#when the brainworms let up enough to let me CREATE im totally drawing art of her and zooble IM FERAL
vivisols · 1 month
oh I loved the new TADC episode, I wish Zooble was in it more though, honestly
It’s nice to meet another Zooble enjoyer, they’re a funky character and their deadpan attitude is fun
I saw you also have a character for TADC! What a cutie, may I ask what their personality is? And pronouns ofc
Oh and what role do they play in the circus?
How do the other characters interact with them?
Oh and they’re shipped with Zooble right? How’d the relationship start?
Is Ezirp an NPC or a human also trapped, if so how long have they been there? How do they feel about the circus?
Are they a cat as well? Looks like a little water cat which is so fun!
How do they feel about Caine?
Can I perhaps, eat them? Just like their inspiration, they feel so edible
Oh and one more question! Explosion.Jpeg?
Heheh got youuuu >:3
YEAHHHHH I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!!! SUCH A FUN RIDE!!!! no matter how many times I watch it IT DOESNT FEEL LIKE 25 MINUTES XDDD
AND ALSO I AGREE!!!!! MORE ZOOBLE!!!! thankfully episode 3 is apparently gonna be SUPERRR zooble focused... I HAVE HOPE AND FAITH!!!! HANG IN THERE ZOOBLE FANS!!! WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!
BUT YEAHHHH im such a BIG zooble fan!!! LIKE! trust me anon when i saw them in the episode i SCREAMED. SCREECHED EVEN.... the people who i was on call with can confirm i was LITERALLY fucking feral LMAOOOO
erzip uses she/her! she's another human in the circus and she got there a few months before zooble did. she doesnt mind the circus but she definitely wishes that she could explore more and that some things would change :3c
personality wise, erzip is typically pretty nice! she's somewhat adventurous, as she loves to discover new things, though she prefers to do it all on her own. even so, she is sociable by nature and almost always loves talking to others when she can! like she's 100% a chatterbox and will go on long rambles about whatever random fact she had just remembered at the moment when prompted... erzip also likes saying absolutely wild things out of the blue for fun, usually in the form of threats LMAO
hmmm... circus role wise, erzip be an acrobat! and group wise, she's definitely the friend who always wanders off and has to be dragged away from whatever thing she'd gotten invested in since she went missing. you go through one crowd and you lose her because she went to go look in some random shop window halfway across the street xD
the other characters interacting with her.... asjkadfhdsjdh I HAVE THOUGHTS...
erzip and jax? mutual hatred. they both despise each other. though it is WAY more serious on erzips end xD she would gladly fight him any day of the week (and she has indeed done so in the past LMAO)
erzip didnt mind caine at first, but eventually he had gotten on her nerves. she now chooses to avoid him if possible. she just wants to go off and explore! why must he keep popping up!! >:P
pomni is on... less than ideal terms with erzip. theres just something about pomni that erzip doesnt like. pomni tries to be cordial, but still typically tries to avoid her and as a result, the two aren't really the closest.
ragatha is more of an acquaintance than anything. she's nice, but erzip fully believes that she can handle herself and doesnt turn to ragatha for much. they just respect each other. its not tense or awkward or anything and they often have pleasant conversations, its just that they aren't as close as they could be.
erzip and kinger get along pretty well! theyre definitely decent friends! erzip thinks hes neat (even if he keeps pulling on her keychain)
gangle and erzip are pretty close! they interact a lot and are pretty good friends! they have a lot of shared interests and can usually be found hanging out together and talking about them! (:3
and zooble... well they interact pretty positively most of the time! they both like talking to each other a lot! nd they mostly just go off on their own to hang out together hehe!!!
their relationship was a very slow and gradual thing xDD it took a bit for the both of them to become friends, but once they did they quickly got pretty close. though it was a suuuuuper long time before they both actually opened up and revealed how they felt. it was honestly super out of the blue! erzip hadn't been planning on saying anything at first, but the confession just slipped out and here they are xD even so, its still an incredibly down-low thing.... mainly because there hasn't been a convenient time to bring it up and they don't really care about the rest of them knowing. so the others are unaware, though they're certainly suspicious that they may be in a relationship now xD
and yeah erzip a cat!!! since she's based on water filled computer mice i decided a cat would be fitting as like... a twist on the idea xD
AKJSADFHASKJDF you can certainly try to eat her! ....though your mouth would probably be full of plastic shards and chemicals as a result xD
ALSO AAA!!!!! EXPLOSION.JPEG!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!! IVE BEEN GOTTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O
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