#wild shit but just dropping 'oh yeah vardamir got the choice' before breezing on kind of eclipses them all
anghraine · 23 days
First of all congrats on nearing the end of your PhD program!!! Woohoo!!!
Second of all, I’m muy late to the party here (been off tumblr for a bit) but WRT these tags ( https://www.tumblr.com/anghraine/749212904253947904/khazzman-tolkien-elendil-was-called-the ) what do you mean the pregnancies were strange lol how strange can they be…?
As for the first point: Thank you! I'm really looking forwards to being done, lol.
As for the second point: anon, I delight in your innocence. In fact, I delight to such an extent that I wrote a long and rambling explanation over on my Dreamwidth account. It's here.
An excerpt:
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