#while we’re sharing things jerry said about phil
imgonnasayitnow · 7 months
Jerry Rubin speaks at the Phil Ochs Memorial Concert, May 28, 1976
“I miss our companionship, and your soft soul. Your constant support and encouragement. Your truth-telling whatever the cost. Your constant presence. I miss the sheepish grin, the allowing manner—I miss your sweetness.”
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
How residents are living in Vermont, America's most vaccinated state
How residents are living in Vermont, America's most vaccinated state
They clasped hands and rock stepped and spun in and out of quick embraces to swinging jazz rhythms on one of the last hardwood ballrooms in Burlington.
“I thought partner dancing was always going to be the last thing to come back from the pandemic because there’s so much interaction,” said one dancer, Lorilee Schoenbeck, a naturopathic physician.
“It’s aerobic in each other’s faces and you’re constantly changing partners… In this dance venue, this would be an absolute super spreader.”
But these dancers are all vaccinated. They reside in America’s most vaccinated state — 83.7% of Vermonters 12 and over have received at least one shot, according to health officials.
Throughout Vermont, hospital Covid-19 units are mostly empty. Bars and restaurants are hopping again. In remote rural towns, diners, country stores and campgrounds are filling up.
As the national health crisis evolves into “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in the words of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Vermont health officials tout the Green Mountain State as the safest place in America.
Many Vermonters are venturing out, unmasked and with no fear, just as the CDC recommended on Tuesday that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors in US counties with soaring transmission rates.
“My question is, ‘Do you want to have a life again?'” Schoenbeck said. “We’re living. Get vaccinated. Get back in the game.”
Vaccination push continues
Around the corner from downtown Burlington’s bustling Church Street Marketplace, Dr. Mark Levine, state health commissioner, sat at a small conference table in his office and rattled off statistics that enabled Gov. Phil Scott to lift all Covid-19 restrictions in mid June.
Vermont was the first state to partially vaccinate at least 80 percent of residents 12 or older. The current rate of more than 83% compares with the nation’s 66.6% one-dose rate — according to the CDC — for the same age group.
More than 67% of the state’s roughly 624,000 residents have been fully vaccinated, compared with about 49% for the US overall.
The state has maintained one of the country’s lowest infection rates — currently at 1.6% for a seven-day average, according to the health department’s Covid-19 dashboard. Vermont has had 259 Covid-19 deaths.
“It’s the lowest number of deaths on the continental US,” said Levine, sitting in front of a bobblehead of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
The state’s last Covid-19-related death was on July 10, Levine said. In June and July, the state has had four deaths. There are five Covid-19 patients hospitalized in the entire state.
Vermont’s first vaccine was administered in mid December. The state’s vaccination campaign isn’t done.
“The whole strategy is, we want a Vermonter to essentially stumble on the vaccine,” Levine said.
“If you’re at one of the beaches on Lake Champlain here in Burlington or you were … on Church Street, you’re not going to see a vaccine tent every day but you’re going to see it sometimes. That’s the sort of strategy. We’re going to make sure it’s all around you… If there’s a state fair, it’s got to have vaccine. If there’s a farmers’ market or a flea market, it’s going to have vaccine.”
Along Church Street Marketplace, visible from Levine’s downtown office, the wide four-block concourse is crowded with people — most not wearing masks. Its bars, shops and restaurants have been filling up. Outside Vermont’s own Ben & Jerry’s, dozens of young people — many not wearing face coverings or social distancing — line up in clusters for ice cream day and night.
The eastern shoreline of Lake Champlain, where signs with Covid-19 safety messages have been replaced with warnings of harmful cyanobacteria blooms in the water, teems with couples, children and pets. Burlington is in Chittenden County, which has a vaccination rate of 85.4%.
“We’re trying to tell people … fall and winter is what we’re worried about,” Levine said. “We want that vaccine rate up now in anticipation of the following winter so we don’t have to change our behavior at that time.”
Restrictions lifted ‘because it’s safe to do so’
On June 14, when Vermont became the first state to vaccinate more than 80% of its population over the age of 12, Gov. Scott, a moderate Republican, announced Vermont’s state of emergency would formally end at midnight.
“Why? Because it’s safe to do so,” the governor said.
At the same time, however, the Delta variant was starting to dominate the US.
A handful of states have been driving the bulk of the nationwide Covid-19 case surge and the threat of serious disease and death is to the unvaccinated, according to White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients.
Last week, just three states — Florida, Texas and Missouri — that share low vaccination rates accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide, Zients said.
And hospitals are filling up with Covid-19 patients again, this time with younger patients than before, according to doctors in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Missouri.
The only way to halt the resurgence, health officials said, is to get more people vaccinated.
“Even if somebody comes into Vermont and has the Delta variant … and they get sick and they’re infectious while they’re here in Vermont,” Levine said.
“If 83-plus percent of the population is vaccinated. That variant runs into a wall. Now, people who’ve been vaccinated … can still get sick with the variant. We’ve seen that all around the country. But the reality is its likelihood of creating any major outbreak is really small because it’s going to keep running into people that it can’t actually get transmitted from because they are going to be immune.”
‘Community response and collective action’
At Northwestern Medical Center in St. Albans, a community hospital about 28 miles northeast of Burlington, a staff member took a lunch break last week at the nurse’s station in the shuttered and dimly lit Covid-19 ward.
The hospital treated its last Covid-19 patient in early May, said Dr. John Minadeo, chief medical officer.
“It’s a sign of, at this point in time, your vaccination status in the community,” Minadeo said of the empty ward. “But I believe that’s why we don’t have patients in these beds… So this is evidence of — you’re in a vaccinated community, you’re not going to have hospitalizations.”
St. Albans is in Franklin County, where 73.7% of residents 12 or older have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the state health department.
Minadeo said the hospital was prepared to activate the ward if needed.
“We have to think the fall is coming and assume that, you know, it may happen again,” he said. “We’re in a little bit better shape because we’ve done it once before.”
Vermont’s success in vaccinating its residents is attributed to various factors, including the accessibility of vaccine sites; overall trust in the political leadership and science; an aging, mostly white and liberal populace; and a generally health conscious population with a strong sense of civic responsibility.
“A lot of people see Vermont as being exceptional in some ways,” said Anne Sosin, a policy fellow at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
“And it’s a really blue state but if you look a little bit closer … we’re a much more purple state than many understand. There are many rural barriers to health care and Vermont demonstrated that if you bring vaccines to places where people live, work and play that you can overcome many of the obstacles to achieving high rates of vaccination. Vermont not only used its health care system and large sites, but it’s also brought vaccines out to firehouses, schools, community sites, pop up clinics, gas stations and beaches.”
Sosin said rural Orleans County, in one of the most remote and conservative parts of the state, has a vaccination rate of 70.8%. She said she was vaccinated in an Orleans County firehouse.
Orleans is one of three far off Vermont counties — near the Canadian border — that make up a region known as the Northeast Kingdom, where residents take pride in their individuality and separateness.
“The high rates of vaccination are a testament not only to a really well run state program but to the vast community infrastructure in that part of the state,” Sosin said.
Another Northeast Kingdom county, Essex, has the lowest vaccination rate in the state at 58.5%. The other county, Caledonia, has partially vaccinated 70.8% of its 12 and over population.
“One really important lesson right now, as I think about what’s happening across the country, is the importance of community and solidarity,” Sosin said. “And I know that sounds kind of soft but we hear the CDC saying, ‘It’s in your hands.’ This is a very individualistic approach to the pandemic. Yet Vermonters really highlighted the importance of community response and collective action.”
‘A lot of older Vermonters … don’t like change’
At the Mooselook Diner in the Essex County town of Concord, about 90 miles east of Burlington, waitress Justine Alegria Cummins, 25, said neither she nor her children have gotten the vaccine because she fears “adverse effects” from the shot. The place was hopping during lunch hour one day last week.
“It never affected me in my personal life enough to make me want to get the vaccine,” she said of Covid-19.
Another waitress, Angela Marshall, 46, said she is not an anti-vaxxer but has not received the vaccine because she doesn’t believe enough time was spent researching it. She said she tested positive with Covid-19 about six weeks ago and was bedridden for two weeks.
“I couldn’t move,” she said. “I couldn’t do anything.”
She recovered but said she still won’t get vaccinated.
Down the road at the Pettyco Junction Country Store in St. Johnsbury, on the lower edge of the Northeast Kingdom, a retired 67-year-old contractor named Bernie Timson said he will remain part of the unvaccinated state population.
“They put you on a spot where they’re saying, ‘If you’re not vaccinated, you can come in my store but you’ve got to wear a mask,'” he said. “I’m not going to put a mask on to come in your store. I’m still going to store but I ain’t putting a mask on. There’s no way I’m putting the mask on because that just puts you as a mark — you ain’t vaccinated.”
At Moose River Campground, owner Mary Lunderville said the campground is full and that she and her husband have had to turn down reservations because there’s no room.
Lunderville, who wouldn’t give her age but described herself as an “early senior,” said the couple was initially reluctant to get the vaccine because they were “unsure if it was going to be safe.” When vaccinated friends did not become ill, she said, they agreed to get the shot in mid April mostly in order make their customers feel comfortable.
“I like to make sure my campers are happy and safe,” she said.
Lunderville said she still requires masks and gloves when people help themselves to food at the big holiday dinners on the campgrounds.
“There are more real Vermonters on this side than out of staters who moved to Vermont,” she said. “A lot of older Vermonters like my husband they don’t like change. It could be just because they’re afraid of change. It could be stubbornness.”
‘I don’t feel any fear going out’
At the sweltering Champlain Club in Burlington, bandleader Louis Prima’s famous combination of “Just a Gigolo” and “I Ain’t Got Nobody” blared from speakers as the swing enthusiasts switched partners.
“A-one, a-two, a-you know what to do,” said instructor Jean Elizabeth Shockley, using the phrase made famous by Lindy Hop pioneer Frankie Manning.
Shockley said there were at least 20 new faces on the dance floor on this Tuesday evening in mid July.
All participants had to show their Covid-19 vaccination card for admission to the weekly Vermont Swings class and the two-hour dance.
“There’s a different kind of energy here,” instructor Maria Garrido said. “People are proud and aware of what Vermont has done…. I’m personally worried about the variants and surges but I really am proud of what we accomplished. I feel that for the most part we’re able to get closer to normal and it’s really exciting.”
Trim and energetic at 73, David Rose lamented that his dance partner of eight years was absent this evening because of her refusal to get the vaccine.
“In fact, all during the pandemic she was saying, ‘Oh, David, we got to dance. We got to dance.’ And I said, Vermont Swings is opening up. Let’s go and she says, ‘I can’t do that. I’m not vaccinated.’ “
Rose said the state’s biggest challenge will be convincing the remaining unvaccinated residents to get the shot.
“It’s sad for me that she feels that way and that she can’t come in because they won’t let her in,” Rose said of his longtime dance partner. “I don’t want to offend her and push her… I asked, ‘Why don’t you want to get the vaccine?’ She says, ‘I think it’s some kind of game to make money by the pharmaceutical companies or the government telling us what to do.’ “
Natalie Nachtigal, 32, said she moved to Burlington in September from Florida, which reported an average of 10,452 new cases each day over the past week — more than triple the daily average from two weeks ago, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
“I don’t feel any fear going out and a lot of it has to do with a sense of community that Vermont really lets shine,” she said. “It’s very apparent in community members that it’s kind of like one-for-all rather than an all-for-one community mentality.”
Mark Jerome Feinstein, 26, moved to Vermont one month ago from California, where San Diego and Los Angeles counties both reported their highest number of cases since February, and hospitalizations in LA County more than doubled in two weeks.
“It was definitely a weight off my shoulders to realize that I was going to a place where life could be a little bit more normal,” Feinstein, a PhD student in psychology at the University of Vermont, said between dances.
“You don’t know whether Delta or Covid 2021 or 2022 is coming down the pike. And so you might as well go out and have some fun as safely as possible, as respectfully as possible, while you can.”
After all, he said, the dances they’ve been practicing came about in the wake of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, World War I and the Great Depression.
“It’s this funny little microcosm where we get to dance the same dances that they did so that they could celebrate being alive,” Feinstein said. “We can do the same thing.”
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Beneath that gruff exterior, former Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan was ‘commonfolk’ — a kind, compassionate man
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Former Utah Jazz head coach Jerry Sloan talks with the media Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011 at the Zions Bank Basketball Center, the day the Jazz announced Sloan’s retirement, along with assistant coach Phil Johnson. Sloan passed away last Friday. | Scott G. Winterton, Deseret News
SALT LAKE CITY — During my four decades as a sportswriter, I was never the full-time beat writer for the Utah Jazz, although I used to cover a lot of Jazz games back in the 1990s and beyond when Jerry Sloan was the coach.
Of the hundreds of coaches I’ve interviewed over the years, I’ll admit a few were intimidating, including Rick Majerus at times and Gregg Popovich all the time. But I never felt that way about Sloan, despite his gruff, no-nonsense manner. I liked the fact that Sloan was always straightforward with you and the way he was unpretentious to a fault. That sentiment has been echoed by many in the days since Sloan passed away late last week.
“Jerry’s tenacity on the court was one thing, he was was forceful front and center, but behind the scenes was a compassionate person, with empathy for the players and what they were going through.” — Gordie Chiesa, a former Jerry Sloan assistant
I used to see Sloan up close back in the day when the media would travel with the team, taking the same flights, sharing the same bus and staying in the same hotels. In those days you got to know the players on a more personal basis, although Sloan not so much. He had his regular seat at the front of the bus, his assistant coaches right behind him, then the trainer, then Hot Rod Hundley, followed by the writers and finally the players, who would spread out over the back half of the bus. So while the players might shoot the breeze with the writers at times, Sloan was alone at the front and would usually just talk to his assistants.
Sloan didn’t relish speaking with the media, but he would always take the time to talk when requested. He understood we had a job to do and was always accommodating. On road trips, we would often stop to do interviews in hotel lobbies and Sloan took as much time as you needed.
One time after a game against the Lakers in Los Angeles, we were checking out of our hotel in Marina del Rey and I was waiting in line behind someone in the Jazz party. After I paid my bill and walked out the front door, I could see the Jazz team bus pulling away. I imagined Sloan tapping the bus driver on the shoulder and saying, ‘Let’s go, we’re not waiting for the Deseret News guy.’ But I couldn’t have been more wrong. After finding my way down to LAX and meeting up with the team at the airport gate, Sloan was quick to greet me and apologize for accidentally leaving me behind.
“He was very compassionate,” said Gordie Chiesa, a Sloan assistant in Utah for 16 years. “Jerry’s tenacity on the court was one thing, he was was forceful front and center, but behind the scenes was a compassionate person, with empathy for the players and what they were going through.”
One thing many people don’t know about Sloan is that he was a collector. Not like the people you see on “Hoarders,” but more like the guys on “American Pickers” with barns full of old relics. Sloan is famous for his collection of 70 tractors, which he sold soon after his retirement from the Jazz in 2011. He also had quite a collection of antiques, including pottery, road signs, toys, old clocks and furniture.
“In the offseason, he was up early on a Saturday morning at 7 o’clock going to yard sales,” Chiesa said. “Coaching in the NBA is so intense, but sometimes when we were on the road, maybe in an off-hour, Jerry would walk down the street and discover some sort of used thing he wanted to buy.”
I’ll never forget the time a neighbor was having a yard sale near my home on the east side of Salt Lake City and who should show up one Saturday morning, but Jerry Sloan, wearing a John Deere hat, if I remember correctly. He was just a regular guy looking for a good deal.
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Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
Jerry Sloan, wearing a John Deere hat, talks with the media April 15, 2004 as the Jazz clean out their lockers after not making the playoffs.
“I like tractor and farming magazines and I also read a lot of antique books,” Sloan told the Deseret News in 2006. “I love that. That’s what I’ve done since coach (Dick) Motta coached me in Chicago. He said I need to get a hobby outside of basketball.”
After every season, Sloan used to return to his farm in McLeansboro, Illinois. He liked nothing more than to piddle around his farm doing chores. Frank Layden once said of Sloan, “He’s a farmer. He gets up in the morning and says let’s get the job done.”
It wasn’t surprising when after resigning from the Jazz in 2011, Sloan’s name came up in connection with various coaching jobs, including Golden State, Minnesota, Orlando and Charlotte.
In fact, one of the last conversations I had with Sloan came eight years ago this month when it was my task to track him down to ask about his interest in those jobs in Orlando and Charlotte.
He was back on his farm in Illinois and when he answered his cellphone it sounded like he was a long way from civilization, which I guess he was. When I asked him about the coaching jobs, it was pure Jerry Sloan.
“I can’t talk right now because I’m trying to hook up my sprinklers,” he said bluntly. I could picture Sloan, lying on the ground with an old flip phone, wedged up against his ear while he worked on his sprinklers.
“Jerry was always the same person. He was always intense, but so compassionate and steady in his decision-making. He was real, and able to connect with people. Jerry was common-folk and that’s absolutely a compliment.” — Gordie Chiesa, on Jerry Sloan
Over the years I had gotten used to asking various coaches, most notably Majerus, about their flirtations with various jobs and never getting a straight answer.
But Sloan was never into playing games. Instead of totally blowing me off, he took a minute to address the issue, saying, “I’ve thought about getting back into coaching. But there has to be an opportunity and right now I don’t have any offers. We’ll just have to wait and see what goes on.”
Nothing ever did go on and Sloan never got back into coaching. After staying away for awhile, Sloan came back and did some consulting with the Jazz organization and became a regular at Jazz games until he got too sick to attend any more. It was only fitting that he stayed a Jazzman to the end after spending three decades with the organization.
Let’s give Chiesa the last word on Sloan.
“Jerry was always the same person. He was always intense, but so compassionate and steady in his decision-making. He was real, and able to connect with people. Jerry was common-folk and that’s absolutely a compliment.”
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/beneath-that-gruff-exterior-former-utah-jazz-coach-jerry-sloan-was-commonfolk-a-kind-compassionate-man
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27atheist · 4 years
sleep living                                                                            The question of where we all go when we fall asleep will be answered here. I will have to lay a rather lengthy background of work here for you to get a better understanding of what is happening to you. I will start with what has been going on around me in my awake life since 1960 c.e. You'd best be able to understand this if you are around a wishing machine, a.k.a. an audio amplifier of any kind. You should also know that even though I've erased a lot of the next things you will read here in my awake life a good portion of this still goes on in my sleep, sharing this is a big way to erase it further.      In November of 1963 I was taken inside of a black man’s mind the night before John F. Kennedy was to drive through downtown Dallas in his motorcade. The best description of inside of his mind I can give you is that seeing everything he does, feels, and goes in a future time at a higher rate of speed than the time you are in  but not what he’s thinking is what it’s like. My parents helped take me outside of his mind, but we lost memory of it. I saw the grassy knoll shooter the next day. It was the black man who took me inside of his mind the night before. He hadn’t counted on me being taken outside of his mind. I told the people around me what I saw but wasn’t believed. He wasn’t caught. When I went home, I was taken inside the mind of a doppelganger(this guy doesn't actually look like me which is nobody remembers it when it's me going through what he went through in front of them when I was taken inside of his mind)this time. The man told he if I kept living, he would make me think I was always in trouble, so I’d never be happy. My parents helped take me outside of the mind again. I told them Dede was somehow in the life I saw inside of the mind.   She came over the next day. I told her what I saw. She was then taken inside of the mind of the same doppelganger. She said this is just not to be done and asked me what lead me to be taken inside the mind(she wondered if I asked to go inside in order to change my vision because of me trying to as a janitor in the future after I’d gone through it ). I told her I didn't do it on purpose but was taken inside of his mind involuntarily. She went outside of its mind. We identified the grassy knoll shooter, currently known as badge man, as Ralph Lee Grant. She had me put in the VA hospital to deal with it even though I was at such a young age. After a few days there the doppelganger who took me inside of his mind went to my Aunt Dee and a traffic signal supervisor named Harry Gibson. He told them a pack of lies yet they both believed him. Aunt Dee and Harry came to the VA. She told me there was a guy who said it was his vision and I wasn’t supposed to have it. I knew already that I wasn't supposed to have it and I was taken inside the mind deliberately on that guys part, it was his mind Ralph put me inside because I had been taken outside of Ralph's mind the night before he shot JFK when I complained to my parents about being inside of his mind. She said I couldn’t be at the VA anymore because it was his vision, that I interrupted him when he was having it and he had it all erased so I wouldn’t go through any of it and that Harry was giving me a ride home. I had enough memory to know that they were being lied to, I wanted to ask her since she was so new to the family what gave her the right to mess with my life by her and a stranger named Harry pulling me from where I rightfully belonged as this is my life not theirs but could do nothing about it since I was only around three years old. On the way home I began crying and complaining about it but was afraid Harry would spank me. He never laid a hand on me but was briefly impatient with me (not in a harsh way) crying before he settled down. He soon began to realize he and my aunt had been duped as they were both asleep when they had pulled me out of there. He then said I’ll tell you what, to avoid going through it you just don't come to work for the traffic signal department when you get older and grabbed my hand and said let's shake on it. I took my hand away and said by taking me out of there you did nothing but damn well guarantee I'd be coming to work there in the future and go through it. He said that’s a lot of big talk coming from such a little boy but we’re going to lose our memories of this before we could go back and said he’d do his damndest to help me in the future. I did share it with him later that’s how he knew this and he went everywhere he could to help me as my Aunt dee did as well. Dede (Clare Wilson who owned a 62-acre farm in the Forestgrove area of McKinney) was also my step grandmother Alice who lived in the Pleasantgrove area of Dallas on Hillburn in a sleep life, was pissed that they went behind her back and took me out of the VA since she was the one who put me there. She knew that badge man a.k.a. Ralph Lee Grant sent that guy to pull me out of there. Her roommate Eula Jean Miller is also a nurse named Francis Wasserman, Hannah Harper an adult film actress, and Regina Kram a girl in my Range Group squadron at Nellis Air Force Base 1979-1981 in her sleep lives.(That same doppelganger showed up again when I was nine years old had mom sit in the front passenger seat of her 57 Chevy and I sit in the backseat while he drove. I asked him who he was and where he was taking us. He said he was me from the future and that he was taking me to the police station because I went outside of his mind and was still living. We didn't make it there. We got into a wreck where the car rolled over as we weren't wearing seatbelts. From that point I blacked out and woke up at home with no memory of it until around 2001). We lost memory of it. Not long after this I woke up one morning to go to breakfast. My mother, Leigh Dell, said after I had gone to bed the night before a Fort Worth police officer named Phil T. Coker came to visit to ask me questions about what I saw at the Kennedy assassination. They had gone to wake me up and found I wasn't in bed. They determined I was that police officer in a sleep life. They thought they had been able to keep me as that police officer instead of  a little boy but were disappointed when I came to breakfast. I didn’t know what in the Hell she was talking about. She said she would try again by contacting Phil by phone when I went to bed that night but said she could not guarantee keeping me as Phil would be impossible because they themselves were asleep   In February 1964 my grandmother on my mother’s side who I called Beebe (Obera Alice Morton Langford/Naomi, creator of all living and the universe) died. In December of that year she was born as my cousin Michele to my Uncle Bill and Aunt Dee in another sleep life. Across the street from where I lived on Tolosa, I had a friend named Greg who's left arm was deformed with only two fingers. His very pretty mom was Dede also in another sleep life, she looked just like her future self as Judy Bergman. My brother Ronny (John Lennon) and I were babysat by a lady named Mrs. Crosby. She had a son who was the eldest named Mike, a middle daughter named Bonnie (she always called me freckleface strawberry) and the youngest daughter my age named Sarah, Sarah was also Dede in another sleep life. When I enrolled in the first grade at Casaview Elementary in 1967 we then had a live-in babysitter named Claudia. She was around 15 years old and had a 4-year-old sister named Tammy and a 1 or 2-year-old brother named Goober. In January 1968 we moved to Piedmont Apartments on Prichard near my grandmother Alice. We were walking distance from her. Across the street was San Jacinto Elementary school where I finished the first grade and made a new best friend named Wayne. He was my age and he was also my uncle Bill in a sleep life. He lived in the apartment above us with his parents. In the second grade Wayne was in my class also. so was a bastard named Peanuts and his thug friend Rocky (Not Rocky from Range Group). There was a pretty girl in my class named Debby who could sing well. A lady named Snaggletooth moved across from Wayne. She had a son about 1 or 2 years old named Gary. we called him Gary Peanuts, not because he was bad but because we all thought Snaggletooth was Peanuts mom. We sprayed Gary’s diaper with a water bottle when we were outside playing. His bitch mother Snaggletooth spanked him because she thought he wet himself. We tried to tell her what really happened, but she threatened to hit us.In March 1969 my sister Susan (Lisa Marie Presley) was born. In the summer of that year we had to move to a house to accommodate her. We moved to a corner house on Comer in Pleasantgrove. Our neighbors next door, the Fields had two daughters. One named Sondra who was 15, was Dede in another sleep life. The other was Linda who was a year older than me. Her parents were Joe and Liz. Joe was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. We lived on the corner house. At the corner house down on the other end I made a best friend named Jerry Coffman. He was my cousin Tommy in a sleep life. I entered the third grade at John Quincy Adams. My homeroom teacher was Mrs. Monroe. There was a girl named Sheila in my drama class who could sing well. She looked exactly like Debby from second grade. I suspected she was both but never said anything about it probably out of fear of being ridiculed. When I entered the fourth grade there, I made a new best school friend named Robert Giles. I followed what he would do. He took a girl in our class named Regina Beck to his house one day to visit (we were too young to know about sex so that’s not what it was about). I decided to do the same. When we got inside, I asked her if she felt weird being inside another house. She said yes then she said she was inside of her own house. She meant she was my mother. She was Leigh Dell in a sleep life. I made another friend named Bruce. He got a pair of dress shoes that had pointed toes on it like cowboy boots. He said they were the same kind of shoes movie stars wore. I accidentally gave him a bloody nose one day. He wanted to fight me after school, but I didn't show up. When I came to school the next day the fight that wasn't was reported to the principal. Bruce took me to the principal's office, hugged me and told the principal we made up so we wouldn't get in trouble.In the late part of my fourth-grade year in April of 1971, we moved to a new 3-bedroom house in Mesquite on 3323 Townpark. Ronny and I were enrolled in a school called I.N. Range Elementary. The students already started treating me in a rude manner holding their nose when I came around them. After the summer was over, I entered the fifth grade in the same school. My teacher there was an old man named George Turpin. I completed the fifth grade. I had joined the boy scouts, and, in the summer, I spent a week at boy scout camp at Lake Texoma. Mike Crosby was in my troop, but I denied being the same Ricky saying it was my cousin because I was embarrassed about it. I enrolled in the sixth grade. There was a girl in my class named Debbie who was an avid fan of motorcycles. This was Dede in a sleep life. I had to attend a fourth grade English class because my grades weren't so good in English the previous year. The teacher there was out so a substitute took her place. Her name was Mrs. Willoughby, she was young and pretty, she came in memory and said I was looking at my cousin Dede as she looked when she was a young girl. She told me I would need to share my memories in the future but wouldn't hear the instructions do to programmed voices and other verbal distractions. She said she could tell that I would be seeing her in the future. I asked her since I couldn't hear the instructions could she write them on a piece of paper and hold it up so I could see them she did this but when I got to the future I could not only not see what was on the paper but had been thought controlled to think that she was taunting me with a picture that a fellow student, an avid artist named Amy, had drawn. We lost memories of this incident. She helped me do better in English and sent me back to sixth grade English at the 4th (lowest level). I completed the sixth grade. We had a family friend who was a Shriner named Bill Lewis who took Dad and I fishing out on his boat one Saturday at Lake Ray Hubbard.My parents split up. We moved four different times the next school year, so Ronny and I went to four different schools. After this we moved with Mom and her new boyfriend Ray to Phoenix. I made a new best friend named Elton Eveningred. This was my cousin Tommy in his sleep. Ronny made a female friend from his 7th grade class, a tomboy named Leslie. She came in memory and looked at me and said you’re mine. I didn't know what she meant then, but she was Dede in a sleep life and knew things Dede would know. We lost memory. She was my first and only slow dance. I moved back to Texas after a run-in with Ray that was instigated by my sister. I had to live with my grandmother Alice because my stepmother Judy (Priscilla Presley) didn't like me after I told her I didn't love her when dad had her as a live in. Her youngest son, Matthew, was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. I enrolled for the rest of the eighth grade at John. B. Hood junior high. The blacks were being bussed to that school from oak cliff. They were one hundred octillion times worse than any of the kids at I.N. Range Elementary. For the summer I went back to Phoenix to spend it with mom and Ray. They then moved back to Texas and rented a house on 810 Wandering Way. I enrolled at Allen high school. I was in the ninth grade with my cousin Tommy since he and his three sisters lived with Dede after their mother died in 1971. I joined the high school band. Tommy was in it as a trombone player, his sister Kim was a cornet player and my brother Ronny in it as a baritone player. I myself was a trumpet player. Kim and Ronny were in the eighth grade but because Allen was such a small town, a population of 5000 at that time we were all in the same band class. The female drum major, a saxophone player, was a sexy blonde named Peggy Herbold. This was Dede in a sleep life. There was a baritone saxophone player named Donna Rodenbaugh. She was in her junior year. she was my mother Leigh dell in a sleep life. There was a guy named Timothy Walker in my math class. I enrolled in Spanish class. The pretty teacher, a girl in her early twenties was named Celia Claycomb. She was Dede in a sleep life.Ronny and I made friends with two brothers several blocks from where we lived named Rusty and Tommy Duncan. Rusty was a year older than his brother. In October of 1975 all of Allen High School and my family came in memory of all of this. The Allen Eagle band went to the State Fair of Texas. I had evidently sent copies of what I wrote in 2001 to members of the band I remembered in my sleep and had no memory of it. When Tommy introduced me to the members of the band as his cousin at the Parade of Champions (High school band competition) they then began deriding me saying I was a religious nut who went around praying for things like TV shows and movies and losing memory. They then said I was in a lot of trouble for pulling pranks on them. I had no idea what they were talking about and thought they were hazing me because I was new in town and a freshman. They said I lost memory. They showed what I had sent them to Tommy. It mentioned that incident and what they were doing to me. He asked them how I would already know any of that in that document before then if it weren't true. After a few minutes of talking to them they came in memory and were happy I had shared it with them. I was relieved and happy that I did something that spectacular although I didn't know exactly what it was yet. Eric Vita the lead trumpet player and town doctor’s son said he was going to take me somewhere to inspire me. I didn't know whether he meant because I had an inherited talent of drawing from my grandmother on my mother’s side or something else. I then began to believe they were going to haze me and if they did, I had every intention of leaving the fair to hitchhike back home but it wasn’t that. He paid my way into the butterfly garden. There I came in memory of all the way from that time to my life in 2013 where I went to the state fair with the VA and came in memory of that in 1975. My memory of this was gone by the time I got home. One day everyone came in memory again. A family friend named Dan Kelly told me to always call myself Ricky and to call my cousin Kim, Tommy's oldest sister Patricia. As she was Patricia Hamilton in a sleep life whom I would meet at the VA when I got older. She was put through what I was but differently since she is a woman. Sometime later Tommy had me sit at the table with him when he was asking me to ruin things in my life because I was still alive and in memory in the future, leading me to believe I was in trouble for the wrong things going on around me because I went inside the mind and I was a vision and that I would be going to hell for all of this. Before long we were stopped by our band teacher Charles Barton saying hey you two, you need to stop what you’re doing right this instant, Ricky doesn’t realize this is being done to his life in the present and the future and it’s not good. I got mad at Tommy and asked him would do something like that to me, you’re my favorite male cousin and I trusted you. He said he had no idea he was doing it because he was asleep and Ralph Lee Grant, Robert Earl Truckenmiller, and Tonya Ann Clifton had tricked him into it as well. When I came in memory of this in the future I was mad at Tommy for tricking me to the table like that but it would take many years for me to realize Robert Truckenmiller and Tonya Clifton were doing this to me while Tommy was in sleep and he didn’t know it. I spent the night there hoping we could change it in our sleep since they said I was sharing this in my sleep at that time. Tommy woke up in the morning and said that guy wouldn't let us change it. He was referring to Ralph Grant who as I’m now writing this, he keeps saying mess it up very few minutes. He has been doing this to me for several years. We had another meeting at the table that morning but with Dede present and made sure she and Tommy were awake and aware of where they were as I already was awake. I learned a peace sign had been placed in the back of my neck near the base of my skull. It resembles part of a jack (like the ones little girls play with) but with only three prongs. It was placed there by Robert Truckenmiller and Tonya Clifton and was invisible to medical equipment. They were using that to control me. I said to Dede and Tommy how would that go over if I tried telling that to the doctors at the VA hospital or the fact that they placed their electronics inside of me (I’ll get to that later). Tommy’s response that I wasn’t afraid of telling police officers in Biloxi that I was a recovering amnesia victim lobotomized by the KGB (I’ll be at that one later also). I asked if it could be removed. They said my mother Leigh Dell (I recently remembered she was Eve, Ashley’s[Lilith in the Bible] replacement, she is also Debbie Harry of Blondie) replacement for Adam(Uncle Rudd) would be able to remove it. We did our best to correct the wrongs but were hindered on a lot of other things beyond our control. There I came in memory of being my own grandfather, Charles on my mother’s side of the family and I was impressed with my grandchildren. I said I told those three assholes (Robert Truckenmiller, Tonya Clifton, and Ralph Grant [especially Ralph Grant]) I’d come back, now it’s time to haunt their treasonous asses. I had died several years before I was born. Dede was from my mother's side of the family, she then said she now remembered it because when her Uncle Charles said he was Ricky the whole family thought he was nuts. We lost memory of it as did everyone else. I had told my daughter, Leigh Dell (Now my mother) all about this, when I would die that I wouldn't be around her as her son. She was upset because she thought I would always be around. She wanted to know who Susan was (my sister/her daughter who had instigated the run ins I had with Ray and caused a miscommunication that caused me to move out on her when I was an adult). I also told her back then I would be making a big change to music as Elvis Presley, but she wouldn't know it was me. Leigh Dell came by that evening after school and put both of her index fingers horizontally and tips touching each other on the back of the neck and made me recite some sort of oath of which the words I now remember “I will always be in pornography, I will always write it down and share it anyway I can and I will not commit suicide”. After I said these words, I felt something leave the back of my neck. Unfortunately, while I was asleep, Robert Truckenmiller and Tonya Clifton through Ralph Grants direction put it back in there.After the bicentennial we moved back to Arizona to the town of Glendale. Our neighbors across the street, John and Betty Smelcer had three kids. Bobby, a year older than me, a sexy girl my age named Gloria (This was Dede in another sleep life), and a boy Ronny's age named Rusty (This was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life). I enrolled in the tenth grade at Tolleson Union High School. Ronny, Rusty and I joined Marine JROTC. Ronny and Rusty were in a different school for freshmen and had two senior ncos for instructors. I had the senior marine jrotc instructor for last period in what was the state's first coed class. My instructor, Lt. Colonel Friedrich was Tommy in a sleep life. The class squad leader was a senior named Maurice O’Brien Marx. He was very influential over me as I followed a lot of things he said and did. We also had a cadet lieutenant for an assistant instructor. I only knew him as Lieutenant. I think he was a junior. He married a cadet gunnery sergeant who was in her senior year. For the summer he went in the air force. There was a beautiful blonde girl who would frequently sit beside me on the bus to go home after school. Her name was Debby. A guy down the block named Bob was given an old Corvair for his birthday by his mother. There was a guy in my class who looked exactly like Mark Sandy from Allen High School but under a different name. He lived a few blocks away from me, so I paid him a visit after school one day. I told him he looked like a guy named Mark Sandy from my last school. He came in memory of being Mark Sandy and told me when I would leave from there to go home, he wouldn't be there. I left not remembering this or why. After the school year ended in 1977, I went to spend the summer with my father Richard. He put me in my own apartment across the street from his. After Elvis Presley died while I was asleep (I didn't know he was me) I stopped calling myself Ricky, instead Rick, made a poor decision not to go back to Arizona with my mother and became less disciplined than I had been in marine jrotc. I enrolled for my junior year at Skyline High School in Dallas. The teachers began calling me Richard because I couldn't write nick names on the enrollment form. I joined Army jrotc for my second period after study hall. There was a girl in my class who was a cadet officer who was Dede in a sleep life. For my third period I took world history. The teacher was Coach Wickman. For my fourth period I took English. My teacher was a pretty blonde named Cynthia Miller. She was Dede in a sleep life. There was a guy in my class there who looked exactly like Timothy Walker from my freshman class at Allen. This was him under a different name and in a different sleep life. I didn't say anything to him about it and thought it was a coincidence. For my last class of the day I enrolled in a carpentry cluster. The teacher there was a man named Dale Henry who lived in the upscale neighborhood of Lake Highlands. He looked like and was my stepfather Raymond Shorb in a sleep life. There was a guy in the class who became my best friend. His name was Mark Sandmann. This was my father Richard, who was also Adam West in a sleep life. I briefly worked for a Burger King on John West and Buckner Blvd. One of the employees there was Maurice Marx under a different name in a sleep life. He also worked for Southwestern Bell telephone company. I dropped school in February of 1978, got a G.E.D. and went on active duty in the Airforce. I completed basic training in late April. I was sent to Keesler AFB in Biloxi for ground radio school. For the first six weeks I went to basic electronic training at Allee Hall. The senior student in the class was a staffsergegent who cross trained into computer training from being a security policeman. He was Goober in a sleep life. After finishing I was transferred to Jones Hall for my radio training. During the seventh course, which was right after basic electronics training, Bob Crane was murdered while I was asleep. I didn't know I was me. It caused me to not care and fail the eighth course because I thought a girl named Judy Bergman who was Dede in a sleep life had been transferred to Washington and I’d never get to know her. There was a girl who was a green rope in the squadron named Connie Geistfield. She was Leigh Dell in a sleep life. The green rope assigned to the bay I lived in named John Redman had a beautiful blonde girlfriend from the same squadron. This was Debby from Tolleson in a sleep life. I made friends with a guy who had been transferred from our squadron to a permanent party squadron after he finished radio school. His name was Kenneth Bell from North Carolina. He was Coach Wickline in a sleep life. I also Made friends with his friend Mark Cavanaugh. He was a radio technician also and had been assigned to the same squadron as Kenneth after finishing school in my squadron. After completing school, I arrived at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas in a squadron called Range Group for my first assignment. My new roommate was a guy named Scot Ciminilo. The guy in the room next to mine, Bret Thomas was dad in a sleep life, hanging around him caused my attitude to sink since he was down on everyone in the squadron as I was a naive seventeen year old, therefore I stopped caring about my military career and appearance when wearing my uniform(I wasn't on drugs or alcohol although I would occasionally drink a beer and I smoked cigarettes and drank a soda whenever I could afford one, I wasn’t managing my money very well even though I was paid considerably well since I went TDY every other week, I didn’t eat regularly either because we were on separate rations due to so much TDY). I met my new work center supervisor, Tech Sgt Jack F. Martin III. He was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. His supervisor, Lt. Colonel Conley was Tommy in a sleep life. My new coworker fresh out of school also, Michael J. Finn was my brother Ronny in a sleep life. My new supervisor, Staff Sgt. Clarence Bay was Tommy in a sleep life. My roommate Scot moved off base around March of 1979. Around this time while looking at a Playboy and began pleasuring myself. I felt guilty because of religious teachings  so I put the magazine down before I finished and prayed for a girlfriend, that I would go to the base recreation center the next day, Sunday and that the girl who came and asked me for a cigarette would become my girlfriend. I laid back down intending to go to sleep but for some reason I got a wet wash rag and used my forefinger and sodomized myself it was painful to me. I felt very guilty about it and believed I did something that was homosexual, a sin before God (I wasn't a Christian then) and against the military standards of personal behavior. Before the night was over, I picked the playboy up again and pleasured myself into completion (I never lost memory of this prayer in my lifetime). I didn’t go to the rec center the next day and had a lot of guilt plaguing me although something told me to go anyway. But I figured she wouldnt be there because of what I thought was a horrible sin that I did the night before plus I began finding the self sodomy pleasurable and started using different methods of doing so and pleasuring myself afterwards. I have now realized in 2019 there is nothing wrong with this and Tommy got me to do this from 1975 because if I hadn't I would have been taken inside the mind there. In 1997 while having retained my memory since January of 1990, every other Saturday I would walk down the street to do my laundry. While smoking a cigarette a pretty Hispanic girl who looked to be in her twenties came up and asked me for a cigarette. I gave her one. She commented on the diet coke I was drinking saying they tasted like medicine. I told her the worst tasting diet soda to drink would be a Tab. We talked a little bit she then left thanking me for the cigarette. I thought to myself this was God(whom I stopped believing in in 1991) trying to put me through that all over again as I didn’t want go through meeting someone like Janet(who I still have feelings for today even though I learned a number of years ago she got married to someone else, I couldn’t ever expect her to be alone as that's not any fun)and losing them. It’s only now in 2019 I realize she could have come on her own or was maybe sent by someone who saw this writing and was trying to make friends with me. In April I got a rash on my arms and scalp which initially looked like chigger bites. I didn’t do anything about it until my coworkers noticed it and told the medic. He sent me down range to the base hospital who sent me to a civilian dermatologist who said it was psoriasis and incurable.In May I financed a used car from a used car dealer off base. The dealer was clearly Bill Lewis in a sleep life. Around June of that year I got a new roommate named Edmund Swieczkowski. He was in his late twenties and was from New Jersey. He was an airman(E-2) and was also Tommy in a sleep life. Ed began jokingly calling me Oscar because of my appearance, it didn't offend me. This means Tommy was three different people at three different ranks in the same squadron. There was a man in the squadron who was clearly the cadet lieutenant from marine jrotc in a sleep life. The work center supervisor from the Tolicha Peak radio shop, Techsergeant Smith (nicknamed Smitty) Began working downrange (I was assigned to the Tonopah radio shop) in the area three radio shop where we worked when we weren’t on the ranges. He had more time in grade than Jack, so he became his immediate supervisor. I went on leave in July, having to take my car back to the dealer since I wouldn't be there to make payments on it.I came back in August. Smitty had been transferred. I moved off base into a four-bedroom condo with Bill Beachy and Bret Thomas and a guy named Richard Bowen who was nicknamed Radar. The neighborhood had a lot of blacks living there.  Around October Radar moved out after a scuffle with Bill. Bill and I each got a puppy that was half german shepherd and half Doberman. One-night Bill and Bret decided for whatever reason I don't know to take the dogs out to the desert and shoot them both. They did my dog first with Bret doing the shooting. I couldn't look again when Bret shot Bill’s dog. When the shooting was over both Bill and Bret came in memory of this information. Bret then became upset and said Ralph had made him dirty. He said he never meant to cause me to not care about my appearance in uniform or my job in the Air Force. When we got back home Bret began filling me in on what they were seeing. He told me he was a Tommy and he was a sleeper, that Tommy and I had put him here. He said he never meant for me to go downhill in my military career nor be a slob when it came to be wearing my uniform and that it was the grassy knoll shooter doing all of this to me. He also said he was my father in another sleep life. He took me around town to help me come in memory and avoid this if possible but not without me first promising him I’d share it when I got my memory back. We found ourselves back at the townhouse as though we had just got home without having gone anywhere else. Bret was happy though, he said I had shared it because we were there without having been knocked back to the past which happened to every year I had not lived through awake but that I would be living this future in my sleep back then. Before the night was over our memories of this except for shooting the dogs were gone. I had just a memory of being so upset I just drank whiskey and coke all night long and couldn't sleep. I went to work in the morning and told Mike Finn about what was done to the dogs. He said I should have called the SPCA. All my coworkers came in memory like Bret and Bill had. I wasn't in memory of any of this then. They began acting very strangely. Jack came in memory and after the end of the day he told me to stay behind. He was trying to tell me what was going on, but he then began experiencing head swelling (cerebral edema) and angrily told me to get out. I went outside for a moment but decided to go back in because I was worried about him. When I got back inside, he told me not to leave him. I called the operator to get an ambulance. The operator asked me why he was in pain. I told him I didn't know and that he and all of my coworkers had been acting strange as though they had been drugged, I didn't know that they were in memory and being puppeted(I’ll get to what I mean by puppeting later). An ambulance came and took him to the hospital. His wife later called to thank me saying I saved his life. She told me that what was wanted from me in the Air Force was to behave the same way I had behaved in Marine JROTC, she said this to me because I wondered what was I doing that I was being looked down on for at work. We all lost memory of this event and unfortunately, I lost memory of her advice.In December I moved back to the barracks after we had been robbed and because Bret was too much for me since he blamed the robbery on me because I had to go to work like I was supposed to. A group of 1979 a group of radar techs from Keesler my age were assigned to my squadron, I met four of them. Two of them became close friends. Those two were Andrew (Andy) D. Johnson who was Uncle Bill Egan in a sleep life and James (Jim) V. Price who was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. These two were openly Christians. There were two girls assigned with them named Faith Welch and Patricia Miller. Faith Welch (I was her father, a Methodist minister in Florida in a sleep life) was Dede in a sleep life and Patricia Miller was Aunt Dee in a sleep life. Around February of 1980 a master sgt. who worked at Area 51 and had his own room in the barracks died of a heart attack in his sleep (this had been me in a sleep life and led to me becoming a born-again Christian). He was discovered by First Sgt. Robert Parks and it was investigated by a master sgt. from the security police squadron named Smith. He was Uncle Bill Egan/Andy Johnson in a sleep life and became our new First Sergeant after First Sgt Parks retired. After answering several girls around my age in a Cartoon magazine who wanted pen pals only one answered. She was a gorgeous sixteen-year-old girl named Peggy Brown in Hollywood, Florida. She turned out to be Dede in another sleep life. One night before bed I prayed to see who my wife was. In the morning I dreamed of a brunette girl going onto a yacht with a man dressed in a civilian sea captain's uniform. When I awoke, I was disappointed and said I wanted a blonde like Nancy, a gorgeous girl who had recently divorced and I was hoping it would be her. I then said no, if the brunettes my wife I want her. I then wondered why I would be dressed as a sea captain saying do, I have to be a millionaire first or be in the Navy, I really don't know why I thought something like that. I didn't realize at the time that I was there seeing her with someone else while I was in a sleep life. I then said I pray this out of my memory. I then said no, I want to remember this and went back to sleep asking for the same dream again if the brunette was really my wife. I woke up later not remembering the dream or having prayed to see who my wife was. We had a new technician assigned to the radio shop named Gary. He came in memory of this information and said he Was Gary peanuts. I didn't know what he meant until he told me he was Snaggletooth’s son. I didn't know at that time how he could be older than me if that were so and it was.In June I was listening to a collection of cassettes tapes I had to pass the time and avoid smoking a cigarette. One of the tapes I had when I was practicing a guitar, I had at Keesler two years earlier. What I hadn't remembered was that guy who lived across the hall from me at Keesler named Clifton Hookey had come in memory of this information and shared it with me while my stereo was still recording. We lost memory of it and it being on tape. I didn't listen to it again until then. I came in memory of this information and determined that the person(s) putting me through all of this thought I wouldn't tell on them. Clarence had been reassigned to Florida, so Jack became my immediate supervisor. So, I had to call him several times to get him to come with me to our new first sergeant to tell them all of this. He finally called me back to say he had made an appointment with the first sergeant and had me come with him. I had forgotten about this information and thought I was in trouble for something. When I got there, Jack asked me what I wanted. I became relieved and back in memory and told all of it to the first sergeant, including sodomizing myself because he would see all of this anyway and I believed I wouldnt be in any trouble asking for help in avoiding that habit. The first words out of his mouth were “Do you think I’m a pushover?!!”. I told him no. Jack came in memory and then spoke up and said he and everyone else thought I was dead(I didn’t remember until now but the reason they thought this was because I always stayed in my barracks room and didn't go anywhere except to work, or eat so no one knew where I was). A little while longer the first sergeant came in memory. He then asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told him about Peggy Brown and showed him the picture of herself she sent me. He asked me what my goals were. I told him I wanted to stay in the Air Force twenty years, buy a 20 to 40 acre ranch, wanted to marry Peggy and let her run that ranch the way she wanted to because my cousin Dede was a girl and was quite good and confident in running her farm. He said they didn’t give a damn about my personal habits of sexual gratification, that they told me to do that to keep those electronic beings from taking me inside the mind and getting my memory, if I hadnt done that(self sodomy) I would never have remembered that I had prayed for a girlfriend and to finish what I had started with the adult magazine, not doing that is what caused me to lose memory of both times I prayed to see who my wife was. They already knew I wasn't sleeping with anybody. He told me I would need to change my professional behavior towards being in the Air Force and take pride in it to remain in and if I didn't marry Peggy I wouldn't stay in the service. They called my family to inform them I was alive. They were surprised that I was in the Air Force and asked who it was living in Dallas. What I hadn't known was the doppelganger who took me inside of his mind was living my life in Dallas at what would be termed the future from where I was at(2003c.e.) but, it was a sleep life. They then asked for them to transfer me to Fort Hood, so I’d be close to them. All of this was sabotaged and we lost memory of it and were back to where I started sitting in the first sergeants office with Jack, the first sergeant got pissed off because we were knocked back to his office and said angrily that it was “Tonya ugly stinky pussy” who did that to us. From there I found myself knocked back to my room with no memory of being in the first sergeant's office. We were on a four day on/off schedule. While I was losing memory of this I almost lost memory of when my next work schedule was. I called Jack to make sure I wasn't AWOL. I made it to my shift up range. Around October while I was at work at Area Three a tall black man brought there by a black coworker named Fred Bouie asked my other coworkers which one of us had a rash. The other coworkers pointed at me because I had broken out with psoriasis in March of 1979. He told my coworkers to go in the office and shut the door because he was an OSI agent and needed to question me privately. As Fred Bouie was going in, he looked at me with a disturbing look on his face and said they kept killing me, but I wouldn’t stay dead. It was the guy who fired the shot from the grassy knoll, but I didn’t remember him. His name was Ralph Lee Grant. He began yelling at me telling me I should be ashamed of myself because I wasn't supposed to live that long and I shouldn’t be in the Air Force since I got him kicked out the previous year, that he was doing all of this to me to get me to commit suicide. I yelled back at him that I never met him before, that I’m going to live as long as I can and asked him how he could possibly be an OSI agent if he had been kicked out of the Air Force. I went to the office to get away from him, but the door had been locked. I pounded on the door to be let in and it was finally opened. Fred Bouie had been keeping it locked to keep me from going in and my coworkers from going out. I went in and sat down. I had lost a little bit of memory of it but remembered him saying he was OSI. Jack asked me what it was all about. I told him what I remembered. He said the OSI wasn’t investigating me and asked where the guy was. He called two other Techsergeants, Blacker and Keffer in the building to come see him. When we got there Ralph was cowering behind a partition. They began yelling at him and told me not to keep such things to myself, meaning this information. They called the security police on him. When the arresting officer got there, he looked at me and said, “You know better than to keep this to yourself and cover for this guy. I said I’d never met him before. He said “You've already lost memory of what you shared with your first sergeant this summer, that there was a restraining order on Ralph to keep him away from me and to open up about such things when I know of them. Jack took me in the office and explained to me who Ralph was, said they all thought I had left to go to Fort Hood and about my lost memories. We lost memory of it.One night while expecting a call from my Dad, Ronny, and Tommy from Texas, my roommate Ed went for a walk. After he left, I received a call and talked to Tommy not knowing he was Ed. Ed returned sometime later after the call was over. In March of 1981 I became further brainwashed into Christianity and began praying to get spirit filled not remembering the consequences of it. I gave up Peggy because I was told you only go with other believers. In June of 1981 I was transferred to an Air Force detachment at Fort Hood, Texas. I was assigned to the First Cavalry Air Liaison Office detachment. My new supervisor, Staff sergeant soon to be Techsergeant Wayne Bennet was also Uncle Bill Egan/Andy Johnson/Range group Firstsgt. Smith in a sleep life, his wife was a topless dancer. The commander of the Airforce detachment whose office was at the Third Corp Air Liaison Office was a full bird colonel with the last name of Tappman. He was Tommy in a sleep life. We got a new staff sergeant in the radio shop. This was Maurice Marx in another sleep life. Another guy in the radio shop who had just been promoted to staff sergeant named Richard Hyatt, was Uncle Rudd/Matthew/Rusty Smelcer/Jack F. Martin III/ James V. Price in a sleep life. In March of 1982 my enlistment was up so I moved back home. In June I was hired on by the city as a traffic signal technician. My supervisor, Perry N. Pearson was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. I was assigned to work with an elderly technician named Joe Zihlman. He was my fifth-grade teacher George Turpin in a sleep life. In August, I moved in with a roommate in a two-bedroom apartment in North Dallas. His former roommate was a female who was clearly Wayne Bennet’s wife in a sleep life. There was a guy a few apartments down who had just gotten out of the Navy and hired on with Texas Instruments as an electronic technician. His name was Everet and he was clearly Scot Ciminilo in a sleep life. In September I was assigned to the weekend deep night shift with a black supervisor named Ralph Lee Grant. I had no memory whatsoever of seeing him fire the shot from the grassy knoll when I was a little boy in 1963. In January 1983 I moved into my own apartment at King George Apartments on Buckner Blvd. There were two girls who lived next door to me. One of them was Debby from Tolleson in another sleep life. In the summer I left my job to work on a religious farm in La Junta, Colorado along with Andy Johnson. The daughter of the owners, Lavern and Sally Johnson (no relation to Andy) Georgia Johnson who I had a crush on was Dede in a sleep life. I left in August after Georgia and a guy named Dave eloped and Andy had tried unsuccessfully to get me spirit filled and was rehired as a signal technician with Perry Pearson’s help. I began attending a church in Farmers Branch called Word of Faith. The pastor, Robert Tilton was Andy Johnson in a sleep life. In November I moved in with Mom and Ray in their mobile home in Balch springs. The managers 19-year-old son had committed suicide one day while I was asleep. She came to visit with mom and Ray then asked me some questions. She said I was her deceased son in a sleep life. I had no idea what she was talking about and lost memory of it. A new technician from another area transferred to the signal shop. His name was Phillip R. Coker. He was my brother Ronny in his sleep yet while Ronny was at sea in the Navy. I was his father in my sleep, the Fort Worth police officer, I learned from him I had become a police sergeant and had been wronged somehow, and I was married to a woman named Mildred, Phil’s stepmother. She was Dede in a sleep life. Neither one of us had any memory of this information. In February of 1984 Uncle Rudd died. This tore me apart. My cousin Laurie gave me his expensive sheepskin jacket. I wouldn't wear it. Mom and Ray decided to move their mobile home to land they bought in a tiny suburban town of Princeton called Culleoka. I moved with them. Their next-door neighbor was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. Mom commented on the likeness, but we didn't remember about sleep living and didn’t know it was him. Around April my traffic signal shop moved from Cedar Springs to a new compound on Canton Street next to a police station.  In July I moved out from Mom and Ray’s after a misunderstanding caused by my sister(I had no memory of seeing this in the past).After a few days of living in my car and a week and a half in a room I rented that I had to give up since I spent my rent money for the week at a videogame arcade I found an apartment on Gaston. There was a group of singers at Word of Faith for the morning service every Sunday. One of them was clearly Bob from Arizona who had the Corvair. I didn't ask him his name or if he was from Arizona. This guy may or may not have been there in a different sleep life. In December of 1984 I transferred to the afternoon rush hour shift away from weekends and Ralph. I left Word of Faith in October of 1985 after refusing to get spirit filled. my shift ended at ten thirty at night. The deep night crew had a black man using the name John Reese who had a lot of unpaid tickets. Two City of Dallas marshals came to serve a warrant on him. Around February of 1986 I became attracted to a blonde secretary that worked in the front office. Her name was Sharon Boleyn. She was Dede in another sleep life. I found out where she lived in the phonebook and tried to move in the same complex. I was denied because of my credit. I didn't like being told no, so I rented a condominium from a supervisor in the traffic signal construction department. His name was Gene Morgan. He was Bob Tilton in a sleep life. His wife, Deanna “Dede” Patterson Morgan was actually Dede in a sleep life. I discovered Sharon had moved across the parking lot from my unit around the same time I did.We had three new technicians hired on. One was Oscar Diaz( Oscar was in a sleep life but under another name when I was in a homeless shelter in McKinney, He gave me a ride from Church on the Rock North in carrollton in 1990) the other Robert Espinosa and the other one was Bertie Fernando who was on a two-year work visa from Sri Lanka. Robert Espinosa was Tommy in a sleep life. Bertie was my coworker Phil in a sleep life. Phil kept wanting to meet Bertie but could never catch him and briefly remembered he was Bertie. There was a new technician who was rehired there named Jerry. He was Bruce from the fourth grade in another sleep life. In October I bought a car, a 1978 Grand Prix at Toyota of Dallas. The salesperson was a girl named Debra Kowalski. This was Dede in a sleep life. She tried to get a date with me for the following Saturday, but I had to work. In November I went back to Word of Faith. I went back to the singles class. There was a guy named Robert Earl Truckenmiller and a British girl named Tonya Ann Clifton in this class. They were both Caucasian. I had no memory of who they were or what they had been doing to me. I had become interested in Tonya (No, I didn’t remember who she was at that time) The Sunday after the singles Thanksgiving potluck I got spirit filled. There was a new associate pastor at Word of faith named Al Brice. This was Jim Price in another sleep life. There was a children's pastor there named Steve Alde. He was Tommy in a sleep life. There was a paraclete coordinator there named Randall Graeber. He was one of the two City of Dallas marshals from earlier in a sleep life.In March of 1987 I quit smoking cold turkey on my sister’s birthday and became obese as a result. In August I decided to go to Richland Community College to study computer information as a major since I had been beaten out of a promotion to supervisor by a coworker who had been on the job in less time than me. One day after an argument over an intersection I couldn't get fixed the previous night I told a black coworker named John Carraway I didn't want to hear it. He then pulled a knife on me in front of the assistant supervisor named Jackie Watson who was black also and said he would cut my ear off and stick it in my mouth if I didn't stop talking. I just sat there, and Jackie did nothing about it. I didn't say anything because of the religious teachings of turn the other cheek, but it ate me up inside because I was angry that something like that was done to me. In September Dede died of cancer. At some point around this time while I was asleep a homeless man named Greg Biggs was hit and lodged in the windshield by a black girl named Chante Mallard. She then drove home with him still in the windshield. She then went inside. While still in the windshield Greg heard a voice say, “Has he committed suicide yet?” When the man who said it walked out to look, it was Ralph Grant from the signal shop. The man later died. I didn't know it at the time, but it was me in the windshield in my sleep and this is how I lost memory of not wanting to go inside the mind in my awake life. Chante later held Phil and myself hostage at the signal shop at 3204 Canton St. running me through a different inside the mind vision since we had escaped being inside the mind and made it back from Las Vegas. She was without a cranium at that time, I don't know how she was able to live without one and there were several corpses on the floor that died with their eyes open. They were Caucasian and I don't know who they were as they didn’t work at the signal shop. This incident was repeated in October of 2001 as far as being hit and dying while lodged in Chante’s windshield but the ability to be taken inside the mind had been erased and I was still retaining memories I had recovered since January of 1990 and Chante was caught this time after I shared it with then Mayor Laura Miller. On Friday October 30 after work I felt like smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. I felt I would go back to smoking and become an alcoholic instead I went to an adult bookstore after work and bought a pornofilm then went home and watched it. About four o’clock Saturday morning I felt guilty about it and threw it in the trash and went to bed. I got up at eleven and decided to go to Austin to clear my head. On the way there I prayed for a calling saying I liked math. I heard civil engineering because I would be developing water supplies on the mission field, hence this shot down my major of computer information. I took a detour to Fort Hood to see it again. When I got there, I felt a heaviness fall on me because of the problems I had when I had been stationed there. I continued back to Austin. I made it back home around eleven that night.On Sunday November1, I sat next to a pretty girl in a Sunday school class. I didn't know who she was at the time, but I liked having her sit next to me. Robert Truckenmiller sat in front of us. That night I asked who my wife was. On Monday morning I had a dream where I passed a pretty girl who knew my name at church. When I awoke, I realized she was to be my wife and thought it was a vision. I hadn't realized I was asleep as Rick a year from then and I had offended her the week before which only drove her from me, that I had sat next to her in Sunday School class the day before(her hairstyle and dress were considerably different a year from that time) and that the girl was again Dede in a sleep life. I had started to pleasure myself to this girl but was stopped saying hat was a holy vision from God. I then sensed I was going to have a big vision and without knowing the past prayed a bunch of things I was then taken inside the mind without remembering it in my earlier years in attempts to have my wife so I wouldn’t read pornography. Instead whomever was running me through this kept us from being together at all as well as me from remaining a traffic signal technician but instead a church janitor and changed Bob Tilton’s church sanctuary to New Jerusalem going into Old Jerusalem around as well as torment his members. I then heard a voice say this is how I put Hitler in power, I can do the same for you. I obviously didn't take that offer. While inside the mind of the doppelganger at this point, I could only feel what he felt and heard what he heard. He was in the breakroom of the Word of Faith executive office building where the prayer ministers worked and he as a janitor using my name and credentials. A prayer minister named Naomi came in and said something nice to him and had a beautiful voice. I then said let me see Naomi several times but couldn't get him to let me see her. I then prayed to marry her then divorce her before I married the girl in my vision so I would get to see her when I went inside the mind( I knew I would start seeing what was going on then while still inside the mind, I thought I went inside the mind when I came in memory when I went through it and see her afterwards, but it didn't happen there but as Charles Langford I married Obera Morton who is Naomi in a sleep life, we divorced and I saw Obera[Beebe] when I was around three years old but had no memory of this then). I came in memory of all this information and tried to go outside the mind, but it kept going for years and years and I would still be without my wife. It went forever. I was taken outside of the mind by Janet(Dede) help several times( she was able to find me while I was inside the mind because the told her in 1990 while in memory I had a vison with pornography, was hearing voices[being instructed] and some of what they were saying). While being taken through that I felt someone bludgeon me and said to myself that someone tried to kill me all the way through that. I tried to get up and share it with everyone but was interrupted every time, the last one being by a head swelling (cerebral edema) which at the time I thought was because I had too much knowledge. I don’t remember where and when the vision stopped in the future. I had remembered something about sleep living, I said I would go to sleep and be awake asleep. So, I somehow got myself to go back to sleep and do everything I could to erase it thinking it would be all over when I awoke. I had lived from then until now in my sleep with some awareness of what was going on at that time. I had it erased for that time being. Yet back then I woke up on November 2,1987 not remembering any of this or that I had lived from there to here in my sleep before we were knocked back to there, November 2, 1987 which always happened. When I went to work that day, I remembered some of the religious part of it, but not sleep living and shared it with a coworker named Fred Musgrove because he was a Christian also. I began coming into more memory as I shared it there and realized that Robert Espinosa was Tommy in a sleep life and told him everything, he said he had no memory of being someone else, he didn’t believe me right then. I was met with doubt by all my coworkers. They spread it around and it got to Ralph Grant. He told the other black employees that they were all in trouble because I had grown up. My supervisor Buck got wind of what I was sharing and asked me if I was okay. I told him I believed religion had screwed with my mind and asked him if I could work the weekend construction shift to avoid going to church because my memory of not wanting to go would soon be lost. He said someone was already scheduled for the upcoming weekend but gave me that shift the following weekend.The following Sunday, on November 8, 1987 not remembering that I didn't want to go to church anymore I went to the morning service. After which I went to lunch at a restaurant in Carrollton, I believe was called Cocoas somewhere near Josey Lane with three singles from my Sunday School class, Sue Newberry (Aunt Dee in a sleep life), Robert Truckenmiller, and Tonya Clifton. While there I came in memory of some of this information and said something to Sue about some of it then I said something to Robert Truckenmiller about he and Tonya getting married. We both went outside at his challenge and got into a scuffle. I was worried about the police arresting us for fighting because I was about to clobber him, losing my job and being kicked out of church so I said we should stop. He told me to stop sharing it and leave town. He went back inside. He would have me believe he had the upper hand before I recovered memory of it years later. I started to leave but decided not to let somebody as small as him to tell me what to do and where to go plus I knew He and Tonya had something bad in store for Sue because she was Tommy's wife and they were both created by Terra(my cousin Lori) to stop them, so I went back inside. I told Sue we stopped because I didn't want the police called and wind up in jail because he was a runt and I could take him. She said what I shared would offend anyone especially what you do with cucumbers and that she was going to report us to the church pastors if we kept at it. I was surprised I said any of it when she repeated it to me.  I said I actually told you that. She said I had lost memory again. She repeated all of what I had told her. I then came in full memory of all of this and shared this with Sue in front of Robert Truckenmiller and Tonya Clifton and others. Sue said I was embarrassing myself in front of all of these people in the restaurant as they could hear what I was saying to her. I told her as I shared all of this with her I became quite comfortable with them hearing it and said I didn’t care if the whole damn restaurant heard me because this has to be shared( I learned later that they all heard what I had shared, had I not shared it that loud those people would not have known that they were there and Robert and Tonya were there because Ralph Grant overheard my sharing at work and they were going to do to me then what they did to me next week. If I had not gone back inside the restaurant after the scuffle with Robert, they were going to do the same to her because I had put her in memory, she was my help and they were going to turn her back in to an infant). I told her that while all of these people are in this restaurant the blacks are changing it to where the blacks have their names, jobs, cars and homes as well as what they all created with their mindwaving powers. I told her that everyone in this restaurant has been homeless and staying in the same homeless shelters I had in their sleep. To give her an example I informed her that I’m a Dallas police officer. She said then how can you be a signal technician and you're also overweight. I saidI only got this big a couple of months ago. That the blacks threw me out of my own apartment and job while I was awake and took them over. I told her of an incident where a coworker of mine named Amber Guyger, a female Dallas police officer who lives(d) directly below my apartment. She saw my apartment door open and went to investigate, Botham Jean, a black man had killed me in my sleep so she shot him dead. I then told Sue that she was Amber Guyger in another sleep life. I pointed at Robert and Tonya and said that they and Ralph changed it around to make it look like it was his apartment and made it look like she killed him by mistake thinking it was her own apartment to get her in unwarranted trouble when she was in fact just doing her job as a police officer, that every time a police officer kills a black person it is the same situation, Amber and those police officers are only doing their jobs. I also told her of an incident in 1984 at our new building on Canton street we are next door to a police station. While working the weekend shift before I went to weekday afternoons Ralph received a phone call. He hung up and said that was one of his agents and said I wasn't where I was supposed to be. He called the police and said he was having me arrested. I laughed. He said he was serious. He then told me to leave town before they got there. I said I've done nothing wrong and you know me well enough that I’m not anything like these other assholes (black coworkers who did drugs and other illegal actions and hardly ever showed up to work). A Dallas police officer showed up and said what's the trouble. I told him what Ralph had said. He asked my name. I told him. He looked at Ralph and said so this is where you’re hiding him. He pointed at me and said to Ralph that is an officer of the law(it took me a long time to figure out what he meant in the future as I thought he was talking about me meant to be in the Marines as well as an nco) stop what you're doing right now. I didn't know it but Ralph had me inside of his mind in a way I couldn't see and did it every time I was near him. The officer shot Ralph dead and said you should see what he's doing. He then asked me how I was doing and said some other things but my memory of it went and Ralph returned with no memory of it, in fact the officer said they just can't keep me in memory long enough to see who I actually am and where I actually belong because I was never supposed to be there as a signal technician. I told her I looked just like I do there as a police officer but now could only do it in my sleep and wouldn't realize it until I looked in the mirror at myself when I was a 58-year-old man. I told her I became one to stop Ralph and help our own, and that I take pride in my uniform, appearance, job and demeanor. She asked me how I could still be a police officer if I were dead. I told her when we die, we are still around as that person in sleep, we look the same as we did before we were killed but may be amnesiaed into a different name.I had remembered something Robert and Tonya said to me when I was Charles Langford in my previous life, I looked at Robert and Tonya and said “You see me here? I’m Charles Langford and I’m very much alive and no matter how many times you kill me I will always live one way or the other and I’ll haunt you every way I can. I know even though you two are white your black, in fact you are what comes out of a black’s asshole. If I want to be in pornography I’ll be in pornography, (They are afraid of me going anywhere near it because it renders their powers to almost nothing, particularly movies because it takes us outside of the mind and for the most part silences the programmed voices I deal with and it erases them and the filth in the atmosphere around us). As for committing suicide you two should do so because you’ve got absolutely no future and nothing worth living for. (I said this to them because they made me think pornography was wrong and that it took me inside the mind and that they kept trying to get me to commit suicide particularly at Nellis Air Force Base in 1980 when I went to get a new ID card. I went in civilian clothes, when I got to the door there were three or four ladies there who asked me what my name was. I had no idea who they were there or what they wanted but I was reluctant to give them my name, so I asked them why they wanted to know my name. [ this is the version I heard in 1990 because all of the conversations were muffled by the voices in my head, although the suicidal thought was there] They wouldn't tell me. One of them whom I began calling the poisonous priestess as a janitor in 1990 because her voice was tormenting me as I was made to think she had spoken to me in an angry manner but now I remember it to be mostly pleasant and that cloud king vision kept being sent to torment her and her friends while I stood in front of them, it wasn't me sending it to them then and I couldn't see what they were seeing and didn't know why they were squirming around. I went into the photographer, a male staff sergeant to get my new ID. He said I need to be in uniform as it’s a military function. I went back outside, and those women kept asking me questions. The poisonous priestess [I don’t know her name] said she never sees me with any girls. I asked her how she would know that and told her I could only romance my girlfriend Peggy through the mail because she lived in Florida. She said no she meant where I’m a janitor for her and her husband's church. I said I’m not in any church and I’m a radio repairman in the Air Force. She still kept squirming, said oh so you know her, I think she meant Janet Thigpen. I had no memory of the dream I had of Janet a few months earlier. She then asked why I would erase my own memory.  I said what are you on. She did some more squirming and said quit sending that thing after me and my husbands and our congregation. I thought she meant mailing something. I said I haven't mailed anything to any church, and I don't know you or your husband, she meant the cloud king vision which is explained in this document. She asked me if I were a homosexual because she still didn’t see me with any girls. I said no but I’m training myself to be a bisexual. She gasped and said why would you tell anybody that. She asked me why I couldn’t see or feel what they were feeling. I really thought she meant emotionally but wouldn't see it until 1990, when I was actually a janitor for her church. I yelled at them for bothering me and went back to my barracks room. Before I left, she said they got my name and know I’m coming back there. She told me she had been watching me since I was a little boy, she meant something else, but I told her I don't remember having her for a babysitter. She said she didn't come there to aggravate me, but my family sent her to keep me out of her church. I didn't remember this when I left. I then thought they were hookers who wanted to have sex with me [yes, I really thought this, and I’ve remembered this incident entirely since 1990] so I put on my uniform and went back to have my new ID card made. They were gone. The staff sergeant took my photo, gave me a new Id card and said I was in trouble for stating the sexual preference, [which wasn’t homosexual] I said to those ladies indicating I’d be court-martialed for it and get a bad conduct discharge. I went walking out of there very depressed and afraid with every intention of going off base to Kmart to buy a shotgun and blow my brains out. Before I got to the door he said come back here, they said you’re going to commit suicide. We then had a lengthy discussion about what he saw about my future as a janitor. He then began talking to me in Al Brice’s voice (Actually Ralph Grant doing it) and said he had prayed for the girl’s son to die so I wouldn't have to deal with kids. I said I have a girlfriend and I have no problem with having kids. I still don't remember the dream I had of Janet going onto a yacht last summer and couldn't remember it until 1990. I began calling the sergeant Airwolf in 1990 because I couldn't remember his name even though he showed me his name tag before I left. He showed me the cash flow management system that I was using in the future that had been taught by Don Spear in a Word of Faith Sunday school, by the way you should note that the poisonous priestess, [she also got a bad rap as my cousin Kimberly Lois Langford Williams, who died on December 25, 2018 of heart failure]  as I had been calling her is Marty Tilton but she was younger then and I believe her church was in a different building in 1980 and  the way things  work I was there in my sleep. He told me the security police were called on those ladies for agitating me and didn't know how they got on base. He decided I wasn't in trouble and sent me back out to keep Ralph from instructing me through him like he did my cousin Tommy in 1975 as long as I agreed to not harm myself and deny any abnormal sexual behavior. While homeless and staying at the Samaritan Inn in McKinney in 1991 we had to leave during the day. I sat inside the mini cafe at the JRs Texaco next door to stay out of the cold. I looked outside and saw who I didn't remember to be Marty Tilton because she looked like she did in 1980, 10 years younger than the last time I had seen her in 1990 and was dressed exactly the same and with a scarf over her hair when I first saw her in 1980. She was walking up to the store and I heard people say, in my head she was coming to tell me who I was. She then turned around and walked back without ever coming into the store. The voices that said that to me weren't tormenting me as Bob, Als, and everyone else's voice had gone but I was watching cartoon like holograms. I still remembered that she was actually the poisonous priestess. I had wished she came inside and told me who I was because that piqued my curiosity. This was in between the vision I had initially and the one I woke up and went to church while I was inside the mind in 1987). [That the was the version I began remembering in 1990 when recovering memories. Here’s the version that was actually so and I didn't remember it until now, September 15, 2019, I gave her my name. She asked me if those two, Robert and Tonya at Ralph Grants direction had turned me into a homosexual because she never saw me with any girls. I told her no, but I was training myself to be a bisexual. She gasped and said why don't you tell anybody what they're doing to you. Not the bisexual part because they wanted me doing that and I wouldn’t remember so until 2019. She thought I had been in memory, more than likely because I came in memory in June and went to my first sergeant. I came in memory in front of her and told her I'm not the one doing that(tormenting them) that I care about these people and they won’t stop doing this to me and that I’m inside the mind now seeing the church janitor because there's an electronic being around us here doing this to me in front of you because they put all of this crap inside of me , please help me get it out, your husband sent something called his mind to me as a janitor, it was erasing those voices but the blacks flipped it off after they said Benedict Arnold when I was working as a janitor for her church in the Garden Learning Center, GLC, sunday school building. In the future it was being pulled out of me one piece at a time when ever I slept somewhere, and I wouldn't realize it was supposed to come out until years later. We left with her telling me to go to the adult bookstore right outside of the base front gate and buy a penile sex toy and some adult magazines to stop them from keeping me and putting me inside the mind anymore. I told her I would lose memory of it that day. I just remember going back to my room as far as that goes and that led to the first version of this before memory of this version.As for you Tonya, I can't believe I actually  cared about you and ever wanted to marry you, I don’t ever want to see you again (the last time I saw her was in 1989 after she and Robert had got married, [Janet and I were both at their wedding sitting in seats very far apart not realizing it was us that was supposed to be at the altar getting married]  but here in 2019 while I was in a sleep life just before I awoke  I was in a street shelter with both of them and they looked like they did in 1987 and they were talking to me, I had a backpack with medicine in it and I believe a document like you’re reading here, I left to go to the bathroom but when I got back they and my backpack were gone, my concern was them getting this document. I don’t know if I knew who they were in my sleep but when I went to the doctor to replace my medicine, I had said something and then heard the words we’re going to put you in a nice comfortable prison. I turned around to look at the doctor and he was a young black man. I then awoke back to my sleep life here), and when you’re both dead and permanently gone forever I’m going to piss, shit and puke on both of your graves and I’m going to party with my wife, family, friends, pets that you’ve taken from me and I’ll have every damn thing you ever took from me back for all of eternity. I know Ralph Grant is inside of your mind or he will be and if he hasn’t heard this you can tell him the same goes for him, and as for my vision( if you can call it that) I’m going to blab, blab and blab, and as for you Robert you little runt, you didn’t get the upper hand on me outside(He had me believing for years  that it was him who had me pinned but I'm 2000 after I was admitted to the VA Domiciliary after injuring both ankles  wound up being roommates with his adopted brother Dennis Truckremiller,who is one of us, Robert came to visit him and didn't recognize me, In  fact he was very afraid of me,no I didn't tell him who I was, but I looked at how much smaller he was than l me and wondered how in the hell could be gave gotten the upper hand on me because I could clearly outdo him. )I only stopped it because I don’t want legal troubles, so we can go back outside and I’ll smash your head into the sidewalk !!!”. Sue said to me they don’t want me in jail, and we can deal with it another way. I told her that Robert had thought controlled a guy named Bill Beachy into saying he’d smash my head in to the sidewalk if I got out of my car when I was in the Air Force over a dispute over a large phone bill they stuck me with. Bill had said to me the night they shot our dogs afterwards when they came in memory, that I shouldn't let him talk to me like that.I told Sue there should be a man named Larry here because when I was in the shelter in McKinney I saw him in sleep wearing a Batman uniform saying, Man oh man you didn't want to meet me I was in the cafeteria when you were busy sharing. Robert Truckenmiller had me believing in the future that Larry had sent them to take me to the IHOP because I shared it. Sue looked around and said there is no one here dressed as Batman. A man sitting at the table next to us and heard every word I shared. He was one of the directors at a homeless shelter in McKinney I had stayed at while I was homeless during my sleep after I was taken inside of the mind on November 2,1987. He had also been held hostage by Chante Mallard at the Canton Street signal shop but not at the same time as I was. He said, “I’m Larry, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to do (share it) that?” He was Uncle Rudd in a sleep life. He said he didn’t know he was there at the restaurant because he was in his sleep until I said I was Charles Langford and that was the name of his father. He also wondered where his memory of this had gone and learned it was when he was held hostage by Chante. He verified what I had said to Sue when I mentioned his first name. I became upset that I couldn’t get people in memory in the future. Sue then encouraged me and said I had put Larry in memory. She said I should go check into the VA hospital since I had said that's how I was able to get help from this in the vision. I said every time I went in the vision I was kidnapped and or distracted from doing so. Larry said he would follow me there to make sure that didn't happen. We both left. I tried to check in, but they said I wasn't enrolled there and would have to do so on a business day even if it was an emergency. Larry had tried to get me in himself but the blacks working there kept me from getting in right then. I told him I had private insurance from the city as a signal technician and the Presbyterian Hospital on Walnut Hill was only a mile from where I lived on Fair oaks. I said I could go there until Monday. He asked if I could remember to go there because he had other things to do. I told him I’d take a route home that took me past it on the way home. I managed to get there but when they called to verify my employment Ralph Grant was there and said I no longer worked there. I showed them my city ID card but that wasn’t good enough. I was embarrassed and mad and said I still worked there. I intended to report him Monday, but I found myself back at the restaurant talking to Sue. I told her while sitting there Larry and I had tried to get me in the VA and Presbyterian Hospital but were thwarted because these two (Robert and Tonya) gave Bob Tilton and I a special treat courtesy of Ralph Grant. I pointed out to her that Larry was no longer in the restaurant and probably went to another sleep life. She then said I should try and go in on Monday. I told her I wouldn't have memory to do so because those two will cause me to lose it. She then became aware of what they were doing and said I should then try to avoid going to church anymore and angrily said that she had a special treat for both of them. I left with only memories of saying some embarrassing things, particularly about cucumbers which was a thing of the past. When I got home, I decided not to go to church anymore because I was embarrassed, didn’t want to go to that or any other church anymore, wished I’d never became a Christian and lost memory of the vision. I went to bed early, so I had missed the evening service and by the next morning had forgotten all about the events at the restaurant.Sue took Robert and Tonya to Bob and Al that Sunday evening and shared with them everything I had told her. This was her special treat for Robert and Tonya as well as Ralph Grant even though he wasn't there. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was one of Bob’s attorneys in my sleep. After hearing Sue share every word of what I had told her I came in memory of being the signal technician that was taken inside of the mind. I then looked at Robert and Tonya and angrily said, “You put me through it!!!!”  I wasn't aware of this taking place in my sleep nor that I was one of Bob’s attorneys. During the following week Buck came and told me that Bob Tilton had called and mentioned my vision. He told them to tell Ralph not to mess with his church or its members and not to have me brought back to his church in anyway nor in anyway is he to stop me from leaving it.The following Sunday, on November 15, 1987 I worked the construction shift not remembering any of this information nor why I was scheduled to work that weekend. After he learned of my being taken outside of his mind, when I first came into work at ten thirty in the morning Ralph Grant was there with no business being there because his shift ended four hours earlier. He said in an angry voice “Don’t miss church tonight because I’ve got a special treat just for you and your pastor!!”. I left to work in the field meaning to report him to the head supervisor for speaking to me that way. When I got back at the end of my shift I had forgotten about this encounter. He was there again with no business being there because he was off until next Wednesday. This time he tricked me into going to church that night instead of home by saying in a nice voice not to miss church that night because there was a special blessing there waiting for me. I went not remembering any of this information.Robert and Tonya were there waiting for me per Ralph’s instructions as I was sitting in the foyer trying to figure out what I was doing there. They then began asking me all kinds of questions about my vision. I had no memory of what they were talking about and denied knowing any of it. They thought I was the doppelganger covering to keep anyone from knowing this information and that I was inside of his mind. They began taunting me saying, “Ha ha ha Charles Langford we killed you and you didn't live this long! “I became enraged because they said that about my grandfather without asking them how they knew him (I hadn't remembered then that I was Charles Langford. They said this to me when I was, he in the past when I was inside the mind. I told them back then I would reach out of the grave with my cold dead hands and ring their scrawny little necks). I came in memory of the inside the mind vision I had but only the part of being a janitor and Bob’s church being changed and went to tell on them to the pastors who were present. When they learned it was me, they became very worried and Robert said not to because they weren't supposed to know that they or I was there.  I said why would they not need to know I was there. He said Bob Tilton had told them when Sue Newberry took them to meet with him and his attorney the previous Sunday after I shared this in that restaurant where everyone there had heard what I told Sue, he made them sign a legal document  that they would not in any way bring me back to his church nor stop me from leaving it. I said then I really need to tell him about all of this. I went inside the sanctuary and sat down waiting for one of the pastors when he stopped praying for someone. They then tricked me away from telling one of the pastors’ present saying they’d share it for me because I had such a hard time sharing it. I was going to wait there and watch them share it but they said I’d probably be embarrassed then tricked me into  going to a local IHOP at Forest Lane and Webb Chapel in Dallas while they shared it, saying the other singles were going there after the evening service. (Note: I had very little memory of what I had shared at the restaurant the previous Sunday, I only came in memory of having the vision when they taunted me at the foyer, so I honestly had no idea of what they were about to do to me). I arrived there to find I was the only single there. I waited awhile then decided to leave but Robert and Tonya showed up. Robert asked me who I was. I told him. He said Ricky was supposed to be here. I said, “I’m Ricky”. He said I was never supposed to grow up. He asked me how old I was. I said 26. He said I wasn't supposed to live through it because he had done all kinds of things to me in the past. He claimed Bob and Al gave them a special anointing to pray over me and had told them to confiscate my car keys, house keys and wallet because I wasn't to live in this vision anymore (he was calling me a vision). I said I’m not a vision and I’m not about to do that. He then conned me and asked for my wallet to pray over my finances (He took my money out of it while he had it and had no intention of giving either back to me). Saying demons of pornography might come out of me as they prayed that they didn’t want to disturb the other restaurant patrons. They took me to a vacant dark part of the parking lot where they took me inside the mind again erasing almost all of my/our corrections  without me knowing that’s what they did as well as cause me to hear loud voices instructing me when I first came in memory in the future so I wouldn't know to share this information. I was told I could never eat cucumbers because what I had used them for in the past as if I would eat one afterwards which I wouldn’t dare, that I couldn’t eat Chinese food them accusing me of stopping the movement at Tiananmen square, I could never call a cat again, never to visit or talk with my mother Leigh Dell again because she was too far gone religiously and would be a bad influence on me, of course in the future I visited her anyway and she served me salad with sliced cucumbers in it.  I heard BobTilton’s voice in my mind and Al Brice’s voice in my mind, mainly Al Brice’s voice as Robert spoke but my ears heard only Robert’s voice. I didn't think to ask why Bob and Al wouldn't speak to me about this in person and didn't remember at the time that Ralph Grant was inside Robert’s mind at the time imitating Bob and Al’s voices. Robert had stood several feet away from me while Tonya held my arm making sure I stayed there. Every time I tried to leave Tonya would grab my arm and hold me there to listen to Robert. I kept hoping that one or more of the singles from Word of Faith would show up and see what they were doing so I’d have a witness to it but it was a dark isolated spot of the parking lot and none of the singles had any idea that they were to come there like they told me. It stopped because they saw I was finally determined to leave after I shoved Tonya’s arm away from me  because I became aware that they were doing something bad to my future after Al (Ralph Grant) they said I never got my engineering degree, never got married and my stepfather had committed suicide in the distant future. They tricked me into going into the restaurant with them. I got inside and lost memory of what they did outside. Those two did it again. But now they made it look like my friends and family did it from the past because I had shared it in my sleep back then(This has been going on in my sleep for I don't know how long now meaning I have lived this life over and over again because Ralph Grant kept knocking me back to the past except for where I have lived awake, meaning when I got to this life awake he couldn't make me repeat the years I had lived through awake) but when they got the copies I had sent them in my sleep in the past I had already been taken through it and had been tormented by hearing Als voice for so long and became tormented in the future by their voices  which was unintentional on their part. Tonya told me in order to avoid this was to never share my vision. When I said okay, she then said out loud looking around in the air we have Rick here and he has agreed to never share his vision. I didn't know it at the time, but she was actually taunting my friends and relatives when she said that and me as a youngster trying to goad them into thinking I would never ever share this with them again. Robert and Tonya saw me writing this and sharing it in 2001 and got worried. Robert began hyperventilating saying, “He’s got a memory in him and he knows everything I’ve done. Hey, I know I’ll erase everyone's memory and all of this technology and no one will ever know that this happened”. I was getting encouraged because I didn't like what they were saying to me making me think I would be around in the future. Tonya then said that was the girl to be my wife sharing it, so I’d go through it and said, “We’ll fix you”.  I said I still want her. She then said, “Oh that's not her, we'll take care of whoever that person is”. It was me doing the sharing and I didn’t know it, but I suspected it was me. Tonya then complained about my wife (Janet) taking me outside of their mind saying I didn't get to finish what I was doing. I didn’t realize she was there and wouldn't remember it for years. At first, I was happy because I wanted this shared. They then said they had stopped the sharing. I was stopped in 2005 because I had been mistakenly led to believe everyone wanted me to paint a picture instead of writing it since they still had not came in memory, I still don’t know of any picture to paint them. In 2001 while in an art class at the day treatment center at the Dallas VA, after I learned my instructions were to share my memories with everyone, I had painted a picture of a king shaped cloud. In my sleep in 1990 while I was in memory it came and hovered over me with some sort of electric vibrating force while my head was in Dede’s lap as she and Jean were sitting in lawn chairs on the east side of the farmhouse. I then woke up to hear Al’s voice say this was God who came to see that I was liking girls. I would imagine this thing would send everyone through the same torment my imagination sent Bob and Al through when I mistakenly thought it was them doing this to me was to send Bob Tilton and Al Brice while the voices were tormenting me would send it to my friends and family until they stopped talking because it was tormenting me. It also went after the Word of Faith congregation in 1984, 1987, 1988 and 1989. I had learned by 2001 that I was sitting next to my friend Andy Johnson in 1980 in his car when he came in memory. The thing would keep coming and send him through all of that, as he is Bob Tilton in sleep. What I couldn’t see back then is while I sat next to him it was taking me through it too. Andy asked me while I was sitting next to him was it bothering me when he spoke to me. I said not at all. He then asked me was I seeing that thing. I said no. He then said here it comes again and told me to take his hand because we were in for either another session of pain and torment or he was hoping he wouldn’t feel it again either. I didn’t know that thing was doing that to me in my sleep all those years. My friend asked me about the painting what that thing was, and I told him what it did. He didn’t come in memory at all. When I sat down at my computer in 2007 to write all of this again to search my memory of what else to share, I was led to believe my cousin Michele told me to paint them a picture then I could have a job. I stopped but for years I couldn’t figure out what to paint them and did numerous drawings and it frustrated me and made me mad that she would stop me. I hadn’t taken into consideration that they imitated Bob and Als voices, so they did Michele’s also. After I had come in memory of the butterfly garden in 2013 at the state fair about 1975, I later sat down at my computer again in early 2014 and used my voiceprint program to put everything I wrote in 2001 in an effort to see what I was missing about sharing it but then whom I thought was the Allen Eagle band members from 1975 say Yeah Yeah you’ll share it you need to get out more. So, I stopped. Later this made me mad because why would they stop me. Although I did need to get out more, I still hadn’t resumed sharing it again yet. I learned later it wasn’t them as far as stopping me from voice printing what I knew on my computer. I didn’t imagine them into pain and torment like In did as a janitor although those thoughts were already there by one of Ralph Grants people not me I wouldn’t do that to them and it was to keep me from hearing what they had told me in the past about what to do about it. When I began again sharing this in 2016-2018 to present and writing about sleep living and he and Tonya being electronic beings he said I wasn't supposed to know about that. Robert then complained saying he had stopped me from sharing it, meaning he had stopped me from doing so in 2005. He said I wasn't even supposed to know I was there that night because they had kept doing this to me over and repeatedly in my sleep. The joke was on his ass because I was finally awake when they did this to me and that was the last time, they could do that to me ever. This time Robert pointed at his head and said in an angry voice “I’m (Ralph Lee Grant) inside the mind doing this to you now!!! Tonya then said to me they were going to thought control me as a child, so I’d never grow up. I said just exactly how old do you think I am right now (I was a 26-year-old grown man then)? She then said that they were going to turn my wife into a lesbian, so she’d have no interest in men and I’d never get to marry her. Janet was never a lesbian she likes men but the not marrying her part they did do that to me. That they were going to take me out of everyone’s memory who cared about me so I wouldn’t have any one to help me and they were going to turn me into a homosexual. They never could turn me into a homosexual as I still like girls a lot. My family still remembers me, but I was moved around so much in my lifetime I wonder if any of my friends ever remember me. It was Ralph Grant inside of his mind running me through all of this pretending to be Bob Tilton and Al Brice but mainly Al Brice when he did this to me outside but inside he had me think it was my Uncle Bill the police captain because when I was taken inside the mind I had seen who the modern day jack the ripper, someone killing women in Arlington in the 1980’s, saying it was my adopted uncle, Rusty. The person doing it was later caught and it was a black man, who looked nothing like any of my relatives, blood kin or adopted. I didn't have any memory of what was being done then. I had tried to leave this meeting also several times but Tonya kept grabbing my arm saying they wanted to know how far I went so they could help me through it, but as long as I stayed there it would never stop because they had no intention of ever to stop doing this to me by keeping me inside the mind as well as everyone else. A customer named Kay, who was also a nurse from the Dallas VA hospital sat at the table beside me came in memory of what they were doing after my Uncle Bill (Bob Tilton) located and caught Ralph doing this to me where he was at and messaged through Robert that I was to never cover(cover meaning not to share this information)got me to leave. Before I left, she made Robert give me my wallet and money back and made him pay my tab. I lost memory of all of this. I went home and had some memory of it when I went to bed and realized I’d go through it because I wouldn't remember any of it. I was off Monday and Tuesday since I worked that weekend. When I woke up the next morning I was inside the mind of a doppelganger (one of Ralph Grant’s minions designed to look like me) I got out of bed and went to Phil’s to see if he knew anything about it. He and everyone I went to was in memory of all of this information. I was now experiencing what I did in my sleep because I shared it. Phil told me I would need to check in to the VA hospital to deal with it. He said he would call Buck to let him know what was going on and told me to go straight to the VA. I got in my car and started driving but became worried that that would be okay for a coworker to call in sick for another coworker plus I didn’t think Buck would understand or believe me when he was told I was inside the mind. I was also afraid of getting into a wreck while inside the mind driving somewhere, I didn't drive regularly. I went to my workplace on my day off to tell Buck I was going to check in to the VA hospital. He became upset because I stopped there first. He said Phil had already called him and told him what was going on with me. I told him why I came here instead. He said it was okay for someone else to call in my place, that everyone believed me and that I was off both Monday and Tuesday from working the construction shift the past weekend. He said I made it all the way there without getting into a wreck and Phil wouldn't have let me go like that if he thought I couldn’t make it. He also said I could have asked Phil to drive me and that I didn't know what the VA was going to do they might have just wanted to give me medication and send me home to get bed rest for a few days. He said my job would still be there after I got out of the VA because all of the upper echelon agreed to keep me on even if I had to spend time at the VA beyond the amount of sick leave I had on the books. He said now I wouldn’t be able to work there anymore. I said are you firing me? He said no you haven’t done anything to get yourself fired but you’re going to quit on us soon and go through it. I said I wouldn’t do that after my experience in La Junta. He said that’s because we kept you from getting spirit filled there but now you went and got spirit filled in that church. He said they wouldn't hire me back because they already said that would happen if I went through it. He knew I would be going through it now because they had it erased before I went there. He told me they had removed all of those people who did all of this to me but now they would come back to do this to me all over again. He said I should have gone straight to the hospital and used the phone there because they would help me get on medicine and a program that would allow me to keep my job after only a short stay as an inpatient. Buck told me to go straight to the VA hospital with this and to not let anything stop me, but he didn’t think I would make it there now. I said we’re next door to a police station wouldn’t they stop them. He said the problem is we don’t know where they’re coming from. When I got to my car two black coworkers, Robert Davis and John Caraway (Actually ex-coworkers at that time) said they wanted to go with me because they heard Phil was going. Buck told me those two had been fired along with Ralph Grant. They somehow got me to go to Word of Faith, not remembering to go straight to the VA again, telling me I’d learn how to avoid going through it with the word of god I had been learning there every Sunday and avoid all of that financial trouble in the future. They were talking about religion not the real instructions.  I asked them how they would know any of that since they both were not Christians at all. They said I had converted them when I had my vision. Robert Davis then began saying something to someone. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was reinserting the instructions that had been taken out of me when I left the IHOP. I also said that today is Monday, there is no service there today. John Caraway said that Ralph Grant had a special service scheduled just in my honor since I had such a big vision. I said Ralph Grant has nothing to do with this church, he preaches against it and is a Baptist pastor. They said he became spirit filled in my vision and was hired on as an associate pastor by Bob Tilton. I was now watching people act out (I call it unwillingly being puppeted) what the other people were doing in the inside the mind vision. Example, I had gone into a topless bar in Dallas and one of the dancers stripped but not all the way. Bob’s daughter Amy(Leigh Dell) began doing the same thing but took everything off without knowing she was asleep. I met one of the topless dancers who was a blonde girl. Ralph turned her back into a little girl and she turned out to be Tammy, Claudia’s little sister. I was up in the back balcony of the sanctuary then I saw Janet (my wife) get up and start walking on the ledge and then get down. This was from when I went into the Circus Circus in Las Vegas when I was homeless. When I saw the tightrope walker and remembered Janet walking the ledge, so I went back outside because I didn't want her falling and getting hurt). It finally ended because in 2001 I started writing all of this and remembered my instructions. Marty Tilton(Patricia Hamilton/my cousin Kim) then said  I just saw my teenage daughter do a striptease hear in front of the whole congregation, how can you keep this to yourself, you're a police officer, if you know who jack the ripper of Arlington is you know you don't keep that to yourself. She said your uncle Bill is currently my husband in sleep and he wouldn't cover that and Rusty is not jack the ripper. She said don't play hero and go to that farmhouse in McKinney (Dede’s farm). I went later not remembering she said this and went inside thinking it would stop if I went inside since the puppeting stopped when I wrote them in at Word of Faith and hopefully stop all of the nonsense that came from the 1975 meeting with Tommy and I. Instead I found myself being held hostage along with Marty Tilton (I don't know why she was there) by a black man from the Dallas VA Day Treatment Center using the name Michael Carroll. He kept saying Rick we’re going to get you to commit suicide we were rescued at some point, but I didn’t remember it until 2001. After Bob made me come down and introduce myself so everyone would know exactly who I was and told me of the memories I lost and since he was Andy Johnson in a sleep life he began asking me questions only Andy would know about me to let me know he was very familiar with me. In 2001I remembered going down there but hadn’t remembered everything Marty said until 2019 while I’m writing this. He told me after I left IHOP they had taken all of those instructions out of me while I was asleep. Bob then laughed and said he was married to the poisonous priestess. I thought he meant Tonya, but he was talking about Marty. My memory was so bad then I really wondered if Marty practiced voodoo. They informed me of what they meant before they sent me away. He had me repeat the oath I took when mom removed the peace sign out of my neck in 1975, hoping it would leave again and for me to follow that oath. My memory up until now that it was an oath of witchcraft but its pornography. I had forgotten about the two coworkers as they had been kicked out of the building along with Robert Truckenmiller and all of the other blacks by security after it was learned what they were doing to me. After some more time Bob let me go to check Into the VA because it was the only way to deal with it. He told me to get in my car and not let those two nor anyone else go with me. I left and went outside to get in my car and leave by myself, but Ralph had Robert Truckenmiller, Robert Davis and John Carraway carjack me before I could get out of the parking lot. Robert Davis said when you leave a town, you’re not supposed to go back to it, and we caught you leaving town. I said I haven't left yet and who the hell are you to say what town I could and couldn't leave or go back to. He said those are the controller’s rules (Ralph Lee Grant). He said they were my instructors and that he meant I left Dallas. I said I’m going to the VA hospital. He said and where is the VA. I said Dallas. He said you can't go back there because it’s in Dallas. I said I’ll just go to a VA in another town then. He said you can’t now because you just shared it with me(their reasoning was that if you tell somebody you have something or are going somewhere it now belongs to them and it's not yours anymore).I told Robert Truckenmiller this is all you ever do to me is rain on my parade. He said “Hey you couldn't cover, this all happened because you shared it. He said I was supposed to go down to the altar and get born again and I was supposed to get myself to go to church in the vision instead of topless bars. He said then they could start the millennium  mentioned in the book of Revelations in the Bible but now we have to go through the tribulation. I said first of all that is not me but one of your own people who took me inside of his mind and that this is FarmersBranch, Texas not Jerusleum, Israel.  (That is why the Word of Faith sanctuary was turned in to New Jerusalem going in to Old Jerusalem because they thought they could bring it to Farmers Branch, Texas)He said they couldn't trust Israel any more because  a lot of the jews are now atheist and Israel is now a democracy, not a kingdom anymore.I told him I'm going to be an atheist as well.I said you’ll never get away with this. He said in an arrogant manner he’d already got away with it. I then asked him what he was going to do when I became a janitor and came in memory of what he did, he said that wouldn't happen because he would get to be the janitor(with all of this memory) because I shared it. They then forced me to drive to West Texas then left me for dead while they went to Las Vegas and left my car there in a tow away zone. They did everything they could to sabotage any efforts of me having a decent life out there. I called Phil to tell him what happened. He was upset and said you were supposed to go straight to the VA. He came to get me and went to Las Vegas against Phil’s objections not remembering I was told it would be better for me to avoid going there however it was beyond my control at that time. I lost memory of two different trips I made there. Later, I had met with Janet, she was brought to the Waffle House by Phil to let me meet her after he went to her college dorm to let me see her and talk to her. I told her I didn't understand that if I already shared it like I was supposed to why were they still able to do this to me. She said she had taken me outside of the mind when I was in my condo but they had tricked me into going to the IHOP out of everyone's reach so they could isolate me in the parking lot where no one could see them or me and took me inside the mind again and tricked me out of sharing it in 2005 with a deceptive instruction about painting a picture only. I went outside the mind when I left the parking lot. They took me inside the mind again when they tricked me into going into the restaurant with them and went outside again when the nurse from the VA got me to leave. She said they had no way of knowing I was there because what I had shared at the restaurant with so much memory, they thought I had either checked in to the VA or was somewhere enjoying pornography. I was such a loner and always isolated myself from people even when I was in public, and for all they knew I was at home avoiding all of this. She told me that would keep me from marrying her in the future and that Phil had to come and get her because I was afraid to go knock on her dormitory door(she was a student at UT Southwestern Medical school) and talk to her myself. She said I would have to remember about sleep living and begin sharing that to help people more easily recover their memory of all of this. Of course, I lost memory of this meeting until 1991 but didn't remember what she had said to me until 2019.I made it back twice and then wound up in Biloxi with the girl who was to be my wife and back. I lost memory of this trip as well. Then Ralph had Phil and I held hostage by Chante. She was wearing a jacket exactly like the one I inherited from my Uncle Rudd. I don't know how I wound up being held hostage by her to this day. While there she wrote and sabotaged my life again. Phil managed to escape. While I was sitting there, they took me inside the mind again where I was seeing myself homeless and in Las Vegas again in the future. I saw the 911 attacks as well. (I was told in my younger years that this is where the emergency telephone number 911 came from, so that when I came in memory they wanted me to know that they believe me when I share this  because I’m having a hard time getting people in memory which has led to me not being so open to sharing this although I now know to do so anyway)After the jets flew into both of the World Trade Center buildings in New York she looked at me and said, “Aren't you glad that I did that?” This was a reference to what I had said when I was eleven years old and broke a spigot at a house under construction before my grandmother took me to church on a Sunday morning to create a small wading pool. I asked my friend Eric that and he said no. I said no to that bitch Chante. She was finally taken away from there because I managed to share it somehow in my sleep there with my childhood friend Jerry Coffman. I don't know when or where she left off before I was taken outside of the mind nor do I remember how long she held me hostage there. The other blacks were distracting the employees in the front office to keep them from knowing she was holding me there. We were next door to a police station, but the police were being held at bay by black snipers. I was so broken up over all of this they had a hard time getting me to leave as I was afraid of being kidnapped again. They had fired Ralph when they learned he was behind it all. I wound up in the hospital. I don't remember how I got there or how I got out. I then wound up in a program at the Dallas VA hospital. I was very deeply sleepy at the time. One of the doctors resembled the girl from Army JROTC but was blind at that time. I was then put in a day treatment program with a man named John Perry and a girl named Diane Wilcoxin. I don't know how I was taken out of it and was knocked back to about the week before Thanksgiving with no memory of any of this as was everyone else. In December I took three weeks of vacation. Using my five year Christmas bonus I enrolled full time for the winter semester at Richland taking courses that would lead to an engineering degree instead of computer information, not remembering the dream I had about a wife nor the inside the mind vision or what Ralph, Robert and Tonya had done to me. I only remembered the trip to Austin and the new calling. One day I dreamed I was with a group of veterans at the American Legion in Duncanville. Out of curiosity I went to see if they would be there. I went inside and they were there. I introduced myself to the day treatment chief who was there from the VA hospital. He knew who I was and asked me how I found them. He said they had me in the program not too long ago and didn’t know what became of me.  He got some medicine from the pharmacy via a doctor saying it had been prescribed for me before I somehow got taken away from the program. They were actually in a future year. His name was John Perry. He was Bob Tilton in a sleep life. He let me participate in the program saying I had already been enrolled in it. I only remember doing a few things outside of this on my vacation. He even got medicine I needed from the doctor. Diana Wilcoxin was his assistant. She was Aunt Dee in a sleep life. One day I had forgotten all about the program. John called me at home to ask why I didn’t show up. I had no memory of who he was or what he was talking about. Later, in the day I remembered him and the program. I decided to drive to building six at the Dallas VA and see if he was still there. When I got there around three thirty in the afternoon John and Dianna were about to leave for the day. Dianne saw me pulling up and said they both recognized my car because it was special to me, it was my 78 Grand Prix. John said they were done for the day but let me stay the night at his house so I would remember to go to the VA the next day. I met his wife. My vacation ended and afterwards I had lost memory of all of this.I went to a porno theater and bought porno magazines. I felt guilty about it. I was conned out of my nice car and into one that was really a piece of crap by another singles Sunday school member. One weekend in early February before I was going to church, I got a phone call from John Perry. I hadn't remembered him. He told me not to go to church that day because they were unable to stop me from going to the altar call which would lead to me leaving my signal technician job. I didn't know what he meant and lost memory of the phone call. When I was sitting in the morning service an altar call came. Bob then said it’s someone’s last call. He then said you’ve blown it, meaning being in pornography again, Bob didn’t know me personally at that time, nor did he remember meeting me back in November when they were all in memory. I got angry and just sat there because I didn't want to be embarrassed if Robert Truckenmiller (I hadn't remembered what he and Tonya did to me) saw me go down there. He then told the congregation to open their eyes. This was done to embarrass me. He then began counting to ten and said if I didn't get down there, God was going to turn his back on me because he was tired of playing footsies with me. I was sitting in the balcony and decided to leave the church but when I got downstairs, I was unable to go out the door, so I went to the altar and prayed. After another run in with John Carraway I resigned from my job the following Thursday, February 11, 1988 with two weeks’ notice believing the financial teachings of that church would help me get through college full time and I didn’t want to go to hell, still not remembering the events of the previous November. After work on Friday night I went to JoJo’s restaurant near church to see if the singles were still there. While there I had bought a ticket to the singles valentine’s masquerade party for that Saturday not really wanting to go so I worked up the courage to ask a former topless dancer named Ina(this was Obera, Naomi and my cousin Michele in a sleep life) who was also a German immigrant to be my date there. We went shopping the next day for our costumes. Ina picked a wildly inappropriate costume for a church, a punk rock costume, but we went anyway. I went as Max Headroom. That night we went to the party. I saw the girl I had sat next to the Sunday before I was taken inside the mind in November. She was dressed as a surgeon. I for some reason thought she might be a little unwelcoming. I still hadn't remembered her being in the wife vision nor in the one in 1980. We had to get up before everyone and introduce ourselves. I introduced myself. Later she introduced herself as a local university student full time. I didn't catch her name. Later I sat down while my date was dancing with someone else. I noticed the girl surgeon at the snack table. Something told me I’d never learn how to talk to girls if I didn't go up and speak to her. I went and asked what her major was. She said clinical dietetics. I told her I left my job to study civil engineering and be a missionary. She then said something to me, but I didn't hear it clearly. So, I looked up and she had a big smile on her face. I asked her again and she said she was going to school to be a missionary. My mind said she was the one. She became very attracted to me and made herself very approachable that night. Meeting her made me not have any more interest in Tonya(I didn’t remember what I said to her in the restaurant nor what she had said and done to me) Ina decided to leave, I had to go with her because we came in her car. When we got to her apartment, I went in with her. We talked a few minutes. I began getting the urge to have sex with her and was afraid if I stayed any longer I would, but because of religion, I decided to ask her to lunch the next day and left.She showed up after the morning service still in costume. I took her to lunch anyway and watched the stares she was getting. We left in our own cars and I didn't think I’d be around her anymore. I went to the evening service. Ina showed up again still in costume and wanted to sit beside me. We found a seat on the back row but the two seats between us were broken. Another pastor who knew of Ina’s past as a topless dancer came up and began rubbing my shoulders. He said, “Are you staying holy brother?” I said yes. Ina asked me what he said, and I told her. She then told somebody in an angry voice that a pastor asked if her boyfriend was staying holy. After the service, I went out to talk to her about wearing that costume as it was embarrassing. While I was about to speak to her the girl from last night bumped into me on purpose and walked away in a very sexy walk letting me see her wiggle her butt. I wanted to go ask her out for coffee but didn't want to offend Ina. She asked me if I still wanted to be around her. I asked if she would take the costume off and she said no. I told her I didn't want to be around her then. The girl who bumped into me had already left when I tried to find her. That was my only chance of actually having her because it became too difficult to even get a date with her after that, hence we never dated.In October of  that year I came in memory of seeing Janet in the wife vision after I passed by the children's Sunday School she was teaching(She was upset with me at the time)but not the rest of it nor of seeing her in a dream in 1980. There was a new girl to the church singles named Shawna Wheeler, she was Leigh Dell in a sleep life. For the rest of 1988 I found myself working as a pizza delivery driver part time. We got a new assistant manager. His name was Fred Aghai, he was an Iraqi immigrant, he was also Bob Tilton in a sleep life. There was a very pretty red headed fifteen-year-old waitress there named Krista who was from a Jewish Christian family. I began sharing with her my reasons for college. She came in memory and said she was my mother. She meant Leigh Dell. We lost memory of it. I was unable to afford college and unable to show up to school in the summer for finals because of cars breaking down on me causing me to fail. I was also sleeping on friends’ couches because I didn't have much money left, mainly because I would give tithes and offerings and go to the video arcade to pass the time away.  I enrolled in the VA to get treatment for psoriasis since it occurred while I was in the Air Force. In May of 1989 I found myself working as a janitor for Word of Faith not remembering anything but the dream of a wife in 1987.  I met a very beautiful and voluptuous prayer minister named Naomi whose hair went down passed her hips; she was a student at Christ For the Nations Institute in Oak Cliff. She was my cousin Michele/Ina/grandmother (Beebe) in a sleep life. This was the girl I had so desperately wanted to see when I was inside the mind in 1987. She came in memory and said she was my cousin Michelle, we lost memory of that incident. In late January of 1990 I came in memory of my vision after wishing for my job with the city back (Naomi had left then so I didn’t see her them but had met her, so I knew then what she looked like). I thought I was inside the mind again not realizing I was going through what the doppelganger did when he took me inside of his mind. I only remembered having the vision and seeing from then to when I came in memory. I remembered Robert and Tonya taking me to the IHOP parking lot but not the details of what was wrong with what they did as I was led to believe I was being instructed(hearing Bob and Al’s voices) to get through it and because I was not supposed to share visions. I was also disappointed because I never got married. After hearing those voices for so long it became torment. I was led to believe Bob stole my vision after I shared it for his own purposes. My father died. While sitting at the funeral home with my grandmother, Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Barbara, Aunt Nancy came in memory. She asked me if I was being instructed. Thinking I would get in more trouble for sharing it and being blamed for dad dying because I went inside the mind, I said no. We lost memory of that, but I recovered it around six months later. I was coming in memory of the events of the vision as they happened rather than before. In July I was laid off from being a janitor with no explanation given and was unable to regain my city job. There at some point around this time appeared a place called children’s hell. It was hot but not the kind of hot described in the bible and I was the only one seeing it and hearing it but there was Robert Truckenmiller and an impersonator of Tommy in it waiting for me to go there. For the next three weeks I began seeing holograms of Clyde Rill, Randall Graeber, my mother Leigh Dell, and a 12-year-old Tommy giving me a hard time. They were being called time paths. I didn't know it was impersonators of them. One Saturday, as I was walking home what at the time, I believed was Tommy pulled out what I thought was my own kidney, took a bite out of it and put it back. I became upset and got my friends Paul and Jogi to drive me to the VA to have it checked. When I got there, I felt a bunch of blacks try to pull my leg down and eat it from children’s hell. The VA x-rayed me and gave me medicine. Paul and Jogi took me home, but I had left my medicine in his car and forgot about it. While sitting in my apartment a hologram of Clyde Rill and a hologram of Clyde Rill suddenly came out of my living room wall. Something had pulled my guts down below my apartment floor and put fire inside of me. It wouldn't stop burning so by Sunday morning I jumped in the apartment swimming pool to put it out, but it kept burning. I called 911 to complain of the pain and waited with my apartment door open so the ambulance could easily find me. A fire truck, police car and ambulance showed up. They asked me questions like why my clothes were wet. I didn't tell them any of what I was experiencing. They then said they were sending me to Brookhaven which was a hospital in Farmers Branch and asked if that were okay. I said yes thinking it was a regular hospital, but when I got there, I learned I was sent to the psychiatric ward. After my mother arrived, they took me from my room back to the emergency room where the nurse coerced me into committing myself voluntarily, threatening to go to court to force it if I didn’t. They put me on a medication I found to be helpful.After a couple of days transferred me to the VA mental ward saying I qualified for treatment at the VA since I was already enrolled for treatment there. The VA took me off that medication saying they didn't do that there. The doctors there tried to get me to sign something to go into research. I didn't sign it because I was afraid of them doing some gruesome experiment and getting a frontal lobotomy. I didn't tell them of being instructed nor that I saw this in my vision in 1987.  After being there for several days without medication or any treatment from them I learned I could leave against medical advice since I was a voluntary patient. So, I left. I was in somewhat of a state of shock at becoming a mental patient and still disappointed because Janet and I never married. I got my neighbor Wanda Prestridge to drive me over to Janet’s house because I wanted to tell her what was going on with me. I told her I had a vison and had put pornography in it, I was trying to tell her she was in it in an intimate way and that I was hearing voices and saying things like hide, cover and expose, but I failed to mention what Robert and Tonya had done. I was hoping she would go inside the mind and change it to a better life for me because I completely trusted her judgement. I couldn't go inside the mind anymore and thought that was a punishment. It wasn't because I had erased being able to go inside the mind by me or anyone else, but I hadn't remembered how frustrated I was in 1987 that I went inside the mind and was having a hard time going outside of it. Janet simply gave me some religious counseling (she had been put heavily in religion while I was inside the mind by Ralph so we couldn’t get married). I still wonder what Wanda and Janet's two roommates thought of me as they were watching me share it with Janet in front of them. While I think sharing it with her did nothing I hadn't realized until now that it did because this happened multiple times in my sleep and she was able to catch it before then because she learned my address when I was going inside the mind from a check I wrote her in 1988 to help her go on a missionary trip to Mexico and she was Sharon Boleyn in a sleep life who lived in the same condominium complex as I did and was across the parking lot from my unit. I was there at the VA couple of more times and left again. I eventually became homeless after I lost my apartment. My mother gave me a list of places for help in McKinney. One of them was a homeless shelter called the Samaritan Inn. My first night to stay there I met Larry. Neither of us had any memory of meeting in 1987. My cousin Tommy was staying there also. I didn't speak to him or trust him because I was falsely led to believe he did all of this to me at an October of 1975 meeting for sharing my vision. I clearly know he had nothing to do with it and that what he did in 1975 was Ralph, Robert and Tonya using him in his sleep. I took the jacket I inherited and took it to a dry cleaner in Plano but didn't pick it up because I had no money. I never saw it again. I wound up in Las Vegas in 1991 not remembering ahead of time not to go there. I had a computer disk with information like the 911 attacks but not remembering it was on there but was stolen while in my backpack I left outside of a casino. ( Before I went to Las Vegas in 1991 I was arrested and spent 2 days in jail in Plano for drinking a beer next to Central Expressway. I tried going back to work and got a job at L&M convenience store #9 in Irving, Texas across the street from Nimitz High school. The manager who hired me was named Teresa Wheatley, she was snaggletooth and I hadn't remembered she had sabotaged my memory in 1987. She fired me after 2 or 3 weeks saying I didn't talk enough which wasn't true since I could do nothing but talk with the customers as I was the only one in the store to help them I couldn't get another job after that so I left for Vegas).In March 1992 after a man I began calling Ken Libyan because he conned me out of my food stamps, I began having memory recoveries of locating property that Ralph Grants minions had stolen. I went back to Texas and stayed again in the Samaritan Inn but a black man calling himself the colonel was running it. It was more religious this time and there were diapers full of shit there this time. Ralph Grants middle name became diapershit. The so-called colonel threw me out saying I had been staying there three years. I went to Biloxi thinking my instructions were to return to the Air Force when I recovered memory. I went to the Keesler visitor’s office. The person running it that day was a female security police officer who was a staff sergeant. This was Georgia Johnson in a sleep life. The OSI agent said there was nothing in the computer on me and told me to leave. I began telling people I was a recovering amnesia victim. I had mistakenly thought the KGB had given me lobotomies. I left there and went back to Dallas. Something told me it was only one person doing this to me and that they had turned themselves into multiple people. I then was falsely led to believe it was my cousin Kim, Tommy’s oldest sister and that everyone around me was her which lead me to trust no one and in some cases speak very disrespectfully to them(nobody who knew me real well would expect some of the things that came out of my mouth towards a couple of people when I was in Las Vegas). What I didn't know until later it was she who knew what my instructions were because she was put through this in her awake life as a beautiful girl named Patricia and that Ralph, Robert and Tonya were to demonizing her to me to keep me from remembering the instructions and to place blame on her for what they were doing to me and everyone else. I wound up back in Las Vegas again. In 1993 I was staying in a shelter called St. Vincent’s. One of the people running it was Smitty from the Air Force. I didn't tell him who I was and didn't ask if he was in fact Smitty or in a sleep life. After getting nowhere I left Las Vegas in February and went back to Dallas. I now became I also had sleep lives as I had only thought the people around me did. I went into a now out of business art supply store I used to shop at to buy something. While there four pretty blonde girls came in the door, I determined they were all different people and began feeling relieved. By April I decided I would go into the VA and stay because nothing else was working. I began telling the doctors of the voices and memory recoveries but not of my vision or Robert and Tonya. The voices had stopped as they were around late September to early October of 1990, meaning I wasn't hearing them from the parking lot and weren’t  tormenting me as far as hearing voices goes, and hadn't remembered seeing any of this from 1987 but I wasn't in memory that they were still holding me at IHOP in 1987 running me through this before I went outside of the mind and went through it. They did a spinal tap on me as part of the schizophrenia research program I had volunteered for. before the procedure I asked for Novocain. They said they only had lidocaine and injected my spine. After a minute or so I saw images of Chante without a cranium leaving my spinal cord and realized she had very seriously infected my body. I then became aware that my cousin Kim went through this as a little girl and knew what the instructions were. I didn’t know yet my instructions were to specifically share it all. They said my recoveries were delusions and put me on an antipsychotic medication which did help me with what voices were there as well as what they were calling my hallucinations but were Ralph Grants taunting me. It got rid of them; I wasn't hearing any of what was done to me. They got me an income and sent me to a boarding house I had briefly stayed at just before the city rehired me in August of 1983. I was enrolled in the day treatment program in October 1993. (I hadn't remembered being in it in 1987) There was a gorgeous recreation therapist there named Kim working there. I found her very comfortable to be around and wondered who else she was. In sleep one night I saw her and told her she was pretty from the top of her head down to the tip of her toes. It took me until around 2002 to 2004 to realize that she was Dede in a sleep life which explained why I was so comfortable around her.In January 1995 several day treatment staff had retired. A new director named John Perry came on board, neither of us remembered each other and Diane Wilcoxin was transferred from the day hospital there as John's assistant. In that time, I was given a new doctor by the first name of Jenny because they changed every year and I had to be seen weekly to renew the antipsychotic I was on. She determined that I also needed to be on an antidepressant. By 1996 I was determined to buy a typewriter to try and share this because the one thing I remembered from 1975 where Tommy and I met, I was told not to share visions, but he then said that they wanted that one shared. So I wrote a 10 page document “Broken Silence” in an attempt to put people in memory but only recovered  some memories of the past instances when people received a copy of it, I had sent one to a Word of Faith prayer minister and home fellowship host named Lynette Malkey. I was at her home one night for a fellowship meeting in 1989 when she began questioning who had left an electronics job recently( I sent them out anonymously with the exception of giving a copy to the psychiatrist who was treating me in 1996 as well as two fellow veterans in the day treatment program)still not remembering what my instructions were to do when I recovered memory. Lynette then stood before me when I said it was I but I wasn't aware of sending it to her in my sleep. She began telling me everything she knew about this as well as seeing this writing. She began telling me my instructions were to simply share everything I know and said that she was Dede/Janet/Kim (VA Recreation Therapist) and all her other sleep lives and what all she knew about me. She told me the reason I didn’t marry her was I never dated her as Janet. I then told her about not wanting to ask her out before I told Ina what I told her. She said you were on a date with Naomi, she’s ours and everybody's mother. She came back that night because she wanted to be around you, she liked you. You did hurt her when you told her you didn't want to be around her anymore. I told her I was shy about asking her out but the other girls were dropping hints at being interested in me and I had the courage to ask them out but thought I couldn't because I was only to date her since she was my intended mate. I also told her that I once worked up the courage and asked her on a date and she said no. I assumed she was still mad at me since I had not wanting to but hurt her feelings deeply awhile back. She said there's nothing wrong with me dating those other girls since we were not engaged or going steady and that I was supposed to keep asking her since not all girls will go on a date with a guy the first time he asks, you don’t know what’s going on in her life at that time and how would I know if she wasn’t dating other guys at that time. She said she wanted me to date other girls and to experience them. She then said be a man honey. She told me I was wasting my time in college because I’d never get what I want under those circumstances. We lost memory of this and when I remembered the instructions, I learned she had passed away and it took me until 2019 to remember the rest of what she told me and that she was/is Dede. In 1997 I finally got the nerve to go back to college. Dr. Jenny was there and was told this information (That I had gone back to college and got A’s in both courses the first semester). She gave me a nice hug because of it. I then learned Tommy had created her with his mind waving power in the past to help me. I later learned she was my cousin Lisa (Tommy’s youngest sister in a sleep life). I began sharing again in July 2001 after writing this stuff. I came in memory of what Kim (Patricia) had told me in 1975, she said I had stopped talking in 1993 when I finally got help at the VA but should have kept talking. I stopped telling the doctors the rest of what I remembered after they called my memory recoveries delusions but quietly still believed that were real and not delusions, although a few were delusions such as thinking KGB agents lobotomized me to get my memory, I wasn't aware then exactly how I lost my memory back then because I didn't and still don't believe they can go simply because you say pray this out of your memory, someone has to do this to you in some form or fashion. She said the way to change my vision was definitely not to go inside the mind but to change me, meaning my actions and attitude. I began recovering more memories especially of Bob and Al not having anything to do with the IHOP meeting and the instructions were to simply tell people what I know/share this. I did have some memory of sleep living but only a little of myself. I was at a Target in 2005. When I went outside to put the shopping cart away, I heard someone yell Uncle Harry. I didn’t reply because that’s not my name, at least here while awake. I then heard them say its Uncle Harry. I didn't look to see who said it. A month later I was reading the obituaries, and I saw a picture of myself but with a mustache. I looked at the obituary, it said the guy’s name was Harry Jeff Martin and was only about two years younger than me here. I’ve only become more aware of what sleep living is doing to us as of writing this here in 2019.To conclude all of this, she/he/they is/are doing all of this to you as well. She has infected our central nervous systems via the spinal fluid (this is why I saw Chante going out of my system when the doctors injected lidocaine into my spinal cord before they did a spinal tap). The electronics she has inside of you send electronic signals to your brain causing you to make involuntary movements (This would be the cause of puppeting I saw Amy and Janet do) and irrational decisions particularly in your sleep. She also uses some sort of chemicals to cause us to live sleep lives(I saw the son of a bitch who impersonated me  not too long ago, this year in fact stand outside my window in broad daylight with a small brown colored  bottle and pour a liquid all over his head, In didn’t know who he was at that time but wondered why he was doing that. He thought he could get me away from here because of this writing exposing him). Robert Truckenmiller saw this writing when I was at the table at the IHOP in 1987 and said I was neither supposed to know any of this nor remember it. I saw all of the electronics that they put in my body when I was homeless and recovering memories. They had me believing they were part of my own body and they were taking them from me each time I slept at any business or couch because I had shared my vision (again if you can call it that). He then said I wasn’t supposed to know about the tower of Babel. I said everybody knows that story. he said I wasn't supposed to know he did that to us. She infected you when she killed you and turned you into a fetus. The medications that are out can stop most if not all of these signals she sends to your brain and body as well as some sort of therapy such as the arts, physical exercise and other available hobbies. You do go to bed in your sleep lives and at some point, you are asleep as your awake self and in your own bed, what your dreams are then I couldn’t say because this has been going on since almost the beginning of time and at this point I don't remember what my sleep was like before Ashley did this to me. The people around me are all asleep and only show up when I contact them or vice versa. I live other lives in my sleep and only know of a few of them but have no control over them asleep or awake, no one can keep me on them the way I can others when I’m awake. You are probably asleep not knowing you are shifted from one life to another with no control over it. One life you could be very wealthy, the other very poor. You are conscious of the particular life you are in but not the other and you don't know what has been going on when you awaken to your awake life. You and your friends and relatives have died at some point but are all still around with no memory of who’s who. The point of Dede being around me so much and my being attracted to her is that I was made just for her at the beginning of time. The point of Andy being around me so much is he is among the group of men I was created with, yet he was created for Naomi by Naomi. The point of Tommy being around me so much is that he was made by one of my sisters to help me out of this and erase all of this nonsense. Now to enlighten you further into how this is happening. First, you were taken inside of an evil person's mind. This person took your name, your job, your education and everything you have or have had. Only you were never supposed to go outside of this person's mind. While you may have had some control over what this person did while you were inside of their mind you have and may still make the wrong decisions through no fault of your own as you are now living that life awake and in sleep not remembering what will occur. It is like a pre recording that has been repeated over and over again and is now on its final run and is in the process of being erased. This person has been doing this with everyone because she,  in the beginning turned herself into a race of male and female electronic beings. She/they don’t look like robots but have electronics inside of them. This part of them is invisible and they are inside of you which is how they did this to you and me. You can’t see them with normal x ray machines. Whatever you can call a soul in them is no longer eternal. All blacks are they (They/She/he started racism, we were never races, we were simply people who looked different from each other. The bitch confused our languages at Babel and separated us by skin color.) I only know of six of them who are Caucasian. You'll need to read further to get a better memory of when this originated. The thing about this is, she/they is/are subject to her own unnatural laws meaning they die, are shrinkabeed (turned into infants and little kids) and live sleep lives. The two versions of what I wrote about how I remembered the poisonous priestess and years later that she was Marty Tilton is how the bible was written. The parts that were true were edited out of veryones memory to make things look bad and untruthful.          In the beginning there was nothing, and then came a beautiful, voluptuous woman. She called herself Naomi. Using her mind, she willed into being creation, which included the universe as well as buildings, cars and other technology more advanced than what we have now, then a group of women. She made them different tones of skin shade, nonblack. She had the females in the animal world be the pregnant ones because it is the female,Naomi who gave life to creation. She told the women, “I will now make us men in our image”. She did this with her mind also. All humans have this power, even now. Even though they can't see it when they use it, it still works. When Naomi made me my first thoughts were look at me, I’m alive. She made me for a girl named Christine. The men and women she created had and still have the same powers as her. If you're wondering about genital originations women and men originated as hermaphrodites. Terra, Tommy’s middle sister Laurie, a daughter of Naomi and one of my sisters created a girl and a man for this girl. The girls name was Ashley and the man’s name was Adam. For no good reason Ashley became evil and turned herself into hatred and filth (we must constantly clean things with soap and water and other chemicals as she has also made the earths and surrounding atmosphere filth which is why we deteriorate and die and this is what makes cigarettes poisonous to us,they would not harm is in our original atmosphere as well as have regular sex and view pornography), a race of evil electronic men and women, all black and a few among us who look like our own. She destroyed this planet, all the technology we had back then as well as other planets then turned us into kids, took our memories and caused death, disease, and destruction. She then altered our genitals with the men only having a penis and the women only a vagina. She altered women’s insides with reproductive organs like that of a female gorilla. She then caused us to shrink and be birthed out of them in the same form as the animal world, this is considered the worst thing she has ever done to us. Reproduction by sex was and still is only for the animal world. We humans reproduce other humans by thinking them into existence and they don’t start as babies but rather as young adults who look around the age of 21 years old. They're not supposed to age, dye or get diseases and neither are our pets. Death is only for the animals in the food chain that are killed for food. For those of us who prefer, Naomi created vegetation that can be made to look and taste like meat in case someone is too much in love with these food animals. I myself like regular meat but have tried the vegan meat and it tastes just as well. We also can will technology and material wealth into being simply by thinking so. I’ve been calling it mind waving, it can also be called psychokinesis. You can do it even now, but it does get stolen in your sleep and we're unable to see it when we do it. I recovered memory of this by 1992. I began creating other people with my mental powers. At one point I saw them for only a second. In 1993 I was told mentally to start making them on other planets I had created because this one only has so much room. Terra made another wife for Adam and named her Eve. Ashley is Lilith, and both God and the devil of the bible.  Currently she is Badge man a.k.a. Ralph Lee Grant a.k.a. Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson had all those plastic surgeries because he looked like Ralph and was in that particular sleep life and didn't want the public to know he(she)is badge man.        We have lived through all the ages recovering technology and ways to fight the diseases she caused. We made jails, prisons, and death row for her(them), created locks so she couldn't steal from us and mental hospitals and regular hospitals for ourselves, but they have no intention of reforming so they must be executed into nonexistence as what Ashley (Ralph Grant)did is both intolerable and completely unforgivable. That is not genocide, they are not humans, they are evil unrepentant mutant murderers of what used to be a normal girl before she turned herself into hatred and total evil. She'll do everything she can to make your life miserable.    Unfortunately, she has taken most of our memories of this and causes us to make poor decisions because she has actually possessed our bodies(this would be what caused the puppeting I mentioned in 1987 and happens because we are not aware of our sleep lives), so we must be restrained. However, prisons, jails, and death row are not for us but rather rehab centers and mental hospitals (they were never meant to be crude or cause stigma but rather help us get our minds straight through therapy and medication). Her/he/it (whatever you want to call her) power is being erased. When she turned herself into evil, she used her voodoo powers to take me inside of her mind where she lived a life of torment expecting me to die in order to avoid it. Her ability to take us inside of her mind is gone but the rest of her is still tormenting us but she is almost gone. I can't say for certain when she will never be able to do any of this to us again but when it is stopped it will be stopped forever. For your own benefit in grasping the reality and understanding of this information here if you still don’t believe/remember it you should start by writing, typing or using voiceprint on your computer or a handwritten notebook everything you remember from the beginning of your life to the present. You should also keep a log of the dreams you remember. I remember dreaming (a sleep life) that I had just gotten out of the military and drove to Colorado and found a place that would help me with that was called Shiloh House. The next morning, I googled it on my phone and found this place existed. Later I dreamed myself or someone else had to go to a doctor in the same area for treatment. I googled that doctor and found out that he exists. You should try this yourself and not give up if you're unable to find them because things are being hidden from you to keep you from knowing this information and your own lives. Also, wear a butt plug(if you are new to this item. a smaller one is available for your comfort, as time goes on you will adjust to it and enjoy it and an adult diaper or whatever size you are and you can have better control over your sleep lives and awake life. The three Matrix movies symbolize sleep living and the butt plug and diaper are how you can get control over it. Keep yourself and the people and things around you clean because these people operate from filth also, the doppelganger I caught outside pouring a muddy liquid on himself was covering himself in a special filth to get at me, I did get to another place he took from me after I cleaned the top of the refrigerator off a number of years ago. A reduction of toxins in the air such as greenhouse gases and things such as flourocarbons, toxins released when you use styrofoam containers in your microwave will help you get out of this filth but especially pornography and sex, both same gender sex and opossite gender sex, they are both completely natural and are what Naomi intended when she created other humans, also clean the atmosphere of this filth. You are able to will people and things into existence using your thoughts, people will have to be willed into being on other planets you create to avoid overpopulation on this one. The filth is keeping you from seeing what you create, I assure you it or they are there.                                                
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maryseward666 · 5 years
METALLICA's LARS ULRICH Interviews ALICE IN CHAINS' JERRY CANTRELL For 'It's Electric!' Radio Show (Video)
ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist/vocalist Jerry Cantrell recently joined Lars Ulrich for a special edition of "It's Electric!", the METALLICA drummer's online radio show on Apple Music's Beats 1. The two longtime friends discuss Jerry's journey from the early days of the Seattle sound to the writing of ALICE's Grammy-nominated new album, "Rainier Fog". Listen to Jerry talk the band’s reunion, dynamic, and more in a full-hour deep dive into the life of one of rock and roll's most influential and resilient artists. Speaking about the impetus for the ALICE IN CHAINS reunion after singer Layne Staley's death, which was the 2005 Indian earthquake and tsunami that found the band getting their friends together for a concert to raise money for victims, Jerry said: "We didn't know what we were doing. And we actually asked a bunch of our friends to gig with us, and they did, like Phil Anselmo and Ann Wilson and William [DuVall]. We did gigs with our buddies and stuff, singing a few songs and stuff like that. Before Sean [Kinney, drums] called, it was an idea that I remember talking to him about a few times, and he was, like, 'No.' … We had to think about this. This is our life. We created this, and just because our friend is not here, it doesn't mean that this stuff isn't still alive and that it still speaks to people and it's still our work, and we have nothing to be embarrassed about. We have full ownership. This is us. This is what we do. And it it took a while. We just had a few conversations like that. We were, like, 'Yeah, yeah, whatever.' And then, out of the blue, this horrible tragedy happens. You saw this compassion and people kicking in to help people for the tsunami and all of these relief concerts and donations and stuff. And then Sean calls, and he's, like, 'Why don't we do a thing and we'll raise some money and we'll do it for that? We'll just do a one-time show. We'll get together and play the songs and we'll invite some friends. The band will do a couple of tunes, so and so and whatever, and we'll just invite some people down and we'll do it.' So that's how it started — with no thought of doing anything other than just that show. So we did that, and it was really intense. I mean, I kind of blacked out about half of that gig, just because of all of the emotional rawness of going through that experience and standing on the stage for first time without my buddy. The thing that made it cool was I was standing on stage with my other three buddies, so we were all doing it together. So we went through that process, and then it left a positive taste in everybody's mouth — playing the songs, even though it was kind of heavy at the same time. But it was something that was necessary to go through to spark the thought of maybe taking the next step. So there was no grand plan. It was just something that kind of like we did a thing and then we thought, 'Well, let's take another step.' And then we did another thing. And then, 'All right, we'll take another one.' And it was just that sort of incremental things, strictly going by feel, which is how this band has always operated." Tune in this Sunday, February 10 at 3 p.m. PT / 6 p.m. ET. Listen live for free on Apple Music's Beats 1. Launched in May 2017, "It's Electric!" is an unscripted weekly window into the mind of Ulrich. Hear music that excites this great Dane, as well as chats with artists who inspire him... all wrapped in magnificently mindless banter! Since its launch, the show has featured guests Iggy Pop, RANCID's Lars Frederiksen, AVENGED SEVENFOLD's M. Shadows, ROYAL BLOOD, Glastonbury Festival co-organizer Emily Eavis, Rolling Stone's Kory Grow, So What! magazine editor Steffan Chirazi, and more. Ulrich described "It's Electric!" as "my 16-year-old self's wet dream: doing a radio show to a worldwide audience." He added: "We go all over the world — we look at international bands for an international audience. We don't believe in boundaries and we're open to everything. During an interview with fellow Beats 1 host Zane Lowe, Ulrich said that his show would be "unfiltered, unscripted and completely all over the place… I've got so much stuff to share with everybody out there and a lot of stuff that's turning me on," he said. "I'm telling you, people that love great music, rock music but also hip-hop and world music and all the rest of it — there's a lot of people that talk about, 'Well, the music business is in sad shape, and it's dying,' but there's a ton of fantastic music out there, and I'm re-energized and reinvigorated and ready to share it with the world."
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