#we'll be back to you regular schedule shortly
originalartblog · 8 months
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for @sormikweek 2023 - Day 7 - Sense of self
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
So the moron is showing up yeah these idiots still on the race car companies and they're not building them and they own the car companies and they're not building them and the holding people hostage
There's a lot of people who are building kit cars no but there are some and they know how to do it. Regular folk minorities empire the max miscellaneous are taking the warlock stuff including their cars their houses their boats bank accounts because they have no other choice that's all that's left and the clones are taken from them. Fairly soon have you found out they're trying to force themselves to take over topside and it's already known I'm going at them with a vengeance and they're ripping their stuff out and they're tearing them out and killing them and they're not waiting to ask them who they are or to question them or anything and you'll soon be all gone. Recently there has been about of death here it's from an increase in oxygen and that's going to be a phenomenon very soon as in a few hours maybe by morning around 11:00 a.m. there was some oxygen out there today and our son can attest it wasn't too much but he did get some and you needed it and more shortly
Thor Freya
Ziggy Stardust I'm saying that the project is going on we have four days left and it's going to be tight and it's becoming less than 40 days shortly within a few hours and we do need all the assistance we can get any of our personnel that are not busy please report to this duty
I do need the help and I am in charge one of them and it is a wonderfully huge project and our son and daughter did terrific their ideas and thoughts of the matter are perfect it is a huge undertaking though and we are massive people we just need larger and pronto. They have a plan to raise them more of them that is and their proceeding out there at Black Rock canyon burning Man and that's what you call it there are about three trillion people along the perimeter armies representing 0.15% of the general populace that's huge going down and that should be enough yes to raise the entire army and the large one and they just decided to go down tonight believe it or not they've been sending probes and jets and all sorts of manners of Intel gathering and they think they know what they're doing and they're going to head in the right direction they say the place is littered with Giants and they will awaken them and they did change their priorities to seeking out the Giants and it's groups that don't have a lot of them no they're going after each other so basically it's a stupid thing they're doing and we need it they're going to wipe each other out and it's going to be a mess and that's exactly what we needed and including the max they're down there and they have bases and they're going after them and they're not very huge and they'll be wiped out and they have a lot of information there and we're expecting back up and they never sent it and requested it and said we'll be raped and you'll be gone and pretty much it'll happen similar way and they're saying you're a bastard and all this I don't have me do stuff then and sit here and treat me like a Macau or whatever so they're going to perish and it's going to be a blood bath and they're going to blame Trump and bja and Tommy f mostly and it will be the max and the large Giants will come out and many more after that and the schedule on the oceans dropping around the Canary Islands is looking better the positioning of those islands serve out 150 miles offshore no they're pretty far it's about 500 miles and it's going to require a lot of work for that to drop but there's a shelf out there and it goes all the way out and it's huge and it needs to drop and it needs to drop out there first to prevent tidal waves from coming in and if you drop it down close it will drop the whole thing and it's reverse of here and he understands it a little because he says it's going to drop here into the shore in a shallow and it drops at different times and it's true and it will depressurize and it will Cascade inwards out over there instead of outwards but here it's dropping it haphazard and it's not as big but when they drop the golf it's going to be the same thing it should drop in the middle and then Cascade in or there will be disasters and that's how you do it. And something to be said about that one piece of information he says it's better off not with me yet and we didn't see that they knew how to do it some of them and they are directing it. So they're going to be out there fairly soon they're not doing the middle of the ocean first but they're doing the shelf edge first it makes sense the ocean will drop at the shelf is only going to drop to down where the ocean is in only about 1,300 ft more it's not a huge straw they did calculate it it's not a huge drop so they will start there soon because they're getting the ships out and bigger ships and it taste less time the holes out there are about 50 miles wide and their big ships they have to go all the way inland no well yeah they do and the water hole is holding the pressure and leave it or not as it goes a bit deeper so it takes a while but there's only a few holes there and they're doing them now first and those ships are about 30 miles long so you can calculate there's three holes that will be emptied each year about 800 MI so it's really 240 ships and tunnel and that's roughly correct it's less it's about 200 and prep them but everybody and wants them because they are Stone ships so we're going to publish
And yeah the pseudo empire is at them now
Thor Freya
We're going as fast as we can no but we're going to now
Mike tew
They don't need this kind of help but it's happening
What a pain in the ass that says you should have should have that done everyone wants to see the fingis they're going to fill the area off with blood have all these freaking crabs and all in the ocean they're huge
Mac daddy
The crabs in the ocean are gigantic they're about 100 miles across but there's quite a few in the Atlantic and South Atlantic is there's more this is warm they're going to have a war with the crabs and the pseudo empire knows how to get rid of them pretty quick we'll have a bunch of kraken and other monsters out they look like them trespasser and so forth and they will eat up and that's coming up pretty quick sometime tomorrow or the next day so everybody has to start moving
Better watch your fingers Chris and shut up Ken don't have Daniel say that I'm saying it but I guess it's him cuz he says fingis and he says it's gross you homo that's how you talk to Jimmy humans and really try and get the truth out and he's talking back and stuff it covers with gold and I got those cramps can do anything to it yeah we're really not having a good time here
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iamthecomet · 8 months
Finally answering now
Hoot :D
It is absolutely fine, stuff can get lost in the drafts (this is such a thing that would happen to me istg)
Due to a few legal issues it took a while but I finally started the new meds this morning (this means I’ll be taking half of the dose for 5-10 days and then switch to the regular dose)
Luckily, it‘s super Rainy and rather cold since yesterday, because heat isn‘t very nice on my body and makes the general dizziness worse (which would then get enhanced by the meds during the adjustment period)
Thank you. I‘m honestly super thankful that I have friends like that. In like two weeks, my mother will be away for a whole week again (which was the gigantic problem a few weeks ago already. We found a solution for that back then)
This time it seems like she’ll actually let me stay home alone if I‘ll stay over at friend‘s places for like at least 2-3 nights (I’ve proven repeatedly that I can take care of myself for a few days and I actually seem to do better when I’m alone (only when it‘s not permanently but for one or two nights))
I‘m actually really excited for that, cause I have one sleepover (well it‘s more or less a sleep over if I sleep at a friend‘s place, eh?) planned already and I know that we‘ll finally finish watching season 2 of the Witcher. (And possibly she and the other friend we started watching it with will actually stay with me the night after that and we might start season 3 which was recently released? (Is released the right word? Oh god, ESL struggles)
About the cane: I‘ve started to feel more and more unstable and much more unsafe from day to day and every slightly bigger bit I have to walk (to the point that I need to take a short break when walking up the stairs to our apartment (and we live on the 3rd floor, so it‘s really not that high))
I do have a general doctors appointment scheduled for December, but it feels like that will take forever. And I’ll have to go there again sooner because they need to test my blood, but that‘ll be in the end of September and there probably won‘t be a doctor.
So we decided that my mother, stepdad and I will buy a cane (without prescription, so we‘ll have to pay fully for it). It‘ll be like 40-50€, which apparently is like 45-55$, but we decided that it‘s worth it to keep me at least a little more independent
We‘re planning on buying it on Thursday. Tomorrow, I’ll have one of my regular appointments, for which I’ll have to walk quite a bit (to get there). So I’m pretty scared of that, but I also know that I’ll just have to make it that day and then I‘ll most likely finally get something to help make me feel a little more stable
(It’s getting long again, whoop-)
Things sadly aren‘t going as well anymore. I’ve been feeling really terrible yesterday and the day before yesterday. Somehow today was quite a bit better and I also finally had a bit of contact with my partner again, which was awesome (we’re long distance and I struggle to text people, especially when I feel worse)
TW mental health
I had to fight against like suicidal thoughts and thoughts about relapsing (I have a bit of a history with self harm) again, which had been less intense for quite a while but sadly came back.
Luckily, today was better with that as well (at least so far), and I got to loose myself a little more in my interests again which is an awesome distraction
And I also managed to not only go to a grocery store that requires me to take a bus and a streetcar (and also walk), but I also went and got some bread for lunch in the grocery store that is not even two minutes away (going outside is something I struggle with, as well as grocery stores and ofc walking, so I think that‘s some pretty great success)
How have you been? Is the post really-great-stuff depression at least a bit better?
~ @owlishanon
Getting to this finally (I've already read your update, so I'll answer that one shortly too ♥. Trying to get caught up on my asks/requests FINALLY. We'll see how many I actually have energy for). It's been a couple days and I hope your new meds are treating you alright. I know the adjustment period could be nasty, but I'm hoping it goes easy on you, you deserve it. Your week alone (sort of) sounds like it will be great. You'll get to spend time with your friends, and some time to yourself (which can sometimes be really great). And just knowing that you've got fun stuff to look forward to while she's away is great. I'm sorry that you've had some bad mental health days, but I'm glad that you're pushing through it and still taking care of yourself. You can always DM me if you need someone to vent to if/when you're going through it <3. Going to the grocery stores, and getting stuff done is great. Even when it's just errands it feels good to get out of the house and accomplish something when you're feeling down. It's like a little reminder that you can do this. I've been alright. My mental health is not where it should be but I'm taking it easy and doing what I can and being nice to myself. My partner is off work next week and we're just staying around here instead of traveling so I'm hoping that we can do some fun stuff together (which, despite living together we do not get to do often because working and renovating a house takes up a lot of time).
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ninvic-art · 4 years
Uhh okay so I know I haven’t really been active in the grillster community for a while (I do not control the hyperfixation) but looking through some old stuff I found something I wrote that I never posted, and in honor of grillstertember I thought I’d share it, better late than never :)
I didn’t see anything on @aeris-blue‘s prompt list (sorry for the tag ^^’) that fit this so I’m just posting it now and. That’s it. Godspeed yall ✌️
Grillby bolted upright the moment he woke up, soul beating faster than he ever remembered it doing. But, given the circumstances, maybe he shouldn't rely on his memory just now.
He was so used to weird dreams that, when he first regained consciousness, he thought that's what it was. An odd dream. But it didn't take him long to realize that it wasn't. To feel the presence that had been missing for so long, without him even noticing. And when that thought hit him, the wave of emotions that crashed in his mind was so intense it almost made him choke.
Gaster was back. His Gaster was back.
Grillby had so many questions; he almost couldn't function. Where had he been? Why had he left? How long had he been gone? Why was he back? Where was he? Would he remember everyone? Would he remember him? Would he remember them?
Quicker than he thought he could manage so early, he got up and changed clothes. He attempted to put on his shoes at the same time he went down the stairs of his little apartment, and that almost ended up with him falling face first on the floor.
Without stopping to have breakfast and with his tie still hanging loose, he left the house and took off running down the street, headed for the skeleton household.
When he arrived, he slammed the door opened unceremoniously. He knew he would apologize later, but right now the feeling of urgency was much bigger than a crack on the wall.
The brothers were sitting down at the table, looking worried, like they were discussing something. Well, like they had been discussing something. Right now they were both looking at Grillby with a shock that quickly turned into confusion, which then also faded into understanding. It was kind of creepy how coordinated they were.
After a few seconds of silence, Papyrus spoke up.
The elemental nodded, breathing heavily. The brothers glanced at each other uneasily before looking up again. Grillby wondered if he was missing something or if they were just worried about their older brother.
"Do you know where he is? Have you seen him?" he anxiously asked.
"NO, WE HAVEN'T, BUT... SOME TEENAGERS IN WATERFALL TOLD US THEY SAW HIM LAST NIGHT. SIT DOWN IF YOU'D LIKE, WE'LL TELL YOU WHAT WE KNOW" he said offering the elemental the third chair around the table, which he politely declined. He was sure if he sat down now he would set the furniture on fire.
And so Papyrus, because Sans didn't open his mouth once, narrated to him how a group of teens that were up way past their bed time had seen a figure that after a second they could recognize as the previous Royal Scientist stumble a couple of steps out of a corridor that wasn't supposed to be there, only to immediately take off running towards Hotland. The first people to be notified had been Sans and Papyrus, who woke up suddenly remembering their lost brother. They had checked the labs, but he hadn't gone there; so they could only guess he was in the castle.
"WE DON'T KNOW WHY HE'S THERE. NOR DO WE KNOW HOW... BEING GONE FOR SO LONG COULD HAVE AFFECTED HIM. WE HAVE DECIDED TO WAIT FOR HIM HERE. HE WILL HAVE TO COME AROUND, EVENTUALLY" he looked over at Grillby, who at some point during the explanation had started pacing around the room.
"Okay" he said after a pause. "...could you let me know when he shows up? Please."
"Thank you" he knew the wait was gonna be unbearable, but there wasn't much he could do about it. "Well, I'm... I'm gonna open up the bar, I guess. I'll see you two later. thank you again for telling me."
He left after the pair waved their goodbyes. After walking the short distance to his bar, he sighed, creating a thick cloud of steam.
It was going to be a long day.
He took out his keys and opened the door, stepping inside. As he glanced around, he thought, like every morning, that his bar looked a lot different without all the light and the people in it. And he was the only person that had ever seen it like that.
...no. No he wasn't. Not anymore.
He remembered how, years ago, Gaster had helped him close down the establishment after a long day. He would even sometimes walk him to work in the morning, whenever he stayed the night in Snowdin.
The elemental sighed again. He hadn't been able to realize just how much he missed those nights. Grillby would wait for him while he got out of work and to his house, and then they would watch a movie or just talk about whatever came to mind. He would normally leave after a couple hours, since he would have to get up early the next morning. But... sometimes he would be able to actually stay the night.
The elemental shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking about that right now.
He got to work opening up; turning the lights on and putting the chairs back on the ground.
He was getting the dishes ready for the day and warming up the ovens when he heard a muffled scream. He froze for a second, before dropping everything and bolting for the door. That voice had sounded like Papyrus' and every bit of his being was telling him that he had to go outside.
His excitement and anxiety growing with each step, he finally crossed the door. It took him a moment to locate the skeleton, but when he did he stopped running abruptly.
There he was. There he is.
That was all the elemental could think as he watched the scene that was unfolding in front of him.
The skeleton brothers had left the house seemingly in a rush, but where only a few meters away from it, hugging... hugging Gaster. They were hugging Gaster, his Gaster, he was there, he was right there.
Grillby choked on a sob. He didn't know what to do with himself as he watched. His memory of the skeleton had been so distant that the sigh of him now almost made his knees weak. He had even forgotten how short he was when compared to the other.
At some point, Grillby couldn't tell exactly when, Gaster looked up from his brothers and his gaze found its way up to the elemental's, who, in spite of himself laughed, molten tears running down his face. He couldn't bring himself to do anything besides hold their eye contact as the skeleton started running towards him. He wanted nothing more than to close the distance, but he was sure if he tried to walk his legs wouldn't support him.
And he probably had been right, seeing how, when Gaster finally tackled him they both fell to the ground. They rolled around a couple of times before they stopped, the elemental lying on the floor and Gaster settled on top of him. When the skeleton noticed, thought, he pushed them again so that he was the one lying down. Despite the huge storm of emotions coursing through him, Grillby gave him a questioning look. The skeleton chuckled.
"Oh, you know. I don't want you to hurt your back, with the snow and all that."
Grillby laughed again. He didn't think he'd ever cared less about the snow.
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newmxmories · 3 years
If you love her
Haven't written anything in a long time and the moment I was listening to this song for some reason this is the first person I thought to write about.
Hope you enjoy!
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You had a very hectic work schedule. You were understaffed meaning you had to take more responsibilities and hours at the store. You really didn't mind it. However that meant losing time with the pack especially your lovely tempered boyfriend. You came home after another double shift. He was there in the living room snoozing away. You placed a very light kiss on his forehead before heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Following shortly were his footsteps. You looked up from your phone and smiled,
“Hey sleepy head. What are you doing awake?”
“I was waiting for you. I thought you finished at 3. I got worried. I stopped by the store but you weren’t there.”
“Paul I texted you about my double.”
“No you didn’t Y/N. Lexi told me you had to do another double.”
You checked your phone to see the unsent text to Paul about your shift change. You sighed.
“I’m sorry. I thought I pressed sent. It was busy, I just didn’t have-”
“Time. Yeah something you don’t really have much nowadays.”
You were taken back from that sassy remark.
“You just woke up and I just got home from work. Please don’t tell me you’re trying to start something.”
He looked back at you,
“I’m not. I’m stating a fact. This is the what? Third? fourth? ‘double’ shift? You’re doing nothing but work!”
“And?! Paul you knew I wasn’t just going to sit around here waiting all the damn time! worrying if you’re going to come home in one piece! IF you’re going to come home. It’s not my fault if we don’t have enough people at my job. But babe I can’t just sit here and watch the clock.”
“You wouldn’t even know if I came back because you’re never here!”
Tears of frustration and shock came down streaming your face. You grabbed your keys and started walking out the door. Paul following closely after you.
“Where are you going?!”
“You don’t need to know. Because I’m never home right? Leave me alone.”
You got into your car and zoomed off.
You and Kim sat on her couch. She sat down across you.
“Thanks for letting me stay. He knew I’d go to Emily’s first. So might as well catch him off guard. No offense."
Kim chuckled softly.
"No worries. You know I'm always here, Y/N."
She places her hand on your thigh in comfort. You started to tear up again,
"I love him to death but I can't just stay home and worry."
Kim sighed.
"That was me too before with Jared. I hated just watching the clock hoping 'when is he coming home?' 'IS he coming home?' 'Why haven't I heard from him yet?' and so on."
"Paul does doubles too and you don't see me getting mad."
"But not as much as you, workaholic. Paul used to ALL the time because he didn't have anyone to come home to. Now.. his whole world is at his home. He has a reason to run as fast as he can."
"Who's side are you on?"
Both of you let a small laugh.
"I'm on neither. I'm the peacemaker, sassy pants" as she taps your nose.
"I'm saying I get your point because I am like that too. But I'm also saying, look at his view too. You mean everything to him. He doesn't feel any better than being in a home with you."
You huffed in defeat knowing she has a point. Kim got up,
"Get some sleep. We're gonna help Emily tomorrow. Maybe you'll see lover boy there too."
You hit her leg with the pillow before you said your goodnights and parted ways.
Next morning you and Kim were in Emily's kitchen. As you all are doing your roles, Emily asked you,
"Sooo, where'd you end up going last night? It wasn't here"
Kim smirked while you stopped cutting.
"I went to Kim's last night."
"Figured. He came in a frantic pace. He looked everywhere before finally speaking. He told me his side of what happened."
"What'd he say?"
"He told us he didn't mean to start something but it was built up emotions and he was trying to fight his inner wolf."
You nodded your head. You heard footsteps so you dropped whatever it was to hide. Kim and Emily chuckled before resuming dinner. Sam, Jared and Paul enter.
"I don't know.. she still hasn't texted me or called. I messed up big time."
As the other two couples were now in each others embrace. Emily showed Sam her phone,
"She's here. Hiding. Be quiet"
Sam smirked and said,
"Paul. You've known her since day 1. You knew she was a workaholic. But doesn't mean she didn't love you any less."
He was still walking back and forth.
"Yeah but you should've seen her face. It's like I slammed glass onto the floor. I've never seen her so hurt. I just love her so damn much."
"If you love her, then you'd tell her that you'll be there. Even with a hectic schedule, you'll be there to kiss her good morning or good night. Even when she's stressed she'll feel relax in your arms. That one day she won't need to do all those doubles and finally go back to her regular schedule where the two of you will find time to spend time together. Try calling her again."
He dials your number and hears your phone on the counter where he looks up and sees you by the hallway by their washroom. He rushes into your arms, wrapping yours tightly around his neck. He snuggles into your neck
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."
"It's okay. I get it. I should be sorry too. I didn't realize how you felt."
You looked into each others' eyes as you stroke his cheek with your thumb. He presses his lips on yours so soft and gently. When you finally pull apart, you asked
"How bout we go to the beach? We'll come back when dinner's ready."
Paul just nodded his head as the two walked out the door. Emily tells Jared to take over what you were doing. Jared rolled his eyes and yelled
"Hey! Have room for a third wheel?!"
Both of you turned and said,
Leaving everyone laughing at a scowling Jared as he started to help with dinner.
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celestial-cervid · 7 years
ahh thank you so much!! ;o;
i haven’t drawn ‘em in forever, but here’s a quick doodle for ya!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
There's a few things he says they're fun and Dan came up and he's looking at the boat rides and a son kind of knows who he is it still said you should go with family at the dolphins to go up to the boat and said I should go to the family so you might be a squished down and said that later and he'll say oh yeah and then he said feel like fat bastard's cousin big bastard I started juggling cuz he's always a big bastard to him and he's annoying as hell and more or less can't help it that doesn't actually and boy do we need them the hell out of there so we're trying to control him is complete out of control and he's here pulling up misses latest and this is ladish and people don't like it and the sun says I usually eat regular scheduled meals just an FYI so he's starting at pissed off and people are saying if you like mention it he just takes off and these guys are like an assholes so sitting around trying to take money and stuff for people and they getting beat up and he looks stupid and you know that he's been beat down to it it's trying to threaten to look better and it is so miserable there's such lowlife and scum and skulls and sleeves and really there a lot of bullies and the fags like Garth it just has been horrible for a long time. He's doing okay his role is very demanding but these people are messed up on top of being messed up so it doesn't make it easier and they're rebels and citizen have any place to go and they're just going to leave. And BJ said it before all this evacuation stuff started said we're going there and they're kind of evacuating and said you could go there but it was like ruin the place in minutes so they have to try and make it on their own and they're afraid to I don't think it's a ride and they're just trying to do the job and they have to so what kind of thankful that's happening and still me but for kind of jumped in there about this last paragraph about Dan it's really perturbed cuz he's just staring over trying to scare you down or look at you or something and Thor Freya say that he is trying to make him nervous so I see you looking dang it looks away like right away and you do like three times and realize she's not doing the job someone said you mentioned food and you just leaves and they these guys are horrible with it at this I don't know what to tell you I can't stand them anymore
-we got a huge number of things to do into an ounce and he says okay can we bang it out and bursts and we'll try to do that
-we have about 600,000 people trying to get in now now there's about 2 billion might go up and he says probably and it's going to go up very soon and it's way too many there's nowhere for them to say and they do get picked off on the highway and there's several roadblocks at all five entry ways and according off the woods with all sorts of things getting through there will be a challenge and they are blocking the tunnels up and other it is quite a scene and it's quite an event
-there's a huge number of people running around wondering what is going on with that son and it's like well either sitting there with nothing that's what's going on
-and it says husband and it's true. There's a huge number of people who don't understand it so they could beat up but we're going into a different phase and the more locks are being phased out and completely shortly tonight is a different night they are going to be coming through Charlotte county and pushing people out and taking them out and ripping them out and people are leaving to do shows Deliverance that actually happened and they found her in the water and it was in the show heat of the night and she's back and everyone's wondering what the big deal was but she went up to the Appalachian mountains and fighting has begun over the blue sapphire and that's what it is and they crush it down and dope and it makes it a lot harder and it cuts through things very fast it's not the fastest but it's one of the fastest and they're fighting pretty good over it it's a huge War there are about 300 billion people fighting an hour Minneapolis over a lot of it is the clones and they're going out pretty hard so it is really quite a deal that she did and tonight is regards tonight and he came by it's Garth and he is going to be with his sister and Lily in Georgia and they're trying to orchestrate the fight from there. And they are infected with ENT. And two movie series begin tonight that's my debut as Michael Myers AKA Michelle Myers and it's Lily who is doing it but that's the character and it goes through a Tamil beginning and it's more or less at night it starts at night they put her in the mental hospital and she is released in does the murder and then she gets out but not only after cutting off Tommy F face and that's probably the critical part but she's put in the mental hospital out here and it's not near here it's towards the middle and people are in awe she gets up it's up north and she goes back to the house but the house is in Pasadena and yeah that's tonight I think and his serious also will begin shortly he's going to go to the lake in New York and that's going to happen and there's a lot of people that will see that it is a huge huge deal they are going after Tommy f and his and out there and for a good reason tell me if wants to clear the place and see if people topside of his are holding it up and that's what they have them doing but we're fully aware of it and saw Max and others and it's going to cause the tax on them below and all over the place too
-other than that the evacuation continues it is up to 120 trillion it's an amazing number and it leaves only about 40 trillion behind and out of the 40 and 30 plan to try for ships so these people are leaving as fast as they can thus far about 70 trillion are out of the upper Midwest 35 trillion are in the Nova Scotia area 20 trillion are in the Oregon area and they're going to be moving to the two islands and not coming down and they decide to and it is because they think they can freeze it out and return forgetting that is an array up
-couple more things and his neck is killing him but we have about 700,000 people no 700 million trying to get in here they stopped on the highway to set the blockades at the blocks and they are being erased it's going on now and yeah the stupid neighborhood retards are here making a big s***. So we're going to be a problem for them but a nuisance
-in a few other things happening I'm going to mention quickly cuz his neck is starting to hurt and answered hurting for a while there timing is horrible these people are a bunch of pansies and have to eat it certain time and they're domesticated crazy people
-there's soon a trash mouth is and I want to find them and penalize them it says please do get some people in motion so we can get something to get this out and we're going to do that now and further it's like shows coming up and they're dressing up for him and it's going to be horrible they suck at it in the terrible
-there's one going on and it's coming up shortly and people will figure it out soon enough I was going to have an issue with some people they're saying it so they're going to have problems tonight and the max want them to have issues with the max want to pull them out Bella Bella right there and at least she's got a house and they don't let them leave for them
-another huge thing that's happening is that they are realizing they just sits there and ignores them and they can't figure it out you can do and who the hell cares is over there here it's like the 23 special Olympics
-and there's a huge number of things going on I mentioned a lot of it a couple more things we're having a good time it's very happy about the Chinese American Enduro dirt bike conversion a lot of people are these people love it so we're getting on the line and we're going to try and do that we have a whole bunch made but we want Chinese involved on there and they do too.
-there's another issue is about five people and will not stop harassing him for very stupid reasons so I get involved today and I told him what for and yeah they're in trouble
-this evacuation is going to be a problem we need to start putting stuff out it's the biggest thing going
We thank you and we understand they're dragging it out and their assholes
So you guys are fully aware that warlock for the ones that sit around during an evacuation most of the time in like New York and stuff ask Joe and really Joan
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