#wiki became the shape of a woman over time when she realized how happy she is just being a woman
wis-art · 1 year
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Hi, i will be rather busy on the weekend, i have drawn this quick little pin-up sketch of Wiki and i will leave it with you all
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Promises We Can’t Keep
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Implied smut, a bit of cursing( I don’t know if I should tag that) Challenge: Bailey’s Birthday Challnge by @jayankles Prompt: 9x08 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place Word Count: 2.117 A/N: I had no internet and couldn’t wach the episode so this fic is based on the Supernatural Wiki page and transcripts so sorrynotsorry if stuff is not 100% accurate, I kinda had to guess their reactions but I think I did okay. Thanks to Bailey for letting me participate in this awesome challenge. Reminded me a lot of the oldschool fanfiction I used to write (it’s still out there. 50 chapters of absolute horror) Also huge hanks for the bilionth time to @queen-fierfly Enjoy :D
“We hope you enjoyed the tour!” Bonnie smiled brightly “Any questions before we get you guys registered?” The two, humongous –if I said so myself- men looked at each other. The taller one, long hair reaching bellow his ears, grazing his jawline, cleared his throat.
“Uh, yeah, uh, look, um, Ms. Futchko-“Boy, was he awkward.
“Oh please,” Bonnie smiled again “Bonnie will do just fine” Ugh, I hated her.
Who would’ve known I’d have ended up in a church, trying to figure out what the hell was going on in a town where random people disappeared and instead of actually interrogating witnesses, took a friggin tour. The two poor bastards that were supposedly interested in the tour, two mountain-tall men with beautiful eyes, didn’t know what they had coming to them if they became part of that church.
“Bonnie. Okay, uhm, we… we love the church. We do, but… Well, we heard that a few members have gone missing, and, to be honest… that kinda scares us” I held back a snort. ‘Kinda scares us,’ puh-lease, don’t make me laugh. You’re 50 feet tall and more built than the majority of America’s population, who are you kidding dude.
The slightly shorter man, clad in flannel, just like the Tall one who was either his brother or… boyfriend –it would be a shame, really-, shot me a look, eyebrow raised. His bright eyes searched mine for an indication of… something. He didn’t find it. In response, I chewed my mint gum obnoxiously and shrugged in a ‘me? I didn’t say anything.’ manner. He smiled knowingly.
“Let me assure you, with our increased security, ‘Good Faith’, has never been safer.” She tried to be reassuring, but you could see her almost panic that she’d lose us. She reminded me of those horrible infomercials that lasted 10 minutes and made you want to break the tv “And those people who have gone missing, well, they are front and center in our prayers.”
“Amen,” I feigned relief and smiled as hopefully as I could muster. The Short one nodded in agreement.
“What a relief. Now, you must’ve been, uh, close to them” Something smelled fishy with these two.
“Well, we do share the A.P.U. bond.”
“The what now?” I butted in.
“Our chastity group, “Abstinence Purifies Us” “
Oh boy.
“Oh.” The Tall one said “W-wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it’s for us?” He asked kindly.
“Oh, I want in too! Sounds like fun.” Everyone glanced at me. I shrunk back a little.
“I’m afraid it’s members only. I’m sorry, it can get pretty personal.” Her lips pursed and her orange curls bounced a little.
“Then count us in”
“Me too” I grinned. This time my grin was partially true. I realized what was up with the two men.
They were hunters.
How did I not realize earlier?! Built, fading scars on every part of skin that saw the light of day, jumpy and wary, scanning the area as if something would jump them any second now. Jeez, I was oblivious.
“Well, I’ll be a squirrel in a skirt, I’ll be back in a jiff with the papers” Bonnie grinned and ran out the office, pulling papers from a large filing cabinet.
“Okay, what’s your deal?” The shorter one turned n his seat to ask me.
“Excuse me?” I feigned shock and hurt.
“Come on, sweetheart, we’re not dumb, drop the act” I ignored the shiver that traveled down my spine when he used the pet-name.
“Fine” I scoffed “we’re all hunters here, and I’m not very happy you’re ruining my investigation by the way, but I’ll let it slide for once and we’ll work together, sound good? Okay” With an eye-roll, I dropped back on my chair not leaving any room for argument. They looked slightly taken back before recomposing themselves.
“Great,” Green-Eyes scoffed.
“I’m Sam” The Tall one offered his hand “That’s my brother, Dean” he motioned with his head to Green-Eyes as I shook his hand. Sam seemed nice, I thought as his huge paw drowned mine. Dean was hot, but something told me he wasn’t particularly excited of me joining them.
“Brothers, huh? I was betting on couple, but what do you know” I shrugged, mirthfully watching Sam and Dean’s eyes widen a fraction “Y/n” I pulled away and sat back down.
“So wait, a chastity group?” Dean decided to ignore my comment.
“Dean, listen, if all the members were in A.P.U., then maybe whatever took them is stalking virgins” Sam’s glance danced from me to his brother.
“And the Slim guy said he saw fire.—“
“You went to that scumbag too? What a prick” Sam shot me a questioning look “He tried to grope my ass” I rolled my eyes. “so, what are you thinking, dragons?”
Dean hummed
“Shh,” Sam hushed upon seeing the stupidly happy redhead enter the office.
“All righty” Bonnie handed us clipboards and pens “You can just sign here and your purification can begin” She leaned against her desk.
“Purity pledge?” I read questioningly
“It’s a commitment to your virginity”, She said seriously.
“Uhh… About that…” I trailed off
“I don’t think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean?” Eloquent, I thought, giving Bonnie that ‘woops’ look. She looked both at Dean and I quite shocked.
“Oh, I see. Well, if you ask for God’s forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well, then you’ll be born again as a virgin in his eyes” She smiled brightly, having found the solution to our problem.
“So, wait, you just hit the virginity “do-over” button and it’s all good with the man upstairs?” Well, how ‘bout that. All my problems are solved. I laughed inwardly
“It’s not a button.” I have a feeling she doesn’t like me very much “And this isn’t just a piece of paper” She gestured at our clipboards “I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage” Well that certainly won’t happen soon.
“Well, you had me at ‘clean slate’. Let’s do this” Dean smiled charmingly and we all signed our names at the bottom of the page.
“Congratulations guys. You’re all officially virgins”
“Oh boy” I muttered as Sam and Dean ‘ah’-ed lightly as if sharing and inside joke. Something told me Dean wasn’t gonna hold on to his ‘clean slate’ for long. Something told I wasn’t either. His charming smiles and flirting comments indicated he was no short of a womanizer. Either that or he was just really insecure and tried to cover it up but the way I saw him check out Bonnie’s ass as she walked away and ushered us out of the office, I wouldn’t really count on the latter.
“Oh, by the way,” Bonnie said, making us spin around to face her. “the meeting starts in an hour.”
And so the boys and I killed our time over coffee and a snack in the nearest diner, exchanging stories. Dean would often stare at me for longer than what’s considered normal. And either Sam nudged him, to which when he glanced back at me I’d wink or smile or something of the sorts, or he’d just snap out of it.
I found myself really interested in the Winchesters. These, seemingly completely normal, Titan-heighted men had been through hell and back and then through hell again and they were standing in front of me, entirely sane, two damn heroes that had saved humanity’s asses more times than I could count. Of course in the little time we spent at the diner, they didn’t brag about their achievements. I kinda forced it out of them.
Sixty minutes passed quickly and we found ourselves seated in a circle that reminded me a whole lot of the Hollywood version of group therapy.
I was thinking this while everyone in the room prayed. Apart from me and Dean of course. I was looking up from my lashes, inspecting the space and the girls around me, all mid-twenties maybe early thirties. I wondered what pushed them to want to be part of the virgins-till-marriage club.
I saw Sam nudging Dean and motion for him to pretend to pray. Dean rolled his eyes and then closed them. I did the same, waiting for the cue to open them.
“Amen.” A woman with chin-length wavy blonde hair said, I think her name is Suzy, picking her head up. “Now, does anyone have anything that they would like to share?”
“I wrote a new piece of verse!” another girl got up excitedly “It’s called sex is a racket, and God’s ball is in your court” She grinned and took a deep breath, ready to start talking
“Aand we would love to hear that Tammy- later” Tammy sighed and sat back down, slightly disappointed. “Why don’t we hear from our new friends? Sam, what brought you here to reclaim your virginity?” Sam, rendered a bit speechless and not knowing what to say, subconsciously waved his hands around in that questioning I-don’t-know-what-to-say-or-do-in-this-situation-help motion. His mouth opened in an o shape. He reminded me of a fish a little.
“Uh, well, I guess because every woman I’ve… ever… had relations with, uh… it… hasn’t ended well” poor bastard. Something told me it went past ‘didn’t end well’. Everyone nodded along. Dean chuckled.
“He ain’t lyin’” Sam pursed his lips again and bitch faced Dean. His older brother seemed unphased.
“Thank you for being here, Sam. Stay strong, stay pure” Suzy replied and suddenly the entire circle in sync stated “Stay Strong. Stay Pure” like they were chanting a conjuration.
“How about you, Y/n?” Suzy smiled warmly.
“Uh… I have tough parents. Let’s just say they weren’t really happy when they found out I popped my cherry and well… here I am” I shrugged impassively. “And you, Dean?” I smirked. “Tell us your story”
“Yeah, Dean” Suzy encouraged “Tell us why you came here.” She seemed hungry to hear his voice.
Dean shot a small glare at my triumphant smile, before squaring up his shoulders. “Uh, hard to say, exactly. Yeah. Sex has always felt, I don’t know, good, you know? I mean really, really good.” He looked around, realizing who he was talking to. “Uh… But, uh… Sometimes it just makes you feel bad, you know?” I could see the wheels in his head spinning, trying to find a good, believable enough story. A lie. “You’re drunk, you shuck up.” He smiles “Then it’s the whole morning thing. You know, ‘hey that was fun’ and then ‘adios’, you know? Always the ‘adios’” He looked wistful.
“But you know, when you get down to it, what’s the big deal, right?” Then he turned and stared at me, a small ghost of a smirk forming on his lips. “I mean, sure, there’s the touching and the feeling of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body, the two of us moving together, pressing and pulling…” his bright green eyes were so intense, challenging me to say or do anything. “… grinding” All the women started shifting uncomfortably, toying with their papers, watching him, probably trying not to drop their panties on the floor and beg him to take them right then and there. The asshole knew it but continued anyways. He was trying to get a reaction from me. “Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds until it all just-“ Dean made an explosion noise with his mouth and Tammy’s paper being crunched between her hands echoed in the room. That, along with his brother’s bitchface and my smug look, brought Dean back. He cleared his throat
“Yeah, uh… But the whole thing was a little too, uh, sticky. So, uh, I got my V-card back.” He slapped his leg cheerfully “The End!”
Safe to say I got out of there on wobbly legs.
Sam headed to their room –we found out we were staying in neighboring motels-as Dean offered to “escort me” in mine. I laughed at his face and muttered a mocking ‘sure’ to which he pretended to take offence.
“Hey, I can be a gentleman!” He pouted.
“Key word being ‘can’.” I winked, unlocking my door. “Coming in for… tea?” Tea, Y/n?! Seriously?! Dean practically laughed at my face
And, predictably, three minutes later I found myself pinned against a wall, racing on who could take his clothes off quicker while kissing. The kisses were messy, full of clashing teeth and laughter and awkward angles but, my God, I didn’t give a single fuck about it.
I won.
“Shoulda known not to wear five hundred layers, Winchester” I grinned, under him, hands tightening in his hair, a moan dying on my lips as he sealed them with his.
“We’ll see if you’ll be throwing any more smartass comments in a minute, sweetheart” The mischievous glint in his eyes sparkled.
“We’ll see if you’ll hold out for even a minute, Dean-o”  I arched up to him, lips messily contracting his.
“That a challenge I hear in your voice?” He grinned. I winked
“Only if you prove me wrong”
And holy hell, he did.
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jameskendrick123 · 6 years
2000 word book. (Christmas traditions)
While there’s no official record of why we hang socks for Santa, one of the most plausible explanations is that it's a variation on the old tradition of leaving out shoes with hay inside them on December 5, the eve of St. Nicholas’s feast day. Lucky children would discover that the hay they left for St. Nick’s donkey had been replaced with treats or coins when they woke up the next morning. Another story says that St. Nicholas learned of a father who was unable to pay for his three daughters' dowries, so St. Nick dropped gold balls down a chimney, which landed in stockings hung by the fire to dry. But this appears to be a modern telling—traditional versions of the story generally have the gold land at the father's feet after being thrown through a window.
Regardless of what started the tradition, people seem to have realized the need to use a decorative stocking in place of an actual sock pretty early on. In 1883, The New York Times wrote:
"In the days of the unobtrusive white stocking, no one could pretend that the stocking itself was a graceful or attractive object when hanging limp and empty from the foot of the bedstead. Now, however, since the adoption of decorated stockings, ... even the empty stocking may be a thing of beauty, and its owner can display it with confidence both at the Christmas season and on purely secular occasions."
Though it may seem like a centuries-old tradition, showing up at people’s houses to serenade them with seasonal tunes only dates back to the 19th century. Before that, neighbors did visit each other to impart wishes of good luck and good cheer, but not necessarily in song. Christmas carols themselves go back hundreds of years, minus the door-to-door part. The mashup of the two ideas didn’t come together until Victorian England, when caroling was part of every holiday—even May Day festivals. As Christmas became more commercialized, caroling for the occasion became more popular.
Before Christianity was even conceived of, people used evergreen boughs to decorate their homes during the winter; the greenery reminded them that plants would return in abundance soon. As Christianity became more popular in Europe, and Germany in particular, the tradition was absorbed into it. Christians decorated evergreen trees with apples to represent the Garden of Eden, calling them "Paradise Trees" around the time of Adam and Eve's name day—December 24. Gradually, the tradition was subsumed into Christmas celebrations.
The tradition spread as immigrants did, but the practice really took off when word got around that England’s Queen Victoria decorated a Christmas tree as a nod to her German husband’s heritage (German members of the British Royal Family had previously had Christmas trees, but they never caught on with the wider public). Her influence was felt worldwide, and by 1900, 1 in 5 American families had a Christmas tree. Today, 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. every year.
As with many other old Christmas traditions, there’s no hard-and-fast event that deemed red and green the Official Colors of Christmas™. But there are theories—the green may have derived from the evergreen tradition that dates back to before Christianity, and the red may be from holly berries. While they’re winter-hardy, just like evergreens, they also have a religious implication: The red berries have been associated with the blood of Christ.
To celebrate this joyous season, many people gleefully don hideous knitwear adorned with ribbons, sequins, bows, and lights. In the past, the trend was embraced solely by grandmas, teachers, and fashion-challenged parents, but in the last decade or so, the ugly sweater has gone mainstream. We may have Canada to blame for that: According to the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book, the ugly sweater party trend can be traced to a 2001 gathering in Vancouver.
When we plunk a few Oreos or chocolate chip cookies on a plate for St. Nick, accompanied by a cold glass of milk, we’re actually participating in a tradition that some scholars date back to ancient Norse mythology. According to legend, Odin had an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir. Kids would leave treats for Sleipnir, hoping that Odin would favor them with gifts in return. The practice became popular again in the U.S. during the Great Depression, when parents tried to impress upon kids the importance of being grateful for anything they were lucky enough to receive for Christmas.
Crackers are typically pulled at the Christmas dinner table or at parties. In one version of the cracker tradition, the person with the larger portion of cracker empties the contents from the tube and keeps them. In another, each person has their own cracker and keeps its contents regardless of whose end they were in. Typically these contents are a coloured paper hat, a small toy, a small plastic model or other trinket and a motto, a joke, and a riddle or piece of trivia on a small strip of paper. The paper hats, with the appearance of crowns, are usually worn when eating Christmas dinner.
The crackers are traditionally called ‘cracker bonbons’. Tradition tells of how Tom Smith of London invented crackers in 1847. He created the crackers as a development of his bon-bon sweets, which he sold in a twist of paper (the origins of the traditional sweet-wrapper). He first inserted "love messages" into the wrappers of the sweets, like fortune cookies.
Smith then added the "crackle" element when he heard the crackle of a log he had just put on a fire. The size of the paper wrapper had to be increased to incorporate the banger mechanism, and the sweet itself was eventually dropped, to be replaced by toys and trinkets. The other elements of the modern cracker—the gifts, paper hats and varied designs—were all introduced by Tom Smith's son, Walter Smith, to differentiate his product from the rival cracker manufacturers which had suddenly sprung up.[9] Tom Smith merged with Caley Crackers in 1953.
Throwing a yule log on the fire is another tradition that is said to predate Christianity. As part of winter solstice celebrations, Gaels and Celts burned logs decorated with holly, ivy, and pinecones to cleanse themselves of the past year and welcome the next one. They also believed the ashes would help protect against lightning strikes and evil spirits. The practice was scaled down over time, and eventually, it morphed into a more delicious tradition—cake! Parisian bakers really popularized the practice of creating yule log-shaped desserts during the 19th century, with various bakeries competing to see who could come up with the most elaborately decorated yule log.
If you prefer a wood yule log to one covered in frosting, but find yourself sans fireplace, you can always tune in to Yule Log TV.
Technically, Advent, a religious event that has been celebrated since the 4th century, is a four-week period that starts on the Sunday closest to the November 30 feast day of St. Andrew the Apostle. Traditionally, it marked the period to prepare for Christmas as well as the Second Coming. These days, it’s mostly used as a countdown to Christmas for the religious and the non-religious alike.
The modern commercialized advent calendar, which marks the passage of December days with little doors containing candy or small gifts, are believed to have been introduced by Gerhard Lang in the early 1900s. He was inspired by a calendar that his mother made for him when he was a child featuring 24 colored pictures attached to a piece of cardboard. Today, advent calendars contain everything from candy to LEGOs.
It’s hard to imagine why anyone would be inspired to chug a raw egg-based drink, but historians agree that 'nog was probably inspired by a medieval drink called "posset," a milky drink made with eggs, milk, and sometimes figs or sherry. These were all pricey ingredients, so the wealthy often used it to toast with.
Eggnog became a holiday drink when colonists brought it over from England, but they found a way to make it on the cheap, nixing the figs and substituting rum for sherry. And how about that weird "nog" name? No one knows for sure, but historians theorize that "nog" was short for "noggin," which was slang for a wooden cup, or a play on the Norfolk variety of beer also called nog (which itself may be named after the cup).
Mistletoe has been associated with fertility and vitality since ancient times, when Celtic Druids saw it as such because it blossomed even during the most frigid winters; the association stuck over the centuries.
It’s easy to see how fertility and kissing can be linked, but no one is quite sure how smooching under the shrub (actually, it’s a parasitic plant) became a common Christmas pastime. We do know the tradition was popular with English servants in the 18th century, then quickly spread to those they served. The archaic custom once allowed men to steal a kiss from any woman standing beneath; if she refused, they were doomed with bad luck.
Exchanging holiday greetings via mail is a surprisingly recent tradition, with the first formal card hitting shelves in 1843. Designed by an Englishman named J.C. Horsley, the cardboard greeting showed a happy group of people participating in a toast, along with the printed sentiment, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.” A thousand of them were printed that first year, and because it cost just a penny to mail a holiday hello to friends and family (the card itself was a shilling, or 12 times as much), the cards sold like hotcakes and a new custom was born. Today, Americans send around 2 billion cards every year.
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