#when i heard about jojo's bizarre adventure i thought it was gonna be crazy but it ended up being kinda standard (at least for a bit)
okay. I’m gonna try and explain why I’m all emotional about Mob Psycho 100 right now for my followers who don’t watch it. y’all tell me if this makes sense okay?
Mob (bowl cut 14yo kid with psychic powers) got paid in broccoli seeds by Reigen (his fake psychic boss) for an exorcism one time because Reigen is broke and there are no child labor laws in Seasoning City (the town where they live). There was a really evil guy trying to take over the world with his very strong psychic powers, but don’t worry about that too much because it was just a mid-series season finale and he’s not really relevant any more. Anyway, Mob is fighting this guy, right, and they threw around SO MUCH psychic power that everyone almost died, but then the broccoli seeds Mob stuck in his pocket and forgot about absorbed all the power so everyone was fine and there was a happy ending UNTIL Dimple (an evil ghost who follows Mob and Reigen around, makes snarky comments, and talks about how much he wants to take over the world) decided the broccoli was Free Real Estate. So now Dimple’s convincing the entire city to eat broccoli and everybody is mind controlled and loves broccoli. Dimple typically looks like a booger or glow-in-the-dark gum wad, but since he’s very powerful now he is a giant gold muscular bald man with no clothes on and thinks he’s a god. He’s chilling up inside the broccoli and Mob’s upset because of the mind control so he goes to give Dimple a piece of his mind, and Dimple hates Mob’s horrible ugly shirt so bad he loses it and you think they’re gonna fight, but it turns out that the REAL god powers were the friends we made along the way, and Mob and Dimple are besties and it’s all about friendship and love and trust and so instead of fighting Mob just gets open and honest and trusts Dimple with his vulnerabilities and Dimple is like “whoops, I’ve gained a conscience,” but then OOPSIE! THE BROCCOLI IS SENTIENT AND DIMPLE TAUGHT IT TO BE EVIL. OH NO. So Dimple commits the ultimate sacrifice to right the wrongs he caused and make sure Mob is safe. and they Wave at each other and Mob SMILES because he doesn’t KNOW because Dimple BRAINWASHED Mob so he wouldn’t WORRY and put himself in DANGER because Dimple’s WATCHED Mob do that OVER AND OVER and he KNOWS HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN BECAUSE DIMPLE (A NASTY LITTLE EVIL SNOT SPIRIT) IS IN MOB’S INNER CIRCLE OF PEOPLE WHO MATTER AND DIMPLE KNOWS THAT AND I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN
and then Dimple gets eaten by the broccoli and the broccoli flies off to space and Mob can’t remember anything except that his friend died but hey! They’re gonna hunt for aliens next week. Road trip! 🤪😘✨💕✨✨
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ymiwritesstuff · 3 years
So I wanted to write this quick Josuke scenario, whose plot was actually made by a friend of mine some time ago. I loved the idea so much that I decided to finally write it! After this I promise to empty my inbox, my last exam is on Monday and then I’m finally free! Thank you for your patience and I hope this Josuke scenario is to your liking. (PS. I may or may not start officially writing for him in the future...)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke Higashikata x Reader
Summary: A simple game turns into one of the most stressful things Josuke has ever had to do. Things seem to get even more difficult when he runs into you.
Notes: Slightly suggestive language and themes
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“Alright, Josuke! It’s your turn!”
Okuyasu turned towards his friend who straightened his posture and prepared for the question with a wide grin on his face. “Truth or dare?” The pompadour-haired teen thought of his response for a few seconds before confidently replying. 
“Dare! Better make it a good one!” Josuke laughed and widened his grin at Okuyasu’s reaction. There was an obvious glint of mischievousness in his eyes as he thought of a dare for his friend. “Nothing illegal, okay?” Koichi reminded, knowing just how unpredictable Okuyasu’s mind could be. Josuke looked at him in anticipation, anxiously waiting for the response that could be absolutely anything. The tiniest part of him was already regretting his decision.
“Ya see that store over there?” He finally asked, pointing at a small store just across the street. Josuke and Koichi both looked at it over their shoulders, raising a brow in confusion before turning back to Okuyasu. “What about it?” Josuke asked, dreading what lied in his friend’s mind. Okuyasu smirked and let out a high-pitched, impish chuckle. 
“You better have some money on ya! Because you’re gonna go in there and buy a magazine!” He chirped, which caused the two other boys to be even more confused. But before either of them had a chance to voice a question, Okuyasu threw his arm over the blue-eyed teen’s shoulder and lowered his otherwise loud voice.
“The dirty kind.”
Josuke’s face turned a bright shade of red upon hearing his words while Koichi was quick to protest.
“Okuyasu!” The silver-haired boy yelled, his cheeks quickly being dusted with crimson as well. “You can’t make him do that! He’s not even 18! There’s no way he can just buy something like that!” 
“Oh come on, Koichi!” Okuyasu exclaimed, rolling his eyes. “Ya really think Josuke here ain’t gonna pass for a grown-up?” He inquired, pointing at Josuke who was still processing the dare given to him internally. “Besides, he’s gotta do it. I don’t make the rules.” There was yet another smirk on his face, as he looked over at Josuke. “Or are ya gonna chicken out?”
The dark-haired teen was quick to regain his posture and looked at his friend confidently. “Hell no! It’s no big deal,” Josuke stated as he stood up, checking his pockets for change. “It’s like you said, I’m pretty sure I look like an adult anyway.” His lips were stretched by a fearless grin as he looked at the store, but internally, he was more than nervous. “Get goin’ then,” he heard Okuyasu say behind him as he turned towards the small boutique.
On his way there he could feel his friends’ eyes boring into him as well as the imaginary judgmental stares that he thought the bystanders gave him. His heart was beating faster than it should have and he tried to convince himself that this wasn’t a big deal. However, the fear of embarrassment and awkwardness made him more anxious than necessary.
Once he entered the store the clerk’s greeting almost made him jump. It was a small store, with little to no shelves to hide behind and the more Josuke looked around, the more he began to regret accepting the dare. There were no other customers and it made his stomach churn. His eyes spotted the section that held the lewd magazines and his eyes immediately glanced at the clerk, who fortunately had his attention elsewhere. He exhaled sharply. He could do this. All he had to do was to get over there, pick up a random magazine and pay for it. Simple as that. No biggie.
With careful steps, he neared the shelf that held the current bane of his existence. Josuke was so focused on his ridiculously stupid quest that he didn’t register the door of the shop opening and closing, indicating that someone else had entered. His lightly trembling hand reached for the corner of a magazine, trying not to pay attention to the cover of it as the steps of another person next to him went unheard by him until a voice brought him out of his thoughts.
His blue eyes immediately shot up and looked to the side where he saw you standing, wearing a pleasant smile on your face. He was quick to stand up properly and tried to use himself as a shield to hide the magazine collection he was just looking at. There was no way he could let you see what he was thinking of purchasing. Trying to appear as normal as possible and conceal his embarrassment, he returned your smile but internally cursed at his bad luck.
“A-ah, (Name)! What’s up? A-are you here to… uh… Buy something?” He stammered, unable to keep the redness on his face from forming. You giggled at his silly response.
“No, not really. Just checking. What about you? You seemed to be pretty intrigued by the-” When you tried to get a better look at what was behind him, Josuke suddenly took a step forward, fortunately moving your attention away from the shelves. He figured you hadn’t seen his previous source of interest properly when you stumbled upon him. Thank goodness.
“Well I- I’m just checking as well! Weird huh?” He chuckled sheepishly and mentally punched himself using Crazy Diamond because of how utterly awkward he sounded. You raised your eyebrow in puzzlement at his strange demeanor. “Sure, I guess… Uh… Josuke are you feeling well? You’re acting a bit strange-” When your eyes moved towards the forbidden shelf Josuke quickly grabbed your shoulders and made you face him, making your eyes look into his instead.
“Actually! I- Um…” Josuke quickly tried to come up with something to say to take your attention away from the sinful magazines. You looked at him questioningly, the close proximity making your face heat up somewhat. 
“I was wondering if… If you wanted to grab lunch with me!” He quickly said, which made you look at him with wide eyes.
“You mean… Like a date? You asked, raising your eyebrow at him rather suggestively. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want to go out with Josuke, in fact, you had been thinking about asking him yourself.
“Yeah, exactly! How about later today? I’ll come pick you up!” He asked, voice filled with genuine excitement, though he hadn’t forgotten about his dare. 
“Oh, so soon?” You stared at him. “I’ll have to go get ready!” You exclaimed and looked at the front door of the store before turning your gaze back to him.
“So it’s a date?” He asked, a pleasant smile spread across his lips, rid of any signs of nervousness. You nodded in response.
“It’s a date.” You confirmed, smiling as you did. “See you later,” you said before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and heading towards the entrance. Josuke watched you go, the place on his cheek that your lips touched tingling pleasantly. When he couldn’t see your form anymore, he remembered the reason for his trip to the store and quickly turned towards the shelf with a sigh.
“What’s taking him so long?” Koichi wondered, nervously moving his gaze between the store and Okuyasu. “Do you think he got caught? I told you this wasn’t a good idea!” The dark-haired teen merely leaned back on the bench.
“Relax, he’s probably just tryna pick one with nice lookin’ chicks,” He stated with a smug smirk. “Ain’t no way they’d think he’s underage. Have you seen how tall he is?” Koichi sighed and rolled his eyes at his friend’s remark.
“It’s not about height, Okuyasu.” He once again glanced in the direction of the store. “He looks young. And it’s been a while. And I’m definitely blaming you if we get in trouble for this!”
“Hey! It ain’t my fault if he- Hey there he is!” Okuyasu glued his eyes on Josuke who walked towards them, magazine in hand. Koichi’s eyes filled with disbelief and Okuyasu began laughing hysterically. 
“You actually did it, you bastard!” He yelled as Josuke approached them, a pompous smirk decorating his face. He tossed the magazine into Okuyasu’s lap. “There’s your jerk off material.” Josuke watched as his friend let out an excited howl and began skimming through the pages.
“We’ll have to continue this game some other day,” Josuke said to Koichi, who raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He noticed the faint shade of pink dusting his cheeks. “What do you mean?”
Josuke smiled at him suggestively before letting out an excited giggle.
“Well, I can say that at least something good came out of this stupid dare.” Koichi raised a confused eyebrow at his friend.
“I have a date tonight.”
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: Nothing Else Matters
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
Pairing(s): NaraFugo / FugoNara
Summary: [In a world where it takes Pannacotta a while to come home after the events of VA...]
Patience is not a concept, but a word that bounces around in Narancia’s mind. An echo of syllables rather than something that has meaning. He can repeat it to himself as many times as he would like, but he will find none of whatever it was that Bucciarati wished to impress upon him when he spoke the word in the first place.
Notes: Also, this was honestly an excuse to write Fugo with long hair and scars.
Patience is not a concept, but a word that bounces around in Narancia’s mind. An echo of syllables rather than something that has meaning. He can repeat it to himself as many times as he would like, but he will find none of whatever it was that Bucciarati wished to impress upon him when he spoke the word in the first place.
Narancia is not patient. He is not capable. His only lapses in action come when he sleeps or when it is absolutely necessary for survival. The only things he has ever waited for are food and medical care; the latter of which nearly killed him. For Narancia, there is no virtue in patience; only unending anxiety. Worry that gnaws at his already chapped lips and pulls the threads loose in the cuffs of his sleeves. It keeps him up at night with questions that never receive answers.
How is patience a form of high moral standard (what does that even mean?) when it could mean that Fugo is out there by himself? Possibly in danger. With no one to watch his back in a Passione that is rapidly changing around him in a way that he surely is not prepared for.
It’s been a year. One very long year, and that’s accounting for the fact that Narancia spent several miserable weeks in the hospital after a two week long coma. He remembers looking out the window, unable to see the street from so high up, yet hoping he might catch a glimpse of white-blonde hair off in the distance. He had never given up hope that Fugo would stop by one day, even if only to sneak in for a moment. That day had never come, and now countless more have passed.
Giorno does his best to reassure Narancia that Fugo is alive, but that only brings about more questions and concerns. Alive is a pretty low bar to set, but it’s better than some of the scenarios that have run through Narancia’s head. It’s better than dead at Diavolo’s hands-- indirectly or otherwise--, but it only does so much to soothe Narancia’s nerves.
He can’t bring himself to ask how Giorno knows that Fugo is alive. That he’s at least surviving out there in the world where the most powerful crime syndicate is undergoing significant restructuring. Has Giorno seen him? Spoken to him? Does Fugo visit him?
Giorno’s got eyes in more places than Narancia can wrap his head around, so it’s possible that Giorno’s monitoring Fugo from a distance. And Narancia tries to ignore how that thought makes his chest ache. As if Fugo is some kind of threat to them.
The problem is that Fugo could be a threat. If he had it in him. He has more information on those closest to the Don than anyone else in the entirety of Passione combined, but he’s not a traitor. Narancia knows that like he knows the sky is blue, an observable and undeniable truth.
What almost hurts more is the thought that Fugo is talking to Giorno directly. That he’s gone to see the Don on more than one occasion, or that he has some means of reporting to Giorno that none of them are privy to. That Narancia knows of, anyway. He wouldn’t be entirely surprised to hear that Bucciarati also knows of Fugo’s whereabouts, but that thought doesn’t hurt nearly as badly as the idea that Fugo is avoiding him.
Narancia does some avoidance of his own. Mostly, it’s calendars that he can’t stand to look at. He tries his best to steer clear of them, but it’s been hard ever since he started up school again. Everything operates on a damn schedule with school. Tests, homework, tutoring (remote and not through Fugo, and he hates it)... It’s never ending, and the moment he gets his hands on one, he’s counting back all the time that’s passed.
Today marks one year, two months, and three days, and patience has gotten him absolutely nowhere.
Giorno sends for Narancia while Narancia is busy studying in the mansion’s library. He gives Mista-- the one often sent to collect for the child Don, whether it be man or money-- a look of confusion, with one eyebrow cocked and eyes searching, but Mista only shrugs,
“Dunno, dude. You’re gonna have to go see for yourself, I guess.”
Narancia doesn’t know how Mista can sound so detached. These kinds of things drive him crazy. He wants to know, and he wants to know now. Patience is bullshit, and he’s tired of pretending otherwise.
The door to Giorno’s office is a large, heavy oak thing carved with expert hands. Narancia’s fingers sink into the grooves that make up the design of foliage and wildlife. He’s found himself tracing various parts of this door more times than he can count. The scene is beautiful. One of the artist’s whim, but she had clearly understood her client, given how perfectly it fits Giorno. It’s often the first impression people get of the Don when they’re called upon. The door comes across as unnecessarily ornate, but, truly, it’s a reminder. Besides, the whole thing had been a gift. Not a single penny had been spent (well, not in commission, anyhow.)
Narancia likes it because he can usually find something he hasn’t noticed, some groove he hasn’t touched. The surface is surprisingly smooth for wood, and it feels nice under his fingers. He’s used it as a distraction before; a way to pass the time while idling outside of Giorno’s office, either as a living radar or as an invited guest.
He’s almost never there for a mission briefing. It’s rare that he gets sent out on field work at all anymore. He’s technically an ex-mafioso now. School is supposed to be his priority (it’s not), which means mafia work is saved for everyone else. Most of the time. Which raises the question: what does Giorno want?
“Come in!” Giorno calls loud enough to be heard. It startles Narancia out of his thoughts, but he brushes it off quickly and reaches for the door, only stopping for a moment because he can hear a second voice. A quiet murmur that Giorno responds to in a gentle cadence of his own. One that’s meant to be reassuring, yet sends alarm bells off in Narancia’s head. He flips Aerosmith’s radar over his eye, checking the signatures in the room. There’s definitely only two, but that doesn’t give him a whole lot to work with.
Rather than keep his boss waiting any longer, Narancia pushes the door open and peers inside, half expecting the stranger to be holding a weapon of some sort. Instead, the man stands there, stiff as a board with his back facing Narancia. He has a ratty hoodie on with the hood being pulled up in such a way that Narancia can’t see any of the man’s features. It does nothing to settle his unease. Something is going on, and he feels wholly underprepared.
“It’s alright,” Giorno says, standing from his chair and moving around his desk. Narancia doesn’t know if he’s trying to reassure the stranger or him, but he has a feeling that neither of them feels any more at ease than before the Don spoke. And what Giorno says next makes even less sense, but is definitely aimed at the stranger, “He’s been waiting for this.”
Slowly, the unknown man reaches up to lower his hood. It seems to take an eternity, but the moment Narancia sees his face is the moment when he feels like someone has punched him in the gut hard enough to go through layers of skin and muscle and fat. There’s a horrible twist in his stomach before an odd, detached hollowness settles in, and all he can do is stare in disbelief.
Fugo’s fingers linger on the rim of his hood. He holds it tight around his neck, still partially obscuring his hair and part of his jaw. His fingers remain clenched in the fabric so tightly that his knuckles have gone white, and he stands there, seemingly frozen part way through his reveal. His mouth is too obscured to see the full extent of his expression, but his brows are drawn in a frown. Bright red eyes dart suddenly from Narancia to Giorno, searching. He looks ready to run, and that’s enough to kick Narancia’s brain back into gear.
“You bastard!” Narancia’s lunging at him in an instant without bothering for his knife. He grabs at Fugo’s hood, and his fingers clasp tightly in the bunched fabric before Fugo’s hands.
Giorno moves to get between them with a hand raised, prepared to force the two apart if need be. Gold Experience manifests behind him, no doubt prepared to create a literal barrier to prevent any bloodshed.
“Don’t,” Fugo breathes, eyes darting to Giorno. “Don’t,” he repeats, “It’s fine.”
“Fuck you!”
Fugo doesn’t flinch at the exclamation, though he does sink his gaze downward and refuses to look up at Narancia. No amount of time could have prepared him for this particular reunion. Getting into contact with Mista and Giorno again had been hard enough, and that hadn’t exactly been his choice. This is an entirely different matter. One more complex than he knows how to deal with, and that’s exactly why they’re in this situation now: because he hadn’t known how else to do this.
Rude as it is to stick Giorno in the middle of all of this, it’s the only way that Fugo could assure that he would follow through with his plan to finally reintroduce himself to the rest of the team. He’s already proven himself to the Don. To Giorno. And to Mista. Though he hardly feels as though he deserves their trust. No matter how often Giorno reassures him otherwise. Still, this is more complicated.
Narancia stares him down with a fire in his eyes. Aerosmith’s radar vanishes from existence, which at least means Fugo won’t be shot, but that’s little consolation given the rage rolling off of Narancia in waves. His fists press into Fugo’s jaw, causing him to wince, and just like that something… snaps. Either inside of Fugo or in the air. It’s like a crack of thunder that rings in his ears.
“I hate you,” Narancia nearly sobs into his ear the moment he gets his arms around Fugo. He pulls him into a crushing hug with no warning and repeats the phrase ad nauseum. They both know the words aren’t true, though Fugo deserves them to be.
“I’m sorry,” Fugo breathes his response, and not just because Narancia is trying to squeeze the life out of him. His own eyes are burning with tears. Months of pent up emotions spill forward in an unstoppable avalanche, and all either of them can do is hang on tightly to the other until the worst of it passes.
Fugo barely has a moment to catch his breath before Narancia is reaching, and he flinches. Narancia’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open a bit. Nothing needs to be said for Fugo to know that he’s added one more hurt to a very long list.
“Just,” Fugo tries and glances helplessly at Giorno, but the Don seems to have made his escape in the little outburst of chaotic emotions once he had realized the two weren’t a threat to one another. “I’m different.” It sounds ridiculous in his own ears, and it doesn’t cover the reality of what he’s hiding behind his hood and his clenched fists.
Narancia laughs. A startled sound that gets ripped from him before he really processes the words, or the look on Fugo’s face. He feels bad almost immediately and tries to recover the situation by saying, “You’re you.”
Fugo inhales deeply and holds his breath a moment before he drops his hands away finally. The hood falls down around his shoulders, and he has to steel himself to avoid turning away.
“Oh,” Narancia sucks in a breath. He reaches his hands to either side of Fugo’s mouth, only hesitating a moment when Fugo stiffens, but he forces his own hands steady enough to brush his thumb over the newly gnarled skin. Well, not that new, he supposes. The scars are healed enough; no longer the bright, angry red that they once were, but it’s clear they had been painful. They may still be. Narancia thinks it must hurt when they pull at the corners of Fugo’s mouth whenever he speaks.
“Purple Haze,” Fugo explains without really explaining. He gives a half shrug and stares down, but he’s startled when Narancia surges forward and kisses him. Of all the reactions he had been expecting, that has to have been the last on his list.
It’s not as if kissing is new to them. They’ve done it plenty of times before, when they were together. Before Fugo chose to stay behind and watched Narancia swim off after the boat without him. When his feet had been cemented to the ground underneath him and his heart had been hammering in his chest and his stomach had been doing its best to turn itself inside out because they were all going to die, and nothing he could do or say would change it.
He doesn’t deserve Narancia now. Doesn’t deserve his undying devotion and his freely offered affection. He can’t justify asking for forgiveness, much less another chance at what they had before, yet here they are.
Narancia draws back with a gasp of air. His eyes bore into Fugo’s, searching, and he must find whatever he’s looking for because he’s grinning wide. “You look badass, Panna,” he says and steals a second kiss while Fugo’s brain reels violently.
The next time they break apart for air, Narancia runs both hands and eyes over Fugo, undoubtedly searching for more marks. More changes, and he finds them in the form of Fugo’s hair, which has gotten absurdly long in his time away. He can’t bring himself to let anyone cut it, and it hardly bothers him.
There’s a moment he worries that Narancia might hate it, but Narancia has his hands in the soft, white locks with that same, goofy look on his face. “You look so pretty with your hair like this,” he tells Fugo with so much love in his voice that it almost burns.
“How can I look badass and pretty?” Fugo asks, though it isn’t important. It’s something to focus on. Something that means nothing at all. His hair is inconsequential. A safe topic for him to latch onto until his heart stops pounding painfully in his chest.
“You’re asking me!” Narancia says in a non-answer. He brushes his fingers through Fugo’s hair again and again, and all Fugo can do is lean into the touch that he’s missed for so long. He hasn’t been able to let anyone else get close since that day with the damned boat. It had been like being thirteen again. Where he felt alone and scared; every noise making him jump and check over his shoulder, prepared for something ugly and unspeakable, but the only real, irreparable damage that he’s taken is from his own Stand. A penance for all the hurt that he’s inflicted on those that he cares about most.
“Does Bucci know you’re back? He’s going to lose his mind, but oh! Too bad, because I call Panna time first, and I’m not giving it up for nothin’,” not even to Bucciarati, who Narancia has the utmost respect for. He doesn’t care; he’s waited so long for this, and Fugo came back with new scars and pretty hair. They’re both things he wants to commit to his memory via the longest cuddle session he can get away with.
“Not yet, and I think he’ll understand,” Fugo replies with the barest of smiles.
“Good, let’s go!” Narancia moves his hands from Fugo’s hair to grasp at one of Fugo’s. He intertwines their fingers and tugs hard enough to nearly knock Fugo off balance, but Fugo recovers enough to allow himself to be dragged along.
He still feels like a raw nerve. Fight or flight are just on the edge of his conscious brain, and his ribs ache from the way his heart continues to beat too hard and too fast. There’s a lingering feeling that he doesn’t belong here. He doesn’t deserve any of this, but he pushes the self-hatred down for now. Somehow, Narancia doesn’t hate him, and nothing else matters.
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josukesonsen · 6 years
Psst you hear the news about them Golden Mafia Bois?
The only worry I have is how David Productions are going to even pull off Vento Aureo and redeem themselves. As much as I love and adored Diamond is Unbreakable anime, I am still bummed out that every intro for part 4 was 2D while the CGI ones always never fail to pump me up. Now, during the JoJo hiatus, David Productions was still working on other anime. At first, I thought David Pro had to hiatus on JoJo due to lack of budget. Understandable. They blew so much money for Stardust Crusaders that Dio ended up looking like this for the finale
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Fortunately, I heard they fixed these Walmart Dios for the Blu-Ray version. But it still doesn’t hide the fact that David Production struggled. And? David Productions had the balls to work on other anime such as Monster Hunter Riders (2016-2018) and Sagrada Reset (2017). So seeing this, I suspected that it wasn’t budget that made us scream “Vento Aureo Never” for two years. I am worried and wondering who is in charge of budgeting in the JoJo team of David Pro. Not to also mention, David Pro tried to satisfy us with these Rohan OVAs but let’s be real, we were all that kid from that one vine where he got an avocado for Christmas. Why am I concerned about all this? If they had a hard time with Dio in Stardust Crusaders and even other characters in Diu (DO NOT FORGET THE BUDGET QUEEN)
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Then I really don’t feel good about David Productions meeting so much high expectations when they are required to draw a cast with crazy patterns
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MISTA’S SHIRT AND PANTS ARE THE FINAL BOSS DAVID PRO HAS TO FIGHT. Jokes aside, I was looking so forward to DiU anime back in 2016 until I began seeing animation errors so early in the season. My JoJo anime magic feels was getting depleted. I love JoJo with all my heart. I genuinely do and it’s one of the series I still constantly obsess over on a daily basis to this day, after my love for JoJo resparked in 2012 (technically introduced to JoJo as a child but I was only read Phantom Blood by my dad who had been following JoJo since it began it’s debut in Shonen Jump and I didn’t follow until Crunchyroll streamed JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure).
As much as I am excited that Vento Aureo anime is even concerned, I really don’t want to sound picky but I would rather wait another year for David Pro to finally get their shit together and save more money to really start of Vento Aureo with a big intro using CGI or at least better and consistent animation. Mind you, Vento Aureo’s protag is feminine. GIORNO IS GONNA BE PINK FOR VA ANIME FOR GOD’S SAKE. And alot of people already shit on Giorno for being “quiet” or not as fun as other JoJos. I don’t want any more Giorno hate fueled with the justification due to poor animation quality. I want JoJo fans (who only follow anime) to be absolutely breath taken from Giorno, his friends, what they are all capable of and how Vento Aureo contributes to the JoJo lore especially that the cursed arrow has a bigger role in this part than its rare air time during Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable.
What made my love for JoJo still consistent for DiU despite so many animation/style changes? The music. Listen, I still blast Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town and other JoJo music in my car because it was so catchy. The music helped me get over the transition to 3D CGI intro to 2D real quick. I am yet to say anything for what will be of Vento Aureo’s debut as an anime. I can only say that I have to wait and see. So the premier of Vento Aureo anime is to be shown at Anime Expo 2018 at Los Angeles, which I will be attending (and bringing my Josuke cosplay for that premier too). I will go and watch Vento Aureo anime screening and update you guys on what’s new and what’s kept the same in Part 5. But as a conclusion, I can only wait until Anime Expo and see what David Productions can manage to cough up. Vento Aureo is so close to my heart and I really don’t want it to be half-assed because David Production wanted to pump this thing out ASAP.
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skullvis · 7 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Live Action Movie Spoilers/Review!
Hello! I’m living in Japan right now, and was lucky enough to see the new live action Jojo movie!! I’m gonna talk about the stuff they changed and the stuff they added to the movie, as well as some very big spoilers so please be sure that youre okay with spoilers before reading this! If you want to wait until the movie is available subbed or dubbed that’s fine! This is just for anyone who really wants to know about the movie right now and doesn’t want to wait! There are some pretty big differences, but it’s your choice if you want to wait or learn about them now! 
I will also give my general impression and a little review at the end. 
First off I want to say that I thought all the actors did an excellent job. I can’t imagine the pressure of portraying such iconic characters, but I felt like everyone did a spot on job. In particular, Yusuke Iseya, Jotaro’s actor did fantastic. He let himself show more emotion than I was used to seeing with Jotaro’s character, but it really worked, and he was still able to pull off Jotaro’s “seriousness”. 
Second, I want to say is that it is an adaptation. I don’t think anyone was expecting every little thing to be the same as the manga, but I do want to make it clear that a lot of stuff was cut, and that the movie only covers up to chapter 18 of DiU. I am sorry if something you liked from the manga got cut or altered, but please remember that they couldn’t even get everything in the anime which had 39 episodes. The movie had a lot of heart and even though things were changed a lot was kept true to the manga’s plot and the characters! 
Important side note--There is NO animal cruelty in this movie. Angelo doesn’t attack the man with the dog, so if you were worried about that it’s okay! You won’t have to see any animal violence. 
Things Changed: 
--The movie apparently takes place in present day, and the characters use Cell Phones. 
--Angelo is still at large instead of in prison at the start of the movie. He’s escaping from a crime scene when Keicho shoots him with the arrow, as opposed to being in jail. 
--Koichi and Josuke are now 2nd years, and Koichi is a transfer student. He and his family just moved to Morioh. 
--The scene with the turtle doesn’t happen. Instead Koichi is stopped by punks in an alley way, and that’s where Josuke fights them. 
--Koichi and Josuke have met before the alley scene, but Josuke doesn’t remember Koichi initially. Koichi doesn’t meet Jotaro until later. 
--Yukako and Koichi have a few scenes together early on. Yukako gives Koichi her english homework and tells him she’ll help him study. There’s a ton, and she pressures him to do all of it. Koichi is made uneasy by her from the start. 
--The scene where Josuke saves the girl at the convenience store happens before Josuke meets Jotaro. 
--Tomoko doesn’t get to punch a guy into his car :c 
--A lot more time is spent on Josuke grieving his grandpa right after he dies. Even Jotaro is pretty choked up by it. The actors did a really good job in that scene. Josuke cries :c
--Jotaro freezes time during the fight with Angelo
--The fight with Angelo and Angelo’s being turned into a rock is almost entirely the same as the manga/the closest they could get. The fight scenes were done wonderfully. 
--We actually see Josuke and Tomoko go to Ryohei’s funeral. Koichi also goes, as do many of the other kids from Josuke’s high school apparently. I can only guess this is cause Ryohei was a well known police officer. 
--Josuke sees Keicho watching the funeral and chases after him, leading him to the Nijimura’s house. Koichi follows Josuke after seeing him leave, and that’s how they both get there. 
--Dio is not mentioned in the film at all (if he was, I missed it)
--The fight between the Nijimura’s and Josuke and Koichi is done beautifully and with a lot of detail to make it as close to the source as possible. The only differences were that Echoes hatched during the fight with Keicho and that (THIS IS A MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER THAT WILL EFFECT THE SECOND MOVIE AS WELL SO BEFORE YOU READ PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW THIS!!!)
--Red Hot Chili Pepper is not the stand that kills Keicho. Sheer Heart Attack is. (sorry Akira Otoishi fans) I personally think this was a really smart move on their part, as DiU is fucking long as hell. It’s clear that they’re trying to move the story along to get as much of the main plot in as they can. While I also have to admit that I am sad we aren’t gonna get to see every minor character and plot line, I also understand why they did and think it was a great choice. My opinion may change later but for now I think it was the best decision. 
--After that, there is a final scene of Okuyasu, Josuke, and Koichi being friends and going to school, with all three of them saying “Yo” to the Angelo rock. There is a stinger that shows Kira’s house, and shows that he now has the arrow. 
Things that were added:
--Angelo meets with Keicho and they have a meal together? Angelo threatens Keicho with his stand and Keicho whips out Bad Company and puts that nonsense to bed. 
--Jotaro calls Joseph and talks to him in English. I can’t remember if this was ever specified in the manga or not, that they spoke English, but I guess he can speak English! Also major props to Yusuke again, because I could understand everything he said fairly easily without subtitles. It was clear he put in the practice and had pretty good pronunciation. c: 
--There’s a scene where Yukako stops Koichi on the way to school, and asks him if he notices anything different about her. The first thing he guesses is her hair, but eventually she tells him it’s her nails. She asks him to compliment her nails, and as Koichi is about to (mostly out of fear) he suddenly gets teleported a few feet away from where he was standing. Okuyasu is then shown to be standing nearby. I don’t know if this was a reference to him being jealous of Koichi getting confessed to in the manga, but either way it was pretty funny. 
--Josuke asks Tomoko why she never got married, to which she replies that she’s never been able to fall for guys. She says there was only one man she ever loved and it was Josuke’s father. I may be off on this next part (my Japanese is iffy sometimes) but then she says that Josuke is a lot like his father/ reminds her a lot of his father. Josuke laughs a bit and then says that he thinks he takes more after Ryohei (and her? I’m not sure) 
References to other parts of the series:
--Near the beginning of the movie, Koichi straightens his “Pink Dark Boy” comics on his shelf, and also hangs a “Pink Dark Boy” poster on his wall. 
--Tomoko mentions that she went to a cute new Italian cafe called “Trattoria Trussardi” and says that she and Josuke should go together sometime. 
That’s all I can think of for right now! 
As for my thoughts on the movie, I loved it! I don’t think it’s a perfect movie, but it’s clear a lot of effort went into it to make it as close to the original material as possible while still being it’s own thing. The Stands all looked really good in opinion, especially The Hand and Echoes. The only one that was a little iffy occasionally was Star Platinum, who was a little uncanny at times because of his more human features. Crazy Diamond also looked really good. 
Again, I thought it was great. Maybe the pacing was a bit off at some points, but altogether I thought it was a great adaptation and I really really hope that they’re able to make Chapter 2. I’ve heard that the movie isn’t doing too well in the Japanese box office which is unfortunate...Hopefully things will pick up soon with the Sendai Jojo fest starting on Saturday! 
So finally, TLDR: The movie is great, the stands looked good, things had to be changed but it was for the best, and actors and actresses all did a fantastic job <3
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xehanortsreport · 7 years
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Alt Battle with Terunosuke Miyamoto
Oh boy, this was something. X"D I had fun with this, this was a good chapter, this was a good rewrite- ———————-
As the paper unfolded, a familiar bubblegum colored fist emerged from within, knocking Terunosuke back a good distance. But, he rose as quickly as he was knocked down, tightly gripping a piece of paper between both hands.
“Now that I’m back, there’s something I gotta finish… Hmm…what was it again…? Oh right, I said I would flipping kill you.”
Terunosuke displayed the paper in front of himself. “STAND BACK! If you get any closer I won’t hesitate to rip Yuya’s card-!”
“[ECHOES ACT 3]! Freeze!”
By those words, Terunosuke’s hands slammed into the grass below like a rock as they became increasingly heavy.
“You know…I hate people like you…”
The white haired teen looked up from his heavy hands to see Josuke towering over him, hair strands sticking on edge as he just barely contained his anger.
“Threaten people with hostages? You’ve GOT to be kidding me. Not to mention…you took my dad…” Josuke gritted his teeth, displaying their inhuman shapes as his pupils shrunk in response to the ever growing rage he felt. “I HATE people who mess with my dad. Don’t think I’ll let you get away with this, oh no… I’ll make you pay, and I’m gonna enjoy every minute of it.”
Koichi looked over towards his friend concerned, his words faded into a whisper…was he okay? But Koichi’s question was soon answered as Josuke turned slightly towards him.
“Thanks Koichi, you can go home now.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I got this. Besides, Yuya is here.”
“But what if he turns on you?”
“That won’t happen.”
Koichi could’ve sworn he saw Josuke smile after saying that… He shrugged it off and waved goodbye to his friend.
“Alright, see you Josuke. If you need me you know where to find me.”
No reply came from Josuke as he watched Koichi walk back home, once out of sight, the pompdaur teen turned towards his prey with a evil grin.
“Now, let’s get started.”
“W-wait! Please understand, I-I…I only scare people to study them! I wanted to practice my observation skills, and, and to better master my Stand, [ENIGMA]!” Terunosuke got on his knees and bowed towards Josuke. “P-please forgive me! I realize now that what I did was wrong! I-! Guh, please don’t kill me!”
The poor teen was on the bring of tears, begging for his life to be spared. But Josuke didn’t care, in fact, Terunosuke’s pleading annoyed Josuke because of how pathetic he was.
Josuke slammed the heel of his shoe into the hands of the grovelling person before him, causing said person to yelp out in pain.
“YOU GOTTA BE TUGGING MY COLLAR HERE. After EVERYTHING you’ve done up until now, all you’ve got to say for yourself is ”ooohhh I’m so sorry, please forgive me“. You messed with my dad, and I can’t forgive ANYONE who does that!”
But, Josuke’s angered expression was soon replaced with a devilish smile.
“You know…I’ve noticed something about you.”
While Josuke couldn’t see it, Terunosuke’s eyes shrank in fear from those words.
“I noticed that…something with your eyes… I’ve noticed they do this ooooooone little thing, this thing whenever you get scared. Man, if only I could remember the word for it~”
He noticed the white haired teen shivering in fear.
“Ah, you’re afraid~! Good good, then that must mean your eyes are doing the thing~”
“I…I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Terunosuke said quietly.
“What~? You never noticed that your eyes sq-”
Josuke smiled as a dark chuckle escaped his lips.
“Your eyes. When you’re afraid your eye does the thing….you squint one eye when you’re scared.”
“No! I don’t-!”
“But…when you’re REALLY terrified…”
Josuke flashes Terunosuke a crazed smile as [CRAZY DIAMOND] emerged from behind.
“And when you’re REALY terrified~!” a quick crazed burst of laughter came from his as he enjoyed the frightened sight of his opponent. “You squint both eyes!”
No matter how much he denied it, Terunosuke still gave into his fear sign and squinted both eyes, just as Josuke had said. And with his guard down, Josuke swooped in for an attack.
[CRAZY DIAMOND] rapidly punched his target with enough force to shatter bones, while also making sure he ended up fused with the shredded paper nearby. Once the merging was done, the end result was a strange looking book.
Josuke picked it up and quickly flicked through the pages.
“What a nice little book…”
Then suddenly, Josuke ripped off 7 pages from the book, grinning sadisticly as a loud yet faint horrid screech of pain was heard coming from the book. It’s sound made the nearby Yuya shiver.
The teen once again let loose a crazed laugh. “Amazing! He can still feel pain!”
He then proceeded to run his long, sharp nails against the cover of the book. Picking up his hand revealed some blood has spilled, going on to lick the trace amounts as he thought of more devilish things to do to the book.
“I’m starting to love this toy~”
Josuke threw the book down using his Stand’s immense power, the harsh impact caused some chunks of dirt to be sprayed about. After a few bounces, and giving the book to land, the teen gashed the book’s front and back cover with the heels of his shoes. The horrible screaming continued.
Greatly disturbed by the pained screams, and psychotic laughter from Josuke, Yuya felt the need to step in, placing a hand on Josuke’s shoulder to grab his attention.
“Oi, Josuke. Don’t you think you’re going a bit too far-?”
A close ranged punch was developed to Yuya’s hand in a blink of an eye, causing him to finally give off a pained yelp.
“And that’s why I like to keep you around Yuya.” Josuke licked his lips before continuing. “But don’t you EVER tell me what to do, GOT IT!?”
He kicked Yuya’s legs before slamming his shoe into his gut, causing the person below him to cough of blood. “GIVE ME AN ANSWER YOU PATHETIC MUTT!”
“Y-yes…I..g-get it…!” Yuya choked out.
“Good. Now, let me fix up your hand.”
Josuke summoned [CRAZY DIAMOND] who floated towards the downed teen, placing a few inches above his to heal it. Once done, the Stand disappeared and he got up.
Yuya checked his newly fixed hand to see it that it was indeed fixed, but…his hand was now bend in a unnatural way.
“I though you said you would fix my hand!”
“Oh, but I did! You can still move your wrist right? And your fingers? What more do you want.”
“This isn’t fixed!”
“Watch your tone, mutt. You should be happy that I haven’t bound you to an item like I did Terunosuke here.”
Yuya wanted to keep going, but he knew that he would only just suffer more.
“Now…to free my dad…”
Josuke walked up to the piece of paper that laid on the floor, the kanji for “Joseph” was written on it. Slowly, but surly the teen picked it up, tightly grasping it in his hands.
“Okay…dad… It’s time to wake up…”
Opening the paper, Josuke held his now freed father in his arms, keeping him close.
“You tell anyone about this, and I’ll fuse your teeth with your eyes.”
Giving off one last glare, Josuke made his way back home, slightly lamenting over his untidy hair, leaving Yuya to want to collapse from everything.
“If I get a therapist he’ll do more then just fuse my teeth with my eyes….he’ll flipping fuse me with another human…!”
hooooOOOLY SHIT JOSUKE??? love my boy but someone’s gonna have to put baby in a corner here
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recentanimenews · 5 years
A Beginner's Guide To Dragon Ball
What is your great shame as an anime fan? What show has absolutely everyone seen but you? What titles in your backlog do you scroll over thinking you’ll watch it someday but never do? What series has your continued hesitance to engage with developed into an elitist disdain for? What colossal, inescapable anime will you never EVER watch?
  Hello, my name is Danni, and I’ve never seen a single episode of Dragon Ball.
      Let me explain myself. Growing up, there were few shows my siblings and I were allowed to watch on TV. It’s not just Dragon Ball Z that I missed out on. Name your favorite childhood show and I’ve probably never seen it. I did end up falling deep into the anime hole in my teen years, but I developed a habit of only watching short anime. My backlog was (and still is) massive, so I stuck to shows I could knock out in under a week. If it ran more than two seasons, I just didn’t have time for it.
  Lately, though, I’ve started to change my tune. I’ve been watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure since season one and got pretty deep into My Hero Academia last year. I’ve had a pretty snobbish attitude towards shonen anime for awhile now, but I think I’m starting to see the appeal. I could start watching Naruto...nah, maybe another time.
    Come to think of it, Dragon Ball Super ended pretty recently, didn’t it? I feel like everyone I know was freaking out about that final battle. I’ve also had this Dragon Ball FighterZ game for a month now, and it’s actually really cool. I know I’ve always thought that Dragon Ball Z can’t possibly be as good as it is long, but maybe it’s time I gave it a fair shot.
  It’s settled then. I’ll try watching Dragon Ball Z. My favorite characters in FighterZ are from Super, so I guess I should watch that, too. Isn’t there also an anime that comes before Z? I hate starting a series from the middle, so I’ll watch that, too. How many episodes is that in total? 575? Great, this is gonna take me like six years or something. Ah well. I can always slip into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to watch them. I don’t know what that is yet, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon. See you all in a year!
    Wow, what a year! It’s been so long since I wrote all that other stuff before. That definitely wasn’t all a bit I just wrote because I hadn’t started writing for Crunchyroll a year ago. It’s been a whole eleven months since I started watching Dragon Ball, and it’s been about three weeks since I finished Super just in time to catch the new movie. I’m living in a post-Dragon Ball world now, and there’s a Goku-shaped hole in my heart that I don’t know how to fill. I have a deeper appreciation for this series now than I ever expected to have, and I’ve been itching to tell you all about it.
  What can I say about Dragon Ball that hasn’t already been said, though? Surely its legions of fans don’t need me to tell them what they already know. Then I realized something. I can’t be the only one who hadn’t seen it. Somewhere, somehow, someone out there right now has yet to experience for themselves the joys of Toei’s crowning achievement.  They’re probably sitting there right now asking themselves why they should watch it now after so long. Their thoughts might be clogged with preconceived notions about the series that couldn’t be further from the truth. Mine were. I’d like to right that wrong, so I’ve compiled a list of seven things I didn’t know until I saw for myself. This is the beginner’s guide to watching Dragon Ball.
It’s perfect for binge-watching
    The biggest lie you’ll ever hear about Dragon Ball from both fans and critics alike is that there are long stretches of episodes full of attacks charging and nothing else. It was something I had always heard about the show and was warned about when I decided to check it out. I waited and waited for these fabled episodes and by the end of DBZ, I realized they don’t exist (Before you ask, no, I wasn’t watching Kai). To be fair, there are times in the show when a character needs to spend most or all of an episode charging an attack. This isn’t near as boring as it sounds, though, as there is always a battle taking place to defend that character and usually a B plot to cut away to.
  Climactic battles do tend to drag on a lot in Dragon Ball, I’ll admit. So if you were a kid only able to watch at the pace of one episode a week, it would sure feel like nothing was happening. I watched the entire series at an average pace of almost two episodes a day, and that made all the difference. I was able to see battles play out over a few hours rather than a few months. If it ever got dull (which it did sometimes), I could just leave it on in the background and listen to some legendary voices shout at each other while browsing Twitter or playing on my Switch. Most of the time, though, my eyes were glued to the screen, anxious to see what would happen next.
  It’s actually about martial arts
I’m honestly a little embarrassed that I didn’t already know this. My second-hand exposure to Dragon Ball had only ever shown me clips and images of people flying around shooting energy beams and fireballs at each other. It wasn’t until I saw FighterZ gameplay in action that I realized there’s hand-to-hand combat in the show, and it took watching the original series for me to learn it’s the whole dang focus. In fact, a large chunk of the series’ sagas take place in or under the guise of a worldwide martial arts tournament, most of which can be found in the original series. Speaking of which…
  You can skip the original series, but you should still give it a shot
  Everyone I know thought I was crazy for not simply starting with Z. I thought I was crazy for not starting with Z. I had been told over and over again that everything that needed to be explained from it eventually gets explained in its sequel. I had been warned countless times that it’s so far apart from what it eventually becomes. I knew all this, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d be missing part of the story if I skipped it. So, I took the plunge. Now, eleven months later, I’m here to tell you that, yeah, you don’t need it to watch Z and Super, but you should still watch it anyway.
  The thing that will surprise you most about Dragon Ball is that it isn’t an action series yet -- it’s an adventure series. Loosely inspired by the classic adventure novel Journey to the West, the original series largely revolves around a young Goku’s quests to retrieve the seven Dragon Balls that can (presumably) grant any wish when brought together. Along the way, he encounters a series of villains who all seek the Dragon Balls for some nefarious reason, and Goku takes it on himself to stop them.
  Admittedly, the original series takes awhile to get going. It’s incredibly dated in some of the worst ways, making the first half of the series a bit of a slog to get through. Still, though, it features the first World Martial Arts Tournament saga, which offered me my first glimpses at Dragon Ball’s potential. The latter half of the series kicks off with its second tournament arc, aka the Tien Shinhan saga, aka the moment I finally fell in love with Dragon Ball. It’s here that Dragon Ball offered it’s best action and most compelling characters to date in the show. It still sits as my personal favorite tournament arc in the series. Dragon Ball manages to keep the momentum rolling with great arc after great arc as it launches itself straight into Z. It has its fair share of flaws and isn’t altogether necessary, but it’s absolutely still worth your time.
  The titular Dragon Balls aren’t lost for long
    So when Dragon Ball’s first episode ended with Goku and Bulma beginning their quest to find all seven Dragon Balls, I got a little antsy. I asked, “Is this gonna be like One Piece where they’re gonna need over a thousand episodes just to find the Dragon Balls?” Turns out I was about 987+ episodes short on my guess there. It really doesn’t take them long at all to find Dragon Balls and make their wish, even if it doesn’t exactly go as planned.
Every time the Dragon Balls are used, they disappear for a full year. This means that most of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z’s first sagas bounce back and forth between quests to find them and killing time until they can be used again. At some point in Z, though, the goal posts shift to a point where obtaining the Dragon Balls becomes completely trivial and they merely act as macguffins for resurrecting dead cast members.
  Power levels don’t actually matter
    If you’ve existed on the internet at all within the last decade and a half, you’ve likely seen the most popular Dragon Ball meme over nine-thousand times already. Between all the memes and chatter from fans, I learned about Dragon Ball’s power levels long before I ever saw them in action. Everyone has a power level and if your power level is lower than someone else’s, you’re guaranteed to lose. At least, that’s what I thought. As it turns out, power levels don’t actually mean that much in the grand scope of Dragon Ball.
  They’re first introduced in the very first episode of DBZ supposedly with the rules I listed until Goku surprises everyone by actually raising his power level. The first few sagas in DBZ are filled with villains boasting about their power levels only to somehow be defeated by someone whose power level had been lower just moments ago. It doesn’t even take Goku half the series to defeat the highest power level in the universe, at which point the term has already become meaningless.
  Super nullifies the concept even further by bringing back characters whose powers had long since been eclipsed and making them legitimate contenders. I wish someone had cleared this up for me much sooner. I had always figured that Dragon Ball fights were done deals where the highest power level always won. Who wants to watch a battle anime where the underdog never wins? Thankfully, Dragon Ball is all about the underdogs.
  Goku is pretty cool
    The hero of the story is cool. Big shocker, I know, but bear with me. If you only know Goku through clips of him fighting, of course it makes sense that he’s cool. However, once you actually start watching Dragon Ball, you kind of forget all about it, because he’s a massive goofball 99% of the time. He’s a dork from the countryside who only ever thinks about eating and fighting and doesn’t know what a kiss is despite having two sons and a granddaughter. He’s childish and naive, but when the chips are down and he gets serious, he gets serious. It rules every single time.
  Get this, Dragon Ball is really good
    Like, really really good. Don’t get me wrong, I had hoped to appreciate Dragon Ball when I first began watching it, but I never expected to fall this deeply in love with it. I spent nearly a full year watching every single episode of this series -- a series I had never intended to watch before. I spent literal hundreds of hours of my year bonding with Goku and his pals, and it hasn’t even been a month and I already wanna do it all over again.
Dragon Ball is a monolithic, world-renowned series for a reason, and that reason is because it’s freaking GOOD. Its cast is iconic, its art style is timeless, its action is to die for, and it only gets better and better as it goes on. Seriously, it’s been more than three decades since the show began and it’s still blowing minds at the box office. It isn’t a series that rests on its laurels and name recognition alone, it constantly one-ups itself with every iteration.
  I know, there probably aren’t many of you out there who haven’t seen Dragon Ball and thus most of you won’t find this article very useful. That doesn’t matter to me right now. Because I know I’m not alone. I know there are people out there just like I used to be who at best think they don’t have time for Dragon Ball and at worst think it’s somehow beneath them. Even if there are only twelve people like that out there, I want all twelve of them to read this piece and rethink their prior misconceptions.
If that doesn’t apply to you, yet you’re still with me anyway, first of all, thank you. Second of all, I want you to think of the Dragon Ball in your life. What show do you think you don’t have the time for? What show do you think isn’t worth your time? If you’ve learned anything from me today, I want it to be this: that show might be your next favorite. You’ll never know until you sit down and watch it.
    Are you a lifelong fan of Dragon Ball? A relative newcomer like Danni? Did you not even know it existed before? Let us know in the comments below!
Danni Wilmoth is a Features and Social Videos writer for Crunchyroll and also co-hosts the video game podcast Indiecent. You can find more words from her on Twitter @NanamisEgg.
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