outrun Mach Windy, insane- Swoop 8:41 pm ((long live the king)) Magnum Ace 8:41 pm ((SWOOP NO Bull 8:42 pm Kid; please stay away from the horns. *knows how dangerous they can be* Specs 8:42 pm He did not stay away from the horns. Swoop 8:42 pm KEHEH! That fun. Me Swoop jump on other Dinobot that way before. GRAB! Magnum Ace 8:42 pm He apparently decided to do just that Bull 8:43 pm At least their horns don't move. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm *Ravage paws the couch in thought.*
=Hm. Stripes. Should find him. Speak.= Magnum Ace 8:43 pm True. That would have been bad ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Soundwave gently strokes Ravage's back. They will look for him later, when this is over.* Swoop 8:45 pm ((jesus christ)) Bull 8:45 pm ! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm #D: #no! #why? Magnum Ace 8:45 pm -startled upright- Swoop 8:45 pm *cackles* DEAD Specs 8:45 pm *the dragon barely blinks* Because that's how people with more teeth in their skulls than brains solve problems. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Zori tries to burrow into the cookies.* Swoop 8:46 pm *rooolls over onto his back, giggling, then spreads his wings out as far as they will go for maximum floor coverage* *tosses a treat up for Bird* Specs 8:46 pm *she carefully covers Zori with cookies. he is safe. she will fight anyone who bothers him* Whirl 8:46 pm *trots on in, heading for the usual table. Are Shovel and the Gang seated there tonight?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm *Nom nom treat!* Bevel 8:46 pm *they are* Swoop 8:46 pm *makes grabby hands at Bird* Magnum Ace 8:46 pm -reaches over to pat at Bull- Bevel 8:46 pm *waves to Whirl* Whirl 8:46 pm *excellent; he will bob his head at his table buddies as he sits* Magnum Ace 8:47 pm -best to not look- Specs 8:47 pm *the dragon hides her head under her tail at all the drowning* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *The twins will punch Whirl hello. Zori will whistle and wave* Swoop 8:48 pm You Soundwave always pick movies with no flying! Kehheh. Them have wings, them have nooo problem! Whirl 8:48 pm *he accepts and welcomes the punches; Zori will get the greeting-beep in response* ((o boy. the most hilarious miscast of the film)) Specs 8:48 pm Waterlogged wings are a bit of a- *gasp* A skin! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm //Ew. What the frag.// Swoop 8:48 pm Lidard Whirl 8:48 pm ((i like scarjo but her voice was a bad fit for thissun)) Swoop 8:48 pm *Lizard Bevel 8:49 pm Skin? Specs 8:49 pm Usually you are supposed to eat those, really. There's too much you lose by leaving them out in the open. Well, so the cousins say. I don't shed my skin. Whirl 8:49 pm *peers at the dragon* Is that what you do? Just. Shuck it all off sometimes? Oh, well, nevermind. Question answered. Bevel 8:49 pm I thought skin kept organic organs inside? Specs 8:50 pm I think it helps with healing their scales? I'm not very clear on that. I know my skin is more elastic than theirs would be. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm \\MAYBE SOMEBODY KILLED IT.\\ Specs 8:50 pm It would have color if it was killed! That's just the top layer, I think? I'm not sure how that works. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm //Heh! I like whatever these fraggers are.// Swoop 8:50 pm Keheh them STEAL Bevel 8:50 pm *laughs* Whirl 8:51 pm Sneaky little glitches. Heh. Specs 8:51 pm *the dragon has to laugh too. what a trick!* Whirl 8:51 pm I guess that's how you weaponize cuteness. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm //Wouldn't know nothin' bout that, would we?//
{{No~}} Specs 8:51 pm *the dragon fluffs her fur out and looks at Whirl with them big ol eyes* Weaponized cuteness? What's that? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm @Prowl: (txt): Why tired? Rest disturbed? Swoop 8:52 pm Oh It snake ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *Chimera flaps down from above, intrigued by the appearance of a snake, and has a minor explosion to reform itself appropriately. Mimic them, and all that.* Magnum Ace 8:52 pm .... Whirl 8:52 pm *regards her, deadpan* Something that doesn't work on me. Bull 8:52 pm That's a big snake. Whirl 8:52 pm *a lie, it does. Zori defeated Whirl with his cuteness alone* Specs 8:53 pm Damn. *the dragon looks back at the snake* Do those live in trees, on earth? They look like things that live in the oceans where I live... Swoop 8:53 pm Eyes Magnum Ace 8:53 pm Glad we didn't run into any on the island Specs 8:53 pm ...They don't do that, though. Swoop 8:53 pm Fire Bird Bird Look, them live in cave too Magnum Ace 8:54 pm There's the explanation FakeProwl 8:54 pm *It takes him a moment to register the question.* @Soundwave «... More or less.» Whirl 8:55 pm Oh, hey. Didn't know Ravage was in this movie. Bevel 8:55 pm Ha Swoop 8:55 pm Kehehh Him touch teeth Specs 8:55 pm *blinks, and looks at Ravage* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm @Prowl: (txt): Source? =What.= FakeProwl 8:56 pm @Soundwave «Insomnia.» Whirl 8:56 pm ((speaking of hungry pythons it's Jerry's dinnertime)) Swoop 8:56 pm Nose Specs 8:56 pm ...Actually, nevermind. *the dragon looks back at the screen* FakeProwl 8:56 pm ((that's definitely a bear, it sounds the same as in skyrim)) Specs 8:56 pm ((jerry! jerry! jerry!)) Swoop 8:56 pm Him live in cave tooooooooo Specs 8:56 pm That's what those scaly noodles do. They coil. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm @Prowl: (txt): Unpleasant. Assistance required-wanted? Swoop 8:57 pm HIm kid ask lots, lots of question ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm <<The Kaa is a serpent. The Kaa is not food.>> Whirl 8:57 pm *was that Chimera speaking? How rare; Whirl looks over* Magnum Ace 8:57 pm Oh He's sending him after a beehive That's a bad idea Specs 8:58 pm Sorry, Chimera. I meant that as shape, not as edibility. *the dragon blinks* Winter is not coming. There is no snow. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm *Chimera's first third is swaying in the air while they process the existence of the Kaa.* Specs 8:59 pm *the dragon offers Chimera a pat* Bevel 8:59 pm *trying to figure out if Kaa is bigger than Chimera* FakeProwl 8:59 pm @Soundwave «... None available.» Magnum Ace 8:59 pm -pokes Bull- -cover your eyes- Swoop 9:00 pm bumblebees ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *That was a much... MUCH bigger snake than they are. But they may be able to learn how to protect themselves by squeezing. As soon as they finish thinking about the idea.* Specs 9:00 pm *the dragon stares at the beehives in fascination* Are those edible? ((I love that line)) Bull 9:00 pm ugh... heights Specs 9:01 pm Well, clearly THAT'S edible. Whirl 9:01 pm Just about anything is edible if you're determined enough. Swoop 9:01 pm ((gross lol)) Bevel 9:02 pm *will put a hand out for Chimera if they're interested* Magnum Ace 9:03 pm -nudges Bull again- It's safe ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm *Soundwave tilts his helm - he could interfere with the schedule if Prowl needed a few days to try to find recharge - but if Prowl says none is available, he will not push the matter. Prowl knows himself.*
*Chimera slithers around Bevel's arm and enters energy conservation mode.* Swoop 9:04 pm propaganda Specs 9:04 pm *the dragon cackles. she likes this movie* Bevel 9:04 pm *best kind of jewelry* Whirl 9:04 pm Welcome to the best table in the house, Chimera. *gestures expansively* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Optic flicker.*
<<Thank you, the Whirl. Why is it best?>> Bevel 9:05 pm Because we are all here! Whirl 9:05 pm All the coolest people are here. Hell yeah, Shovel gets it! Bevel 9:06 pm *grins* Swoop 9:06 pm tricky Specs 9:07 pm Winter is a long time away. I can't believe there's no snow. *winces. the poor docent.* Swoop 9:07 pm Him Tiger eat puppies ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm <<The shapeshifter is warm.>>
[[The less snow, the better.]] Swoop 9:07 pm Oh there birds Bull 9:07 pm I have a bad feeling... Magnum Ace 9:07 pm . . . Bevel 9:08 pm Not nice. Whirl 9:08 pm Figure of speech. It means, basically, awesome. Specs 9:09 pm *winces again* I hope the docent doesn't die. Swoop 9:09 pm *chirps back at the screen* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm //So that's what kinda Earth bird the 'Beak is. Huh.// Swoop 9:10 pm kehehehhh Him bear lazy Whirl 9:10 pm *snickers* Swoop 9:10 pm like Snarl ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Raspberry* Specs 9:10 pm *the dragon wiggles and taps her front paws* FakeProwl 9:11 pm *There's music. Why's there music.* *IT'S A SINGING DOG.* Bevel 9:11 pm ((omg ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm ((i'm dying)) FakeProwl 9:11 pm *Prowl can't escape them.* Swoop 9:11 pm *giggles* Specs 9:11 pm *the dragon tries to sing along, but she is a bad singer and has never heard this song before. please bear with her* Swoop 9:11 pm *tosses a treat in the air for himself* Swoop 9:12 pm ((fucking brutal XD)) Specs 9:13 pm ((destroyed)) *snickers* *bagheera's like a docent version of ravage* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm *Just about as cranky too.* Swoop 9:14 pm Why cat mad? Bevel 9:14 pm Tricks? Specs 9:15 pm *hums the bare necessities song- badly* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm [[The bear is ruining his plan to move the human to the human land.]] Magnum Ace 9:15 pm Because the one he was protecting was played as a fool Swoop 9:15 pm Cats can tricky. Ravage tricky. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Ravage flicks his tail and sticks his nose in the air, optics closing briefly. Yes. Yes, he is.* Specs 9:16 pm ((elephants don't growl)) Whirl 9:16 pm Those things're cool. Specs 9:16 pm They look a little bit like one of the cousins, too. But not very. They don't have long tails, or wings. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[Why they do not kill the tiger and allow the human to stay and assist is beyond him.]] Swoop 9:18 pm It baby elephant Specs 9:18 pm ((bear dad and panther dad)) I can't imagine that Bagheera would lose to the tiger. Whirl 9:18 pm Honestly, yeah. The tiger's big, but there are a LOT of them. Maybe even trick him into that snake's pit. Bevel 9:19 pm Even if Bagheera could not beat him, I bet everyone together could. Whirl 9:19 pm Yeah. Especially now that Mowgli's done those big guys a favor. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[The... elephants? Are enormous beasts. Surely a stampede would destroy the tiger.]] Whirl 9:19 pm They could definitely take the tiger in a fight. Bevel 9:19 pm They could do it as thanks for saving the baby! Specs 9:20 pm Mmm. They're big, but size isn't everything. Magnum Ace 9:21 pm They're all scared of the tiger Whirl 9:21 pm It's not, but it doesn't hurt to be huge. *he would know, he is huge* Magnum Ace 9:22 pm His large reputation keeps them at bay Specs 9:22 pm It doesn't hurt to have teeth, and claws, either. Whirl 9:22 pm ...huh. Swoop 9:22 pm Kehehhehhhhh Them grab Specs 9:22 pm And, clearly, thumbs help too. Magnum Ace 9:22 pm That too, but I bet the reputation is what keeps the larger animals at bay ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm =Thumbs are overrated.= Whirl 9:22 pm Agreed. Swoop 9:23 pm Him Ratchet say thumbs in medbay *flops his wings around* ' Specs 9:23 pm Not everything in the universe can be as awesome as you two, however. Us lesser beings need thumbs. Whirl 9:23 pm That's fair, that's fair. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm {{Him Ratchet smart medic, you listen.}} Swoop 9:23 pm Kehehhheheh Me know Bevel 9:23 pm *wiggles her thumbs absently* Swoop 9:23 pm Him best medic ever Specs 9:25 pm After all, a universe full of Ravage and Whirl? That would be... *wracks her brains for the word she's looking for* indescribable. Whirl 9:25 pm It would be loud. Swoop 9:25 pm Kehehhh Specs 9:25 pm Ravage isn't loud? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm //Naw. That's a universe fulla Frenzy.// Whirl 9:25 pm I'm loud enough for me AND Rava-PFFT. Swoop 9:25 pm Flying way way better than climb Whirl 9:25 pm Frenzy is loud enough for all the rest of us put together. He's a damn professional. Swoop 9:26 pm ((i am excite)) Specs 9:26 pm Some dragons climb glaciers without using their wings, Swoop. *the dragon huffs a little, though. she thinks it's stupid too.* Magnum Ace 9:26 pm ? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm =Me. Loud.= Scorn snort. =Never.=
\\EVERYBODY GOTTA HAVE A LIFE CALLIN'.\\ *Frenzy puffs his chest out.* //Needs more cowbell, I guess.// Whirl 9:26 pm ((omg)) Swoop 9:26 pm ((NEEDS MORE COWBELL)) ((o m f g )) Specs 9:27 pm ((moar cowbell)) Whirl 9:27 pm Holy--he's even BIGGER. That Tiger wouldn't stand a chance. Magnum Ace 9:27 pm ....they're not supposed to get that big Specs 9:27 pm I don't think he can leave that building... He's too big. Bevel 9:28 pm That is a really big monkey. Swoop 9:28 pm ((YES)) Specs 9:28 pm ((he's the mobster orangutan)) Swoop 9:28 pm Him King? Magnum Ace 9:28 pm They're not supposed to get that /big/ Specs 9:29 pm *giggles* Ears in his ears! Swoop 9:30 pm (( OH MY GOD)) ((this is actually the best)) Whirl 9:30 pm Well. Specs 9:30 pm *wiggles and taps again* you--o-o-o Whirl 9:30 pm His singing could definitely kill the tiger. Swoop 9:31 pm Him want fire a lot... It not hard. *blows just one little puff of a flame that goes right out* Magnum Ace 9:32 pm ... Bevel 9:32 pm *laughs* Swoop 9:32 pm ((that squint is so walken)) Specs 9:32 pm *the dragon giggles too* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm *Rumble dims his visor and affects a hoarser voice.*
//But, now ya come to me, and ya say, "King Louie, give me papayas." But ya don't ask wit' respect. Ya don't offer red flowers. Ya don't even think to call me Gigantopithecus. Instead, ya come into my ruins on the day you're s'posed to go to the village, and ya ask me to give fruits for nothin'.// Bevel 9:33 pm *giggles* Specs 9:33 pm *cackles* Whirl 9:33 pm *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* FakeProwl 9:33 pm ((PFFF)) Swoop 9:34 pm *doesn't know why we are laughing but laughs anyway* Whirl 9:34 pm Nice, Rumble. A classic. Bevel 9:34 pm Monkey army. Specs 9:34 pm It's like a sport. Whack-a-monkey. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm //We gotta do that one some t-- aw yeah, monkey fight.// Magnum Ace 9:34 pm !!! Whirl 9:34 pm Not a bad Brando either. Specs 9:34 pm If he's big enough to break rocks, he's big enough to kill a tiger. Whirl 9:35 pm And yeah, we should. Maybe we can swing another Culture Club sometime. Yeah, he'd pulverize that tiger. Swoop 9:35 pm Why them say human has fire? Him not dinobot. There no human fire. *pats his throat* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm {{Humans make fire.}} Specs 9:36 pm *the dragon attempts to imitate the monkey squeaking* Swoop 9:36 pm Not MAKE. Not ... *lacks words so he just pats his mouth* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm {{Noooo, them use sticks. Little wood.}} Swoop 9:36 pm Monkey can't wood? Specs 9:36 pm Oh. Swoop 9:36 pm KAHA! Dead. Magnum Ace 9:37 pm ..... Specs 9:37 pm This is why you don't live in buildings too big for you. Swoop 9:38 pm Him not so fast. Cat catch. Magnum Ace 9:38 pm He's got a long head start though ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm {{Them monkey not knowing how make wood-fire.}} Swoop 9:39 pm Why not? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{Nobody teach.}} Swoop 9:39 pm Ohh Okay Windchill 9:39 pm *Is LATE to a movie with FIRE?! Wow what a tragedy.* Whirl 9:40 pm See, this is how you get revenge. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[This will not end well.]] Bevel 9:40 pm If he runs too fast that fire will go out. Swoop 9:40 pm FIRE! kehehh Whirl 9:40 pm Burn absolutely everything to the ground and annihilate your enemy. Windchill 9:40 pm *Time to sit his booty down.* Specs 9:40 pm Get revenge by consuming your foe and everything they created. Whirl 9:40 pm *bobs his head at Windchill* Swoop 9:40 pm Him burn cat. Tiger. Whirl 9:40 pm Yep. ...maybe literally, depending on who you are. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[There it is.]] Magnum Ace 9:41 pm .... Bevel 9:41 pm Oh no. Whirl 9:41 pm pretty sure my pal Blurr takes "consume your foe" to a whole new level. Windchill 9:41 pm *Does the Pocahontas wave and takes a seat.* Magnum Ace 9:41 pm -doesn't like Blurr much, thanks- Windchill 9:41 pm Look at all of those pretend animals. *snorts* Magnum Ace 9:42 pm ....... Swoop 9:42 pm ((OH MY FUCKING GOD CHILD)) Whirl 9:42 pm Damn right. Magnum Ace 9:42 pm ((damnit kid Specs 9:42 pm Why doesn't he just attack Shere Khan? Windchill 9:42 pm He's wearing a diaper? Wow what a baby. Whirl 9:42 pm Nothing wrong with being the scariest thing in the jungle. Windchill 9:42 pm I'm impressed. Swoop 9:43 pm Him burn everything Magnum Ace 9:43 pm ((gdi kid Whirl 9:43 pm I mean, I'd do exactly what the tiger asked. Windchill 9:43 pm *chinhands.* *Wolves are overrated but okay.* Specs 9:44 pm I agree. The tiger wants to be destroyed? Fine by me. Whirl 9:44 pm Should've burned him when he gave you the chance. Swoop 9:44 pm Him bear lazy. Not lots of fighting. Tiger better. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Ravage snorts. Being a wolf and having a pack didn't save the lupine Steeljaw from him and the others.* Windchill 9:45 pm Pathetic. Bevel 9:45 pm Ha, distraction. Magnum Ace 9:45 pm -shouldn't they be trying to put out the fire?- Specs 9:45 pm *the dragon giggles a little. get him, earth ravage!* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *Hiss.* Swoop 9:46 pm Everything burning really fast for GREEN leaves and stuff. Whirl 9:46 pm If the fire's hot enough, I guess. Windchill 9:46 pm Can he even breathe up there? Specs 9:47 pm Things being dry helps. But I can't imagine he can breathe up there. I couldn't, anyways. On the other paw, I would also probably be on fire, so. Windchill 9:47 pm Or see. His eyes would be watering enough to put out the fires all by themselves. Swoop 9:47 pm Being on fire pretty fun Windchill 9:47 pm Unrealistic. Specs 9:47 pm You're made of metal, Swoop. I am not. Swoop 9:48 pm Fire fun for everyone : > Magnum Ace 9:48 pm The tiger is not paying attention to danger Specs 9:48 pm ... *the dragon scoots away from the dinobot* Magnum Ace 9:48 pm He's too focused on revenge And no, fire is not fun for everyone Windchill 9:48 pm What the heck kind of tree looks like that? Kinda cool. I mean, for a tree. Specs 9:49 pm Ravage's cousin said it was a fig creeper? Windchill 9:49 pm *Maybe he'll look it up later.* Magnum Ace 9:49 pm -says the mech who sets one of his pitches on fire- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm =Poor hunter. No calm.= *Even in the prison riot, Ravage kept his cool while slaughtering the guards.* =No patience.= Windchill 9:50 pm Dirty boys. Swoop 9:50 pm That bad perch Magnum Ace 9:50 pm Dead tree Swoop 9:50 pm Creak creak Specs 9:50 pm That's why your cousin should have beaten him. u_u Magnum Ace 9:50 pm It's going to break Swoop 9:51 pm KAHHAHHAHH DEAD Specs 9:51 pm Dead. Whirl 9:51 pm Nice. Windchill 9:51 pm I guess he was flammable. Bevel 9:51 pm He won with tricks. Specs 9:51 pm If he's furry, he's flammable. Trust me. Swoop 9:51 pm Swing over fire look fun : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm *Half-squint. Good. That would have been a fine lesson, if the tiger were Cybertronian. Too bad he's a flesh creature.* Bevel 9:51 pm Really good trick. Windchill 9:52 pm Ah yes, the fire that conveniently douses itself. Oh never mind, there it is. Kinda. Swoop 9:52 pm Bird Me Swoop want swing to play Whirl 9:52 pm ((the lick. bless)) Specs 9:52 pm ((bless panther and bear dad)) Windchill 9:52 pm Um. Bevel 9:52 pm ((I didn't notice that the last time Specs 9:53 pm *the dragon giggles a little. look at those proud docents. it's adorable.* Windchill 9:53 pm That is a giant baby elephant. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Soundwave leans forward a little. Are they building a-- they are. How fascinating. Do actual elephants do this?* Magnum Ace 9:54 pm Oh, wow Specs 9:54 pm Go clean off the hatchling, docent wolf. Windchill 9:54 pm Yeah okay. Swoop 9:54 pm There lot of wolves not lots of other animal who they eat Windchill 9:54 pm The wolves ate everyone else already? Swoop 9:55 pm kehehe, maybe! Specs 9:56 pm *gentle gasp* Docent wolf is the leader! Bevel 9:56 pm Or they mostly stay away. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm #:O #he did not go away! #that is a good end #I like it Swoop 9:57 pm ((oh, does he not go back in this one?)) Specs 9:57 pm *wiggles and taps* It looks like he doesn't, Zori! Windchill 9:57 pm Oh my god. Magnum Ace 9:57 pm That was...interesting Swoop 9:57 pm *bounces* Windchill 9:58 pm *Is that...it must be.* *His one true fear.* Bull 9:58 pm It wasn't too bad. Windchill 9:58 pm *CHRISTOPHER WALKEN.* *Goes bugeyed in horror.* Specs 9:58 pm *gets to gently flapping wings along with her boogeying* Bevel 9:59 pm *nods along to music* Magnum Ace 9:59 pm -settles again- Windchill 9:59 pm *What manner of evil is this?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm #rude!! #they were walking! Swoop 10:00 pm KA! Book catch him. Windchill 10:00 pm *Horror has settled into a kind of annoyance.* *Finally, it's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[Ah. So this is where this song is from.]] Windchill 10:01 pm Well. That was a movie I guess. Swoop 10:01 pm That movie pretty good. Even if no birds. Or dinosaurs. Or both. Windchill 10:01 pm There was a peacock. Swoop 10:01 pm Yeah Windchill 10:01 pm That's a bird. Swoop 10:01 pm but Windchill 10:01 pm I think. Swoop 10:01 pm him not do anything Windchill 10:01 pm That's true. Lazy bird. Swoop 10:02 pm Kehheh Bird not laaaaaaazy Her busy busy with eating keheh ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm *Soundwave idly wonders if the serpent was telepathic. That eye trick was impressive.* Windchill 10:02 pm *Uses every last iota of control to not roll his eyeballs.* Eating is a good thing to be busy with. Swoop 10:03 pm yup Windchill 10:03 pm What if... I eat you? Swoop 10:03 pm No Specs 10:03 pm *the dragon stretches out* I think it's time to go back, before Whirl's friend eats me. Goodnight, everyone! *pat for Zori! pat for Chimera!* Swoop 10:04 pm Me Swoop keheh Me bite YOU Windchill 10:04 pm Yeah, I might just. Swoop 10:04 pm noOoo ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *Zori bleeps a goodbye, waving a pincer.*
#thank you for the cookie Windchill 10:04 pm Up and start eating people without warning. Whirl 10:04 pm Seeya, dragon. Swoop 10:04 pm That Grimlock thing kehehh Windchill 10:04 pm It could happen. Swoop 10:04 pm You not king Whirl 10:04 pm Windchill, I'm hoping you have enough self-control not to devour my friends. Windchill 10:04 pm *Waves at the retreating tasty morsel.* Specs 10:04 pm Always a pleasure to make cookies for my favorite micron. Seeya, Whirl! Windchill 10:05 pm Do you see me actively eating your friends right now? Whirl 10:05 pm *bobs his head goodbye* Windchill 10:05 pm They don't even look tasty. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Tiny gasp! Zori is a favorite? He's just gonna wiggle.* Whirl 10:05 pm No, but just because you're not up to doing something ridiculous NOW doesn't mean you won't later. Windchill 10:05 pm Well. Whirl 10:05 pm I know you too well. Windchill 10:05 pm To be fair. Swoop 10:05 pm *streeeeeeeeeeeeetches all his scrawny limbs out in many directions* *wings everywhere* Windchill 10:05 pm I haven't eaten anyone in a long time so it's either not really a problem, or I'm overdue. I guess we'll see. Wait. No. Do greyfaces count as people? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[Only some of them.]] Swoop 10:06 pm lots of people has GREY face Windchill 10:06 pm Oh, well. I've definitely eaten a few of those. Bevel 10:06 pm Greyfaces are annoying. Windchill 10:07 pm They don't mess with me much anymore, so. It paid off. Whirl 10:07 pm I don't count 'em as such, nope. Bull 10:07 pm 'Greyfaces'? *Bull Armor looks curious. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[Yes. They do seem to be quiet these days.]] Pause. [[He's not sure that is a good thing. It never has been before.]] Magnum Ace 10:07 pm They're annoying Windchill 10:08 pm Let's just say that I'm probably not planning on eating anyone. It's not really healthy for me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm //Greyfaces. Y'know, the weird little grey things poppin' up sometimes, doin' 'n sayin' weird scrap.// Swoop 10:08 pm Not healthy for THEM kehhehh ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm //Pow, 'n suddenly you got baseballs for eyes or somethin'.// Magnum Ace 10:08 pm Bull, the three days I couldn't practice was because of them Bevel 10:08 pm They do not bother me. *pleased* Windchill 10:08 pm Swoop's got the right idea. FakeProwl 10:08 pm *hears his name, looks up* ??? Bull 10:08 pm I have not run into any of them before. *unless they were talking about Sharky-dorgs* Swoop 10:09 pm Me Swoop have LOTS of right idea FakeProwl 10:09 pm *... no wait, that was "pow," not "Prowl." zones out again.* Windchill 10:09 pm I don't know about that, kiddo. Oh wait, excuse me. Swoop 10:09 pm :V Windchill 10:09 pm Not kiddo. Whirl 10:09 pm They've turned me into a bird at least once. Windchill 10:09 pm You're a big boy now. Swoop 10:09 pm Yah me Swoop have BIRTHDAY Whirl 10:09 pm But that was kinda fun, to be honest. Windchill 10:09 pm You're an old fart now! Swoop 10:09 pm Yup ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm {{Bird remembers Whirlybird. Neheheheh. Skritches.}} Swoop 10:09 pm Me Swoop am 33 YEARS now Whirl 10:10 pm *immediately squints at Laserbeak. How dare you* Magnum Ace 10:10 pm I've heard they also turn you into humans on occasion Whirl 10:10 pm *but I mean. U right* Windchill 10:10 pm The bird was...I think I slept through most of that. Did I? Swoop 10:10 pm Scritches? 😮 Windchill 10:10 pm *Looks mildly alarmed.* Swoop 10:10 pm *where are they he wants the scritches* Windchill 10:11 pm *Windchill has claws he can scritch like a DEMON.* Bevel 10:11 pm They turned my creator into a human once. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm *Fight her, Whirl. She has a Dinobot.* Swoop 10:11 pm *is a dinobot* Whirl 10:11 pm *you know whirl would happily fight a dinobot* Windchill 10:11 pm *Windchill would fight anyone.* Whirl 10:12 pm I'm not going to remind you of the things you said when I was a bird. Windchill 10:12 pm *Doesn't mean he would WIN, 'specially not on purpose. But he would fight.* Whirl 10:12 pm Not being able to talk was a little irritating, but I could taste, so... even trade. Magnum Ace 10:12 pm They sound like they cause chaos Windchill 10:12 pm I remember I kissed your bird head. And the deposit made in my mouth. Swoop 10:12 pm Whirl was bird? Whirl 10:12 pm Also being the same size of these mooks *sidelong glance to the twins* was a novel experience. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm [[They are helpful on occasion.]] Windchill 10:12 pm That's about it. Whirl 10:12 pm Briefly, yep. Thanks to the greyfaces. Swoop 10:13 pm *flaps his wings* Fun HUH? Magnum Ace 10:13 pm Helpful? What I've heard is mostly...not Windchill 10:13 pm *Has noticed that they seem to be listening to real music.* Bull 10:13 pm *is even more confused* Windchill 10:14 pm I don't think I've met a helpful greyface in my life. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[Oh, yes. Now and then one of them will act on a shred of kindness. They have assisted him a few times before.]] Whirl 10:14 pm Oh, yeah. Analogue flight is great. I had the best of both worlds--analogue wings AND rotor arrays. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Rumble snorts.*
//You oughta be our size more often. Get away with LOADS more scrap, heh.// Swoop 10:15 pm *grins at whirl* wicked Windchill 10:15 pm Granted, seeing as I've taken to killing them when they piss me off, which is all the time, they're probably not much inclined to be nice to me. Whirl 10:15 pm Just goes to show you how good I am at getting away with stuff now, while I'm huge. *smugly* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *Rumble's mouth opens and closes for a moment before he just shrugs.*
//Yeah, I can't argue that. Like, at all.// Magnum Ace 10:16 pm . . . All right then... Whirl 10:16 pm *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm *Soundwave thinks back to how he used to handle some of his worse greyfaces and looks over at Prowl. Too bad he can't ever talk about it. It would probably amuse the mech to find out an alternate was responsible for convincing him to stop.* FakeProwl 10:17 pm *~oblivious~* Magnum Ace 10:17 pm So...will they stop if I ignore them? Windchill 10:18 pm ...Maybe. Bevel 10:18 pm Or they might get worse. Swoop 10:18 pm Bird Windchill 10:19 pm Smushing 'em's easier. Magnum Ace 10:19 pm . . . Swoop 10:19 pm *is oblivious to the soundrack of his future playing in the background* Magnum Ace 10:19 pm I'm not as large as almost /all/ of you ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm *There's reasons he's not using the ones with video footage. That's for another night.* Windchill 10:19 pm Greyfaces are small. Whirl 10:19 pm They go away eventually. I haven't seen one in a long, long time. Magnum Ace 10:20 pm So ignoring them should work? Swoop 10:20 pm Bird, you see grey magic stuff before? Windchill 10:20 pm It's worth a try. Bevel 10:20 pm I only saw them when I was a newbuild. Magnum Ace 10:21 pm -he'd rather not be on the bench for three or more days again- Windchill 10:21 pm But if they rain dildos on your head or make you bleed from your unmentionables...don't say you weren't warned. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm {{Lots, many many. Them bother Boss most timing, not Bird much. Quiet now. Questions, not many trick.}} Magnum Ace 10:21 pm What and what? Windchill 10:21 pm ... Let's just say that I have a reason to kill them on sight these days. Several reasons. Magnum Ace 10:21 pm ? Swoop 10:22 pm Oh. Neat! Me Swoop.... umm.... dunno... *legitimately cannot recall if this is a thing that happened before to him, given that he's from a pretty batty universe to start with* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[He prefers the ones who ask questions.]] *Taps his leg, thinking.* [[Not that the inhabitants of the multiverse aren't capable of bizarre or unpleasant things all by themselves.]] Bull 10:22 pm .... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[But at least they have never convinced a small horde of sentient insects to crown him their king.]] Windchill 10:23 pm *Feels personally attacked.* Bevel 10:23 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Glance at Bevel. He hears you.* Swoop 10:24 pm *glances over at the speakers and feels kind of weird, can't explain why, he's just glad the song is over* Bevel 10:24 pm *giggles harder* Windchill 10:24 pm Anyway, greyfaces are generally stupid and do the same things over and over. Magnum Ace 10:25 pm ..... Windchill 10:25 pm *Or, would if he hadn't put a dent in their population.* Magnum Ace 10:25 pm I really have no idea what you are talking about. But okay Windchill 10:25 pm That's probably a good thing. Swoop 10:26 pm *scrunches up his nose* what noise? Windchill 10:27 pm *Tries to not snicker at Swoop's face.* *Fails.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[Music.]] Swoop 10:28 pm *rolls his optics at soundwave* Windchill 10:28 pm Him Swoop no like? Swoop 10:28 pm Me Swoop like HER BIRD music : > ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm [[Then you can attend the next newbuild night to listen to it.]] Bevel 10:29 pm I like it. Swoop 10:29 pm Me Swoop not NEWbuilt. Me 33 now. Windchill 10:30 pm That's right. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm [[You are under two million. You are a newbuild.]] Magnum Ace 10:30 pm ... Windchill 10:30 pm Our little baby is...*makes a dramatic show of wiping away a tear.* ...all grown up. I'm so proud. Swoop 10:30 pm Two million is SOOOO MANY! Magnum Ace 10:30 pm -RIGHT! Not going to ask ages now, they have to be up early tomorrow- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm \\HE'S *YOUR* KID? THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.\\ *Ask them ages next time. It'll be a hoot.* Windchill 10:31 pm No, thank Primus. Well. FakeProwl 10:31 pm *at some point, Prowl gradually became conscious of the fact that there is not, in fact, a movie playing anymore.* Windchill 10:31 pm I mean. Magnum Ace 10:31 pm Soundwave? Can we get assistance home now? Bevel 10:31 pm *welcome to the after party, prowl* FakeProwl 10:31 pm *he started picking up on the conversation again somewhere around the time Soundwave said that anyone under two million was a newbuild.* Windchill 10:31 pm If he were he probably wouldn't have turned out like that, so you're mileage may vary. FakeProwl 10:32 pm *looks at Soundwave like that's the wildest thing he's ever heard.* *admittedly, his "that's wild" face is a 😐 face, but still.* Swoop 10:32 pm Two million SO SO MANY Magnum Ace 10:32 pm -he will and probably just /stare/- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[...What? No it isn't. Not here.]] Windchill 10:32 pm Is it? *Legitimately doesn't know.* Swoop 10:32 pm Uh huh Windchill 10:32 pm Huh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Looks at Prowl. How is that surprising? You know how old he is.* Windchill 10:33 pm I've been told a million is a lot. FakeProwl 10:33 pm *you're considered a newbuild until you're TWO MILLION?* Magnum Ace 10:33 pm ...... FakeProwl 10:33 pm *TWO? MILLION?* Magnum Ace 10:33 pm Wait Wait, hold on Two million years? Swoop 10:33 pm Me Swoop aaaaaaaaaaalmost 50! That a loooootttt, Soundwave. Not a newbuilt. Bevel 10:34 pm My creator is like fifty million. *she might have added a couple million there* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm //So's Bird.//
{{NO! Not fifty!}} Mutter mutter sounds like forty-something. Bull 10:34 pm Million? ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm \\WE'RE LONG-LIVED, BUDDY.\\ Swoop 10:34 pm How old Bird is? *giggles* Magnum Ace 10:35 pm I can tell. Bevel 10:35 pm *waves her hand dismissively and grins* Close enough! FakeProwl 10:35 pm ... I'd spent over half my life at war when I hit two million. Windchill 10:35 pm Is a gazillion a big number? *He's heard that one before, too.* Magnum Ace 10:35 pm . . . Can we go home now? FakeProwl 10:35 pm In your universe, mechs aren't even considered competent to make their own decisions until then? Bevel 10:36 pm We can make decisions before two million! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[Your timeline is shorter. He would not count y-- one moment.]] To the Leaguers: [[There will be a bridge waiting outside when you are ready to take it. Try not to dwell on the age matter too much.]] Magnum Ace 10:36 pm -nods- Okay...and thank you Swoop 10:37 pm Two million toooo maaanyyyy. Me Swoop can kill mech TODAY. That grown up thing. Bull 10:37 pm Umm, thanks. Maybe see you guys next week. *waves* Bevel 10:37 pm That is because it is different in your universe. Magnum Ace 10:37 pm -scrambles down and out. Time to get home- Good night Windchill 10:38 pm *Waves because it's polite to acknowledge people or something to that effect.* Swoop 10:39 pm Me Swoop want to see Bird doing music thing LOTS! Not wait for Neeeewbuilt Night. That for BABIES. Windchill 10:39 pm Oh... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[Where was he... two million. Yes. Technically it is one and a half million years, but with so many records missing and different planetary schedules he finds it easier to check a whole number.]] Windchill 10:39 pm So that means I can go? Swoop 10:39 pm (( every time swoop says the word baby or babies, he WILL say it like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFzXIplizck )) Bevel 10:40 pm *not going to dwell on the fact that she's been fighting and killing since she figured out how to really transform* Windchill 10:40 pm (( Oh my god. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm //How old are ya, Windchill?// Whirl 10:40 pm ((omg im sorry if anyone said anything to whirl i got distracted by an extremely cute beetle)) Swoop 10:40 pm *was conceived for badass 80s murder specifically and has no idea what adult night could possibly be where he isn't allowed to attend* Windchill 10:40 pm Wheh? FakeProwl 10:40 pm ((share it)) Windchill 10:40 pm (( I saw ur beetle post I would be distracted by that precious nibbler 2 )) Uh. I don't do math and so don't know how old I am. Swoop 10:41 pm Bird, Bird. Tell Him Soundwave that Me Swoop not a baaaby. Me can do ANYTHING. Dinobots can do anything! And listen to Bird music is a thing! Whirl 10:41 pm (( http://megaweapon.tumblr.com/post/167964851515/thebabys-exoskeleton-has-darkened-completely-now )) Windchill 10:41 pm It's a mystery...it's history... Whirl 10:41 pm ((uhh that didn't... paste quite right bit ot's a video of the beetle being cute)) FakeProwl 10:42 pm ((what a cute)) Whirl 10:42 pm Yeah, I was grown long before I was two million, too. Swoop 10:42 pm You Whirl tell Soundwave too! Tell Him that Me Swoop can go to Dancitron on NOT Newbuilt Night. Windchill 10:42 pm *Furrows his brows.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm @Prowl: (txt): What reason, surprise? [[It is his business. He will restrict you to the night he considers appropriate.]] Swoop 10:43 pm :V Bevel 10:43 pm I am two million so I do not have to go to newbuild night anymore. *she really should go to Dancitron on a regular night sometime huh* Swoop 10:43 pm What APPROPRIATE? Whirl 10:44 pm Pfft, as if, Swoop, this isn't MY house. Swoop 10:44 pm Dinobots NEVER appropriate Windchill 10:44 pm *Snorts.* Hell yeah, that's the right attitude. *He's never appropriate either.* Whirl 10:44 pm *looks to the twins* How old're you two, anyway? If you told me, I've already forgot. FakeProwl 10:44 pm @Soundwave «That seems an absurdly long time for a person to be blundering about too cluelessly to be trusted to handle his own life.» Swoop 10:45 pm *back swoop up here, prowl* *LetTheDinoDrink2018* FakeProwl 10:45 pm *oh no, you should absolutely not be trusted around narcotics of any kind* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm //We're, uh... 20 million?// \\18 MILLION.\\ //Frag it. Somewhere in there. Busted chronometers, y'know.// Death'll do that. Windchill 10:45 pm *Briefly wonders if he might be a baby by comparison to anyone else...decides not to worry about it.* Swoop 10:46 pm *whines* Biiird Bevel 10:46 pm You were dead? Windchill 10:46 pm *He's pretty sure that he's older than Swoop, so good enough.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm {{Bird never dead, what you talking about? Peh.}} Swoop 10:46 pm ((windchill and swoop at newbuilt night)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm {{What Swoop?}} Whirl 10:47 pm Well. ...damn. Bevel 10:47 pm *so confused* Whirl 10:47 pm That's a long time to be alive. *what an INTELLIGENT AND THOUGHTFUL RESPONSE WHIRL* Swoop 10:47 pm Me Swoop want to listen to You Bird. Newbuilt Night, no Newbuilt Night. : < Whirl 10:47 pm *he's honestly a bit flabbergasted* Windchill 10:47 pm (( That would be...bad. )) Bevel 10:47 pm I guess. *shrugs* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm {{You swoop Newbuild. You go that night.}} Swoop 10:48 pm 💔 *u cut him deep bord* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm @Prowl: (txt): Not blundering. Soundwave explains; patience requested. Windchill 10:50 pm *Crosses his legs.* FakeProwl 10:50 pm *acknowledging ping* Swoop 10:50 pm : < Windchill 10:51 pm Numbers schmumbers. Swoop 10:51 pm yeAH Windchill 10:51 pm *What.* Swoop 10:51 pm Me Swoop can do anything 2 million year bot do : < Windchill 10:51 pm Except display a modicum of common sense or rational decision making. Swoop 10:52 pm You meet Huffer? kehehhh Windchill 10:52 pm ... Does he do drugs? Bevel 10:52 pm Huffer whines a lot. Windchill 10:52 pm I would too, with a name like that. Swoop 10:52 pm Huffer get smack a lot kehheeh For say dumb stuff AT bots Windchill 10:53 pm Wow. He gets smacked...for saying dumb stuff? Swoop 10:53 pm Yup Windchill 10:53 pm Huh. Bevel 10:53 pm That is mean. Windchill 10:53 pm I wonder how much of MY life that explains. *Not enough of it.* Actually. Swoop 10:54 pm Him Grimlock say Him eat Huffer but Huffer kehhh Huffer probably give tank ache kee Windchill 10:54 pm Most of my recent smackings are for putting my mouth on Whirl so that's warranted. Whirl 10:54 pm Damn right. Windchill 10:54 pm Yeah. That's how I consent to being smacked. Swoop 10:55 pm (( my personal favorite huffer pic http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/4/4f/DivideandConquer_shutupHuffer.jpg )) Windchill 10:55 pm I ask for it. Whirl 10:55 pm Don't YOU get any bright ideas, neither. *peers at Swoop* Bevel 10:55 pm *can't argue there, she's punched bots for similar* Swoop 10:55 pm Bright idea? Windchill 10:55 pm (( BEautiful. )) Bevel 10:55 pm ((omg Ironhide plz FakeProwl 10:56 pm ((i looked at optimus's chest and i first i thought that was a nightmarish upside-down reflection of optimus's face)) Bevel 10:56 pm ((his whole hand fits over his face i can't Whirl 10:56 pm If you didn't get it right away, I ain't explaining. Bevel 10:56 pm ((i did too puff Swoop 10:56 pm Him bite you? Windchill 10:56 pm I think what Whirl means to say, is...don't have any ideas at all. *Gasps in faux offense at this insinuation.* Windchill 10:58 pm *As if Windchill has ever been anything but a gentle lover.* Swoop 10:58 pm ??? Whirl 10:58 pm I don't know who you're asking what, at this point. Windchill 10:58 pm *Except when he's not and legit bites people.* Swoop 10:58 pm *points to windchill* Him bite you *points to whirl* Whirl 10:58 pm Nope. Why the hell would he BITE me? Swoop 10:59 pm *cocks his head, has no idea what we're talking about oanymore* Windchill 10:59 pm Because you're so tasty, Whirl. I just can't help myself. Whirl 10:59 pm Don't you start spreading rumors about me. Windchill 10:59 pm Mmmmhmmmm. Bevel 10:59 pm Ew. Windchill 10:59 pm *Licks his lips grossly.* Sorry. Old habits. Whirl 10:59 pm Ugh. Windchill 11:00 pm I love rumours. They're like a disease. Swoop 11:00 pm *blows raspberries at this whole conversation* Bevel 11:00 pm *...not sure if she imagined that apology, what's in this drink?* Windchill 11:00 pm Anyway. Swoop 11:01 pm Bird! Me Swoop want to go play. With you! Windchill 11:01 pm I'm hardly the one spreading rumours when you've got everyone lined up to feast on your corpse the moment you kick the bucket. Has nothing to do with ME. Whirl 11:01 pm I've got exactly ONE PERSON. Windchill 11:02 pm Yeah, and he's lining up. I'd eat you if you'd share. So selfish. I mean. Think about it. I could eat you and you would be a part of me. /Forever./ Bevel 11:02 pm *gonna pet Chimera instead of being part of this conversation yep* Whirl 11:03 pm That's horrifying. Windchill 11:03 pm I know. Whirl 11:03 pm And my cue to leave. This has officially gotten too weird for me. *streeetches* Windchill 11:03 pm I have a macabre sense of humour, I can't believe you haven't noticed already. Whirl 11:03 pm Catch you losers later. Bevel 11:03 pm Night, Whirl! Windchill 11:03 pm Bye, sucker. Have fun with your space boat... Without me... FakeProwl 11:04 pm *if Bevel wanted to avoid the conversation, she should have planned ahead like Prowl and not gotten adequate sleep for three weeks. It makes it very easy to zone out.* *although, admittedly, very hard to do anything else.* Windchill 11:04 pm Actually it'd be cool if you showed some pics sometime. Whirl 11:04 pm When it's actually fixed up I'll invite you lot over, or something. Windchill 11:05 pm That's fair. Swoop 11:05 pm Bird. Me Swoop want to stay with You :X Windchill 11:05 pm Maybe I'll even bring that butt I owe you. You can mount it on your dashboard. That would be fun to explain. Whirl 11:05 pm Y'know, I think I'll pass on THAT... but you did just give me an idea. Bevel 11:06 pm *like pay attention to the movie but she'll consider it in the future* Windchill 11:06 pm You're welcome. I honestly haven't found a butt yet. Since MINE isn't good enough for you. *turns up his noseless face. Snubbed.* At this rate I'll probably have to resort to killing someone to take their butt as a trophy. Which is horrible. Whirl 11:07 pm Sorry, I'm very selective about my butts, mech. Windchill 11:07 pm You're not sorry in the slightest. Whirl 11:08 pm Okay, fair. I'm not. *hops up* Windchill 11:08 pm It's okay, I forgive you. *Shoos Whirl away. Shoo!* Windchill 11:10 pm *Is honestly more shocked that nobody seems to have a problem with him killing someone to steal their butt than anything.* Swoop 11:11 pm *would kill for shits and giggles so...( ** Bevel 11:12 pm *has killed for money?* *or whatever counts for money in some universes, energon, ship parts, whatever* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm @Prowl: (txt): Underworld traversed after creation. Dangerous terrain, horrific creatures, strange mechs. Blundering survivors: rare.
Aboveground, decisions made. Purpose, rank, location. Transfers effected. There, additional knowledge given. Work, social, life navigation, government propaganda... last, most required. All more, if high caste.
Low caste mechs often released early. This, not considered problem - dead unfinished low-caste newbuild: unimportant, replaceable.
Soundwave believes all deserve full time. Second opinion: Soundwave's timeline: ancient; much learning required. Survivors: experienced warriors. Time understanding, navigating new society, learning self-protection: vital. This, neutral zone. Safe place. Soundwave refuses assistance, situations: fresh faction persuasion, war restart; association without appropriate identity awareness; potential mental, physical, legal endangerment; other.
If exception requested, source: Prowl timeline mech, personal judgment formed Windchill 11:12 pm *Disgusting, all of you.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm Span differences already known. Here, two million rule: firm. Swoop 11:14 pm *is going to eat this entire dish of treats one after another while staring at Bird, play with him gdi* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm *WHOO now i can read what i was missing* Bevel 11:14 pm *mercenary thank you* Swoop 11:14 pm ((writing a book there cro)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((there's a lot of HC behind his rule and i have to condense it and then condense it more into his speech ;; )) Windchill 11:15 pm *Probably killed more people, if you count organics, than anyone in this room, by virtue of being a Decepticon. Still judging you for not judging.* Swoop 11:16 pm ((no rush! I'm rewatching that video with the SICK Lucio player with King of Swing for the song lol)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Soundwave would contest that claim, but frankly he'd rather not bring up how much death he's personally responsible for. And Prowl can make his own claim, though Soundwave would suspect he's sort of the hands-through-someone-else variety.* FakeProwl 11:17 pm @Soundwave «... It takes you a full two million years to learn the bare minimum needed to function well enough to go to a regular bar?» *That sounds to Prowl like either pathetically weak learning retention abilities or an extreme disregard for the basic intelligence and competence of mechs who had reached maturity but had yet to reach an arbitrarily high benchmark to qualify for adulthood.* Windchill 11:17 pm *It's okay because Windchill can't count.* *So we'll never know.* Swoop 11:17 pm *is at a crippling murder disadvantage by virtue of his age and the small number of surviving Cybertronians at the tme of his birth and would be SO OFFENDED if this was part of the conversation out loud* FakeProwl 11:17 pm *Prowl will make no claim because it would involve jumping into a conversation he isn't even hearing.* Bevel 11:18 pm *Bevel doesn't take anything Windchill says seriously so she won't judge anything he says as she's pretty sure it's a lie to get someone to react* Windchill 11:18 pm *One day, Swoop, one day.* *He tells the truth most of the time. Short of the rhino sweat incident and some stupid thing he might have said last week.* *It's complicated.* Bevel 11:20 pm *so many conversations not actually happening ha* Windchill 11:20 pm *It's for the best.* Whirl 11:20 pm *slinks off* Windchill 11:20 pm *YELLS.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm *The twins wave as Whirl goes* Windchill 11:20 pm BYE SUCKERRRRR. Bevel 11:20 pm *you're still here?* Swoop 11:20 pm *licks this dumb plate clean* Windchill 11:21 pm *Sniffs.* Bevel 11:21 pm *no wait there he go* Windchill 11:21 pm *Wipes away another tear.* I'll miss him... *Hand over spark.* I'll never forget you, Whirl. Bevel 11:23 pm *gently coaxes Chimera awake* I have to leave now and I do not think Soundwave will let me take you home. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm [[It will do them good to be around others who do not mind them. Go ahead.]] Bevel 11:24 pm Awesome 🙂 Swoop 11:24 pm *chirps* Windchill 11:25 pm *Makes a face.* Bevel 11:26 pm *then she will be taking her new arm band and heading out, but not before bidding everyone goodnight and waving* Windchill 11:26 pm *Waves casually.* Swoop 11:28 pm *pat pats at Bird* Me Swoop want to play now ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm {{We go.}} Swoop 11:28 pm : > Kaaaay *follows Bird off to whatever Activity she picks* Windchill 11:29 pm This feels anticlimatic. I feel...hungry. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave stated two million years considered maximum. Reminder: Most time spent before: government. Importance reduction: severe. Society also broken, changed; less learning time required.
However, Soundwave's duty: protect patrons. Cannot perform, defend self/business if established guideline: ignored, new risks: ignored. Therefore, all elevated, level: former full high caste time requirement.
*Small shrugs. It was the best he could do for himself and the newbuilds with how the world has changed.* Windchill 11:38 pm *Time to FEED.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm *Take some of the snacks with you. There's always tons of them, thanks to Laserbeak's appetite and the dragon's supplying.* Windchill 11:39 pm *Probably not on people.* *Nope.* Windchill 11:41 pm *Has been perpetually starving since the war began, it's easier to forego snacks altogether than test his self control and risk eating all of them.* FakeProwl 11:41 pm @Soundwave «... That's still a massive maximum.» Windchill 11:41 pm *THAT WOULD BE GREEDY.* Windchill 11:42 pm *He has enough guilt to deal with without adding that nonsense to it.* *Creeps out like a creeper.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Soundwave pings Windchill goodnight as he leaves.* Windchill 11:43 pm *Ew, he's been spotted.* *FLEES.* *Flees RUDELY.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm @Prowl: (txt): Remedy's age: 83 million. Alpha Trion--
*Never mind how old Soundwave thinks that mech actually is.*
--Older. Soundwave's belief: native newbuilds coping capability: high.
Noted side benefit: peaceful club nights. Death threats, brawls, unpleasant historical descriptions: rare. Good balance. FakeProwl 11:50 pm "Coping capability"? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm (txt): Rule acceptance, fuss: minimum. FakeProwl 11:52 pm ... You're... saying they have an unusually high natural inclination toward unquestioning compliance? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm (txt): Negative.
*And he looks vaguely alarmed by the idea, sitting up straight.*
(txt): Suggestion: If expected lifespan exceeds twenty times restriction length/higher, restriction length: minor inconvenience. FakeProwl 11:54 pm ... You're suggesting that youth are patient? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm (txt): Prowl knows comparable alternative location? FakeProwl 11:55 pm ... Location? *when did they switch from talking about ages to talking about places?* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm (txt): Affirmative. If visitation desire: retained, comparable location: unknown/inaccessible, patience: enforced.
(txt): Unless comparable location BUILT. Permitted, difficult, unlikely. FakeProwl 12:01 am ... Oh, you're talking about permission to visit your bar. No, I don't c— I'm not talking about that. I'm just, trying to get a grasp of your universe's conception of maturity. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am (txt): Difficult. Known, understood framework: outdated, unrelated, irrelevant. What importance, full Vosian political behavioral knowledge, proven handling ability? Vos: ruined. Political structure: gone. Titles: unimportant. Negative. Alternative: Underworld escape success? Basic wilderness survival skills possessed upon emergence; nothing else known.
Total time after ceasefire, initial newbuild reappearance: <5 years. New concept not possessed. FakeProwl 12:13 am But even as it was before your war, I can't get my head around— Here, let me illustrate this. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am *Settles in to listen.* FakeProwl 12:14 am *And when he says "illustrate" he means "use math," of course.* FakeProwl 12:15 am The oldest mechs in your universe can reach, from the sound of it, around a hundred million years. Is that a fair estimate? A hundred million for you, and for my universe—as far as we know—it's more like ten million. So based on our known recorded histories, your mechs max out at about ten times older than my mechs. Ten times. But it takes your mechs fifty MILLION times longer to be considered matured. FakeProwl 12:17 am So, even taking the proportional ages of mechs in your universe and in my universe into account... I'm—I'm trying to figure out what you spend all that time doing. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am (txt): Education, practice, social connection, monitored activities; all extended lengths. In false memories, many centuries practicing single skill until perfect. Time spent not problem when upward mobility, personal activity choice: minimal.
(txt): ...That, if fortunate. Majority not included. Recall statements: "low caste mechs often released early", "low caste newbuild: unimportant, replaceable". Well always creating. Brief instruction, basic knowledge, early removal/termination. [][][]All that time[][][] expectation: not long, if theirs. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:34 am *In other words, if you were lucky you did what you were always going to do over and over and over because nobody else was vacating their position. And if you weren't, it didn't really matter.* FakeProwl 12:39 am Yes, I heard the part about the low caste mechs. It's unfortunate but irrelevant to my point. When I said fifty million times longer, that's ALL our mechs—including the very top of the social hierarchy, the mechs that probably got little gold stars next to their alt-modes in the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy. Our proto-senators didn't spend any more time being prepared for the world than our flashlights, and—by the sound of it—that time was shorter than even your most oppressed. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:52 am (txt): Perhaps Prowl's timeline efficiency: higher, stagnation: lower? Similar events achieved within span fraction.
(txt): Perhaps two million years not true required time reflection. Instead, average time between upper caste position vacancies. Then, stalling, new maturity line required.
(txt): Perhaps direct math: nonapplicable. Earth horses, walking within minutes. Earth humans, full year.
(txt): All unknown. Apologies. FakeProwl 12:56 am ... Maybe. *vaguely, to any and all of the above.* Sorry, I—don't think I'm... equipped, currently, for speculating on all this. *How many times had he had to ask Soundwave to clarify what he was saying? Forget trying to make sense of WHAT Soundwave was saying, Prowl was barely keeping up with HOW he was saying—* *He'd forgotten to give Soundwave permission for telepathy. The whole night. He goes very still, and turns his optics off. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.* ... I should go home. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:59 am *He will return the light knee touch, though it's more of a rest than a pat. Patting seems like it'd come off as patronizing right now.*
(txt): If Prowl desires. Recharge: important; age discussion postponement: acceptable. Rest. Soundwave sees soon. FakeProwl 1:01 am *Recharge. Yeah. That'd be nice.* Evening. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:02 am (txt): Goodnight. FakeProwl 1:02 am *And with that, he disappears.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:06 am *Soundwave opts to spend the night on the couch, and after about an hour spent wondering why Prowl has insomnia instead of getting to sleep himself, he'll pull the generator out and tuck it close by. Uneasy rest happens after that.*
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misswingless · 6 years
Last night I came to the (very stupid) conclusion that I shall practice archery more this summer and I shall name my bow Blissful Ignorance because blissful ignorance is already the weapon I wield best and if I accidentally kill someone I can say I murdered someone with Blissful Ignorance. I don't know why that would be so convenient though...
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misswingless · 7 years
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@charminglyantiquated I tried to paint your Cornerwitches. :D I think they turned out nice. My camera sadly didn't pick up on the colors of Cornerwitch no2 (I was messing with the colors a lot, watercolor is hard to mix). Anyways, I just love that comic so I had to make these. Enjoy!
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misswingless · 6 years
Alright so... uhm. First official translating project: translating the No Stranger game for Black Vein Productions.
What did I get myself into again... This shall be interesting?
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misswingless · 7 years
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An other one on my 'wtf did I just draw' list It is anatomically wrong in so many ways and the shading is not good but sod it, lol. This is the best I could do. :D Anyways, whatever this is, I hope you like it.
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misswingless · 6 years
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It’s literally impossible to take a photo of me so I’ll stick to good old mirror photos, but anyway @wraithwitch the dress fits perfectly well, thank you
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misswingless · 6 years
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Well Little Wingless wasn't a genius but this is like, kind of cute 😂
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misswingless · 6 years
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One is done. Bitch tried, bitch failed. I can't draw people. Pro tip: don't ask me to draw you for Christmas. Now I have to draw an attic for my brother for unknown reasons. Why the hell would he need a drawing of an attic for Christmas, I don't know. I am sort of afraid to ask though.
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misswingless · 7 years
I was looking through my drafts on tumblr (aka #personal rambles that were way too angsty to post) and can we just appreciate how in early October I put ink into a fresh wound of mine and nothing happened? I expected something at least a tiny bit terrible. Ink does not belong in wounds. And yet!
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misswingless · 7 years
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Ages old scribble for the Amino contest thing in July. Drawn at 10:30 by your darling Wingless personally. There was a human in the place of the quote but it resembled someone (Cass damn it why do I love to draw you so much? Eeep I need to shut up, the past is in the past) way too much so it was erased & replaced. I have to note that it was late and dark and I did this in 20 goddamn minutes because I was in a hurry. My camera is dying. I can’t draw shit.
Ghost by Halsey (my saviour who is 10/10 a bad example for kids of my age but totally has the voice of a goddess)
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misswingless · 7 years
I want to count all the books in this house
That'll take a few hours. But I can't think of a smarter way of keeping myself occupied and emotionally stabile at the same time, so
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misswingless · 7 years
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So apparently this terrible mess is why Wingless stayed up until 11 pm and Phoenix missed a chance to be a social darling and do something irresponsible. Certaily wasn't worth it. Would have rather gone with that idiot to that stupid event... might as well rock up tired and useless and hours late, they'd probably apperciate it. I was the one who dragged everybody there anyways. Me and my fictionsl parties... :P Major fuck-up. That looks like it was painted by a 6 years-old. Ok I could have done it better. Could have started a week ago. Could have painted an actual scenery in daylight with oil paints. But I am sleep deprived (last night was some weird crap), tried af, using some leftover paint for kids from years ago and a terrible brush. The hell was I expecting?
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misswingless · 7 years
Threaten me with a maths test and you will find me walking around wrapped in duct tape
I will elaborte soon but I have an important appointment with a sewing machine (a very disagreeable one :/) and I'll hopefully come back alive
And no I am not sewing the duct tape, I'm not that dumb
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misswingless · 7 years
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The Curious Case of The Fuck is This Doing In My Drawer and What am I Supposed To Do With a Plastic Gun at All, from the Adventures of Wingless and the Boxes, 3rd edition, 2017, translated by L.J.U., WTF Publishing Co. I didn't think I still have this fucker. The last time I had it in my hands was when I found it on the ground at a village festival. A police officer thought it was an actual gun. I was 11 or so. :P I'm pretty sure I will find a use for it...
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