#what if Invincible said yee haw
tv1xx · 4 months
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So like….
What if Invincible went country? 🤠
Nolan would look so good as a cowboy… (in my head canon he LOVES country music)
I’m a sucker for country/cowboys/girls AU. I CRAVE IT.,,,,,
Anyways, enjoy this! Yeehaw
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hannigal · 6 years
fave small moments from the raven boys (the raven cycle #1)
•blue refusing to wear functional gloves because her frayed, fingerless ones looked infinitely cooler
•the boys bumping fists whenever they greeted each other
•ronan mimicking an exploding airplane with his hands when gansey managed to offend blue
•”what fresh hell is this?” — richard campbell gansey III everyone
•blue sitting outside on 300 fox way’s curb and calla asking her if she was putting herself out with the trash
•noah and ronan building a ramp outside monmouth for shits and giggles
•gansey not buying his mom a birthday present because he himself was the gift
•”i’m always straight.”
“oh man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told.”
•gansey standing in the middle of a field, head tilted back and arms stretched out, shouting and grinning
•helen flying a fucking helicopter just to help her weird little brother out
•the gang eating gelatos and singing and laughing and feeling triumphant and invincible because it was starting, it was starting
•gansey referring to chainsaw as his and ronan’s baby
•blue pressing her hands to her cheeks and fangirling over the talking trees
•gansey getting offended by blue making fun of his aquamarine polo shirt and calling her eggplant because of her purple dress
•ronan offering blue a turn to hold chainsaw
•”out of the blue?” calla asked.
“i’d prefer if you didn’t use that expression,” blue said.
•the boys always always always taking the time to translate latin to blue so she could understand what was going on
•adam blushing with his ears!!
•gansey’s doodle of a cat attacking a man on his calculus homework
•noah patting blue’s spiky hair
•persephone and calla making fun of maura’s lovestruck teenage phase
•”his name wasn’t really butternut, was it?” gansey asked adam in a low voice.
•blue telling adam his hair was the color of dirt as her way of flirting
•maura asking blue if blue had been messing around with drugs to which blue replied no but maybe rituals and maura told her that the drugs option was preferable
•blue hooking her head over calla’s shoulder to read something calla was holding when they sneaked into neeve’s room
•under his breath, gansey said, “yee haw.”
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