#when i hyper-analyze myself it is because i am trying to minimize pain for others.
musashi · 1 year
girl help i accidentally read too much into the replies on those posts and got mad about how people perceive me
#wordy wendy#anyways... i hope it is clear that i am not ashamed or anxious or afraid of how allistics perceive me#that is not what i was asking#when i ask about information like that i am seeking to understand#and sometimes i am seeking advice not to assimilate#but because i want to advocate for myself while not hurting feelings#understanding social cues and whatnot for me is about minimizing pain for everyone involved#often myself as well as others#when i hyper-analyze myself it is because i am trying to minimize pain for others.#(and sometimes for me)#i am not ruled by fear or anxiety and i am CERTAINLY not afraid of punishment or shame#my only fear is that i might upset someone or make them feel cast aside#i know ive gotten a lot of new followers recently so let me make one thing clear:#allistics are annoying. i am overall not interested in interacting with them. if i ever seem like i want to assimilate: SHOOT ME.#that is NOT ME#THAT IS AN ALIEN.#I HAVE BEEN POSSESSED.#i am simply studying them like a scientist in a lab for pleasure and on the off chance i ever want to keep a few#i am not a scared or anxious person. i cannot tell you a single thing i am afraid of.#in fact i would much rather people be mean and cruel to me and call me nasty things#than HANDLE ME WITH KID GLOVES ITS LITERALLY MY NUMBER ONE PET PEEVE. DO NOT BE NICE TO ME.#anyways i get really mad when i am perceived as fearful/weak/sensitive so please if you're new here maybe read my carrd#i know i asked for insight on that post but unfortunately it seems people missed my disclaimer
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