#weresonamy fanfiction
midnightfire1222 · 1 month
Guess what I just dropped!~ New Wars of the Heart chapter!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28074276/chapters/140951539#workskin
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/midnightfire1222/art/Wars-of-the-Heart-Chapter-75-1046750526
Hope you enjoy!
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spadeinmycarrd · 3 years
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Reading a weresonamy fanfict...
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
Hello! I was just wondering , do you have any sonamy fanfic suggestions you wouldn’t mind giving ? I’ve been looking around and sometimes it’s hard to find good quality fics!
Hi anon! It's been a long while since I went on a fanfiction hunt myself, so I don't know what's currently taking the fandom by storm. Well, actually, I know a couple of really cool stories... but they aren't finished nor available to the public right now. (Hopefully they'll see the light, though. Some of them were really well written!)
A couple of months ago a friend and SonAmy expert I know shared Wars of the Heart (AU, Weresonamy) in my Discord server, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet. It seems like that one may come with a couple of content warnings, though.
(She also shared a couple more with us, but those were some long, clearly NSFW fanfics lol.)
Have you gone through Mayra's whole archive? I know it's sort of a vanilla reply, but I was chatting with some friends the other day and we were SUPER nostalgic for some of those prompts and stories, like the good ol' Boom!SonAmy secret relationship prompt, the one where Amy actually dies (that one literally broke me back then), the one where Amy moves on from Sonic and gets married (Mayra, we love you, but the ending omg kjsdksjdsk) or just Timeless Game (aged!SonAmy), one of my all-time favorite oneshots out there. I also don't know if Dark Sonic Forces (#intense) is done, I lost sight of that one after the second chapter was released and I still gotta return to it haha
That's all I can think off the top of my head, but if you don't mind getting one of my friends... hey @waywardcollectionchai, do you have some fanfic recommendations for us? (Mutuals, you can join in too :P)
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Hello Mayra! Hope you're doing well, perhaps a prompt to make you feel better? This is canon adjacent but also kind of AUish. Weresonamy but it takes place in the Storybook world (you knows those games). Sonic is now the big bad wolf and Amy is little red riding hood. At first she's afraid of him which hurts Sonic but there's a bigger threat and he jumps into action protecting little red. So the werehog saves the day and earns little reds trust and he realizes how much important Amy's support is
<3 I could always feel better lol But I’m doing great, thanks for asking! :Db
Also, still not sure if Canon Adjacent means Semi-Canon..? Eh? -help please I’m old and I don’t read fanfiction anymore lolol-
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PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN. You know the drill, don’t send any more prompts until they’re announced to be reopen again! :Db
My response and first impression of this prompt: Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests Ep. 1 (x - 41:05)
I was told to immediately head to Miss Vanilla’s house with Cream and I’s cookies. I was holding her hand as the path grew dark and strange noises kept crushing the leaves that blew in the full moon night.
I heard grunting at different intervals, and as Cream clung close to me, I stroked her head but couldn’t find the strength inside myself to open my mouth and give her encouragement. Comfort... I greatly needed that too.
“M-Miss Riding Amy?”
She was a kind girl, Cream. A small rabbit, that any predator would make a gruesome snack out of. I was a traveling adventurer who just happened to be fortune telling when she asked me for this favor.
Her mother lived so far out into the enchanted woods... doesn’t she know the stories and rumors? Even in all my travels... I’ve never heard of a forest this dense with evil magic!
“What is it, Little Cream?” I asked, moving the basket from her arm and switching it to my other side, cradling her once burdened arm now tightly within my own.
Escorting was the easy part, but monsters were at the forefront of my worries.
“D-do you think mother is safe living so far from town?” She asked me.
‘How the heck would I know, kid?’ I made a sour face, but kept my slurring suspicions to myself. “She’s your mother, Cream.” I finished my thought out loud, even with the tone of my voice being rather foul. “Which means she’s got to be twice as strong and brave as you! Right?” I bounced her arm in mine, smiling down to her from my red hood with a white rim that coupled nicely with my dress. It was tied tightly around my neck and even looked good with my corset, something I had picked up along my travels. “Now then, stay close, and everything will be alright, okay?” I manipulated my voice to sound assured, the only comfort I had waited for my lips to speak seemed more for myself than anything else.
Still,... I wasn’t going to leave a helpless little bunny to the hands of these deadly forest.
I glared at them, as though warning them that at any wrong move, I’d hammer them!
We continued down the dark path before I couldn’t tell dirt from moss anymore, and the colors dulled into deep blues and blacks, the moonlight no longer helping from the shadow of the trees above...
“Hmm...” I frowned, trying to gauge by the wind if a storm was coming... I squinted my eyes through the cold and thought I saw a shadow turn and inch closer to a tree.
I took Cream’s hand tighter, “Let’s keep moving...” and continued my brisk steps towards where the compass pointed us too.
I didn’t see it till later... but scratch marks revealed the sign had been tampered with, and with the compass pointing north, but the sign saying that her Mother’s cabin was another way... I took the other path.
I shook the compass when it was clear we were walking on grass, with no more trodden down carriage routes, and then...
We heard the howl.
“Miss Riding Amy!” Cream jumped into an embrace at my waist, as I put an arm protectively to her back and looked around. I could hear soft, misty voices as creatures that looked like chameleons began to materialize as though invisible this whole time! Tracking us?! They crawled down the trees with hooks for feet, sharp bluish and purple bodies with horns, and their tongues flung out and wiggled themselves in front of us before they jumped to attack.
I summoned my hammer and threw Cream back behind me, and as my first powerful swing locked onto one of the nightly creatures, my hoodie flung off.
I also didn’t know... that a beast within the forest’s eyes dilated at seeing my face, who had secretly followed us in the hopes of guiding us back on the correct path... hidden this whole time as well, when he saw my face, he immediately disregarded his own reservations at staying out of sight, and used the cover of darkness to swing his massive fists, stretching far and wide, to make it look like my hammer throws were hitting them all.
I didn’t see through his illusion, instead, I thought I was whipping my hammer around so fast that the monsters couldn’t keep up, till one ducked and dodged both our tactics and walloped me right in the chin. I was flung back, with poor Cream’s basket getting thrown in the impact and landed with her cookies that we had spent so long making.
This quest was harder than I thought.
I scooted back on the ground as Cream cried out to me, but the monster tried to ready his tongue to lasso Cream, when an even larger beast finally sprung out into our sights, and began to throw a gorilla-like tantrum with his arms, banging the ground and causing it to shake.
He roared fiercely and grabbed the chameleon by it’s ankles, swinging him wildly as it looked like an unwanted carnival ride, round and round.
His fur shuffled in the wind as he finally released the foul terror and it slammed against a tree, twitching... before it’s misty hide disintegrated back into the forest’s magic power...
I quickly pulled myself up and gripped Cream in fright, but held my hammer out with harsh pants, still not fully quitting without a good struggle first.
The beast relaxed it’s shoulders... then slightly turned its head to us.
I continued to hold my hammer out, before shifting it behind my shoulder, ready to swing at any given notice.
He slowly reached his hand out, letting its true length be known and lifted it above my hammer as I swung to defend ourselves, but we were both surprised when he picked up the basket.
He then swiftly gathered up the cookies with precision in his claws and lengthy fingers, before withdrawing his arm back to it’s normal, monstrous-still size and presented it at our feet.
We were still both laying upon the ground, except my torso raised slightly, before he nodded and was about to walk away when we heard a woman’s voice shriek out in fright.
“Mother!” Cream called, looking behind me and taking off.
“Cream! Wait!” I didn’t even think about the basket, and took off after her. Dust in our wake, I suddenly looked back to see the blue, hairy monster carrying the basket in his mouth, and lowering his head, scooped me up and onto his back. “W-wo-AHH!!” I gripped his back like a baby monkey, just trying to not get jostled off as he raced on all fours with such velocity.
‘He doesn’t look to be hunting Cream.’ I surmised, and then for a moment, actually thought riding this beast was my calling... it was fun, it felt like I was meant to trust him... I only had this feeling when drawing tarot cards, and seeing the fortune of ‘Destined Love’ written upon it...
“I don’t know who you are-!” I immediately shouted out, positioning myself more comfortably upon his back as he dipped his head and was about to scoop up Cream to his back as well, “But let’s save this family!” before another even more frightening beast that looked like a phoenix swooped down and clamped its claws to her. “Ah!” I cried out in shock, it happening so fast.
“Oh no!” The burly voice of the monster had thrown the basket back up to me and I caught it instinctively, before seeing him reach out his hand to extend it again beyond normal means, and grab a branch.
Like a springboard, we were slingshotted to that branch as I let out another yelp of shock.
This... was surprisingly fun! If it didn’t mean my little friend and her mother were in danger.
“Can you go faster!?” I encouraged, and suddenly, the beast seemed to take offense to that.
“Hold on!” he called out, a harsh grumble in his voice he may have not meant to make, and immediately we began swinging and launching ourselves closer and closer to the flying bird creature, when I noticed another--adult--rabbit in it’s other talon.
“It’s got her mother!” I cried out, and his eyes seemed to bleed with the necessity to save them as well. 
“Do you trust a monster?” He asked, dropping to the ground after each failed jumped couldn’t get us close enough to reach them.
I held my hammer at the ready, looking to the strange beasts as though the term ‘monster’ didn’t suit how heroic he was being in trying to help us.
“N-no.” I stated, and he looked down a moment, as though disappointed. “I trust you.” I stated, boldly and point-blankly. “You’re willing to risk life and limb just for a couple of girls... I wouldn’t know a monster that noble, but I do know heroes that stalwart and true.”
His head rose and for the first time, I could see his full face. He looked touched by my words... before nodding with a narrowing of his eyes. “Alright then, Miss Rose Rider. Prepare to ride to wind!”
He shot his arms out and pulled himself back, just like a slingshot position!
“Ho, boy!” I bit on my hammer and kept it between my teeth, realizing I needed to hold onto this ride with both hands....
He strained, before finally whiplashing us both into the air.
“Now, go!” He reached back to grip me, as best he could without injuring me with his brute strength, and threw me like an arrow across the night sky to the belly of the beast.
“HHHAAAAA!!!!” I slammed my hammer into it’s gut and had it coughing up a storm, dropping it’s prey as the woman and her child screamed upon their descent.
“Hero!” I called out, deciding never to use the term ‘beast’ or ‘monster’ again for such a kind soul.
The Hero seemed to understand I was addressing him, and threw out his arms to grab the girls and tucked them into his chest... falling down... Oh no...
“NOO!!” He was taking the plunge for them!
I wasn’t able to think about it long though, as the dark phoenix cried out and came for me, but I whammed it’s beak away from devouring me and grabbed a talon, using its body to take the hit for me on the ground while I remained safe at the underbelly of it’s feathers.
Spitting out said feathers, I then frantically backed tracked further into the forest, before seeing Vanilla and her daughter crouched over the Hero, tears of regret in their eyes.
“He... He took the fall for us. All of it.” Vanilla admitted, seeing that I was the one with Cream.
“Oh, Miss Riding Amy...” Cream wiped her tears, holding her mother’s hand and pulling themselves away from him. “He was the bravest, nicest wolf I’ve ever known!” She then pulled me into that said hug, but my eyes never left the body of the Hero.
His fur swiveled in the breeze... and the forest moaned as if losing something precious.
“N-...No...” My cards never predicted this... I moved the grieving girl and mother apart from me,... crawling to the Hero’s fallen form. “Please... I still want to... I still want to know you... I want to thank you...” My voice began to break, gripping his fur in my white gloves. “I didn’t even know your name...” I sobbed more than I ever thought I could have...
“I... I love you... Mr. Wolf, sir.” Cream began, “Thank you... for saving both me, my mother... and my friend.”
I shook my head, “You and I... we fought like a supersonic comet... that bird didn’t know what hit’em.”
While the sun began to rise... his form twitched and rumbled as though something was happening.
I pulled away only when a bright light flashed and yellow streams of golden ribbons flew around him.
He was lifted into the air and the golden streams wrapped around him before revealing a handsome--more beautiful hedgehog man than I’ve ever seen in all my life--slowly floating down to the ground before blinking his eyes open.
“Who...” he began, rubbing his head and shaking it as he got upright, spooking us all as we were jaw struck. “Who said my name..? And that they... could love a beast?”
We had a big party that night at Vanilla and Cream’s home. Cream explained her mother didn’t like her walking the path at night, due to the trickery of the forest dwelling monsters, but that she always knew a kind, mysterious figure protected her and her daughter every time they crossed.
On this particular day, Cream was attending the Chao Kindergarten in the village and had played so long with the Chao, had forgotten the time. Vanilla was so worried she went in search of Cream, finding the wolf and asking if he was the one that kept them safe all those many years they lived there.
He agreed to go on ahead before finding Riding Amy with Cream, and stalked them to make sure they got to safety, but was too afraid to reveal his cursed form.
The curse could only be broken by someone speaking his name after a declaration of admiration and love. 
“That’s... amazing.” I was still in awe at how handsome the young hedgehog man looked. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but when he looked at me, my heart raced and I had to look away, pulling up my hood so he couldn’t see my blushing cheeks. “You should-! Ehem.” I was getting too excited... “You should come with me on my travels. I’m sure you could do a lot of good now that you’re not so afraid of what others may think of you.” I explained.
Though, in my heart, no matter what box this beautiful man came in... he was still a hero... just... more dashing in this form!
He smiled to me, and I felt my soul withdraw into his arms at such a sunny-disposition.
“I’ve always wanted to see the world, so that sounds great! But...” He looked to Vanilla.
“We’ll be fine.” She patted his arm. “You’ve been watching over us all in the village for far too long, time we took precautions for ourselves!”
We both didn’t realize that the Chao were formidable fighters... and ended up joining with each villager to protect them come night time, where their little forms could judo slam any monster that tried to trick in the night!
Sonic and I... We... hehe!
Well... The cards are never wrong.
I was destined to ride alongside the spirit of the wind!
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midnightfire1222 · 4 months
Chapter 74 of Wars of the Heart has just been uploaded! Hope you all enjoy!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28074276/chapters/134644486
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/midnightfire1222/art/Wars-of-the-Heart-Chapter-74-1013224722
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midnightfire1222 · 1 year
New 'Wars of the Heart' Chapter is Live!
Ch. 71 of Wars of the Heart is now live on AO3 and DA! Sorry it's so late today, but I promise I didn't forget!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28074276/chapters/112311256
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/midnightfire1222/art/Wars-of-the-Heart-Chapter-71-947241601
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
I'm so sad, there's this old sonamy fic I loved but like it's gone! It was a cute weresonamy story where Amy was little red riding hood and it was so cute it was like 16 chapters and I can't find it anywhere. I'm so sad T_T
I very much discourage fanfiction writers from deleting their old works. I was very tempted too at one point, and asked if others would be alright with it. (I’ve deleted extremely old ones in the past too, unfinished or just plan awful) but in this particular time I asked first.
The cry out so emotional. I never knew people cherished my works so dearly. It was that moment I told myself I should just edit my old works and not delete a single thing. I had already erased so much of my writing history, that only Fanfiction really remained untouched. I’m glad I called out to see what others said, even to stories I don’t value much anymore.
Remember that even if you don’t like it anymore, there are those readers you touched who treasure your writings, it has meaning to them. Don’t delete your works, please. You can edit them, but don’t ever forget what got you started.
Remember your readers’ feelings.
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Art Prompt Trade Event? Claim a prompt to create art for!
Once again, this is another ‘I need Preview Imagines for my Prompts!’ Event. Interested in getting your art out there? Then this is for you!
Deadline for this is the end of September. Rules are simple!
1. Contact me with the prompt you want to do! I’ll let you know if it’s available, and then I’ll cross it out on the post so everyone knows it’s taken. (You can ask to see the prompt for more ideas/details. :) )
2. Make sure the art is appropriate and fits the context of the prompt you chose. Send finished art to my submission box! (Please include which credit link or username you want for your art along with which prompt you drew for.) Be creative and have fun!
3. If you need more time, please let me know! We’ll work something out :)
Now! For the prompts!:
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1. Sonic Boom
1A.TailsxZooey Ballroom Dance, Amy excitedly watches. 1B. Boom!Sonic voice acts (Similar characters/comedic abridgments of Roger Craig Smith’s characters.) 1C. Boom!Sonic finds out about Boom!Amy’s Sonic Doll. 1D. Boom!Sonic and Boom!Amy reminisce about Modern and Classic times, running after the other, how they’ve changed. 1E. Boom!Sonic trying to ‘pick up’ Boom!Amy in the Blue Force One. (Need a ride? flirty~) 1F. Boom!Amy in “Give Bees A Chance” does get to open up her feelings without interruptions. 1G. Boom!Sonamy coupley moment where Sonic tastes Amy’s food. 1H. Boom!Knuxouge, Boom!Rouge finds him adorable and teases him. 1I. Sonic Boom crew Beach ep. Sonic admiring Amy’s swimwear. (or noticing her? Keep it clean!) 1J. Boom!sonamy “Irresistible” and “What’d you first notice about me that you liked?” 1K. Sticks finds out Boom!Shadow is a literal Government Conspiracy! 1L. Boom!Sonamy where they trip, roll down a hill, and land on the other. (Accidental kiss? Lion king cliches are the best lol)
2. My Fanfiction
2A. Sonic Boom crew at SEGA (Sonic IRL) 2B. Amy never learns Sonic’s the werehog, but they still hang out cause Sonic likes the other side of her he’s seeing. Amy questions if she loves Sonic or this new Werehog friend. (Weresonamy) 2C. Amnesia Sonamy But Sonic forgets this time! (Rememory) 2D.  Older Sonamy, Sonic tries to get Amy to fall back in love with him. (Isn’t this just Timeless Game?)
3. Amy x (other than Sonic.)
3A. Metal Sonic x Modern Amy 3B.  Gamma x Amy. (He crushes but she’s doesn’t feel the same. Sonic cheers Gamma on just to be funny.) 3C. Shadamy, Shadow survives SA2 and goes back to Amy on ark. 3D. Sonic forces, Amy x Gadget (custom hero). 
4. Knuxouge
4A. Knuckles making Rouge extremely happy. (So the two laughing together? Up to you!)
5. Mephiles and Infinite (Think power struggle. Admiring the others power, but also insulting them.)
6. Sonamy
6A. Forces!Amy reacts to hearing Forces!Sonic’s voice after he’s escaped, or him imprisoned thinking of her. 6B. Forces!Sonic’s family (Sonic Underground) meet Forces!Amy after Forces. 6C. Older Sonamy, Sonic falls in love, confused, asks “Do you still like me?” (Comfortable around each other now.). 6D. Boom Sonic and Modern Sonic switch to be with the other’s Amy. 6E. Boom!Sonamy meets Classic!Sonamy. 6F. Amy the Hero and Sonic the Love Interest Sequel of Sonic chasing Amy (lighthearted and funny). 6G. MangaxModern merge, Nikki becomes Sonic, everyone thinks he ran away so Amy sadly moves on to Sonic, but something triggers Nikki to come back! Conflicted feelings ensue~
7. Sonic (General)
7A. Twinkle Park (The whole gang having fun after beating Eggman) 7B. Sonic Pirates AU! Sonic fighting pirates on flying ship. (Sonamy if you want?) 7C.  "Your Reality" from Doki Doki Literature Club, Amy’s feelings for Sonic. (prompt will be loosely based off song or a lyrical prompt.) 7D. Platonic Tails and Amy. 7E. Sonic tries Kamen Rider Gear, Tails makes it. (I’ll need to do research, so go wild with this one if you know about it) 7F. Sonic and Magic Kaito inspired story. (Sonic forced to steal for Eggman, Shadow and G.U.N chasing him, I’ll have to do research here too)
8. Other
8A. Plance (PidgexLance) VLD. (need to do research on this, so just a cute art piece is all :) ) 8B. Sonic Forces and Xenoblade 2 (Maybe the two fight Eggman? I’ll have to do research here too...)
Please participate! If I promised you I’d do a prompt for you that’s not up here, let me know! (livestream people)
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