#when you could have demiglace
zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Happy wincest wednesday!
How do you think their relationship would have progressed if the events after s2 didn't happen (aka sam not dying and dean not dying)? would they always be as tight of a unit as they were in s2 or would sam eventually seek "independence" like he did when he went with ruby (or was that because of the demon blood)? Also do you think sam would've reacted to dean coming back to life differently (less cool about it) if he weren't using his powers but being "old sam"?
(does that make sense)
hello, hello, anonymous wincest friend! i know you sent this in plenty of time but it has Been A Week and so i'm just getting to it --
-- sidenote i know that wednesday is the day for wincest but i hope everyone feels thrilled to be wincesty on any day that we can manage, yes? yes. okay, so --
This is a really interesting question, friend anon. In a sense this is like -- imagine myself back in 2007 when people were writing early-years wincest, contextless, without the weight of the future and also without the weight of the deepened past that we got over the many years of actual canon information. That's really hard to do, haha! But I'll try, for wincest saturday. Although this is a two-part imagining, so, let's see-- let's take the second part first:
How would Sam have reacted to Dean coming back to life in s4 if he hadn't been using his powers?
Very interesting question. Part of the question inherent in that is: is he still working with Ruby? I think we might have to say no -- her whole job is to corrupt him with hubris, and how would she manage to cling on if she doesn't have the excuse of ""helping him"" by getting him to use his powers? So we'll imagine a world where -- whatever, Sam stabs her with her own knife when she shows up -- and that sobers him up a little from his grief spiral, and of course he's still trying to figure out a way to bring Dean back, and maybe he's still even looking for Lilith, but he hasn't spun off onto that path-of-good-intentions that made so many things go wrong in s4.
So -- Sam's still had a hard goddamn summer, but he's not got that early corruption set in. Maybe still talking to Bobby. And one day he opens up his motel room -- he ordered pizza and he's tired and his leads keep petering out -- and there's Dean, standing there, Bobby over his shoulder, and Sam's luck is never this good so of course it's a shapeshifter or a demon or a -- and of course, it is Dean, and that means -- it means --
I don't know if you'd be able to peel them apart, honestly. Bobby'd start getting uncomfortable. ...My 'stick to canon' heart is elbowing me to remind me of how in s6 when Sam got resouled, Dean was perfectly happy to go off and do a case without him, but I really do think this'd be different. Sam would have been operating on a possibly Mystery Spot-esque emptiness and lack of hope and Dean coming back pours light and color back into his life in a way that the demon blood/Ruby/corruption path he was on just didn't allow. Of course he was happy in canon to have Dean back, but killing Lilith had become the main goal that overshadowed Dean's return bc Ruby needed that to be true, and here it wouldn't be. And that just. Does a lot. If they hadn't already consummated the wincest, strong chance a first time would happen within that first month back.
What if Sam and Dean didn't die and instead just kept 'normally hunting', presumably still after avenging John & Mary by killing Azazel since those are the events of s2?
So this is yet another world. I suppose if Sam doesn't die that means that he's the 'winner' of the Special Kids olympics. Whether he opens the devil's gate or not, the trouble with Sam not dying means that Dean doesn't sell his soul, and if Dean doesn't sell his soul he can't go to hell as the righteous man who will start the apocalypse, which means Lilith doesn't get killed at the right time, which means that they aren't the vessels of angels and none of that terrible shit happens. And so, without all that...
If the apocalypse doesn't happen, and they're just hunting and cleaning up demons and getting on with their lives, I think... they break up. Not necessarily in a super sad way, and not even necessarily angry. But there's no reason for them to stick together, not really. Maybe Sam meets some girl, in some town. Maybe going back to college seems feasible. There'll always be another ghost, another werewolf, and the thing is that now we're past s2 and they know so many other hunters, it doesn't feel like the end of the world if they find a job and pass it on to someone else, you know? Hell, maybe Dean wants to settle down, slow down. He never was as bought in on the hunting as he actually seemed. But -- in the same way that I always hold firm to the opinion that they make themselves into soulmates -- without all the shitty, scary things that happen to them over the middle years -- their soulmate status isn't actually there. They're still tied together by history and love, but it's a thinner weaker connection than it would be in s5, s7, s11. So Sam goes back to law school. Dean opens his own roadhouse. They talk, they maybe even still go on hunts occasionally. They're good brothers. They aren't more.
Healthier, probably. More fun for me? Absolutely not, lol.
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
50 Questions to Suzaku // Newtype Romance February 2007 // Canon
These are 50 questions asked to Suzaku in the Newtype Romance; While it's not that much interesting, it's still quite fun;
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What's your birthday ? July 10th.
Bloodtype ? Type O.
**Bloodtype says a lot about personnaliy in japanese culture**
What is your height ?
**Short boy with long legs**
Favorite color?
Red. Because it seems impreganted with passion, and also because it's in my name.
*Suzaku is a famous phoenix in the japanese mythology; Also Kallen could have had a shot with Suzaku**
What are your Hobbies? I'd say maybe fishing, I used to fish a lot.
Liberal arts or sciences? Or are you more the athletic type? My reflexes being my best asset, I think I'm the athletic type.
What's your best subject? Well...Physical eduction... That's not great, right? I'll have to try harder.
What are your grades like?
Well, since I only started attending school recently, I can't really say. Someone went to a lot of trouble to ensure I'd be able to go, though, so I'm going to hang in there.
What is your dream for the future? For this country to be free of conflict.
Please describe your personality with character in between 2 and 6. Genuine. Miss Milly said so, I guess then ? Can't really disagree with Madam President.
Please tell us what your strong and weak points are. My diligence is vrobably my strenght, but I'm also pretty rough, and I make a lot of little mistakes, I guess those are weaknesses, right?
Favorite foods? I like foods with strong flavors. Food with demiglace sauce, that sort of things.
Your least favorite foods? Miss Cecile's original creations. Don't say it out of there but those are difficult to endure...
After you wake up, what's the first thing you eat? My toothbrush. Morning person or Night person?
I've been in the military for a while now, so I'm basically a morning person. Even Though, if I put my mind to it, I can sleep anywhere at anytime.
Which do you prefer, baths or showers? I take a lot of showers.
When did you first fall in love? (And with whom?) An older girl who worked in my house when I was little. I was only three or something , but I was an early bloomer, you see.
*I think it was in a DVD commentary that they said Suzaku had already gotten experience with a woman who was older //I he isn't a virgin, he really had a thing with onee san**
Your greatest failure? Well, i don't think i'd say that to anyone
How do you vent your frustrations? I yell into the sky when there's no one else around, of course…
Who would you say is your personal hero? I think someone who, for the sake of what they love and what's important to them, sticks to their own principles… could be called a hero.
Indoor type? Outdoor type? I'm the outdoor type.
What's in your wallet? I mostly use cash.
Special skill? I'm run vretty fast (To escape?) Not at all ! How do you commute to school? I walk sinceI live directly across the street from my school.
When have you been glad to be a man?
Well I've been glad I don't need to bother about wearing makeup or being fashionable, that sort of thing. But when you're in the military, it doesn't change much.
What do you most want to eat right now? Gorgeous 4 Pizza.It's supposed to be gorgeous, so I want to see what it's like. Describe your ideal family situation. I won't ask for a lot, just to be with a person I love.
**...Suzaku. I wish we'd have gotten an alternate perfect ending where they could all have lived together with Lelouch. Ideal ending.**
Favorite season? Spring. Because I like cherry blossoms, and it's an exciting time of year, don't you think?
Do you get up easily in the morning, or is it a struggle? I directly wake up.
How many hours of sleep do you get usually ?
I sleep six hours a night.
What was your last dream? A Huge monster attacked me. What was especially scary was that it had Arthur's face!
How much time does it take you to get ready in the morning? Two minutes when i'm fast and five minutes when i'm slow. Three of those minutes are spent brushing my teeth.
Do you have anyone you admire?
Miss Cecile, she's a gentle mentor you can rely on. Also, princess Euphemia. Well only women…
**We knew he was a woman ally**
Please tell us how you spend your holidays.
I go into the city, so that I can see other people enjoying their lives.
Western food or Japanese food? Well, miso soup is a must. I'm making some right now.
If you could be born again, what would you like to be?
Looking at Arthur I can't help but think it must be nice being an animal; Even though, I'd like to be reborn as a human.
What have you been really into lately? Spending time with the student council members. It's been a while since I had friends.
**This man was hated even back in S1. Nonsense**
Your favorite animal? I like all animals.
Of the necessities for life, which one do you think is the most important? Food is fundamental, but, clothing is also a contender if you think about it.
Sorry to push this on you, but what is love ? It might be something that gets taken away from you. But that's sad.
Please take a guess at what you'll be like 30 years from now. I think I'll have thicker hair than Lelouch.
If you could time travel, when would you return to ? Those summer days I spent with Lelouch and Nunnally.
Favorite book? (Or what magazines do you read frequently?) Lately, I've been reading cat magazines.
Your favroite type of woman? Women who are strong to the core are attractive. Do I prefer older women? Ah, well that...
**Red color and strong woman ? Kallen and Suzaku really should spend some time together after Zero Requiem, taking care of each other wounds**
Is it better to devote yourself, or to have someone else devote themselves to you ? I'd like to try receiving devotion, but I think I'm the devoting type.
Did you receive any Valentine's Day chocolate ? How much? Well, for someone like me, it's ...
What would you do with a million yen? (Like if you won the lottery?) If I won the lottery… The first thing I'd do would be pay for my school. I'm much indebted to others right now.
What type of person is Lelouch? At first glance, he seems coldhearted, doesn't he ? But he's really a gentle, passionate guy.
We've already reached the forty-ninth question. Are you getting tired? No, the time really flew by.
What do you want for Christmas? I don't need anything myself. Whatever you would have given to me can be passed on to kids.
*Good boy.**
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lunawings · 5 years
Young of Prism #08 Joji
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Read the Original Japanese: http://www.pashplus.jp/anime/128837/?body_dsp=1 Previous: Minato
Translator’s Notes: This story references both the Japanese holiday of Setsubun, and the traditional Japanese story of Momotaro. To explain them as briefly as possible, Setsubun involves throwing beans at demons to drive them out and bring in good luck, and Momotaro is about a boy born from a peach who offers sweet dumplings to some animals so they will come with him to fight demons on an island. Since Setsubun is in February, this story was off season when it first came out for Joji’s birthday in September. However, the online version was released in February. I don’t know if that was planned or not, but it’s neat. The Momotaro story is related to Joji because it originated from Okayama, where Joji is from. The English translation I see most often is “Peach Boy” (momo = peach and taro = a old timey popular boy’s name ending) which is why Joji thought it sounded delicious. Also the foods Joji likes are very specific local specialties. (I generalized it a bit. So many references.)
<#08 Joji>
Joji was born at 4646 grams, and, as soon as he could walk he already knew this word well.
It began with milk. Then he moved on to baby food, peaches, sardinella sushi, ramen noodles, red bean buns, pork cutlet bowls with demiglace sauce, fried noodles... 
He’d eat and eat until he could take no more, then sleep it off soundly. The round body he was born with grew ever chubbier. 
* * * *
One day in February, at preschool. 
“Everyone, today is Setsubun!”
The teacher handed out small bags of beans divided up for the children. 
“Today a bad demon will come, so we have to drive him off by throwing these beans... Hey, HEY!”
“Augh! Those were for throwing!”
Joji had already gobbled down all of his beans before his teacher could even finish her sentence. 
”You better not eat them this time.”
But of course Joji had no intention of listening and quickly his hand found its way inside the bag again. 
“RAAAAWR! The bad little child who has been eating my beans... Is it you?!?!”
There was a thunderous roar. It was just then that the principal appeared wearing a demon mask. The children in the classroom suddenly froze. 
”I’m coming to get you! GRRRRR!!!” 
The principal was dressed as a red demon twirling a foam club. The children shrieked as he came to attack them.
“I’m gonna eat you up!”
“No! I want my mama!!!”
”Everyone, quickly! Throw the beans!”
The children all began to run around in circles throwing the beans as they cried out. All of them except for one. 
“Hey there little fellow... Hand over those beans!!”
“I will... destroy you....”
Quivering where he stood, Joji began to take out the beans he had tried to hide in his mouth...
“I will... DESTROY YOU!”
“Woah... Woah... Ohhh!”
With a glint in his eyes, Joji began to throw the beans with incredible force. And not just his own beans, but the beans of all the other children as well which he scooped up and threw once more. 
“It’s... the real Momotaro....”
The red demon slipped on the beans, fell on his bum, and surrendered. 
“Momotaro... sounds delicious....”
Joji had never heard this name before, but it sure sounded good. 
“Momotaro-san is a boy who went to defeat the demons with his followers,” explained the teacher kindly. 
“Followers?” asked Joji, was was now sweaty and out of breath. 
“That’s right. He had a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.
“What do followers do?”
”Hmm, well... Momotaro-san’s followers fought beside him and listened to everything he had to say.” Joji’s pineapple-yellow eyes were sparking.
“I want my own followers like Momotaro!”
* * * * *
On that day Joji went home without playing with his favorite building blocks nor making his favorite mud pies. His afternoon snack was his favorite sweet melon dumplings. He loved them so much he could barely help drooling just at the thought of them.
“Ahhh... no, I can’t! I can’t!”
Joji bit down on his lip and shook his head. Taking his sweet dumplings with him, he ran from his room. This was the first time Joji had ever held back from eating something. 
“I’ll give you a sweet dumpling, so become my follower!”
But the dog Poochie from next door just jumped up and howled at the promise of sweet dumplings. 
“Be my follower!”
Joji’s stuffed gorilla could only play the tambourine. 
Joji did his best to warm up the egg he got from the refrigerator, but it did not hatch into a pheasant. 
“Darnit! No one will be my follower!”
Sulking, Joji began to pick at his leftover sweet buns.
“Someday I will definitely get followers...!”
While his dreams and aspirations still running wild through his head, somehow Joji managed to fall asleep.
“Oh ho, the little one is asleep again.”
“Haha. He looks like he’s dreaming about something fun.”
In his dreams Joji was surrounded by followers of all colors, and was handing out his sweet melon dumplings to them as he walked along. 
Next: Hiro
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Primitive Camping In Green Ridge State Forest
Primitive Camping In Green Ridge State Forest
Pizza is a favorite amongst little league ball groups. Children, kids there are perhaps a handful of people on all the planet who don't love pizza. Those that took the survey rated manufacturers based mostly on familiarity, high quality and buy consideration. We also grab a couple of leggings (as child R has none yet) and lastly a playmat from Fiffy. She let me have a couple items of her hen they usually have been just as good as I remembered. The olive woos is harvested with out having cutting the live bushes but it is basically taken from branches which were decrease for maintenance or those outdated timber that died because of some sickness. Moreover, I've went back and added more hyperlinks and made some updates to some of the individual entries below since over time some things have changed. Each time they're jugged, HD&L are put in cages similar to the one they inhabited in "The Land of Trala La." The one difference is that, the third time round, the boys are all in the same cage. On the draw back although, aside from a handful of games that are fully optimized for the console, the rest aren't as comfy to handle on the SHIELD. While they only launched last month, the truth that they're a sister firm to a different established company known as Waiora gives them an edge over the typical start-up firm.
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Warming Ginjo, and especially Daiginjo, Sake although can destroy some of their complexity so it isn't advised. If that weren't sufficient, there were chocolate chunks everywhere in the back of the slice. The fight largely centered round over how lots of its 1,200 eating places Buffalo Wild Wings should personal at the corporate degree. Money circulate statement is a financial assertion that provides particulars of the inflow and outflow of money for the enterprise. Dairy Queen gives a excessive that feels a lot the identical, solely tougher, better, sooner, and much stronger. The market is anticipated to be dominated by Asia Pacific, adopted by the North America and Europe. Everyone was going loopy for this straightforward dessert. The very best part in fact was the dessert line. Previous to his absence from competition with his knee damage he worked alongside Nike's group of designers and engineers with the purpose to create Nike Golf's greatest irons ever.
Cons: count on an extended ready time on Holidays. Within the previous BBC assessment, Wealthy mentions the BBQ sauce, and how good it is (reminiscent of gold-fever wing sauce on the 99). I whole-heartedly agree, it's the perfect. It’s actually laborious for me to make use of the superlative “best” relating to clam chowder. First Impressions from the Sedate Spy. Berry Gordy's 1917 Home on Boston Boulevard (also referred to as Motown Mansion). The beef was on an honest tenderness (solely overall simply a bit dry) and the Dauphinoise Potato was the bomb together with the Crimson Wine Demiglace. My tense shoulders relaxed and that i embarked on a mini-journey of finding my father’s vault in the various hallways. This is bear country. The Oxtail actually fell off the bone. I’m certain IHOP sees this as a bonus (fluffy omelets), however for these of us with celiac illness or one other well being-associated reason that we should eat gluten-free, it is downright scary. Micro-Trains Weathered Japanese Diesel Freight Set, BNSF 2 bay coveredn Hopper and 60' field car.
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