#what i found fascinating is avoiding drawing was worse than my insecurities lol
mauxdecode · 2 years
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Hello All!
Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and positive energy! It’s been a tough few years and drawing hasn’t felt comforting in awhile, so it was really awesome and affirming to read all of your comments and tags. I truly appreciate it! 
As an update, I created a Society6 account and the “Sanctuary” illustration is currently available for print. I haven’t done this before so I ordered myself one to see how it looks. If you’d like to wait for that update, it’s estimated to get delivered on June 28th.
Additionally, if you have the means to do so, I also opened up Ko-fi to help fund this account and personal projects. As a heads up, I’m not as efficient as a lot of insanely talented artists here so I can’t promise the same level of quality and speed as I can only dedicate an hour or two every day. Every bit helps!
My objective is by posting online, I can establish accountability and build a healthy habit with drawing. This is honestly uncharted waters so bear with me as I figure it out slowly lol. Anyway, thank you and more to come!
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