#when I’ve finished grinding Malcolm Shaw’s International Law
booberryfun · 2 years
Just a question how do I credit you for your prompts because I might use them for my book.
Oh my god I am crying right now 😭 (and at the same time trying not to scream because it’s 10.30pm and my entire family is asleep)
Okay okay first up thank you so much I can’t believe my prompts can inspire someone- anyone to write a book this is awesome 😍😍
And to credit me you can simply tag me Credit to/ In courtesy of/ Prompt by @booberryfun
As long as you tag me that’s fine 😄
I’m really excited and looking forward to your book! (whether or not you use my prompts)
Good luck! 🍀
I’ve also included credit procedures(?) on my Masterlist (pinned post) ^^
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