#which isn't a lot but it's a lot for a silly little videogame character I made up in my head methinks
ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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Girl we r obssessed
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threepoint14art · 9 months
Loon drawing :D love her im killing her
Heavily inspider by the song "Bouquet Garni" by nilfruits! it's really good I reccomend checking it out :9
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hey girl, ever have breakdowns and the only way you can somehow hold yourself back from going full insane is thinking back to all the shitty videogames you consume in the comfort of your own room? if so then you have something in common with her !1!1! hasashgihasg breakdown (videogame flavored)
I'll go a bit more in depth on him under the cut since I figured we changed quite a tad about her and I want to spread wisdom (our AU) to the world
So I'll start with design choices and then I'll move to his general character ヾ(≧▽≦*)o So:
The things coming out from his neck are antennae! they make her have really good hearing which SUCKS when you are overwhelmed (which she is, always) so rip!
His eyes have no pupil because arthropods and insects have them freaky eyes now <3
He has blue and red dyed hair to match the animatronics color scheme (thought the red is not very obvious here since he's tilting his head), though the white bits of his hair are not actually dyed! they are like that because he's a ladybug and they have those white spots on the sides of their little heads!
-His hands are segmented like that because of an arbitrary rule I made to make arthropods more recognizable amongst them bears and foxes and allat, since a arthropods are segmented I applied that to their articulations! fun fact, insects like Loon or Cami (We made her a mantis I'm sorry) have a division on their neck, while arthropods that are NOT insects, like Owynn, completely lack that! that's because insects are divided in 3 parts (head thorax and abdomen) arachnids are divided in 2 (thorax and abdomen) ((not exactly called that but semantics)).
-He has little ladybug earrings and actually he matches with Malva!(Usagi) ((we changed her name lol)) ((her last name is visco haha get it malva-visco))
-In general I made his hair darker, gave him a bit of acne amongst the freckles and made him more tan because we love melanin in this house
Now for,, character changes,,,
So first of all, he/she swag, bigender, Loon when masc and JJ when fem though it fluctuates too, good for her gettem. We obliterated that Malva crush, gone, exploded into pieces, and also she's ecuadorian now, gettem.
We turned that pathetic nervous shy thing of his into something way worse </3 She is still introverted and all that, but the main thing is that she does not like going outside! gamer goes outside challenge impossible, she does NOT like leaving his house shut-in guy who if outside for long enough has a breakdown, clings to Malva because they are best friends and she's like "safe" she's like a safe zone. Loon cannot function in social/public settings at all and just clings, which is also why a lot of people mistake him as "having a crush on her" even though they are a bajillion percent platonic
He's a bit of a cringefail loser and also a bit creepy lmao, always on her phone always trying to zone the hell out and think about a silly videogame, but also just nosy, hit antennae and insect stuff lets him 1) look wherever without people being able to tell, and 2) listen to stuff. So yeah, his ass sorta psychoanalyzes people and snoops through stuff to kinda distract herself from the horrors of being outside, which is why in this AU she's dating Owynn T-T sorta like the animatronic she isn't like actually out to get you, but instead acts like some sort of aid for the real enemy, which is Owynn, so yeah. Enabler and snoops through shit AKA has good info for Owynn's insane as shit ideas, insane of her but whatever.
Also given how in this Au we cranked the animal motifs to a thousand, being a little "bug" and then being next to like, a bear is terrifying to her, so besides being scared of just existing outside, she's also scared of people as a whole because little insect vs big animal, rip.
And i think that's most of it, if anyone read all of this and has any questions feel free to ask T-T sorry if the formatting SUCKS it's the first time I've tried putting something this long on tumblr <//3
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
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I too was excited to see why Ryuji is trending and... ;_;
People are comparing him to a sexual abuser, like Kamoshida? I mean, yeah he shouldn't have looked down Ann's shirt. That wasn't cool. And some of his comments about Ann's Panther costume when she first got it, were not in good taste. But is Twitter seriously saying that puts him on the same level as Kamoshida? KAMOSHIDA???????????? omfg... I just can't anymore, you guys...I just can't anymore... x_x
Just this past week, I watched an Anituber video essayist mention the ubiquitous female objectification in anime as "because you know anime is going to anime", and I felt so validated about sensing that the amount of female objectification in Japanese media has become pretty much expected, normalized, even in the most unnecessary, tiniest ways. I'm so tired of being gaslit about this. Yes, Japanese media in general has a problem with making sure to have close ups of girls' bodies being ogled and women being reduced to (romantic) prizes to be coveted. That beach scene in Persona 5 did panning close-up shots of the girls' swimsuits; not the guys'. All the dating options in Persona 5 are from the pool of female Confidants; not the guys. Because "guys as romantic prizes to be won? Feh, what a *riDIcUlOuS* concept!" I understand that sex sells, that traditionally female sexualization sells to a traditionally cishet male audience which is still presumed to be the largest demographic, and that the anime industry (and presumably other Japanese pop culture creation) is actually financially high risk with low financial rewards for most studios, so they have to desperately scrape for any advantage. (Though recently, the Japanese pop culture industries, like anime and videogames, have begun to realize that there is a cishet female market, large enough to cater to as well, by mainstreaming series like Touken Ranbu. And they've also even recently begun to recognize that catering to fujoshi is worth investing into mainstreaming the BL genre, even a little bit. Thus, we're starting to get more mainstream BL fanservice, through series like Free Iwatobi Swim Club, Yuri on Ice, and Classmates.) So it's kind of our fault, for incentivizing studios to mandate and ensure each thing they make contains female objectification. The audience's spending habits and the industries' presumptions of our wants/demographics, have made cheesecake fanservice and waifu bait the most reliable bet for most studios. We spend the most money on collecting waifu bait merch and gacha cards of waifu. We argue the most about who is the "best waifu" and show our allegiances by buying their merch. We have turned waifu and cheesecake fanservice of such waifu, into the most reliable financial returns on investment for studios. And with studios so constantly, precariously on the precipice of bankruptcy, we the audience, have incentivized the mandate of cheesecake fanservice (of women/girls), even at the cost of cohesive storytelling/characterization. I understand all that. Studios are desperate, and they need to stay afloat. They need to cling and scrape towards any advantage they can get. That's why I'm so tired of people saying we're just imagining things. Anime and videogames are mandating to insert female cheesecake fanservice for cishet males, even at the cost of cohesive characterization, story themes, and good writing.
This includes Persona 5 shoehorning Ryuji into being the horny audience surrogate, no matter how awkward, nonsensible, and misaligned it would skew his characterization and previous writing. This is why fans of Ryuji often say his more "perverted" actions in canon, simply feel like a case of bad writing. Those actions don't feel like him. They feel more like fulfilling the Japanese pop media "obligation" to objectify women, than aligned with his character, as set up so far. Because anime/games just *have* to provide a POV audience surrogate character for everyone to ogle the girls through. Or at least reinforce the types of reactions they want from their audience, after showing us all these T&A shots. It felt more like fulfilling anime tropes than further building upon Ryu's established character of defending people, including women, against perverts like Kamoshida. I mean, this is the guy who was chasing down Kamoshida's car because he knew that pervert might do something. This is the guy who ran straight to the faculty office to punch out Kamoshida for torturing Shiho to her tipping point. The guy who jumped in front of a moving cab to rescue Makoto. The guy who survived watching himself and his mom get abused by his dad. And you want us to believe he wouldn't think twice about looking down Ann's shirt on the way to Futaba's Palace? Or up Ann's skirt, when she laid down from a food coma, after they Yusuke's welcome-to-the-Phantom-Thieves meal? Or so eagerly coerce Ann into posing nude? o_O? Atlus wanted us to believe this was consistent characterization??? To the Atlus writers' credit, they did write Ryuji feeling too guilty about going through Project Maid-Watch and they wrote him ditching it at the last minute. But they also wrote AkiRen to look down Ann's shirt without any hesitations and they wrote morgana to also look up Ann's skirt when she laid down from food coma. The Atlus writers---and most Japanese pop culture---just seem to have an unwavering determination towards these female objectification scenes, and they just saddled Ryuji with it, because he's the "silly, rambunctious, comedy relief" character "that you won't have to feel bad when he inevitably gets hit with *slapstick* retribution". Nevermind, it's counter to the story's theme and his characterization, that they've driven pretty hard as being something to take seriously. So some Ryuji fans will just call-out his inconsistent characterization into being creepy towards girls, as "bad writing".
On the other hand, it's wholly possible and realistic for a guy to exist who is against all the sexual abuse, that scum like Kamoshida do, while still being a dumb horny teenager who will do dumb horny teenage boy stuff. (I'm sorry for all the toxic heteronormative presumptions. But that's kind of the archetype that Atlus has been trying to slot Ryuji into...unfortunately.) They grow out of it. Gradually learning to curb dumb horny inclinations, is _not_ the same level as a sexual abuser! Why are people conflating that today?! o~O????????
And from what I've seen of Ryuji in Persona 5 Scramble/Strikers so far, he has been growing out of it. There's a whole lot less creepy ogling coming from him (AKA the writers), even during scenes which any other anime would have. He didn't get creepy about the girls' yukata, he didn't strain to listen to the girls on the other side of the Sapporo onsen, he didn't make grabby hands at the girls' swimsuits again, etc. Any other anime---hell, even in the previous chronological episode of their story, in the original Persona 5---Ryuji and the camera would have been creepy about the girls' yukata, he would have shut up the other guys so he could listen to the girls compare boobs in the onsen, he would have tried to sneak a peek at the girls' onsen, and there would have been a repeat of that close up scene of the girls swimsuits, with Ryuji providing the expected lecherous audience reaction. But none of that happened in P5S. Heck, even if you choose the option to say onsen are great, as if to imply that overhearing the girls talk about their boobs is great, Ryuji gets embarrassed about the topic and immediately tries to change the subject. Watch any anime from the 2000s or earlier, and the goofy, masculine archetype, like Ryuji, would have not only agreed, but would have suggested sneaking a peek at the girls' onsen. I'm actually really surprised that the Kyoto onsen scene didn't result in fanservice, because that's usually what happens. Even in anime where the boys know to escape fast instead of sneaking a peep, there's usually a screw up where they'll Rube-Goldberg-trip into girls' boobs or trip into full-view of the girls without their towels. Any other anime or Japanese media would have done that. It's typical, expected. "Anime is gonna anime." And yet, none of that normalized perversion happened in that scene. Persona 5 Scramble/Strikers, including Ryuji, did a whole lot less "dumb horny teenage boy stuff", suggesting Ryuji was growing out of that with time. Because even if Ryuji can be a little bit of a "dumb horny teen", he still knows better than that, is curbing such inclinations, and is a much better person than to increasingly act on or nurture such inclinations.
Ryuji is a good boy. Please don't conflate him with Kamoshitty.
9:53 AM 9/17/2021 Ok. I found the original Tweet that started this shitstorm. https://twitter.com/HerielP48/status/1438677678400409607
But this Tweet isn't actually saying that Ryuji is the same as Kamoshida. I thought this Tweet was saying that the overall writing, using Ryuji as a mechanic for "pervert comedy" was a bad decision from Atlus's writers, especially since it contradicted the themes of the Kamoshida Palace story arc. I actually agree with that.
9:56 AM 9/17/2021 Oh, wait. There's a previous Tweet to that one: https://twitter.com/HerielP48/status/1438677262145101824
I see that you tried to save the first sentence, with your second sentence---which I agree with: I agree that the writing made an awful decision in having Ryuji or any character sexualize their female friends, after the sexual abuse they suffered. But your first sentence was still very strongly implying that Ryuji as a character is a problem, more than the writing injecting out-of-characterization into the character that they had already established with Ryuji thus far. That wording was just kindling waiting to start a firestorm. ~_~;
10:29 AM 9/17/2021
Well, the one good thing I'll say about Ryuji trending because of dumb, offensive reasons, is seeing the sheer avalanche of people jump to defend him. This wasn't something Ryuji got, early in the fandom! ;o; Remember when he was the most hated character in the fandom??? And now, everyone is overwhelmingly loving on Ryuji today! ;u;!!! Thank you guys. ;u; He is a good boy. ;U;
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