#while Aori would have one of those huge af families if she met the right partner 🤣
kankuroplease · 4 months
How come Katsura has three kids with Shino and only one with Madara? Also, which man do you like Katsura with the most?
Katsura was originally made for Shino ✨
As for the number of children differing, there are a few reasons to that;
the first being that she never sees herself becoming a mother, so growing a large family is the last thought she’d have.
With Madara, she feels uncertain. Not about their love (she loves very deeply and wholeheartedly), but about the future as a whole.
She knows he loves a good fighting opponent. His strength is part of his charm
But if he dies, what would happen to her and their young child(ren)? Can he honestly promise that he’ll always come back to her? That if the fight weren’t survivable, he would retreat
If he could look her in the eye and swear he would always return to them, she’d give him as many children as her body would allow
But if not, she would rather only have their one child to protect if it comes down to that vs. having to tend to a flock of children while trying to survive.
On the opposite side; if his brothers and mother are alive, she’d feel a lot more comfortable with having more children and less like they’re on borrowed time.
With Shino, she’s known him so long and the Aburame have always treated her kindly. So when the time came, starting a family with Shino felt right/safe
Twins run in Katsura and Aori’s family. Aori knew about this and has mentioned it but, Aori also loves babies more than Katsura. Who automatically tunes her out when she gets into her baby fever-like rambling.
She was NOT trying to have 3 kids, she just thought it would be nice for Shigeki to have a sibling and felt secure in doing so given how calm and cozy their lives were
Cried for a week and even had Hinata byakugan check her because she wanted it to be a lie. But nope, they were there. So three kids it is.
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