#we're 80 aus deep and there is no letting up
"Window Seat" by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Word Count: 3K Summary: Emma's son, Henry, befriends the man sitting next to them on an airplane- and Emma is impressed by how well the stranger bonds with him. Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, one shot, captain cobra swan Author’s notes: I've always loved interacting with children. They speak genuinely, they love life, and they ask questions that aren't (usually) too hard to answer. When I was flying back from my last vacation, I sat next to a four year old girl who was an absolute delight to talk with. (She once had a dream about zombie turtles! She invited me to play with her dollhouse sometime! She said the Obi-Wan keychain on my backpack looked like a monkey!) By the end of the flight, even though I'm six times her age, we considered each other friends. This fic is inspired by kids like her. Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart  [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Emma held her son's hand firmly as she walked to the back of the plane, trying to find their seat numbers. Navigating an airport was hard enough as is, but bringing a four year old boy with you makes it even more difficult, especially when you're managing him on your own.
 Fortunately, though it hardly felt that way, Emma was used to taking care of her son by herself.
 "Are we almost there?" Henry asked.
 "Our seat numbers are 83D and 83E," Emma said, "And here's number 80, 81," she counted and pointed them out to her son, "82, 83."
 "That's us!" Henry said.
 "Yup," Emma said, "your seat's the middle one in this row."
 She helped Henry take off his backpack and put it under the seat in front of him, then they both took their seats as Henry, in spite of being warned many times about strangers, introduced himself to the passenger next to him.
 "Hello!" Henry said.
 "Hello there," the man said, "looks like we're traveling buddies today."
 Emma had been distracted by switching her phone into airplane mode, but when she heard the stranger's accent, she looked up to see if his appearance was just as attractive- and was delighted to find that it was.
 "Have you ever been on an airplane before?" Henry asked him.
 "Quite a few times," he said.
 "Are you going to grampa's birthday party too?" Henry asked.
 "I'm afraid not," he shook his head.
 "Why not?"
 "Well for one thing, I wasn't invited," the stranger gave a good natured smile, "and another, I've never met your grampa."
 "My mom and I can introduce you!" Henry said, pointing at Emma, "and you can come with us."
 "Henry," Emma interrupted, "let's buckle your seatbelt, okay? And don't pester this nice man with so many questions; he probably wants to just take a nice, quiet flight to Maine."
 The reason Emma wanted Henry to keep quiet wasn't solely out of decency towards the other traveler, and it wasn't of a motherly caution about strangers either. She'd be lying to herself if she said it wasn't borne of not wanting to annoy one of the cutest strangers she'd ever met.
 "It's no trouble, really," he said, "I've never minded children; I was a camp counselor for quite a few years in my younger days."
 "Henry'll talk your ear off if you let him," Emma ruffled her son's hair before adjusting his seatbelt.
 "I don't take people's ears off!" Henry protested.
 "It's one of those expressions," Emma explained, "it means you talk a lot."
 "Oh yeah," Henry said, then turned back to the stranger, "are you friends with my mom?" The man looked up at Emma and smiled, his eyes a deep and overwhelming blue.
 "I don't know. I haven't met her yet," he said, not taking his eyes off her, "but maybe by the end of the flight we will be."
 "I'm Henry," Henry piped up.
 The stranger looked back down at Henry and held a hand out to him. "Pleasure to meet you Henry," he said, "my name's Killian."
 "I'm Emma," Emma said.
 "What a lovely name," Killian smiled.
 "Okay, so he's a bit of a flirt," Emma thought, though she didn't stop herself from smiling at his compliment.
 "Have you ever been on an airplane before, Henry?" Killian asked.
 "Nope!" Henry said.
 "Are you excited for your first flight?"
 "Yeah!" Henry said.
 Just then, the stewardess' voice came over the plane's speakers.
 "Okay Henry," Emma whispered, "we have to be quiet now, okay?"
 "Okay," Henry said.
 He tried his best to sit quietly, but four minutes is an eternity when you're only four years old. Every now and then he'd start to ask a question, and Emma would remind him to be quiet- and once or twice he tried to ask Killian something, which led to a similar gentle reminder to be quiet.
 Soon, they were allowed to talk again, and the plane began down the runway. Emma pulled a pack of gum out of her jacket pocket.
 "Here, buddy," Emma handed Henry a stick of gum, "remember what I told you?" "That my ears will pop off if I don't eat it?" Henry asked, already putting the candy in his mouth.
 "No, they'll pop," Emma corrected, "but the gum will help keep that from happening."
 She took a stick of gum for herself, then held the package out to Killian. "Would you like one?" she offered.
 "Thank you," he smiled, taking a stick of gum from the pack, "I certainly would hate for my ears to pop off."
 Emma giggled a little- only half a giggle, almost more like an annoyed sigh, but a giggle nonetheless, and a smile along with it.
 Henry was looking past Killian out the window, watching the runway as they drove across it.
 "Why are we still on the ground?" Henry asked.
 "It's like flying a kite," Killian answered, "you have to have a lot of room to run, so the kite is already moving fast before you let go of it, and then it gets into the air. The plane has to run really fast too."
 "Cool!" Henry said.
 They neared the end of the runway.
 "Here we go," Killian said.
 Henry let out a little squeal as the plane turned its nose up, and up they went. He looked up at his mom, and then at Killian, and then laughed a little.
 "We're really high now!" Henry said.
 "Indeed," Killian said, "look at the clouds!"
 Emma looked out the window as well at the clouds, which were now next to, then below them.
 Soon, the plane stabilized, and the stewardess announced they were free to roam about the cabin, if needed.
 Henry continued asking Killian question after question, probably more questions than the stranger was in a mood to answer.
 Emma pulled out her phone and opened Disney+, where she'd downloaded a few movies for Henry to watch on the plane.
 "Here, kid," she handed Henry her phone, then grabbed his backpack to get his headphones out, "do you wanna pick a movie to watch?"
 He looked at the downloaded titles- Treasure Planet, Peter Pan, Aladdin, and a few Lego Star Wars specials, before selecting Peter Pan.
 "That's an excellent choice," Killian said.
 "It's my favorite movie!" Henry said, as Emma put his headphones on his head.
 "It's one of my favorites too," Killian said.
 "Henry's been going through a bit of a pirate phase recently," Emma said.
 "Ah," Killian nodded, "I take it you've watched Peter Pan a few too many times recently, then?"
 "The things we do for our kids," Emma said, as Henry tried to lay down in his seat, resting his head in his mom's lap, incidentally kicking Killian.
 "Here, move your feet, Henry," Emma said, trying to move her son's sneakers off Killian's pants.
 "That's alright," Killian said, "I really don't mind."
 Emma gave up the losing battle of keeping Henry's feet to himself.
 "Do you have any kids of your own?" Emma asked.
 "Oh, no," Killian half laughed, "but I remember what it was like to be a kid. I was a rather talkative lad myself, much like your boy."
 Emma wrapped her arm around her son. "He's a pretty special kid," she said.
 "His parents are very lucky to have him," Killian said.
 Emma shook her head, "One of us certainly is."
 Killian raised her an inquisitive eyebrow. "His father's not in the picture?"
 "In the picture?" Emma rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't even say he's in the same gallery. He walked out before Henry even got to know him."
 "Well, he's missing out on a charming family," Killian said, "from what I've seen, you've raised a great son."
 "Thanks," Emma smiled, "I try my best."
 "Well, if you ask me, you're doing great," Killian said, "it can be hard to raise a kid on your own."
 Emma wrinkled her brow. "What do you know about raising kids?" 
 "I was on the other end of the equation," Killian said, "my mom raised three boys herself. My dad has been out of the picture since just before my little brother was born."
 "From what I've seen, your mom raised a pretty good kid," Emma said.
 "I try to be- my older brother was always the best of us though." Killian said, seeming a touch saddened, "he practically helped raise us. In my father's absence, he was the one who showed me how to be the man I am today."
 "I'd say he did a pretty great job at it," Emma said.
 "Indeed," Killian said, "I wish I'd told him that more."
 Emma wasn't sure why that question was so solemn, or why it was past tense, and was unsure how to ask what he meant, so she waited for him to follow it up.
 "He passed away this past week," Killian said, "that's why I'm on my way to Portland."
 "I'm so sorry," Emma shook her head, unsure how one could even begin to cope with that loss- if anything happened to one of her siblings, she'd be devastated.
 "Thank you," he said.
 "How're you holding up?" Emma asked.
 "As well as I can be," Killian shook his head with a sigh, "it's a weird feeling, really. He's just always been there, and now… now he's not. I used to say I didn't know what I'd do without him, and now- now I get to figure it out."
 "I'm so sorry," Emma said, "I can't imagine what this must be like for you."
 "I'm getting by," he said, "that's how you have to make it in this world, isn't it?"
 "You got that right," Emma said.
 "And being distracted from it helps," Killian said, "which is why I was delighted to have a seat next to your charming little chatterbox."
 Emma looked down at Henry, who had fallen asleep before the characters in his movie even made it to Neverland.
 "Seems the lad's a bit tuckered out," Killian said.
 "After the TSA line we went through and waiting two hours in a terminal at seven a.m.?" Emma asked, "I'm surprised I'm not 'tuckered out' myself."
 "Me too," Killian said.
 "He sure is excited to get to meet his grandparents," Emma said, stroking her son's hair a few times.
 "He hasn't met them before?" Killian asked.
 "We've called them once or twice, had a few video chats," Emma said, "but the trip from Tallahassee to Maine isn't one I can shell out very often. My dad insisted on seeing his grandson this weekend though- it's the only thing he wanted for his birthday, to have the whole family together."
 "How precious," Killian said, "your folks must be so excited."
 "It's all my parents have been able to talk about for the last year," Emma said, "my brother and sister both still live in the area, and they said Dad's more excited than they've seen him in years."
 "Does all your family live in Maine?" Killian asked.
 "Pretty much," Emma said.
 "Then what brought you to Tallahassee?"
 "Doesn't matter anymore," Emma said, "because I didn't find it."
 "Then why are you still there?"
 "I've never been one to stick around the same place too long," Emma said, "but that's no life for Henry. He needs roots."
 "I see," Killian said.
 "I take it your story's not much different," Emma suggested.
 "What do you mean by that?" he asked.
 "You're flying all the way from Tallahassee to Portland for a funeral," Emma said, "what's keeping you down there? Job? Friends? Girlfriend?"
 She hoped it wasn't the last one.
 He smiled, "Don't have a girlfriend, and friends are few and far between. I do quite enjoy the weather down south though, as well as my job."
 "What do you do?" Emma asked.
 "Captain of an authentic tallship," Killian said, "The Rolly Joger, a magnificent vessel- one of those little three-hour tour tourist traps."
 "Oh, that's so fun," Emma said, "Kind of like a real pirate." She patted her son's head, watching on the phone screen in front of him as Captain Hook's crew sang a little shanty.
 "Aye," he smiled, "once or twice she's even been booked for 'pirate parties,' where the kids all come dressed as pirates."
 "Oh, that sounds so fun," Emma said, "I wonder if Henry might like something like that for his birthday in a couple months. He's never been on a boat before either."
 "Well, you're always welcome onboard The Rolly Joger," Killian said.
 "We might just take you up on that," Emma smiled.
 "And what did you say do you do for a living?" Killian asked.
 "I work for Yellow Bug Bail Bonds," Emma said, "apprehending people who skip bail."
 "Like a modern day bounty hunter?" Killian asked.
 Emma laughed, "something like that."
 "That sounds exciting," Killian said.
 "It pays the bills," Emma said.
 She wasn't sure what to say, and apparently he wasn't either, as they were both quiet for a bit.
 Eventually, Emma pulled a book out of her carry on, not about to take her phone from Henry and risk waking him, but also not about to sit there doing nothing for the next few hours.
 "What are you reading?" Killian asked.
 "Oh, it's a book one of my friends is writing," Emma said, "he asked me to read through and give some feedback."
 "What an honor," Killian said, "what's it about?"
 "Some kind of historical fiction," Emma said, "fairy tale characters in the American Revolution, or something like that. I'm only a couple chapters in."
 "Sounds interesting," Killian said, "I'll, uh, leave you to it." 
 "Alright," Emma said.
 And even as she got lost in the world in her book, she found herself glancing more than a handful of times at Killian.
 A couple hours later, Henry woke up, and after a "good morning, sleepyhead" from both Killian and Emma, she restarted his movie for him- and this time he watched without falling asleep. Emma continued reading her book, engrossed in the character developments her friend August had intricately woven into his story.
 "Oh, Henry," Killian said, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention, "look at that view. You can see the plane's shadow on the clouds beneath us."
 Henry took off his headphones and looked out the window.
 "Woah!" Henry said, loud enough that Emma looked over as well- and she did so to see Henry throwing her phone and his headphones on the floor.
 "Henry!" Emma said, reaching over to pick them up off the floor- which was difficult, with her seatbelt still buckled.
 Apparently, Emma wasn't the only one who had a problem with seatbelts, because she looked back up to see Henry had unfastened his, and was now climbing onto Kilian's lap to get a better view out the window.
 She was about to stop him, but she was taken aback by how Killian responded- after an initial second of confusion, he put a hand on Henry's shoulder in case of unexpected turbulence, then pointed out the shadow of the plane, and a few other notable clouds next to them, talking with the boy like he wasn't an outgoing child who'd just overstepped his bounds, but almost like an equal, one who'd done nothing wrong as well.
 Something about the scene, and how the boys interacted, looked to Emma like something out of a storybook, or like the picture you'd find in the dictionary if you looked up the word "father."
 Then, Killian helped Henry off his knee and back into his own seat, and rebuckled him, reminding him that while the plane was in the air, it was probably a good idea to keep your seatbelt on and stay in your own seat.
 "I am so sorry about that," Emma said, then put a hand on Henry's shoulder, "Henry, you need to respect other people's space."
 "No worries, Emma," Killian said, "it's the price of having a window seat, I suppose."
 He didn't seem at all as embarrassed or annoyed with the entire ordeal as Emma was- and he then turned to Henry and added, "but not all strangers like it when other people get too close to them, Henry. It's a good idea to keep your distance from strangers."
 "But you're not a stranger anymore!" Henry insisted, "I think you're my friend."
 "Aye," Killian smiled, "I suppose I am."
 "If you come to my house sometime," Henry said, "you can play in my fort with me. I can show you my Legos too!"
 "If I ever do come to your house," Killian said, slowly, his words carefully selected, "I'd love to see your Lego sets."
 "I just got a really cool Star Wars set," Henry said, "it has Luke Skywalker, and his X-Wing, and Artoo Detoo!"
 "That sounds awesome, Henry," he said, "I hope I get to see it someday."
 "Oh yeah," Henry said, "It's really cool."
 "You know, I had some pretty cool Lego Star Wars sets back in the day too," Killian said.
 "Oh yeah." Killian said, "I had this one set…"
 As Emma watched Killian and her son talk about Lego Star Wars sets, she put away Henry's headphones and swiped out of the movie on her phone, sensing Henry might be entertained for the rest of the flight with his new friend.
 Henry wasn't the only one entertained by Killian, though Emma's interest in him was for an entirely different reason.
 Henry's father had left shortly after Emma's pregnancy, not ready for the commitment of raising a family. After that, Emma had decided that all she needed was herself and her son. Between finding her job and raising her son, she hadn't had time for a boyfriend anyways, at least that's the excuse she used when her friends asked why she'd never gotten back out there.
 But deep down, Emma knew part of the reason she'd stayed single was Henry- any boyfriend for her was a potential father for Henry, and as rare as it was for her to find a date, it was harder to find a date who was comfortable with kids- and soon she gave up on dates altogether.
 She and Henry had always been content just to have each other- but as she watched her son talk with this man about Star Wars, Legos, and pirates together, she realized how much both she and her son would benefit from a guy like him in their life.
 As they walked off the plane, Emma and Henry stayed close to Killian, Henry still chatting away with him the whole time.
 "Alright, Henry," Emma said, once they got back into the terminal, "I think it's time to say goodbye to Killian."
 "Already?" Henry asked.
 "I'm afraid so," Emma said.
 Killian got down on his knees at Henry's eye level.
 "It was a pleasure flying with you, Henry," Killian said, "I hope I see you again sometime."
 "Me too!" Henry said.
 Killian held out his hand to shake hands with Henry, but instead Henry ran to his arms and gave him a hug. Killian looked up at Emma for her approval, and she nodded, so he returned Henry's hug.
 Once Killian stood back up, he held a hand out shake with Emma, and she half desired to respond the same way her son had. Instead, she took his hand and shook it.
 "It was a pleasure meeting you, Killian," Emma said.
 "The pleasure was mine, milady," he said, and he then brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
 "I didn't know you were so old fashioned," Emma said, in a voice that said that wasn't a problem at all.
 "I hope to see you again sometime?" he asked, letting go of your hand.
 "Yeah," Emma smiled.
 "Will you wanna come to my grampa's birthday party?" Henry interrupted.
 Killian and Emma's eyes met, like the meeting between old friends.
 "I don't believe I've been formally invited," Killian said, more like a question than an answer.
 "I could send you the details," Emma nodded, "if I had your number."
 "Yeah," Killian said, "I might be able to find time, uh, here."
 He handed her his phone, open to the contacts app. Emma quickly typed in her phone number and handed it back to him, and she handed him her phone too.
 "I'll text you later," she said, their fingers brushing against each other as she took her phone back from him.
 "Aye," he said, "Can't wait."
 "I'm really glad to have met you." Emma said.
 "Me too," Killian said.
 "Me too!" Henry said, "See you soon!"
 Emma took Henry's hand again, glancing back at Killian quite a few times as they headed their separate ways.
 "Mommy?" Henry asked.
 "Are you and Killian friends now?"
 "Yeah, kid," Emma said, a smile spreading across her face, "I think we are."
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silent-sanctum · 2 years
Jojos 1-5 as a Boy Group
author's note: now listen, given how funky these men are combined with my deep love for music (and a certain group of 7 men in said music field), my brain had a blast and this is what came out. Might be an au in the future. Might not. Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
➢ Jonathan Joestar
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eldest member and first to audition in Speedwagon Entertainment
main vocalist
a versatile singer whose preferred vocal range is his speaking voice or higher
but can sing low notes… at times
gentle giant who has clumsy tendencies
he's most often clumsy with equipment around him, accidentally breaks some of it because of his strength, and will most definitely apologize for doing so
can play the piano well
the spokesperson of the group in any occasion with the patience of a monk
will get distracted by the smallest of things like a butterfly, a small pet, the elderly, or anything smaller than him which is almost everything
will also join in on Joseph's bullshit for fun (as long as it's not hurting anyone)
chef no. 1 who specializes in European cuisine
loves his members with all his heart and will protect his babies with all his might
has a photo of everyone and keeps multiple collections of them
"this is Joseph and he's a wild fellow, this is Jotaro and he's a grouch but he's a great guy-"
➢ Joseph Joestar
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main dancer who specializes in freestyling and street dancing
also main rapper with some sick bars up his sleeves
also also comes up with creative dance choreographies for the group
auditioned for fun and ended up enjoying his stay in the group
the most energetic member of the group
meaning he will create and choose chaos 90% of the time
flirty as fuck with the fans: He will wink, send kisses, hold hands, and participate in fanservice more than the others
but also the same person who will outright deny fans' marriage proposals to him
proclaims to be adonis incarnate 24/7
walks into a spooky situation with a confidence of a lion, only to slowly turn unnerved and spooked along the way
a man who's first response to a sudden jumpscare is to scream and "NIGERUNDAYOOOO"
the ice breaker when interviews become dull and tedious
will crack inappropriate jokes at random
person with the most memes made by fans
not a chef but will recommend eating some New York classics
will explode into a lengthy rant if anything upsets him
will find ways to cheat in any game variety shows will put him in
➢ Jotaro Kujo
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leader 2
and yes, he had to play the role of vice because Joseph was too chaotic to be Jonathan's second
interchanges or shares the leadership role during more serious or formal interviews or events
but mostly lets Jonathan take the wheel because being a parent to grown men is exhausting
did not audition but was casted by the company, and joined because supportive mother Holly and musician father Sadao insisted
center of the group: Can sing using chest voice and slightly-higher speaking voice, can dance if required, and can sub as a rapper in case Joseph is unavailable
also visual of the group who draws in new fans and maintain old ones
definitely complained to Speedwagon why the hell he got so many roles
one of the more quiet ones of the bunch; helps build his mysterious aura among their fanbase
will try to calm down the members when chaos ensues but is often done with the group 80% of the time
chef no. 2 who specializes in Japanese cuisine
does not comply with fanservice… at all, but when he does a little bit, both the group and their fans scream and go ballistic
a cute sneeze, him removing his jacket, a smile = The ladies (and gents 'cause we're all equal) quaking in their panties/undies.
despite his resting bitch face, he's surprisingly soft and mild-mannered when talking to fans during fan meets; will show irritation with the more obsessive ones though
whenever he checks his feed, it's just full of "marry me" comments from the fans
during concerts, will see the same thing on the fan-made signs of the crowd
just accepted his fate at this point; but is very flattered though
➢ Josuke Higashitaka
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lead dancer and lead rapper
essentially Joseph Jr. literally
but tamer
auditioned because he wanted some money; did not expect to be fully invested with the group
the most carefree member of the group and has slacking-off tendencies
has a skincare routine he refuses to share
"sorry I'm late, my hair was not cooperating with me today"
the most chatty and most friendly among the members when it comes to fan interactions
will also do the most fanservice with the fans and will engage in any requests as long it's harmless
the scaredy-cat of the group
the most jumpy in a scary supernatural situation- will scream the loudest and will astral project out of his body if spooked hard enough
can pull out an angry tantrum if someone in the group pokes fun of his awesome pompadour; will be pout and be grumpy if the fans do it
"you just broke my heart, you know that? you know my hair is cool, right?"
since he can get bored easy when not busy, he prefers to be in entertaining locations like amusement parks or gaming cafes
will engage with fans online and be on the forums all the time to respond to questions
➢ Giorno Giovanna
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Lead singer who sings in italics
casted on the streets by the company when he was seen busking by one giant softie
is often seen hanging out with Jonathan as a result
but can sometimes be seen being dragged to places by Josuke
can play both the piano and the violin
relatively quiet and shy as the youngest of the group
though he does want the group to succeed so he does his best and learn from everyone
found the guy to be strangely wise so he seeks Jotaro for advice and mentoring; went home with good advice and lessons
lowkey mischievous and a bit of a klepto; will get the other member's stuff and only pay back when noticed
Josuke being the primary target and Joseph being the second
Can't steal from Jonathan
Doesn't dare steal from Jotaro
will participate in Joseph's and Josuke's shenanigans to some extent
seen as the pretty boy of the group
will talk to the fans with aristocratic mannerisms and a sweet voice; often watched by Jonathan or Jotaro to make sure he doesn't steal from their fans by accident
110 notes · View notes
Prominence [WCh. 2.73]
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Social Media AU ; Idol AU ; Added Unit AU CW/TW: Language Genre: Comedy, Romance Pairing: NCT x Idol!Reader, Seonghwa x Reader Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 3.9K
(73/80) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [NCT Masterlist] | [Other Groups Masterlist] | [Prominence Masterlist] | [Prominence S2 Masterlist]
Notes: Hehe, honestly idk what to even say in these anymore do y'all even read these notes? Just curious lmfao Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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11 March 2022
"I don't even know anymore," you shook your head. The PR team in front of you looked between you and the screen behind them depicting every single rumor about you.
"It's not like it's impossible to clear this all up, it'll be like the other rumors around other members, the made up ones will go away quickly," one of them says, "but, you can 100% confirm that none of them are real, right?" You skimmed through the list.
"Yup, none of them are real," you nodded.
"Even this one?" She pointed to the one about you allegedly stealing items from the stylists. "These items are technically company property, you know."
"I do, you can do a full scale search of my room for proof if you need to," you confirmed. "I have no idea where any of those things went and, honestly, I'm glad they're replaceable, I've been replacing the items myself but if the company wants to handle it then feel free to take it from my paycheck," you twiddled your thumbs on your lap in front of you.
"Well," the PR manager sighs and looks over to your two managers. "We're going to have to take a bit more control over what you do during and after schedules, it's just a precaution, I'm sure you know that, (Y/N)," she shakes her head. "(Y/N), I know SM has a 'Private Matters are Private' policy, but try not to be seen around anyone who's also involved with these rumors, alright?" Again, you scan the list.
"That's like... all of my friends," you cleared your throat uncomfortably and a tense silence sits in the room. This meeting was bound to happen, what with all the rumors that had been flying around you since you debuted, but you didn't imagine that it would end like this. The other members had advised you that the likely outcome would be that the PR team tells you not to post on socials for a while, but they're essentially grounding you.
"Well, it's not all of them, and it's not like you can't hang out behind closed doors, you just need to be more careful and please let us know if you're going out," the PR manager finishes.
"Of course," you nodded your head curtly.
"You can go now," the PR manager motions towards the door. With a quick bow, you exit the room. Then, once the door closed behind you, Mark and Yangyang were on their feet.
"Well? How'd it go?" Mark asks with wide eyes. You take a deep breath.
"Oh my god, they finally fired you," Yangyang gasps.
"What?! No!" You gasped too. "Oh my god, this company would go down without me," you clutched your heart. "No, I'm just grounded." The two boys are silent.
"Ooh," Yangyang teases. "What? They're going to take your phone?"
"I'm not allowed to hang out with anyone who's involved with rumors with me," you explained. Again, they're silent.
"Bro, that's me," Yangyang points to himself.
"Not me though, I'm safe," Mark nods. "Right, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, you're good, Mark, no one's ever going to spread rumors about you," you confirmed. In seconds, as if it were natural, you and Mark linked arms. "Best friendship ended with Yangyang, Mark is my new best friend."
"No! You can't do this to me!" Yangyang clasps his hands together. "There's gotta be a way we can hang out still, I'm going back to China soon! There has to be some kind of exception, right?"
"No," Suho answers, trudging out of the meeting room with Seojoon behind him. "Look, NCThree have to do their final schedule tomorrow for Showterview, and after that, (Y/N) is officially off public schedules until the ANiMA comeback," Suho looks over to Seojoon, who nods his head.
"Yeah, pretty much, (Y/N), just so you know, we start recording next week," he says.
"Yeah, I know," your shoulders slumped.
"Hey, look at the bright side of this," Seojoon encourages you. "At least the PR team's going to do something about your rumors."
"Yeah... three years later," you puffed your cheeks out briefly. "Whatever, you're right, I just hope we could nip those already so I can have my name cleared," you shook your head.
"That's the spirit!" Seojoon pats your shoulder. "Well, I have to catch up with Jihyun and Saeron for their little Ronnie's Corner so, (Y/N), take care, yeah? I'm a phone call away if you need help," he grins before walking off. Yangyang watches him leave.
"Hyung's been in an oddly good mood lately," Yangyang whistles.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, he has a girlfriend now, I think," your eyes roll up in thought and Suho clears his throat a little too loud. Immediately, yours and Yangyang's heads turn to him.
"What are you two looking at me like that for?" He asks. Mark looks between the two of you and Suho.
"Am I missing something?" Mark asks. Now you and Yangyang look at each other, the telepathic conversation ensuing.
"Whatever you're both thinking," Suho steps between you both, wrapping arms around your shoulders and ushering you forward, "you're both wrong. Hurry up and get into the car, go home already, go, go!" Suho pushes you both forward and Mark is quick to fall in line with you both.
"Wait, what's going on?" Mark whispers. Just as you and Yangyang turn the corner you spot Seojoon with his phone pushed up against his ear by his shoulder.
"Hello? Hi, babe, yeah, I'm still working right- Ah, baby, I know! I know, I'm sorry, it's just the one schedule with Jie and Ronnie- No! No, of course not, baby, why would I be looking at them like that? They're-" he quickly catches himself when he spots you, "they're my coworkers, you know me and dating people I work with," his voice drops. You turn back and spot Suho lagging behind.
"Wow, Joon's new girlfriend sounds like a piece of work," you hummed. Were you that difficult when you dated Seonghwa the first time? Not really, you think. Actually, maybe your problem was the exact opposite, now that you thought of it.
"Oh my god why is everyone around me starting to get in relationships?!" Yangyang whines.
"It's okay, Yangyang," you pat his back reassuringly. "Not everyone has game."
"Oh fuck you!"
"I keep telling you! I'll set you up with someone!" You continue to tease.
"Like hell, I just want to date someone who doesn't care that I'm an idol!" Yangyang fantasizes.
"Yeah, good luck with that, bud," you snicker.
"Okay, how's your relationship going?" Yangyang scoffs.
"Swimmingly, actually," you cross your arms.
"Yeah? When was the last time you both talked?"
"Well," you pulled your phone out and opened Seonghwa's text. "Right now, actually," you grinned.
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You quickly shoved your phone in your back pocket and, just as the three of you got to the exit, you and Seonghwa spotted each other through the glass doors. Bouquet of flowers in his hands and leaning against a black car, he shoots you a small smile. You looked down the hallway and spotted the PR team talking amongst themselves a few steps behind. You place your hands on Yangyang and Mark's shoulders.
"Ah, my boys," you grinned and, immediately, Mark's expression fell while a devious one rose on Yangyang's. "Think you could keep them busy?" You nudged your head back toward the PR team.
"(Y/N), you're already in a lot of trouble," Mark worries.
"It'll be fine," you waved your hand and took his hat. "I'll just borrow this for a bit, yeah?" You smiled. Mark swallows harshly.
"I'll make it worth your while, Mark," Yangyang says. "Just go with my flow, yeah?"
"... If I get in trouble for this," Mark starts.
"You won't," you and Yangyang insisted.
"Okay, go! We'll cover you," Yangyang nudges you forward and turns to Mark. "Mark! I can't believe you're dating! Are you insane?! In this climate?!" Yangyang shouts.
"Who the hell is Mark Lee dating?!" The PR manager shouts. You ran out of the building quickly.
"Thank you Mark, I love you!" You said quickly. Mark's mouth drops in a shocked frown.
"I... I, ah, um, it's nothing sealed in stone yet!" Mark rushes inside and towards the PR managers.
"Lies, I saw you smacking lips," Yangyang says with a straight face.
"Dude how are you saying that with a straight face," Mark whispers hurriedly. Ah, hell, you'll deal with those two later. Immediately, one of the doors on the car swings open and Seonghwa waits for you to run inside before sliding in himself.
"Oh! Yunho!" You waved your hand shyly. You forgot he was the only one with a license.
"Hi, (Y/N)!" Yunho grins and waves to you on the rearview mirror. "Where to?"
"Ah... let's keep it simple," your's and Seonghwa's hands interlace naturally and he adjusts the hat on your head. "Just the shopping district is fine," he nods.
"Yup!" Yunho presses on the gas just as Suho runs out.
"Jung (Y/N)!" Suho shouts.
"Ah... I'm so screwed when I get home," you buried your face in your hands.
"It's okay, you can just spend the night at our place," Wooyoung mutters quickly. Your head whips back and Wooyoung, San, and Yeosang wave at you. Seonghwa closes your hanging jaw gently.
"Hi, (Y/N)," San smiles.
"I missed you so much," Yeosang whispers.
"What was that?" You didn't quite catch that.
"I said I must shop for Mars," Yeosang quickly covers. You narrowed your glance, but when Seonghwa placed the bouquet in your lap, you faced forward again.
"Before I forget, these are so pretty," you held one of the flowers in your hand. "Wish you were sweet like this the first time we dated," you teased.
"Hey! I got you flowers!"
"Actually, you sent me flowers," you corrected.
"Yeah, there's a big difference, hyung," Wooyoung says.
"Huge difference," San confirms.
"Yeah, one means 'I made time for you' and the other one doesn't," Yeosang chimes in.
"I get it!" Seonghwa speaks up before those three could say anything more. Yunho sped over a speed bump and, instinctively, you gripped onto Seonghwa's hand tighter as well as the door handle next to you. Then, the strangest thing, you swore you heard a groan, but not one that matched any of the boys in the car.
"What was that? Is everyone alright?" You looked around.
"Everything's fine," Yeosang answers cryptically. You wanted to question why Wooyoung and San were looking at the trunk of the car but, deciding against it, you looked forward again.
"Anyway..." you whistled. "You know, I'm just teasing, right?" You nudged Seonghwa's arm.
"Yeah, I know, but you're right, we're trying again so I wanted to start things off the right way this time. You know, less piping hot coffee," he chuckles.
"That was only a couple of times," you chuckled. "But, hmm, you've been getting me all these gifts, I should get you one too, no?" You grabbed your purse and shuffled through the items inside before pulling out a small box. "I know it's not too much, but I wanted to get you something special," you placed it in his hands and small inhales of anticipation could be heard behind you.
"Hyung... open it," Yeosang encourages quietly. Seonghwa, instead, places the box in his pocket.
"I'll open it after these kids get dropped off," Seonghwa chuckles.
"You hate us!" Wooyoung shouts.
"What did we ever do to you, hyung?!" San whines.
"You two wouldn't even be together without me!" Wooyoung defends. You could only laugh, you had to admit that you missed being witness to these petty arguments. At one point, the argument started to muddle, voice powering over each other, Seonghwa slowly growing more flustered as he questions why Wooyoung knows so many details about your relationship, Yunho was simply vibing with airpods on in the drivers' seat. Gently, you gave a quick squeeze to Seonghwa's hand and he turns to you while Wooyoung continues his rant about how Seonghwa owed him more than a meal for introducing the two of you to begin with.
"I think this is our stop here," you pointed outside at the small café that had constantly bore witness to your many dates.
"I think so," Seonghwa leans forward just in case and, when Yunho slams on the breaks, it confirms it.
"Okay, have fun! I'll pick you up around 7!" Yunho unlocks the car.
"Thank you, Yunho!" You smiled.
"Hyung, I'll forward you the bill," Yunho turns to Seonghwa slowly.
"Right, of course, you will," Seonghwa laughs while you both slide out. As soon as the door shut, the car was speeding off down the street. "I thought that was never going to end," Seonghwa's shoulders fell in defeat and you lead him down the street.
"Well, now that we have each other, why don't we just take our time?" You adjusted the mask over your face before tugging your joined hands.
"Yeah, let's," Seonghwa falls in step with you and, for the first time in a while, it was like nothing had changed. Over the past few weeks you and Seonghwa had been taking things slow, getting caught up with each other, talking things through, sharing small minute things that reminded you of each other. Sure, you hadn't put a label on it yet, but it was enough that you both felt comfortable in each other's presence once again. You'd both been going on smaller excursions, getting lunch together, handing off small gifts to each other, you were both in that flittering moment of enjoying each other and finding new smaller appreciations that you hadn't realized before.
Things were finally looking up for you, well, you and him both.
"Now, let's see what you got me here," Seonghwa took the box out of his pocket with his free hand. "You'll have to forgive me, love, as soon as those three see a target it's hard to get them off my back," he laughs.
"All good, I know a little too much what that's like," you leaned against his arm as he opened the box. Inside was a silver watch with a navy blue face to it. Engraved onto it were two sets of initials, their owners obvious.
"Thank you, (Y/N), I'll cherish it," he removes his arm from yours only to clasp the watch around his wrist. Now, his arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you closer, once again adjusting the hat on your head. "Firstly... let's get you a new hat."
"What? What's wrong with this one?" You pointed to it.
"Ah, well," Seonghwa hummed, his eyes glancing to the side. "It's not yours," he quickly says. You rose the brim a little to look at him, an undeniable tinge of pink over his face that seemed to peek over his own mask.
"Oh! Oh, okay, no, I get it," you chuckled. "For the record, though... Mark's like a brother to me."
"I know, I know, it's just... it doesn't go too well with what you're wearing right now, does it?" You catch a glimpse of your reflection in one of the shop windows. He was right, you didn't even realize the clash of colors since you were rushing out of the company building.
"Well... I was wondering why I felt a couple of people staring," you smiled through the embarrassment. "Right then, goal two for today's date! Buy a new hat," you tugged him into the closest store.
"Two? What was the first one?"
"Isn't it obvious? Have fun with you, of course," you couldn't deny that one of the best parts of being together with Seonghwa was how easily he'd gotten flustered. It was one of his most endearing parts about him. You grabbed the closest hat to you, quickly switching it with the one you had on at that moment to compare. "What do you think about this one?"
"You look good," Seonghwa answers.
"The hat, honey, I'm talking about the hat," you say.
"Oh, that too, then," he looks out the window, "shall I grab us a few snacks for when you're done?"
"Yes, please!" You follow his line of sight to the crepe stand outside. "You know my order, I'll meet you out there!"
You readjusted the hat on your head, trying different styles and looking at different angles before removing it from your head. And, as you took a quick glance at the price tag, that's when you heard the whispers. A small sigh was all you could let out, sure, you expected this to some extent, but to hear your rumors out loud was different than reading them online. Then, after hearing a few jeers on your general appearance, you shifted uncomfortably, trying your best not to draw attention to yourself.
"Oh! Yeona!" A voice chimed next to you. Then, suddenly, a new hat appeared on your head while the girl secured it to hide your eyes. "Girl, I've been looking everywhere for you, you left your hat back there," she says loudly. Or, perhaps more noticeably, she said in English. You tipped your hat slightly and if you could see stars you certainly did now. Chungha shoots you a quick wink and mouths for you to go with it.
"Annie! I'm so sorry, I've been leaving my crap all over the place," you lamented. "Thanks for handing it back to me," you tossed the hat back to it's place and followed her out. As soon as you were out of ear shot of the store, both of your shoulders relaxed. "I owe you one for that one, sunbaenim," you bowed your head quickly and Chungha only laughed.
"No! Don't even worry about it, think of it like idols supporting idols," she insists. "Although, the odds of running into another idol are quite low," she says. You make a move to hand the hat back to her but, in turn, she secures it over your head. "You can keep this one, it looks better on you than it does on me," she insists.
"Well, at least let me repay you then, I'll buy you a coffee," you offered. Chungha hummed and glanced around the square.
"I'll take you up on that offer some time then," she adjusts her coat and turns her head towards her shuffling managers. "Darn, looks like that's my cue, I hope I run into you again soon, (Y/N)," she smiles at you before walking off. You could only wave back.
"(Y/N), got the hat you wanted?" Seonghwa was next to you in seconds, handing you your crepe. Wordlessly, you take it, eyes still glued where Chungha was before. "(Y/N)?"
"Huh? Yeah, and I think I made a new friend too," you answered.
"That's good! Did you exchange numbers?" Again, you were silent.
"Aw, hell!"
At that same time.
Jungwoo woke up to the sound of a gavel slamming against wood. It was a sudden start, an unwelcome sound had sent his heart beating faster than before. It was the sound that scared him first, but the location that scared him second. Sitting in a dark room with a single spotlight on him. But then, realization. Could it be? Has he finally made it? After the long and arduous tasks that Chenle had made him do, has he finally made it to the big leagues? Soon, another spotlight shone.
"I call this meeting of the YNSH fanclub to order," Chenle roars. "Wooyoung is taking minutes," another spotlight on the said man typing quickly on his laptop with a pencil tucked behind his ear, "so speak in a clear and concise voice. Now, Jaehyun will read the club announcements." Another spotlight.
"Uh... yeah, so," Jaehyun stands up, papers in his hand, "like, first the election votes for club president are in and, as expected, Chenle won by a landslide."
"It was rigged," Wooyoung mutters.
"Don't be a sore loser, Wooyoung, the people have spoken," Chenle grins. Wooyoung could only glower.
"None of you would even be here without me! Seonghwa and (Y/N) would've never met if I, out of the good of my heart, accepted (Y/N)'s heartfelt chocolate chip cookies that she poured her-" Chenle ends the conversation with the slam of his gavel.
"Jaehyun, continue," Chenle insists.
"Look at you, you've turned the club into a dictatorship," Wooyoung laments.
"Anyway," Jaehyun continues despite the outburst. "Since we've been overextending the electricity bill in the clubhouse, we'll have to use these spotlights Chenle stole from what was left of EXO's Tempo set, try not to leave things plugged in anymore. Also, sign-ups for the potluck are posted on the group Discord under the announcements channel. Please send what you're bringing so we don't have duplicates."
"I swear to god, Jongho, if you bring your bland-ass macaroni again, you will never know peace," Ten scoffs. In seconds, three spotlights.
"Don't you dare say that, Jongho's macaroni is perfect!" San defends, nearly flipping the table over had it not been for Jaehyun holding it down.
"I will admit that I mixed up a few things in the prior recipe, although I'll fix it this time around," Jongho sighs.
"Now for the agenda," Jaehyun speaks over the conversation. "First we'll do Jungwoo's induction ceremony."
"I'm ready," Jungwoo speaks up. After months of trouble, finally, Jungwoo was being inducted into the YNSH fanclub. It had only been rumors he'd heard from the stylists, then he heard other idols talk about the highly exclusive club. Finally, finally, he's here.
"Then, we'll discuss the ominous letter we received at our club doorstep. That is all," Jaehyun sits down and straightens out his papers.
"Jungwoo, after checking all of your qualifications and all of your works, we have... somewhat unanimously agreed to let you into our highly exclusive club," Chenle narrates. Soon, the room was alight with the rest of the members. "Do you swear your entire efforts to be towards the betterment of this club?"
"Why is he making this so serious?" Yunho whispers.
"I don't really know but I'm too scared to ask," Yeseul grimaces.
"Silence in the peanut gallery!" Chenle roars. "Jungwoo, your answer."
"Yes, definitely, absolutely!" Jungwoo nods his head. Chenle hit the gavel a few times.
"Then you are officially inaugurated into the club! We have meetings bimonthly," Chenle says. "You'll be receiving a care basket within the week," he finishes.
"I'm so-" Jungwoo is immediately cut off.
"Moving on, Jaehyun, the letter," Chenle gestures. Jaehyun held up the letter. It had already been opened by him and all it was was a white envelope with a single page inside. "Read it for the club."
"Sure, yeah, uh..." Jaehyun takes his time opening it. "I know of the nature of this club, and I know that, shockingly, the sources in this group are better than most others. I propose a deal between myself and this group where we provide each other with information. To prove my intentions, see the attached flash drive, I believe our intentions are in alignment."
"Whoa," Yeseul huffs.
"Serious much?" Yunho comments.
"Use the flash drive!" Chenle demands.
"Yeah, yeah, hold on," Jaehyun pushed the drive into his laptop and a single file opens with two names and two addresses. Immediately, small gasps fill the room.
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tiny-tigers · 1 year
Okay so these are not lyrics based so pay no attention to those - we're going VIBES ONLY 😂
Okay so the songs for: young 'happy go lucky' Fred as people have described him (who loves to dance very badly)
Reflections by Misterwives
Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
The songs for quiet pensive Fred who's a bit insecure, possibly lonely, and studies/practices piano on his own:
Heavy by Orla Gartland
Eyes Shut by Years and Years
Grace by Rag'n'Bone man
Two Weeks In July by Franz Gordon
And some 80's classics just because he loves that genre:
Don't Dream Its Over by Crowded House
Take On Me by A-ha
I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
(again, not lyrics based) 😂🙈
For Fred : * I'm actually not too far from your vibe as well :-)) if you need any comments on a song I will provide it. I + 1 all your choices so far.
For JvP :
About him :
Wallows - Scrawny (litteraly HIS SONG)
Used to be level with all my friends / Still wear the same shoes I did back then / I don't think they've ever been untied / I can't regret the things I don't try / I'd switch it up but I don't like change / Only content if things stay the same /Don't care to watch the story unfold / Hate feeling like I'm not in control
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile /Take me home to mom but it'll take a while /They might think they're cooler than me by a mile/ I can still have wisdom and look like a child / Scrawny mother fucker with a cool hairstyle
Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 🎺🎺🎺 ( loverboy-flirty baby)
Everybody in the car, so come on let's ride To the liquor store around the corner The boys say they want some gin and juice but I really don't wanna Beer bust, like I had last week I must stay deep, 'cause talk is cheap I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita And as I continue you know they're getting sweeter
So what can I do? I really beg you, my Lord To me flirting is just like a sport
Linkin Park- Numb (with a papa in Rugby but who failed a real career and all falling apart a bit lately + England fans seeing him as a mistake )
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
'Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart, right in front of you
Shawn Mendes - In my blood (obvious choice)
I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something
I could take to ease my mind slowly
Just have a drink and you'll feel better
Just take her home and you'll feel better
I'm looking through my phone again feeling anxious
Afraid to be alone again, I hate this
I'm trying to find a way to chill, can't breathe, oh
Is there somebody who could…
Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
Indochine - 3e sexe (lgbt+ anthem in a way)
Et j'aime cette fille aux cheveux longs
Et ce garçon qui pourrait dire non
Et on se prend la main
Et on se prend la main
Une fille au masculin
Un garçon au féminin
Category passion rhymes with obsession
when I had been called stalker I started a playlist to do a clever reply so you can have that different degree of intensity over there : *
Tempted to also add Alt-J / Every other freckle but it is more of a mood reserved to when you (I mostly I ) 🫦 think 🫦 about him but don't look for the lyrics hahahahahahaha not my fault he is so yumyum and the freckles omg omg my kryptonite
0 notes
hey-malarkey · 5 years
Just for One Taste of “Us”
Companion AU:
Long story short, an alt-universe Stan also fell into the portal as an alt-universe Ford, and they both at staggered arrival times get trapped in a gladiator combat arena. Stan freaks out upon seeing Ford and hides his identity under a helmet, but still looks out for Ford. Ford doesn’t know it’s Stan, and the rest of the gladiators just don’t know why the loudmouth human (who Stan convinced the human species are all called Stans) suddenly went mute and started wearing a helmet.
That’s uh, about as much as you need to understand the gist of this au. Aliens all living in one gladiator combat arena together and stan and ford somehow end up in the middle of it. Except they go by Helmet and Ford. Also that Ford in this is like over the moon into his “Companion” and Stan is just “oh shit o h n o” most of the time about that but still too intimidated at this point to give the ruse up
warnings: dubcon handjob (b/w an oc and ford), dubcon blowjob, rough handling, restraints, a swift kick in the balls, and a brief mention (not graphic) of two dicks being taken, some possessiveness and jealousy on Ford’s part, and hidden identity, oh- incest duh, some mutual pining, um lmk if i missed something
word count: 3,178
Helmet was so sick of how possessive and weird Ford was being. It was so fucking dumb! Why break a good thing going, huh? Why does Ford always want more, more, more? Couldn’t he just be happy Helmet had his back? That he wasn’t left out to the wolves of the arena every god dam fight?
No. He couldn’t. For the umpteenth time Ford makes a move on him and Helmet has to rebuff him. Fuck was it hard sometimes, though. Sometimes he wanted Ford back. Ford made himself pretty irresistible. Even in the meager conditions of their gladiator accommodations.
But today really took the cake of bullshit. Ford had been raving and nitpicking on Power Couple for weeks, now. And while he’d been busy challenging Meckonar to a chugging contest, helmet and all, Ford had been getting worked up about Power Couple again. As soon as Helmet had come over, face lit up (not that Ford could see) but body language backing it up, showing off his winnings, Ford had blown up at him about taking all those sexual partners and never letting Ford in “as close” as all those other guys.
And Helmet was. He was pretty fucking shocked. He knew Ford wanted him sexually, but he thought that was just frustration that Ford refused to share with another until he was comfortable. He thought Ford would find release in another gladiator someday, maybe Splash Zone, maybe take up Lizard Bro’s offers. He thought he and Ford were solid in their partnership, in looking out for one another and keeping each other safe.
But Ford threw all that in his face, today. Called Helmet out for being a galactic slut, when he had a “perfectly good” person in the next bunk over to sleep with. To be actual partners with.
And Power Couple shot him a few concerned looks, and walked off, talking. He liked them. And Ford made him look like shit in front of them, and the rest of the quadrant, apparently.
Helmet dragged Ford out by the arm, Ford hurling accusations the whole way, whining and just generally being a piss-poor baby.
He managed to write out to Ford, despite how mad he was “Do you really WANT to be like them?”
And Ford immediately got red in the face, shouting anew. Complaining about how Helmet keeps putting him off, how he seems to ignore Ford’s attempts to get “closer”, how he wants someone who wants him back, goddamnit!
Well. Fuck. If that’s how he wanted to play it.
Helmet gestured between the two of them, asking the question “you want me? You and me, you want this?”
Ford got the gist and nodded, a yes about to be shouted on the tip of his tongue, no doubt to be followed by a few insults to Helmet’s intelligence, as Ford is wont to do when he’s that mad.
Helmet shrugged, then shucked off his pants. That caught Ford by enough surprise that he shut up for a second. Helmet stepped out of his pants and took a step closer to Ford, butt naked, dick hanging low between his legs.
He pulled Ford by the lapels of his stupid space jacket and banged his head to Ford’s hard enough for the CLANG to reverberate around the room. Ford cussed, momentarily stunned. Helmet pulled his jacket down half off Ford’s shoulders, circling behind him to pull the arms crossed behind him, tying off the jacket sleeves. Ford was pinned.
He circled back to the front and forced Ford on the ground, knees hitting hard enough to send dust flying up. Helmet looked down into Ford’s eyes, knowing Ford could barely make out the glint in his own. Again he gestured, meaning “You want this? Is this what you wanted?” and Ford is still a bit too dazed to answer.
Helmet wrenches Ford’s jaw open with his hands, picks up his dick, and stuffs it down Ford’s throat. It’s not gentle or easy, and Ford gags, trying to bite down instinctively against the intrusion.
Helmet makes a clicking sound with his tongue and tightens a grip on Ford’s chin, keeping it pulled down. Can’t bite if you can’t lift your bottom jaw.
He lets himself sit in the warm heat of Ford’s mouth for a few moments, enjoying it despite himself. He shallowly thrusts, feeling his head hit the back of Ford’s throat. Ford is much more together in the moment, now, having shaken off the unexpected head thump. He gags on a question, and the vibrations around Helmet’s dick help perk him up, just slightly.
He pulls out so the head is just lightly resting on Ford’s lips, watching a small trail of drool dribble out of the corner of Ford’s mouth.
He wonders how much Ford actually wants this versus how much Ford will hate him after this.
But then he lets the moment pass and he is shoving back down into Ford’s throat, allowing himself to get lost in the feeling of it, and letting himself get hard.
It gets easier when Ford sucks the first time. Maybe trying to preserve some dignity by not letting drool run down his face. Or maybe because he’s into it. Helmet doesn’t ask him. Just rewards Ford with a pat on the head, scritching the hair behind Ford’s right ear with his free left hand. He settles his grip in Ford’s hair after that, and feels Ford’s body start rocking in tandem with how Helmet is thrusting.
God, what a fucking slut. And Ford called him the whore? Because he sleeps around with others that are looking for the same thing he is—nothing serious, just relief. What’s Ford in this for?
He’s in it because Helmet wanted to fucking teach him a lesson. But he’s enjoying himself too much to learn it. What a fucking backfire.
Helmet pushes one heavy boot closer to Ford’s crotch, digging the toe against him and feeling through all the fabric and material Ford’s hardness.
Helmet probably didn’t even need to be holding his chin, anymore, if this was how he was going to react. Shit.
He lets go of Ford’s chin and Ford is bobbing and sucking all on his own, just as he thought. He does such a good job that Helmet is fast approaching release, and he doesn’t try to hold back when Ford takes him deep into his throat, sucking with all his dam might.
Helmet cums down his throat, shooting a hot mess that Ford didn’t seem to be expecting.
Maybe he thought Helmet would give warning. Nope. But despite the surprised gag, Ford still tries to suck it all up. By the time Helmet pulls out, he lets his spent cock rub over Ford’s lips, leaving a bit of cum he missed fall across Ford’s face. He pushes Ford back a little, nearly unbalancing, checking the state of his arousal. Still hard in his jeans. Probably close to busting a nut, though, if the way Ford was swiveling his hips against the air was any indication.
Helmet drags Ford up by his sweater, so he’s standing again. Ford tries stepping closer, looking for relief, words finally starting to form again through husky vocals. Helmet keeps them an arms-length apart, however. And then he kicks straight up, hard, against Ford’s nuts. His shin hits his crotch, and he immediately sees tears gather and his broken voice cry out.
He drops to his knees again, and Helmet lets him as he puts his own pants back on. He hoists Ford up again and drags him down to Armadillo Doctor’s tent. He leaves Ford outside while he goes in, with no haggling for once offering a quarter of his winnings from the chugging contest.
He takes off his helmet and looks the doctor in the eye.
“See what you can do about his bruised dick. I already tried fixing his ego, but it might be a lost cause. Thanks, doc.”
He puts his helmet back on after the doctor agrees, giving him one of those beady-eyed looks that can make a grown Mrrekian cry. Ford will be in good hands.
Helmet comes back out, patting Ford on the face, pushing him through the tent flap of Armadillo Doctor’s office.
As he’s walking away he hears the scratch of claws on almost-concrete and looks up to see Lizard Bro taking pace beside him.
“What was that about, Boyo? Your friend did not look too well.”
“He’s getting taken care of. Wanna go catch the rest of the flight match? I had bets down on the Oeripian and the Sclinesdale.”
Lizard Bro agrees and they go up to the match. They laugh and make obnoxious jokes and
Helmet collects his winnings when the Oeripian fuckin’ owns. But it’s still not as good as spending an afternoon with Ford. He hopes Ford gets his head out of his ass, soon. He’s gonna miss him if Ford still decides he wants to get together the way Power Couple did.
He’s been here longer than Ford has. He knew them each before they became Power Couple.
They even got transferred to a different wing because they became such crowd favorites they got protected status in the barracks by the Overseers. But before they were Power Couple, they were nothing. Helmet wants to be something to Ford whether they have sex or not. Preferably not. Especially not until Ford knows who he’s wanting to fuck. And hopefully the day of admitting who he is never comes. So never.
But he can’t deny Ford forever. Hopefully this at least will ward Ford off from approaching him like that in the future. He follows Lizard Bro back to his quarters that night and takes two dicks like a champ. But when he falls asleep post-fuck, it still means nothing and he misses Ford.
In the tent Ford’s tears have cleared, but his hands are still tied behind his back. He’s sure if he wiggled sufficiently, he could break free. But Armadillo Doctor got testy if his patients were too active, so he let his position stay while AD bustled about his tent, muttering under his breath.
He let his mind drift back a few short minutes ago. He didn’t think he’d be able to evoke such a reaction from Helmet. And sweet Moses, was it good, despite how unexpected it was. All up until that kick that was still sending sporadic pain signals to his brain. 
He hadn’t even gotten off, yet, before Helmet kicked. And he’d been so close. Just thinking about it is enough to make his body want to get hard, but that sends a stronger pulse of pain through him, and he groans softly.
“What? What? Can you not wait two minutes? Impatient Stan!”
Ford rolls his eyes. For some reasons all the aliens referred to him as Stan instead of Stanford. It was annoying, as if they thought that was his surname or species. They did it to Helmet too, sometimes. Helmet was always as mute on the matter as he was about everything. Keeping his secrets and thoughts all to himself, that evasive bastard.
Armadillo Doctor approaches him again, holding a bag with some unidentifiable cream.
“You will be fixed,” he says abruptly. It seems to be the only way he talks, through the translator at least.
AD unbuttons Ford’s pants and drags them down unceremoniously. He tilts his head back and suppresses a sigh. It was a necessary evil of living in the arena. Sometimes an armadillo doctor was going to have to touch your dick. His arms are uncomfortably folded behind him, making his hips slightly propped up on his wrists, so he doesn’t have to move too much to see what AD is doing.
The small hands are cold and covered in cream and slowly working the substance into Ford. Carefully, as if he knew Ford wanted to at least keep that organ in some level of usable condition.
Whatever he was doing, it felt amazing with just an edge of pain still pulsing. And worse, he was getting hard. Even with the pain. Maybe because of it. (He can’t deny that some of the appeal of Helmet pushing him down had been just the raw power and discomfort brought on by the suddenness.)
“You made bad choice, Stan.”
“It’s not my fault!” he defended himself indignantly.
Armadillo Doctor moved one hand down and squeezed Ford’s balls. Ford sucked in a breath and held it a moment, waiting for the pressure to ease.
“It is.” And he releases, rubbing the cream in over his sac. Ford breathes out and relaxes back, eyes still on Armadillo Doctor’s motions further down. It isn’t as good as if Helmet had done it, but he can’t remember the last time he accepted a hand that wasn’t his at it. It was good to get it elsewhere, even if it’s from the alien doctor.
After he breathes out Ford has a moment to think over what AD is saying. And he starts feeling the anger burn beneath his skin again. 
“What was my fault, exactly? That I give so much to Helmet, and he refuses to give me anything in return? He talks to everyone in the arena but me. He goes off to get fucked by everyone in the arena but me! Does he not trust me?”
Armadillo Doctor dips a finger in the cream and returns to stroking Ford’s shaft. He does it with less healing purpose and more with a bored look, if Ford was reading him right.
“Stan Ford, you are a--- what is word? You dick!” He says with a burst of emotion, squeezing slightly on the upstroke and twisting his hand off in a way that makes Ford gasp. It’s weird being insulted while getting off, but he isn’t in the position to argue.
“You dick,” AD continues, returning to the task at hand. “Your friend is not enough? Your Stan Helmet pays me for you. Your Stan Helmet wins fight for you. Your Stan Helmet chose you.”
Ford shakes his head, not ready to admit defeat. “Okay, yes, he does those things, but he still doesn’t trust me! Everyone else has seen him with his helmet off. And for the last time, we’re called humans, not Stans.”
“Stan Ford. You dick.” Armadillo Doctor almost smiles. Great. He learned a new word and enjoys using it against him, now. “You know the secrets? Stan Helmet was alone before you. Now he smiles.”
“But I can’t see that! It’s ludicrous--I don’t care what he’s hiding, disfigurement, or birthmark, or ugly, I just want to know him. And he won’t let me.” 
“All Stans look the same,” Armadillo Doctor said dismissively. Ford huffed out an annoyed sigh, then groaned again as Armadillo Doctor squeezed, picking up speed again. He was getting close. And the cream had worked wonders already, making him feel good as new, down there.
“Look, you don’t get it. He--ahhh!” Ford cut himself off in a low yell when the force of his orgasm built and erupted suddenly, right at the end. Armadillo Doctor sighs and tears off an edge of Ford’s jacket to wipe up his hands and Ford with. He tucks the cloth he tore under a stack of metal bits.
Ford recovers fairly quick after he cums, but he’s still hit with that desire to take a nap, to drift off in his uncomfortable position and curl up next to--
He is brought back to the moment abruptly. Armadillo Doctor grips his chin tight and stares him in the eye, leaning in too close.
“Six-Fingers. Helmet threatens the worst fighters to not call you that. Helmet pays your debts. Helmet protects only you. Helmet kick you now as warning shot. I do not care. But. Helmet deserves better than you, Six-Fingers.”
The claws dug into Ford’s chin tighter for one more moment before letting go, patting his forehead lightly, wiping the sweat off of Ford’s brow.
Armadillo Doctor props him up and cuts the jacket apart.
“Dick leave.”
Ford gathers his jacket to repair later and stands without another word, zipping himself back up and leaving without another word to Armadillo Doctor. Overstaying your welcome in the medicine tent was dangerous.
He grumbled to himself the whole way back, thinking over what Armadillo Doctor said. How ridiculous he was being. Did Helmet pay for him to get ‘taken care of’ by the Doctor, or was that just a perk?
He finds their bunks and it’s empty. Helmet is nowhere to be seen. There’s a slight impression on the floor from where he’d dropped suddenly, twice, earlier. He kicks some dirt over it.
Ford sits heavily on the lower bunk, rubbing a hand over his crotch, checking over the area as he pointedly does not stare at the patch of ground that gave him slight bruises on each knee. He lays back and thinks about everything that was said. He pointedly looks away from the collection of former weapons, scrap metal, and defensive padding he’s seen his Companion trade on his behalf numerous times.
He grunts and pulls out his latest journal from its hiding spot, perusing the pages mindlessly, not having anything to write but wanting something to distract him from this mood he’s in. 
He sees a few of the notes his Companion has left for him in the margins, one of the few ways they’ve communicated clearly. Ford flips past them quickly, but one catches his eye. 
It was a drawing of a six-fingered thumbs up, a little wobbly, and a note of encouragement beside it. His companion had made that entry after Ford nearly lost his match a few weeks ago. Ford swallowed and turned the page, wanting a new distraction.
Between his notes on coded escape plans and hopes for defeating Bill were notes about his friend. Things he’d forgotten he’d committed to these few scrap pages bound together by odds and ends. Some of the paper he’d written on procured by his Companion, in fact, after Ford expressed a desire to write things down to help him plan.
Ford stowed the journal, suddenly feeling a little queasy. God, the doctor was right. He was a dick. Despite the ups and downs of their relationship, Helmet has never pretended like he was leading Ford on. He’d made a boundary clear, and Ford had allowed his frustrations to wreck that line.
He sat up from the bed, pacing. He needed to make this right. He would let his Companion have his space tonight, and go find him in the morning. Ford can’t help the sour twang of jealousy when he assumes that Helmet shacked up with Lizard Bro tonight, but he swallows it down. 
He turns into bed later that night alone, not even with the steady sounds of his friend’s snores to comfort him, and he misses what he’d almost thrown away. Hopefully his Companion will forgive him one more time, in the morning.
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2021 Year In Review
(stealing this format from a review I did for last year. It was a tag game I think but I’m too lazy to start that up. I say after writing all this out, haha.)
Top Five Films you watched in 2021:
Your Name, 2016 (the animation! The music! The angst! Ahhhhhhhh)
Dune, 2021 (absolutely stunning, cannot recommend enough, whether or not you’ve read the book)
Wolfwalkers, 2020 (I loved the first two films in the Irish Mythology trilogy and this one completely blew me away)
Black Widow, 2021 (found family, no romantic subplots which is practically unheard of, women kicking ass, and a canon ace character? Sign me tf up)
Weathering With You, 2019 (utterly adorable and I listened to The Great Escape afterwards on repeat for hours)
Top Five TV Shows in 2021:
The Dragon Prince (Yes, we’ve been on hiatus for like 2 years. No, I don’t care. I rewatched it enough times to count)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (recommended by @starsinyourskyes in retaliation for getting her hooked on the Stormlight Archive. Well, it worked. I’m obsessed, and I am absolute Royai trash)
Derry Girls (recommend by @iwillhaveamoonbase and her plethora of Sister Michael gifs. I laughed, I cried, good times)
The Wheel of Time (Siuanraine for the WIN. Also we're getting Aviendha next season right? Right??)
Uhhhhhhhhhhh freespace lol
Top Five Songs/Albums in 2021:
The Best Is Yet To Come by Shepard
Sky Full Of Song by Florence and the Machine
Heaven Knows by Five for Fighting
War Paint by Fletcher
Paper Planes by Elina
Top Five Books of 2021:
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson (deep breath) (incoherent screaming)
Educated by Tara Westover
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (so. Much. Fun)
Artemis by Andy Weir (A rec from @mountainsatellite ! Let Jazz Bashara have her own private bathroom 2k21)(it's funny bc it's set in the future)
Wintering by Katherine May
Top Five Fanfictions of 2021:
Homeward Bound by @numptypylon (The Dragon Prince, an ongoing slow-burn Rayllum modern AU. It’s got fluff, it’s got angst, it’s got hurt/comfort, it’s got Rayllum being dorks--the emotional bandwith is both deep and wide!!)
delicate by @lantur (FMA, a Riza Hawkeye character study spanning from pre-canon childhood to well post-canon. Plenty of Royai, naturally. Words cannot give justice to how good this fic is and how much I love it!)
snipers solve 99% of all problems by silentwalrus (okay so like. I’m not usually a crossover person but holyyyy frick frack this FMA/Harry Potter one is fun. Still ongoing and basically 80 chapters of Edward Elric bitching about wizards and saying fuck 3,000 times. I hadn’t laughed this hard since I read The Martian.)
Son of Thorns by @truthwatcher-vez (The Stormlight Archive; I’m admittedly wayyy behind on this one, but it’s a post-RoW fic centered on Renarin Kholin. He definitely deserves some time to shine after we were robbed of content for him in RoW 😤 The author’s Rlainarin series, Chasms Between, is also excellent!)
Controlled Burn by madelinescribbles @okiedoketm (FMA role reversal where Al & Ed are climbing the ranks of the military and Roy commits human transmutation, blinding himself and getting Riza stuck in a taxidermy hawk. Ongoing fic, the characterization is soooo on point despite the role reversal, and the plot is so intriguing!)
Five good/positive things that happened to you in 2021
Seeing friends again!! I got to go visit a good college friend I hadn't seen in years since we graduated, and another friend I'd only seen once since we graduated came to visit twice! (Why do all my friends live across the country?)
I wrote. So much. Fanfiction 🤣 Hit a major slump this fall when rising COVID cases in my area started to make work hellish again, but I'm starting to get back into it!
Started therapy for the first time back in May. Also recently started a new antidepressant, after a bad adverse reaction scared me off from them for a while. Still have a long ways to go, but I'm feeling much better, and I haven't had an anxiety attack at work since.
Realized I'm asexual! Which explains soooo much about my life 🤣 Still coming to terms with it in some respects, but simply knowing brings so much peace and pride in my identity.
I got a Tumblr in 2020 but this was the year I really started becoming active in a few fandoms and really connecting with people on here! It's been a blast, and I love freaking out about shared interests with you all💕
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jkrockin · 3 years
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I posted 7,630 times in 2021
33 posts created (0%)
7597 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 230.2 posts.
I added 994 tags in 2021
#the terror - 518 posts
#francis crozier - 116 posts
#star trek - 80 posts
#james fitzjames - 68 posts
#deep space 9 - 43 posts
#black sails - 42 posts
#thomas jopson - 40 posts
#the magnus archives - 36 posts
#star wars - 26 posts
#every meme and every youyou - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#in retrospect i do hope that wheelchair taxi driver who tried to talk me into joining his online church so my mother could be healed got in
My Top Posts in 2021
I did @fallfitzierexchange again this year! Please enjoy this age swap/roleswap AU I wrote for @vandrawsing, wherein Captain Fitzjames of HMS Terror struggles to command the respect of his 2nd Lieutenant Francis Crozier.
10 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 06:56:14 GMT
my assumption is you got kicked outta religion class at least once
Now, I never took a religion class. For a while in high school I did attend Bible Club- it ran at lunchtimes, and provided free drinks and snacks and the opportunity to argue with the poor sap who ran it, who mistook my love of debate and interest in theology for a chance at saving my soul and kept giving me books about Jesus. Weirdly, he never kicked me out. I did get kicked out of Sunday school the one time I went- too many questions about the practicalities of Noah’s ark, if I recall correctly.
10 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 06:29:46 GMT
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Oooooh baby it's time for previews of the pieces I've contributed to @theterrorzine! Preorders are open at the store on BigCartel til the 27th of July. Do NOT miss out on the amazing wealth of rad fic and art tucked away inside these pages- I’ve peeked into the other finished works for this bad boy, and there’s so much great stuff, I can’t WAIT for everyone to see!
12 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 14:40:08 GMT
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Who amongst us has not looked at the bevy of exchanges, zines, and projects the beautiful but bonkers Terror fandom puts out, and thought "Hmm... needs more events." Well, you're in luck! Introducing Crozier/Jopson Fest 2021, a a very chill fic and art fest celebrating the curmudgeonly captain of our hearts, and the haunted doll steward who irons for him.
How's it going to work? Simple! Sign up using the Google Form and submit a contact detail, prompt, and DNW list by September 30th, and we'll automagically match people to suitable prompts, sent out Oct 10th. Posting isn't til December 20th, so there's plenty of time! Fic fills have a 1k minimum, art fills are as limitless as your imagination! While we're asking participants to supply prompts, this isn't a one-to-one exchange; you get a prompt, not a recipient, so if life gets in the way, you're not letting anyone down.
Any questions, contact your friendly mods @jkrockin and @alittletoosmarttobestraight!
70 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 15:28:47 GMT
I didn't get quite enough positive attention posting my new tattoo on my other socials, so: my new tattoo! Vulcan calligraphy by @yel-halansu, tattoo by Cassandra James. The word, m'hektath, refers to the kinship of souls beyond physical forms; it comes from the Diane Duane Star Trek TOS novel The Wounded Sky, which I read in 2010 and has haunted me ever since.
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127 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 02:03:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mikessuffering · 3 years
this is the next version of frisk.
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10034 years after their death, they are resurrected by an old experiment that Afton accidentally left on the surface. they wake up in a box in their old home. after all these years, most of the Nightmares tried to embrace their new lives as souls of agony. there is still ecstasy in them though, and it still makes causing suffering hard on them. especially towards others that are already suffering. Nightmare Fredbear saves frisk from the others after they first remeet. after all this time, Nightmare Fredbear believes the world is being cruel to him for sending a child to the house that looks so much like their best friend. in the house, frisk has two choices. to show mercy, and rebefriend the Nightmares. or to kill them all. this version of frisk shows mercy, and is brought into the Nightmare family. unofficially adopted by Nightmare Fredbear, since he doesn't have access to legal papers. sadly, frisk has to leave on their adventure. the mountain that the animatronics are trapped under is calling them. it just so happens that the Nightmares anticipated that frisk would climb the mountain. six children before them came over the years to the Nightmare house, hoping to be killed. not wanting to kill a suicidal child, they all tried helping them have will to live. eventually they got attached. when those children realized that the Nightmares wouldn't try to kill them anymore, they went to the mountain to try jumping to their deaths instead. they thought frisk was trying to do the same thing. after a large fight, frisk revealed who they were. the Nightmares give up trying to save them, consumed by guilt and grief, and they let Frisk jump. Frisk then finds themself in the underground. they get attacked by a flower, and then adopted by the Marionette. Mari tries to give frisk a home, but the call to adventure is too loud. frisk eventually escapes the ruins, and runs into Fredbear, who pulls a prank on them, and cracks a few jokes. they go on an adventure through out the underground, getting attacked by animatronics, and befriending them during the fights. several members of the royal guard, including captain Foxy, try to take their soul out of their still living body. frisk befriends them though. they even get on TV with Funtime Foxy and Funtime Chica, the Funtimetwins™! frisk eventually makes it to the kings, who both try to kill them, till Afton realizes that it's Frisk. before he can explain, the Marionette attacked them, to save Frisk. everyone they met then comes to stop the kings from killing them. after that, the flower from earlier steals everyone's souls, becoming the Golden God of Hyperdeath. Frisk then fights the god, and WINS by showing Mercy and saving their friends. the god breaks the barrier, and frees all of animatronic kind. Frisk would then go on to be the ambassador for animatronic kind, once everyone is on the surface. from then on, they are no longer afraid and have lost all self preservation skills. they fought a literal god and won, who the hell are they even afraid of now? their reactions to people trying to kill them is "meh". they got ✨worse✨ now, and are in deep need for therapy. they died so many more times in this route than in the 80s. thoughts on the exceptionally worse Frisk Afton?
"Alright, we're back! And this time, Malhare isn't gonna interrupt. Also, I'm glad to see the nightmares trying to redeem themselves. I really hate seeing my fellow animatronics kill people. I also enjoy that this version of me shows mercy, although, that's not much like me, I would give mercy to ANYONE but William. Another thing is it's cool that I won against a god. Also, please give my other self some therapy, please, just for Frisk's mental health. 10/10 on this AU!" CC says.
"Well put, CC. I agree. Especially on the therapy part. I just gotta say you have some really great timelines. Although, i do hate seeing my little brother suffer. So, I'll give it a 9.5/10. Great job asker!" Mike says, carrying Elizabeth.
Elizabeth has just learnt to read, so she might get some stuff wrong.
"I really like this AU, although, seeing CC suffer is one thing… Please get Frisk therapy. Thank you. Also, 9/10!" Elizabeth says.
"Alright, anyways, thanks for asking! See you later everyone!"
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
Out of the plots announced for next month, which are you most excited for? Mine is the Impossibin one mainly to see Della and Louie's relationship after season 2's drama plus Webby and Beakley's possible tension there (it may be the final episode before we go on another hiatus). Get the feeling Daisy may be more involved in the FOWL plot than we think since she hasn't been confirmed to reappear in any of these so far and we're gonna reach the half way point for the season?
This is the sort of plot description where it sounds like there could either be a whole lot of angst, a whole lot of humor, a whole lot of fluff, or all of the above.
It sounds like (from the plot synopsis) the Louie and Della part will take center-stage. It is the first part of the synopsis, and the episode title refers to it. I wonder if Louie and Della volunteer for the task, or if Scrooge is just like, “You two. You’re my sketchiest babies. Be sketchy and try to break in. Or break out.” XD
This could be some very sweet fluffy bonding time between them, or it could be cute and funny antics. Or it could even be angsty because they both may still have some things to talk through. 
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There may be a moment when they just sit down and talk just before the intense part of the episode really kicks off, like Scrooge talking with Dewey during the Ragnarok episode. 
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Whatever happens, it’s gonna be so good.
Della spent almost eleven years trying to escape from the Moon. What if all her efforts to escape from the “impossibin,” trigger her? I mean it’s a bit of a longshot but like...
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We know Della now has the compulsive need to know how to get out of wherever she goes. And we know how she gets when she feels stuck in a place.
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I’m probably getting my hopes up, but we’ve seen little instances here and there illustrating how Della’s mind isn’t totally unscathed by her ordeal. 
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Maybe this episode will take a bit of a closer look at her trauma?
And Beakley and Webby!
The B plot of the episode also sounds like something that could either be funny, angsty, or fluffy. Maybe it’ll build up Beakley and Webby’s relationship with cute fluff so that later on in the season it’ll be all the more heart-wrenching when Beakley’s secrets and lies come to light. 
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Or maybe the whole thing will be humorous. I can imagine some ‘80s music montage as Beakley and Webby try to get everyone else into shape but everyone fails at the things they’re trying to teach them.
But I could also see a bit of growing tension between them like you said. Maybe Webby’ll be like “YEAH let’s take out F.O.W.L.! We got this!” and Beakley’s gonna be like “Mmmm no you don’t. It’s great to be prepared, but I’mma lock you up for safekeeping again, ‘kay?” Beakley might be really scared for Webby and not want to fully explain why just yet, and of course Webby wouldn’t appreciate being overprotected again. We saw how stubborn Webby was in “The Confidential Case Files of Agent 22!” But keeping Webby in the mansion again might just be Beakley’s strategy for her safety.
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As for Daisy, I can’t imagine there not being some connection to F.O.W.L. or S.H.U.S.H. Hopefully the latter, since I get the feeling the whole “I may be on the bad guys’ side but only because I’m hurting and confused and deep down I’m good...ish,” arc will go to Gandra. It’d be cool to see Daisy as a S.H.U.S.H. agent. Of course, how the actual living heck...? Like, she’s trying to make it as a designer, she was Glamour’s assistant, AND she’s a spy? How many jobs can one queen have???
(deep headcanon/speculation territory that is probably very very off)
I had that speculation a while back that HDL’s father could’ve been a F.O.W.L. agent. In Don Rosa lore, he was Daisy’s brother. Someone asked Frank about the possibility of Daisy’s brother being HDL’s father, and while he at first seemed to deny it, when someone sent a follow up question it seemed like Frank was neither confirming or denying... just refusing to talk about it. So I’ve had this little AU boppin’ around in my brain that Daisy had been trying to figure out what happened to her brother all those years ago because even she doesn’t know he was with F.O.W.L. Like he kinda shut her out at some point (for her own protection, unbeknownst to her) before his assignment to spy on Scrooge by getting close to Della. So for a while she investigated on her own with no luck or with S.H.U.S.H., but she’s kind of lost hope, and at this point doesn’t even realize her new bf’s sister had a significant connection to her brother.
I know I’m probably way off, but that’d be fun, right?
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aaravos-afterdark · 5 years
Call Me Sir - Aaravos/Viren
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Rating: Mature (18+)
Fandom: The Dragon Prince; Aaravos x Viren (Viravos)
Word Count: 1,800
A/N: Two different versions of the same idea - Viren is a manager and Aaravos is the talent. They're not supposed to be anything more than that. // all writing account: @lokiiwood 
Alternatively read on AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18441164/chapters/43685489
Version 2 - “Distant from the Talent”
Inspired by the 80's AU fanart of Abigail Salier!
Twitter Link 1
Twitter Link 2  
“Are you my new footboy? Never seen one quite like you.”
“I'm your new manager.”
He laughed. Viren sighed, pushing his sunglasses onto his head. The elf sitting on the raven, plush couch before him had arrived early and Viren had already told himself not to stare before he came into the room. Of course he heard of Aaravos the ‘Shining Rockstar.’ Before they even spoke of his dancing and singing, they whispered about his enchanting, star-studded skin that reflected brilliantly off disco balls. They awed over how even his eccentric, various animal prints he wore all at once didn’t look so bad - on him. Viren was already exhausted from the tiger and leopard headband he wore in addition to his zebra pants and pink, giraffe accessories. Why was the talent always like...this?
Whatever. Viren could handle a delinquent, even if he wasn’t...wearing a shirt? He tore his eyes away after realizing the star on his muscular chest was part of him. He heard Aaravos stand and pretended to check over his clipboard, adjusting his suit as the elf approached.
“Aren’t you a cute, little thing.”
The word that had to be sarcasm made Viren look again. What the - oh, they didn’t mention how tall he was. All elves were, but Aaravos was...tall. Aaravos quite literally looked down on him as he fixed his loose headband, glittering muscles flexing. Was that on purpose? Ugh.
“Yes, yes, I’m shorter than you. Anyway, it is a pleasure to formally meet you.”
Viren held out his hand and Aaravos gently took it, softly clasping it between his two, beautiful hands.
“Naturally, it is a pleasure to meet you too,” he grinned, his freckles briefly twinkling as those bronzy coins bore into him. Were his scleras always like this? He thought the black would be off-putting from the photos he'd seen, but in-person they were…captivating.
Viren took his hand back awkwardly, the warmth of his touch lingering. They told him the new rising star was a dangerous one, perhaps even a gamble. And it wasn't because of any violent history or questionable talent, it was because Aaravos knew he was gorgeous and hadn't learned any public speaking - or private, as he duly noted. It was a combination that made the best of them fade as quickly as they rose.
But Viren wasn't in a position to have that happen to his new talent. After the disaster at Katolis Records, this was his last chance to not fall into permanent obscurity and unhirability as a manager. He had kids to take care of, dammit.
“Yes. Ahem, I am Viren.”
“Oh yes! I know of you. Tell me, what will you do for me that you failed to at Katolis Records?”
Viren would not entertain this nonsense. He had enough of people looking down and doubting him, and since he couldn't do anything about Aaravos being oppressively tall at the very least he wouldn't put up with his quips.
“Perhaps save your complaints forafter we begin. Furthermore, if you actually saw my portfolio you'd know I have decades of positive experience.”
“Oh, really?” he mused, stepping forward and beginning to circle him as a prowling tiger might of trapped prey. But he refused to be intimidated. Viren kept his eyes on Aaravos until he finally stopped and hummed.
“Satisfied?” Viren scoffed.
“Very.” The dark and deep allure of his response caught him off-guard.
"Something interests you?" he chuckled.
"Ah - I was just thinking about your vocal range. They told me you're a bass but could go as high as a tenor."
“Oh, that's not true.”
“I figured. I'll ma-”
“I can also go as high as some altos.”
“...Aaravos, that's impossible.”
Aaravos’ eyes narrowed as his smile widened.
“And!” Viren interrupted before he could even start, “I'm not interested in hearing it right now either. We're both going to be very busy, very soon.”
“All business, that's interesting.”
Aaravos’ smile was knowing and secretive as he studied Viren's face.
“And how is it interesting?”
“I just assumed...hm, no wife I take it?”
“What exactly are you getting at here? Can we cut to the point?”
Aaravos adjusted his obnoxious headband and shrugged. “It's just our first meeting is alone in a private room. Me, a youthful and gorgeous star, and you...not.”
Aaravos’ fingers tickled both of Viren’s arms, dawdling up in their alluring slow dance before the entertainer landed his arms on his shoulders. Aaravos took a step closer and Viren promptly took one back. He felt heat rising to his ears. Embarrassment or anger? Probably a healthy mix.
“I-I have nothing but professional interest in you. I'd appreciate it if we didn't discuss such strange things. I don't need a harassment lawsuit on my hands.”
“As if I'd report anything you did to me.”
“Nothing. Disappointments aside, you may go ahead and ‘manage’ me, sir.”
Viren's rebuttal died on his lips. How was Aaravos doing that? His already deep voice would somehow echo and rattle him inside as if Aaravos was magically speaking into his ear.
What a handful. What he'd give for some humble talent who knew how to mind their own business, or at the very least not ask him about his ex-wife. Just once. Viren turned on his heel with a grumpy sigh and they returned to the ‘real world’ of the studio.
Aaravos followed him, but they were frequently interrupted by people in awe of his appearance. He towered over most as they passed and stole their attention, and Viren would be lying if he said he didn’t understand why. Aaravos was attractive - really attractive - and unnecessarily seductive. Their disaster of a meeting proved that fact, but Viren decided not to take his innuendos to heart.
Although rude, Aaravos was right. He was a young, gorgeous star and Viren was just a manager who wasn’t getting better in either apartment.
“Where are we going, sir?”
There went that tone again. Forget how - why was he doing that?
“To your new trailer, we have to get you settled in before those hippies start flooding our lots again.”
“Oh, an upcoming concert?”
“A war protest.”
Aaravos sped up to walk side-by-side with him, glancing over every few seconds and practically begging for his attention as they escaped into the studio parking lot.
“Yes, Aaravos?”
"You let me call you ‘sir'...At first, I was being playful with you, but perhaps you really believe my good looks make me your junior?”
“...What are you saying?” Viren paused his walking to shoot an eyebrow up at the man with the most cat-like expression he’d ever seen.
“I’m much older than you. You should be calling me ‘sir.’”
“W-what? Do you mean by elf standards?”
Aaravos laughed and hooked his arm around his, tugging him to continue walking. Nervously, Viren’s eyes skimmed around them.
“I’m old by all standards. But we’ll round down to a 1,000 if anyone asks, alright?”
“Round down? Are you messing with me?”
“Not unless you want me to,” he purred. “So...how about calling me ‘sir’? Hm?”
Viren’s mouth trembled as he checked the clipboard. It was right there in print. Impossible. Aaravos was older than him. He couldn’t believe it. Aaravos was older than him and still looked like that.
“The...the trailer is the one with the star on it,” Viren mumbled, pointing with his chin and trying not to blister in his favorite tailored sweater.
“What a wonderful manager you are,” Aaravos gasped, although Viren wasn’t sure if it was sarcastic or not.
They arrived and Viren snatched his arm away and reached to unlock the vehicle, but Aaravos’ arm stopped him. It softly hit the door and Viren was trapped between the side of the trailer and his chest.
“Aaravos! D-dammit I told you-”
“Told me what?” he whispered, his white hair blocking out light as it fell down his face.
“I told...I told you...t-to…”
He couldn’t remember. Viren couldn’t remember a damn thing.
Aaravos’ free hand leisurely pulled his sunglasses down from his hair to settle on the bridge of his sweating nose.
His long fingers teased around his ear and Aaravos chuckled.
“Call me ‘sir’ if you want me to stop treating you so sweetly. I can be professional.”
Viren’s mouth parted, but he couldn’t even remember the magic word that Aaravos just promised to release him.
So he said nothing.
And he continued to say nothing when Aaravos’ perfect, buxom lips ghosted over his before muzzling him. Aaravos tasted nothing like how he looked or behaved - sweet and floral, even when he eased his lips open with an equally beguiling and calming tongue. The kiss almost felt natural and appropriate, not that he’d had one at all in years now. He forgot what they were like - but the memories of how nice they felt came rushing back.
Aaravos’ other arm wormed its way under his suit and up his chest, pushing his back fully against the trailer with suffocating seduction. The other arm that had trapped him pinched at his thigh before rubbing over his clothed crotch, coaxing out a straining response. Viren was being completely overwhelmed by Aaravos’ touch as three different sensations sent him spiraling into submission. The hand under his shirt finally found nipple, rolling it between his fingers as his other hand began to stroke the new shape outlining his pants.
“Nm…” It was an accident and embarrassing enough for Viren to shove his head back, thumping hard against the trailer as he rasped, inhaling as much air as he could.
Dammit. Dammit. Oh, what had he just done? Viren quickly shoved Aaravos’ hands off of him as he tried to regain his bearings. They were outside. Anyone could’ve seen how easily he’d been ensnared and how his shame was stretching and aching towards Aaravos.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m – you – no!” Viren attempted. Panic shook his words as his eyes darted around them in the parking lot. “I-I can’t mess this up. I have kids to take care of!” he tried to explain to the elf who moved his arms politely behind his back, completely casual. As if he’d just as easily do it again, as if ravaging his cohorts was just a normal part of his business.
Kids. That would scare him off, right? Viren could take solace in that. He was alone by choice, and he didn’t need to lose his job and what was left of his reputation just because Aaravos was...him!
Aaravos’ eyes crinkled with an amused smirk and Viren’s stomach dropped.
“How delightful, Viren. I love children.”
Alternatively read on AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18441164/chapters/43685489
Version 2 - “Distant from the Talent”
19 notes · View notes
Prominence [WCh. 2.41]
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Social Media AU ; Idol AU ; Added Unit AU CW/TW: Language Genre: Comedy, Romance Pairing: NCT x Idol!Reader, Seonghwa x Reader Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 3.3K
(41/80) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [NCT Masterlist] | [Other Groups Masterlist] | [Prominence S1 Masterlist] | [Prominence S2 Masterlist]
Notes: WE'RE ALMOST THERE I PROMISE I just have to wrap up one arc first Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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February 19, 2022
You and Yangyang flinched when you heard the sound of what had to be multiple things toppling out of Mark's closet and the faint sound of someone groaning, which was quickly silenced by Mark's "Dude, shhh, I think they're still outside."
"Jungwoo was in his closet, wasn't he?" Your lips pressed into a thin line.
"Yeah, probably," Yangyang shrugs. "I saw Jungwoo walk in there but I never saw him walk out so I assume that was him in there," he says. He nudges his head down the hall and you follow him out. You look at the time, it was only nine at night.
"Hey, you hungry?" You ask. "I'm in the mood for noodles, let's get dinner together," you elbowed his arm softly. "It's on me~" You sang.
"How can I turn down free food?" Yangyang smiles.
"Yes! I'll call my aunt so she can keep the restaurant open," you grinned. "Don't take too long getting ready! We won't be out long!" You say. Yangyang was already one foot into the WayV side when he responded.
"Don't worry, I'm just grabbing shoes," he waves his hand.
"Hopefully one of the forty-five on your closet."
"So dusty up there. Without sunlight."
"I wear them!"
"Without love."
"Oh god, I'll be right back!" Yangyang walks in before you could get in another jab. He closed the door softly. It was only him and Kun right now, granted, and Kun was locked away in his studio, but, it was really more for him anyway. Yangyang took a deep breath.
True to his words, he just grabbed the closest pair to the door and slipped them on. He was about to head right back out but he hesitated.
This was probably going to be the last night he gets to be alone with you while you're still single. And, for whatever reason, he's glad. Why was that? He couldn't figure it out. He'd been crushing on you for so long, finding even the smallest things you did endearing and the bigger gestures captivating. Why was he glad that you were possibly getting back together with Seonghwa?
Shouldn't he be upset?
He isn't.
He walks out. You're laid down on the couch, phone in your hand. You're not texting Seonghwa, he knows, you look bored. Eyes just lazily glossing over the screen and thumb scrolling away. You're probably on Twitter, if anything. Then, a quick widening of your eyes that settled as soon as it started and the slight upturn of your lips.
"Hey, Schnappi, check it out! My fancam has forty-six thousand on it!" You turned your phone around. Bingo.
"(Y/N), not to freak you out, but just so you know Johnny was sitting there with his "friend from work" yesterday," Yangyang smirks, and it only widens into a smile when your eyes morph into that of terror.
"Argh! Ew! Why'd you tell me that now?!" You shot up and off of the couch, ruffling your hair as if it'd do anything. "God, I'm going to have to take, like, eight showers to get off whatever's on that," your shoulders slumped.
"It's a communal couch, (Y/N), why else did you think I never sat on it," Yangyang laughs.
"That is true," your head tilted to the side for a moment. "Anyway, let's skedaddle, my aunt knows we're on our way," you held the door open for him and you were both outside before he knew it.
His steps matched yours, hands in his pocket while yours were crossed over your chest. Not a word shared because neither of you needed to. Sure, most people caught you both bantering or playing off of each other's jokes but, if you asked him, he liked these more. No, not because he was sick of you talking or anything, it's just these moments were those rare ones where he just felt so comfortable with you. You were humming Photograph to yourself, the quiet wasn't complete, but it was welcome. It was strange, there were so many people out right now, but none of them paid attention to you or him, they just minded their own business.
And, despite the chatters, all he could hear was you.
Then, he was sitting at a back table at your aunt's restaurant. Not many people were there. A family was at the corner, a couple of men in suits or simple button-ups were at the counter, then there was you. Seated across from him and scanning the menu. They moved from left to right, focused for whatever reason.
"I know I'm drop-dead gorgeous, but if you wanted to have a staring contest I'd prefer you to ask me first," you teased.
"Sorry," Yangyang mumbled, he looked down at the menu, it wasn't like he ever ordered anything different, though.
"Hey, so..." you started, but you stopped. "Excited?"
"You and WayV, you guys are going to be recording soon, no?" You closed the menu, rested your elbows on the table, and your head in your palms. "It's been a while, are you excited?"
"Yeah, I haven't seen the guys in a while either, actually, it'll be nice to record with them," Yangyang leans against his chair. "How about you? ANiMA starts recording soon too, right?"
"Yup, I wonder if our promotions will overlap," your eyes glanced to the side then back at him. "I'm glad, you've been on hiatus for a while," you said.
"Yeah," before Yangyang could continue, your aunt walks by to take your orders. Once that was done and she was gone, he resumed. "But how about you? Are you excited?"
"To record? I always am."
"No, no, I know that. I mean about tomorrow," Yangyang says.
"Tomorrow?" Your eyes glance up in thought before they settled on him again. "Yeah, little bit," you puffed one cheek out, nodding your head and smiling. "It'll be nice to catch up and talk properly. Plus, I have to apologize to Seonghwa, in person, not over the phone. It's the least I could do," you mumbled. "Honestly, the relationship stayed broken because I chose to do it. But... I don't know. I used to think it was for the better, then I realized that I never wanted to break up at all, and now I just don't know," you sighed. You drank some of your water. No drinking tonight, you needed a clear mind for tomorrow. "Yang, I know it's not fair to ask you, but you're my best friend. What do you think I should do? Be honest."
This is the part where he's supposed to tell you to not get back together with Seonghwa and date him instead, right?
"Do what makes you happy," he says.
"I do kind of miss it," you tapped your nails against the table.
"What do you miss?" He probes.
"Just... It was always nice," you shrugged. "It was nice to visit each other, it was nice to do things with each other, and it was nice to see something and immediately think 'Oh! Seonghwa would love this!' but, with all of that... Hm... I guess it was nice to know that someone loved me that way, you know?" You stopped with wide eyes of realization for what you just said and he laughed.
"Yeah, I know."
"Yeah," you nudged his shoe with yours. "Sorry."
"Hey, quit apologizing," he says. "Either way, people always talk, they always have an opinion of their own, but what's that gotta do with how you feel?"
"It did put a lot of strain, I think," you played with the straw in your cup. "I always knew about the fans and the staff but... I didn't really think about what the other group members thought about it until recently," your voice trailed off. Recently?
"You're still thinking about what Doyoung said?"
"Yeah," you pushed the cup away from you. "I know he was just tired, that's what Taeyong said, but I wondered if anyone else was bothered by it. I kind of just assumed it was okay to bring him over since everyone else brought people over but, I guess it is different, huh? Those were flings and mine was serious." You put on your idol smile when your aunt walked by and Yangyang was quick to follow. With two bowls placed in front of you, the smiles dropped and a new item to fidget with presented itself. "Did you mean what you said earlier?"
"Me cracking as soon as I see him?" Yangyang drank some of his cola. He said it more as a spur-of-the-moment jab but taking the time to think about it now put things into perspective. You didn't like drama, you were the kind to deal with it right then and there, he really didn't know why you dragged the thing with Seonghwa for so long. Maybe it was because ATEEZ went on tour and you had your own things with NCThree going on, but knowing you he had a feeling you'd come running back eventually.
Maybe that's why he never took a leap of faith. He knew you'd be going back to Seonghwa soon, why give himself the chance?
"Yeah. You tend to follow things that make you happy," he says. "That's why you stuck with Mark and I for so long, right?"
"I guess that's true. That's why I stuck with this idol thing for a while too," you said. "Following things that make you happy, huh? That's the point of relationships, isn't it?" You rested your head on one hand now, your cheek pressing up against it slightly. "I mean, who knows, I don't know, we don't know, things just happen," you shrug.
"Yeah, basically."
"You know, since we're on this topic, I was wondering if you could come with me tomorrow? Honestly, I wasn't going to ask since, you know, but the girls all have schedules, Johnny's filming a JCC, Yuta's MIA, and Jeno and Mark are busy with Dream, so..." you trailed off.
"Sorry, I'm busy," Yangyang spoke faster than he thought. He really wasn't, actually, but he didn't know if it was a good idea to intrude on you two. Why'd you need him there anyway? Moral support?
He starts eating and you drop the subject. This should be the part where he professes his love to you again but he isn't. What's this feeling? Strange enough as it was, he doesn't get the same butterflies he used to, he doesn't get that same burning feeling in his chest, no, none of that. If anything, right now, he felt sad. Maybe it was the way your lips had been slightly downturned during the prior conversation, or maybe it was the way they'd downcast whenever the topic of your previous relationship popped up.
Then, right as the soup in your bowl slightly spilled over from the sheer force of you plunging your chopsticks into it, he realized it.
He's not in love with you, not anymore. And all that guilt he had been feeling up until now for kind of contributing to the end of your relationship suddenly felt much much worse. All that and no payoff. He felt guilty, but at the same time he felt glad.
"Hey, are you okay?" You ask. "It's always me, my relationship, my scandal, my this, and my that, but how about you?"
"I'm good," he says. "I'm good, I think. My life's pretty comfortable right now aside from the fact that WayV's activity's in the air, but at least I have you and Mark to keep me busy."
"Until next month."
"Until next month," he nods. Next month, he couldn't believe that he's finally heading back to China for promotions as WayV. He's heading to China and you'd still be here, it felt kind of weird to think about it. He wouldn't be able to head to the other side of the dorms to bother you, you wouldn't kick down his door to tell him the latest shit you heard at the company.
"Hey, earth to Yangyang?" You waved your hand and Yangyang shook his head. "You're acting like I'm going to stop annoying the fuck out of you just because you're in a different country. Relax! I'll still be bugging you," you reassured him. That was part of it, but not all of it.
"It's just... I know, honestly I'll probably call you a lot too," he says. "Whatever, don't worry about it," he shook his head.
"Exactly! Don't stress, things are looking up for WayV," you said. Yangyang could only offer a smile.
You both finished your dinners with only a few conversations here and there, small things, big things, all of them natural and short. But there was this strange feeling at the back of his head. It kept nagging at him on the way home, and even more so now that he's watching you head back to your room with a quick 'good night'. But, he didn't say anything, he just watched you go.
After a bit, he walked over to his room too.
Leon brushed up against his leg and Yangyang sighed.
"Hey, bud," he picked him up and held him up to eye level. "What's up?"
"You idiot why didn't you say anything to her?" Yangyang spoke for the cat, pitching his voice up in the process.
"Well, there's nothing to say. I've gotten over my silly crush, I don't really know how, but that's all there is to it. I just want her to be happy, and if she's happy then that makes me happy too."
"So true, Yangyang, you are such a better best friend now that you're not crushing on her hoping for something more so now you can focus on just helping her when she needs it like what real Best Friends do."
"Yeah, you're right! That sounds kind of shitty when you put it that way, actually."
"It is pretty shitty. Imagine being friends with someone only because you had a crush on them and dropping them because they weren't interested in you? Only jerks do that."
"Right, good thing I'm over my crush and I still want to be friends with (Y/N), seriously can't imagine my life without her. But I don't know what to do, I don't want to give her the wrong advice, or anything, you know?"
"I know. You're so lucky she didn't cut you out after you told her you liked her. The power of mutual friendship is really quite impressive. I don't think your dynamic changed much at all except now you don't have heart attacks when she jabs back."
"I know! That's a real friend right there."
"Exactly, so you should do everything you can to help her out, that's what friends do, right?"
"Yeah, you're right, Leon."
"Actually, I said that," Kun places his book down on the table and switches on the table lamp next to him.
"Kun! How long have you been sitting there?!" Yangyang clutches Leon to his chest.
"The whole time."
"Dammit," Yangyang curses. "Why were you sitting in the dark?"
"Just resting my eyes."
"Oh..." He puts Leon on the floor. "I'm going to bed, thanks for waiting for me."
"Yeah, of course, just wanted to make sure you're safe," he says. Yangyang walks off, this time with a small smile on his face. Yangyang changes and settles into his bed, feeling lighter than ever.
It's strange that he feels happy about this. You're finally sorting things out, you're getting back in the groove of things, and he's so happy for you. Going out to meet Seonghwa in secret like you used to do before, it's great! The only difference now is that you might have a stalker.
His eyes shot open and suddenly he couldn't sleep anymore. He forgot you had a stalker, alleged albeit. He forgot about Kyungjae. That's why you asked him to go with you. He was a fool, yet again.
February 20, 2022
Which led him to now.
"Oh, god, what am I even doing here," Yangyang leaned against the building, which happened to be another café, opposite to the one you'd just pulled up to. You parked your motorcycle along the curb and paid the meter. The sun was just barely touching the horizon at this time. You unclasped your helmet and locked it onto the handle before taking a deep breath. "Right, Kyungjae. There's no way he could be here, right? He couldn't know about this," Yangyang mumbled under his mask. No one was paying him any mind, at least. Not to mention he forgot to tell you he was coming, a very important detail. He'll just tell you later.
"This is obsessive, I should go home," he sighs. But he was worried about how long you'd been standing out here, were you rationalizing why you should go in or something? Maybe he should intervene. Then, you rested your hand on the café door's handle. There we go, just go inside now so Yangyang could leave.
"I can't do this," your shoulders tensed and they quickly slumped.
'Yes, you can, you got this!' Yangyang tried sending you some telepathic messages. Pressing his fingers to his head, he hoped that best friend telepathy was an actual thing.
"Yes I can, I can do this," you nodded your head. "Argh, dammit, (Y/N), you should've done this before showing up," you grumbled, clutching onto the lip of your hat with both hands. "It's go time, no more stalling" you nodded to yourself and pushed the door. Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief, you've got this. He already scoped the café earlier for the stylist and, luckily, he wasn't there. He could go home easy now and look forward to the redemption or horror story you brought home.
Then, right as he was about to flag down a taxi, you walked out of the door.
What the fuck? Yangyang lifted his sunglasses just in case and yup there you were making a straight beeline for your motorcycle. There's no way you spoke to Seonghwa, you were in there for like three seconds.
"I can't do this," you shook your head. "I'll just tell him a schedule came up," you started walking back towards your motorcycle. Yangyang was running across the street before he knew it.
"(Y/N)!" He called your name out first and you looked around. Immediately, he turns you right around. "I knew it, I knew it! I bet if I didn't show up you'd be halfway home already," Yangyang started pushing you back to the door.
"Yangyang?! You followed me here?!" You whispered.
"You're literally right here!" You turned around. "That's weird."
"You're weird."
"Don't turn this on me!"
"Okay, I'll do you one better, don't turn away from him!" Yangyang gestures to the door with both of his hands. "Are you kidding me? Were you not just telling me about all the things you'd do together and that you missed? And now you were about to go home? Are you joking?" You blinked. "That and I'm, like, kind of afraid that Kyungjae followed you here, but that's not the point right now!"
"But when I asked you if you were free you said no!"
"That's not the point right now!"
"Oh my god," you groaned.
"Just go in there and have a civilized conversation with Seonghwa, and I'll keep watch for Kyungjae," Yangyang says. He opens the door for you and waits for you to say something.
"You..." you hesitated. "Thanks," you punched his shoulder lightly and walked in. Yangyang sighed again and closed the door, moving back to his original spot, but not before hearing a familiar voice.
"So this is the café, then?" Kyungjae wondered aloud. Yangyang's head whipped around in an instant. Sporting a cream cardigan and a beret, Kyungjae read the name again before going in.
"Oh my god, oh my god," realization washed over Yangyang's face and he nearly ran in until he was interrupted again.
"I knew it!" Yunho rushes out of the café.
"You're trying to sabotage them!"
"Them? (Y/N) and Seonghwa? No! I'm not trying to sabotage them!" Yangyang gasps.
"Then what was that just now?! Trying to get your last efforts in?!" Yunho accuses him. "Nuh uh! No way! I saw the group chat, you can't fool me!" Yangyang looks over Yunho's shoulder, somehow, and spots Kyungjae talking to the staff. Oh, god, he's wasting time here. "I'm not letting you or your lackeys ruin one of the few good things hyung has going for him!" Yunho kept blabbering on until Yangyang lost his patience and took him by the shoulders. "Your words will not sway me the way they did my teammates you conniving and oddly charming crocodile!"
"Get a grip, man! I'm not trying to ruin their relationship, I'm trying to get them back together!" Yangyang shouts. "And the guy who just walked in is going to do everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen!" Yangyang shakes Yunho back and forth. "We're on the same side here! We have to make sure they finish talking without anything stopping them!" Yangyang explains. Yangyang looks into the café again and Kyungjae is nowhere to be seen. "Oh, shit, I lost him," Yangyang moves around Yunho and walks inside quickly. Yunho follows him, now fully understanding the situation. Yangyang looks behind the hostess table and spots you and Seonghwa in the back but, of course, he couldn't find Kyungjae anywhere.
"I go left, you go right," Yunho says.
"Got it."
"Excuse me, sirs," the hostess cuts in. "Do you have reservations?" She asks. It was now they both remembered they were in heavy disguises right now to conceal their identites, it was only because they'd seen each other so often, result of the ex-It couple sitting at the back, that they'd recognized each other so easily.
"Uh... no, but do you take walk-ins?" Yunho asks.
"Let me check if we have any open tables," the hostess says slowly. All the while Yangyang's scanning the crowd. "Oh! Lucky for you we have one near the back!" She says. The back, the back, where in the back? Yangyang looks over. The booth right behind yours and Seonghwa's.
"That's perfect, thank you."
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