#who the fuck is caer lol
willowmvp · 9 months
Well, y'all unlocked a silly little p!Will lore hint during my Shrubathon, sooooo I wrote something up for you! I've put it after the break since it's a little long, and contains some spoilers! Enjoy!
The captain sighs, looking over the whelp he'd plucked from below decks. He wasn't much to look at, a shag of brown hair, a bit on the thin side, and his shirt practically swallowing the poor kid.
"I wasn't-"
"Shut up." The captain's eyes narrow. Insolent brat. "You were conspiring with the prisoner. Does your father know of this?" He leans back in his chair, the large desk separating them making the pause seem even greater.
"He doesn't."
"He's going to. If you won't tell him, I will." The man shrugs. "You're lucky I like your father, if I didn't, you'd already have been tossed into the ocean." A cold grin spreads across the captain's face. "And you wouldn't want that, would you, kid?"
"No." The boy hesitates again, looking down at his lap.
"No, captain." The chair creaks as the captain shifts and corrects the boy. "You'll remember this for the future. Get up."
They both stand, the boy tugging on his shirt as he gets up, trying to keep it in place. The captain's boots thud on the wooden deck below them as he crosses the room to the door.
"If I catch you with Caer again, I'll whip you to the bone. Do you hear me, Will?" His hand closes around the handle, turning to look at the kid.
"Yes…captain." Will nods, avoiding eye contact.
"And remember to tell your father. Or I will." The captain opens the door, watching as the boy practically runs out of his small office. He lets out another sigh, the brown mop of hair vanishing down the stairs into the ship. "Don't make the same mistakes I did, kid."
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averagemrfox · 3 years
9, 11, 16, and 24 for Adrien (i promise i’ll answer the ask you sent me tomorrow 😅)
9. where does your character look when they're the only one walking down a road?
Copy and paste bc claire asked me this one: Probably freaking everywhere considering their 27 passive perception 😂 nothing gets by them
11. If a button came loose from your characters shirt would they make sure the replacement matched?
Surprisingly yea Adrien likes looking well put together in some ways. But they’d probably whittle new buttons or closures themself rather than searching for a new one
16. What does getting flustered look like for your character?
Lots of awkward laughs and bad jokes. Would also definitely started fidgeting with something
24. What made your character the angriest they’ve ever been?
Every single fucking interaction with mother fucking Caeres (BBEG and wizard who forcibly summoned Shadrien) but one of the stand out times was when our paladin died and he trapped his soul in a jar and we had to make a temporary truce with him to get Watcher back and even then he was only brought back as a revenant. Or the time we were fighting him and his buddies in the shadowfell and we had to planeshift out of there because things were going bad and he trapped only Adrien there
And I’ll believe it when I see it christian lol
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reconditarmonia · 3 years
Dear Fandom 5K Author
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods can contact me with any questions.
Dragon Age | Fullmetal Alchemist | The Locked Tomb | Motherland: Fort Salem | Where the Sky is Silver and the Earth is Brass
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; infidelity; unrequested polyamory; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships; unrequested trans versions of characters.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity.
Fandom: Dragon Age
Group: Cassandra Pentaghast/Female Lavellan
Female Lavellan
Group: Charter & Rector
Canon-Style Plot - Freeform
Established Relationship
I'm playing this game for the first time and loving Cassandra and Lavellan together so much. (I'm playing with a mod where I can romance her with a female PC!) Lavellan starts off as this confused and small and non-Andrastian prisoner who disagrees with Cassandra on so many things, but Cassandra puts so much trust and faith in her and so much on the line for her - even with Lavellans who are adamant that they're not chosen, they're just doing their best and they happen to be the ones in the position to make this choice. Cassandra is so proud to know her, and backs her up even when she disagrees with Lavellan's choices! The romance scene is really cute between two characters who are adults and have a day-to-day working relationship that isn't going to change, but are still just having fun with how charming it is in a way that builds on their friendship. Not to mention their battling together, of course - the ways they can protect each other and fight for each other's goals (and give Cassandra all the elven swords and shields), how worried they sound if the other one gets hurt...whoops, I found myself another loyalty kink ship.
I also just like playing as Lavellan generally, with how much of an outsider she feels (the "Dawn Will Come" scene is so alienating! it really works!) and how much of the game is about visiting the sites of past elven trauma and/or glory days.
My Lavellan uses the (default lol) name of Ellana, is a rift mage, sports a lovely buzzcut and vallaslin, has a lot of feelings about elf history (and visiting the Plains/Graves especially), believes in elven gods and doesn't care to pretend she's Andrastian, and besides Cass is closest friends with Solas, but don't feel that you have to write my specific PC - I'm excited to read about yours too!
But! I also love all the little hints about the work that Leliana's agents are doing, and their friendship (walking in on their card game at Caer Bronach is kind of delightful), and the letter from Rector's mother asking why he uses a code name for work (why are you ashamed of your name, Wilbur??) is one of my favorite in-universe documents. Slice-of-life or slice-of-mission with Charter and Rector would also make me really happy. Here again, just the closeness and trust and faith that these people have in one another is my jam.
Fandom-Specific DNW: Canon-typical levels of Cassandra's association with the Chantry and belief in the Maker/Andraste/the Herald shouldn't be taken to contravene my DNW of Christian themes, but I wouldn't want Satinalia fic or something focused on the Andrastian faith. Please don't put F!Lavellan in a different romance, even if we didn't match on the Cassandra ship.
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Group: Olivier Mira Armstrong/Maria Ross
Canon-Style Plot - Freeform
Getting Together
I'll admit: I am a shallow, shallow person who loves the heartwarming and id-satisfying Briggs loyalty-kink complex (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting! Olivier’s explanation of why she wants Miles around and her lack of patience for anyone’s shit) but would like an f/f manifestation of it for actual shipping. Post-canon or AU where Maria is assigned to Briggs, or works for Olivier in Central? Does Maria foil a plot against Olivier, or Olivier save Maria's life in battle? Does Olivier order Maria into a firefight? Hit me.
Fandom-Specific DNW: Olivier/men, even mentioned.
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
Matthias Nonius
Canon-Style Plot - Freeform
Nonius was one of my favorite new characters in Harrow the Ninth. His whole impossible arrival via evocation-by-poetry, battle with the Sleeper, and epic departure to fight the Beast made me very, very happy on levels I have trouble explaining. It was so heartwarming?! Because it was impossible, and because poetry won, and because they went off to do the best they could...I don't know, exactly. (Iiiii also just love that he's named for the Redwall mouse.) I'd love to read more about his life - being unprepossessing and very human but also paladin-like and really fucking good at being a swordsman, representing the Ninth House in slightly less decrepit times, his mysterious past with Gideon the First (and Pyrrha, sort of), however it happened that he died far from home in an unknown place and couldn't be recovered for burial, "chickenshits don't get beer"? Or, er, his afterlife - going to fight with Marta, Ortus, and Pro, re-encountering G1deon as allies...
Fandom: Motherland: Fort Salem
Group: Abigail Bellweather/Raelle Collar
Original Historical Witch Character(s)
Group: Sarah Alder & First Bellweather Ancestor
Canon-Style Plot - Freeform
I fell hard for this show and Abigail/Raelle is the ship I’m most excited about - they get off to a bad start for all kinds of personal history reasons and have problems with each other, but when it gets down to the wire Abigail would do anything for Raelle and is very gung-ho about having Raelle’s unconventional but extremely powerful magic under her leadership, regardless of Raelle being a loose cannon. She told her she loved her!! <3 And by the end, Raelle also clearly knows what Abigail's going through (like when she talks her down in "Citydrop"), respects her leadership, and cares deeply about her and wants to protect her in return. I love that loyalty dynamic, and their competence as fighters/witches.
Physical combat, strength in general, magical strength, ability to work magic together, knowledge of the magical canon vs. out-of-the-box techniques...what parts of their skills and their bond could be challenged in the weird dimension that the end of season 1 leaves them in? Or when they get back home and new challenges await? (In my head, the decision not to send them to War College is not revoked; the unit becomes some kind of special-forces secret strike team rather than cannon fodder.) Maybe something where Raelle goes/has gone into a fight as a berserker-type for Abigail and then comes back to her, or where Abigail protects/has protected her soldier (her girl!! I love her protectiveness of Raelle towards the other cadets, imagine it in a battle!)? Or an arranged marriage AU where it's usual for witch soldiers to marry to combine their magic power or something...If including smut in the story, I'd especially be up for something d/s-y where the loyalty-kinky dynamic of Raelle being Abigail's weapon, at her command, is echoed in sex!
OR. The alternate history that the show has created is so interesting and I'm craving expansion of that through fic! Tell me about the Bellweather ancestor who was a slave and ended up powerful and influential enough to begin a dynasty, and how she met and was recruited by Alder. Or other enslaved witches, witches in the American Revolution or the Civil War, or the founding of Fort Salem and standardization of American military magic with its various influences, or Chinese or Jewish or Mexican immigrant witches who maybe came from different magic traditions and might have had to make the choice of whether or not to reveal that they had magic (if the system knows you because of your descent in the country?), serving their country but also binding their daughters and granddaughters forever.
Fandom-Specific DNW: Abigail/Adil (at all; if he's mentioned, please make them just friends), focus on Raelle/Scylla (dwelling on Raelle still having feelings for Scylla or on her getting over Scylla for Abigail; you don't need to retcon their having been together), Scylla bashing.
Fandom: Where the Sky is Silver and the Earth is Brass
Chaye Roznatovsky
Canon-Style Plot - Freeform
Anything expanding on this story would make me really happy. Chaye’s years with the partisans, the comrades-in-arms she had and loved then and who else’s memory she holds or makes into a weapon, her journey to America, going by the surname of “no one.” The demon’s mirror world, its loss of that world (what exactly happened on the other side?) and its need to be where Jews are, demon Judaism? Or the future of both of them now that they’ve found each other!
Fandom-Specific DNW/Opt-In: DNW Chaye/demon. The premise of the story being what it is, I'm explicitly okay with antisemitism being a prominent feature of the story if you write something that covers either or both characters' backstory, but would prefer post-war antisemitism not to be a focus.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 45 - 41
45.  Rasmussen - “Higher ground” Denmark 2018
[2018 Review here]
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But I’m getting ahead of myself. Remember when Christer rejected “Higher ground” from Melfest and it was the fucking WORST Melfest ever? Remember how Denmark recycled it and let it win DMGP? Well...
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOWNED SO HARD!! and not just Sweden to be honest, because “Higher ground” slaps, even a full year after the fact. It’s a paragon of righteous scandi energy, conceived in a mancave over a keg of mead, inspired by a tale of medival pacifism (which actually makes it non-toxicly masculine), imprinted on by Game of Thrones (a wonderful tv series that ended when the White Walkers melted down the ice wall and murdered everybody in Westeros ^__^)
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In a nutshell, an absolutely kick ass entry.
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Truth be told, it is IMPOSSIBLE to not get up from my chair, pound my chest and march along with the Old Norse (😍) post-chorus chanting. Rasmussen DELIVERS a performance so intense it rips the space/time continuum and creates a portal to the good old Viking days. 100% deserving of being 2018′s KEiiNO and the highest Danish entry on this ranking!
44. Pasha Parfeny - “Lăutar” Moldova 2012
Pasha Parfeny looks like this now:
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Years of being awesome clearly took their toll on poor Pasha, but I will cherish him for the fountain of fun he has always been.  “Lăutar”  is such an uninhibited display for Moldovan FOLK, bringing out the dulcimers, horns and “drampets” to bring a much-needed ethic palate cleanser after the musical genocide committed on the Baku Stage. It also features some of the best dance choreography found in this decade, in which Pasha and dancers hop around the stage like overexcited gerbils <3
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(btw: the pink dancer SLAYS me every single time.)
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Such a frivolous, playful, adorable act that radiates mirth from every pore. 😍 But wait, we aren’t done, because “ Lăutar” also features some of the more memorable, hilarious, iconic butcherings of the English language found in this decade (”You haven’t seen before the looks like drampet. 😍 Butter sound go straight to ur soul”😍). It certainly helps that Pasha is like a male Ruslana, struggling to express himself and resulting some hilarious awkward interview gold (Eurovision.tv: “Pasha, what is your secret for happiness” Pasha: “Make good sex ^__^”  Eurovision.tv: “. . .” 😍)
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Naturally, a Pasha write-up cannot be finished without noting how central he is to ‘Moldova in Eurovision’, almost as much as Moldova’s staging is. This little man’s (literally. He’s like 1.65m lol) musical legacy includes:
- writing and performing Lăutar in 2012 - being a former vocalist for Sunstroke Project - being the mentor of Aliona Moon and writing her 2013 song - being the original songwriter for DoReDoS before Kirkorov took over   In other words, he is ~CONNECTED~ to every epic, high-tier Moldovan entry. WHAT AN ICON. Stay Safe Pavel!!
43. Dino Merlin - “Love in rewind” Bosnia - Herzegovina 2011
Finishing 6th place from the death slot when will ur faves...x Man I do love my narrative entries, and it doesn’t get much better than an old man reflecting back on his life’s had, satisfied with its outcome. It’s such a c00t premise and Dino Merlin plays the part of the adorable grandfather with conviction. 😍 Even manages to transform Maja Sar into a fun hume for once:
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“Love in rewind” really is all about the group effort. Dino himself is of course fantastic and makes this performance, but his troupe of ragtag troubadours carry a lot of weight as well, providing a wackadoodle wonderland for Dino to project his nostalgia onto.  
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And then there’s the question of “Love in rewind” itself. It is easy to lump it in with all the other frivolous folk, but in reality it’s an experimental avant garde song disguised as folk 😈 (exactly like “Putnici”, in fact!). The song is made into an artform by a few unorthodox, sudden key changes. Key changes hated by the millennial wannabe pitchfork crew, but here at BorisBubbles we don’t support weakness so let’s wave them all goodbye in celebration of what is easily Bosnia’s best Eurovision entry:
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42. JOWST ft. Aleksander Wallman - “Grab the moment”  Norway 2017
[2017 Review here]
As a shameless EDM Hound, I have to admit that I am totally smitten by this piece of electronic undergroundness. A wonderful epileptic seizure of pitch black and lavender, executed to perfection by Aleksander Wallman. “Grab the moment” offers show-stopping visual effects, great vocal execution and an additctive beat. THE TRIPLE THREAT OF LIVE MUSIC!
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Fortunately, there’s also a great underlying message. I haven’t really talked about the Mental Health Anthem all that much in this ranking, but that’s mostly because I haven’t ranked most of them yet. Any song that inspires people to believe in themselves, that it is okay to be imperfect and that tackles social issues such as procrastination and neurosis HEAD ON and WITH RESPECT, deserves praise.
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Which is exactly what JOWST & Aleksander do, specifically by addressing young heterosexual men. 😍 (ie: the demograph that is the least likely to reach out for a support when they need it). They do this very cleverly, by using teenspeak to discuss the ever-relatable theme crippling anxiety and how to lay it aside and get shit done. 🤜🤛 so let us all 
KILL k177 K!££
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41.  Ruth Lorenzo - “Dancing in the Rain Spain 2014
Ruth. Yo quiero ser Ruth. Because Ruth is emblematic of Spain’s biggest (only) strength in Eurovision: the LOUD OVERDRAMATIC SCREECHING POWERBALLAD 😍 There are so many precedents to Ruth, from “Él” to “Vuelve Conmigo” to “Bailar pegados” to “Quedate conmigo” but “Dancing in the rain” may be my favourite of the lot. In part because Ruth is a GODDESS and I was *invested* in her success the second she won the NF:
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Which she then followed up by forming a backstage bitch coven with Conchita and Suzy. 😍 Excuse me for a moment, I have to lay myself down and blow myself with a fan because that alliance contains so much awesomeness it gives me palpitations. 
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But I mostly love “Dancing in the rain” because of the performance. It’s a great composition in its own right, providing intense screaminess, well-executed language changes and of course, literal stage rain. 😍 However, Ruth is SO intense in her delivery it becomes a moment of contemplation, of exaltation, and of stupefication as Ruth’s SONIC ENERGY washes over us like a tsunami of sound. DEJA CAER, DEJA LA LLUVIA CAER, THE RAIN THE RAIN THE RAIN
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and since this is the last update for Spain, Bosnia, Moldova and Denmark, I’ll include my overall thoughts below. 
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The only people who like Denmark in this decade are those with negative taste and no self-respect and those desperately wanting to be Swedes but never will be Swedes (ie: Danes)
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Not a ‘perfect’ track record, but still an excellent showing for a country with so few resources. Moldova is one of my favourite countries in ESC and this chart should show you why. 
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Bosnia - Herzegovina participated four times in this decade and were epic exactly once. Thank you for that... now I normally would add that I miss them but, nah. Bye. 
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I am honestly shocked Spain didn’t do worse on my ranking?? I don’t think they’re like.. a ‘TERRIBLE’ esc country the way Ireland and Montenegro are, but jesus fuck out of the cavalcade of incompetent countries that have no idea what the fuck they’re doing, Spain is the giantslewofincompetentcountriesthathavenoideawhatthefuckthey’redoingest. Which is puzzling given that all of their high results come from kickass female-fronted powerballads, ie: the easiest trope to nail. (case in point: Macedonia scored a top 10 with one. Macedonia.) JUST STICK TO THOSE and ditch the wannabe reggaetons. 
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galadrieljones · 7 years
Ok, I want to know about the original The Dead Season angst. Give me all the ANGST!
Sorry this took so long. I wrote it and then like, apparently got very distracted lol. But here’swhat was originally going to happen in The Dead Season, a long time ago, before and when I initially started posting.
*lightspoilers under the cut*
Sofirst and foremost I originally had a much more canon-friendly characterizationof Solas in mind. Duty-bound, devoted to his plans. Still in major denial. I hadthis entire like, post-Trespasser plot thing, where Sene moves in with Sera and Dagna,who spends several months building her a prosthetic that also doubled as a kindof boost to her artificer trap-making thing. The whole plot was like, hersearching for Solas, using Dorian’s connections in Tevinter, Leliana’s spies, invading ruins,hunting down his agents, sort of like Lily in @5ftgarden​’s take. Dorian washer partner in all this, only in it to protect her, but secretly weary andwishing she would give up the charade. They were never going to find him, andshe needed to move on.
Eventually,though, she would find him, in a ruin somewhere far away. Sick of running,Solas would surrender and the two would hitch an eluvian back to Skyhold, whichwas emptied by now, as the Inquisition was long gone. They’d have crazy reunionsex, and then Solas would stop time. I had this scene in my mind in which Solasstopped time so hard, even the snow stopped falling--stationary--in the sky. Itwas only after this that he would finally change his mind. But theirrelationship was volatile in this universe. She would have a hard timeforgiving him, and the loss of her arm was causing a lot of pressure andsadness. Ultimately, I couldn’t go through with it, because I needed them to behealthy. In my current run of The DeadSeason, it is likely the story will end well before the Exalted Counsel,which is still two years out.
Perhapsit is also worth mentioning that, up until the Crestwood chapters, Solas wasstill always going to leave. Not to end the world, but to fix the worldso that he could live in it, with Sene. In his absence, I had certain plansthat may still pan out in SOME form so I won’t divulge them here. One plan that is now TOTALLY defunct is the plan where she has a brief romance with Cullen, lives with him for a while in Crestwood, and Solas, in his obsessing, fixes the bells in the tower of Caer Bronach. In this version, I had a very lengthy, intense monologue planned in which Cullen basically told Solas to man the fuck up.
So basically, rather than work through his problems WITH Sene, he was always goingto run.
InCrestwood, however, I had a major setback when I realized that he would NEVERrun. That he would never leave her. He just wouldn’t. The character got awayfrom me. He had already committed, and there was no going back, and if anyone was going to leave, it was going to be Sene. But Solas was sodeep in denial about his past, repressing so hard, I didn’t know what to do. That’s why I brought in Abelas, toremind him of the past and...release the wolf...so to speak. Lol. And toinstigate the whole Mythal thing. Mythal was previously going to be more of avillain character who needed to be vanquished. But then she became my sweetbroken rich girl, and she was so in love with Solas it was impossible NOT tosympathize with her. Now she is like one of my favorite characters I have everwritten.
Anyway,I hope you are satisfied. I know I am. This new version is MUCH more hopeful.
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Our current active headspace is 15 members! I [Bear] am incorporeal so I get to see what’s going on all over the place whenever I want with the exception of being invasive of someone’s privacy, you know.
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Lilith, Luka, and Ember live in the bungalow near the shore of Skyy/Finn’s beach, where it is always summer. Visual above can give you an idea of what it looks like. The sky is clear blue with a few white puffy clouds rolling by, the air is hot but the breeze is lovely. You can hear gulls crying now and then and hear the soft crash of the water against the rocky part of the shore.
Ember is doing running leaps into the water for cannonballs off one of the small docks and playing, splashing, and swimming with Finn who is in nyms typical lemon shark merfolk form, they are both laughing, although Finn is nonverbal at all times. Luka is on the end of another one of the docks sunbathing in a white lounge chair with nyr face partially covered by a bright rainbow umbrella. Ne is wearing really cute brown sunglasses with little jewels on the temples and nyr two-piece swimsuit is cherry red and suits nyr perfectly. Lilith is sitting on the dock itself next to nyr with aer feet in the water eating an ice pop. Ae is wearing a white sun hat and has an open washed-out blue denim button up over a navy blue bikini top and jean shorts over the swimsuit bottoms. Aer white sandals are sitting underneath Luka’s chair. I can’t hear what they’re saying but Luka must have said something funny because Lilith is doubled over in laughter. Things are peaceful and everyone seems happy. Carol, Hannah, and Rook live in a really funky building thats too tall to be a reasonable single floored house but its not really separate apartments either. Its basically an apartment on the bottom with a double-loft on top, but its one collective place. It’s a bit hard to explain but here’s some visuals to help: exterior:
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general interior aesthetics, colorful as fuck basically, both for the house in general and each of their bedrooms:
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Rook has the lower half of the building and Hannah has the top left loft and Carol has the top right. I’d have to draw it for it to make any sense visually but essentially the upper floor is two halves of a circle pushed back from each other a bit with a hallway in between and a set of stairs that leads downstairs in the middle of the hallway like this: |)=‘’=(| the difference is that aside from the hallway and subsequent doors that lead out to it, the circle halves dont have walls, the open space is just covered by colorful curtains on both Hannah and Carol’s sides, so, essentially, they could open their doors and say hello to each other in the hallway, or they could just lean to one side and open their curtains and wave to each other with no barrier in between. There is also no floor between their rooms aside from the hallway so the only way to get to each others rooms is to either take the hallway or do a running leap LOL Hannah and Carol are both in Hannah’s loft right now laying on their stomachs kicking their feet gently doing crafts together. Carol has So Many Stickers in front of her and Hannah has a box of those funky-shape scissors that cut neat patterns with them next to her. Their heads are close and they’re pointing to a huge scrapbook in front of them, I can’t hear what they’re saying but they keep giggling so I think they’re having a good time. Some cute music is coming from Hannah’s phone, it sounds something like Anamanaguchi. Cherry comes to visit them sometimes and do fun stuff because sie and Carol are like sisters. Rook is in the lower level doing what looks like pilates in the middle of the kitchen while the stove and countertops are full of things both cooking and about to be cooked. It looks like pri’s making dinner and dessert at the same time, it smells amazing. Dinner smells sweet and spicy & all I know about dessert is that there is an alarming amount of fruit on the counter and a hunk of dough the size of an adult skull on a baking tray. Rook is also playing music from his phone, but he has headphones in, it’s also absurdly loud given that I can hear it from here. It sounds like really upbeat guitar-heavy rock, but I don’t recognize it. If you were looking to see a man do air guitar meanwhile one leg on the ground and the other pointing clean up to the ceiling, you came to the right place. He’s smiling and its obvious he’s having a good time. Teagan, KG, Nik, and Libra live in this sweet, huge, ritzy-ass house thats like black & white contemporary minimalist and would be expensive as all motherfuck in real life so god bless headspace lmfao. KG and Teagan have the ground floor and Nik and Libra have the lofts, which are completely separated as the second floor of houses usually are, unlike Carol & co.’s house. Living room aesthetic (like if you have that huge palette instead of the coffee table by the L couch in the first img, thats definitely there):
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Kitchen aesthetic:
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Okay let’s start anywhere, first up is KG, feyr room aesthetic is like this:
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It’s always that clean too because that’s how fey is. Teagan’s room is like this:
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It’s messy in the sense that it always definitely looks like it’s lived in but it’s just messy, not dirty. There is So Much Stuff on the walls and the tea lights are definitely a thing. Right now Teagan and KG are on the huge palette in the living room laying on their backs facing opposite directions, KG is reading a book and Teagan is reading a magazine. I can’t read the title of either but I know KG is legitimately interested in the book and Teagan is reading the magazine to live-comment kyr anger at magazine culture and beauty standards. Teagan goes off now and then and KG just laughs quietly like “why do you read that stuff if you know it’s going to make you angry” “we have to be critical of the media!” KG scooches up to bonk feyr head against Teagan’s like “whatever you say, dear”
Next up is Nik in the left loft, xyr room aesthetic is like this, minus the regular windows of image one and plus the giant windows in img 2:
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It’s small and full of soft things and looks very warm all the time. Xe also has a lot of things on the walls. Xe sits on the alcove by the window and looks at the sky a lot at night. Xe is currently sitting there listening to music with large headphones & writing in a notebook. Possibly writing song lyrics? Xe seems to be okay aside from engaging in a bit of self-isolation for time to clear xyr head. Finally is Libra’s room on the right loft, the aesthetic:
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All of the decor in Libra’s room is white with the exception of a few things here and there, that entire right wall is glass just like in the image, even though its on the second floor. Cae is currently taking a nap with caer 97 pillows. It seems like its starting to rain. Altair and RG live in a really large, airy house that’s more or less like a cottage. They have small bedrooms but most of the time they’re in the shared spaces with the windows open letting in light and fresh air. They both like to cook and there’s always fresh flowers around the house. There’s a small garden outside as well as a moderately sized lake. It’s very woodsy and smells like cedar and apples. Spring is definitely here. Aesthetic:
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Right now RG is in the kitchen chopping vegetables and Altair is working in the garden. They’re both nonverbal a lot so they communicate a lot in nods and small smiles. They enjoy the general quiet, minus the array of birds chirping as its the beginning of spring, and each other’s generally silent company. Last but not least, Viria and Lamia live in Viria’s skinny, spooky house with two floors, Lamia having the top floor and Viria taking the bottom. It’s very old world in concept but is functionally modern, it’s just creepy as hell at night, which is how they like it. Most of the decor is gold, maroon, white, and brown. Entryway and kitchen aesthetic:
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The livingroom double functions somewhat as a library to Lamia’s extreme delight, like this:
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Viria’s room is absurdly gorgeous and looks something like this:
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Presently they are both having coffee in the living-library, both quietly reading with soft music playing over what seems to be a kind of surround-sound setup. Everyone seems to be doing okay and leading happy, uneventful lives. It’s been really nice and fun to check in with everyone and really focus on what everything looks like. That was lovely, we’ll have to do it again soon. Thanks for reading!
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