#whew first ffvii post
dilutedbeanibeans · 3 months
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I am normal and can be trusted with him
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jessjustplay · 2 years
7 Things I Didn't Like About Final Fantasy VII
Every game has good and bad parts!
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I recently shared 7 things I loved about Final Fantasy VII, and now I want to share 7 things I didn’t like about this popular video game!
1. Too Many Mini-Games
This was easily the thing I disliked the most! (I would even say hated.) There were way, way, WAY too many mini-games! They were all annoying and not fun. Okay, one comes to mind that was kind of fun: I liked climbing the wintery mountain and having to take breaks to “warm up”. That one wasn’t too bad, I could live with it.
The snowboarding one (which was right before the mountain climbing mini-game) was extremely frustrating; at one point I got stuck and could not back out of a corner but, after a lot of button smashing, I managed to get out of there. Whew!
The submarine mini-game? Horrible. (I could not tell what the main objective was!) The mini-battle thing at Fort Condor? Confusing! Chocobo Racing? Not fun AT ALL. Okay, I’ll stop. I disliked them all and they made me want to quit the game many times.
2. The Storytelling Was Bad
Very interesting story, but in my opinion, bad storytelling. Most of the time I was just confused. 🙈
In my previous post I wrote that I really liked the lore and history of FFVII. That is still true! I think FFVII has great game lore, history, and even story, but I wasn’t a fan of how the storytelling was done.
What I mean is, I didn’t like how the story jumped from present to past, or from hallucinations to reality. While timeline shifts are completely okay, the ones in this game weren’t executed in a clear manner.
I was confused about the truth and how much the characters knew. Some (like Tifa) seemed to know more but they weren’t giving us any clear answers. (It was very frustrating.)
Unfortunately, there were many points in my gameplay where I just wanted to desperately finish the game to find clarity.
I wrote a tweet saying, “If FF7 OG were a book, I’m definitely at the part where I’m just confused and want the story to be over because I have questions & need answers!” and that’s exactly how I felt.
This is the first time I play a FF game where I actually WANT the game to be over sooner rather than later.
3. Certain Characters Were Annoying
I’m looking at you, Yuffie and Cid.
I thought I was going to like Yuffie, but she’s such a brat! I used her in my party until I got to Cosmo Canyon. While sitting by the fire, she said she wanted to leave because it was a dump with no materia. Cid is a character I kinda like, but also dislike. He is very mean to Shera and that’s what made me dislike him immediately. I think he actually cares about Shera, but HE decided to stop the mission, not Shera. HE decided to save her life. He’s allowed to feel upset that his dream didn’t come true, but that doesn’t give him the right to be mean to someone who was just trying to help.
4. The World Map Sucked
Are location names too much to ask for?
The map was so annoying! I had no idea what any place/location name was and I couldn’t remember their spot on their map, so trying to find where to go next was tough. I liked the world map area (and the music!), but I didn’t like the actual world map. It definitely needs a key and location names!
5. Cloud’s Cloudy Past
Talk about confusing!
I thought Cloud was so cool, but… he’s basically a phony? During the beginning of the game, Cloud uses Zack’s memories to describe his past. Sure he “was there” in most/all of the scenes, but things didn’t happen as he said they did. (Or maybe they DID? I don’t know, this is why I say the storytelling is confusing!)
I didn’t hate the “nicer” Cloud we meet at the end (I liked him!) but I didn’t like the complete character shift. It’s one thing to develop naturally as a character, it’s another for characteristics to be completely wiped away in an instant just because. This felt like a “just because” move and I wasn’t feeling it.
6. The Timing of A Death
I hate to see you go… so soon.
For one, I am sad she died because she’s a great character. I enjoyed using her in battle. I think it makes sense (for the story) that she died so I’m not mad she died… I just think she should have died later in the game. This would have given us more time to use her in battle, and I think her death could have had a greater impact if it was at the end. shrug
7. Sephiroth
I don't get it, him or any of it. 🤷‍♀️ I think I could like him/understand him more once I play more of the other FF7 games and/or watch Advent Children.
I didn’t understand Sephiroth or his story, therefore I didn’t like anything about him. I actually hated seeing him so much during the game because Cloud makes it seem like we’re off to fight him but then we go a completely different route. shrug I think my indifferent feelings towards him can be blamed on the bad storytelling.
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nyaawn · 4 years
Whew. I finished FFVII Remake.
*spoiler of course*
After almost exactly 58 hours over 19 days. Wow, didn’t expect it to take longer than XV, iirc I finished that in forty something hours. Though good chunks of that probably spend on standing around eavesdropping npcs conversation or left it idle while I tending to my cats.
The verdict? Positively, excitedly pissed-off.
As some may had seen from my previous post, that motorball fight before the last boss left me throwing expletives. So I decided to take a break, even when I could felt the finish line just a step away. When I picked up my controller again, I thought all that’s left is fighting Sephiroth then and there. But I was wrong. It’s never that simple, isn’t it.
Game: “We have to stop Sephiroth!” Me: “Okay sure.” Game: “But before that we gotta fight DESTINY ITSELF.” Me: 
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Seriously, why? Is it because the characters think what little pieces of future they privy to don’t look good enough? Because they think their fate shouldn’t written in 1997’s game discs stone? Because Aerith said so?
Since Aerith had been consistently acting fishy throughout the game, I came to the ending waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to maybe explain to Cloud, “Things happens in the future. Sephiroth keep coming back but you keep kicking his ass. So he goes, "Ah, screw this”, pulls some antics in the lifestream and coming back to before it all began. And somehow I was brought along to here.“ Or something along that line. But she didn’t. Aerith and Seph remain cryptic to the end.
And so I going along for the ride without understanding the how and the why. We fought and, uh, did we just kill the personification of established canon itself..? Then we fought Sephiroth, which probably just an excuse to have throwback galore to Advent Children. But hey, I like AC. Stupidly cool, logic-defying, totally over-the-top action scenes? Gimme. More throwback to the original game ensues. Seph throws confusing lines and keep being the fairy-godstalker he is before vanishing completely. Ookay? Cool fights, but I still understand nothing.
However all my question marks so far pales to what’s coming. The game shows Zack’s scene from Crisis Core and I brace for the feels, but, this time, his last stand…… was not his last..?
…… …. … *brain.exe stop functioning. rebooting.. .. .*
…..WHAT?! HOW?? Game, you don’t just drop Zack on me out of nowhere and then run away! HEY, GAME!? EXPLAIN THIS?!!
But it’s too late. The game had ran away cackling ‘To be continued!’
Shit. I should expect that they would throw something wild at the end considering the episodic nature of this game, to keep us at the edge. I’m both amazed at how they did it and want to slap them with buster sword at the same time. There also a strong feeling of deja vu as this was what I felt after Kingdom Hearts.. and then I remembered this too is Nomura’s game. Aah, I should have known…
Am I happy at how in the end the game answers almost nothing but throws more question? Nope. Am I angry at how the game change things big time? Noope. Overall I like this game. The highs overcomes the lows and I’m highly amused at the meta and how the characters are fighting against the script. All those memes of Cloud having to redo everything?
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The remake gives us his answer.
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I’m excited if the story diverge from the original in later episodes. However there’s also trepidation because, well, we all know this team didn’t have good track records for expanding their stories (Nojima with FFX-2.5? Toriyama and the whole Lightning saga?? Nomura and his Xehanort saga??? Heck, the FFVII Compilation entries itself range from decently serviceable to complete whack). But they are doing great job on writing characters in this first remake, so fingers crossed? Maybe by teamed together they will keep each other in check with no one going too wild. And if it really end up to be KH-level trainwrecks… oh well, we’ll always have the original FFVII to appreciate. ..Eh, who am I kidding, I’ll most likely close my eyes and eat up whatever crazy plot lines Nomura and crew can concoct if it means Zack lives and lead a happy life. I had done that for Axel anyway. But that means they have to keep Aerith alive too, because having one lives while the other dead is still a tragedy (Yes, I’m Zerith shipper 4lyfe).
And now, we only need 3-5 years to find out… Sigh, I’m excited, but I admit being left hanging on this cliff for years is not my idea of fun. I like your FFVII Remake, Square, but I still want to slap you with buster sword.
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