#why did i put this up for days sdfsdfsd
bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Emma x Henry headcanons are what I crave <3
Some rambles about Jacob x Henry? I've yet to come up with any proper headcanons for them which is a crime. Or headcanons about Jacob in general, I bet he enjoys his chocolate milk with extra marshmallows
As for au- hmmmmm. Some cat shifter facts? Would the trees, in the cool au I forgot the name of with the funky forest and zosi, be edible? And more importantly. Would they taste good? Has ghost Jekyll every tried biting someone and has it worked? Mr. O'Leary looks like he's into making miniatures and sculptures, also doing puzzles. Which character, au or not, would most likely drink soda? Similarly, who'd most likely wear jeans?
I bet vampires and other creatures have to watch out for people with silver teeth because people with silver teeth may very well just bite them
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Gremlin <3
I started playing ac origins! I have. No clue what's happening and I'm getting distracted alot, but kitties!
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I was blessed with the presence of two kitties in this picture <3
Emma x Jekyll <3
Jacob x Jekyll <3<3<3
(If you want me to make more rambles about them, feel free to send that in a separate ask bc jfc do I not have the energy to make double the rambles while rambling about aus <3)
Catshifter Au: Henry is very loud as a cat, he is even louder than Hyde. Henry's favorite place to sleep is in Maijabi's hat, Hyde's is in the pocket of Rachel's apron. Hyde is a moggy (cat mutt) but I imagine him looking a bit like a mix between a Scotland Fold and a Maine coon because of his twisted ears and long coat. Henry has never met his mother, however he has seen a lot of "stray" cats around his summer home back in Scotland, which was where his father had met his mother. Henry genuinely believes that he is cursed because his father often refused to tell him about his mother, or the fact that his (step) mother was never his real mom. The main ship for this au is Jekffin, however, each and every one of Henry's other love interests would be absolutely smitten with his cat form. The werecat species that Henry descends from can take the form either of a human, a normal house cat, or an actual werecat-- but Henry has so far only learned/has the ability to turn into an actual house cat. Morcant mostly just went as far with Henry as she did because he was a catshifter, and they spent most nights during that vacation prowling her territory in their animal forms. With the wobbily cat syndrome, Henry suffers from other chronic conditions on top of being wobbily; he easily puts his limbs out of their sockets and needs a cane to even attempt to walk straight, but he is a surprisingly good dancer (I'd love to imagine how more pissed the Lodgers would be if they knew how weak Henry is when Frankenstein first punched him to the floor, and if she managed to knock some of his bones out of their sockets (is... is that the term? I'm sure y'all get my point <3)
Irrboss Au: Well... I mean, they would be as edible as most trees would be but would probably get Henry and or Zosi slightly high because they are... Well, supernatural. They probably would taste like seed crackers so, pretty darn good for being trees. (Side note; fröknäcke is fucking delicious and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying).
Ghost Au: He has tried to bite a lot of people in either routes of his death, most of the times his victims shriek with pain but don’t get a bitemark. A phantom pain if you will ;3
AFK Au: He definitely would!! and I’m just not saying that because I love to sculpt and because puzzles are rad, he is just an old man and he deserves to have some peace with his hobbies. He probably has done a few ships-in-a-bottle and other miniatures for Henry/Thomas <3
Soda: Jacob, Hyde, probably Mr. O’Leary as well but only those old soda brands that no one has heard of before, most of the Lodgers, Henry, Rachel.
Jeans: Hyde. That’s it. Jeans are horrid and Hyde would be the only masochist to wear them (and especially bc they are so unflexible, he would try to wear them anyways despite it being very impractical).
Too bad you don’t have it still, otherwise we could have gone on a vampire hunting trip and become the new Buzzfeed Unsolved solely with vampires <3
More kitties!!!!! hehehe, I love how many cats there are in Origins, man do I miss that game <3
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 5 - What If I Say My Name Is Lorde - Captain
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Format: The Greenhouse
Eliminated: Blake (Venus Flytrap)
waking up to read that there is a tie between my bestie, mario and kaleigh and that i was the original target <3 see. i told yall when every time someone said i'm safe, i'm not. and now i'm pissed so i'm gonna just copy everything i wrote in my confessional here. THEY FUCKING WANTED ME OUT FIRST THEN THEY SWITCHED TO JENNET u see that?? u see how they’re scared of two pocs besties working tgt they told jennet they’re not on my priority list well stop dming me while i sleep maybe fuckers? these whites are fucking fake and so self-centered do i need to beg every white american to talk to me at 3am my time? girl no yea they wanted to target me at first because blake must think he’s not on my priority list for sure self-centered gay u’d love to see it huh i’m gonna venus flytrap that white ass
i mean i'm happy i survived but it won't be the same without my bestie jennet. we've been wanting to play together and our time was cut short because some white gays are so insecure and self-centered? so they decided to go for pocs? cute look on you babes.
#JusticeForJENNET https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/831702842733232148/842243242359128084/goodbye_bestie.mp4
We could have handled last round better
blake is why people are homophobic. period.
lots of details in my DR in the server i couldn't bring myself to do another entry because i was confused about all that "talk" but to sum up, nicole told me everything and blake told me everything too. he straight went up to me and said sorry i said ur name :why: and because i didn't tell me what went on (because i forgot.. like i don't think about this game all day. i also have something to do in my life) and i didn't tell him that i was in another alliance. as if he would tell me like PLS. ur just so entitled.
Blake has been going to us (Greenhouse) apologizing for his words during the call. I think Blake is scrambling. It is too much for just one sentence said during the call. Overcompensating, I think. Now Captain wants to target Nicole and Blake. Jarod wants to target Lindsay and William. I like Jarod, but he definitely is playing two sides now. Being on our (Greenhouse) side, but also on the side of Jarod-Blake-Autumn (though not too sure anymore how strong Autumn is with that trio). Captain wants to try a POC alliance. If Autumn is open, and if Jennet or Mario are the ones who come back from the buy back, that might actually work. And it would be very cool to see that happen.
what if i say that my name is lorde and my secret word is captain.. lets just do that
daisy and lanie coming back... hmm idk we're still need to wait and see if they want to work with me or not. i didn't do anything wrong to daisy so she might want to work with me. lanie tho, i voted her out but i literally explained everything that went down that round to her and threw will under the bus a bit. but will she want to work with me? idk. and i know blake is gunning for a flytrap so i need to get it or he'll flytrap my asian ass.
okay lanie told me that she told william she didn't wanna do me in the first vote but of course, i didn't get told that. and it made sense cause like lanie played with me so she should know that our timezones are different and it is hard for me to talk to ppl when i go to bed. we'll see how it goes.
So I checked out early last night because I wanted to watch Ragnarok on Netflix and didn't want to keep checking my phone. I thought when today came around, there would be more people who have played. Um... just one other? 2 rounds? And no one online to play? I tried approaching Kaleigh and Lindsay but no response yet. I guess no one wants to look like they want it too much? But hello, we are in a game, of course everyone wants it. There are a lot of, let's just see what happens, instead of going for it. Maybe the VFT plays into that because it is in play as both Captain and Blake want it. And my fear is if I make it in the GH, nom Blake, he gets the VFT and use it on me again. Ha ha what a trip if that happens.
So I wasn't going to play but Nyx messaged and said they wanted to play. But they wanted to rig it. I didn't want to, I want a chance to win of course. And I did :) Hope they aren't too bummed about it. I am in the GH I think, with at least 3 (Nyx beat Lanie) points. I know Jarod is in there too by beating Daisy.
Two Greenhouses in a row, but hope history doesn't repeat! 
last night before i went to sleep, i thought to myself what if i get the one that nom ppl and the nominee will get a seed to nom me so i could get another seed. then, i went to bed thinking it might be a bit too much. but BOOM, i woke up today and saw jarod have this same plan so that's good. we communicate telepathically it seems. i just need to win the seed count comp and get 2 more seeds but like idk about my puzzle ability GRRRR!! but i'll try my best. i just wanna get the flytrap before i get flytrap'ed out.
i'm cosplaying as lorde again and lorde wishes captain a successful bidding tmr
yall idk if my puzzle time would be good enough to win seeds and i just found out william has 0 seed
IM BACK IN THE GAME AND WE’RE IN A GREENHOUSE ROUND! BRO GREENHOUSE IS MY SHIT it’s such a good format ahhh. None of these hoes know the greenhouse like I do honey. I’ve played it like 18 times.... probably the most out of everyone.. and IM A HOST OF THE ORG PLZ AND IM PLAYING AN IRL GREENHOUSE WITH TAYLOR ON THE 29TH AHH But on a serious note, I’m back in the game and I don’t trust ANYONE on my tribe that voted me out, especially my love William. Love him as a person but I’m gonna get him in this game at some point, you wait and see! He just agreed to throw the RPS challenge to make up for voting me out but HONEY IT’S NOT ENOUGH LMAO. He’s probably on the bottom of my trust list. At this point in time, I trust Jarod, Daisy, Lindsey, Captain, and Blake (even though the last two voted me off, but they were told convoluted information so I don’t blame them). I will work with Nyx but I don’t trust Nyx as much as I would like. I want to talk to Kaleigh more, and idk Xavier well but we’ll talk I’m sure. For this greenhouse round, Jarod is sunflower meaning he can put up TWO houseguests. HES PUTTING UP CAPTAIN AND I! But this is a strategy. There’s a power called the Flytrap, which the holder can use to take out any single person that they want. Captain has enough seeds to buy the flytrap, but so does Blake. WHOEVER WINS THE FLYTRAP WILL LIKELY LEAVE ME SAFE because I trust both Blake and Captain. People are gonna see Jarod put up two allies and flip their shit, but trust that this is all in typical Greenhouse strategy hehehe.
yes its time for an update! a lot has happened since yesterday... so lets begin with last night, i went to sleep and had the auction in my mind SDFSDFSD i actually woke up before my alarm went off like twice. the first time, i woke up and checked my phone.. it was like 7am and then i went to bed and i dreamed that the auction was already over and i missed everything DSFDFSDFSDF PLEASE! so i woke up right after and phew it was only 8.15am methinks so like 45 more minutes.. anyways!!! blake dm'ed me before the bidding and told me he would go for a flytrap... i mean i know that already and he said he wanted it because its been on his mind. PLEASE its been haunting me since last season.. and i didn't reply to him but i was talking to lanie about seeds too and i think lanie told blake i asked her for seeds? so blake came to me again and said 'Not you asking people for seeds' or something. like mister. and what about it? lanie knew about my plan of getting the flytrap and u just didn't know about it. so just sit down and relax god damn. oh and i found out will won the seed comp which was a no no cause will would give his seeds to blake for sure. and before the auction began, i think blake would have like 15 seeds? but he actually had 18 seeds. i was so lucky i outbid him. whew. and like he told me he had only 2 ppl giving him seeds while everyone prob gave me their seeds. and um? what about it? do i need to feel bad for you when you literally targeted me last round? white twink tears i guess. he tried to get me to promise that i won't flytrap him out but i haven't promised him. i said i'm down but its not a promise right? so yea i would flytrap him out. while lanie is in my dm like don't flytrap blake she loves him. MISS THING. I JUST TOLD YOU HE TARGETED ME LAST ROUND???? like god.
hey i'm back!! i know that blake would prob give someone his seeds that he has so we have to be careful about that in next week. imma need to try to win the greenhouse comp. fingers crossed for me tho besties. this is for jennet. everything i do in this game is gonna be for jennet. no one can mess with my sister/bestie. and once you do that, you just cross the line.
i'm sorry if i come off a bit aggressive.. i don't wanna be that but you know theres something about white men that is wrong.
heyyy god i'm just so proud with myself. i actually outdid myself and i just wanna go further than this. i wanna beat my old placement.
missing jennet hours
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icaxrus · 3 years
Tagged by: @leonzhng​ !! Thank you so much!!
Playlist Tag Game:
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs (including music only stuff like OSTs as well as songs) and then choose 10 victims.
Wolves Standing Towards Enemies - Camellia
Curse Of The Broken Hearted -  Papercut Massacre  
Noataa Beida (A Drop of White) -  Cairokee Ft. Abdelrahman Roshdy  
Heart Shaped Leaf - Ursine Vulpine
みぬく 〜ほとばしれ、視線 (Perceive ~ Surging Eyes)   - Capcom Sound Team  
10′s - Pantera
归 (Return) -  Word of Honor OST  
Deutschlan -  Rammstein    
恨别 (Goodbye Filled With Hatred) - The Untamed OST
El Amiis El Karoo (The Flannel Shirt) - Ramy Essam
You will NOT make me choose a specific genre I will flop like a fish
Get To Know Me
Why did you choose your url?
For this one it was initially Deus Ex themed, but I generally love the myth of Icarus and was surprised to see icaxrus untaken
For my previous URLS, Aimryax is a unique OC name (I use it for other stuff like carrd) and Transsoap well, Trans!Soap!
Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
@ incorrectcodmw: a blog founded for laughs, it’s now all dusty and I dunno what I will do it with it sdfds
How long have you been on tumblr?
Originally, since 2009-ish (7 year old unsupervised) but that blog has been deleted so this one has been made since 2017 after a tough decision of starting anew
Do you have a queue tag?
The second I start to understand the Queue system it’s all over for you
BUT if I were to have one, maybe Adam Jensen’s line “I never queued for this”
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was a big fan of the game Prototype and I always went through DA for content, I saw that Tumblr had some so I signed up for it and browsed in silence, I started ACTUALLY interacting around 2014 with anime stuff
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*Layout at the time of this post
Why did you choose you icon/pfp?
Zhou ZiShu!! I loved all the scenes where his qi was messing up and he was adjusting it so I made one, also mandatory flower symbolism
Why did you choose you header?
To match with the flower symbols, I chose this scene where Zhou ZiShu was painting the flowers, I just think it looks neat!
What’s your post with the most notes?
WenZhou mouthed confession in Episode 36, my first post to pass 1k!
How many people do you follow?
267 and very happy to say they are all great!
Have you ever made a shitpost?
GOD I wish I had the courage to start doing these, maybe one day
How often do you use tumblr?
A constant state of disappearing for a good while and then returning with full force
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
Not directly? I’m not the type to start stuff nor engage but one time I saw a blog send NSFW prompts to a minor, I alerted them of that in case they didn’t notice in private, they reacted with hostility so I just blocked
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
Depends, sometimes it genuine awareness things, sometimes it’s just an attempt at clout
Do you like tag games?
Very much!
Do you like ask games?
Absolutely! I still anon my mutuals though cause anxiety sdfsdfsd
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don’t really believe in the term “tumblr famous” so I’ll go with “well known in circles for their creations/really good content!”
@yennefre @evakant @frankwoods @leonzhng​
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
@cosunter Darling (derogatory)
Phone Photo Meme Game
rules: choose one picture from ur camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality and then tag 5 ppl
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At any given moment in my College’s GC
But you know, also this
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Tagging!! Whoever feels comfortable doing!!
@cosunter @dreamfall @ava-du-mortain @evakant @lucisscaelum @suhaylahs @mothmarc and anyone who would like to do this!
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