#which is why the dropbear prank is still relativley alive and well LOL
beefstrugglenoff · 1 year
as an american i truly deeply believe from the bottom of my heart that the reason none of us can come up with an insult about strayans that actually managed to pack any sort of punch is bc it is relatively common knowledge in the west that australia used to be a penal colony. and yall play it up, lean into it, wear your hick ingenuity and general bugfuckery on your sleeve even as you scoff patronizingly at some of the most dangerous and unique wildlife on the planet. but most americans are simply unaware that much in the same way the australian colonial project began as a place for imperialist britain's criminals to get banished to forever, the american colonial project began as a haven for britain's weirdest and niche-est pseudo-christian cults. and thats really our colonial heritage and legacy over here, its effect on literally every aspect of american life cannot be overstated. and most of us are walking around completely oblivious to that. so to me its sort of like if there were two clowns, right, and the first clown is acting like a normal clown, doing typical clown stuff. but the second clown is, like, sardonically mocking the first clown for looking and acting like a clown, in such a way as to suggest that he is completely unaware he is also wearing clown makeup and a costume and a rainbow wig and a red nose and big shoes
this actually. makes alot more sense. only recently learnt the reasons them first pilgrims made their way to the americas in the first place and yeah it tracks. god does it ever track.
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