#why does a plotline begin and then pause to introduce another plotline and now i have to follow fifty plots
jazzellow · 1 year
current review of season 3 as of now
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common-grackle · 2 years
Winnie Foster and growing up
@claireverlasting @marinesocks You guys wanted this?
Here's the thing about Winnie Foster. She's not dumb (anything but), but she is naïve, especially at the beginning of the show. From literally the first time we see her on stage, we know a lot about her home life and her motivations:
She's obedient, especially to her mother (who is...pretty stifling)
She wants to go to the fair (and she's hopeful that her mother will let her)
She's unhappy with her life (she can't "live like this forever")
There's some other stuff too, like how the setting is casually dropped (August 1st, 1893 in Treegap, New Hampshire), which I love because the music is catchy and it's an excellent way to get the audience to remember stuff. I'd also point out "I wish I had wings, I'd look good with a pair" - we really get a feel for Winnie's whimsy and youthfulness, but also that she has her expectations set pretty firmly.
This especially comes to light with Mae's verse. Mae's plotline is about her finding that youth again (Tuck actually does a great job of developing plotlines for each character and I appreciate that greatly). In her part, she also talks about feeling stuck (duh, that's what the song is about) and about anticipation - her boys will be home by the end of the day. But that excitement feels more mature than Winnie's for the fair.
Miles and Jesse have a really interesting part that deserves its own post. I'll skip over Miles's lines for now because there's too much to unpack.
Through the lens of Winnie's character arc (or at least the fragment of it that I'm focusing on), what I notice is the parallels between her and Jesse. Jesse is 102, but he really does seem 17 here. His enthusiasm aligns perfectly with Winnie's - it's more childlike, more free. (We'll get there later, but it's my personal theory that that's why their song sounds like it does.)
After Good Girl Winnie Foster, we see Winnie shouting at her mother ("No! I hate you, and I hate your rules!"). It's implied that she doesn't have outbursts like this often (if at all), which is...really interesting with what happens next. My favorite part of this scene is Winnie's line when she's talking to her toad: "Why should I apologize? I don't want to just be 'good.' I want to be daring."
She then has a short reprise of her song, and I think these lines are the most significant:
If I don't leave now I'll only wish I had
How can I know good without trying bad?
Winnie knows exactly what she's doing: she's breaking the rules. She goes directly from being a "well-behaved eleven" to literally running away from home. That escalated quickly.
Let's pause before we meet Jesse to talk about the plotline the show has set up for Winnie. She wants to go to the fair, wear a bright color, have fun, and then she gets in an argument with her mother and runs away. Honestly? This could've be the plot of a story on its own, if we hadn't also been introduced to the Tucks and the Man in the Yellow Suit. Winnie really is just a kid who got caught up in the plot (and proceeded to stir up a lot of drama herself).
One of Jesse's lines right before Top of the World is "There's no use running away if you don't make it an adventure." Jesse and Winnie's friendship took off because they shared the same view of the world, and neither of them had ever known someone like that before (or, not in a long time - part of me wants to know what Winnie's father was like, but again, topic for another time).
Winnie: Everything looks so different, up here!
Jesse: You ain't seen the half of it.
She really hasn't. All of these scenes have been setting up who Winnie is at the start of her story, but where it gets interesting is when she's faced with more things that she's never thought about before.
Winnie: I can't believe you tricked me. I trusted you. (As if they got engaged.) We climbed a tree!
Yes, that's the actual text from my script. Climbing a tree with Jesse was The Biggest Deal to Winnie, because she'd never done anything like that before, with anyone.
There's so much I could say about The Story of the Tucks, but the gist of it is that Winnie has no idea what to do with this information. The first thing she asks after they finish is "where is this cat?", and the second is "How can I be sure you're not just telling me a story?"
There are two other lines here that I'd like to mention. First, the bit where Winnie asks what else they can do, and if they can fly. She's picked up the immortality thing (which is likely something that she's read about), but she's assuming that it's some kind of superpower (positive connotations - keep that in mind).
The second is "It must be so fun to be you!" Winnie, you sweet child, no. Winnie just isn't grasping how eternal life could be a bad thing, and I don't think she really does until the end of Act One.
(Also, the way that Angus says "Not natural, how much that boy has lost" when Miles exits? This is why Tuck Everlasting causes audiences pain. It's because we already know more than Winnie does.)
Okay, let's talk about Partner in Crime and Seventeen. Like I said, I'm pretty sure that (besides it just being the right tone for the song) Partner in Crime is fast and upbeat because that's the mood that Winnie and Jesse share. This song happens literally directly before everything goes south. I also love all the echoing and overlapping that happens in this number, because they feel the same way but they have different contexts for it.
There's a line before Seventeen that haunts me when I'm trying to sleep: "Listen: Ma and Pa and Miles? They don't know how to enjoy anything anymore. They're stuck in the past. But you? You thought it was amazing to climb a tree." Jesse is still optimistic because he thinks he's found a way out (and it is a solution, just not the right one).
But do you want to know something? Neither Jesse nor Winnie sings anything upbeat for the rest of the show. All of their songs up to this point were fast and cheerful, and that doesn't happen again after Partner in Crime. Actually, none of the Tucks sing anything upbeat after this point. The Man in the Yellow Suit, the Constable, and Hugo are the only characters who appear in the faster songs in Act Two.
It's because Winnie is finally learning how negative immortality can actually be. She's still herself, just more somber. Jesse's already losing hope, and with our two most optimistic characters (not counting Hugo) finally getting hit with all of this, it travels over to the rest of the Tucks. (Miles, Mae, and Angus all have their own reasons for this too, but there's too much to say about those.)
Time is a song that most of us have cried over at one point or another, and I think it's this scene that starts to solidify Winnie's decision not to drink from the spring. (It's also the most insight we get into Miles's character, I think. I love this song.) However.
The Wheel doubles as a Winnie and Angus bonding moment and the moment where Winnie finally puts everything together. She echoes Angus's words, and she strings together her own in Everlasting.
Not to ruin the mood that I've set here (whatever that may be) but I think that seeing the Man in the Yellow Suit dead (killed by someone she knows and loves) also probably contributed to Winnie's sudden maturity.
The effect that Winnie has on the Tuck family is made very clear throughout the show. She shows Mae how to live like she used to, and remember the joy that she's lost a bit of. Winnie and Angus have one of the sweetest dynamics in the musical, this father-daughter relationship that develops between them. Miles and Winnie have...a lot going on that I will save discussing for later. And Winnie is Jesse's first real friend in pretty much forever. But this experience also has an effect on Winnie, and that's what I'm trying to get at here.
Right after she says goodbye to the Tucks, Winnie sings Everlasting. It's a song about a decision, and although a little bit of the suspense is kept, we as the audience already know what Winnie is going to do, because that's what's been set up the whole show. (And we're right: she gives the water to the toad.)
Winnie starts her story as an eleven-year-old girl who wants to get out of the house and go to the fair. Throughout the course of a few days, she grows up and learns a lot about the nature of life and humanity and everything Tuck Everlasting is trying to teach us.
Remember how I said that Tuck hurts because the audience knows more than Winnie? I really do think that's the reason. We know early on what's going on with the Tucks, and we see Winnie figure it out and sort out her emotions on her own time. We basically go through that pain twice.
(I'm not sure if this is significant, but going back to my thing about how the music changes in Act Two, I did notice that the ensemble carries the fast part of the end of the show. It's not the Tucks anymore. Oof.)
If you made it this far, please discuss this with me because I am desperate to hear more theories.
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ravenaveira · 4 years
Ok, time for my review of Kh3 Re:Mind Dlc
This is gonna be long, so be prepared, and yes there will be many spoilers so if you dont want spoilers of the game then you probably shouldnt read this, but if you dont care then stick around.
I will start off with my unbiased and critical opinion.
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From the title menu alone you already know what this game is gonna be about. Kairi is gonna be center focus, or should say specifically Sokai, and Riku will be virtually non existent.
Now I know what your thinking, well duh its all about saving Kairi of course Riku wont have that big a role and she’ll be the main focus, and to that I say no shit sherlock I already knew that. My issue isnt that it was Kairi focused because I already knew that and still pre-ordered the DLC, but my issue is what this title screen represents and my fears were proven correct.
Let me elaborate
Riku is just as much of a friend to Sora as Kairi is, from the beginning of the series its always been Sora, Riku, and Kairi, thats the way its ALWASY been. But from this title screen I could tell Riku’s bond with them wasnt gonna be present at all and I was right.
I’ll elaborate further
I know Im jumping way ahead here but bare with me, at the end of the game after Sora rescues Kairi they travel the worlds together, Sora notices he is fading away which is why he goes to the many different worlds he has visited but now with Kairi, spending his final moments with her before he finally disapears.
See the problem? Sora doesnt involve Riku at all in his final moments being alive, he is just completely absent during his entire remaining life. Sora only spends time with Kairi during his final moments, Riku wasnt shown with them once.
I know some people say well we dont know how long Sora was alive before vanishing and he was probably the one who organized the party, but did we see that though? did we see any signs that Sora was alive for more than a day or two? did we see Sora talking to anyone like he was setting anything up? NO, it was all about Kairi and Riku was completely forgotten.
I can understand if Sora wasnt dying then it wouldnt matter how much time he spends with Kairi alone, but Sora was fading away ANY SECOND and he didnt spend any of his remaining time with Riku at all, even at the beach party who is Sora sitting next to alone with before he finally vanishes? Kairi. That is inexcusable and a huge insult to Riku and his bond with Sora, hes just completely excluded, that is unforgivable.
These new added scenes to the ending actually made it worse than the original version of it, before we didnt even know Sora was around for more than a day and just assumed they all had a beach party afterwards to celebrate getting everyone back and saving the world, but now we know Sora was actually around for an extended period of time and made no effort to spend time with anyone other than Kairi, not even his best friend Riku did he spend time with for his final hours, that is despicable.
Another major issue is how Sora keeps saying his journey started with losing Kairi in this game, as if Riku wasnt ALSO lost that day, as if Riku wasnt the reason Sora kept on his journey even after saving Kairi and sending her back to Destiny Islands, as if he didnt fall to his knees and bawl his eyes out finally reuniting with him, as if he wasnt content with spending the rest of his life trapped in the Realm of Darkness with Riku, as if for the entirety of the base game of kh3 Sora wasnt constantly and only thinking about Riku and how many things he wished he could show him.
Apparently in Remind none of that happened, none of that mattered, it was Kairi that was his main motivation, it was Kairi that started his journey, Riku wasnt involved in it at all.
That is a huge issue with this DLC, it treats Riku like a side character and of little importance to Sora, in the base game they handled them fine minus that on instance in the Keyblade Graveyard where Sora says ‘Alone, Im worthless’ even though Riku’s right there but other than that their relationship and bond was handled very well but in Remind? practically non existent.
Now onto the story aspect, if your not into time travel and have trouble understanding the many variations of it then your gonna have a bad time because it gets VERY confusing to follow, which is why you should never introduce time travel because it becomes way too complicated to keep track of and not only that you also have to worry about things like paradoxes, ripples in time, alternate timelines etc. Its a complete clusterfuck to keep up with and manage so time travel really shouldnt have been introduced in this series.
Chirithy tells Sora that no matter what he cant change the past again, yet there are times where Sora does just that so exactly what cant he change? for example, when Roxas appears he asks Sora to do him a favor which is essentially getting the X back from Xemnas in their names. Sora does several things to make this happen and even Kairi gets a couple swings at Xemnas this time but then the two of them are basically caught and restrained inside shadow balls [pause]
See the prob? this is a huge change to that fight, Kairi never took a single swing at Xemnas, she just stood there and got snatched up, Roxas never asked Sora for help getting the X’s back from Xemnas, and Sora and Kairi never got restrained by Xemnas and knocked out.
Chirithy explicitly said Sora cant change what happened and no matter what he has to accept it for what it is, yet here he is, changing what happened. Maybe you could argue well this is an alternate timeline, even if it is that makes all of this irrelevant and means it never happened because the true ending is the one where it didnt happen, making this semi useful Kairi moment really pointless because at the end of the day its not canon, her being useless is the true outcome, none of this matters.
That is extremely disappointing, so even if you alter the past for the better it doesnt matter because its an alternate timeline and that timeline isnt the real one making this whole redo pointless and time consuming for a short DLC that was an extra 30$ to play.
So the time travel is very confusing and even if you follow it, it ends up being very disappointing when you realize none of it matters.
Moving on to some of the tied loose ends, Im glad they explained why Aqua froze up after saying ‘We stand together’ and I like how we get to see how Young Xehanort came to have the beliefs that lead to what he did and also MOMs subtle influence on him succumbing to darkness.
He told Xehanort that he would outgrow the robe and no longer need it because if he was truly powerful then he’d be the one controling the darkness, this leads to Xehanort later begining to travel without the robe and being corrupted. So we know now that MOM also influenced that as well and is very sketchy, even more now than he was before since this action greatly influenced what Xehanort eventually does and all the pain he caused, all of which would have probably never happened if it wasnt for him.
But thats just my theory and what I got from it.
I liked that we got to see Namine for a brief moment where Sora basically brushes her off and completely forgets about thanking her, this is a plotline Im pretty sure at this point is just never going to get resolved. He just tells her to go to the Final World and walks off, which makes no sense because Sora was surprised to see her in the original playthrough.
Another change was Lingering Will dying to protect Sora, again this never happened because Sora was busy fighting alongside everyone in the maze while Lingering Will and Terranort were fighting away from them. After Lingering Will died for him then Sora is pretty much squeezed to death by Terranorts Stand, or atleast knocked unconscious.
So much about these are just so confusing as to how they are happening when Chirithy said the events couldnt be changed I just stopped questioning it.
But atleast this time its made clear that Namine is the one who sent Lingering Will to help everyone and how she did it, so now people can stop saying Kairi is the reason everyone survived because it wasnt, without Lingering Will they would have all died a second time.
Basically the first half of the DLC is just recap with some minor changes and additions to the cutscenes, you get to play as other characters like Riku [optional] Aqua [not optional] and Roxas [optional] but other than that its basically the same thing all over again for the first 3-4 hours of the DLC, that is ridiculous.
The new content finally starts when Kairi is shattered, funny how the game gets good after Kairi dies xD I’ll stop.
Anyway once Kairi dies is when we finally get explorable Scala, but not without having to endure an insane fight with tons of heartless and nobodies and yes its more complicated than you think. It doesnt matter how many heartless or nobodies you kill, they will keep coming until you kill this one red heartless with way more health than your average heartless has.
After that you can pretty much wander around Scala as you wish and this is the only time where you can buy items or food so make sure to do that if your low on items. If your low on money there are minor enemies there that you can kill to get some so take advantage of this opportunity because your not getting another one.
Your goal in Scala is to basically run around, solve a couple puzzles, and get 5 of Kairi’s heart shards, revealed to having to be 7 later on. Sound fun? besides being able to see more of Scala’s layout, not really. But its a good place to take a breather before getting back into the big battles ahead.
Unfortunately your actually forced to fight the armored organization again but thankfully you dont have to do the ENTIRE final battle over, just that one section which I appreciate but wish we didnt have to do any of it at all.
So after we’re done Scala we get in MY opinion the two best parts of the entire DLC. We get to see what was going on with the rest of the keyblade wielders back home and it was INSANE and extremely well done, everybody had a chance to shine.
When everyone was swept away and Mickey was down and out, it was amazing seeing Mickey push himself back up and slowly with what little strength he had take on all the armor organization BY HIMSELF severely weakened, yet still powerful enough to hold them off and stand his ground. He really showed us WHY he is the King, so THAT I really enjoyed. It was extremely well done and one of the most memorable parts of the DLC.
The next part was even more insane and well done, which is us getting to fight as all the keyblade wielders against the armored organization and even get some cool dialog and team attacks in between, it was just amazingly well done seeing everyone work together and switching between characters was just so epic and enjoyable.
Honestly I could play those two parts over and over again and enjoy it everytime, their just that good and the most memorable in the entire DLC.
Coming back with Kairi and killing Xehanort together with all the keyblade wielders including Kairi this time was satisfying to see but it excludes Xehanorts and Eraquses final words, I mean yea seeing Xehanort have a semi happy ending put off alot of people but at the same time, seeing Xehanort come to the realization that he was wrong about everything and giving the Wayfinder trio closure by seeing their master one last time and hearing his apology to them just held more weight to me.
Im not saying I think Xehanort should be redeemed as easily as he was, but I feel like excluding Eraqus and their final words made the ending feel hollow, just ok we beat the bad guy, happily ever after now. Thats pretty lackluster and unsatisfying In my opinion.
Finally the ending....
Heres where Im gonna be biased and give my personal thoughts. Warning if your a fan of Kairi skip to the very end of the review where I give my overall rating
I hate the ending, for the reasons I listed in the beginning but also many others. I get the main focus was gonna be Kairi since the DLC was about saving her, Im not mad about the obvious, Im mad about the execution.
The Sokai agenda was so forced and apparent its not even funny, they shove it in your face so hard yet when Sora is talking with Chirithy he still refers to Kairi as a friend, really? your shoving this pairing down our throats just to have Sora still friendzone her? Im not mad because I dont want them together anyway but I hate the games being played here, you either want them together or you dont, pick a friggin side Nomura.
And while we’re on the subject, I hate, HATE, how this game is so heavily romance focused when Kingdom Hearts was NEVER about romance to begin with, it was always about friendship and bonds. Not in this DLC though, no now its all about Kairi and being with her forever, traveling the world together, holding hands, all this lovey dovey nonsense nobody invested in the plot could give a rats behind about.
Sure people who are into Kingdom Hearts for the romance of course they dont mind, but Im pretty sure MOST people invested in this series are in it for the story, not some stupid pairing, and I HATE how much they shove it down your throat because it is just so forced and obvious what they were doing.
This was all damage control for Kairi, who has been a useless damsel in distress and dues ex machina in every single game shes been a part of. I repeat, EVERY SINGLE GAME SHES A PART OF.
Kh1 - Kidnapped, unconscious, Sora needs to die to save her.
Kh2 - Kidnapped, held hostage, Sora needs to find and save her.
Kh3 - Kidnapped, unconscious, is killed twice, Sora needs to die to save her.
Do you see what I fricken mean? Every fuckin game its the same danm thing over and over and quite frankly Im sick of it. You might as well say this is a Mario game because Kairi is princess Peach always gettin snatched up and Sora is Mario always going through insanely deadly trials to get her back, and then it happens all over again.
This DLC was damage control for that, instead of immediately getting snatched up by Xemnas she actually gets a few good swipes at him to no avail of course, and then she fights together with Sora against armored Xehanort, all of which is just damage control for her not doing anything in the entire franchise and pandering to her fanbase that are constantly screeching for playable Kairi and for her to do something.
It was also damage control for how non existent their relationship was and what a joke its been since Kh1. They arent fooling anybody because thats exactly what this was, otherwise why you have to try so hard to CONVINCE us how important she was to Sora? why did Riku have to get sidelined so much just to boost Kairi up? why’d Sora completely disregard Riku as a part of his journey? why did Sora not spend ANY time with ANYONE for his final moments alive? its so obvious why. The only way to convince anyone shes actually important and relevant is to play down everyone else or exclude them entirely.
Congratulations, you got your wish, good for you fandom, but at what cost?
The time they spent forcing so much Sokai could have been used to tie up way more loose ends than there were but nope, gotta squeeze in that Sokai, thats what yall really here for right? fuck off.
The two best moments of the game was so short lived its not even funny, this DLC was full of so much padding in the first half, forced romance and pandering for damage control they forgot to actually make this a decent DLC.
Since I recorded my gameplay from start to finish I can actually tell you the amount of old content vs the new
3-4 hours of mostly what we already seen with a few changes, I only died twice
1-2 hours of new content, probably less because I got lost and died alot
That is unacceptable, 30$ for only 10% new content? that is a robbery.
Not only that but the worst part is the Limitcut episode, databattles have always been optional for competative players who like the challenge. Now you are FORCED to fight these INSANELY hard bosses, all 13 in order to get the final bits of the aftermath of the story.
WE PAID FOR THIS, this wasnt free we PAID for it and yet we’re basically told ‘Hey if your a casual player and want the rest of the story? well you gotta fight 13 of these insanely hard databattles that used to be optional but now their madatory for you to get the rest of your moneys worth. Too difficult? cant do it? well too danm bad, get good or go home we got your money already so screw you guess you’ll never know’
That is a fucking robbery and a huge slap in the face to people who are invested in the story, not proving their the best by fighting insanely difficult battles no matter what difficulty your on. It wouldnt be an issue if this was always the case, but these battles were always OPTIONAL for competetive players to do if they WANTED to, but now its mandatory and if you cant do it then oh well middle finger to you.
I couldnt even beat Vanitas, I fought him first and then Luxord and I couldnt beat either of them so I just said fuck it and went on youtube to see what I paid to see for free. 30$ wasted on a game I cant even finish, your out of your fucking mind if you think thats fair and excusable.
Thats why at the end of the day I give it a 5/10, its not good but its not bad either, its just decent. But if you asked me if it is worth the time and money? fuck no, my advice? watch other youtubers play it and keep your 30$
If you want it just to play as some of the characters, experience the new content for yourself, and play the databattles then by all means get it.
But if you think thats not enough for you to spend 30$ for then dont get it.
Overall Re:mind gets a 5/10, useless padding for majority of the first half of things we’ve already seen and cant skip because theres new scenes mixed in, forced romance that nobody but shippers care to see, severely lacking new content, and unfair extremely hard mandatory databattles just to see the final aftermath of the story which is kind of important setup for the next game.
Fuck this DLC, this was my fist time EVER buying a DLC for ANYTHING and thanks to this its probably my last. So thank you Re:Mind, for ReMinding me why I never bought DLCs in the first place.
Ps - Im so glad playable Kairi was optional, thats one of the only things this DLC did right.
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shadowphoenixrider · 4 years
Why N’Zoth should have been behind BFA’s War
Okay so I’ve been thinking this for a day or so now, and I’m gonna just dump my thoughts here.
In this essay, I’m gonna make the argument that I think N’Zoth should have been behind the war in BFA. It’s gonna be long as shit, FYI. Here we go.
It’s no secret that opinions on BFA’s story have been...mixed. Some think it’s a garbage fire, others think it’s okay but not stellar. Some bits of BFA’s story, such as Jaina’s arc I find very well done, whilst others are very...below average, must try harder.
I think the main problem is the overarching storyline running through the entire expansion. It feels very disjointed, like many self-contained narratives sort of strapped onto one another into what looks like a storyline, if you squint.
Contrast this with Legion’s story. What was the primary conceit of the expansion? The Legion’s back and we have to stop them. Great! A nice solid story maypole we can pivot events around. Everything the patches introduced tied back to this core story ideal:
Return to Karazhan: some freaky shit is going down in Medivh’s digs and we think the Legion is behind it. Stop them!
Tomb of Sargeras: Time to get to Tomb and stop the Legion from pouring in!
Argus: You know what, we need to stop the Legion Once And For All (maybe)! Time for a cataclysmic showdown on the Legion’s homeworld!
Even the Insurrection storyline held closely to the Legion storyline, since the demons had control of the city and a Titan MacGuffin we needed, so we had to help the Nightfallen boot them out.
Now, BFA has at first glance, a good premise. All-out war between the Alliance and Horde, whilst Azeroth bleeds underneath us. That seems pretty good, right? Yes, it is, but there is a problem; the status quo.
The trouble with wars, especially really big ones (like world wars), is that by their nature, they upset the status quo. The WoW status quo is both the Alliance and Horde is, in the lore’s eyes, on equal footing. Problem with this all out war is that someone’s gotta lose - but no faction can lose because that upsets the status quo.
Thus, the story has already lost its running shoes because it can’t change anything drastically at the end. There’s still got to be a Horde and an Alliance - now, Mists of Pandaria managed to end an Alliance/Horde war in a fairly convincing stalemate because of Garrosh. Since he was deposed and he was the instigator of a large portion of Bad Stuff, people could sort of understand Varian letting the Horde survive under the threat that they’d get their asses thoroughly beaten if they did anything bad again.
This did not work a second time. Why did it not work a second time?
That’ll be because Sylvanas burned down Teldrassil, which pretty much accounts to genocide. Now, Garrosh pretty much dropped Azeroth’s equivalent of a nuclear bomb on Theramore, and that was made a very big deal of, but Sylvanas decided to take a leaf from the Bombing of Dresden and add some fire to her war crime. And thus, a very large petard is hoisted around BFA’s neck.
The image of a burning Teldrassil is almost certainly a very shocking, very dramatic one, and I’m pretty sure that’s why Blizzard chose to do it. It’s certainly a very big, risky move in the terms of story that could have elevated it. The quest to try and save the citizens of Teldrassil as it burns is truly harrowing and excellent in how it underscores the hopelessness of the task.
The thing with the burning of Teldrassil is it has colossal consequences, and the story did not handle it with the gravitas it deserved. After that moment, you cannot bring the Alliance and Horde to a happy peace - the Horde has done an undeniably awful, inexcusable thing, and yet the Alliance will apparently look the other way and sign a peace treaty with them now Saurfang is dead and Sylvanas has run off to make Shadowlands happen.
So already we’re in trouble from War of the Thorns, which was not helped at all by Blizzard devs playing a ‘who burned the tree’ game only to reveal that it was always Sylvanas, she did it because she meant to do it. This did nothing but upset and annoy people (me included), which started everything off with a sour taste in our mouths.
Next stop is the attack on Undercity, which is good if not for the inexplicable stupidity of the Alliance not perhaps thinking that Sylvanas would use the Blight against them, after they just witnessed her burn Tedrassil down. And knowing she dumped Blight on Gilneas.
Despite these slip-ups, we’re keeping up this feeling of all-out war. The Horde gets word that Talanji and Zul are stuck in jail, let’s rescue them and get the Zandalari on our side to beat the shit out of the Alliance! The Alliance, not to be out done, decide to go get the Kul Tirans.
And that’s when the story fractures. The stories on Zandalar and Kul Tiras are kinda understandably divorced from the main war, but they’re so divorced as to be almost completely outside of it. The only signs of it outside the War Campaign are the Alliance sailors scrapping in Talanji’s Rebuke that you find in a non-essential side-quest, and the shoehorning of the Horde into the Stormsong questline, which then proceeds to break the latter questlines when the bloody quilboar seem to appear out of nowhere and become the main baddy (what?!).
It took the advent of 8.1 for Faction Assaults to start occurring and making us feel like all-out war, but it seemed a little too late. There was the attack on Dazar’alor that pushed the war narrative, but it was starting to get tangled up with the ‘Sylvanas is Bad Warchief, we must remove her. Or not...?’ storyline with Saurfang, which fell back onto ‘the Horde isn’t bad, it’s the Warchief who is!’ which 1, we’d already had in MoP, and it wasn’t a fun feeling that time either, and 2, it’s not really a good excuse after a genocide.
So Horde politics start, which are sort of interesting to Horde players, but not Alliance players, who only have Tyrande being understandably pissed at losing her home and people and going to wreak havoc to be content with. Well, if by ‘wreak havoc’ you mean ‘kill a val’kyr and somehow get beaten by Nathanos and then get shelved for orc drama later’. Salt was rubbed into this wound when a dev said that Tyrande had ‘got revenge for Teldrassil’ with this, which went down badly.
Now, there has been Old God stuff rumbling throughout the expansion up to this point, granted, but you can count on one hand the amount of times it was given a shit about. Only when Crucible of Storms comes out does N’Zoth do a proper ‘hey guys I’m a bad guy!’ thing, and he actually starts to slither into centre stage.
8.2 begins, when Azshara comes to kick our ass and free N’Zoth, and that’s when the tried and true ‘factions unite vs. the Big Bad’ trope comes out (as everyone and their mother predicted it would), and both factions decide that maybe they should focus against Azshara and her Old God master. But before N’Zoth beating, we need to boot out Sylvanas because she’s mean and burned a lot of innocent people.
8.2.5 arrives, everyone goes and makes angry faces at Sylvanas, Saurfang dies dramatically, Anduin and Jaina look pretty, and Sylvanas flies away angrily. Congrats guys, we did it! Now for some peace. Ignoring the fact Teldrassil is still ash, and Rastakhan is still dead (and the Zandalari are pissed about that), so it should be less ‘peace’ and more ‘polite ceasefire’.
And now it’s 8.3 and suddenly N’Zoth’s everywhere! And we’re going to kill him at the end of this patch and...that’s it. Next stop, Shadowlands. That big bad we’ve been hinting for a long, long time got a single patch to wave his tentacles and then he was very dead. Even worse, his big arrival was completely overshadowed by Shadowlands’ announcement. Ooof.
With all these things, BFA’s story feels like it set off without knowing where it was going to end up, except that maybe N’Zoth was involved and Sylvanas would ditch the Horde. So it bumbled around, making weird choices, and then wrapped up plotlines far too quickly. The war felt after Dazar’alor that it was about to escalate, what with Rastakhan’s death and Talanji’s ascent to Queen. Instead, it suddenly paused before deciding it was going to end so quickly I think it gave us whiplash, just so we could fight N’Zoth as an united front. So of.
As a result, we have plotholes still yawning open, very unsatisfying endings, as well a perpetual conflict between Alliance and Horde on every public forum imaginable - Alliance aggrieved that Blizzard has ignored them yet again in the story department, except when they wanted a shocking stunt, whilst the Horde is upset that they’ve been hit the ‘villain’ stick again, except this time it was a fucking bludgeon, and we’re getting very tired of this now please stop. This isn’t helped by all the foreshadowing of the faction lines either dissolving or loosening up during the coup against Sylvanas, and then Blizzard just going ‘yeah nah can’t do that, gotta preserve the status quo’.
So, how can we improve this by adding N’Zoth? Well, remember the core premise of Legion and stopping them? Repeat that with N’Zoth. It is simple, but we can give it its sweet twist - we’ve got to stop N’Zoth, because he’s not only trying to corrupt Azeroth. He’s also playing the Alliance and Horde against each other so they can’t stop him.
Immediately that makes N’Zoth the Big Bad, and also underscores the point of We Do Not Want Him To Get Out of His Cage, which makes the fact he does get out a big OH F*CK moment. Not that it isn’t already in current BFA, but can you imagine the gutclenching despair you’d feel as you’d done everything in your power to stop this from happening, and yet it’s happening anyway? Now you’d know what Khadgar felt like when the Tomb of Sargeras opened - and you’d know that you’ve got to do everything you can to put this right.
Let’s go back to the beginning, only this time we dial the Void stuff up. We begin the War of Thorns with the factions already tensed up re: Azerite, with preliminary scraps over it and what looked like the Alliance attempting a coup over some of the Forsaken (HEY BLIZZARD STOP PUTTING LORE LIKE THAT IN BOOKS AND NOT REFERRING TO IT INGAME KTHANKS). A tenuous peace, to be certain, which could only be made worse by Old God agitators, stirring up unrest in the factions.
As much as I would prefer the Horde not being the instigator in all the bad stuff, N’Zoth is the only variable I changed in this equation, so with unrest and some intel that makes it look like the night elves are making a move either to cut off Azerite production, or funnel it through Teldrassil, the Horde strikes at Ashenvale and Darkshore, instigating the War of Thorns.
Things look to be going normally, but you as the Champion notice Old God stuff lurking about and ‘hey this looks like what was happening before the Cataclysm- Oh. Oh no!’. You try to bring evidence that this is a set-up to the people in charge, but it’s escalating out of control. Night elves are dug in so deeply that the Horde has to set fires in the forests to get them to move, which causes retaliation, which gets Saurfang involved who critically injures Malfurion, but before the final blow Tyrande punts him into next week and maybe at this point someone goes: ‘wait hold up what do you mean there’s not Azerite over here’.
We stumble over to Sylvanas to try and tell her ‘no wait we’re being played’, but she takes this as misinformation and or a bluff, and fires a couple of catapaults to show she ain’t fucking kidding at Teldrassil. A couple. Enough to cause a ‘I mean business fire’, but since Teldrassil is in the fucking sea and I would assume almost always damp around its lower regions (you’re allowed a snigger at that), it’s not going to set the entire thing ablaze.
Except it does, because of N’Zoth’s minions in the Horde (and Alliance, probably), who fan the sparks with wind and feed them with power. Alternatively, we could have naga rise from the depths to set some Azerite-infused fires too, just to foreshadow Azshara coming onto the scene later.
With Teldrassil engulfed, everyone is shocked, including Sylvanas, who really didn’t intend this to happen at all (and is pissed because there goes her bargaining chip). The Alliance of course declare all-out war on the Horde because how dare they, whilst the Horde is briefly paralyzed with shock.
Saurfang and the others yell ‘how could you?!’ at Sylvanas, who yells back ‘that wasn’t part of the plan!’ and also something along the lines of ‘why the fuck didn’t you tell me the intel was shifty before this happened?!’ before going: ‘well it’s happened now, so we best gear up and stomp the Alliance into the dirt or we’re all going to die’.
Meanwhile people are going: ‘yeah but what about the influences of darker things going on? maybe we should do something about this’ with the answers being: ‘shut the fuck up, they set fire to Teldrassil’/’shut the fuck up, do you really think the Alliance is going to stop after what just happened’?
So it’s a race against time to try and get the factions to turn against N’Zoth instead of ripping each other apart before horrible shit starts happening and we’re all royally in the shit.
Everything happens pretty much as is from there, except we get some explanation for the lack of gas masks being ‘oh no our totally legit sources told us the Blight hasn’t been stockpiled in large quantities, we’ll send infiltration teams to neutralise it’. Only to find out that this is not the case of course and N’Zoth cackles some more. Sylvanas and Saurfang have an argument leading to Sylvanas booting him out and Saurfang getting captured by the Alliance despite the orc wanting death.
Everything goes as is from there, with Zul kinda trying to get Talanji killed because N’Zoth, in a mirror of Ashvane/Jaina. Just this time, we’re pushing the Void angle hard. They’ve both got their hands (or tentacles, rather) deep into Kul Tiras (Azshara) and Zandalar (G’huun), so it only makes sense to amplify their nonsense.
Over time people higher up the chain pick up the fact that N’Zoth’s doing this on purpose, but bad shit keeps happening so the Alliance and Horde can’t put aside their differences because both sides are doing genuinely bad things to each other! Yes, including the Alliance! Sylvanas is doubling down because she wants to survive this, and the only way she knows how is to utterly destroy her opposition. When she sees parts of the Horde begin to lose faith, she gets pissed because this is not the fucking time and this is the only way to stop the Alliance damnit.
Similar stuff happens in the Alliance, with Tyrande understandably going on a rampage against the Horde with Genn in tow, whilst Anduin and the others try to pump the brakes as they see N’Zoth’s tentacles looming everywhere.
Everything reaches a hecking climax when Azshara shows up and one thing leads to another, and N’Zoth comes bursting out, prompting an ‘OH SHIT’ moment. I’m thinking during Nazjatar, the small Alliance/Horde forces there ally, and when they’re just about to do something useful, the bigger kids show up going: ‘what the fuck are you traitors doing?!’ and during the argument, Azshara steals the Heart of Azeroth and unlocks N’Zoth’s prison, which leads everyone to realize ‘bollocks, we were played’.
Anduin can bring most of his Alliance forces to a standstill, and begs Tyrande and Genn to help him vs. N’Zoth. Tyrande tells him where he can stick it, but Genn is persuaded, though he says he’s going after the Horde as soon as N’Zoth is downed.
The Horde does the same to Sylvanas, but she knows as soon as N’Zoth is down, the Alliance will have her head, and especially when she realizes Tyrande’s still out there, she stands her ground. When a good portion of her powerbase decide on the temporary ceasefire to go after N’Zoth, however, Sylvanas tells them to piss off, and ditches the Horde. Talanji does a Genn, knowing how bad the Old Gods are, but she’s still getting blood payment from Kul Tiras after this is done.
Thus, everyone finally turns their attention to the big bad, fully entrenched, and ready for this grand climax. after he’s been causing all this pain and suffering. The Alliance and Horde are splintered, each nursing legit grievances against the other, but standing together for a moment, as always.
Yes, it’s Cata and MoP dressed up in a different coat, but sometimes a simpler plot is easier. That and Cata was more the factions poking each other in the eyes a couple of times rather than all out war.
With N’Zoth as the instigator of the conflict in BFA, we get a big bad we must fight, and we understand more than he’s a legit threat - and that he knows how to weaken us, so he throws us in a battle against one another so he can win. Yet everything isn’t forgiven at the end - the status quo is sort of there, but the factions are more fractured than before. Crimes still need to be answered for, but doing so may cause more conflict and death.
Sylvanas is out there and pissed, and feels the only way she can survive is to subjugate everyone that could ever harm her and perhaps transcend death itself. This entirely speculation on my part, but a part of me thinks Sylvanas’ main driving force is ‘I’ve been through enough, not even death is a respite, I’m going to become so powerful no-one will control me - I will control fate myself if I must’, which is actually fairly tragic and does grant me sympathy for her (watch this not be her main motivator in canon tho).
Does this solve all of BFA’s problems? No, of course not. But I do think it would have improved the story, at least by managing to keep the story flowing in a more linear direction. You’ll notice that Saurfang has all but disappeared from the N’Zoth narrative, that’ll be because I wasn’t too sure what to do with him. I do like him as a character, but he was pushing the ‘only the Horde has story’ narrative, and I’m not too keen on that. He’d still be a main character pushing for fighting N’Zoth and dying in the end, but less of all the focus.
To those of you who got down here - congratulations and thank you! I went on a very, very long time. Hopefully I have written if not a persuasive argument, then at least an understandable one. This isn’t meant as a ‘Blizzard’s writing is terrible!’, because sometimes it isn’t, but as a ‘I think it would have been better if done this way’.
Thank you for reading, and I hope 2020 smiles upon us.
11 notes · View notes
theostry · 6 years
TW Script liveblog - Season 1 Episode 1: Wolf Moon
Or, as it is otherwise known:
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Teen Wolf Scripts!
Check it out, Wolfiends. This is a loooooong post consisting of screenshots of the Teen Wolf script alongside my own rambling commentary. I'm not here to review the show; finer minds than myself have got that covered. Nor is it a photo-recap; that has been done by crazier bastards than myself. What I am here for is scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard I'm eating splinters, give me that Teenage Lupine content, give me ALL OF THE CONTENT--
Excerpts have been selected based on the following criteria: 1) It did not make the final cut; 2) It substantially altered; 3) It offers extra detail not apparent from the show, such as description and direction; and 4) I felt like including it. 
Fun times (and, obviously, a hell of a lot of spoilers) below the cut.
(What the heckie do these colours mean? We may never know)
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So let's get started.
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Answering the real questions here: Scott's shirtlessness was script mandated, not just a case of Posey being slightly allergic to clothes. Let's all take a moment to think about Scott's lithe frame and then go to jail reminisce over how it felt when we had no idea what he would come to mean to us. Sigh.
Aaaaand paydirt! Here is a lovely little scene we never saw on screen.
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Doesn't really tell us anything we didn't learn soon enough, but any McCall family time is time well spent. And I'm not sorry they deleted the casual clumsiness from Scott's intro, so I can keep my headcanon that he had mad lacrosse skills from all his practising but just couldn't play due to asthma.
A wild Stiles appears!
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And it is the perfect intro to his character, easy to see why they didn't change a thing. DOB nailed it. 
Before long, we are introduced to--
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-- Wait, hold up, who? Looks like Stiles's dad got a promotion sometime between "Double Buff" and filming. Congrats, John  Michael  Noah!
Seriously, though, consider the extra layer of politics and secrecy that would have been going on if he was just a deputy rather than Sheriff.  What a different show it would have been, especially in later seasons. 
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But now it's time for--
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--and that means
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Back to school time!
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Setting the scene. Californians, is this a fair representation of your high school experience? Asking for research purposes.
Also, petition for girls and girls also to be able to hold hands. Down with the patriarchy.
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It's everyone's favourite juice enthusiast! Looks like the Sheriff wasn't the only one who moved up in the world over the course of the script revision process - Jackson only had a BMW here instead of his Porsche.
As with Stiles's intro, we achieve Peak Jackson in his very first scene:
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And while we're doing intros--
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But wait, this is a game changer -- you think you know how it does, right? Breezing past Stiles as if he wasn't even there, completely ignoring him? Well THINK AGAIN!
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Yeah I lied.
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So this is new - Scott's hearing was going to be much stronger here, perceiving the caller's voice as well from that distance! What secrets shall be revealed from the other half of this conversation?
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Huh. Yeah, that contributed nothing, and would have had absurd implications for werewolf hearing. Also would have been a totally banal first glimpse of Victoria Argent, which is just unacceptable. 
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Did this happen? I don't recall it. Would have been a cool shot. 
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*Curiosity is piqued*
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I confuse. Is this an editing fail? Two versions of the scene that got smooshed together? Or does Lydia swoop twice (possible Banshee prefiguring)?
 I like the book-spilling version. It establishes Allison as kind.
But this bit --
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-- I do not like. It seems to suggest that there was always something about Allison that helped Scott control his shift, or even suppressed it? Rather than it being his feelings for her that reminded him of his humanity and strengthened his will. Nopity nope.
Now for another intro:
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It's Harley! 
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Yeah, I didn’t know either. I guess she got shafted for some reason…which is a pity, because the girl has got snark.
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Meanwhile…is Harley into Scott? Were we going to have a triangle of luuurve? Not sorry we didn't, triangles are an overrated romantical shape (unless they're equilateral ones, but for some reason teen shows are all about the isosceles and I am over it), but Harley could have been an actual character. RIP, girl I could have liked.
Also RIP Harley's heart, because
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Thus far we have had character intros that were Peak Stiles, Peak Jackson and Peak Lydia ('s queen bitch façade). Now we have one that is a massive understatement:
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Oh, sweet summer children. We ain't seen nothing yet.
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Do you sometimes forget how mutually toxic Lydia and Jackson's relationship was? Ugh.
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Excellent priorities, Scott. But so far so canon.
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Who's it gonna be, ohmigosh mysterious figure--
Ohmigosh, is it--
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*ahem* sorry
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Okay I think I'm beginning to understand why we absolutely had to know about the ravishing beauty of corpse-lady:  Jeff Davis is simply incapable of giving a description of anyone without reminding us how attractive they are. HEY EVERYONE!  THIS IS A SHOW FOR HOT PEOPLE!  EYE CANDY OVER HERE!
…waitaminute, back the truck up. 
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*thinking forward to skeevy Kate plotline, Hale fire was 6 years ago, runnin' the numbers, doin' the math*
19 minus 6 equals …KATE you EFFING PEDO GET in the BIN RIGHT NOW--
--nah just kidding, they obviously decided to age him up sometime after this edit. Also, as has been observed, Jeff Davis inhabits a world blissfully innocent of such things as calendars.  
Now I hope I have sufficiently distracted my audience with squicks and figures, because I want to sneak this one through without getting crucified.
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Okay we're done here, on to--
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Really, there's nothing--
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One million hardcore Sterek shippers:  *collectively lose their shit*
One innocent liveblogger:  *hides*
All twelve Scerek shippers:  *are validated*
Someone sensible:  It's just one line of direction in a first meeting, it doesn't mean--
One desperate liveblogger:  OKAY, MOVING ON
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This is such a great scene -- the terror of all those panicking cats, Scott wanting to calm them but, realising he is the problem, freaks out himself -- and it just got even better, because there's something missing here that we saw on-screen.
While it could have come in a later revision, I choose to believe that singing "hey, kitties!" in greeting was just Tyler Posey's natural instinct upon walking into a room full of feline friends.
But now Allison is here, and Scott has passed off the panic baton to her.
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Woooo Scott is getting his wolf on! But he doesn't seem to know it yet. I wonder from whose perspective Scott's calm is supposed to be 'odd', because I wouldn't have expected him to get worked up about an injured dog given his job. And how many wolves has Jeff Davis met? I don't think their eyes typically glow, outside of tapetum lucidum reflections. But what do I know, I'm not a zoologist.
Also -- they were supposed to have an umbrella? Budget cuts are brutal.
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Do you ever forget how adorable Scallison were before things got complicated? Can I get an "Awww"?
It's also nice that they gave Allison reasons to be interested in Scott beyond 'he's cute' and 'he noticed me'. She admires him for his competence and gentleness here, she's seen him excelling at sports without being a douche about it, and their first interaction was one of generosity. This is why it's disappointing that they cut the bit where Allison helps a stranger with her books -- it's a pity they didn't show us Scott's reasons for liking Allison beyond 'she's pretty'. A sadly typical imbalance in Hollywood: boys are admirable for what they do, girls for how they look. Thank all the gods and little fishes that Allison subverts the hell out of this trope later on.
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Is this or is this not the cutest interaction? It gets better:
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Cats are one thing, Scotty, but you gotta think about your choices when dogs are judging you.   
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Now who’s being judgemental
'Litigious', Scott? And before the word-a-day calendar regime, too. Insert comment about American litigation culture here.
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Scott is definitely talking about the dog not at all about himself why would you say that--
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Okay so Scott's having his weird woodsy sleepwalking dream now, and I have to go back and check because -- white? Why are the Alpha's eyes white? Sure enough:
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Did they retcon the Alpha red eyes thing after the Pilot/Wolf Moon was shot Even in the earlier scene where Scott was bitten: 
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White eyes. What gives, Jeff?
While we're here, let's just take a second to appreciate Peter the Cartoon CGI Gorilla-Wolf. LOL.
Get back to the scripts woman, the photo recap thing has been covered, stay in your lane
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AWKWARD. Anyway that's the same as in canon, but I initially read that as 'mysterious smile' and freaked because was that pool owner person supposed to be significant??, but no, never mind, carry on.
Meanwhile, this ep is just FULL of iconic moments.
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All together now,
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*sighs happily*
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
Later, at the lacrosse scrimmage:
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I checked the episode, and…nope. No Derek stalking around on the field in this scene. That we saw.
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 Oh good, we hadn't seen a naked torso in a while, I was starting to worry
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Who can get enough of Melissa--Scott moments? Not me, that's for sure. But wait--
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Voices becoming TINNY what is happening
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Someone's  creeping
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*sings* ‘Who can it BEEE no-ow?’
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In other news, Jackson is not the only one who got a vehicular upgrade. I don’t know enough about cars to discern the mystical significance of these changes. Experts please?
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Ah, can't believe they cut this! Is he just embarrassed to have an inhaler in front of Allison, or does he realise on some level that his asthmatic days are over? 
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Oh yikes, is this another scene of which we were ROBBED? I want my absolute and agonizing awkward teen silence!
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ROBBED, I say! Robbed of canon confirmation of Scott's dorky music taste!
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I liked Scallison well enough, but if these scenes had been included I would have been 200% sold on it from ep 1.
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Confused Scydia moment! I wonder if Lydia greeted Stiles like that too, and if so how hard he flailed.
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Harley again! In the version that made it to screen she and Stiles both ask Scott if he's okay. That girl should have stayed a character. *grumpy face* 
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"Deep black eyes"? "Strangely hypnotic"? Preeeeetty sure he was just standing there with his regular (insanely pretty) ambiguously green-hazel eyes; and while that was a fair attempt at a charming smile (for Derek), "hypnotic" it wasn't.
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That would have been a cool visual.
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“Powerfully muscular”; “strangely seductive”; “He's given into it” 
I'll tell you who's into it, Jeff Davis is into it And you know what?
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So am I.
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*Curiosity intensifies*
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A nice little moment of realisation we never got to see
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This is changed up a bit -- in the show the dialogue comes before the wrestling, there's no throat-gripping (Derek holds Scott down with a hand on his chest), and we have yet to see those shiny blue eyes.
Also, demonic. *shivers* 
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That's interesting - obviously was going to be more support to the false lead of Derek being the Alpha, but they walked it back.
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A bit of added urgency here
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"Steps out of the darkness" -- from what we saw, Derek was just standing there next to Scott, no added drama. Add this to the 'hypnotic deep black eyes' we never saw -- can it be that the creeper-wolf that graced our screens was actually the less spooky version??
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I guess they forgot to talk to the sun’s manager about their filming schedule.
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Well that answers my question about how Stiles knew where to find Scott. Sort of.
Also: Aaaaaaaangst.
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Aww, my heart. The bromance.
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I love how it's "instantly recognisable," but in the final cut they can’t help throwing in a flashback to all of three minutes ago just to make sure we recognise him. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Teen Wolf.
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Yes, apparently that is Chris Argent's idea of a 'friendly smile'.
Also, sworn enemy. Lol.
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Great ending to a great pilot episode! And what extra-delicious and not-at-all mouth-perforating splinters of teeny wolfy goodness does our script-reading scrape up for us?
Well, we have extra delightful domestic scenes with the McCalls; extra adorable baby flirting between our star-crossed lovers (not that they know the heavens hate them yet, shhh); a wonderful character who could have been in Harley (will she show up more in future scripts? At what point did they decide to consign her to the trash can of oblivion? Or did she just disappear because she realised she had no chance with Scott now that Allison is here?); and honestly, it ws worth it for Jackson’s favourite word alone. 
But clearly the most important thing we leaned from the Teen Wolf Pilot script (Double Buff edition) is that the
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we know and love is NOT, in fact, the creepiest, most melodramatic, most stalkerish version of himself. He could have been worse. Watching Scott at practice earlier than we knew eavesdropping on him shirtlessly discussing sex with him mum, using strangely hypontic deep black eyes on unsuspecting teenage girls, emerging theatrically from the shadows -- just imagine, if he'd been behaving like that from the get-go, no way would Scott have trusted him. Good job toning it down, Jeff Davis!
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almaasi · 7 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 13x07 “War of the Worlds”
in which I explain exactly why I don’t enjoy Buckner/Ross-Leming episodes (beyond obvious problematic issues and pacing), and why Meredith Glynn’s episodes are better imo
don’t know what to expect, so it’s gonna be SURPRISE
not expecting greatness since it’s the deadly duo, but i’m hoping this won’t become a “cas is leaving and won’t be back or mentioned for 8 episodes straight” thing
(or a “these writers are racist and misogynists” thing)
why do they never just fly back out the way they came in??? THE WINDOW IS OPEN YOU CURSED BEAST
whoop time to pull my window blind down ‘cause this show is so dark and i can’t see shit
i have yet to care about asmodeus
and i decidedly don’t care about lucifer
i care about mary in the sense that i don’t want anything bad to happen to her but i’m fine with her not being part of the main story
does that downtrodden black demon have a name?? i’m still rooting for him either way
also still can’t tell if michael’s vessel is a white dude or not
(edit: i think maybe no)
frankly i am still unsure why jack blasted team free will across the room, repeating his last mistake, given that doing that killed someone before??
was it like a “if gonna hurt everyone and here let me prove it” thing? or a “i’m getting you out of the way so you can’t grab me” thing??
*insert stock footage here*
cas lists all the worst possible scenarios
yea he’s a dad
why is david haydn-jones credited in this?!?!?!?! WHAT
maybe a flashback
cas: “my contact is already anxious... won’t speak in the presence of a stranger”
sure jan
what’s the bet the writers have a pool of “reasons cas has to go alone” and they just pick one from a hat
dean: “so introduce me, then i’m not a stranger”
good. please.
but tbh i’m kind of amazed dean is healthy enough to let cas go alone and not worry that he’s gonna lose the guy again, given he just got back from the dead
the was asmodeus is purring “jaaaaaaaack” makes me imagine him as a snow leopard
edit: i could definitely see him on a tarot card, a snow leopard with a scarred eye, sitting on a throne
“the jack”
i enjoy that lil twist on his name. like the jack in playing cards
such manspreading
asmodeus: “say wW’hH~at !”
hurr hurr
i’m finding it hard to pay attention to michael and lucifer talking about stuff
these episodes always feel like uuuurughghhh gotta push through
this kevin is very different
kinda twitchy
maybe autistic? (i mean... could he have taken that "worm” insult more literally?)
lucifer: “can’t you see michael is a monster? pure evil??”
kevin: “okay i’m confused, aren’t you SATAN”
so lucifer just leapt through the rift
where is mary though
how did all those people not see satan fall out of a GIANT GLOWING RIFT
“no eye contact, beverley”
random guy named karl is dead
yup thanks let’s add another non-white person to the deadly duo murder list
i just had a weird moment where i was like “ugh the filler episodes are so dull” and then realised this was a plot episode, and actually i like the filler better than the plot because the plot is just shoehorned in by buckner and ross-leming between interesting episodes
paused for a bit to feed my cat
and while i did i was thinking i’d like jack to meet kevin. i’ve been thinking about that for a few weeks, but it seemed impossible for obvious kevin-is-dead reasons, BUT NOW
so the witch told the winchesters she needed protection, then left without explaining why
and then the winchesters had to follow her there, to a place that was hard to find
and then tell her “we followed you here”
and it was hard to find even though they followed her????
and they just enter the house not assuming it’s a trap of some kind
i replayed it, sam says “but we followed you here”
that “but” makes a lot of difference okay we’re good
this cabin looks exactly like all the other cabins they’ve used as a cabin
look, in comparison, i love meredith glynn’s writing (e.g. the one where sam and dean visit the therapist, the one where dean loses his memories). because yeah, her stories are whimsical and i adore that - but sometimes they’re also gory and can get dark. yet her characters are soft and emotionally available. and they make decisions because of curiosity, or worry, or sadness, or grief or... y’know, something core-deep and with lots of different perspectives within those emotions.
whereas buckner and ross-leming.... every decision their characters make are fuelled by straight-up anger and fear. and it’s usually surface-level - reactive, or sudden, without narrative depth giving a clear reason for that anger.
and i’m not saying that anger-fuel can’t be interesting, it’s that it makes it hard to watch for me. the characters feel more closed off, more directly just going for a “kill or be killed” thing. they want to hurt people, get revenge, use force to get information.
it’s not necessarily out of character, it’s just that a) there’s a lot of it, and every character seems to function the same way even though they’re different people, and b) the setup to those scenes isn’t enough to make me understand why they all begin by fighting, or torturing someone before asking nicely.
no, i don’t like ketch at all, but skipping straight to the I’MMA PUNCH YOU UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO HEAR doesn’t work for me
at all, on any level.
and this scene where dean punches ketch?? it directly parallels the information-gathering methods of dean, ketch, and asmodeus within this episode, and that just puts dean in a bad light. and honestly i can’t even tell if it’s intentional or if the deadly duo didn’t know what they were doing and they don’t know how else people ask questions.
it’s not “different because it’s dean doing it”. it’s a villain’s move. they all did the same thing, and it was violent and unnecessary every time.
so dean and sam know the parallel universe contains familiar people, still alive (freakin’ bobby for instance)
but when they realise ketch doesn’t recognise them, why the heck don’t they even consider maybe he came through the rift
it’s not like it was ages ago
they lost their mother through that rift probably three or four weeks ago
wouldn’t they assume maybe there was more than one portal ??
“his twin”
ugh more fighting
i don’t wanna watch ‘cause lady angels are probably gonna die
man i hope cas would leave them alive after being told the angels are going extinct
angels fight to the death way too often
edit: ??????? nobody died???? i’m impressed
lucifer calls cas “cowboy”
mmmmmmmm that’s right
dean’s lil sheriff of heaven
lucifer: “meth-head kevin tran”
ah that explains the twitchiness
“agent russell”
as in kurt russell i assume
cas: “yesss i would like to see you too, the sooner the better”
and awkward
asmodeus shows up
there’s so many characters in this story jeez
i have no idea how the casual viewer could keep up
whoa that ending was sudden
.................hrhghgh i dunno
i’m still of the opinion that one of this writing duo is better than the other
the scene with lucifer and cas in the bar was pretty well written
the plot reveal with ketch and rowena’s magically-undead spell made sense and was well-spread throughout the story, but i fail to see why ketch would tell the winchesters about it
i’m a lil :/ :/ :/ that ketch is back ‘cause dear god i thought we were rid of him already
where is mary??
everyone is so angry
i hope rowena is alive though
this was all a big jumble of plotlines and... to be fair it could’ve been a lot worse. the pacing wasn’t as messy as usual. for revealing a whole ton of info, it was pretty decent really
hmm 6.5/10 maybe
just cause it had almost none of the things i like watching, but it wasn’t necessarily bad...........
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