#when your backpacks are getting homophobically vandalized?
sochilll · 1 month
Listening to Two Player Game for the first time in a long time thoughts:
1. Obviously there’s a million factors at play but it’s kinda crazy that Michael, a 16 year old with a tattoo and access to weed, wasn’t considered cool even by a small group of people
2. “High school is hell but we navigate it well” is such a hilarious line. No you do not.
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tea-and-theater · 6 years
um this is a school au
ykySo, this is co-written by the lovely @neko-kaiyo, and basically Oc-centric. This is a little different from my usual style, and also features my annoying OC Moon, and Neko’s OC, Nova. so, yeah, this is really sad dark and kinda badly written. 
TW: fights, a few swears, unfair detention/ISS, dogs, flirting, homophobic slurs, vandalizing, refrences to death
School was hell, all the newsies knew this. Teachers, kids, and staff were assholes; the newsies only had each other. So when Moon heard a non-asshole and saw her sitting alone at lunch, she immediately went over and sat next to her, everyone else following behind.
The non-asshole, also known by the name of Nova was sitting alone at her and her best friends’, Happy’s, table.
Keyword being was, then a pale girl with black hair and clothes followed by many other people came to her table.
Honestly, Nova was impassive, not quite sure how to react, not that she could even if she wanted to.
So she looked up from the tiny black and sapphire-blue dog in the blue backpack that sat on her lap and studied each of the new people's faces carefully.
Once deciding she had no reason to talk to these people she looked back down to Happy, with slow almost delayed movements.
The newsies break into various conversations amongst themselves.
“So what's your name sweetheart?” Race asks, on the fence of friendly and flirting.
“Race…” Moon says warningly.
Race puts his hands up in defense. “Hey I’m just being friendly”
“Too friendly.....,” Moon mumbles unamused, “’Sides won't Spotty get jealous?” Moon suggests teasingly.
Race flips Moon off; she gladly returns the gesture.
Nova shrunk into herself and looked down. Though she may have been too nervous as she started squeezing her bag, forgetting about her furry blue companion until he squeaked and yipped.
Nova released her vice grip instantly like she had been burned, hoping no one heard Happy.
“Is that a dog?” Race asks in slight disbelief.
Sarcastic comments answer his question, followed by various cooing noises.
Nova nods and pulls her blue puppy from the equally as the blue bag, and set him on the table. Happy barks and purrs to all the new people.
Everyone starts to grab at him but quickly stop at some of the more respectful people's death glares.
“P-plea-se…” Nova speaks barely above a whisper, “Don't tell anyone else..”
“Don't worry, we ain't gonna turn ya in,” Jack reassures.
Nova merely nods her head; eyes and facial feature void of any and all emotion.
Everyone continues to gush and adore Happy’s tiny, adorable appearance, until two severely dreaded voices butt into the conversation. The Delancey’s.
“Well, well, well...Look what we got here… the little orphans found themselves a new baby orphan....how cute..” Morris snarks rudely.
“So tell me...what did ya name her?” Oscar remarks.
“Fuck off, Delancey.” Race spats, clearly annoyed at the brother’s presence.
Nova swoops Happy off the tables and crushes him lightly to her chest, slightly panicking before going scarily still.
“Oooo I’d watch that mouth of yours, fag,” Morris sneers, “Wouldn't want to get in trouble.”
Race lunges at them but is held back by Moon and Albert.
Nova stays quiet throughout the entire ordeal until the annoyance is too overwhelming. Suddenly a book is flung at Morris's head, coming from none other than Nova.
“Whoa,” Jack breathes in awe, as the hardback hits its target, dead-center.
Oscar helps Morris back on his feet, muttering crossly, “What the fuck..?!” Then he growls lowly, “I wouldn't do that if I were you, ya little bitch.”
Nova sits there, looking down and hiding her face with her hair as she cuddles Happy.
“Doko ka ni itte.. (Go away)” She murmurs with an almost tone of anger.
“She’s even Chinese,” Morris scoffs disgustedly, “Why the hell are you in America?”
Filled with rage, Moon quickly takes down Oscar, and Jack takes down Morris.
Nova looks at the Delancy's indifferently. “It's Japanese, assholes.”
“KELLY! DARE! Stop beating Mr. and Mr.  Delancey immediately!” a loud harsh voice commands.
As the ever-so-feared Snyder walks in, Nova stands up quickly. Bumping into the table in the process, she speaks up the loudest she had so far, which was less than the average volume.  
“It was self-defense.” Nova states.
“Ruthlessly beating fellow students for no reason is not self-defense, little girl.” Snyder construes bitterly.
Nova stares at him emotionlessly, yet her eyes burned with a passion. “They came at us first, so that is a reason.” Nova harshly enounces.
Snyder continues to maintain his unjust claim; his facade of dominance never cracking. “I saw two students ruthlessly beating two other fellow students, I did not see this aforementioned attack, therefore, it never happened.” He insists unfairly, “Anyways these two have a record for doing things just like this.”
Nova stares at Snyder, her patience wearing thin. “Ever think to hear the other side of the story?” Nova retorts hotly.
“I've heard all the sides I need to…” Snyder concludes before looking back to Nova sharply, “Now if I were you I would watch your tongue before you end up like these two.” He gestures to Jack and Moon, “Now, Kelly. Dare. See me after lunch. Delancey's, go see the nurse.”
Morris smirks as he and his brother leave. “I warned ya..”
Nova growls darkly at the Delancey's as they go.
Moon leans into her hand. “First day and I got detention. I’m doing even better than last year,” She smirks sarcastically.
Nova, staring with unexpressed pissed-off-ness, reaches around and grabs Happy, she mutters something to him before placing him down. And he takes off to complete the tasks given; no one notices him nor Nova as she raises her head in the triumph of what she told Happy to do.
Ignoring the newsies’ chatter; Nova wordlessly sits down, pulls out a book, and begins to read as she waits for her loyal blue friend.
Nova had gotten a little way through her book but began to become a bit worried that Happy wasn't back until she saw his signature azure and charcoal fur trotting back to her and he head-butted her leg. She picked him up and tilted her head to him before tucking him safely into her blue bag.
Thankfully, before Snyder came marching into the cafeteria with the rage practically radiating off of him.
“Why is my office vandalized?” he inquires standing in front of the table
“Maybe it’s trying to get rid of you,” Race snarks.
“Higgins, you will be joining your friends later if you don't keep your mouth shut.” Snyder hisses threateningly.
Snyder clears his throat and stands tall. “Now, who vandalized my office?”
“What makes ya think it was us?” Albert asks defensively
Standing with a silent pride, Nova stands straight and looks right into Snyder's eyes. She tilts her head.
“Oh, was that wrong?” She asks innocently.
“Is that a confession?”
Nova blankly stares at him and stands still like a statue, refusing to respond.
“Cat got your tongue?” Snyder asks mockingly.
Nova tilts her head and says only one thing very flatly. “Tyrant..”
“What did you say?” Snyder questions, daring her to say it again.
Nova continues to stare at him like a statue, but leans in and speaks a little louder. “Tyrant...”
“Miss.....?” Snyder trails off, inquiring her last name.
But she stubbornly narrows her eyes and purses her lips; refusing him an answer.
“You will join these two,” Jack and Moon wave at her, “after lunch. This sort of behavior is not tolerated here.” and he walks away.
The sounds of the newsies applauding come from behind Nova.
Race looks at her in awe and praises; “That was amazing!”
Nova turns to the newsies and says simply. “I only called him out for what he is…”
Jack laughs lightly, almost disbelievingly. “Yeah… most people don't do that, you're one of a kind.”
Nova sits back down at the table, looking a the newsies with mild shock. “Really? I was about ready to knock him on his ass.”
“Well… everyone's sorta terrified of him,” Jack clarifies.
Nova purses her lips and mumbles quietly “hm, terrified of someone set off by a puppy... interesting..”
She pulls Happy out of the bag once again and scratches behind his ears
“Good boy, good boy..” Nova cooes to Happy who purrs loudly.
Jack looks at her skeptically. “Ummm.... yeah.... the thing is: he runs detention and ISS and he ain't exactly afraid to get physical,” He explains.
Nova’s eyes give a  far-off look; like she's reliving a bad memory. “I's ain't afraid of being hit anymore... I'm used to it…”
“Ummmm.....you might wanna see someone about that,” Race suggests.
Nova goes back to emotionless and waves her hand dismissively in the air. “It's not like anyone would believe me anyway..”
“I sorta meant therapy, but your choice,” Race drawls.
Nova shrugs then goes back to cuddling Happy and she mumbles very quietly in his fur “.... dead girls ain't got no need for therapy........”
Moon gags slightly from hearing that, causing Albert to shoot her a concerned look, but she waves him off.
The newsies continued their idle conversations and Nova resumed her impassive facade as she played with Happy, until the bell rang. When the ear-splitting sound resounded through the air, Nova scurried away from the table, slinging the zipped up backpack over her back. Then she shot off to Snyder’s office.
Moon wasn't sure what that girl meant when she referred to herself as a dead girl, but she was sure as hell going to find out. After ISS, of course.
Well, that happened. Thanks for reading our stuff! Feedback is appreciated. 
@watersocky -yeah your tag doesnt work 
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