grievenotthespirit · 2 months
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“your bus is coming,” he just said then.
illustrated jien-o’s unhinged fic abt creeper law 🚓🚨🚨🚨
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notgreedo318 · 17 days
u deserve so much better lolz. Ur friends are dicks, ur family is bad and ur mom’s a bitch as well, she payed two grown ass men (weirdosssss) to torture u bc you liked different things, you grew up as an ugly teen (even if i don’t personally think ur ugly :pppp) u basically don’t have a father figure and your only male role model is/was Joe who’s a H U G E dick and u probably have lots of undiagnosed mental issues bc i do not think ur mom is the type of mom to actually care about that (she’s the root of all ur problems) and u definitely deserved better, Bill. But maybe I’m reading too much into u, after all i’m ur secret admirer ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
ANYWAYSSSS, cute dog y’all cute :33!!!
ha-ha, yeah.. yeah, it sucks, um.
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aseyaz · 1 year
how can i have haters i don’t even post anything 🤨🤨🤨🤨 you weirdosssss
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
Yes because they posted a stalker video of Anthony going into his ROOM in the hotel with the number on display. So not his specific number but the floor at least
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bloominstorm · 2 years
Waka and Benkei damn near 30 tryna fight high school kids.
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#they’re weird…#dudes ain’t got no loyalty#like YOURE WEIRDOSSSSS#why are you linking up with Mikey when he just beat the shit outta your friend and basically bitched the girl you treated like a sister#i wasn’t expecting them to join takemichi but for them to join Mikey..?#y’all were just talking bout how you wanted to beat his ass like please get tf outta my face with this#kaku joining Mikey doesn’t surprise me he’s clinging onto any relation to izana even tho he died hating his new leader 💀#I’ve yet to get the hype about the haitani brothers - all they do is jump ppl and cling onto the strongest ppl to stay in the winning team#they’re annoying af to me and honestly weak bc what fight have they won on their own? they deadass always jumping into each other’s fights#hanma joining Mikey was unexpected but expected bc I knew his slinky ass would come back around#it’s just annoying how all these ppl are on Mikey’s dick like does his gang need to be this overpowered#granted mochi and tht shion dude ain’t shit but like still? waka benkei kaku and hanma??? like why wtf#I’m gonna need some background on Mikey’s shit tho like why did he say ‘I knew it…you came back’ um does this mean he can sense shit or what#bc he did say tht shit at the beginning of the arc and I was waiting for tht to get expanded on#and honestly it’s a very weird thing to say bc like..? are you not aware of the fact tht you almost killed him..? what do you mean ‘you came#back’ he’s BEEN back and he’s been tryna get to you don’t act like you had no clue 😭#i fucking cannot believe draken died for this shit I’m SO upset#i get wakui wanted it to be takemichi saving Mikey (which ain’t gonna happen) but goddamn why did he have to kill off draken#he could’ve just incapacitated him..? he didn’t need to KILL HIM#fucking anyway ugh#the scene with hina was cute as always she’s a gem a true ride or die#always seeing through takemichis shit she’s so damn loyal bc she truly ain’t have to deal with this shit#like imagine sending your boyfriend off to his possible death bc he didn’t know when to leave shit alone#smh but anyway this chapter made me lowkey mad#tokyo revengers spoilers#Tokyo revengers 243
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harlequinbishop · 3 years
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astraltrain · 3 years
literally didn't know voiceoverpete is apparently a fucking creep but now i know and i am sad
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mutablebeauty · 2 years
Y’all imma talk my shit bc this goes right the FOCK back to Mars in the 7th house and me being Lilith-dominant in my chart.
My roommates boyfriend decided to do something romantic for V day for her and he asked me to distract her and help him set up an indoor camping date. I didn’t feel like doing that shit but I said whatever. We’re texting back in forth, meeting secretly so I can give him my keys and distract her while he’s in our apartment.
When she discovers what he did, one of the first things she says is I wish my boyfriend did something like that for me.
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????? Why would you say that? That’s weird…
You can’t tell me Mars in the 7th doesn’t bring weirdosssss I’m sorry. Competition with others when you never asked to have one? On top of being nice to mfs and they just spit in ur face.
Lilith brings jealousy from women based on intimidation.
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saaynews · 4 years
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who’s excited for the big announcement? 🪐 btw imy&ilysm my weirdosssss 🖤 #tb
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
“Matt will block you” so instead of enjoying your meal out funded by Matt and Alex you’re sitting there showing him accounts for him to then go out of his way to block. Weirdosssss
they must be as bored as we are. sounds like a good time to release an album. nudge nudge
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
BRO TUmblr keeps on making me unfollow people WTFFFFF weirdosssss
anyways omfg tokyo rev is such a big part of my life and tbh there are times when i hate how everyone writes certain characters like yes i know dumb of me but i can’t help it and i am cranky and in my “i hate how everyone writes these people” phase and your miley fic comes up and i read it like …. shut up i am fragile and your writing reminds me why i love mikey…. using the metaphor of bird in the cage and it’s like mikey himself is a bird trapped in a cage but when reader asks if he wants to keep her in a cage and never let her go… he’s so fucking…. he says no he says no i don’t want you to feel trapped no i love you and you deserve to fly this cage is cold and you deserve to see the world
maybe i’m looking into it a bit too deep but stfu it was GOOD and so what if my analysis’s are wrong??? they’re right to ME and i love you for real
i love tokyorev as a piece of media and in general but i want to be perfectly honest trying to find..? content for it that goes into emotional character analysis for the people who are in and the characters proves to be increasingly difficult. like bnha has really spoiled me in that regard bc there's always tons of ppl w great characterization.. but I KNOW WHAT U MEAN
the caged bird analysis was based of the poem by maya angelou!! i think mikey often feels trapped, both within himself and in the face of his own impulse. he is both cage and bird all at once. ur not looking deep into it!! it was intended that way AAAH thank u FOR READING!!! I LOVE U !!!!
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I kind of always think
Like why the actual fuck do I only attract weirdosssss like why in this world not a single gentleman can approach me 😭😭😭
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artkiddies · 6 years
in 4 years time I go from “lol wtf there’s people out there wants captain america and bucky to be boyfriends? what a bunch of weirdosssss......=___=” to “please don’t be hetero please don’t be hetero please don’t be hetero”
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hotthrow · 7 years
One of the people I volunteer with was like “I know something that like makes things out of clay, idk if you’ll be interested” and she sounded so unimpressed and I was like “FUCK YES SIGN ME UP” like who doesn’t want to learn how to make things out clay???? Weirdosssss
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