#when I tell you I have not gone 24 hours without smoking weed since age 17 I am not joking
angelnumber27 · 1 year
I am out of weed please wish me a very not have panic attacks, lose my mind or throw up constantly
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pagesandmagic · 4 years
folklore || the 1
description: she left the outer banks two years ago and now she’s coming back for the summer. they haven’t seen each other since she skipped town without telling him. they’ve both hurt each other, so how do they come back from heartbreak?
warnings: slight swearing, angst, S L O W B U R N. 
series based on songs from the album ‘folklore’ by taylor swift.
author’s note: i haven’t wrote any kind of series in YEARS so this is going to be a challenge, but i’m so up for it. s/o to tay for coming out with the most beautiful album ever. (also thank you for your support of everything i’m doing lately. holy crap it means so much.)
 Part Two (this is me trying) | Part Three (mad woman)
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he knew she was on her way back to the outer banks.
it had been two years since he saw her face. he hadn't heard her voice in 24 months. 730 days. 17,520 hours. 1,051,200 minutes. it was the longest he had gone without speaking to her since they were ten. 
now, at the age of 20, he was feeling a hole in his heart that he had never felt before. there were so many moments of wanting to call her, drop everything and go to her.
he knew that photography was her dream and that she couldn’t have turned down the offer to travel the country with a popular wedding photographer, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less when she left. 
she left without a word to him, instead telling the other pogues the day before she skipped town. in so many ways, his world came crashing down in front of him. but he knew he didn’t deserve a goodbye. he hurt her in the same way, if not more.
the car ride to the outer banks was a long one. after finishing her last wedding of the spring, she decided to take the summer off after working every day for almost two years. she missed her family and the friends who became her family. 
she kept in touch with the people closest to her, sarah, john b, pope and kiara. they were the ones who encouraged her to chase her dreams, but not to forget where she had come from. they were the reason she was making the 15 hour drive back to her hometown. spending the summer back in the place she grew up would be both wonderful and terrifying all at the same time. 
she missed her friends more than anything, but terrifying because for the first time in all of her 19 years, her life was going impeccably well. she said yes to an opportunity that allowed her to live outside of the outer banks and chase a dream that she had had since she was little. her entire life had been filled with “no’s” and playing it safe, but for the first time her life was fulfilling. 
but the outer banks was home. she missed the salty smell of the beach and the heat of the north carolina coast. she missed the chateau and drinking with the pogues into the morning. she missed the simplicity that came with living on a little island and was ready to spend a summer living a quieter life. 
she felt a pit in the bottom of her stomach, thinking about the one reason she almost didn't come back. jj maybank.
he was sitting at the edge of the dock, his feet dangling into the cool water. a chill ran down his spine, from the temperature and at the thought of seeing her tomorrow. what was he going to say? should he say anything at all? everyone was home from college for the summer and would be at the chateau waiting for her. they would spent the day on the water, just like old times. except this was nothing like the old times. 
everything had changed. college was just the beginning of the end. he could feel it in his bones. it seemed like sarah and john b were on a fast track for marriage. with all the impulsive things they had done in the past, jj was sure they would “accidentally” end up in a courthouse someday or john b would propose with a fucking ring pop out of spontaneity. 
kie and pope had an "on and off" relationship, almost every week. most of their friends couldn't keep up. kie would spend a few months traveling, then visit pope for a few months, long distance took it's toll on them, but they were making it work. 
so he was the only one left. the only one waking up alone. the only one that stuck around in the obx. he wanted so desperately to get out for good, to leave and never come back. but what was he going to do? it's not like he was set up for success. there was always one road block after another preventing him from leaving. so he just stayed, worked his ass off to bring the chateau back to life and fix up the place that he now called home. hoping that one day it would all pay off. wondering each day if one thing had been different, would everything be different? 
she had just crossed the border into north carolina when her phone lit up. 
can't wait to see you tomorrow, Fin! 
of course, sarah would be the one to text her first. a smile grew across her face reading the nickname her friends had given her in middle school. it's what most people in her life had now called her, and it just stuck. she honestly couldn't remember where it came from, but it felt good to be a part of something familiar again.
she had been pretty nervous about seeing her friends, knowing that she had dropped the move on them suddenly, unexpectedly. it definitely wasn't fair to them but she needed out of the outer banks. it was hard to live there. reliving the pain that made her want to leave in the first place. seeing jj everyday dug the dagger in her heart a little deeper. 
they were good together. like really good. the most shaping points of their lives were spent together. she remembered the night they spent together the summer before their sophomore year of high school. 
the pogues had left for a party at the boneyard, but she decided to stay back at the chateau because of a headache. jj stayed with her in order to avoid the possibility of seeing the touron he had just had a one night stand with. 
they set up camp in the living room, jj beat her three times at mario kart and she beat him the last round. he offered her a blunt and she said no, too nervous that the volleyball team would do a random drug test before school started. instead she spent the night letting the vodka burn down her throat as jj filled the room with smoke. 
they had been going on four years of friendship and she was by far the closest to him. if jj was there, so was she. most days, they seemed like a package deal. each of the pogues had begun to notice and questioned them almost daily. 
two hours into their night, she wasn't sure if it was the buzz she had from the alcohol or the way that jj was intently staring at her as she drank, but the words escaped her mouth without any second guess. "have you ever thought about us?" all jj did was nod. soon enough, their mouths collided in a mess of weed and alcohol and their bodies felt as if they melted together. and that was the beginning. 
from that night on, they were inseparable for almost three years. spending days on the hms pogue, drinking too late, eating at the wreck, visiting the drive in theater, riding jj's bike around the island. those three years were the best of her life. he pulled her walls down, gave her a reason to keep moving forward. they dreamed of traveling the world together, getting out of the outer banks for good. she thought he was the one. the one who would be her person for life. the one she would grow old with. the one she would create a life with. 
that's not something you can throw away overnight. but he did.  
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toast-connoisseur · 4 years
ALL of the Ask Me Stuff questions
* 1: Full name: For safety purposes I’ll shorten it: Maria Barbara Gonzalez (yes, that’s the shortened version. I’m Mexican lol)
* 2: Age: 25
* 3: 3 Fears: Being buried alive, anything bad happening to a loved one, SPIDERS
* 4: 3 things I love: My family, my friends, movies
* 5: 4 turn ons: soft touches, kissing, making me food, a confident personality
* 6: 4 turn offs: Overly cocky people, racists, chewing with your mouth open
* 7: My best friend: I’m lucky to have several and I love them all with the individual pieces of my heart they each own
* 8: Sexual orientation: Queer/Gay
* 9: My best first date: I don’t think I’ve ever really gone on one tbh lol
* 10: How tall am I: 5’1 (barely make it to the 1)
* 11: What do I miss: Bars/clubs and Disneyland. Hugging people. Not losing so many people on a daily basis...
* 12: What time was I born: 3:38AM
* 13: Favourite color: Blood red (NOT maroon)
* 14: Do I have a crush: I always crush on random girls
* 15: Favourite quote: “Seduce my mind and you can have my body. Find my soul and I’m yours forever.”
* 16: Favourite place: It was once Disneyland now, I don’t really have a place lol
* 17: Favourite food: All of it. Of course Mexican food takes the top of the list though
* 18: Do I use sarcasm: Noooo, you think?!
* 19: What am I listening to right now: I’m watching Buffy
* 20: First thing I notice in new person: What vibes you’re giving off
* 21: Shoe size: 7 for the most part but sometimes I can fit into size 4 kid shoes
* 22: Eye color: Dark brown
* 23: Hair color: naturally: dark brown, right now: black
* 24: Favourite style of clothing: comfortable but more on the lines of retro/rockabilly
* 25: Ever done a prank call? Yes!
* 27: Meaning behind my URL: I love toast
* 28: Favourite movie: I have so many but one is Saved!
* 29: Favourite song: Lots, but Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship
* 30: Favourite band: Avenged Sevenfold
* 31: How I feel right now: Mellow
* 32: Someone I love: my nephew
* 33: My current relationship status: single
* 34: My relationship with my parents: could be better, but it’s there
* 35: Favourite holiday: Halloween
* 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: I have two piercings on each ear, my bellybutton pierced, and 6 tattoos (R foot, R ankle, L thigh, L wrist, L bicep, R bicep)
* 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: I want most of my body covered in tattoos so I have a long way to go. As for piercings, I want at least two more per ear.
* 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: my friends said it would be a good time
* 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I wouldn’t say hate, but we’re not friends anymore
* 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Yes!
* 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? No
* 42: When did I last hold hands? It’s been too long :(
* 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? I work from home now so 0 minutes
* 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Yes
* 45: Where am I right now? In my bed
* 46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? My best friends
* 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable usually. I have very sensitive hearing.
* 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? They actually live with me, but it’s temporary.
* 49: Am I excited for anything? My upcoming move
* 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes, two actually
* 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? -I work Monday-Friday
* 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? -OOF
* 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Hot
* 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? -Everyone has different trust levels tbh. My best friends hold top tier.
* 55: What is something I disliked about today? I had to work
* 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Beyoncé!
* 57: What do I think about most? The future I want
* 58: What’s my strangest talent? I honestly don’t think I have one? I guess being able to mimic certain voices/accents sometimes but I wouldn’t say I’m pro
* 59: Do I have any strange phobias? I don’t think they’re strange, I just hate feet
* 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
* 61: What was the last lie I told? “I’ll work on that”
* 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? It depends who I’m talking to, but phone tbh
* 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Both are very real
* 64: Do I believe in magic? Yes
* 65: Do I believe in luck? To an extent
* 66: What’s the weather like right now? Nice and cold
* 67: What was the last book I’ve read? I strictly read fanfiction lately
* 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Don’t love it, don’t hate it
* 69: Do I have any nicknames? Barbie, Barbs, whore, homo... you know, cute stuff
* 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I split my eyebrow open and had to get stitches
* 71: Do I spend money or save it? Por que no los dos?!
* 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? No, but my best friend can and it’s so cool!
* 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? My sweats are pink
* 74: Favourite animal? I love animals but wolves are pretty top tier
* 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping
* 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Sexy. Mr. Sexy.
* 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? -I Wanna Get Better by the Bleachers
* 78: How can you win my heart? Be nice to me and have good conversations to me and occasionally buy me chocolate
* 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? The entire lyrics to Act Up by City Girls
* 80: What is my favorite word? Motherfucker
* 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I honestly bounce to and from so many. There’s no way I can only pick 5. All the ones I reblog from are so great!
* 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? STOP GOING TO PARTIES
* 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I’m aware of
* 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? I can turn invisible
* 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? None really tbh
* 86: What is my current desktop picture? I made it into a winter wonderland for the holidays
* 87: Had sex? “It’s been 84 years...”
* 88: Bought condoms? I’m gay
* 89: Gotten pregnant? See above
* 90: Failed a class? I think in middle school maybe?
* 91: Kissed a boy? Yes
* 92: Kissed a girl? Yes
* 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Sadly, no
* 94: Had a job? Sadly (but also thankfully since I need money)
* 95: Left the house without my wallet? No
* 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No
* 97: Had sex in public? Yes
* 98: Played on a sports team? Yes
* 99: Smoked weed? Yes
* 100: Did drugs? Yes
* 101: Smoked cigarettes? Yes
* 102: Drank alcohol? Yes
* 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No
* 104: Been overweight? No
* 105: Been underweight? Yes
* 106: Been to a wedding? Yes
* 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
* 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes
* 109: Been outside my home country? Yes
* 110: Gotten my heart broken? Sorta but I bounced back pretty quick so idk if that counts
* 111: Been to a professional sports game? Long ago
* 112: Broken a bone? No
* 113: Cut myself? I’m very accident prone
* 114: Been to prom? Yes
* 115: Been in airplane? Yes
* 116: Fly by helicopter? No
* 117: What concerts have I been to? So so so many. I miss them.
* 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? I’m gaaaaaaaay
* 119: Learned another language? I’ve been bilingual since I was a child
* 120: Wore make up? Yes
* 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? No
* 122: Had oral sex? Yes
* 123: Dyed my hair? Yes
* 124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes
* 125: Rode in an ambulance? I worked for an ambulance company so just for fun
* 126: Had a surgery? Besides oral?
* 127: Met someone famous? I live in LA, so yes lol
* 128: Stalked someone on a social network? No
* 129: Peed outside? Yes
* 130: Been fishing? No, I’d like to!
* 131: Helped with charity? Yes
* 132: Been rejected by a crush? Fifth grade was a tough year for my love life...
* 133: Broken a mirror? No
* 134: What do I want for birthday? To be able to see all my friends in a safe environment
* 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? I’d like as many as I can comfortably afford. I’d have to discuss with the (future) wife about names
* 136: Was I named after anyone? The Virgin Mary (la Virgen Maria) and some Spanish actress named Barbara something...
* 137: Do I like my handwriting? No
* 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? I loved dolls
* 139: Favourite Tv Show? Bewitched
* 140: Where do I want to live when older? California forever unless properly convinced otherwise
* 141: Play any musical instrument? Used to play trumpet and alto sax. Can’t play anymore lol
* 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? See Q70
* 143: Favourite pizza toping? Pepperoni. I love all sorts of toppings but that’s my fav
* 144: Am I afraid of the dark? No
* 145: Am I afraid of heights? Yes
* 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yes
* 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Daily
* 148: What I’m really bad at: Focusing. In my defense, I have ADHD
* 149: What my greatest achievments are: graduating college, getting promoted at work, buying my own car, purchasing a home
* 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I once got told “good luck on the short bus” by a guy that was upset I make more money than he does
* 151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: take care of all my bills, invest, and then try to help as many of my loved ones as I could with theirs
* 152: What do I like about myself: my resilience
* 153: My closest Tumblr friend: @itssofragile
* 154: Something I fantasise about: My future
* 155: Any question you’d like? Nah, I think we’re good!
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Get to know me uncomfortably well - tagged by @livewiredroger ❤️ sorry this took so long to post!! 
1. What is your middle name? 
2. How old are you? 
21, gonna be 22 in a couple months
3. When is your birthday?
December 4th! A day after Ozzy’s
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Light purple and black
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t actually know
7. Do you have any pets?
No but I did have a dog!
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5’0 lmao
10. What shoe size are you? 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
Too many to count lol
12. What was your last dream about? 
I don’t remember 😅
13. What talents do you have?
None lol. I’m boring af
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
Nope lol
15. Favourite song? 
I’m a believer by the monkees (I’ve always loved that song)
16. Favourite movie? 
The Godfather
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
Keanu Reeves. He has my heart and soul
18. Do you want children? 
Yeah but only like 2
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
Yeah but nothing too big
20. Are you religious? 
Kinda but not really. Like I acknowledge that there could be a God. But I don’t practice it that much. So basically I’M SINNING AND I’M WINNING
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
Yeah. Twice. Once cause I had a bad ear infection and then another time I had pneumonia
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
Yes I have! Back in my emo days I meet Christofer Drew from Never Shout Never, which was actually pure luck! NSN was in town for a concert, but I couldn’t go because it was a 18+ venue so I couldn’t get in (I was in 8th grade at the time). So my family and I decided to go out to eat at a restaurant which was coincidentally across from the venue. So we were walking down the street and I see this huge tour bus right outside the restaurant. My heart starts racing and i thought “how cool would it be if I bumped into someone from the group” well lo and behold as we are coming closer to the bus, Christofer Drew turns the corner and walks towards the bus. So I stop in my tracks and just say “Christofer Drew?” And he stops and he says hi! He asked if I was going to the show and I said no and he goes “well you gotta promise you’ll come to the next one!” Of course I made the promise and I didn’t break it! He came back that summer and I got to see him ❤️ I also met two groups called Breathe Carolina and Crown The Empire. I also met Evan Peters and Sebastian Stan at Comic Con a couple years ago. I also met Corey Crawford. The goaltender for the Chicago Blackhawks, my favorite hockey team.
24. Baths or showers?
Showers! I don’t like the idea of bathing in your own filth.
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any!
26. Have you ever been famous? 
Nope lmao and I probably never will be
28. What type of music do you like?
I like oldies. Mostly from the 50s-80s. Anything from Dean Martin to Motley Crue. I do like modern music too. I still listen to some of the bands I listened to in middle school lol (like the ones i mentioned before and others like All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, Asking Alexandria, and a couple more.) I also like Greta Van Fleet and 5 Seconds of Summer. I also like spanish music. Like Maluma, Bad Bunny, Becky G, etc. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
Nope lol 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
It depends. It could be one or none. Sometimes i don’t use a pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
On my tummy! 
32. How big is your house? 
It’s a two bedroom apartment. I’m not complaining tho, its very cozy. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
If I wake up early enough lol it’ll usually be eggs (over medium), some coffee, and some bread 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
Nope and i don’t plan on it! 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
Yes! I tried it when I was in Girl Scouts in elementary school 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
definitely FUCK
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
like a day? I got like four hours of sleep the night before. Got up at like 6am, went about my day. Then I stayed up until 7am working on a research paper for class (college is a BITCH). 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Nah cause your girl is hella ugly lmao
41. Are you a good liar? 
Not at all. People can tell when I’m lying cause my voice gets high lmao 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
Eh I do my best 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I try to do a posh British accent and I try to do a Steve Irwin Aussie accent   
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
People say I have a strong chicagoan accent but i don’t hear it!
45. What is your favourite accent? 
I’m a sucker for aussie accents 
46. What is your personality type? 
just took the test..i got ISFP-T (adventurer) 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
hmmmm all I can think of at the moment is my Doc Martens. They aren’t really clothing but it’s all I can think of lol
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
outie :(((( i hate it 
50. Left or right-handed?
Right handed! 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
52. Favourite food? 
Pasta! I could eat it all day, every day 
53. Favourite foreign food?
Tamales and Pozole. That’s my shitttt
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
I try and be a clean person and stay organized but it only lasts for a bit then I go back to my messy ways lol 
55. Most used phrase? 
“that’s a mood” and “no mames guey” (Mexican slang)
56. Most used word? 
Dude and Darling
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
Depends. If I wear my hair natural, then an hour. But if I gotta style it, then like an hour and a half or two hours( I got a lot of fucking hair, dude). 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
Hell no lmao. This bitch has a low self-esteem so 🤷🏻‍♀️
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck 🤪
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the time lmao 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
Yeah sometimes 
62. Are you a good singer? 
Nope lmao but I still do it anyways 
63. Biggest Fear? 
A lot of shit. Spiders, Holes (trypophobia), tearing my achilles or getting them cut (ever since I saw Pet Sematary), dolls, bugs crawling under my skin, throwing up...and i can’t think of anymore on the spot 
64. Are you a gossip? 
you bet your ass I am. Soy una chismosa lmao
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
On girls, long but not too long. Maybe like mid-back. And guys, long, like ear length and longer 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
Yeah but i couldn’t point them out on a map 
68. Favourite school subject? 
Biology/Human Anatomy. I’m a sucker for science 
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Definitely an introvert. No doubt about that lol 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
71. What makes you nervous? 
Meeting new people, class discussions, and presentations
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
If i’ve just seen a scary movie then yes lol  
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
Sometimes. For instance, if one of my friends from ecuador uses a word wrong in a sentence, then I would tell them the right way to say it to help them learn more english. i never correct someone to seem like i’m smarter or to be rude. It’s simply to help them. 
74. Are you ticklish? 
Yeah! In some places like my feet, neck, and my back, 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
No way! That’s terrible 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
Only when babysitting my little cousins lol 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
Yeah lmao. When I went away for college
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
Once, when I hungout with a guy at school we smoked some weed
79. Who was your first real crush?
One of my friends from college. I met him Freshman year and I still like him...I’ve liked him for four years but i’ve never had the guts to tell him 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
6! I have four on my left ear and two on my right ear. I have the standard lobe piercings, then the upper lobe on both sides. Then on my left I have one above the upper. And then I have my helix pierced on the left side. (i hope this all made sense lol) 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type? 
Eh I would say pretty average 
83. How fast can you run? 
Not at all. I hate running 
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown! 
85. What color is your eyes? 
Dark brown
86. What are you allergic to? 
Some ingredient in the Banana Boat sunscreen. And some type of plant. I don’t exactly know which one cause I went to the botantic garden one time on a field trip and I don’t know which plant caused my allergic reaction but when I got home I had hives all over me. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
Nope, never did 
88. What do your parents do? 
My mom is an ortho technician and my dad is a delivery man
89. Do you like your age? 
Yeah I guess. I mean I can buy my own alcohol so that’s pretty neat 
90. What makes you angry? 
91. Do you like your own name? 
Eh it’s alright. Pretty boring 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I like the name Elena for a girl and Jonathan for a boy 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Doesn’t matter to me
94. What are you strengths? 
I’m a ride or die bitch.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I don’t really share my emotions so I keep things bottled up 
96. How did you get your name? 
My cousin picked out my name 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
Not that I know of. But what I do know is I have family from Spain. 
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah, one on my arm from when I burned myself with my straightener. And another at the place where my nose meets my forehead, between my brows. When I was in elementary school, I was running out on the playground and I tripped and I slide across the cement and scraped my nose and my whole forehead. THERE. WAS. BLOOD. EVERYWHERE. 
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
Light pink 
100. Colour of your room? 
I tag: @tommyleeownsme, @babe-mustaine, @waycooljunior, and @universal-scorpio ❤️
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b0stonmanor · 6 years
since yall kept fuckin asking heres 1-155. Go ahead and see how fucking lame I actually am
1: Full name: Madison Lyn (I’m not putting my last name on the internet lmao)
2: Age:19
3: 3 Fears: heights, elevators, being alone for the rest of my life 
4: 3 things I love: cats, coffee, sleeping
5: 4 turns on: (I’m gonna make it nonsexual okay): body mods, humor, good vibes, nice laugh
6: 4 turns off: (gonna make these nonsexual too): rude, nasty, conceited, takes days to reply lmao
7: My best friend: girl: @bohoangel guy: @bostonnanner
8: Sexual orientation: pansexual
9: My best first date: haven’t had a best one yet, need someone to change that lmao
10: How tall am I: 5′8
11: What do I miss: lots of things and people both too many too name
12: What time was I born: 2:06am
13: Favourite color: blue
14: Do I have a crush: still crushin on my last man
15: Favourite quote: either some vine or “I’m here for a good time not a long time” I have way too many favs
16: Favourite place: my room, best friends house, or beach house
17: Favourite food: buffalo chicken or alfredo
18: Do I use sarcasm: of course not 
19: What am I listening to right now: music ;)
20: First thing I notice in new person: smile
21: Shoe size: no
22: Eye color: hazel
23: Hair color: naturally brunette currently red
24: Favourite style of clothing: gothic, pop punk or hippie/boho
25: Ever done a prank call?: I havent personally 
27: Meaning behind my URL: I needed to change my url of 8 years and I wanted something short and easy to remember but I also wanted it to be a band so it would fit my blog and surprisingly this one wasnt taken
28: Favourite movie: I have way too many 
29: Favourite song: again way too many
30: Favourite band: AGAIN way too many
31: How I feel right now: I feel fucking exhausted 
32: Someone I love: okay now Im sad 
33: My current relationship status: okay NOW Im crying but single
34: My relationship with my parents: welp my dads dead and my mom and I are okay
35: Favourite holiday: Halloween or Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: no tattoos yet and I have my nose pierced and first and second holes pierced on my ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: too many
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I was 12 that should be enough
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. In fact I could never hate him and I dont think I’ll love anyone like I did/do him.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: eh sometimes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? last text over imessage yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: I have no idea
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I dont do anything really so not too long
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: dont out me
45: Where am I right now?: my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: @bohoangel
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: both
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: nah
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? @bostonnanner
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: eh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I mean idc but it’d just be fucking weird cause they’re kissing in front of me 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: plenty of people lmao
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I’ll do yesterday since today hasnt really happened. But it was fathers day and my heart was hurting so bad cause I miss my dad more than anything and really wish he was still here
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: my fuckin soulmate bitch
57: What do I think about most?: in all honesty, my ex
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do this smile thing that nobody else can do and it makes me look like a frog
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: probably
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front
61: What was the last lie I told?: that I was a child of God
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: video chatting but I dont mind either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: fuck yes and fuck yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I’m a god damn witch bitch
65: Do I believe in luck?: I believe in karma
66: What’s the weather like right now? according to my phone its currently clear and 61 degrees
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: I have no idea
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: eh
69: Do I have any nicknames? Maddie, Mad, Mads
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I had a staph infection in my foot that went back and forth across my foot and then up my leg (doctor said if my mom didn’t bring me when she did I would’ve died cause it would’ve gone to my heart)
71: Do I spend money or save it?: spend it 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? ye
74: Favourite animal?: cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: I have no idea
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: oh shit I’ve never thought of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: good question
78: How can you win my heart?: Be Italian 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I honestly have no idea
80: What is my favorite word? bitch
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I get asked this way too much
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: probably some hippie bullshit
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I’ve had relatives in jail but I dont think anyones in jail rn
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? theres too many lmao
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? probably if I’ve smoked or drank or have done anything bad but only if my mom was asking
86: What is my current desktop picture? its just basic 
87: Had sex?: nah
88: Bought condoms?: nah
89: Gotten pregnant?: nah
90: Failed a class?: nah
91: Kissed a boy?: ye
92: Kissed a girl?: ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nah
94: Had job?: ye
95: Left the house without my wallet?: ye
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: nah
97: Had sex in public?: nah
98: Played on a sports team?: ye
99: Smoked weed?: ye
100: Did drugs?: nothing hardcore just smoking weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?: nah
102: Drank alcohol?: ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I’ve tried
104: Been overweight?: no answer
105: Been underweight? also no answer
106: Been to a wedding?: ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: ye
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ye
109: Been outside my home country?: nah
110: Gotten my heart broken?: of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?: ye
112: Broken a bone?: ye
113: Cut myself?: ye
114: Been to prom?: ye
115: Been in airplane?: ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: nah
117: What concerts have I been to?: pink, metallica/volbeat, warped tour 2016,2017,2018, jingle ball, some birthday bash, I cant remember if I’ve been to any other ones lmao
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: not entirely 
119: Learned another language?: not fully
120: Wore make up?: ye
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: I’m a child of god
122: Had oral sex?: nah
123: Dyed my hair?: ye
124: Voted in a presidential election?: not yet
125: Rode in an ambulance?: couldve a couple times but my parents decided to drive me
126: Had a surgery?: nah
127: Met someone famous?: I guess? 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: who doesnt do this
129: Peed outside?: ye
130: Been fishing?: ye
131: Helped with charity?: I think so
132: Been rejected by a crush?: who doesnt get rejected
133: Broken a mirror?: probably
134: What do I want for birthday?: lots of things
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I have no idea
136: Was I named after anyone?: No but I have the same middle name as my aunt
137: Do I like my handwriting?: ye
138: What was my favorite toy as a child?: I have no idea
139: Favorite Tv Show?: American Horror Story, Bob’s Burgers, The Office, or Drunk History
140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Hampshire
141: Play any musical instrument?: I can play the violin and piano and can also sing but idk if that counts lmao
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: its barely noticeable but literally right under my left eye (like right at the edge of my dark circle lmao) I got attacked by a dog and it bit me in the face and I had to get stitches but I bitched out and had it glued instead lmao
143: Favorite pizza topping? cheese
144: Am I afraid of the dark?: depends where I am
145: Am I afraid of heights?: ye
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?:nah
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: haha yeah
148: What I’m really bad at: everything
149: What my greatest achievements are: I fucking graduated from high school. Like I would never wish what I went through on anyone ever not even my worst enemy. It was worse than hell
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I honestly dont remember 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: lots of stuff
152: What do I like about myself: my eyebrows
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I cant say @bohoangel cause I’ve known her since 5th grade so I’ll say @bostonnanner even though we met on omegle years ago lmao
154: Something I fantasize about: lots of things
155: Any question you’d like?: literally whatever anyone wants to know
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twerkhammett · 6 years
Holy fuck, good thing I have a long train ride😂1. Full nameAngelica DeLillo2. Age213. 3 fearsFailure, getting snatched up one of these nights im on the train alone, losing the people i care about4. 3 things I loveNik, food, and our cat5. 4 turn onsBiting, slapping (ass face and tits), being tied up or held down, and when he gets that mean look on his face and i know hes gonna be really rough with me ugh6. 4 turn offsI have had these experiences with almost every person I've been with except Nik..bad hygiene, being rushed (you cum yet?), bad oral and when i tell them what would feel good they dont listen..and worst of all sex that feels half assed. They just want to cum real quick, theres no passion or effort, they don't care if they please you at all. Fucking horrible..7. My best friendIn cali my best friend here besides Nik is Ashley, and I get to live with them both its awesome! In Florida I cant choose one cuz ive known them all forever and love those dudes..Mels, Denzel, Brauston, and Alicia8. Sexual orientationBisexual9. My best first dateWith Nikolas obviously 😉10. How tall i am5'611. What do I missMy friends and family back home12: What time were I born3:55pm13: Favourite colorGreen14: Do I have a crushOn my boyfriend😂15: Favourite quoteIdk man16: Favourite placeHard to choose one, maybe my bed😂17: Favourite foodI hate favorites..pizza and wings18: Do I use sarcasmNever :)19: What am I listening to right nowSlayer 20: First thing I notice in new personIf they're fuckin rude or not21: Shoe size822: Eye colorBrown23: Hair colorLight brownish? Auburn?24: Favourite style of clothingBlack25: Ever done a prank call?Yup27: Meaning behind my URLKirk twerkin28: Favourite movieKung Fury29: Favourite songCant choose30: Favourite bandStill cant choose my dude31: How I feel right nowMeh32: Someone I loveNik33: My current relationship statusIn love af its disgusting34: My relationship with my parentsPretty good these days35: Favourite holidayHalloween36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNips, lips, and ears37: Tattoos and piercing i wantA lot, whenever i get the money..38: The reason I joined TumblrMels made me join lol39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?I don't think he hates me, but i hate his bitch ass..40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used to get them from Nik but we live together so now he can just tell me lol41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?This morning42: When did I last hold hands?Yesterday43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?15mins, its caffeinating myself that can take time44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Noooope45: Where am I right now?On BART46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Nik, been a while since thats happened tho47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Loud48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Nope49: Am I excited for anything?For class to be over so i can relax lol...haven't even got there yet50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Nik, Denzel, Brauston51: How often do I wear a fake smile?At work lmao52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Does my cat count? An hour ago lol53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?This would never happen, but I would go to jail if it did lol54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Not that i know of?55: What is something I disliked about today?Nik had to work early and I've been sexually frustrated af56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?James57: What do I think about most?Nik and food are tied i think58: What’s my strangest talent?Idk59: Do I have any strange phobias?Eh not really60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind61: What was the last lie I told?Not sure, probably at work lol62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?On the phone63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Aliens yeah64: Do I believe in magic?Nah65: Do I believe in luck?Not really66: What’s the weather like right now?64 and clear skys67: What was the last book I’ve read?Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yesss69: Do I have any nicknames?Besides the ones Nik has for me no70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?Cut my knee open71: Do I spend money or save it?That shits gone pretty fast dont get to spend it on anything fun tho haha72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?Nah73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?My backpack has some pink on it74: Favourite animal?My cat😂75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Fucking76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Trump77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Nightcrawler78: How can you win my heart?Be Nikolas or James Hetfield79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Nothing80: What is my favorite word?Fuck81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrIdk man i like a lot of yall82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Someone please assasinate the orange one83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that i know of84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Invisibility or time travel85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Not sure86: What is my current desktop picture?Some nature pic bc i havent change it87: Had sex?On a daily basis my dude88: Bought condoms?Yes89: Gotten pregnant?No90: Failed a class?Yup91: Kissed a boy?Yup92: Kissed a girl?Yep93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes, Nik94: Had job?Sadly95: Left the house without my wallet?Fucking yes!!!96: Bullied someone on the internet?No lol97: Had sex in public?A few days ago lmao98: Played on a sports team?Yep99: Smoked weed?This is where my extra money goes..sigh100: Did drugs?Nothing crazy but yeah101: Smoked cigarettes?Yes102: Drank alcohol?Yeah103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Noo104: Been overweight?Nope105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Yes lol108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Yeah109: Been outside my home country?Not yet, but I plan on it110: Gotten my heart broken?Yeah couple years ago111: Been to a professional sports game?Yep112: Broken a bone?My finger lol113: Cut myself?A while ago114: Been to prom?Nope115: Been in airplane?Yes116: Fly by helicopter?No but I want to!!117: What concerts have I been to?Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, Testament, Carcass, Slayer, Midnight, Kreator, Obituary, Children of Bodom, Rammstein, and a few more but those were the best ones118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Quite a few times119: Learned another language?Some German and some ASL120: Wore make up?I wear mascara121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yeah122: Had oral sex?Yupppppp123: Dyed my hair?Yes124: Voted in a presidential election?Yep!125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?No127: Met someone famous?Nope128: Stalked someone on a social network?A while ago hahah129: Peed outside?Yep130: Been fishing?Yes131: Helped with charity?I donate to greenpeace monthly132: Been rejected by a crush?Sorta133: Broken a mirror?Im sure I have, I def had a big ass mirror fall on my fuckin head one time tho!134: What do I want for birthday?Some dick😂135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?2 max, no idea about names, havent thought about it much136: Was I named after anyone?No137: Do I like my handwriting?Its a bit sloppy but yeah138: What was my favourite toy as a child?Barbies lol139: Favourite Tv Show?DBZ😂140: Where do I want to live when older?The forest, somewhere in Colorado maybe141: Play any musical instrument?Not well lol142: One of my scars, how did I get it?Accidentally stabbed myself at work143: Favourite pizza toping?Mushrooms144: Am I afraid of the dark?No, I need it to sleep145: Am I afraid of heights?A bit146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes lmao, many times by my dad usually147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Did you mean my last relationship😂😂148: What I’m really bad atProcrastination149: What my greatest achievments areGetting the fuck out of fl, some of my artwork, learning to cope with my depression150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meProb something my ex said lol151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryQuit my job, build a house, and open a cave bar (me and Ashley were just talkin about that)152: What do I like about myselfWell i guess i never stop trying even tho i fuck up a lot hahah153: My closest Tumblr friend@stalkhome-sindrone probably😁154: Something I fantasise aboutA stable income...Thanks for that big ass ask my anonymous dude!!😂To the rest of my followers, sorry for the long post and some of the tmi questions😊
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fraudulence-paradox · 4 years
Die young and save yourself.
    When I was in ninth grade, I listened to a lot of Brand New. I have a lot of specific memories of being an angst ridden teenager, sitting in the back of my mom’s green van as she drove me from place to place. I’d blast Brand New, and look out the car window. Rain hit the window and dripped down, my breath fogged the glass as my head leaned against it, and I listened to Brand New. My favorite song at the time was Quiet Things. I thought the lyrics were incredibly deep. “Keep that thought in your head, and keep your feet on the ground” Jesse sang to me. Now I think that’s probably one of the worst songs Brand New had to offer. Now as I listen to The Devil and God, or Deja, thier two best albums, I can really appreciate the lyrics.     At the time I’m writing this, I’m only 19, so I don’t pretend to be much deeper than I was only 4 years ago, when I was 15, but I at least feel that between my life experiences, and the hallucinogenic substances I’ve taken, I can think a little more intelligently than I could then.     I remember when I worked at Outback, I trained this guy. I don’t remember what his name was, but I remember a lot about him. I’ll call him I-----. I----- was just like me, and honestly, add a few more years to me, and I can very easily see myself becoming him. He was into psychedelics, telling me once about the time that he took acid 6 hours before his math class, and was asked to write on the whiteboard. He lived a pretty average life, went to a pretty average school, he had troubles dating, didn’t buy the JFK assassination explA--tions, but most of all, he was into Brand New.     It’s not uncommon to bond over music taste, but I don’t think since 2011 I’ve ever met anyone into Brand New. Kr---- is into Brand New now, but not when I told her about it around the same time. J--- can tolerate it as well, but I don’t think he shares the same appreciation for them as I do. I----- on the other hand, was extremely into them. We shared a lot of music taste actually. He had a Blink 182 tattoo on his left breast, which he showed me the day I donated blood.          “Damn, I can’t donate blood anymore”, he said, before showing me.      It doesn’t so much concern me that I’ll become like him because of these traits. A cool tattoo, and a healthy appreciation for early 2000’s emo is what makes you a successful young person, in my opinion. What concerns me is his negative traits. His drug use to be more specific. I don’t know if I worry that I’ll start using drugs as frequently as he did, but I think I worry more that my motivation will be as zapped as his always was. I remember one particular evening he came in, and was on his phone most of the night. He told me he was a bit buzzed, and that he was having issues with his girlfriend, so I thought myself to be an excellent friend when I didn’t mind him texting constantly during our shared shift, and covering for him while he went out to take smoke breaks. 
    Honestly, even this isn’t behavior that I would be concerned to share with him. At my current job, teaching kids Minecraft after school, while I was dating Tessa, I would frequently run to the bathroom to check my phone or stress-vape. In extreme moderation I don’t even really see this as a dangerous activity. But as my mother is so fond of saying, it’s a slippery slope.     One day at outback, I----- disappeared. I wasn’t sure where he went, and I was sad, because he was one of the only interesting people there who spoke english. A-- was a fantastic old El Salvadorian lady (almost all of the kitchen staff were El Salvadorian refugees) who trained me, and really took me under her wing. She taught me the majority of the Spanish relevant to working there. Basura, saboya, para acqui, para yavar, etc. She was sort of like the old hispanic grandmother I never had. She was constantly being hit on by the line chef, O---. The name O--- is short for something, but I’m not sure what. Once, when I asked A-- what O--- had said to her, before repeatedly smacking her ass, she misunderstood, and told me,       “O--- has 10 wives, and 7 childrens with all of them!”. I’m not sure if she meant to say he had 7 children total, or 70 between all his wives, but either way, O--- was a player. He was an absolute lunatic, but he was the best line chef outback ever had. I was told once the managers only tolerated him because he was essentially irreplaceable. I like to imagine back in El Salvador he was the Suis Chef of a 4 star restaurant, serving the aristocrats while secretly giving food to the rebels. Or maybe he hated himself for serving the wealthy of his country, but was trapped in his job making their steaks. That would at least explain the drinking. I remember one time, Ju--, the young assistant manager, came up behind O--- as he was putting the finishing touches on some fillet minion. He grabbed the plastic bottle propped above O---’s stove and took a deep smell, crinkling his nose. 
    “Whatcha got in here, O---?” he said.     “Water man.” Said O---, in his thick accent. Ju-- obviously didn’t believe him, but to prove either his virility or the water’s virginity, he snatched the bottle back and swallowed down all of its contents.     Ju-- was a cool guy as well. One time, while he was helping me at the salad station, the topic of drugs came up. He asked me if I’d ever tried weed, and I told him once, but it didn’t really effect me.     “You know, I’m like your manager, so I can’t really say you should try it again,” he said. “But you should definitely try it again”. Between him and R----, the other young assistant manager, it seemed weed was definitely the cool thing young adults did in their free time. I can’t really protest this notion, because at least in my own life that seems to be the case. R---- was identical to Ju--, just without Ju--’s glasses, beard, or hot waitress girlfriend. He was also a bit more of a “bro” than Ju-- was. What I mean by this is, Ju-- was a very cool, collected guy. He didn’t have to flaunt his confidence. Either because of R----’s lack of it, or excess of it, he did. R---- was loud, outgoing, and eventually became a waiter, which seemed to be the final resting place for people like him. Community college dropouts, with infective personalities. I was always rather put off by R----. Not because I didn’t like him, at least, I like him fine now. But at the time, his confidence and bombastic attitude were just too much for a minimum wage job where I had no upward prospects other than deep frier duty.     I guess this was the real appeal of I-----. Unlike his english speaking counterparts, Ju-- and R----, he was a lot more relaxed. He was laid back, but did his job most of the time. He was the kind of guy that these days I’d like to smoke a blunt with (I’m really mad I forgot his name, or I’d look him up on Facebook right now). This may have been because he didn’t have much in the looks department. At least, not at his age. I remember he had sort of a ratty look to him. Big, beady eyes, and a light mustache that he’d probably only shaved once the three months he worked there. He didn’t have the confidence of the bigger guys like Ju-- and R----, so he kept his composure and put all of his effort into being a nice kid. He seemed genuinely interested in my opinion, despite the fact that he was nearly 5 years my senior, and always had something interesting to talk about, like Brand New.     He was fired because of his terrible work ethic. I can’t really disagree with the managers on that one. Even when I was there to cover for him and push him along, he seemed to only do the work of half a person. Maybe because that’s what he was. He seemed like a really depressed guy, deep down. Maybe that’s why we got along so well. It definitely explains the interest in early 2000’s emo music. He told me he was going to Penn State, for a degree in communications. He was almost a senior and told me from day one he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do. He also told me that at this point all he knew was it wasn’t communications. But what could he do? He had already worked for this degree three and a half years. He couldn’t throw all that time and money away. I feel like I might be like him in this regard. Am I doing cyber because it’s what I want? Or am I just doing it to impress my dad. When I really think about it, I wish I could be doing something in the arts. I wish I could be a cartoonist, or an animator, maybe a photographer, and obviously as I’m writing this, I feel like I should be an author. No. I’m not doing it for my dad. I’m doing it for me. But not for my happiness, at least not in the short term, I’m doing it for the money. Everyone says don’t work for a job that doesn’t make you happy, but really, are a million people in something like data input services because it makes them happy? I don’t think so. I think that’s one of the big secrets of adulthood. You can be happy on the weekends, with the money you made the other 5/7ths of the week.     I----- was fired about a month before I quit. L---, the general manager, and proprietor (a word I picked up at Outback) told me in the weeks before I quit that he came back. He was totally drunk and slurred at her, “you have to give me my job back. You’re not allowed to just fire me. It isn’t fair”. They almost needed the police to get him out of the dining area. That was the last I ever heard from him. I gave him my number before he left, because he said he would send me a list of songs to listen to, but he never texted me. He’s just gone. Vanished back into the population of the world. This is what I’m most afraid of becoming. At first, an interesting guy, but underneath the layers of self-pity and substance abuse, a broken, sad person. Maybe he grew up. Maybe now he’s out there, being happy on the weekends, doing technical writing for some Japanese firm, using his communications degree. But I prefer to believe that somehow, through acid or magic, he transcended this world and lives in the lyrics of Brand New’s Soco Amaretto Lime:
“I’m gonna stay eighteen forever So it can stay like this forever And we’ll never miss a party, ‘Cause we’ll keep them going constantly
And we’ll never have to listen To anyone About anything
‘Cause when it’s all been done And it’s all been said We’re the coolest kids And we’ll take what we can get”
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nancygduarteus · 7 years
The Bespoke High Is the Future of Marijuana
I’d been traveling for work—to Europe then to Asia then to Europe again while pinging back-and-forth from L.A. to New York. For months my carryon contained the sneakers that I didn’t use in the hotel gyms I never visited. I was exhausted to the brink of tears since previous to this spate of travel. I had a schedule so rote I could give myself jetlag by sliding lunch up half an hour.
I’d gone straight to the weed store from LAX—ragged—trundling my suitcase past the spangly Turkish restaurant with the outline of a hookah on the sign, ducking into the alleyway with the Thai massage parlor on one end and my dispensary on the other. On the inside the shop looks like a cross between an Apple flagship and a Danish lighting boutique except there’s a security guard with a gun and a brown-haired girl who checks your I.D. and card and buzzes you through.
I bought a vape pen. Two actually.
I didn’t know I’d ever want a vape. It seemed like getting into magic or Crossfit—a whole production and the mandatory acceptance of an accompanying ethos. But at the time I was susceptible to marketing and there was a display with samples and nifty disposable rubber nubbins that went over the mouth end to keep it hygienic.
I often get overwhelmed purchasing marijuana. Like when you go to Ikea without a game plan. I waffle endlessly. There’s just too much to look at. I understand that top-shelf stuff commands flaunting. (How else to show off the bushiness of the cured flower and clusters of trichomes—those hairy crystalline sprinkles of cannabinoid?) But it’s like explaining music by smell or flavor by dance. I want to know how I’ll feel.
The vapes I bought are made by a company called HMBLDT. There are six Hmbldt formulations on the market and they’re labeled according to what they do. I got Sleep, the one for sleep and Calm for in case my rush-hour Lyft driver was chatty (in L.A. they’re always chatty!). They’re disposable which might be appalling given their staggeringly, demoralizingly expensive price-tag at $100 a pop. It means that you’ll need a separate pen for each ailment but it also means you don’t have to fiddle with cartridges or even flower. I don’t consume cannabis fast enough for any denomination of actual buds not to become petrified and uninviting and Hmbldts have 200 doses so you can hang on to them for a while.
White, slender with a rounded tip—they’re the vape version of smoking Capri cigarettes and they’re about as long as one but wider. They look, to be honest, as if Muji made a tampon. They take their name (in a very web 2.0-y way) from Humboldt County in Northern California which evokes marine layer, Redwoods and (for those in the know) very good weed from 1996 onwards when proposition 215 made growing medical marijuana legal in the golden state. And probably illegally since before.
Part of my decision was the brevity of the buying experience. No faffing with specials or personal suggestions (which I sometimes love but not always) but mostly it was that these days I’m scared of weed.
The thing is, at my age (mid-30s) a joint is produced with reliable frequency—barbecues, outdoor shows, birthday parties, and even a few picnic-situations where babies are present (provided they’re upwind). Basically any occasion that calls for rosé.
And I like weed. A lot. Enough that I wish I could smoke every vehicle for marijuana that crosses my path. But the last time I took a wee toke of a smoldering cone passed to me by a trusted friend in the spirit of conviviality it took me out of commission for the rest of the day. I couldn’t even speak. I watched my hand lift the joint towards my face and then it was tomorrow.
It’s not news that we’re living in a golden age of legalized marijuana. If golden is to be defined by weed so mighty it renders you catatonic. Two years ago a 19-year-old in Colorado leapt to his death upon eating a pot cookie. Louis C.K. has a bit about how he, “didn’t know they’d been working on this shit like it’s the cure for cancer.”
It’s true. Weed is virtually unrecognizable. It’s incredible to think pot’s changed this much. It used to feel low-rent like Boone’s Farm or Whip-Its. But now it’s the recreational drug version of the kid who was a nothing in middle school who becomes God-hot over summer break. To a genetically—celestially—engineered degree that could irradiate you. Weed, frankly, had evolved past my enjoyment of it. Especially if I have a job where one of the requirements is that I show up.
It’s for these reasons that I understand when people aren’t into it. It seems somehow both sleazy and intimidating. On one hand it’s a drug that’s illegal in most parts of the country and on the other, you’ve got luxury brands that are touted as the “Hermès of Marijuana,” and the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club that sells buds that cost as much as their weight in white truffles.
Plus, people who know too much about weed are annoying. Most invitations to smoke are accompanied by a story that serves as a kind (ha) of tax about Sativas or Indicas and how hybrids are the sweet spot and OG Kush or Girl Scout Cookies or else how Alaskan Thunderfuck is a magical journey. It’s like how Pappy Van Winkle bourbon doesn’t become interesting until someone threatens to pour you some. The really inviting thing about Hmbldts (and perhaps this is true of most vapes), is that there’s less pressure to share.
The pens are aesthetically pleasing—certainly more so than a hand-blown glass bong resembling a dragon or those cumbersome oblongs known as box vapes. Each three-second pull you’re doled out exactly a 2.25 mg dose with just under 2 mg of active agents. The vape vibrates to let you know when you’re done. Comparatively a puff of a joint, deploys around 3 mg of cannabinoids.
The edibles company Kiva Confections is good at this too. Their Terra Bites—chocolate enrobed morsels like coffee beans and dried blueberries—carry 5 mgs each. But Hmbldts aren’t just low doses, each pen is color coded and blended in specific formulations for a prescribed effect. The thinking is that when you smoke you’ll know where you’re headed. Hmbldt is owned in part (24 percent) by Anomaly, the ad agency that does Coca Cola and Beats by Dre which explains their slick packaging (that could inspire suspicion in a #wellness product) but it’s the first to design directional highs.
I can report that Sleep is good at sleep. Inducing it and then keeping you under. I did have a wicked weed hangover the next morning (that grogginess of not being quite finished sleeping but running out of time) but eight consecutive hours was a profound relief.
The Bliss pen was pleasant. An all-purpose high and familiar as a Sativa dominant strain or a “morning weed,” the way Indicas are soporific and considered better at night.
Hmbldt also sells Relief for pain management, Arouse to promote intimacy and Passion for seismic culminations of aforementioned intimacy. If it seems as though it’s overkill or gimmicky that we’d need Arouse and Passion, I’d say I agreed with you. That is until I tried them.
The medicinal properties of marijuana are well known—that it’s effective for alleviating physical discomfort and insomnia, or how CBD (cannabidiol), the lesser-known, non-intoxicating cannabinoid (the active agents in marijuana) behind the psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannabidiol) is an effective treatment for seizures—but I’m a recreational user. We’re so used to seeing drugs in binary terms—sober or altered—and while intensities differ (nursing a beer vs. any time you think shots are a good idea) we rarely administer a white wine spritzer for headaches or a Long Island Iced Tea for anxiety. Usually it’s blunt-force drinking. A holistic approach to anesthetizing.
But there are benefits to customized formulations that I hadn’t before considered. Calm skews heavily CBD, you’ve got a body high without any of the mind altering effects of THC.
“THC activates a system in our own bodies called the endocannabinoid system,” says Igor Grant, the director of The University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) and the chair of the department of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego. The CMCR studies the effects of cannabis on HIV Neuropathic pain and how it impairs your driving skills. “[They’re] signaling molecules that have to do with functions as basic as appetite control, inflammation, coordination, memory and other cognitive functions. The effect of THC is to affect these circuitries in the brain. CBD does not appear to have direct psychoactive effects. It doesn’t cause changes in cognitive function or emotions. Or neurologic coordination issues.”
Typical marijuana flower has a THC to CBD ratio of 20 or 40:1. Hmbldt’s Calm has THC to CBD ratio of 8:1. Relief is 2:1. With Calm I don’t experience paranoia—that running commentary of how high I think people think I am. I can even write on it which makes it singular to any marijuana I’ve ever sampled.
There’s a new formulation that hasn’t hit the market called Focus with a CBD to THC ratio of 4:1. It will be blended with cannabinoids that narrow your attention span to the task in front of you without compromising your creative process.
Samantha Miller the chief science officer at Hmbldt says there’s a spectrum of response to cannabis but she blends to cover the bases. For one in four people, CBD is an upper for the rest of us it isn’t. “I’m trying to effect a balance between who’s going to go one way and who’s going to go another and how to help bring some of that 25 percent over,” she tells me.
She also adds cannabinoid profiles that drives towards the myriad issues associated with each ailment. “There’s a lot of different issues with sleep—going to sleep and staying asleep,” she says. “Those root causes could be anxiety, pain, restless leg syndrome—there’s all of these sleep disrupters. The THC and terpene profiles shut off the frontal cortex get you into that mode where you can be sedated and CBD inhibits the enzyme in our liver that breaks down THC so that extends the benefit while you sleep.”
When Miller talks about terpenes, she means the essential oils that give fruit and plants their smell and flavor, likeLimonene in citrus peel or Myrcene in mangoes. Paired with cannabinoids they do all sorts of other things.    
Before Hmbldt, Miller pioneered cannabis testing with her lab Pure Analytics. The majority of CBDs strains available domestically had their start in her lab, from two to over 80 in the span of a year. She’s personally tested tens of thousands of strains. She's also sampled thousands of types of cannabis. Hmbldt formulations have been tested by over 750 consumers, with three to seven iterations for each “destination” or effect. And while Miller manipulates CBD and THC ratios and percentages and Terpene profiles, akin to twirling dials on a sound mixing board, the oil inside the pens are blends from strains grown in Humboldt county. “In Sleep you have fuel strains like OG Kush and Sour D and Bliss is three different Jack Herer strains that I blended,” says Miller. All the formulations reflect what she calls “the terroire” of Humbldt. “In Relief one of the Terpene profiles is from a strain called Silly Strawberry that was developed by Sunshine Johnson,” she says. “Her family owns the regional radio station.”
The marijuana used in clinical studies with institutional review also comes from a particular location. “To do human studies we only have one legal source of marijuana,” says Dr. Grant. “The federal government. They have a marijuana farm at the University of Mississippi. The highest strength is 12 percent THC. Street marijuana has gradually increased the concentration where the average is 12 to 15 percent and there are reports of much higher.”
I wouldn’t smoke Sleep recreationally but one puff of the Relief feels like taking off your outside pants after a long day at work. The priority isn’t all the Cheetos nor is it affixing yourself onto the surface of a couch until Netflix asks if you’re still there. It’s an immersive experience, like pot-VR where I’m inhabiting a kind of skin, a wakeful dreaming where I know I’m dreaming but it doesn’t freak me out not to be awake.
The souped-up CBD quotient feels different in the Relief formula. And truthfully I don’t know how much of it is the blend or the smallness of the dose. In my dismissal of marijuana because of its brute high I’ve often wished there were more bespoke drugs. More types in existence. I’ve wanted to micro-dose LSD since Ayelet Waldman’s book where she treated a painful shoulder and bipolar mood swings by taking a tenth of the dose needed to trip, but I didn’t know where to get it. I didn’t have a magical professor friend-of-a-friend who was nearing the end of his life and wanted to bequeath it to me.
But the Arouse pen is such an odd bird. It’s designed to lower inhibitions in initiating sex but it’s also a type of high that I didn’t realize could exist in the quiver of marijuana highs. You’re aware of the way the ground feels underfoot and how your toes feel in your socks. The racing of inputs—the din of being high—like how the cars are loud and so are other people or that feeling of maybe it’s me, it’s probably me, never kicks in. It’s a level high. An even keel. As with Relief you’re conscious of how you’re steering. Arouse is wavy. Or else sparkling. It’s the tissue-soft cotton of a T-shirt washed hundreds of times rippling in a warm breeze. They may as well have called it Tulum. Or Pink.
And, for the record, Arouse and Passion are nothing alike.
Just as it’s not recommended you take Ambien every night, I wouldn’t suggest revolving through Hmbldt’s entire catalogue for every pinch of discomfort and tiny indignity. Marijuana isn’t addicting from a pharmacological or physiological standpoint but it is habit-forming and creates withdrawal. The thought of becoming reliant on Focus for every email or edit is unwelcome (as is paying for it). And if this directional, reliable mood altering is where the marijuana industry is headed, I’m excited.
from Health News And Updates https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/06/hmbldt-weed-pen/530832/?utm_source=feed
0 notes
ionecoffman · 7 years
The Bespoke High Is the Future of Marijuana
I’d been traveling for work—to Europe then to Asia then to Europe again while pinging back-and-forth from L.A. to New York. For months my carryon contained the sneakers that I didn’t use in the hotel gyms I never visited. I was exhausted to the brink of tears since previous to this spate of travel. I had a schedule so rote I could give myself jetlag by sliding lunch up half an hour.
I’d gone straight to the weed store from LAX—ragged—trundling my suitcase past the spangly Turkish restaurant with the outline of a hookah on the sign, ducking into the alleyway with the Thai massage parlor on one end and my dispensary on the other. On the inside the shop looks like a cross between an Apple flagship and a Danish lighting boutique except there’s a security guard with a gun and a brown-haired girl who checks your I.D. and card and buzzes you through.
I bought a vape pen. Two actually.
I didn’t know I’d ever want a vape. It seemed like getting into magic or Crossfit—a whole production and the mandatory acceptance of an accompanying ethos. But at the time I was susceptible to marketing and there was a display with samples and nifty disposable rubber nubbins that went over the mouth end to keep it hygienic.
I often get overwhelmed purchasing marijuana. Like when you go to Ikea without a game plan. I waffle endlessly. There’s just too much to look at. I understand that top-shelf stuff commands flaunting. (How else to show off the bushiness of the cured flower and clusters of trichomes—those hairy crystalline sprinkles of cannabinoid?) But it’s like explaining music by smell or flavor by dance. I want to know how I’ll feel.
The vapes I bought are made by a company called HMBLDT. There are six Hmbldt formulations on the market and they’re labeled according to what they do. I got Sleep, the one for sleep and Calm for in case my rush-hour Lyft driver was chatty (in L.A. they’re always chatty!). They’re disposable which might be appalling given their staggeringly, demoralizingly expensive price-tag at $100 a pop. It means that you’ll need a separate pen for each ailment but it also means you don’t have to fiddle with cartridges or even flower. I don’t consume cannabis fast enough for any denomination of actual buds not to become petrified and uninviting and Hmbldts have 200 doses so you can hang on to them for a while.
White, slender with a rounded tip—they’re the vape version of smoking Capri cigarettes and they’re about as long as one but wider. They look, to be honest, as if Muji made a tampon. They take their name (in a very web 2.0-y way) from Humboldt County in Northern California which evokes marine layer, Redwoods and (for those in the know) very good weed from 1996 onwards when proposition 215 made growing medical marijuana legal in the golden state. And probably illegally since before.
Part of my decision was the brevity of the buying experience. No faffing with specials or personal suggestions (which I sometimes love but not always) but mostly it was that these days I’m scared of weed.
The thing is, at my age (mid-30s) a joint is produced with reliable frequency—barbecues, outdoor shows, birthday parties, and even a few picnic-situations where babies are present (provided they’re upwind). Basically any occasion that calls for rosé.
And I like weed. A lot. Enough that I wish I could smoke every vehicle for marijuana that crosses my path. But the last time I took a wee toke of a smoldering cone passed to me by a trusted friend in the spirit of conviviality it took me out of commission for the rest of the day. I couldn’t even speak. I watched my hand lift the joint towards my face and then it was tomorrow.
It’s not news that we’re living in a golden age of legalized marijuana. If golden is to be defined by weed so mighty it renders you catatonic. Two years ago a 19-year-old in Colorado leapt to his death upon eating a pot cookie. Louis C.K. has a bit about how he, “didn’t know they’d been working on this shit like it’s the cure for cancer.”
It’s true. Weed is virtually unrecognizable. It’s incredible to think pot’s changed this much. It used to feel low-rent like Boone’s Farm or Whip-Its. But now it’s the recreational drug version of the kid who was a nothing in middle school who becomes God-hot over summer break. To a genetically—celestially—engineered degree that could irradiate you. Weed, frankly, had evolved past my enjoyment of it. Especially if I have a job where one of the requirements is that I show up.
It’s for these reasons that I understand when people aren’t into it. It seems somehow both sleazy and intimidating. On one hand it’s a drug that’s illegal in most parts of the country and on the other, you’ve got luxury brands that are touted as the “Hermès of Marijuana,” and the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club that sells buds that cost as much as their weight in white truffles.
Plus, people who know too much about weed are annoying. Most invitations to smoke are accompanied by a story that serves as a kind (ha) of tax about Sativas or Indicas and how hybrids are the sweet spot and OG Kush or Girl Scout Cookies or else how Alaskan Thunderfuck is a magical journey. It’s like how Pappy Van Winkle bourbon doesn’t become interesting until someone threatens to pour you some. The really inviting thing about Hmbldts (and perhaps this is true of most vapes), is that there’s less pressure to share.
The pens are aesthetically pleasing—certainly more so than a hand-blown glass bong resembling a dragon or those cumbersome oblongs known as box vapes. Each three-second pull you’re doled out exactly a 2.25 mg dose with just under 2 mg of active agents. The vape vibrates to let you know when you’re done. Comparatively a puff of a joint, deploys around 3 mg of cannabinoids.
The edibles company Kiva Confections is good at this too. Their Terra Bites—chocolate enrobed morsels like coffee beans and dried blueberries—carry 5 mgs each. But Hmbldts aren’t just low doses, each pen is color coded and blended in specific formulations for a prescribed effect. The thinking is that when you smoke you’ll know where you’re headed. Hmbldt is owned in part (24 percent) by Anomaly, the ad agency that does Coca Cola and Beats by Dre which explains their slick packaging (that could inspire suspicion in a #wellness product) but it’s the first to design directional highs.
I can report that Sleep is good at sleep. Inducing it and then keeping you under. I did have a wicked weed hangover the next morning (that grogginess of not being quite finished sleeping but running out of time) but eight consecutive hours was a profound relief.
The Bliss pen was pleasant. An all-purpose high and familiar as a Sativa dominant strain or a “morning weed,” the way Indicas are soporific and considered better at night.
Hmbldt also sells Relief for pain management, Arouse to promote intimacy and Passion for seismic culminations of aforementioned intimacy. If it seems as though it’s overkill or gimmicky that we’d need Arouse and Passion, I’d say I agreed with you. That is until I tried them.
The medicinal properties of marijuana are well known—that it’s effective for alleviating physical discomfort and insomnia, or how CBD (cannabidiol), the lesser-known, non-intoxicating cannabinoid (the active agents in marijuana) behind the psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannabidiol) is an effective treatment for seizures—but I’m a recreational user. We’re so used to seeing drugs in binary terms—sober or altered—and while intensities differ (nursing a beer vs. any time you think shots are a good idea) we rarely administer a white wine spritzer for headaches or a Long Island Iced Tea for anxiety. Usually it’s blunt-force drinking. A holistic approach to anesthetizing.
But there are benefits to customized formulations that I hadn’t before considered. Calm skews heavily CBD, you’ve got a body high without any of the mind altering effects of THC.
“THC activates a system in our own bodies called the endocannabinoid system,” says Igor Grant, the director of The University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) and the chair of the department of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego. The CMCR studies the effects of cannabis on HIV Neuropathic pain and how it impairs your driving skills. “[They’re] signaling molecules that have to do with functions as basic as appetite control, inflammation, coordination, memory and other cognitive functions. The effect of THC is to affect these circuitries in the brain. CBD does not appear to have direct psychoactive effects. It doesn’t cause changes in cognitive function or emotions. Or neurologic coordination issues.”
Typical marijuana flower has a THC to CBD ratio of 20 or 40:1. Hmbldt’s Calm has THC to CBD ratio of 8:1. Relief is 2:1. With Calm I don’t experience paranoia—that running commentary of how high I think people think I am. I can even write on it which makes it singular to any marijuana I’ve ever sampled.
There’s a new formulation that hasn’t hit the market called Focus with a CBD to THC ratio of 4:1. It will be blended with cannabinoids that narrow your attention span to the task in front of you without compromising your creative process.
Samantha Miller the chief science officer at Hmbldt says there’s a spectrum of response to cannabis but she blends to cover the bases. For one in four people, CBD is an upper for the rest of us it isn’t. “I’m trying to effect a balance between who’s going to go one way and who’s going to go another and how to help bring some of that 25 percent over,” she tells me.
She also adds cannabinoid profiles that drives towards the myriad issues associated with each ailment. “There’s a lot of different issues with sleep—going to sleep and staying asleep,” she says. “Those root causes could be anxiety, pain, restless leg syndrome—there’s all of these sleep disrupters. The THC and terpene profiles shut off the frontal cortex get you into that mode where you can be sedated and CBD inhibits the enzyme in our liver that breaks down THC so that extends the benefit while you sleep.”
When Miller talks about terpenes, she means the essential oils that give fruit and plants their smell and flavor, likeLimonene in citrus peel or Myrcene in mangoes. Paired with cannabinoids they do all sorts of other things.    
Before Hmbldt, Miller pioneered cannabis testing with her lab Pure Analytics. The majority of CBDs strains available domestically had their start in her lab, from two to over 80 in the span of a year. She’s personally tested tens of thousands of strains. She's also sampled thousands of types of cannabis. Hmbldt formulations have been tested by over 750 consumers, with three to seven iterations for each “destination” or effect. And while Miller manipulates CBD and THC ratios and percentages and Terpene profiles, akin to twirling dials on a sound mixing board, the oil inside the pens are blends from strains grown in Humboldt county. “In Sleep you have fuel strains like OG Kush and Sour D and Bliss is three different Jack Herer strains that I blended,” says Miller. All the formulations reflect what she calls “the terroire” of Humbldt. “In Relief one of the Terpene profiles is from a strain called Silly Strawberry that was developed by Sunshine Johnson,” she says. “Her family owns the regional radio station.”
The marijuana used in clinical studies with institutional review also comes from a particular location. “To do human studies we only have one legal source of marijuana,” says Dr. Grant. “The federal government. They have a marijuana farm at the University of Mississippi. The highest strength is 12 percent THC. Street marijuana has gradually increased the concentration where the average is 12 to 15 percent and there are reports of much higher.”
I wouldn’t smoke Sleep recreationally but one puff of the Relief feels like taking off your outside pants after a long day at work. The priority isn’t all the Cheetos nor is it affixing yourself onto the surface of a couch until Netflix asks if you’re still there. It’s an immersive experience, like pot-VR where I’m inhabiting a kind of skin, a wakeful dreaming where I know I’m dreaming but it doesn’t freak me out not to be awake.
The souped-up CBD quotient feels different in the Relief formula. And truthfully I don’t know how much of it is the blend or the smallness of the dose. In my dismissal of marijuana because of its brute high I’ve often wished there were more bespoke drugs. More types in existence. I’ve wanted to micro-dose LSD since Ayelet Waldman’s book where she treated a painful shoulder and bipolar mood swings by taking a tenth of the dose needed to trip, but I didn’t know where to get it. I didn’t have a magical professor friend-of-a-friend who was nearing the end of his life and wanted to bequeath it to me.
But the Arouse pen is such an odd bird. It’s designed to lower inhibitions in initiating sex but it’s also a type of high that I didn’t realize could exist in the quiver of marijuana highs. You’re aware of the way the ground feels underfoot and how your toes feel in your socks. The racing of inputs—the din of being high—like how the cars are loud and so are other people or that feeling of maybe it’s me, it’s probably me, never kicks in. It’s a level high. An even keel. As with Relief you’re conscious of how you’re steering. Arouse is wavy. Or else sparkling. It’s the tissue-soft cotton of a T-shirt washed hundreds of times rippling in a warm breeze. They may as well have called it Tulum. Or Pink.
And, for the record, Arouse and Passion are nothing alike.
Just as it’s not recommended you take Ambien every night, I wouldn’t suggest revolving through Hmbldt’s entire catalogue for every pinch of discomfort and tiny indignity. Marijuana isn’t addicting from a pharmacological or physiological standpoint but it is habit-forming and creates withdrawal. The thought of becoming reliant on Focus for every email or edit is unwelcome (as is paying for it). And if this directional, reliable mood altering is where the marijuana industry is headed, I’m excited.
Article source here:The Atlantic
0 notes
fuckyeahrozay · 7 years
can u actually pls send me some of these 1: Name: Jordan 2: Age: 20 something 3: 3 Fears: God, God, God 4: 3 things I love: God, My Son, sleep 5: 4 turns on: Righteousness, Honesty and Appearance 6: 4 turns off: Liars, Bums, Uglyyyy lol 7: My best friend: T'Andraaaa! 8: Sexual orientation: Heterosexual 9: My best first date: Curren$y concert!!! 10: How tall am I: 5'5 11: What do I miss: being young and childless 12: What time were I born:10 something 13: Favorite color: black 14: Do I have a crush: Draymond Green ❤️ since I was like 12.. 15: Favorite quote: it is what it is 16: Favorite place: in the bed sleep 17: Favorite food: chicken 18: Do I use sarcasm: all I know 19: What am I listening to right now: ninja turtles 20: First thing I notice in new person: appearance 21: Shoe size: you gone buy me shoe or something? 22: Eye color: cute lol 23: Hair color: black 24: Favorite style of clothing: causal 25: Ever done a prank call? Me, Kayla, Trachelle, Sheena and Albert in middle school. 27: Meaning behind my URL: idk lol 28: Favorite movie: Remember the titans 29: Favorite song: Mya Fallen 30: Favorite band: SHS 😂 31: How I feel right now: Sleepy 32: Someone I love: Jayceon 33: My current relationship status: single 34: My relationship with my parents: they irri lol 🙄 35: Favorite holiday: Christmas I guess 36: Tattoos and piercing i have 8 37: Tattoos and piercing i want idk 38: The reason I joined Twitter to talk shit 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope in love but too stubborn to be together so 🖕🏿 em 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Everyday 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? No way 42: When did I last hold hands? Today, I held my so hand 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 30 when I only gave 15 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Nair 45: Where am I right now? Tmi 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Jason 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No 49: Am I excited for anything? Disney world next month 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Work! 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? About 5 minutes ago 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I got they ass twin caskets 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Jason 55: What is something I disliked about today: I don't have any energy 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Breezy 57: What do I think about most? Future 58: What’s my strangest talent? Umm.. 59: Do I have any strange phobias? No 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind 61: What was the last lie I told? Don't remember 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Talking on the phone 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Idk 64: Do I believe in magic? No 65: Do I believe in luck?No 66: What’s the weather like right now? Snowy 67: What was the last book I’ve read? 😐 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes love 69: Do I have any nicknames?Rozay 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Paper cut 71: Do I spend money or save it?Spend 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?No 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Yes my coat 74: Favorite animal? Puppies 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Sleep 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? 78: How can you win my heart? 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? 80: What is my favorite word? 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? 86: What is my current desktop picture? 87: Had sex? 88: Bought condoms? 89: Gotten pregnant? 90: Failed a class? 91: Kissed a boy? 92: Kissed a girl? 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yes 94: Had job? Plenty 95: Left the house without my wallet? By mistake 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No 97: Had sex in public? No, tf? 98: Played on a sports team? Yes 99: Smoked weed? Back in the day 100: Did drugs? By Prescription 101: Smoked cigarettes? Never YUCK! 102: Drank alcohol? Yes 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No don’t have enough control 104: Been overweight? Always 105: Been underweight? Never 106: Been to a wedding? Yes! 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? MySpace days probably 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? I’m sure.. probably watching law & order 109: Been outside my home country? No 110: Gotten my heart broken? Too many times 111: Been to a professional sports game? Dallas Mavs/Saginaw Spirit 112: Broken a bone? No 113: Cut myself? Not on purpose. 114: Been to prom? 4 times 🤦🏾‍♀️ 115: Been in airplane? Yes! 116: Fly by helicopter? Never, I wanna though. 117: What concerts have I been to? Curren$y, lil Wayne, Omarion, Usher, Jeezy, Bobby V., JayZ, August Alsina, Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Bryson Tiller, too many to name all. 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? No. 119: Learned another language? Spanish. 120: Wore make up? 💁🏽 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope. 122: Had oral sex? ❤️ 123: Dyed my hair? Blonde and Brown. 124: Voted in a presidential election? 2008-2016 125: Rode in an ambulance? Yeah. 126: Had a surgery? C section 127: Met someone famous? Grew up with em. 128: Stalked someone on a social network? I’m not proud of it but yeah. 129: Peed outside? Too many drunk nights. 130: Been fishing? Yes, very soothing. 131: Helped with charity? Several times. 132: Been rejected by a crush? Yes, he was a butt hole. 🖕🏿 him dawg. 133: Broken a mirror? Years ago. 134: What do I want for birthday? Love & to be on the beach.
0 notes
pandannoart · 7 years
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Danny Mourre 2: Age 24 3: 3 Fears Dying alone, enclosed places, crowds 4: 3 things I love Art, my dogs, music 5: 4 turns on Intelligence, kindness, confidence, artistic 6: 4 turns off Dirty, judgmental, narcissistic, entitled 7: My best friend Dylan, Lizz, Rachael 8: Sexual orientation Straight 9: My best first date All of my first dates have gone bad 10: How tall am I 5,5 11: What do I miss Being happy and feeling loved 12: What time were I born 8:26 PM 13: Favourite color Green 14: Do I have a crush --- 15: Favourite quote "It can't rain all the time" 16: Favourite place NYC 17: Favourite food Peking Duck 18: Do I use sarcasm Yes 19: What am I listening to right now The ceiling fan 20: First thing I notice in new person Eyes 21: Shoe size 11-12 depends on the shoe style 22: Eye color Brown 23: Hair color Brown 24: Favourite style of clothing Not sure the style's name but I like clothing from H&M and Topman 25: Ever done a prank call? Yeah 27: Meaning behind my URL My "brand" name 28: Favourite movie The Fifth Element 29: Favourite song Something About You - Daft Punk 30: Favourite band Paramore 31: How I feel right now Great and like shit, happy, sad, mad and everything in between 32: Someone I love --- 33: My current relationship status Single 34: My relationship with my parents Mother:great, Father:ok 35: Favourite holiday Halloween 36: Tattoos and piercing i have 7 Tattoos and no more piercings, need to get them re done 37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want at least one arm done by the end of this year, piercings I want my earlobes stretched to 2g, I want an industrial piercing on my right ear, maybe labret and both nipples pierced 38: The reason I joined Tumblr Art 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Idk I haven't spoken to her since 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? No 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? No 42: When did I last hold hands? I don't remember 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20-30 minutes 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? I don't shave my legs 45: Where am I right now? Bed 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Lizz, Rachael, Brian 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends on my mood 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yes 49: Am I excited for anything? Can't tell 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Lizz and Rachael haha 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Almost everyday 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Monday 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I wouldn't care 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes 55: What is something I disliked about today? I had a panic attack 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Alive? Stan Lee, Dead? My Grandpa 57: What do I think about most? Everything 58: What’s my strangest talent? Not sure if I have a strange talent 59: Do I have any strange phobias? No 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind 61: What was the last lie I told? I'm ok, I have nothing going on 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Phone 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes 64: Do I believe in magic? No 65: Do I believe in luck? No 66: What's the weather like right now? Rainy 67: What was the last book I've read? Ready Player One 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes 69: Do I have any nicknames? Panda 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Almost hyper extended my knee 71: Do I spend money or save it? Spend 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? No 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? My walls to my dismay 74: Favourite animal? Panda 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Overthinking 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Rickert 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? September - Earth, Wind and Fire 78: How can you win my heart? Be there for me, let me know everything will be ok. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "Here lies a free man, born as a king, who died as a slave" 80: What is my favorite word? Fuck 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr Idk 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Fuck off 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Yes 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Teleportation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? What's on your mind? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Moon Knight 87: Had sex? Yeah 88: Bought condoms? Yeah 89: Gotten pregnant? I physically can't 90: Failed a class? Yea 91: Kissed a boy? No 92: Kissed a girl? Yea 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No 94: Had job? Have job, yes. Hand job? Yes, I can't tell if it's a typo 95: Left the house without my wallet? Multiple times 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No 97: Had sex in public? Not yet 98: Played on a sports team? Yes 99: Smoked weed? Yeah 100: Did drugs? No 101: Smoked cigarettes? Just quit 102: Drank alcohol? Hell yea 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 104: Been overweight? Am 105: Been underweight? No 106: Been to a wedding? Never 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Child's play 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Child's play 109: Been outside my home country? Yes 110: Gotten my heart broken? No many times to count 111: Been to a professional sports game? Yea 112: Broken a bone? Never 113: Cut myself? No 114: Been to prom? Yeah 115: Been in airplane? Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter? No 117: What concerts have I been to? Paramore and Courage My Love 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? No 119: Learned another language? I'm bilingual and I took French in high school 120: Wore make up? No 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? When I was 122: Had oral sex? Yeah 123: Dyed my hair? Yeah 124: Voted in a presidential election? No 125: Rode in an ambulance? Yeah 126: Had a surgery? Nope 127: Met someone famous? A couple 128: Stalked someone on a social network? Who hasn't at this point 129: Peed outside? Yeah 130: Been fishing? Never 131: Helped with charity? Yeah 132: Been rejected by a crush? More time than I can count 133: Broken a mirror? No 134: What do I want for birthday? How about not being single for another year 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? I really don't want kinda anymore 136: Was I named after anyone? No 137: Do I like my handwriting? It's ok 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? Quickstrike from Beast Wars 139: Favourite Tv Show? Rick And Morty 140: Where do I want to live when older? NYC 141: Play any musical instrument? I wish 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? Punching lockers, right knuckle 143: Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese 144: Am I afraid of the dark? No 145: Am I afraid of heights? Not anymore 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Yes 148: What I'm really bad at Talking about my feelings to those who it's about 149: What my greatest achievments are Graduating high school, and getting a leadership position at work 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me No one will ever love you and you're gonna die alone 151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery Get a place in NYC and still work, save money so I can live comfortably 152: What do I like about myself My calves 153: My closest Tumblr friend Lizz and Rachael 154: Something I fantasise about Finally finding love, finally being happy 155: Any question you'd like? Idk
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