#what is with me and saying “smash” to any character named vincent
those creepy ass twins in horror movies be like:
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i have been trying so hard to play this game but my laptop wont fucking let me
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elendsessor · 8 months
This is kind of a weird question, but what’s a ship (crossover or same series) that only you’ve thought of? I have a few, but one of ‘em I like to call SumRay. It’s a ship between Summer Adams from Yo-kai Watch and Rachel “Ray” Gardner from Angels of Death. I personally prefer it to ZackRay (a semi-popular ship in the fandom) due to ZackRay’s massive age gap. Also, I think Summer would be a far healthier partner than Edward “Eddie” Mason (from the same series,) as Summer is a genuinely kind person who likes helping people (and would have no qualms helping Rachel cope with her trauma,) (all three are the same age, btw,) while Eddie wants Rachel in a grave.
i uh. can’t say i was the only one who thought of some of these bc there’s probably someone out there. i’m not that original in my pairing choices. it usually boils down to protags from the same series that never met or ships that i never found content of as a kid (at least none that were likely ironic). basically if they were fictional characters i had the hots for and they were the same age as one another i probably shipped them.
dumb ones i remember that were more “i swear nobody shipped them when i was little”: prior to neo i shipped beatneku and never saw any fics of them for like a year. i also remember thinking sora x neku was a good idea before i knew what a twewy was.
another childhood ship was zuko x jet for no reason in particular that i doubt people shipped at least unironically and don’t get me started on the smash bros ships and uh. high school musical ships when i was in sixth grade. troy i’m sorry you deserve a non on and off gf.
btw idk if there’s any cloud x vincent shippers out there but hi.
and while i’m 99% sure this was a crackship for most i used to genuinely ship wolf link and amaterasu and it’s still kinda a cute idea to me.
also i remember seeing spies in disguise when it came out. there were these two background dudes that were there for a couple jokes and i thought they were a couple. i don’t remember if they had names but i swear they were gay.
i’m sorry none of these are all that unique i’ll probably make up one eventually and follow up this ask. again sorry :(
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amplesalty · 3 years
Halloween 2021 - Day 5 - The Invisible Ray (1936)
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Doesn’t that just sound like a bad magician? “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing...The Invisible Ray!”
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Ah, this takes me back. Back in year 0 of this horror marathon business, before this blog was a thing, it was kinda heavily skewed towards the ‘classic’ period; Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy..all that Universal 1930’s type stuff. Amongst that first run were a pair of films starring both KARLOFF and Bela Lugosi;  The Black Cat and The Raven. I remember them both being quite good, both having this sort of rivalry between their two characters. The Black Cat moreso with a young couple caught in the middle of a heated feud between KARLOFF and Lugosi’s characters. Whereas The Raven has KARLOFF as more of a de-facto good guy as he plays a reluctant henchman to Lugosi’s character. Not that that level of power translated off screen, with Lugosi’s star beginning to fade but I remember reading something about KARLOFF insisting on some parity in pay between the two in one of their movies when the studio tried to lowball Lugosi so good on you, KARLOFF.
Neither have much to do with the Edgar Allan Poe stories they take their names from, outside of Lugosi’s character in The Raven having an obsession with Poe and adapting various means of torture from Poe stories. There have been plenty of Poe adaptations throughout the years but the other big uptick in them was in the 1960’s with a series of films directed by Roger Corman, often starring Vincent Price but with other big names sprinkled in like KARLOFF, Peter Lorre and Lon Chaney Jr. Plus a relatively early Jack Nicholson appearance in The Raven, which was shot at the same time as The Terror. That bloody bird!
So, yeah, it’s good to see one of these KARLOFF/Lugosi films again. Apparently there are eight films that featured both of them so I’ll be halfway there now on them. This also has Carl Laemmle Jr’s name attached, albeit in a minor way as he’s listed as ‘presenting’ the movie. I’m not sure if that ever means anything. It’s like when Tarantino ‘presents’ something, did he have any actual input on the film or was he just shining a light on something he personally liked because he has so much power and influence?
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The movie’s foreword is an early indicator of the more science-fiction leaning nature of the movie which catches you off guard a little with the people involved and the timeframe we’re working in. Feels like the 50’s was more when the whole sci-fi thing took off. Also, since when was science a verb?
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Certainly has the feel of that classic ‘old, dark house’ horror thing early on as we start with the Rukh household awaiting the arrival of some of Dr Janos Rukh’s (KARLOFF) peers who are to bear witness to his new discovery.
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KARLOFF has clearly been eating his crusts to get curls like that, normally he’s a slicked back kind of guy. And it’s kinda weird seeing both of them with facial hair. Oddly though this is one of the rare times that Lugosi plays a good guy, this is a clear violation of the parallel universe protocol:
Normal universe – clean shaven – good guy Parallel universe – goatee – evil
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This early version of Dr. Doom is a bit naff. Are you making a great scientific discovery here or doing a spot of welding?
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Apparently Dr Rukh’s invention is a telescope that is able to see into the deepest reaches of space, but can also pick up on vibrations left by the events that have taken place and he can then project that as a moving image that shows an asteroid crashing to Earth millions of years ago that can help him pinpoint the crash site and allow him to discover new elements inside the asteroid...wait, what?! Is this like that time on CSI when they solved a murder by getting sound out of something someone made in pottery class because the grooves could be played like a vinyl?
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We then pivot sharply into the great plains of Africa where our team have set off in search of what will become known as ‘Radium X’. Oh yes, I think that’s on the periodic table next to Hardtoobtainium. And I’m specifically trying to avoid animal cruelty by not watching Cannibal Holocaust, don’t come around here with your dead leopards and talk of how many rhinos you’ve shot. I must say I’m a little wary of this sudden introduction of all these natives carrying spears and wearing bone necklaces, I just don’t feel like I can trust a movie made in the 1930’s to be sensitive on it’s portrayal of other cultures.
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Thought it does present us with the best actor in this picture, look at those bug eyes! He’s like Africa’s answer to Marty Feldman.
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And that’s just his reaction to a piece of scanning equipment going off, him and his mates are definitely going to be worried when this white devil makes a demonstration of his new found Radium X and it’s ability to melt pure stone. Looks like a portajohn backing up...
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He then promptly turns his cosmic ray gun on all the locals when they tell him they want to go home. Sure, you can leave, you’re not going to get very far though. Dude, there’s like 12 of you and he’s given some of you rifles. Just jump him when he’s asleep.
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Dr. Rukh finds that evening that he’s suddenly turned an interesting shade of neon yellow and can be seen by anyone in a three mile radius so either this Radium X is highly poisonous or Rukh has been running in opposition to Vladimir Putin. This poisoning leaves him so irradiated that merely touching another living thing is enough to kill it. Dr. Benet (Lugosi) is able to make a serum for him but can never truly cure him, he must regularly take this serum or otherwise he will revert to this killing machine type state.
But, in his eagerness to not spread this poison to his wife, and his general upholding of the man code to never air ones medical problems, he generally acts a bit surly and tells her to piss off which see views as him not loving her anymore so he promptly shacks up with the young explorer type who came with them to Africa. Worse yet, Benet and crew have taken a sample of Radium X to show at a scientific conference in Paris. Between losing his missus and thinking that other people are taking all the credit for his work, Rukh is just slightly annoyed.
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It’s not all bad though, he is able to use this new element to cure his mother’s blindness. I like how his first reaction upon learning that Radium X has irrecoverably changed his life, leaving him one missed injection away from imminent death, is to shoot it directly into his mother’s face.
“Patients won’t like being shot in the face.” “They’ll like what I tell them to like.”
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Whilst sulking outside of the church that his ex is getting re-married in, he spots a series of statues of saintly figures and imagines them representing each of the 6 people on the African expedition, vowing to destroy each of them until only he is left. Marvelous invention this Radium X, it can melt statues and cure blindness. Do you have to put special filters on that ray gun of yours depending on the situation? That’s a malpractice suit waiting to happen if you mix those up.
Dr. Benet is a little suspicious when one of their party dies suddenly for no explainable reason so takes a few ultraviolet photos of the victims eyes in order to study. And wouldn’t you know what he finds?
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Bullshit! Nevermind the ultraviolet camera, this is more like the dues ex machine camera. I know this is science fiction and all but what is this, 1936 or 2036? Or maybe they’re just able to make the most detailed contact lenses known to man.
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Eventually, when Rukh finds himself unable bring himself to kill his former love, he is confronted by his mother who smashes the serum and condemns him to death as, going unchecked, the Radium X within him will destroy his body. Sensing the end coming, Dr. Rukh dives out of the nearest window and promptly erupts bursts into flames, now left as little but a pile of ash on a damp Paris street. It’s a shame really, dozens of people spontaneously combust every year, it’s just not widely reported.”
This one was okay, definitely a different vibe compared to other Universal stuff at the time with all the science fiction and Africa based stuff but it does still travel down that ‘descent into madness’ thing that they often fall back on and it’s always fun to see KARLOFF and Lugosi, especially when they’re together. But, if we’re strictly talking about the KARLOFF/Lugosi pairing, I’m definitely leaning towards one of their other outings like Black Cat, Raven or Son of Frankenstein. There’s just something not right about Lugosi playing some normal, if he’s not being unhinged then you’re not really getting what you came here for.
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twiststreet · 4 years
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Put on Schizoid Embolism: The Movie again for the first time in a million years while I do Some Writing since it’s popped up on Netflix-- just got to the escalator and Verhoeven and the thing that really makes him so worth watching:  not just the audacity of the escalator bit, but that he’ll cut back to the guy who got used as a human shield after the action has “moved on” away from him, just lying there dead’ed-to-death. (EDIT: oh wait, that’s just a different guy Michael Ironside steps on). That’s one of those things I’ve never done but always yell at myself for not having done:  he’s one of those guys I wish I had the patience to just go from movie 1 to the most recent movie he made, and just go one by one.  I always get distracted though.  
Sharon Stone saying “I just work here, though.”  A++.  The idea that she was dating Shep Gordon around the time of this movie, looking like she does, is a lot, though.  Whew!  I mean, guy has his positive qualities, it’s cool she wasn’t just out smashing himbos, but still.. I don’t know: those photos are a lot.  But yeah:  she’s fucking great in this. Probably due some kinda reconsideration. 
 She’d be a pretty girl in the Allan Quartermain movies but this is the one where I remember being a star after it, though it really hit after Basic Instinct.  I wasn’t into that movie as much. (But at the time, I remember just thinking that was another Michael Douglas movie about hating women and like, he used to make one of those every year for a little while.  There was even one where he hated women so much he went into Virtual Reality to hate them there!  Then, his wife’s pussy gave him throat cancer.  Karma’s some funny shit).  
I think people would say peaked at Casino, but I thought she was pretty funny in The Muse; I don’t know if a lot of people were into that one, it wasn’t well-received, but I remember liking it-- or it does have that Scorcese scene in it, anyways.   
At the time, I liked the movie but I was like “You know, I’m a Running Man guy more”, for Arnold.  Just for that line-- “His name was Sub Zero?  Well now he’s just plain Zero.” Or whatever it was. I have to imagine that’s changed in the many years since-- Netflix doesn’t have The Running Man on it, though, for me to check.  (Yeah, Predator’s the best “movie” but not because of Arnold-- that one’s great because of the Predator... Different thing, I’d argue). I remember this having just a perfect beginning on Earth and then me not being as into it once Arnold finally gets to Mars, though.  But who cares: Michael Ironside.  Ham in V. The teacher in Starship Troopers. One of the billion reasons Major Payne is so great.  Wikipedia says he played a character called “Frank Bruce” in a movie called McBain and you know what?  Hell yeah he did.  HELL YEAH HE DID.  The best.  That guy’s the fucking best at being Michael Ironside in a movie... Heaven. 
For That Guys, if I had to do a Top 10, right this second, watching Ironside on my TV, I’d go ... 1 and 2) JT Walsh then Dick Miller (controversial? I think some people would flip that), 3) James Hong, 4) M. Emmet Walsh... I think that has to be the top 4, right ? But then I’m going to go 5) William Atherton, 6) James Rebhorn and then 7) Michael Ironside (just for me, just for how happy I am when I see him in something, which is for me the criteria I’m using tonight), 8) Bill Fichtner, 9) Bob Gunton obviously, and 10? I’m going to Vincent Schiavelli.   (That site’s weird because I wouldn’t call Henry Silva a  That Guy, that’s fucking Henry Silva, I think that’s silly.  Or Ray Wise?? You’re not a That Guy anymore after you kill Laura Palmer-- *Spoiler Warning-- it’s silly).  I mean... that list probably would change a lot on any other night, but that’s my list for tonight, right this second, while watching Total Recall...
Anyways: back to Some Writing.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/6
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Part 6
AU story with tvd/to characters, but also with many others from different fandoms like Nick Amaro _Law&Order svu, that I am borrowing here. And Joel Goran from Saving Hope etc.
Main pairing_ Nick Amaro and Elena Gilbert
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
tag_ @miguelsbrat​ ٩( ^ᴗ^)۶☀🌴🌴💮🍹
(❁˘▽˘) thank you for reading xoxo
New Orleans
"Special Agent Dean Stavros" the man introduced himself to Elena and Nick
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"The body?" Elena said.
"Right. Follow me. Bossy much?" Dean looked at Nick.
"Sugar deficiency. I hope you know some good beignet joint?" Nick replied.
Elena was going through her tablet already crossreferencing the files she had on local myths and legends. You drive" she said to Nick as she got in the SUV on the passenger side.
Strangely Nick didn't mind the way she would just be so forward with him in a way like they had been working together forever and it was the way they rolled.
"Have you crossed all the ts?" Nick asked as she put the tablet down looking out of the window.
"All of them were killed in sacred woods" Elena replied still gazing out of the window.
"Ritual killing?"
"I don't know yet. Anyway, remember the stuff you got about that Aztec Sun & Moon ritual Vicky Donovan wrote in her diary?!"
"The Supermoon eclipse?"
"Yeah-" Elena muttered pensively.
"Where are you going with this? Nick inquired.
"I've just read about a local legend of the Loogaroo vampire. The name is a blending Loup Garou and the Obayifo".
"I know. Obayifo- vampiric witch." Nick said.
"Oh, you really have been doing your homework" Elena was impressed.
"The month you were recuperating I used to catch up on all your docu on vampires"
"Right" she  shot a I'm really impressed, "Loogaroo as a term conceals a cipher of the words Ura Ghul, or devourer of hearts, which echos the thing that Davina Claire's heart being cut out could have something to do with it"
"But what has sun and the moon myth got to do with it all then?"
"Oh, it's about- well, maybe raising the Loogaroo, sun and the moon eclipse is necessary to bring forth this creature -something to do with mixing the dark and the light magic. It's about traditions of Voudon, which are about the light and dark. A fusion of African and European magical practices This is all a stretch, but I am trying to prove that all those women drained of blood have a much darker connection. Oh, the Loogaroo has a werewolf aspect as well. There is another legend that says, In the other legend the Loogaroo is a sorcerer who makes a pact with the "devil" and thence is able to leave there body to feed as a vampire.  In Voudon the Loogaroo is linked to the Loa Legba in his Kalfu aspect and in Santeria to Eshu both of whom are symbolized by the image of the devil. Some claim the Loogaroo is a name for a type of werewolf due to the wolfish aspect of the Zulo of this type of Strega but Strigoi have often taken such shapes as it is the "witch" shape of its locality."
"Now you gave us lots of food for thought" Nick said as he stopped the car as they had arrived at the morgue.
"Don't mention food. I am seriously hungry."
"You had that double burger before we left the hotel this morning" Nick remarked.
"I should have had two" Elena twitched with her lips, regretting not ordering another one to take.
Agent Stavros now came up to them thinking that he had never met a quirky type like Elena and Nick.
"Here we go" he said and kind of waved the hand to follow him.
Inside, Elena took over with examining the body of Davina Claire. Outside the room Dean answered some additional questions about the witch.
"This is New Orleans. Nearly one in five crimes have a shadow of witchcraft, voodoo attached to it" Dean said
"Yes, but she worked in a magic shop," Nick said,"which I suppose was just a shop selling trinkets and oinments and stupid potions"
"You think we don't take this stuff seriously? The girl's heart was torn out. Dark magic is powerful stuff- I know it" Dean said.
"You do?"
"Unfortunatelly. Anyway, our CSI team is really good. Why is she examining the body herself" Dean replied.
"Because she sees stuff noone does" Nick said.
"I heard so much about her, but I have never imagined her being so - " Dean paused as words escaped him.
"Different?" Nick tilted his head in interest.
"Yeah, different! Creepy Elena" 
Dean’s phone rang and he excused himself for a moment.
Elena got out and said that they could go. She had all the info she needed.
"I have to go. I will see you tomorrow. And the place to smash yourself with sweet stuff Royale St. Mention my name and you will get the best beignets"-
"Right. See you tomorrow. Thanks." Elena said.
Dean hurried away and the two agents did the same.
On the way to the cafe Kol had suggested, Elena shared her findings with him.
"So, this is another vampire?" Nick asked.
"No, this was not a vampre bite. Werewolf."
"So, the Loogaroo?" Nick concluded.
"No. I don't know. It can't be. The other victims didn't have their hearts torn out"- Elena said looking out of the window.
"Are you all right?" Nick said worryingly.
"Yes, why?"
"This is the second time you have that absent-minded look swaying into whatever you see out there." Nick explained.
"I am fine. Just - loads of thoughts. Way too many and that is why I need sugar."
"There- Royale St" Nick said and soon parked up near the cafe.
"You know NOLA pretty well, ha?" Elena said as they got out of the car.
"Of course, you know I lived here as a teenager, till we moved to D.C. And Camille is from NOLA!”
"True. Slipped my mind about her." Elena said.
They entered the cafe and it was all about the beignets, the sweet potatoe pie. Even Nick had some and they talked about New Orleans, as they both were very fond of the place as it turned out.
"It was like an escape for my aunt Jenna and me. New York is amazing, but New Orleans was like entering another time and space" Elena said.
And there was this flicker in her eyes that opened a window into her soul.
"I see where you get your toughness from. Jenna doesn't take any hostages.” Nick said.
"She is great" Elena said and the tine of voice indicated that she didn't want to go further into discussing family.
"You promise me that you will have Elena's back!" Jenna said to Nick that first night in the hospital as she found him standing on his own outside the hospital building.
"You have my world" Nick said.
"I want it in blood. Ok. Sorry. I get carried away. She is the only family I got left. And- she will be eatching yours, even more so, as she lost her partner"
"Now you are slipping away" Elena caught Nick lost in his thoughts.
"It's the weather here"
"What hotel have we got?" Elena asked.
"The Old 77"
"View on the Mississipi. Great. Luke really knows what to pick"
"I thought you didn't care about these things" Nick teased, curling a cute smile at her.
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"I can sleep anywhere, but in a place like this a moment of something amazing, like the Mississipi." Elena said taking a bite of her sweet potatoe pie.
They stayed a little while longer and then went to the hotel.
New Orleans was a place that never sleeps, same as one other great city. And the night life was just about to start, and unlike Elena, Elijah would go out for drinks with his friends, although it was only Camille, Gia and Vincent.
And so he knocked at her door.
Elena opened it with a question mark in her eyes-"Something happened?"
"No. I was going out for a drink- wanna come?"
"Drink? Ahm, I was going to - go talk to Davina's cousin."
"Don't we have that scheduled for tomorrow after we scour the Magic Shop!?"
"We do." Elena stood there as if she was caught red-handed. Then she turned around and took her phone and hotel card. "One drink"
Nick then stopped for a second. By the expression of his face, she could tell that he was not happy. "You've just lied to my face. You were going to the Bayou on your own, weren't you? Weren't you??" 
Elena stood in the hallway as condemned. It was true. And whatever she now said would not matter.
"I don't know what the fucking deal is with you but I am not a side thing- an assistant doing research-"
"No, you're not. But I can't risk you going with me"
"What are you talking about? You can't risk what exactly?"
"I can't risk you getting killed" Elena then said.
"Who got shot a while ago?!! It was you if I remember correctly." Nick looked at her puzzled.
"I can't let the same thing happen to you like it happened to Jackson."
"Why do you think anything will happen to me?" Nick looked at her wide-eyed.
"When I was shot that night- if you were with me they would have shot you too."
"Who is they, Elena?” Nick wanted answers.
She was in a check-mate position. She turned around and went to her room. Nick followed her in.
"It's about time you start speaking."
Elena sighed a little and then looked at him seriously, "The vampire that killed Lexi Branson."
"I killed it,” Elena said,"I went to the woods and - I killed it."
"What? Are you saying - you killed IT?!"
Elena was silent for a second and exclaimed agitated "I killed IT!"
Nic's head was spinning and he didn't know whether he had just entered a bad dream.                 
"I killed IT. That is what I do" Elena said again.
Elijah turned around and left the room.
"Amaro!" Elena shouted following him out.
Elena stood still as she got out of the room looking right and then left, "Amaro!” She now ran down the hall, all in frenzy, but there was not a shadow of her partner to be seen.
"No, this can't be happening. Not again" she took her phone and pressed the speedial for Nick’s number. There was no answer. It went straight to voice mail. She left no message, but went into the crowd. Into the night.
Years back
Elena and Dale Cooper got out of the car as they got near the woods, a few miles out of Twin Peaks.
"Smell the air"- Cooper said to the young Agent.
Elena did. The pine trees had a very potent smell to them. She knew this was yet another most unusual exercise in the supernatural.
"It is a beautiful day, isn't it?!" he said rethorically.
Elena could not disagree. The sun was shinning, the birds were singing a greeting to the spring. All was very enchanting, except for one thing, a girl wrapped up in plastic bag found in the woods two days previously.
Another car pulled up.  Cooper greeted the Sheriff introducing him to Elena.
"This is a very good man, one of the best," Cooper said shaking the Sheriff's hand,"Harry, this is Agent Gilbert, Bureau's bright new star"
Elena shook the Sheriff's hand as well.
"Here we are again. Everything was peaceful for fifteen years" the Sheriff said.
"But, the case compared to Laura Palmer shows something completely different."
"There is so much more in these woods than evil ghosts,” Cooper said,"we will examine the body after we finish here. I hope the diner still serves good coffee?!"
"It does," the Sheriff confirmed,"you might like the new pie they are serving"
Cooper smiled a little and then they all went into the woods.
Elena came up to the house in the French Quarter she had been at a while ago.
The woman opened it and looked at Elena uttering, "Angel Heart?!"
Elena had no time for pleaseantries and walked right passed the woman. She stormed in the study, where a man in his fifties put a book on a shelf with his back still turned saying, "What can I do for you?"
"What have you done with my partner?" Elena shot sternly trying to steady herself.
The hybrid turned around facing her now,"Why would you assume that I have anything to do with your new partner?"
"Let's not continue with the bullshit. You think that I didn't see your shadows lurking about," Elena continued,"you would do anything to stop the investigation. So, just spill!"
"I have nothing to do with Davina Claire's demise. I honour my agreement with the Bureau. You know this city, shinning from the outside, rotten from the inside" Lucien said putting a little smirk on.
Elena laughed. And she stood there not budging. And the hybrid, part werewolf, part warlock, just glared at her. There was nothing he could do to her and vice versa. But Elena knew he would have information, but she also knew he would be intertwined in a huge web of deals to insure his survival in this city of magic.
"You know that always get to the truth, and I don't keep to the agreement, because I know what you are like' Elena said in a tone that sounded like an ominous promise.
"I know, Angel Heart" Lucien said with a grim face.
"Later" Elena stormed out of the room. She got what she came for. His glare stated that Nick was indeed taken.
"Damn, where are you, Amaro?" she muttered, her mind racing zillion times over trying to figure who would take her partner.
Flashback Twin Peaks , years ago
In the woods
"The evil resides in many forms," Cooper said to Elena,"you know it so very well. I don't have to tell you that. But I will still share with you my wisdom."
Elena couldn't wait to hear what he would come out with.
Cooper took a sip of the coffee from the thermos indulging in it for a second and then said, "Take it by the horns! And face it straight on!"
This was one of so many quirky things she kept in her head as golden rule.
And where was Nick?
Deep in the Bayou, in a cabin, away from the world, with a bite wound on his neck half conscious, not understanding what was going on.
He could hear voices as if they were coming from the distance, but two men were standing right next to him.
"Let's kill him now," one man said,"I don't care about what she said."
"Not until the ritual. No one will find him here" the other man said. 
Nick tried to call out, but his head went fuzzy and now he closed his eyes, breathing heavy.
_to be continued
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thereunionvii · 5 years
Operation Reunion -The Fight for FFVIIR Legacy Cast FAQ
Hi there. I'm glad you're here. My name is Kelsey and I am a part of this wonderful movement known as Operation Reunion -a passionate, dedicated group of Final Fantasy 7 fans aiming to return the original English voice cast/our beloved VAs back to the remake. I’ll be more than happy to answer some of the more common questions that have come our way.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I'm a fan that loves Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy 7 in particular holds a special place in my heart. The original FF7 English voice cast introduced in Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, and Crisis Core are utterly PHENOMENAL. Many of these same VAs have been in other series I've grown with and they have been near and dear to me for a long time. They are talented and they clearly GET these FF7 characters to where they've always been just as irreplaceable as the original Japanese cast.
Q: Even Steve Burton?
A: YES. Absolutely. I'm not even a General Hospital fan (and that's putting it nicely) but Steve has always blown me away as Cloud. He just IS Cloud. He's played Cloud for almost 20 years, that doesn't happen if you aren't good and don't have the fan support. A lot of us here were ecstatic to have the English cast return for the remake.  
Q: So, obviously they're not in the remake now.  Did they just not want to do it?
A: Actually. . .no. . .it's far more complicated than that. . .The original EN and JP cast was always planned to return. In 2015 Gematsu interviews, producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Tetsuya Nomura repeated that the only voices that were left undecided at the moment were the ones that never had VAs such as Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, etc. In the 2017 trailer, Steve Burton and Beau Billingslea (Barret) are clearly still there. Steve Burton and George Newbern (Sephiroth) even returned for Dissidia NT only last year. Quinton Flynn (Reno and Axel (Kingdom Hearts) ) even returned just this year for Kingdom Hearts 3.
Despite all that, Kitase, who is not even the director and has no control over the localization made the absolutely feckless, unwarranted, and disrespectful decision to remove the entire cast-from what it seems right before the State of Play trailer. None of the actors were ever told they were being replaced and only found out along with the rest of us this was even happening. Some like Quinton Flynn and Crispin Freeman are STILL not even sure they'll be asked back for the remake.  To all of them, this change was just as much as a shock, and they were all very happy, willing, and beyond excited to come back as well. . .
Q: Won't the original cast at least be back for side projects? Kitase said so. . . .
A: Yes, Kitase claims they are keeping this "legacy" cast for future side projects but even if that were the case, WHAT side projects? Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia are pretty much done. Square has no control over Smash Bros. either. . .Everybody is busy with the FF7 remake and then the eventual FF8 remaster. There are ZERO "side projects" planned at the moment. Kitase's statements are just the "polite" way of confirming an entire cast was replaced without notice, even to the VAs themselves. . .
Q: Didn't the original FF7 not have voice acting?
A: Aww.. . .you're cute. . .Let's be real though. The remake was always going to have voice acting. Voice acting is a staple of 99% of major video game releases. Square has done voice acting for FF ever since FF10. And Square has always provided an English dub along with the original Japanese cast.
Q: Shouldn't we get a fresh, new experience with new VAs? This IS a remake. . . .
A: The original Japanese voice cast has ALWAYS stayed the same. The official Japanese cast list has never changed for anything FF7-related. Japan gets to keep all their original voice cast for the remake. It was only the English cast that got the abrupt and rude dismissal. . .
Q: I don't know, is it just too late to change this? The new VAs must be too far along. . .
A: Nope. Based on all existing evidence so far, and the fact NONE of the original VAs were made aware that they were being replaced, this change just happened. Likely just before the State of Play trailer. So at most, probably a mere 2-3 months ago. . .
Q: Did Square ever say anything about this beforehand?
A: No. Aside from a deliberately veiled 2017 interview https://www.siliconera.com/2017/02/22/final-fantasy-vii-remakes-voicing-main-story-pretty-much-completed/ that could have meant just about anything (and take a note that it says the voice acting is pretty much finished at this point. . .), Square gave ZERO warning to either the fans or the cast that this was going to happen. Even after the State of Play trailer, Square refused to give any official announcement over a new cast until E3, a mere two weeks ago. . .
Q: Why haven't I heard anything about this from Kotaku/GameInformer/Gamespot/IGN/my favorite video game news publication? Didn't you try to contact them?
A: Yes. I have tried. Several times already. So have several people from Operation Reunion. We haven't heard a response from anyone and the VA announcement rarely gets a passing glance in these publications as well. . .
Q: Have you tried Youtube? What about my favorite Youtuber who LOVES Final Fantasy? Why haven't they talked about it?
A: Beats me. . .Without naming anyone, I and several other members tried to get in contact with several popular Youtubers who are clear FF7 fans. The clear answer is that most of them are simply not interested, even if it might of interest to their fans. However, we are currently working on our own Youtube channel so stay tuned for some updates and more fun on that one.
Q: Okay. . .but why don't you give the new cast a chance?
A: Believe me, neither I nor anyone from Operation Reunion hold any malice towards the new cast. For the record, I actually kind of liked some of them. . .We have NOT, do not, or will not support, encourage, or endorse ANYONE to go out of their way to attack the new cast. . .HOWEVER. . .that doesn't change the fact the original English voice cast was always going to return, they always wanted to return, and Square replaced them at the very last minute. . .And that the original English cast deserves to be a part of the remake just as much as the original Japanese cast. . .
Q: But. . . what's done is done right? I mean, Capcom keeps replacing Resident Evil voice actors? Kojima replaced David Hayter as Snake for the last true Metal Gear titles. . .
A: Just because other people have done this sort of thing before doesn't make it okay. It will never be okay. I never forgave Capcom for sacking Paul Mercier, my favorite Leon VA. Nor when they fired Sally Cahill (Ada Wong), and refused to bring back Alyson Court, the ONLY voice for Claire since the beginning, for the RE2 remake because they didn't want to pay her more money, and found an actress who would be willing to do it cheap-which is a disrespectful to both those women. . .
What Kojima did to David Hayter, who will ALWAYS be Snake and has been Snake since Day One of Metal Gear Solid, was always unforgivable as well. . .Honestly, the Metal Gear fans should have rallied harder to bring Hayter back. THAT should have been the tipping point. . . but that is another matter. . .
But what Square did to their FF7 English voice cast. .. that is simply a new level of low in my eyes. . .This is replacing an ENTIRE CAST without warning and without their knowledge in the matter. . . An entire cast that has been loved and adored by fans for over a decade now. . .
As for "what's done is done". . .NO.  . .The English voice actors always should come back. And given that the remake is split into multiple installments, it is a fairly easy fix for Square to bring them back. Which is what this petition is for. . .
Q: But. . .that's unprecedented?!?!?!
A: Quite. But it never should have happened where the English cast was replaced. I will refer to this awesome comment left by the remarkable Fidgety Aura: "If Netflix can manage two or more audio options for languages I'm sure the developers can figure this out to let the new cast shine for newer fans without disrespecting the original English cast or all the English speaking fans."
The remake is slated to have a dual audio feature, it is not out of Square Enix's power to bring back the old LEGACY cast.
Q: But. . .isn't it just a "voice" after all?
A: NO. Voice actors are just as important and just as worthy of respect and recognition as any other actor. (Kotaku may not think so https://kotaku.com/why-excellent-video-game-voice-actors-cant-or-shouldnt-5821597.) English dub anime/video game VAs still don't get the credit, appreciation, and respect their deserve either. . .And that just finally needs to change. . .Replacing an entire cast is a VERY dangerous and slippery message to send to the video game industry-that any and all of our beloved VAs, any ACTORS are simply "disposable" at any given moment. . .
Q: Why don't you just stick to the sub?
A: Doesn't change anything. . .A lot of people love the original English cast as is and still want them back. Nor does that change what Square did to them. . .They always deserved to be a part of this remake. . .And they deserve to be brought back. . .
Q: But do the VAs even want to come back?
A: Yes. Both Quinton Flynn and Crispin Freeman have stated that they'd love nothing more than to come for some more Reno and Rude. Steve Blum has said he would love to come back-he "loves Vincent." George Newbern has said he's "always ready to assist if Square changes their minds." Steve Burton, Jamieson Price (Reeve), and Wally Wingert (Rufus) have all given support to this petition in some way. . .These VAs were just as excited to come back for the remake as we were. . .They still want to come back if given the opportunity. And they deserve every opportunity to come back. . .
Q: What can I do to help?
A: We have a petition to bring back the original English cast like they were always supposed to. . .If this matters as much to you as it does to us, please take a moment of your time to sign the petition. Share the petition with everyone you know. Keep tweeting Square Enix's official Twitter channels and comment on their Facebook pages that you want this to happen. . .Send the message that this is NOT OKAY and we all want our beloved voice actors back. Keep contacting your favorite Youtubers to do a video on this and keep contacting you favorite video game news publications to cover this story. We definitely have some fun things planned once we reach 777 and 1,000 signatures so stay tuned.
Q: But what can *I* really do? I'm. . .me. . .and Square is. . .Square. . .
A: A lot more than you give yourself credit for, actually. As a fan, it is your right to voice when you know something is just not right. No one can ever take that away from you. As a fan, you deserve respect, even to yourself. As for Square, they are never infallible nor impervious to criticism. If you are not happy with Square, you have the right to say, "NO. I do not like this. . .Here's why. . ." If you even just get involved for one person, do it for YOURSELF. Make Square respect you.
Q: Can I offer any ideas/suggestions that might help?
A: Oh, YES. Absolutely. Any new ideas/suggestions are always encouraged. This is a fan group made up of FANS, so there's nothing wrong with having a little fun with this along the way. . .And we're always happy to have anyone on board.
 Thank you everyone for all your support, kindness, dedication, and just overall awesomeness. . .And anyone who wants to join. . .Welcome, and we're always happy to have you. . .Let's make this happen. . .
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bullworthpunk · 6 years
It’s a Date
Characters: Peanut Romano and Johnny Vincent
TWs: Mentions of sex, but nothing graphic
Just a little Johnny/Peanut thing that I thought of. Unrelated to anything, I just wanted to write about one of my favorite Bully pairings lol. I hope you enjoy!
P.S. I know the title is rotten and has little to nothing to do with the story, I honestly couldn’t think of anything better lmao
Peanut Romano sighed as he lay in his bed in the tenements. It was surprisingly warm that night, so the run-down Greaser hideout wasn’t such a bad place to sleep.
He was currently almost completely alone, as all the Greasers had left a couple of hours earlier, deciding to head out to a bar and get drunk. All of them, but one. The one in his bed.
Johnny Vincent was lying, fast asleep, next to Peanut. He laid on his chest, arm draped over Peanut’s stomach, and he was just as naked as his second-in-command.
Yes, they had just had sex. No, it hadn’t been the first time.
Peanut let himself recount the night’s events. He had been spending the evening alone in his room, he wasn’t in a people mood tonight. He had been thinking, like he tended to do a lot. After Norton had come in and ask him if he wanted to go with them – and he had declined –, Peanut decided it was time to go to bed.
He had barely taken off his shirt, when the door to his room was kicked open. In came limping his heavily intoxicated boss. Peanut sighed, knowing what time it was.
“She broke up with me, P,” Johnny slurred, obviously distressed. “She’s been messin’ around with that freaky sunovabitch Melvin. I confronted her, ‘n she flat-out lied to me. She lied to me, Larry!”
Peanut walked over to his friend and guided him over to his bed. Johnny sat down shakily, Peanut sitting down next to him and patting his shoulder gently. “It’s okay, Johnny, she don’t deserve ya. You’re so much better than her.” It was his usual response. It had become a mantra for him.
Johnny clenched his fists angrily. “I’m gonna kill that stinkin’ Nerd, P! I’m serious! He’s gonna regret touching my girl! My queen!” And Peanut knew he was. He had that familiar dark, brooding look in his eyes that he always had when Lola cheated on him. While Peanut has always loved that brooding look, now was the time to try to stop Johnny from doing something he’ll regret.
“What’s that gonna do, boss? Those Nerds can be really dangerous. Melvin will go crying to Earnest and before ya know it we’ll be at war with the Nerds. And is Lola worth that kind of trouble? Ya know she’ll hurt ya again first chance she gets.”
Peanut’s words affected Johnny and he seemed to be coming to his senses. He sighed, suddenly looking very defeated. Peanut suddenly realized again how drunk his friend was. Johnny looked up at Peanut with a desperate look in his eyes.
“Why don’t she love me, Larry? Why am I not good enough? Am I not handsome enough? Too poor?”
Peanut felt his heart break a little when he heard this. He hated it when Johnny got so low on himself. He recalled the times when Johnny’s fragile little heart and his big ego weren’t so easily broken by a chick who wasn’t even worth his time. That was long ago. If only Johnny knew how Peanut looked at him and how strongly he disagreed with his best friend.
He put his arm around Johnny’s shoulder and pulled him into a sideways hug, letting the other boy rest his head in the crook of his neck. “You ain’t nothing like that, John. She’s a slut and she ain’t deserve ya.”
“But I love her…” Johnny trailed off. They were silent for a while, Peanut listening to the other boy’s shaky breaths. Then he felt Johnny sit up and looked at him.
His gaze was met with Johnny’s, who looked just as intense. Then they closed the gap between them and locked their lips together.
Then they had sex.
This had gone on for quite some time now. Whenever Lola and Johnny broke up, Johnny would go get drunk and Peanut would have to go and find him. Or he would come find Peanut. The shorter boy was always ready to comfort him. His heart ached when he saw his best friend in such a state. As much as Johnny himself would never admit it, Lola always managed to hit him at his biggest insecurities. Peanut was the only one he trusted to see his sadness. He would never show weakness to the other guys.
At first, they would just drink a lot and maybe smash something. Then they would get serious and ask all kinds of existential questions and have deep conversations. Eventually, Johnny would start to doze off and Peanut would have to bring him to bed and tuck him in, while Johnny kept saying things like “I love ya, Larry” and “You’re too good to me, I don’t deserve ya”. Johnny hardly ever used Peanut’s nickname when it was just the two of them, knowing how much Larry hated it.
Although Johnny was usually heavily intoxicated when he started complimenting Peanut, he always meant it and Peanut felt his heart flutter whenever he heard his friend talk like this.
A couple of weeks ago, however, things changed.
Everything went as usual. Johnny came barging in, enraged, needing Peanut to calm him down. They would drink, smash and talk. But it was after talking that things got… Odd.
The conversation turned sexual, with Johnny asking if Peanut had already lost his virginity. He already knew the answer, being Peanut’s best friend and all, but he wanted confirmation. Peanut answered with a short “no”.
Johnny smirked and asked if he wanted to. Peanut became uneasy, but did reply with a “yes”.
Then Johnny had asked, “With me?” Peanut’s eyes widened. He had since come to the conclusion that Johnny hadn’t asked because he suspected Peanut had feelings for him, but merely because he craved physical contact. Johnny could be very oblivious.
Peanut hadn’t pushed Johnny away when he advanced on him, and they had sex for the first time that night. It felt natural, both boys knew exactly what to do to make the other feel good.
Afterwards, they both fell asleep. The next morning wasn’t at all awkward. They talked and joked around and then went on their way. Johnny even gave Peanut a kiss on the cheek when he left.
Peanut had felt over the moon. He had thought his feelings had finally been reciprocated. But his happiness had soon disappeared when he noticed Johnny never wanted to talk about what had happened between them, or even wanted to acknowledge it had happened.
Peanut felt hurt and kind of taken advantage of. And yet, when the next time had rolled around, he did it again. And the time after that. And the time after that.
Johnny and Lola broke up often.
Peanut knew this situation wasn’t good for him, but he couldn’t stop himself. He loved Johnny so much that he craved any form of intimacy with him. He couldn’t help letting his heart skip a beat when Johnny kissed him, even if it meant having it ripped in two mere days later, when Johnny and Lola got back together again.
Well, no more, Peanut thought. I won’t put myself through this any longer. I can help him in other ways.
He was shaken from his thoughts when he heard a voice yell from outside his window. He rolled his eyes, recognizing who it belonged to.
“Johnny! Are you there?”
Johnny grunted and mumbled something, but he didn’t wake up. Peanut took a moment to take in the other boy’s resting figure. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, unbothered by the world.
“Johnny! I need to talk to you!” came the voice again.
Peanut, not wanting Johnny to wake up, carefully got out of bed and opened the window. He was greeted by none other than Lola. Her eyes, which were hopeful when Peanut opened the window, quickly hardened when she saw who she was faced with. When it was just Peanut and Lola, she was always cold.
“You’re here early. Usually you wait a few days before you come crawling back,” Peanut remarked nonchalantly.
“I was bored, figured he might be ready to take me back already,” came the equally uninterested reply from Lola.
“I don’t know if he is. You really crossed a line this time, Lola. A Nerd? You really stooped that low? I’ve seen him angry plenty of times before, but not this angry.”
Lola shrugged. “Melvin was useful. I was failing a couple of classes.”
Peanut still couldn’t help but be surprised by how easily Lola could manipulate people to do her bidding and how she never seemed to have any remorse. Not even when she plays Johnny. He actually felt a bit sorry for Melvin.
“So, the rumors are true then? You and Johnny really are butt-buddies?”
“I don’t really see how that is any of your business. You two are done, remember? He just comes to me ‘cause I’m the only one that can calm him down when he gets like this.”
Lola scoffed. “You really are pathetic, you know that Larry?” Peanut glared at her for using his real name. As much as he hated his nickname, he couldn’t help but love the fact that only Johnny called him by his real name. Yes, he knew that was stupid.
“Maybe I am, but at least I still love and respect myself. At least I’m actually liked by other people.” He didn’t mean to be so mean, but Lola always succeeded in driving him to the edge.
Lola simply chuckled, although she was slightly taken aback. She recovered quickly. “Just give up, Larry. You’re never going to get him. He only uses you to get over me, which doesn’t even work, ‘cause he always comes back.”
“Maybe so, but I love him, Lola. More than you ever have and ever will. And as long as I love him, and he needs me, I’ll never abandon him. Especially not at his lowest!”
It actually felt kind of nice to finally say those words out loud. He never did so before. But he quickly froze when he heard a voice behind him. “You love me?”
Peanut turned around and saw Johnny had woken up and stood at the edge of the bed. He had followed the entire conversation. “Johnny, I… I didn’t mean-“ he started, but he stopped talking when Johnny raised a hand to silence him. He had really done it now. He had fucked up, badly.
Johnny made his way over to him and Peanut was scared he was going to yell at him, or maybe even punch him. But he walked past Peanut and leaned out the window. “What are you doin’ here? Just buzz off, will ya?”
Lola clearly hadn’t expected Johnny to react this way. “B-But Johnny! I’m sorry!”
“Sorry, Lola, that’s not doin’ the trick no more. I’m done with ya. You fucked up a little too much.”
“So, you’re just going to leave me for this pathetic dog? Who does nothing but follow you around?” Peanut wouldn’t admit it, but those words stung a little. They were true, after all. He did follow around Johnny a lot.
“Don’t talk about Larry like that! Ya don’t have the right! He has shown more love and appreciation to me than you ever have!” These words made Peanut feel a little better. This is one of the reasons he loved Johnny. No matter what, he always stood up for him.
“B-But Johnny!” Lola started, signature pout being replaced by desperation, but she was cut off by her now ex-boyfriend. “You’ve had your chance. Goodbye, Lola.” With that, he shut the window.
They were quiet for a minute, Johnny looking at the thorn curtain, clearly in deep thought. Peanut kept looking at the floor.
Eventually, Johnny broke the silence. “Did ya mean what ya said? Do ya really love me?”
Peanut hesitated for a minute. Then, when he realized it’s now or never, he answered. “Yes, I have for so long.”
Johnny turned to face him and slowly walked towards his best friend. He fidgeted with his hands awkwardly, and he was clearly uncomfortable. “I… I think I love ya, too, Larry.”
Peanut couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s confused expression. “Ya don’t sound so sure, John.”
Johnny smiled weakly. “Shuddap, what I mean is, I love ya. And I think as more than just my best friend. This is all very new to me, I’m no good at talking about this stuff, you know that. But, I mean, why would I keep having sex with ya if I wasn’t attracted to you a lil’ bit? And I don’t know a single person who has cared for me as much as you, Larry. I care about ya, too. I was just too hung up on Lola to realize your feelings. I’m sorry.”
Peanut smiled. Was this leading up to what he thought it was? “You don’t have to be sorry, Johnny.”
“I feel like I should be. Anyway, I don’t even know if I’m gay. Are you gay? Maybe I’m only gay for you…” he rambled, before looking down, suddenly appearing very depressed. “All I know is, I wanna find all this out with you. I want to see if what I feel is real. But let’s take things slow, I don’t want everybody knowing already. That is, if ya wanta have me…” he added nervously.
Peanut could feel his heart burst with joy, but kept himself calm for Johnny’s sake. He took Johnny’s hand in his own and used the other one to raise Johnny’s chin up, so they were looking at each other again. “Of course, I’ll have ya. I’d be real stupid to let this chance fly. Findin’ out who ya are and what ya feel, and then comin’ to terms with it is difficult. Hell, even I’m not sure. But I’ll help ya find your way, I love ya. And it’s not like it’s not what I been doin’ the entire time.” He chuckled, lightening the mood.
Johnny smiled at this and slowly leaned in, almost afraid to ruin the moment. Peanut sighed and pulled him in close, locking their lips together and closing the space between them in the first love-filled, not lust-filled, kiss of many to come. It felt perfect. Right.
When they eventually broke apart, gasping for air, they looked at each other with big, goofy grins.
“So, dinner tomorrow?”
Johnny laughed. “Sure, it’s a date.”
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jbarnes101 · 4 years
Hey guys we’re back with another JJ’s Corner Blog and today we’re going to be doing something different from the last 2 blogs I posted before. That’s right we’re going to be talking about only one movie for today and this is all going to be a review. I was given a choice between a few movies but I decided to go with the movie Irreversible. Irreversible is a french 2002 classic movie directed by Gaspar Noé that features two men going by the names of Marcus (Vincent Cassel) and Pierre (Albert Dupontel) where they roam the streets of Paris at night as they are seeking justice after a person named Le Tenia who brutally raped Marcus’ girlfriend (Monica Bellucci). While on the search for Le Tenia, it seems as though Marcus and Pierre are gonna have a long night searching for the assailant as they have barely any evidence of what he looks like, where he’s located, and where he was last seen while also causing and running into trouble. As the film itself was a stand alone with no book inspiration, this movie will get you on the edge of your seat and make you start to wonder what is happening at first but as the movie goes on you’ll start to understand Gaspar Noé’s creative direction with the film.
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As we are about to talk about Irreversible let it be known that this film would be one of Gaspar’s iconic films and probably his most controversial film from many other people’s point of view. When you look at Gaspar Noe’s work from the past and recently done you can already tell that it explores many of the same common themes almost repeatedly from the minds of the human experience and his vision on what his work wants to feature that pertains to those themes but for Irreversible I felt like as if this was a start of what Gaspar’s all about judging by when this film was released and how many films he’s worked in the past. For Gaspar he explores a lot of these themes and would always try to tie them together in order to take the audience like me for instance out of their comfort zone while I went into this film completely blind and in true honesty I never seen Gaspar Noe’s work all that much but I’ve heard from other sources and I am familiar with only 2 titles that he’s done before like Love and Climax and that’s another thing about Gaspar, it seems as though he’s not at all shy about throwing something at our face whether it’s something gross, shocking, or uncomfortable to watch. But as for this film, it really struck me with a surprise of what Gaspar’s intentions were when he had this sort of idea and I can see why this film isn’t technically for everyone and why it didn’t win that many awards as I will explain later.
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Noé’s work on Irreversible has a very interesting concept since the start of the film and throughout the whole film itself. The way how the film started out for me really threw me off because I thought something went wrong while I was watching it and usually for some of my movies that aren’t on Netflix, I watch them on my firestick instead and I thought I clicked on a bad link but apparently that’s how the film is suppose to start out. As the film started, I was still confused on what was happening but of course I had to stick around and watch because a couple characters were thrown in with no explanation on who they are or what their purpose was but as the film began to process I was beginning to understand what was happening. Our two main characters who are Marcus and Pierre are trying to pursue the person who brutally assaulted and took advantage of Marcus’ girlfriend, Alex. What I really began to realize is that the whole film is running in reverse but it’s in real time as well and that was the part that really caught me off guard because usually we’re all used to watching our shows and movies not in reverse but after thinking about the idea more, I think it was a genius idea. Think about it, this movie was labelled as a drama, thriller, and a crime film and if you mostly think about the crime part, it would make the audience try to solve the mystery and it’s as though you would place yourself as the detective to figure out on what happened and what lead up to these circumstances. Another thing I would like to point out is that I think the flow of the film lives up to the title of it because remember the film went in reverse which also means the crime was already committed and it can’t be undone once it’s over and that I thought was a clever idea. The film also had its fair share of scenes that in my opinion could be a little too much for some audience members, and I do mean too much as in a way I would say some scenes were disturbing, violent, and gross especially with the fire extinguisher scene, now that was brutal but for me I’m not all too worried about those parts I’m just saying that in a different point of view so that way you know what you’re getting yourself into. The camera movement I noticed a lot was sorta annoying for some scenes because some it was just all over the place where I’d barely have enough time to focus on the scene itself but I do love how the camera movement was also synced in with a transition that made the whole tone make sense as it was changing scenery from a different time and also fair warning to those who are affected by motion sickness easily, I highly do not recommend this film for your safety.
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The actors for their roles of the film really stuck out to me and they really executed their character’s personality really well. The main guy we see called Marcus played by Vincent Cassel really tapped into his character but for me it is as if Gaspar wanted us to think of him as the hero but in all honesty I didn’t really like how Cassel’s character acted. Marcus to me at first hand strikes me as a person who’s short tempered and doesn’t really care that much about anyone’s safety but himself because during the night when Alex, Marcus, and Pierre went to a party, Marcus allowed himself to have too much fun by drinking, doing drugs, and touching other women while Alex was watching which that caused her to leave the party alone without any source of protection, Marcus threatened to murder a transsexual woman after being a witness and refuses to talk, Marcus assualted a taxi, Marcus also yells out anti-gay slurs through half the film, Marcus also tries to force Pierre out the taxi by smashing the windshield with a pipe, and Marcus didn’t even bother to go to the hospital to check on Alex after the assault. Now for Pierre, I liked him more than Marcus and to me I felt as if people would like Pierre more because Pierre once dated Alex and he felt as if Marcus stole Alex from him, Pierre was more eager to visit Alex at the hospital more than Marcus, Pierre would also try to calm down Marcus to keep the peace, and Pierre would save Marcus from being raped by a man. Usually we would all mainly focus on the #1 main character of a film but for this I felt the side character successfully outshined the main character personality wise.
If I had to choose a rating for Irreversible I would give it a 4 out of 5 in my opinion. I truly do believe this film has the potential of being an original as in the way Gaspar Noé’s creative direction was executed perfectly. The movie itself was amazing but my one only negative opinion would be the way of how the camera movement was executed in some parts because like I said before it really annoyed me when I tried to focus on what was happening but other than that I enjoyed the film and the whole concept of it was amazing as well.
Thank you guys again for the support on these blogs this one was very interesting than the last one and I enjoyed this one much like the 1st blog but anyways see you guys again in the next blog...catch ya later!
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S2;E17 ~ January 12, 1970
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Directed by Herbert Kenwith ~ Written by Larry Rhine and Lou Derman
After bragging to Craig about her perfect driving record, Lucy smashes into a laundry truck. In order to pay for the repairs, she has to go to work at the laundry and keep her identity a secret when Kim and Craig are suddenly plagued with clothing stains.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter)
Guest Cast
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James Hong (Lee Wong) was born in 1929 and began his screen career in 1954. He has lately been acclaimed as the voice of Mr. Ping in the Kung-Fu Panda franchise. Aside from his nearly 500 screen credits, Hong is one of the founders of the East-West Players, the oldest Asian American theater in Los Angeles. At Desilu, he unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Sulu in “Star Trek.” This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball.    
Mr. Wong is a widower with two young girls. He operates Lee Wong's Hand Laundry on Pine and Hurst.
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Lauren Gilbert (Mr. Michaels, Insurance Adjuster) played recurring characters on “Edge of Night” and “Hazel” - both named Harry.  This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball.  
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Bee Thompkins (Secretary) had only a handful of other screen credits between 1969 and 1972. Also in 1970, she was one of the passengers in the blockbuster film Airport. She was variously credited as ‘Bea Tompkins’ during her career. 
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Rosalind Chao (Linda Chang Wong, right) made her screen debut with this episode. She created the role of Soon-Ye Klinger on “M*A*S*H” and “After M*A*S*H” but is perhaps best known for playing Keiko O'Brien on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine.” During that series she also filmed The Joy Luck Club. She recently guest-starred on TV's “Blackish,” “This is Us,” and “The Catch.”  
Heather Lee (Sue Chin Wong, left) makes her only screen appearance in this episode.
Linda Chang and Sue Chin are sisters and the daughters of Lee Wong.
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Romo Vincent (Laundry Customer) was a Broadway performer from 1942 to 1959. He played an airline passenger in “Lucy Flies to London” (TLS S5;E6). This is the first of his two episodes of “Here’s Lucy.”
Vincent was cast for his size. He claims his shorts are size 52.
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This is the first of nine episodes written by Larry Rhine and Lou Derman. Rhine had been nominated for an Emmy Award in 1963 for writing for “The Red Skelton Show.” He was nominated again in 1978 for an episode of “All in the Family.” Derman was also an Emmy nominee for “All in the Family.”  Together they also wrote many episodes of “Mr. Ed.”  
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In his DVD introduction to the episode, James Hong tries to diffuse any misinterpretation of Lucy's disguising herself as an Asian character.
“Sometimes it's very offensive for the Asians to see that kind of image. But she was in essence playing that character pointing out how society had this cliched image of the Asians. So she was laughing at herself and and laughing at the society's concept of Asians. To contrast that they had me dress up in this wonderful suit – very elegant!”  
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In the opening scene, Lucy comes home with a bag of groceries containing Cheerios. On the bottom right corner of the box it states that a free Super-Ball is inside. [In the inset photo it is for Wacky Racers as a Super-Ball box was not available.]  During the summer of 1969, scores of American kids begged their parents to buy the General Mills cereal to get the amazing Super-Ball inside.  
Next to that is a box of Nabisco Rice Honeys, also a breakfast cereal. The cereal was first marketed under another name in 1939 and, after several more name changes, was discontinued in 1975. What is unique about this particular box is that it includes free Beatles’ Rub-Ons promoting their movie Yellow Submarine. The film was released in November 1968, about a year before filming. If you saved one of those boxes, they're currently going for over $1,000. In 2014, someone sold one for $1,430.50 at auction!
At the office, Lucy gets a call from Mary Jane. The character does not appear in this episode, but is played by Mary Jane Croft.
Harry is looking for the Treshkin contract.
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The car accident costs Lucy $97.50. When Lucy doesn't have money to pay for the damages to Wong's van, he suggests she should “Sell car. Take bus. Leave driving to us.” This was a paraphrasing of the advertising slogan of the Greyhound Bus Company. It was previously quoted in “Lucy Helps Craig Get a Driver’s License” (S1;E24) and “Lucy and the Used Car Dealer” (S2;E9).    
When Sue Chin Wong learns that Lucy will be working for her father, she exclaims: “Well, there goes the neighborhood!” This was a common expression used to grouse about integration, which was a hot topic in the late 1960s. To further reinforce the role reversal comedy, the writers give the line to an Asian character. 
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When Lucy meets Wong's daughters, she greets them in an exaggerated and condescending Chinese accent. The girls look horrified and answer back in voices totally devoid of any Asian influence. To further the humor of Lucy's backward thinking, the girls are eating hamburgers with ketchup, a typical American-style meal. 
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Mr. Wong's daughters inform Lucy that their father only pays sixty five cents an hour. In late 1969 the minimum wage was $1.30 per hour, but rose to $1.45 per hour in February 1970. The girls explain that their dad thinks that because he's Chinese he can pay “coolie” wages. The word “coolie” refers to an unskilled native laborer generally from India, China, or some other Asian country. Depending on the context, this word can be considered offensive or pejorative. 
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When Kim enters the shop to get a stain out of her new dress, Lucy disguises herself with a bright kimono, thick eyeglasses, and a fringed red lampshade on her head. She disguises her voice to a stereotypical Asian accent by changing her Rs to Ls (ie: “tellycroth lobe”).  
After Lucy's true identity has been revealed, Harry says “Well, if it isn't Madam Butterfly.” He is referring to the title character in Madam Butterfly, an Italian opera by Giacomo Puccini that premiered in 1904 and is still in the classical repertory today. In the opera, a 15 year-old Japanese girl falls in love with an American sailor with tragic consequences. The story was also the inspiration for the Broadway musical Miss Saigon (1989) and the play M. Butterfly (1989).
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Lucy Ricardo also caused havoc at a laundry in “Bonus Bucks” (ILL S3;E21).
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Lucy tells Craig that Mr. Wong is a decorator who is there because she is considering doing the house over in Chinese Modern. Chinese Modern was the style that Carolyn Appleby redecorated her apartment in “Lucy Tells the Truth (ILL S3;E6). Sworn to be truthful, Lucy says it looks like “a bad dream you'd have after eating too much Chinese food.”
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Lucy fibs to Craig that Mr. Wong decorated Grauman's Chinese Theatre (everything but the footprints). The iconic Hollywood movie palace was the setting of “Lucy Visits Grauman's” (ILL S5;E1) and the footprints were integral to that episode and the following one, “Lucy and John Wayne” (ILL S5;E2).  
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Lucy Carmichael also disguised herself as an Asian character in “Lucy and the Soap Opera” (TLS S4;E19).
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Lucy Carter's ironing skills seem no better than that of Ricky Ricardo and Fred Mertz, who both left their ‘marks’ on the laundry during “Job Switching” (ILL S2;E1).   
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In season one, Lucy Carter celebrated her birthday at a Chinese restaurant.  
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Ouch! Lucille Ball accidentally scalded her hand during the filming when using the steam press. This is ironic, since the dialogue has Mr. Wong warn Lucy to be “careful with the steam iron” when he first agrees to let her work off her debt.
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The Shadow Knows!  There is a moving shadow across the side of the desk when Harry bends down to get a key from the drawer. The next shot is a close-up (below), which necessitated the camera move that caused the shadow. 
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Props!  Harry offers Lucy a mini-bottle of booze that he got on a flight to Hawaii. It is hidden inside the jade green desk ornament that coincidentally makes its debut with this episode – and disappears thereafter.  In the above photo, the bottle is difficult to see. Only the neck of the tiny bottle with its white seal can be seen. 
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Where the Floor Ends! This time the floor ends in the Chinese Hand Laundry.  
Sitcom Logic Alert(s)! 
From the time Harry hears Lucy's collision outside his window to Lucy's entrance into the office is a mere 8 seconds!  Take into account that she says she left a note for the owner on his windshield – and put the windshield in the front seat!  
Mr. Wong arrives with an estimate of the damages on the very same day as the accident. 
At the laundry, Lucy immediately knows how to work a commercial laundry press with no instruction. 
Even with the accent and disguise, Kim should probably recognize her own mother's voice.  
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Oops! When Lucy trips and her hat and wig fall off, the black masking placed next to her right ear to hide her red hair stays on. Lucille Ball has to duck down quickly and rip it off.  
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“Lucy the Laundress” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This episode feels the most like an episode of “I Love Lucy.” Lucy is caught in a fib, so instead of telling the truth, she goes to elaborate lengths to conceal her lie. The thorny issue of racial sensitivity rears its head when viewed by a modern audience. But it is clear that Lucille Ball was trying to portray Mr. Wong and his family as average Americans, and Lucy's view of Asian culture as backward. It is worth noting that all the Asian characters are actually played by Asian actors. When the young girls call Lucy out for her patronizing attitude, Lucy immediately acknowledges that she's been wrong and the scene (and the comedy) continues without any rancor. The hard-fought Civil Rights battles of the 1960s are slowly having an effect on television.
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missymarysthings · 5 years
Stone Shattered Soul
(So...you ever just randomly think ‘what if this character just completely broke and became unhinged?’ and then seemingly find the perfect piece of music to write to for said character and scenario you’re thinking of? Yeeeeaaaah...that kinda happened today. I don’t know why I had this thought for Lorena, but it was interesting. So this is for some unnamed au separate from others mentioned or talked about before. And this: X, Is the music I listened to on loop while doing so. Maybe it was just my evil side wanting to come out and play... )
“Ruba...take Mariani and go someplace far away! Discard the Stellato name and find peace somewhere together! Gabriel, take your mother and do the same! You and aunt Viola do not deserve what this family has done! Melanie, our dear Songbird, go! Fly! Be the musician you’ve always wanted! Strip yourself of the Stellato name and be the star I know you can be! This is the last thing I ask of you three dear cousins.”
“Lorena...what are you...“
The head of their family, their cousin, Lorena ‘Medusa’ Stellato, only looked at the three of them with a slightly unnerving smile. She stood from her desk and hugged each of them before ushering them out her office. “Something that was perhaps...long overdue after all. But please do as I asked, and very soon, like next few days soon. I have already made sure your accounts are set with plenty of funds and untouchable except by you alone. You three, Mariani, and aunt Viola...you should be safe, happy and free. Honor my wish please.” she said before closing the door behind them. 
Once they were gone a hand went to her heart as an unsettling laughter started to come from her. “Please heed my hidden warning and abide by my last sane wish,” she uttered. “The last good I know, I care about, must be safe, even from me...”
Medusa turned away from the door and headed back to her desk. From there she paged those working to go home early for the day and to take a week of vacation. 
The end was near.
She knew were all her pieces were going to be over the next few days. Might have made her grandfather, ‘Grandmaster’ Stellato, proud in a way, if she cared and he was still around. But then, he probably would not have been safe either...
When sunset came she was standing on the roof of her office building. Her cravat was undone and her coat laid, carelessly tossed, on the roof beside her. Her hair was wild and purposefully messed up and she glanced at the city streets below. Watching as people moved around unaware of the winds of change beginning to blow. 
“Yes, yes...continue your evening as usual before the whispers begin. Before the disruption in the business world truly begins. Before the chaos starts...“ she murmured in an unsettling tone and then laughed to herself as she swayed lightly. “Starting tomorrow every share the Stellato family holds will be up for grabs, released back to their original owners to be divided up again. Partnerships dissolved and contracts broken. Oh the confusion! What is Lorena Stellato doing? What is she thinking? What’s going on?”
A crazed laugh escaped as she took off her cravat completely and tossed it away. “HA! Like they’ll really care what the woman of stone is doing! It’s one less competitor isn’t it? They won’t have to deal with me anymore! They won’t have to deal with my family anymore! Who cares if I couldn’t change their minds about the former mafia illusionists?! Who cares if my family resisted and hated my changes every step of the way?! Who cares if I don’t seem gentle?! Or caring or warm?! It doesn’t matter any more! Why wait for Salazar to try and ruin me?! Why wait for someone in my family to do something wrong, or for me to say or do the wrong thing and have Sein try to bring my family down....WHEN I CAN DO IT MYSELF?!”
Medusa did a flip backward away from the edge of the roof and kicked off her shoes in the progress. Her eyes seemed to darken as a lopsided smile came to her face. “If I am to be alone or disregarded anyway...might as well do it on my own terms. Sleep well Stellato family...for tonight is your last night before retribution from the one you mistreated, abused, and took for granted comes for you and your lives! No one wants us anyway...why not be our own self-destruction!?” she exclaimed and laughed as her hands went through her hair. “No more working myself to death for you and trying to better our name! I’d now rather die trying to end us! Or succeed and leave myself to fate!”
She then created a heart made of stone and placed it on the rooftop before creating a hammer out of stone as well. Medusa smashed the heart soundly, and while a brief look of pain crossed her face, she soon began laughing wildly. 
“I AM NO ONE!“ she declared before skipping back into the building and down to her office. 
Any meetings, or events she had been expected to attend over the next few days she did not show up to. Medusa Stellato was too busy for them. Busy bringing the demise of her own clan. Catching her family unaware, trapping some in unbreakable stone coffins to slowly suffocate. Fighting others that she couldn’t catch off guard and putting them down before placing the bodies in more stone coffins. Some fights she had injuries from, cuts and bruises, but the did little to slow her down. Her element was all around her, and she knew how to use it. 
Her father Vincent, that was the hardest fight. The one she almost lost, but she refused to let him get the satisfaction of beating her. She would not die to him. Driving a stone spike through his heart, while looking at the disbelief and pain in his eyes, was perhaps the most satisfying thing she had done so far. The one that had done her the most injustice, the one who had most treated her like a means to an end rather than a human being was now dead at her hands. 
And she had no remorse or regrets.
His body only got a stone box rather than a coffin. The same for her mother. They would not even get the decency to be placed together when the time comes. 
When Medusa was all done she was a frightful mess. But she could care less. The Stellato family was no more. Only two last things to do. All the stone caskets, and boxes, were gathered to the Stellato Estate. They were scattered and buried throughout it without care or much thought. Then once she was outside once more, she turned the entire estate into impenetrable stone. A petrified mausoleum no one could enter or visit but herself.
And that would never happen.
When she got to her office building she was tired and in pain and neglecting all of it. She made her way back to the rooftop once more and with deranged laughter, encased the entire building in stone. Then chains of stone sprung from the top of the stone encased building and cuffs formed at the ends to attach themselves to her hands and ankles. 
She had willingly chained herself to the building. Made herself a true prisoner of her own madness and unhinged mind. “No one can destroy my family like I can! Dream all you want Salazar but you could never accomplish this! I have taken what you and your family have wanted and twisted it! You don’t get the satisfaction of saying you ended the Stellatoes!” she yelled out to the world before laughing more. “Sein! I know you can crush the Roses and show them how truly pathetic they have become! Put them in their place! You have one less competitor in business now so it should be even easier!” she yelled out as well.
Medusa was not sure what would happen now as she fell to her knees in exhaustion. Maybe vampires would come and finish her off. She was still bleeding in some places from the last few fights she had been in. Maybe justice would come for her and end her life for murdering all but five members of her family. Maybe her horrid health would be her demise and the toll of everything she had done the last few days would be the last straw. 
In the end it didn’t really matter to her. She knew she was too far gone to be saved in any way. The whites of her eyes had turned black days ago and her golden irises glimmered against it. She felt nothing but dark inside now, knowing that what’s left of her soul must be void black as a result of what she has done.
And all Medusa could do now was laugh hysterically and rattle the stone chains she had placed herself in.  
How tragic for one so promising to fall so far...
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Okja (2017) TV-MA @netflix Release Date: June 28, 2017 Director: Joon-ho Bong Writers: Jon Ronson, Joon-ho Bong Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Score: 5/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** It's 2017... And at this point, it really does feel like Netflix could do no wrong. They are dropping television series and films out of thin air, along with Amazon and Hulu with names like Naomi Watts, Winona Rider, Sean Astin, Paul Reiser, Adam Sandler, David Tennant, Vincent D'Onofrio, and that's not even scratching the surface. Pretty much everything Netflix has released in the last few years has been hailed by critics, bloggers and fans alike... But does all this original material really deserve this high praise?! That's where things get a little sketchy... You see, people are very passionate about their streaming favorites... VERY passionate... And when a company is on fire, I think the majority can be almost afraid to call things what they are. Luckily, you found one such group that could give a fuck! Oh, are you surprised we dropped an 'F-Bomb' in the first paragraph of a review about a young South Korean girl who befriends a doomed GMO ¿Superpig/Dog/Elephant/Manatee/Rhino? Don't be. 'Okja' looks, walks, but definitely does not talk like a kids film... There are 'Fucks', 'Shits', and literal shit being used as ammo, as apparently if you turn Okja around and slap him on the butt, ever so slightly, he shoots out pellets like a special edition weapon on 'Call of Doody'. Listen, I'm not going to sit here and act like I didn't enjoy Okja, because I did, to a degree. It's got a bit of magic to it, the CGI is very well done, and Okja is the most magnetic being on the screen... But what does that say for those top notch, award winning actors and actresses like Tilda Swindon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Steven Yeun, Devon Bostick? It's not the actors that are to be blamed here... Okja keeps the audience right there with it for a good first half of the film. The issue is we've seen this before... This is basically 'Babe' with a more captivating creature, hardcore language, and Tilda Swinton and Jake Gyllenhaal giving us entertaining, over-the-top characters that are almost unrecognizable to their star's name and face. Tilda plays Lucy Mirando (and later her money loving, 'take-no-shit' twin sister) a woman who has a long term plan of undoing the negative stigma surrounding their family business. Lucy has created 26 lovable 'superpigs' and sent them all around the world to grow in different climates and conditions, to see which superpig grows the best... And she's going to use sniveling TV Personality Johnny Wilcox (Jake Gyllenhaal) to be the face of the competition and judge each pig to see which one is the biggest and the best... But uhhh... 10 years later. No, that doesn't make much sense... But it does give our semi-lovable young lead, Mija (Seo-Hyun Ahn) plenty of time to connect and grow up with the pig, developing an unarguable deep seeded relationship with her grandfather's would-be prize winning super-pig, Okja. He lies to her repeatedly and tells her that the pig has been bought and it's theirs now. There are a lot of convenient and unexplainable plot devices, twists and turns that really make no sense along Mija and Okja's adventure. Okja of course wins the competition... 10 years later - how Mirando Corporation kept people interested that long, we don't know. It did keep the interest of a group of animal activists called the 'Animal Liberation Front', led by Jay (Paul Dano) and Blond (Daniel Henshall, a man who still creeps me out from his way too convincing performance of John Bunting in Australia's 2011 'The Snowtown Murders'). Mija is pretty much one-note throughout the film, but that's covered with humor, intense action sequences, and CGI flavored emotions... CGI is a flavor at Baskin-Robbins, right? Wait, does Baskin-Robbins even still exist? I haven't seen one of those in years. Dammit, see what this film does? Suddenly, halfway through the film the loose writing that introduces characters and has them say and do things that make no sense in context to their nature, allegiances and temperament starts wearing thin and 'Okja' loses any magic or momentum it had built from the beginning. I'm not entirely sure that this film knows what it wants to be besides, you know, a broad statement about GMO foods and non-vegetarians. Joon-ho Bong directs... I quite enjoyed his 2013 Science-Fiction outing he directed called 'Snowpiercer'. That film, also starring a transformative Tilda Swinton, was even more chaotic than 'Okja', but it's tone was more even throughout the film. You got a sense that 'Snowpiercer's vision was thought through extensively, unlike the uneven 'Okja'. Character motivation was a huge problem throughout 'Okja', and ultimately was what turned me off from the film. 'Okja' was a review request by a good friend of Spotlight Saga's so we thought it was time to breakaway from our normal television routine and give it a try, especially since there were so many great reviews just filing one by one on top of each other. The main question? 'Will Okja make me cry? Is it too sad?' No. This film is clearly being enjoyed by a great number of people... Will that hold up? I doubt it, but for now, that Netflix name and the critical hype that's synonymous with the worldwide brand is keeping the movie 'buzz-worthy'. Ugh, did that term just show my age? Ultimately 'Okja' has some cute moments, some good action sequences, great CGI, and the actors do the best they can with characters that aren't written with depth in mind. I could think of worse ways to spend 2 hours... But I could also think of a million and one better ways too. 'Okja' wants to say fuck a lot, but it doesn't want to pull the trigger and give you an ending that's too upsetting. There is a looming fear that things will end badly but 🚨*spoiler alert*🚨, they don't. Like a lot of current Netflix entries, this one is overrated and its message literally smashes you over the head like a sledgehammer at a county fair. Netflix has been dropping more and more films lately and even screened this one at Cannes... The ambition is there, but the execution is sloppy at best. Let them continue to cook up films and perfect their recipes... Stick with their television series for now, because 'Okja' just isn't it. A darker ending to match its tone or more coherent character motivations would have served this film better. It's not bad by any means, but it's certainly not as great as everyone wishes it to be.
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Friday, January 18, 2019
post #375
main points:
- woke up to shovel snow
- toaster strudel breakfast
- one punch man episode binge through the rest of season 1 / talk to mudit about CS career stuff
- clean up phone photo files
- smash tourney! i showed up on stream :O 
today i:
- woke up around 8am. i saw that our school district had a 2 hour delay so sheena was still home. i set an alarm for 8:30am cause i saw there was already snow collected on the ground from last night. if it kept snowing, i was gonna shovel it so the kitchen guy could come in. dad’s also sick so i didn’t want him to shovel
i got up really groggy and sheena was already up doing APUSH annotations. she said she heard dad go outside. i was like “ahhh no dad”. he was just heating up sheena’s car. i rushed downstairs and told him to go inside and i would shovel the snow. it was pretty thin, maybe 2-3 inches. my dad suggested i use the broom and then went back inside
i shoveled/broomed the snow for maybe 30 or so minutes and got it cleared + the sidewalks 
- i came back in around 9am and sheena was on her way out. cause of the two hour delay, school started at 9:25am. i heated up some toaster strudels as the kitchen guy came in. he asked mom what she thought between the two vs. three lights. i was kind of confused cause my mom said she wasn’t sure what she thought would look better. i personally thought three would look good but also it’s her kitchen so she should decide :p the kitchen guy suggested two and after some deciding, my mom settled on two. i finished making the toaster strudels and started eating them and decided to watch S1E5 of one punch man
then i went upstairs and continued to go on a binge... LOL i love this show so much. i watched S1E5 to S1E10 or so, then took a lunch break around 1pm. i ate the salad that mom leftover from panera two nights ago. i also finished the blog post for yesterday cause i watched one punch man last night instead of writing it
- i had constipation earlier this morning when i was watching one punch. i held back on applying the medication for the hemorrhoids cause i’m not sure what to make of it. i’ll give it a few more days and see what happens
applied the medication after i finished eating lunch and then finished one punch man S1E11 and S1E12. ahhh i want moar one punch
- also talked to mudit about CS career stuff. he was asking if i had any resources for behavioral questions and general programming practices. i tried to give a few examples of behavioral answers i give and realized that they might not actually be that impressive... but i also feel like interviewers don’t worry too much about it cause they usually focus on the technical portion. we talked about the question “what’s a challenging project you’ve worked on?”. what’s considered “challenging” is subjective and i felt like my example HQ bot answer didn’t really help him... :’( i tried :shrug:
- spent some time from 4pm cleaning up my phone files. i realized that apple Photos doesn’t let me create separate Photo app things -- they all get bunched into the same thing. but fortunately on my backup hard drive i have everything broken down by months manually in folders when i made the switch a while ago. since i can’t put the Photos format on my external hard drive since it’s not apple formatted, i use the plain folders there. i decided on my mac, i’m just gonna keep dumping everything into the Photos app and just call it “2018-” until i decide to stop adding to it. i liked the geotagging/visualization and live photos feature. otherwise i’d just delete it and manually use my own folders
- shaved my face and then left around 5pm. i stopped by walgreens on the way to get metamucil to increase my fiber to try to help out with my stool. cause i’ve been having constipation since i started applying the medication. then i stopped by wawa near the smash venue, getting a bacon avocado club sandwich and mac and cheese. i just ate it in the parking lot :p 
- i got to the venue around 6:15pm and checked in. then i just hung around for a bit. i hopped on a setup and a guy joined me for friendlies. his name was vincent i think. he had a diddy kong that was really good and he wrecked me. then he used mewtwo and i got more wrecked. but after 5 or so games we got kicked off the set up to be used for doubles. but then the setup was open after the doubles game was played so we hopped back on. i met another asian guy named... i forget. his name might’ve been vincent actually... but anywho, we chatted a bit about our lives while we played friendlies. he and his friends just started freshman year of CS in new jersey :o that’s wild. i told him i just graduated LOL i’m so old. we played some falcon dittos or a bit, then got kicked of the setup and played on another one shortly afterwards. we also just kind of chilled at the wall talking. it was nice getting to meet him. we talked about what video games we played in middle school and high school and how his classes are going at university
- singles started on time around 7:45pm. my first set was against a link and i won 2-0. the winner of our set got placed on the streaming setup against a really good king dedede. while i was waiting i was messaging deepak about it LOL. he saw that the guy i was playing against placed 9th last week at the venue and his dedede is really good. oh boi
i got on the set up around maybe 8:30? anyway i saved the link so you can see a play by play but i got wrecked 0-2 LOL. he was really good at spacing with his gordos and i also kept overextending when i shouldn’t have. he was also part of a crew and they were also cheering him on on the side occasionally which was kind of distracting but oh well. he was clearly the better player. after we finished, we went to report the score and he told me about falcon’s nairs. i can’t string them in a combo on heavy characters like dedede unless i have rage or something. that was really nice of him to share with me :)
waited around for a little longer and then played against an ike in loser’s bracket i won 2-0. i felt kind of bad cause i found out it was the first tournament for the guy i was playing against. so basically me last week :p 
finally my fourth game was against a lucina. i won the first game, lost the second game in a really close one, and then sd’ed in the third one and lost 1-2. it was a really close matchup though. we kept getting neck and neck, one stock each and at like 100%+. oh well, gg’s to him. he said i should ask him to play friendlies later
i hung around for a bit until a setup opened up and just as i got on, he also got knocked out. i learned that his name was matt and we just played friendlies from 10-11pm. he was a really nice dude. he played pichu and wolf. i played snake and mario. and then we both went back to lucina vs falcon for a few times at the end, playing another mock set. again, so close each game but i lost 1-2 :p
he game me his phone number cause he said if i wanna play doubles with him next week i should let him know. i was like booyah yeah sure. if i can make it next friday i’d be down
- drove home and got back around 12am. watched myself play on stream just to see what the commentators were saying. one of them gave me a semi compliment saying i wasn’t playing too badly considering i’m a newer player LOL
i’ll take it
anyways, that’s about it
i went to sleep around 1am
the end
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Antonio Conte shrugs off tunnel spat and Diego Costa’s dip in way at Chelsea
Antonio Conte says he has no time for off-the-pitch brawls while Chelsea are looking to wrap up their second entitlement in three seasons
Early Friday afternoon at a sun-drenched Cobham and all is well in Antonio Contes world. That aberration endured at home to Crystal Palace was instant exorcised by a resilient display in victory over Manchester City, a win to stop Tottenham Hotspurs pursuit a distant seven degrees away. Talk of brand-new contracts and player recruitment can wait until the designation is claimed. The only issues to unsettle the Chelsea manager are a few lingering doubts concerning Victor Mosess fitness and the spiky fall-out from a spat between rival coaching staff in the passage in midweek.
When you are in this moment of the season and there are two large squads playing for the entitlement, there are nerves, said here Italian. But there is always a win and a loser and both must accept the final result and will be respected. That could be perceived as a bit elbow in the rib for Pep Guardiola or the City masseur, Mark Sertori, as much as Chelseas own fitness tutor, Paolo Bertelli, all of whom apparently had some capacity to play in the post-match altercation. But, for all the claims, counterclaims and prohibitions over what was said, Conte was not interested in elaborating. Bickers in the tunnel are irrelevant, he proposed, when compared with what happened on the pitch.
It is hard to disagree demonstrated his team are still, in fact, running away with the name, even going into Saturdays knotty trip to a revived Bournemouth. It is a measure of the success provoked by Conte over his first campaign in England that there is so little rancour threatening to interrupt progression, and this at a fraternity who, rather too often, have acquired political infighting an art form.
Chelsea are running smoothly enough on the slope and “ve been here for” more than six months. It is easy to point to the lack of a Premier League clean sheet since late January as evidence of defensive frailty but the eight activities since Hull were shut out is nevertheless furnished 17 items. Such drawbacks are relative. The same might be said of Diego Costas slight plunge in kind at the other end of the pitch.
The Spain international has arguably been off his rampaging excellent since his own training-ground quarrel with another member of Chelseas fitness staff, Julio Tous, in mid-January at a time when the leaders had become aware of interest in the send from the Chinese Super League club Tianjin Quanjian. There have been three goals in 10 top-flight competitions this calendar year, a tally markedly inferior to the 14 in 18 tournaments previously as well as five assists up to the end of December. Costas two previous expeditions ought to have feast or famine, prolific for five months and exasperated for as numerous. Yet a had failed to tally at the Vitality Stadium would watch Costa croak four Premier League activities in a row without tallying for the first time since he reached in England in the summer of 2014.
There ought to have twinklings of on-field frustration, from that knock at Vincent Kompany on Wednesday to the anguished wail, delivered to the heavens, after steering a free header wide of Wayne Hennesseys far post in the overcome by Palace last-place Saturday. The striker is in one of those flows when fluke has deserted him, a point when he can crunch a barrage at point from close-range only to envisioned the pellet bend back Scott Danns knee rather than billow the net. The Palace centre-half may not play again this season with his medial ligaments damaged.
Costa has a tendency to seek out owned as a result and Conte mimicking Jos Mourinho from the start of last-place season has taken to bellowing regular remembers from the sidelines that the participate should loll more in the six-yard container where his attendance still serves to unsettle opponents. Im not concerned about[ the lack of points ], said here Italian. It can happen. For me the most important thing is he is showing continued commitment and action during the games and is doing what I crave. He was also unfortunate in a lot of circumstances. But a actor like Diego Costa can tally in any game.
So what does he offer the team when the objectives are supporting elusive? His character. His personality. Thats very important for us and the team. Likewise, Diego acquired in the past and he has good knowledge. Goals are important for all sends but he is important for us whether he is scoring or not.
Costa apparently encouraged by in-house television cameras ready to capture his fun had hijacked one of the staffs practicality buggies, parked up on the periphery of the training tar, on Thursday and taken it on a pre-session joyride, wrecking the tutors neatly set cones en route. A list of impediments were also smashed to portions, Costas antics causing anxious laugh from his team-mates. Yet, if childish antics from a striker before instruct or coaching faculty post-match in the tunnel represent the extent of Contes frets, then this deed is in the bag.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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