#why did u touch ur foreheads together king
alphaboyd · 6 months
this too can be gay sex
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kiss4kazu · 4 years
Hi! could I request some headcanons for what kissing Ashe and Dimitri (Felix too if thats not too much if not its fine) would be like for the first time?
☆ first time kisses with ashe, dimitri, felix 
↳ ashe babie boy 
although ashe is really innocent and pure i think he’s easily one of the most romantic in blue lions and would really go above and beyond always for the person he loves. 
i know a lot of people probably see ashe as someone being too reluctant and nervous to actually ever make a move first but i think if he really liked someone, he’d be extremely obvious about it, blushing like crazy, a stuttering mess, etc and after enough pep talks from sylvain he’d finally make a move to ask u out on a date and it would be an absolute wreck.
would literally put together something so fckin cheesy n corny but in the most adorably ashe way that it makes you want to punch him from being so precious
like a cute picnic or something by a lake and he’d make cute little cakes with some help from annette and it would just be so pure. 
he’d rehearse how he’s going to confess in his head like a million times but when the moment actually comes it ends up just being a jumbled up mess filled with “ums” and he’d try to stick to the script him and sylvain came up with and get out a “y-you’re r-really… u-uh… p-pretty..” but then he’d fuck it all up by saying something weird n dorky like “a-and you s-smell really nice… w-wait that’s weird i’m sorry-” and you’d just hold back ur laughter, ur heart swelling with so so much affection for him. 
ofc he’d ask for permission to kiss you, cheeks crimson and his eyes looking up at yours like tht one starry eyed emoji. you’d give him a vocal response, since he rly needs that reassurance. no stutters just “of course ashe” and he’d smile so so big and then just swoop down totally uncoordinated. 
would probs miss your lips and have to readjust. 
kissing ashe for the first time would be … messy. he’s not experienced at all, and doesn’t know what to do with his hands and he’d honestly be a dead fish for a good few moments. but as you ease him more into the kiss, he’d loosen up a bit, tilt his head and just stop overthinking. his lips would be really warm and would taste so sweet from the cake and he’d smile so hard into the kiss that your teeth end up bumping into each other and you’d pull away laughing
ashe kisses are the best honestly the butterflies fireworks the whole shebang yknow. 
as he gets more confident he’d probably try out a few things he’s seen in books like slipping his tongue in and would be completely taken aback by just how nice it feels. would probably whine into the kiss, cradle your face in his hands, and once you guys pull apart for some air he’d just breathe heavily against your lips with the dopiest smile on his face :( <3 
he’d be rly slap happy after kissing you for the first time and would probably tackle u onto the picnic blanket laughing from happiness kissing your face everywhere and showering you in compliments, shoving his face into ur neck and just breathing in ur scent. 
he’s very clingy ok. 
↳ dimi !!
whew. ok so we’re gonna do academy phase dimi since feral dimi is uh… probs not sfw & violent skjdfjslkjfd  
academy phase dimi knows NOTHING about kissing n he has 0 experience so it takes him forever n a day to finally get the balls to kiss u and when he does … whew. 
i can imagine kissing dimi to be during like , a deep convo or something late at night, when he’s having trouble sleeping or something and ur just running ur fingers through his hair, listening to him as he vents and admiring the sound of his voice bc he’s always more talkative at the dead of night when he’s sleep deprived. 
he’d just look at u so so lovingly and it would be suffocating and ur just staring at his lips but u know ur probs way in over ur head bc uh he’s the future king of faerghus 
but then he’d ask for permission too like ashe tbh bc he’s just polite like tht and has too good mannerisms 
plus he cares a lot about your comfort and would never want to make u feel unsafe or uncomfy especially by his doing
and you would nod with quickness n he’d waste not a second to connect ur lips 
kissing dimi is like a trance tbh, type of kiss that feels like something in u is short-circuiting 
literally the type of kiss that makes ur knees buckle u know the ones. 
he’s a rly rly good kisser n it makes no sense bc he’s literally never kissed anyone before in his life n it kind of makes u mad bc why is he perfect 
a rly rly passionate kisser and he can be kind of rougher than he intends to bc he’s not good with fragile things 
clearly v dominant in the kiss, one hand with an iron grip on ur hip the other tangled up behind ur neck, gripping ur hair. after a while gets reluctant and starts to overthink things and pulls away apologizing for being too rough
you’d probs have to reassure him a million times tht its okay dimi ur not hurting me!! 
he’s rly touch starved tbh so he always tends to take pecks into full-blown makeout sessions or when he intends to just kiss ur forehead he ends up kissing ur cheeks too, ur jaw, down ur neck just riling himself up tbh and then he finally  looks up at u with his eyes all dark n ur just like … here we go
did i mention he groans a lot during kisses bc he does 
dimi’s other sides shining through when his emotions overwhelm him is just .. dimitri 101. 
he’s rough, seemingly an expert at this shit, his tongue shoving past your lips and completely taking u off guard. he’d literally kiss you so hard your head would spin and he’d do it all with a blush on his face bc he’s still a shy babie.  as soon as the moment is over he’s back to stuttering n being all awkward boyish prince. 
he’s also the type to shower u in compliments between kisses.
kisses lips “you’re so gorgeous” smooches neck “so amazing” kisses jaw “goddess i love you” 
im scream crying
↳ felix too bc WHY NOT ! i love him 
this little fucker kisses the life out of people u heard it here first folks. 
he’s 100% a heat of the moment type of kisser. it could go two ways tbh. like if you got hurt or something on his behalf he’d scream at you with glossy eyes for a good 5 minutes and then just stare at you all >:( and then he’d just grab you and  kiss the fuck out of you.
probably the most passionate kisser out of the three, he kisses to the point where u can’t feel ur toes and stuff he’d just completely indulge without any fucks given bc he almost lost you and he’s not good with explaining his emotions so hopefully this helps you understand. 
the other way i can see a first kiss going down with felix is more.. vulnerable, despite his hard exterior. he is rough and mean but it’s not bc he’s genuinely a bad person he just has walls built up so high tht its impossible for anyone to rly climb over 
to get a kiss from lix, u definitely have to have climbed over tht wall of his, or just fly a wrecking ball through it n send it crumbling to the ground
you’re literally the only exception, the only person who can rly get through to him 
he’d probably turn to you for comfort a lot, when dimitri agitates him with memories of glenn or his dad says something that ticks him off and he wants to punch something he’d just go to you instead, knock on ur door and just waltz in like he owns the place, sitting down on ur bed and u would know he wants cuddles bc this is how felix communicates 
if he had to actually say “i want cuddles” out loud he’d probably shoot himself in the foot with an arrow so he’s glad u understand, u always understand him just by looking at him n it’s reassuring bc he’s never been good with words.
its kind of cringe to him that he likes being held but shocker he likes being held 
he also rly rly likes it when u play with his hair he’s like a cat he will literally start nuzzling into you, so warm and pliant to your touch
ok im getting distracted back to the kissing shit
felix would probably just be rly overwhelmed with emotions n he doesn’t rly know how to tell u “i like u” so he just says “im going to kiss you.” like a literal statement n then he does it n ur just like o-o bc wtf. 
if ur not responsive at first he’d just pull away after a while and wouldn’t meet eyes with u and be all blushy. 
would let out a tch like the little shit that he is, and u have to turn his face so he’s properly looking at u again and meeting eyes with u 
he looks so vulnerable and stupidly gorgeous so u kiss him this time so he knows the feeling is mutual and it’d take him a min to really gather whats happening but once he does he’d literally. suck. the. life. out. of. your. face. period. 
felix kisses r rough n messy n just completely self-indulgent and he groans shamelessly when u pull his hair tie out from his bun and tug at his hair yes i have a thing for felix’s hair leave me alone.
gives 0 fucks would literally shove his tongue down your throat pull you flush against him and he always calls sylvain insatiable but rly its this fucker who’s insatiable he is literally eating your face. 
you’d have to pull him away from you and he’d just pant so hard against your lips and look at you like he wants to devour you and its kind of overwhelming bc he’s fucking hot !!!!! 
would shove his face into ur neck and mumble out an “i like you”  and u would tease him n be like “what did you say i cant hear u?” and he’d elbow u in the ribs  and groan into ur neck and u would laugh n kiss his head, telling him u like him too
at tht he’d lift his head up, his hair falling over his amber eyes and u would just push the strands away from his face and kiss him softly one last time before going back 2 ur conversation about punching sylvain’s face or sumn
anyway i love felix thanks 4 coming to my ted talk. 
requests are open! <3
- vivi ★
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cupidoargiades · 5 years
fuck a keyboard, you're my type.
A/N - its ur thirsty boy jackson yall :) this was SO easy to write like im not even gonna lie, i love this guy so much like CHRIST not to be nsfw or anything but can he please just h*ld my h*nd ???
staring at you from the bar, a rather hot guy smiles at you once the two of you lock eyes, gesturing you to come closer. you look around and point at your chest, as if saying 'who, me?'; he nods yes. looking around once again, you try searching for your friends in the busy crowd to check if they knew the guy, but to no avail; everyone was either having other conversations, playing games, or they were just nowhere to be found.
stepping closer to the guy, he holds up a finger to the bartender, ordering another shot of soju. looking at the empty glasses that were already on the bar, he seems to have already drank a few shots. "hey gorgeous" he says, pushing a stool towards you to sit on. "how come you're all alone on this beautiful night?" he asks.
"oh, just the regular," you chuckle, as the bartender placed your shot in front of you. you nodded kindly at him before turning back to the kind stranger. "you know the drill; got dragged here after a break up to find some distraction, friends left me alone, all that bullshit."
he smiles a little and looks around. "they're not looking out for you, either..? because you're exactly the kind of girl those gross and nasty guys like me would hit on. that's so irresponsible, guys like that are just so- ew.." he says playfully, making you laugh a little as you down the shot of soju with ease. "you're one smooth motherfucker, you know that?" you say, ordering another drink.
"oh- just saying, you ordered more alcohol, so if you get wasted, end up fucking me and regret it in the morning, it's not my business" he says. once again, he makes you laugh so effortlessly like the times before, even though you have only known him for a few minutes.
"shit- i'm sorry, i forgot to introduce myself. i'm jackson. jackson wang" he says, urging to hold out his hand but pulling it back once he mumbles that's too formal. "great to meet you, jackson," you smile, holding up your hand, palm to the ceiling. "give me your phone and i'll tell you my name" you demand.
not even doubting your intensions, he smiles contently and hands you his phone. "you knew what i was gonna do, huh?" you say when you see a new contact on the screen, ready to be filled in. "i'm the master of flirting, stranger." he scoffs as you type in your name and number. taking back his phone, he stares at the letters on his screen.
"y/n, hm? that's a pretty name. it suits you" he says, looking at you, then his phone, and once again back to you. "you think so? why's that?" you ask. "like i said, it's a pretty name, just like you"
a blush paints your cheeks a cute red that compliments your makeup and outfit. he seems to notice this, as he tells you how dope your accessories are. "i love your earrings" he says, pushing your hair to the side to admire the studs lining along your earlobe. "i love your necklace" you nervously respond, pushing the hand that was next to your face and about to touch your ear aside so you could look at the golden chinese symbol hanging from his neck.
"it says 'wang'.. stands for my last name and it translates to 'king'. it's perfect, since i'm a king." he says, boosting his own ego a bit. "what are you a king of exactly?" you ask, staring at the pendant for a few more seconds.
"you. which makes you my servant, and you should do as i say." he jokes, making you scoff. "the king's got some tension right here, hm? can you fix that?"
you sigh and push his hands off of yours. "one more sex-related remark and i will actually start considering not going home with you." you say confidently, making him roll his eyes. "as if i'm not gonna talk you into coming with me anyway." he answers.
the two of you keep on talking for the rest of the evening effortlessly, and as tough and manly as he seems, he's funny, soft and really kind. it's no surprise you ended up in the back of his car at midnight, lips crashed together.
"one second-" you pant, taking your phone to see that one your friends is calling. "it's okay, baby, you're with me now.." jackson groans, pushing your phone down and leaning in to continue the sweet kisses. "no- i really have to get this, they're probably worried sick.." you say. admiring the kindness in your voice, he pulls back with a smile. you pick up after swooping your hair to the side, hearing your friend go off worriedly about how they searched the entire place and didn't find you anywhere.
"yeah- yeah, i left already. sorry i didn't text you," you say, watching jackson twirl a strand of your hair into a shiny wave. "no, it's fine, i've got a ride back home, right?" you ask, looking at jackson. he nods, before taking your phone out of your hand. "hey y/n's friend, y/n's future-husband here.. i just want to say that i'll give her a ride back, on one condition." he says.
you raise an eyebrow, telling him to stop whatever he's doing as you hear your friend cursing at him for being a 'filthy playboy-kidnapper-hybrid'. "sweetheart, it's nothing like that," he sighs, massaging his temples slightly. "she's gonna stay the night at my house. i'll bring her back home safe and sound tomorrow, i promise." he says, before hanging up. you shake your head with a roll of the eyes and a scoff. "you could've just said 'hey, this is y/n's hookup and she's staying over for sex.' but you just had to be a mysterious little bitch about it, huh?" you say, hanging your arms around his neck as you lean in for a kiss.
"you know it, baby" he says, pushing your phone back into your purse before getting back to business in the backseat of his spaceous car. "let's just make sure you forget about your ex tonight, and make you fall in love with me, if that's cool with you" he suggests, pushing the strap of your top down your shoulder.
coming down from a second high that night, you collapse on the bed, chest raising and falling from heavy breathing. jackson rolls over to kiss your forehead and lets his fingertips glide over the dark rose petals of red and blue he made over your neck, chest and stomach.
the slightest touch of his seems to burn marks into your damp and sensitive skin; just ghosting over you would make you shiver. "you know, you're not like other guys.." you mumble, turning your head to look at him. his hair's now messy, and a splotchy blush covers his face.
"is that a compliment?" he chuckles, kissing the corner of your mouth and running his fingers over yours before intertwining perfectly. "most definitely.." you say, making him nod confidently. "usually, guys that hit on me just want a quick fuck before ditching me. you're different.., i like that" you say softly, feeling so at home next to him.
"fuck yeah," he smiles. "i'm in it for the long run.. no more hook ups, just love making and real love."
soft buzzing fills the comfortable silence, and you pick up your phone to see it was exploding with messages in you and your friends' group chat.
- friend #1, 1:22
LMAOOO i bet she's getting laid
- friend #2, 1:22
No wtf
She's too prude
- friend #3, 1:22
girl ... r u even her friend ??? shes everything but prude lol
- friend #2, 1:23
I did see her talking with a guy at the bar when I went to the bathroom
Maybe that was the guy on the phone?
- y/f/n #1, 1:23
leave her alone shes getting dick tonight
- you, 1:23
LOOOOL y'all are too much
- friend #3, 1:24
omg y/n how was he
- you, 1:24
... like- personality wise
lmao no nsfw in this christian household
- friend #2, 1:24
Thank you :)
When are you coming home?
- you, 1:24
didn't you hear jackson ??
he's driving me home tomorrow
... after a date
omg i gtg right now he asked if i wanted to shower
i'll update y'all later
- you, 2:07
dont worry girls, i took good care of her
xx jackson wang (y/n's bf)
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ijustwant2write · 7 years
A Continuous Nightmare-Jon Snow x Reader
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(GIF credits to owner)
Summary: requested by @justmasblack: ‘Hey what’s up? May I make a request? You are 5 months pregnant, wake up a great pain one night, that night u lose ur baby, ur husband Jon tries to comfort u but u push him away, he sorrows in silence but u think he isn’t sad at all or he never liked the baby so u have a big fight so u leave him to be killed that night, he cries over ur dead body till he falls asleep, only to find that it was a nightmare when he wakes up, next morning u found about ur pregnant and tells him, but for him it means that his nightmare is starting.’
Characters: Jon Snow x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
Warnings: Miscarriage, death, mentions of blood, arguing
A/N: This will be in the third person. AND I’M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE
Jon watched his wife slowly walk over to the bed, holding onto her overgrown belly and slightly waddling. He had never smiled so much in his life. She was with child, his child, their child. Never had he thought that he would have this, he was starting a family. Jon pulled down the covers for her, opening his arms as she settled into his embrace.
He kissed her forehead, his hand instantly going to her stomach.“How are you feeling, my love?”
(Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes.“I am exhausted. Our child would not stop kicking me today.”
“They are lovely. I cannot wait to meet them.”
“Me too.” she looked to her husband, kissing him quickly before laying further down into the furs.
“You need rest. Let us sleep.” Jon stated, blowing out the candle on the bedside table. He held onto her, his dreams filled with the images of his future family.
His eyes shot open as he heard a blood curdling scream, thinking it was one of his nightmares coming back. As he rested against his elbows, Jon suddenly realised that it was his wife making the frightful noise. Sitting up properly, he tried to assess the situation, eyes widening in fear as he saw the blood surrounding his wife.
“Jon, what’s happening?! W-why am I bleeding?!” (Y/N) cried hysterically.
“Shh, it will be alright. I’m going to get the maester!” he tried to calm her slightly before sprinting out of the room.
Jon’s yells grabbed the attention of the guards, who did as their king instructed them. As they rushed to the maester, Jon ran back to the bedroom, kneeling in front of (Y/N) who was now hunched over the side of the bed. She was crying out in pain, her hands soaked in blood as she clutched her belly.
“Jon, Jon, it hurts!” she wept.“This isn’t supposed to happen, we have months left still!”
“I know, I know.” his hands were trembling as he tried to stroke back the hairs stuck to her sweaty forehead, hating that he had no control over this.
The maester burst into the room, still remaining respectful as he approached the king and queen.
“I can as soon I could your grace. When did this start?” he asked, moving Jon out of the way.
“I-I woke up five minutes ago in pain, and it keeps getting worse.” (Y/N) struggled to explain.
“Your grace, you must leave.” some handmaidens came darting in, buckets of water and towels being carried with them.“I will take good care of her, please go.”
Knowing that there was nothing he could do, Jon hesitantly left the room, breaking down as soon as the door was shut on him. The guards surrounding him weren’t sure what to do, deciding that it may be best to leave him. (Y/N)’s cried filled his mind, almost pushing him over the edge. He hadn’t meant to leave her side. He was supposed to be in there with her. She would be scared in there by herself. A huge amount of guilt filled him, Jon had faced many terrors in his life, but this was the worst.
An hour passed and Jon hadn’t left his spot on the ground. It had taken all of the strength within him not to barge down the door. In the last few moments, there has been no sounds coming from the room, they had stopped suddenly. This worried him even more. Was that supposed to happen? Was his wife…was she still alive? The door opened incredibly slowly, Jon almost shoving it open with impatience. The maester and handmaidens bowed, none of them looking relieved. His heart sank at their expressions, not wanting to accept the news
“I am terribly sorry, your grace. We could not save the child.” the maester quietly said.
“W-what about (Y/N)?” Jon muttered, not able to process what had just been said to him.
“The queen will be alright. She just needs a few days to rest but is very upset, as you are. Please take care of one another and remember we are always here to help.”
As everyone left, Jon spotted the bloodied bed sheets and blood stained water being carried away. He took in a sharp breath before entering the bedroom, unsure if he could remain strong right now. (Y/N) was laid in the fresh sheets, face expressionless, her hands still over her belly. Jon approached her cautiously, never having been in this situation before, though who prepared themselves for this?
“Why?” she breathed out.
“I don’t know.” he answers honestly.
“What have I done to anger the gods?”
He grabbed her hands.“Nothing, you have done nothing. This happens, it’s a cruel thing but it is never your fault!”
She started to raise her voice.“It must be! I was the one carrying it, I was the one protecting it!”
“(Y/N) don’t blame yourself.”
Her eyes suddenly widened, as if she had realised something.“No, I…I think I understand.”
“Understand what?” he tried to keep up with her, not catching on.
“It makes sense. It isn’t my fault.”
“No, it isn’t.” Jon was surprised by how fast she had accepted it but didn’t want to question it.“But this isn’t over. We will have a child.”
“That’s the thing Jon, we won’t have another one.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“Because you don’t want children, do you?”
He opened his mouth to speak but she interrupted.
“Don’t think I haven’t seen how you neglect me.”
“How your first reaction when I told you was shock and not of the good kind. You hardly touched the bump, it was as if you hated it. It was a baby, our baby.”
“How could you think that? I love you and want a family. That’s all I’ve wanted since meeting you and throughout the battle with the Boltons.”
“Anyone could see it! I’m not stupid!” her tears were now angry ones, her voice becoming much more hostile.
“I never said that. But you’re making things up, looking for someone to blame. Please don’t do this to me.”
“But it’s true! I always had this doubt in the back of my mind but I pushed it aside because I love you. The Gods have seen that you didn’t want it and decided that the child shouldn’t come into this world without love from both parents.” she shoved his hands away as if she was disgusted.
“(Y/N), I did not feel that way-”
“STOP LYING TO ME!” (Y/N) suddenly screamed, alarming her husband.
“Stop accusing me of something I did not do!” he realised he had raised his voice too, taking a moment to breathe in and out.“I’m sorry. Neither of us should be fighting.”
“Just get out.”
“I’m not leaving-”
“I’ve just lost my child, I want to be alone.”
Frustrated, Jon hesitantly stood, not actually wanting to leave; shouldn’t be stay to comfort her? But seeing as he was the problem, it made sense to leave. As he shut the door, the pain in his heart increased, it almost felt like it was clenched up in his chest. Trying to hold back tears in front of his men, he sulked away, aimlessly wandering the castle until he sought fit to return.
(Y/N) was also in pain, not just from physically losing the child. There had always been a tiny voice taunting her, telling her that Jon never wanted the child, not now, he was still too busy for that. They had been through so much together, had that made them get stronger or year them apart? Why was he acting like this? None of it made sense to her. She clutched her arms around her torso, sobbing even more over the thought.
Jon was sat in the hall at the high table, not bothering to light a fire. The cold never bothered him anymore, especially now. His mind was blank. He couldn’t really think of anything, not unless it was about his wife or unborn child. Jon’s hands clenched into fists. How could she think that of him? Had he never shown nothing but love to her? As he kept asking questions to himself, the doors opened, one of his guards rushing in.
“Your grace,” he bowed,“it’s the queen.”
Jon stood up so quickly that the chair flew back.“What’s happened?”
“She’s gone. No one saw her leave.”
As the king stormed past, his voice became stern.“How did no one see her leave?!”
“I-I don’t know sire.”
Each guard looked as nervous the next. Jon looked around his room one more time, hoping there had been a mistake. When he didn’t spot her, he started looking through all of her things. (Y/N)’s riding clothes, boots and her cloak were gone. It all seemed a bit dramatic to him, running away wasn’t logical either. (Y/N) was smart, maybe she was trying to scare him?
“Your grace, a few of our guards spotted the queen riding out of Winterfell. They are in pursuit now.” another guard informed him.
“Grab more men and prepare a horse for me. I am getting her back.”
With his heart beating loudly in his ears, Jon lead his men, following the tracks of those before him. He urged his horse to ride as fast as possible, terrified over the things that could happen to her so late at night. They rode deeper into the forest, the moon only slightly illuminating their surroundings. A sudden scream erupted, echoing around them. It was as if his senses heightened, he knew exactly where to go.
His horse came to an abrupt stop as he saw the scene before him. He almost fell to the floor as he climbed off the animal, his breathing unsteady. Blood stained the white snow beneath them, the crimson standing out more than anything. Slow steps dragged him over to wife’s body, ignoring the three guards already dead. Dropping to his knees, he cradled (Y/N) into his arms, crying over how little life she had in her.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he clutched her closer.“I caused this, I love you and I loved the child growing in you. I’m sorry I made you believe otherwise.”
Her eyes bore into his.“Jon, I’m dead, because of you.”
His breath hitched in his throat, eyes widening.“(Y/N), I didn’t mean to-”
“You did this. You killed me.”
Jon sprung up into a sitting position, a slight yell coming out. He felt slightly sweaty, his breathing very heavy as his hands clutched onto the sheets. Looking beside him, he panicked even more when he saw (Y/N) wasn’t there. Had it not been a terrible dream? Was she really gone from his life? Just as he leapt out of bed and went to find her, the queen walked through the door, smiling as they locked eyes.
“Good morning my-”
She couldn’t finish her sentence as her husband suddenly hugged her tightly. Giggling at the sudden affection, (Y/N) didn’t resist, holding him just as close. When they finally parted, she was surprised again by a passionate kiss. Now she felt quite flustered.
“Jon,” she laughed,“what was that about?”
“Oh…I had a bad dream about you. Don’t worry about it.” he admitted.
“Well, that doesn’t matter.”
“Where were you?”
A grin appeared on her face.“I went to visit the Maester, I haven’t bled for a while.”
Jon felt his stomach drop. No, she wasn’t going to say it was she? He couldn’t mask the shock on his face.
“Jon, I’m with child! Isn’t that wonderful?”
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hedeceives · 6 years
+💥 // Loki giving Thor a forehead kiss cause Thor's about to die~
               aka you made ur fucking bed now sleep in it.
       Soft pants escaped the sorcerer as he turned his body, a bloodied hand pressed to the ground as he forced himself upward. The noise that had once taken over the battlefield had grown eerily silent now… There was another sort of noise instead that had taken over.. The sound of MOURNING. He knew it well. But they had WON… That atleast had been a given v i c t o r y… despite the excrutiating PAIN that coursed through his body… They won this fight ( he could have run, but he knew he could not have outrun this ) and he had fought with them. In his own way. He had done all he could… Swallowing once, he pursed his lips before turning his head so, finally catching a glimpse of blonde. Thor. There was a momentary relief, the urge of lips to curl into a smile despite the pain but all that washed away in the split of a second when he saw his brother’s state. “ Th– ” he tried to choke out, eyes slowly widening.
      No, no that wasn’t… That could not be true. That was not his brother, laying near lifeless ‘pon the ground… That was not his brother. His brother was alive. Had to be alive. Thor always survived. Everything that had been thrown at him. Thor did not succumb. He thrived. he thrived… He did not move, could not move. Simply kept a hard stare upon the golden-haired male, WILLING him almost with eyes alone to MOVE. To jump up and laugh into the sorcerer’s face ( HAHA, and thus I fooled YOU this time, brother! ). But he did no such thing… And the knowledge that his brother was dying hit him in the face like a HIT of Mjolnir would have done…
                                                           He was d y i n g.
             " No, no stop! I demand you to! “ gasped the dark-haired, squirming under his brother’s grasp, trying to escape the tickle attack of DOOM. ” I give!! Ahhh, I give! “ gasped out the young prince, laughter ringing in the air before he finally flopped down on the ground when Thor stopped, with a wide grin apparent on his face. ” Ugh, atleast we fall TOGETHER! “ exclaimed Loki, kicking out the feet from under his brother’s legs, laughing when the other hit the ground.
        A hitch in his breath, he finally forced himself forward despite the way his body SCREAMED at him to just lay down and r e s t ( there was no rest for the wicked ). How many years had passed since they had played as children? When they struggled and squirming in each other’s grasp. Some battles for the fun of it, other battles more serious when they had been displeased ( angry ) at one another… They had laughed and laughed and laughed… Never once believing the words to become REALITY… ” B… Brother? “ uttered the God finally, biting back a whimper of pain as he shifted his form to rest aside the other. His arms SHOOK, his body felt too heavy for him to keep up… Thor couldn’t be gone. They had saved their people ( they had done their best to save them all ), Thor was supposed to be their King now… Supposed to stand tall. Thor was the lionheart, the k i n g … And he couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t be dying… ” Brother… “ he pleaded, chest heaving as he forced a hand to the other’s chest, giving him a light shake but earning nothing but a rattling breath.
                             A wheeze…
         He NEEDED the other with him… ( The moon overshadowed by the sun! ) His brother.  ” Don’t… Don’t die… Don’t die on me, oh you fool… I told… I told you– “ his words trailed off, blood dripping down from his chin upon his brother’s chest, staining it with even more blood. And suddenly the pain of his body seemed so little compared to the pain of his heart… Of his very soul. This couldn’t be the truth. This couldn’t be the truth that was happening. Not a reality. This couldn’t– Long for something as sweet as pain. They had won ( he has lost ) they had won ( he had lost ) they had won and Thanos was dead and that problem was SOLVED ( he had lost… ) and now Thor needed to… Needed… ” I can… I can– “ he looked to the side, bottomlip trembling for a second before anger overtook him. ” HELP!! HELP HIM! “ he screamed out, DEMANDED even. ” Help him..! “ he choked out before flinching when he felt the faintest of a touch to his hand, causing him to look back to Thor.
        No… No… ” You’re going.. going to be okay… I will– stop.. stop shaking your head. Stop– “ a sob escaped him, hand clutching to his brother’s and body falling ungracefully so upon the other, face hidden on his chest. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t the price he had been willing to pay. Mother, father… brother. ( You’ve your freedom now was it worth it ). No, no, no. There was a small squeeze to his hand. He wanted it upon his hair, to ruffle it, or smack at it… Wanted that CLAP to his shoulder he so often scowled at when he was younger cause brother didn’t know his own strength…  A hand that had been so warm yet now grew colder as the seconds ticked by… Time never seemed as REAL to him as it did now in the other’s dying moments…
         ” Sky’s quite endless, is it not? “ muttered Loki, gazing up at the sky, his brother aside him with a smirk to his face. ” It is, indeed. “ he agreed, hands behind his head. ” Can you believe that out there are a m i l l i o n other worlds… Other stars? We’ve only but a fraction with us. “ stated the young prince with a grin curled around his lips as he turned his head to look at Thor. ” When we are old enough, we should epxlore it. The both of us. “ he demanded with a mischievous glint in his eyes. ” You’re going to get us both into trouble. “ Thor countered which only earned him a laugh from Loki. ” Just as much trouble as YOU always get me into! Don’t consider yourself blameless! “
      But here… in this very moment? The sky was dark… Loki cared little for the many worlds out there he had yet to explore. The thrill of it seemed to have d r a i n e d from him…  How could he even think of such a thing when Thor laid dying? ” You cannot die… You will go where I can no longer find you… “ whispered the sorcerer finally, voice small as he lifted his head. He cared not for the tears that spilled from his eyes, trickled down his cheeks. ” Brother, please… please… “ Yet he understood he could not demand this of  Thor. Demand him to survive when it was so apparent that death would come for him… And perhaps a part of him questioned why he was still living… Why his body was too stubborn to give up yet… Hard-headed, determined… Yet he only felt b r o k e n now…
         A broken person of the mischievous prince he had once been. The brother who had caused trouble but had been part of a f a m i l y he had cared for. Sometimes he prayed he lived still that lie. The look on his brother’s face FRIGHTENED him… The way his eyes grew more d u l l… ” No no no no… Come on, Thor… Brother, I will not.. I will not forgive you… I will not! I will HATE you if you give up..! I will– “ he let out an angered scream, giving the blonde-haired a light shake. ” DON’T GIVE UP!! “ he pleaded, magic flickering for a second to force some healing into him… But just as quickly as it had came into life it flitted away from him. He was too spent. His magic drained. And his vision was blurred with tears of anger, of denial ( this couldn’t be happening ). ” STOP IT!! “ he demanded, another shake. ” Stop… Stop… “
                                   He would be alone. Completely alone.
           ” Oh no, I know that look… You look like you got away with your biggest prank yet. “ commented Thor, raising an eyebrow at Loki who stood with a most smug smirk upon his face, slyly looking to the side. ” Eh, I might’ve… Might’ve not. T'is a mystery. “ he spoken with silken voice before looking over at the other. ” … Okay, okay. I’ll– “
                                   ” LOKIIII!!! “
      ” … Oh sh– Gotta run! Catch you tonight, usual place! Don’t give me away, you didn’t see me! “ and with a laugh, the young trickster had FLED the halls, feet thumping on the ground and a huge grin to his face.
        He would’ve begged, pleaded, cried… But he knew all was for naught. He could not stop death. And tears would not return the dead to the living. It b r o k e him apart. ” Brother… “ a quiet plea, but time had ran out.. Time had ran out…
                                    Time had ran out…
         A sob, foreheads pressed together for a second, lips pursed. So many things left unsaid, so many things he no logner had the time for to say. I’m sorry, I care for you still, you are my brother despite everything, I didn’t mean to– But time had ran out… And all he could do in the end was press the lightest of a kiss to his brother’s forehead, a final goodbye…
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