#which at least shows she hasn't really deteriorated
luminiera-merge · 2 years
claire luvcat’s latest video on diseases and conditions in cats is SO good...i’m just at the interview with the milkybokitan channel owners. that being said i kinda wish surinoel’s mr butler had shown up since he has three scottish folds and has shown himself to be very vigilant re feline conditions
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the-blackholeus · 10 months
2012 Shredder Tmnt request: Reader was taken in by Shredder when she was in they early teens because they didn't show any fear and didn't want to stay at home anymore. (for request) When Shredder tried to become perfect at the end of season 5 and to eliminate all his weaknesses, i.e. to forget Karai, Reader couldn't take it anymore and confronted Shredder. They asks him angrily but also sadly if he is satisfied with how he has become since they no longer recognizes him. Reader then asks him louder if he hasn't given a fuck about them by now too so he wants to be perfect. Finally, with tears in they eyes, Reader says that Shredder is no longer the man they knew, not the man they started seeing as a father, and then goes to their room. Shredder reaction to that please
(To be honest, I haven’t watched 2012 in, like, forever, and I can barely remember anything. So please don’t get pissed if I get something wrong.) 
The slam of the door was so intense that it shook the walls. The loud sound echoed through the air, deafening in Shredder’s ears, who stared at the spot you stood in only moments ago, his single working eye widened in an expression of pure and utter astonishment. Never in a million years would he have expected such an outburst from you. Not from dear and wonderful you. 
Very slowly, he rose his head to stare at the dark hallway that led to the personal quarters of himself and those he considered closest to him, his gaze resting upon the door that led to yours, blinking once, twice, unsure if that conversation, your yelling and you storming off really happened, or if it all was just a fabrication of his tired brain. His tired brain which was unable to grasp what you just told him. 
A lump formed in his throat, so thick he felt like he was unable to breathe. Instinctively, he reached upwards, wrapping his large hand around it. His fingers kneaded the tense muscles, and he could almost feel it as he slowly began to turn his head away, finally catching up with the events that just happened. And his reaction was...intense to say the least. 
His heart began to thunder against his ribcage, his lungs suddenly felt as if they were unable to inflate. His ears were ringing, his vision deteriorating at a rapid pace, his hands shaking with an emotion he could not tell. It wasn’t pain, it wasn’t remorse. It wasn’t...sadness. Or at least it didn’t feel that way. It was something far, far more intense. Something that he never felt before. 
“I...”, he muttered, glancing over his shoulder to look at the wooden barrier you hid behind once more, swallowing thickly. “I’m...sorry.”, he eventually breathed, so silent that it was barely audible. He knew that you could not hear him. He didn’t want you to. 
He didn’t want you to see this vulnerable state he was in right now. His pride, his goddamned pride, wouldn’t let him. 
Clenching his hands into fists so harshly his bones cracked, he began to walk in the opposite direction, suddenly desiring to put as much distance between you and him possible. He...needed to sort this out. 
He needed to overcome this suffocating feeling. He was supposed to be perfect. He was SHREDDER, for god’s sake. Such meaningless words from such a tiny person should mean NOTHING to him. 
Yet as he stepped outside, feeling the icy wind on his exposed skin, he could not help but feel like they meant everything, and that he was currently on his way to making the biggest mistake of his life. A mistake that could cost him everything, including you. 
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oldfangirl81 · 1 month
For anyone who hasn't seen me rant before about why the Buckley parents hit my sore spots here I go again...
Buckley parents were upper middle class from what we can tell. They buried a child and didn't allow anyone to grieve. They cared more about appearance and reputation than their kids. They gave therapy a try but quit one session (to be fair this might be a fanon one). They emotionally neglected and abused their kids. They put the blame on the kids for not making it easy on them.
Now my paternal grandparents were middle class and advancing to upper middle class when my dad and his sister came along. Money became their focus.
They had substance abuse issues but the socially acceptable kind. My dad avoided substances because of it. My aunt scored from their med cabinet and liquor cabinet. My Dad tried to be the perfect child to earn their love and respect. My aunt rebelled every chance.
In her very 20s she was starting to get her life together when she was killed crossing the street by a drunk driver. After her burial my grandparents shamed my father for expressing grief. They rarely would allow her to be spoken of. Dad became a traffic cop largely in part because of her death.
As I got older I had some of her mannerisms even though she was long dead before I was born, to their pain.
They would actually help when I was hospitalized but it was more about appearance then strictly helping my parents.
When I first got sick in preschool my grandparents offered my parents money to have plastic surgery on my ear. So that if I couldn't be perfect on the inside I'd be perfect on the outside.
My grandfather offered my mom a mink if she'd give him a second grandchild. Might have been one of the first times Mom saw Dad go off on them. My birth could easily have killed Mom and Dad never wanted to risk her life again like that. He even had a vasectomy, which eventually his parents learned of. (Probably because I told them Dad couldn't have puppies anymore. My folks had used the puppy getting spayed around that time to try to explain in kid friendly terms.)
My relationship with them started to deteriorate around the time I really started thinking for myself. It got so much worse after 11 1/2. I needed an ileostomy to save my life really. Or at least give me a good quality of life. My grandfather was there when they did the finale test. He heard me screaming through the lead door.
He still called me directly the night before surgery to say "Can't you just learn to handle the pain? I'd rather be dead than have an ostomy." I repeat I was 11 1/2 years old. I said I wanted the surgery and hung up on him. I have never once regretted my ileostomy, only that they didn't make it permanent on the first surgery, it took three total over 18 months or so.
Both my grandmother and grandfather died in Sept '22. I hadn't seen them in person since the early '00s. I rarely spoke on the phone to them either. Rarely exchanged cards or letters.
Another thing they hated was me having short hair. "too butch" and "you'll never find a husband" bullshit. As a kid I kept it short in part out of spite. But it was also easier with my health then.
I don't think they ever knew I was bisexual. I used to joke the only way I'd ever visit them was if I had someone pose as my tattooed lesbian biker girlfriend.
So yeah. The quickest way to make me hate a show is to pull that "family is blood and must always be forgiven" or "they tried their best, so the damage they caused is fine because blood" bs. I've stopped watching other shows over it.
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lilguiguinevere · 6 months
uh the ask game thingy ♿🌻⚕️🏳️‍🌈 for literally everyone in charisma house. go crazy go insane
smile. Under the cut cuz there's so fucking much
iori - bpd . Looks both ways. yeah that's about it. displays every symptom ever. i dont hc him with any specific phys disability but there is definitely one. WAIT I LIED chronic back pain. points at barometric pressure episode
♿️ What is their disability/disabilities? What are the symptoms that they show?
terra - to go along with my jokes about her being an old woman. joint pain. prolly arthritis but she hasn't looked into it cuz she doesn't think she needs to. also npd obviously. prolly some other shit who knows
rikai - legally blind i think. hoh also and she doesnt realize how fucking annoying her whistle is.
saru - fibromyalgia. once again not diagnosed but he knows it's there. his legs go numb often and when they're not numb they just hurt
ohse - forgive me for projecting here Smile. some sort of chronic pain disorder (knees mostly), anemia (frequently faints cuz of it ) . bpd (obv), chronic depression & anxiety . not projecting on this one but i think he has a missing toe cuz he dropped his knife on it and had to get rushed to the er by rikai once. also bad pain in wrists cuz Yk. Artist.
amahiko - ok getting his hypersexuality out of the way. there's that thing with his dick hurting when it rains. man. I dont know.
fumiya - she's diabetic to me & is also an osdd1b system ^_^ the silliest
torahime since u said he counts - also diabetic. Following getting hit by fumiyas motorcycle twice. I think he'd have some sort of chronic pain but idk. ALSO BPD WHICH IS AGAIN OBVIOUS and dpd.
and everyone is autistic.
🌻 Do they do anything that helps manage their disability? (Ie medication, hot and/or cold patches, set sleeping times, ect)
ohse Has depression and anxiety meds but he doesn't take them. torahime and fumiya take insulin. the house always has at least two bottles of different painkillers at all times courtesy of amahikos mother
(doing phys disabilities)
⚕️ How did they find out they were disabled?
iori - he overworked himself so bad and it started raining once and he just. Died.
terra - she still doesnt know
rikai - her parents were both legally blind so he got glasses at a young age and his eyesight deteriorated . with hoh she still doesn't know she just thinks.its like that for everyone
saru - one day in a gang fight he nearly collapsed and the pain never really went away so he hooked himself up wkth crutches. shrug
ohse - he just kinda. knew. he got mocked for walking weirdly so. it wadnt really a revelation
amahiko - his family is entirely doctors. next question
fumiya - i Dont Know. tbh.
torahime - well i would assume he found out when he got hit by the motorcycle ,
iori - never really complains unless prompted and will work through the pain til he drops cuz he's like that !
🏳️‍🌈 A random headcanon about them and their disability
terra - amahiko's mom is the first person she told about anything .
rikai - doesn't realize the whistle is loud cuz she can't hear anything clearly .
ohse - customized wrist brace, signed by all of the charismas and he cried so hard over it. they signed it when he was sleeping snd he woke up to it
amahiko - all of his stuff is hereditary i think
fumiya - sometimes sits there and talks to a headmate but will ONLY do it when terra is around and it creeps her tf out. also everyone can pry his sweets out of his cold dead hands
torahime - i dont have anything for him. but he cried after that call with the fucking idiot of all time cuz he was so embarrassed and nearly split
oh my fucking god.
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duhbatmann · 4 months
History of Mary Linton
During her youth, Mary was in a romantic relationship with Arthur Morgan and the two were deeply in love, but it ultimately fell through due to Arthur's life as an outlaw and affiliation with the Van der Linde gang, leading to prevalent disapproval from her family as a result, particularly her father.
Afterward, Mary eventually married a man named Barry Linton and took on his surname. Barry later passed away after contracting pneumonia, leaving her a widow. To make matters worse, her family grew to be dysfunctional as well; her younger brother, Jamie had joined Chelonia, an infamous fanatical cult, while her father gradually became more withdrawn and verbally abusive to his children, growing increasingly dependent on alcohol, whoring, gambling, and eventually began pawning off much of their family's property.
Horseshoe Overlook Chapter
Mary contacts Arthur for the first time in many years and pleads for his help in convincing Jamie to leave the Chelonians. Arthur is apprehensive due to poor relations with the Gillis family but admits that he was at least on good terms with Jamie. If Arthur accepts, he successfully chases down Jamie and persuades him to leave the Chelonians, before taking him to Mary at Valentine train station. Mary thanks Arthur for his help and then boards the train with Jamie to return home. After this, Arthur laments how he feels both elated and foolish for how Mary can manipulate him and resigned to the fact that he would not be able to refuse her. He also writes his initials and Mary's in his journal with a heart between them.
Saint Denis Chapter
Mary later asks Arthur for help with her father, much to Arthur's ire. Mary begs for his help and tries to justify her father's poor treatment of him, but Arthur angrily points out that Mary's "pure life" hasn't fared well at all, referencing Jamie joining the Chelonians, Mr. Gillis' deeply hypocritical and deplorable habits, and the fact that she was now begging him for help. If Arthur accepts, he accompanies Mary to Mr. Gillis, who verbally abuses Mary before storming off. Arthur and Mary follow Mr. Gillis to an alley and discover him selling a brooch gifted to Mary by her mother. Dismayed at what she had seen, Mary angrily confronts her father, as Arthur goes to take the brooch back from the buyer named Ashton. After Arthur gets the brooch, he returns to the alley and finds Mary sitting down dejectedly, expressing indifference to wherever her father went.
After the situation with Mr. Gillis, Mary asks Arthur if they could go to the theater together as friends. If Arthur accepts, he takes Mary there and the two begin to warm up to each other and reconnect. After the performance, Arthur walks Mary to the trolley. As they reach their destination, Mary laments the deteriorating state of her life and asks if it is too late for her and Arthur. Arthur admits that he does want to run away and be with her, but states he does not want Mary to get hurt, he has people in the gang to take care of, and that they need money. Arthur promises that his gang life is really coming to an end this time and as soon as he can get some money, they can run away. The two part ways again for the final time.
Beaver Hollow Chapter
Arthur later receives a letter from Mary, enclosed with the engagement ring he gave her many years ago. In the letter she says her goodbyes to him and that it was time to let each other go, as he never kept his promise to show up after the supposed final robbery. She acknowledges that Arthur is unlikely to ever leave his life behind and apologizes for how their relationship turned out. She hopes that the ring can be passed down to another couple in love in order to help them too.
If "Of Men and Angels" is completed and Arthur has high honor, he will meet Sister Calderón at Emerald Station during "The Fine Art of Conversation", in which Arthur mentions Mary when conversing with her, describing her as "a girl who loved me" and regretting giving up the chance to run away with her.
Mary's final words to Arthur are some of what he reflects upon during his last ride.
Mary is a well-meaning woman, who tries to see the best in people and most situations. She loves her family but tries to see past its apparent dysfunction, the brunt of which is attributed to her father.
She loved Arthur and desired to have a life with him, even retaining feelings for him over the years. However, she acknowledges that Arthur's preference for his criminal lifestyle would prevent them from ever having a future together, eventually coming to terms with it and deciding to cut ties with him. Despite that, Mary visited Arthur's grave and wept for him, showing that she still loved him enough to overlook his faults.
Mary has long, dark brown hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, and a beauty mark on her right cheek. In her first appearance, her hair is tied back in a low braid and is then tied back in a low bun for the rest of her appearances.
In her first appearance, Mary wears a dark green blouse with light brown ruffles on the front, a gold brooch with a red stone, a brown belt with a gold buckle, and a long dark blue skirt. In her second appearance, Mary wears a pale blue shirt over a checkered yellow dress with a long skirt of the same color. She will always be wearing worn brown boots with light brown half chaps.
Trivia Time~
Should Arthur refuse to assist Mary in "We Loved Once and True II", the contents of her letters will also change slightly depending on whether Arthur previously helped her out.
Susan Grimshaw expresses her disdain for Mary, stating that she "never liked her". Similarly, Tilly Jackson says to Arthur that Linton is "not worth it". Mary-Beth Gaskill says to Arthur that Mary was a fool in "No, No and Thrice, No". This line can also be heard in "A Fork in the Road" if the player has high honor. Mary-Beth additionally mentions her in several private conversations at Horseshoe Overlook and Beaver Hollow. John Marston will also mention Mary once in "The Sheep and the Goats" when the two of them are arguing and comparing their own lives. Karen Jones asks Arthur if he will get back with Mary to which he responds that "it's too late".
Abigail Roberts on the other hand will mention that she "always liked" Mary. Considering that Abigail joined the gang in 1894, this implies that Arthur's relationship with Mary before the latter got married must have lasted at least until then.
For the credits scene where she cries over Arthur's grave, her motion-capture was done by Roger Clark, who is Arthur's mo-cap, voice actor, and face.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It's how it goes if you look outside that trash has been there for like almost 2 months most of the rules are damaged to not fixed and you live in crappy houses in the first place the garbage is out there too and you're the wealthiest people on the planet at least you were now we can't stand you you give up your companies your factories everything too been wondering around during the day doing nothing you're boring your idiots says we should make huge entertainment facilities and malls starting to see something screw you people you just go there and you entertain yourself but it's a good idea so we're going to do it
Second part is the storm doesn't look like it's there at all and your stupid map we can see all these clouds in the sky so we kind of hate you cuz you're stupid
It's going to drop any moment now and there's a lot of people watching it and it is shaking and quaking feel like the others were and the others were shaking and quaking about 20 minutes or 10 minutes before it fell. I checked the pressures it's down to five which is what normal soil is more less and that's about a mile in it is very far. And it is going on momentarily.
We took over so many companies it's blinding but they're not managing them and the higher-ups are all bunch of vegetables now and they're not running anything. And they don't really know how to run stuff and yeah last night the comedian took a dump and he's going into a grave today the funeral hasn't occurred yet it's weird they just kind of sit around for a while with that too. And there is a lot of trouble happening and gifted people fight like that Jolene was doing it's just not gifted that saw them doing it and he just blocked it like very easily.
It's a few more things happening here mac daddy is getting frustrated he wants people to go meet and he wants to discuss how to stop this stupid storm and we'd like that to happen too we don't think it's right for someone to start storms and rampage all over the place and ruined tons and tons of structures so he's down there requesting the people show up and he means it it's Mike he wants to be there Daniel he's just not saying it for no reason maybe it's hard for him to get the gumption up to send police to go grab you you know what I mean like free donuts or whatever come on this is War this is stick a freaking knife in your leg and feel the pain. 10 minutes later something that's going to happen then you use psychological stuff and surround people she might have to bust out of there. It's all true and he's sick of the storms too A lot of people out here will support you guys Justin oh he's done here she's okay so now they're saying okay. And we got other things happening too
We did take over another area of business concentration and it's huge it's tractors and tractor supply and farm and farm equipment now I've taken over half of that because we had to but really these people are sitting around saying they won't have to do anything there's a ton of them they're all deteriorating and not doing anything and not going on any ships and it's just that they don't feel they have to do anything so I'm making tractors as a lot of tractors got ruined too because the technology is poor. And our tech is older but it works. The air intake closes when it's not on on the vehicle too it doesn't start unless you're training the thing and the thing doesn't open unless they turn it it's very simple mechanism right now we're writing up orders for us to come in here and assess the situation and to see what's going on is our son says nobody's doing anything they're not even leaving to sit around and farting still and mildly and they have all this crap everywhere and if it gets blowing around it's going to cause damage and fly into windows like mine and he doesn't know what to do about it so we're sitting here and hoping that something happens better than what is happening and he is somewhat impact resistance windows a replacement windows they're not massively shatter resistant but I don't someone tells me there's no plastic in them but they're tempered at least which is better than nothing it can take a hit believe me that it's not too bad in a double layered. And one window is not it has stickers on it okay this class.
The golf is vibrating like madness all over the whole thing and yeah it's news too but not here and they're seeing it's my prerogative like they're going to be mysterious and win by osmosis that's probably still this DC s*** and the comedian's funeral is going to kick off a bunch of things because it is a retarded man hitting one of them publicly which is a No-No, funeral is at 3:00 p.m. and will and Bill can't go Ken's not going either it says for our son to shut it cuz our son's trying to order them up there guys can't make it he said what about as an X-Men superhero and kick off a damn movie so I'll try it it might be me in the background you can bring Camilla and the others and I swear to get there he's a respected person from both sides so you tries to do jobs so Garth is going to wrap us and Ken Bill and will and represent well man this is the punta Gorda gang with me in a PC gang bill is a famous superhero and Loki is too his name is Loki okay fine Preston says I'll send some stuff notes. Daniel says thank you anyway Mike t says some nasty stuff then thank you it's probably the whiskey so yes it is better have someone else fly so he laughs and says okay. Tonight Adrian goes nuts again and the holes might be opening up her son says the holes open up during the day and there's a time that they open up and they open up at night as well and then there's a finale but I think there's another night scene before that when some old fogies are hit a woman is hit and Adrian is they try to kill Adrian and there's the Morrison and the formation of Dr Manhattan is sometimes tonight that's a big deal because it's newsome and we think he dies and people can't tell and he dies a lot and he's a trumpster it's going on tonight and starts at 3:00 that counts for a lot of attitude problems it's one of their heroes.
It's a huge number of people who are trying to get into these apartments next to our son they keep on pushing them and pushing them and pushing them trying to get them out hasn't done anything I would try other stuff right now staying is going after them she needs stuff. Some others are going after them that are big mac daddy Tommy f and the whole cadre of them will and Bill Terry cheesman the same crew Dan the same crew BG bja and there's a few more the people that he has offended deeply and companies that he has given up to the wolves and people that he has bad blood with recent bad blood that he's harmed and is the wanted man for a questioning and connection with the terrorist strike on Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island they're not letting him off on the fact that he could have been in The matrix there's so many of the people there with his men and they all found without devices and was real brains so he's in trouble cuz I wanted terrorist and he was shot last night not before.
It's shaking and it's quivering and it's burping air believe it or not and air is formed when the water leaf bleaches out some some spots in it usually belts is out big huge bubbles three four miles across maybe a 100 at a time and that means it's going to sink and it's going the whole length now it looks like a Jacuzzi and a bubble bath just making a froth and stinks and it's actually deadly and it may spray it with something they might. We don't think so and it's the whole length the whole depth so about 500 ships of capsized some are 10 miles long and they are ships that Mac was running and most of them moved and some didn't listen they were run by Court and that hurt bubbles and said what the hell is that so doing all that leeches what's going on at once this was happening it Mike too says yes he says it's not the code I can remember it's like Delta alpha something they got the third time so Corky stays behind with 500 ships some are 5 or 10 miles in the sink can probably raise them if they don't break and you have to wait it's probably intact for a bunch of morons are so I moved them it's interesting. You worry about some I moved him down and it's kind of moving off and it's getting cooler and I keep those little ships out of here and the whole side. That was Mac Daddy and it's helpful and it's working usually this time is really hot here it's going to get cold real quick and it's going to push that thing off.
Several men came by to see our son today no. Nobody did it's usually quiet here and so quiet it's unsettling we have to inquire why nothing's happening here at all and we asked around and nobody said anything and I sent it could be the funeral and that could be what it is because they all look kind of sad and they're going up there with what they call heavy hearts and it is about that and they are upset at BG and our son says well if you want your son back I could probably have to fight for it man cuz his particular reputation. He's now decide to fight and they'll say Justin you were friends and under very extenuating circumstances and unlikely a pair in the first place. There's a ton of people going up there and interested in and then moving out shortly and it's a funeral this might be the song from Elton John funeral for a Friend because there are some elements to the song and it just hit our son with a feeling because of the watchmen and what it signifies and what it means and what happens to DC and New York City.
There's a large number of people here who is trying to get the math a little more that this is how and it shouldn't be hell but it is hell.
They're a huge number of people that will be seeking shelter and one reason is that they are in fear they don't want their house to collapse on them and there's too much debris Mac is tried to order Jeff to do it and he won't he keeps saying let him rot and all this s*** and all of a sudden he says you're going to be up there they're going to be here in your little owl ship or something you want to fly down and capture a friend so we're going to find you and we're going to take your stuff and mac daddy said that earlier and they have their keys and they're going to start doing the work in a minute now into the night if possible and you're going to pick it up all of it and there's tons of trucks no but they know what they have to do and basically they have a weight on area for scrap and they just put something on it blasting they have blasting mats you can use and I thought that's a good idea they might lift up but not have to put a few cables on them they're going ahead and do that
Says you just take a few pylons you worked out and barium and attached to it and traffic signal pylons or something they agree with it
The ground is shaking it's moving it's it's rolling and heaving and is going to drop in a few moments and we see it burping more and it's a huge huge line of burps about three or four hundred miles each and it's random so it's all going to probably go the same time and some huge ones are coming out now five 10 miles across actually never see anything like that huge bubbles makes me wonder what's under there but I know what it is it's just a crevasse and a big huge thing of dirt now it's starting to settle a little it's shrinking slowly like a foot a minute and now I see it dropping in the middle it's going down like 8 ft and now 20 each terrace and now 30 each terrace and now it's going down in the pattern of the terrace to the sides and fast and it's spreading and it's doing it that way which probably will make it not to have a wave at all in any way. It's spreading out and it's going down the terrace all at the same time it's not cascading and a lot of us thought it would something I wouldn't that's a shock. Nevada Ariana said it's going to go like it's going now and it's because of the pressure is it relieves in the middle first and It matters by minutes. And here it goes the whole thing is dropping but it's going all at the same time the whole terrace and we thought it would be staged so the middle would create a wave and it's not going to do that much it's going down it's about 200 mi to the East 200 miles to the west from the Mississippi it makes sense the river must have done some extra capillary action through its pressure and turbidity into the sand and and drain fast into the river too probably and they say yes that's one thing and is down it is a small wave maybe 50 ft and it's going to probably dissipate in a few miles require a lot more than that to create a title wave. They're working around here and it sent the crew down and people are saying it would be nice to get this s*** out of here so it doesn't break all the windows and they're in a panic now and they're moving around and they're asking people to help and pick up trucks and trucks actually going on it and they said they got so many trucks that says all the time has to do is say you can all bring it in so they're telling them to do it and it's going people are doing it. A lot of women are asking their men to do it it's getting done.
So congratulations everybody who worked on this the final section of the Gulf of Mexico is dropped and the cold air is going to come down momentarily I have a gauge when it dropped it's a heat sink you see with the soil the soil doesn't absorb any heat but the water does and all the water that was in the soil is cold but for about 2,500 miles long and an angle that's a huge area in a lot of water and that the rest of the water will be cold at the bottom and it's already cooling and it will chill the water at the top and it will continue to do so due to the depth and it's dark after 1,500 ft no after about 400 so most of it's cold and that cold will wick cold air all around it and it will connect with cold air and it's doing it now I can see it on the scope and yeah there are trucks around here all day working on the lines refitting and putting new transformers and they're doing it like madness really they're going gangbusters for some reason not really sure what it is I think New York DC is going to buy and they know it so strong as you get the equipment out of there and they're doing that now and they say it's cuz the storm.
More later but we're going to publish this
Thor Freya
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falconstarfall · 3 years
Sorry for show mention, but Ned giving Sansa a doll I would have reacted hell of a lot worse. I would have ripped the dolls head off in front of him. Or I would have said "well she's not Lady but she'll do. Here maybe this work." Before stabbing the doll with a knife and going "oh good now she's just like Lady. She's DEAD." Hell my response is appropriate. Sorry Ned but you don't get to make yourself feel better about Lady by giving Sansa a toy she hasn't played with in 5 years.
Yeah, I know. It did not make it any better that the show aged Sansa up too. I mean, who gives a 13 year old a doll that they didn’t even ask for?
I don’t know what intention the show had with that scene. They might actually have been trying to show how out of touch Ned was when it came to parenting Sansa or understanding her emotions. But they somehow managed to play it as Sansa being bratty to her dear old father, who is really just trying his best. At least I get the impression that this is how 9/10 of viewers interpreted that scene.
I don’t think it helped that the show for reasons that escape me chose to add Sansa having a snooty attitude to her Septa, while the Septa in turn was changed from this stern, intimidating woman to a kindly-old-grandma-type. I think this made the audience more prone to interpret Sansa’s reactions as her simply having a bad attitude.
And it certainly didn’t help that the show never had Sansa talk about Lady after she was killed. From the books we know that she cried herself to sleep for weeks afterwards. We know that she thinks about Lady often, and dreams about her at night. And we know that she’s misdirected the blame for what happened towards Arya, which is why their relationship deteriorates. The show somehow failed to get any of this across, and the image left is just Sansa being a brat and mean to Arya for no reason.
Actually, I think what you wrote would have been a vast improvement to the doll scene!
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