#we're probably Nothing alike i don't really know. i haven't been so *in* the fandom to know everything about him
sugaroto · 2 years
I've seen a lot of posts saying that "It's okay if being lgbt was a phase for you", and I know that you're gonna say it's not a phase
And it's not. For most of us
But there are people who may have identified as bi for a while and later found out they were gay, lesbian maybe even straight
Maybe people thought they were lesbians but were actually pan
Someone could identify as asexual but later figure they're demisexual
Maybe they identified as something, but later figured out they were straight
All this journey... is personal and maybe you're not sure for your identity yet, maybe you want to keep it personal, maybe you're coming to terms with it
When someone is figuring their sexuality, or maybe they already have, they don't owe it to anyone else
When they feel like it, maybe they tell people who they care about
Maybe they shout it from rooftops, maybe they whisper it to the mirror
So many posts telling people "you don't have to come out. Do it when you're ready. When you're safe"
And yet... an 18 year old boy was forced to come out
Why? Because he's famous? There could be a million reasons he didn't want to come out yet (or never)
Kit is just a year older than me.
Why did he have to come out?
I don't think I would come out to the whole world in a year either, the only reason *I* am out on the internet is because I'm no one, I'm anonymous here, you know me as Sugar, you don't know where I live, who I am and what I do
What If I was in the cast too? No one in my family knows I'm lgbt, let's say I had the chance to play a character, cool, then what, would the internet force me to come out to the whole world? To my mom? My aunts and uncles? My Grandparents?
I did came out when I was younger, to my friends, and I have regretted telling 2 people, because we weren't close then or because we lost touch later
I also came out earlier than I should have, I was still figuring it out at the time
But I did, and it was my choice
I came out as bi,
But now I'm questioning I might be on the ace spectrum too, would I need to come out twice?
If I was famous too, would people say I queerbaited them for figuring stuff out? About my personal life?
What if I never wanted to came out? I'm also a demigirl, but I don't want to come out, that's my thing, it's personal and it doesn't change the way I dress or act, or even my pronouns cause 'they' can't be used in my 1st language
I want to keep this thing for me
If I was famous and had the chance to wear a binder, would people say I queerbaited them? Would they force me to tell the world I'm not cis?
I'm not famous, but Kit is just a year older than me. We could have been in the same school (in a different world)
You don't know his personal life, he could be dating someone he knew for years, he could be single, maybe his parents know he's bi, maybe he doesn't want to tell them, maybe he was figuring stuff out, maybe being bi was his thing, his thing that he wanted to keep to himself
And people took that away from him
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