#we’re in the championship drive of track season so I’m super focused on that
scented-morker · 2 years
Help okay so the fic exchange I’m in is due by June first, but the person I’m supposed to write for went on hiatus as soon as I got them and I haven’t been able to talk to them at all 🥲 do I just write something random? I know like a basics of what they like but I’ve been really hoping for them to come back so I could make it good. Plus idk if they’re even going to see it?
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queertazsecretsanta · 4 years
A gift for @pri-the-writer, created by @deadbonessinderhellaton!
The Engagement Zone
Summary: Everyone’s favorite roller derby team, the Amnesty Valley Rollers, find themselves facing off against a formidable opponent who’s using a crazy new type of play! How are the Rollers ever going to best them, and look good doing it in the process? Aubrey asks for help. Dani talks tactics. Hollis makes the switch.
Notes: Aubrey’s bummed in the beginning but Dani gets her revved up again, t for swearing, some derby contact and hits but it’s all pg; nothing too wild, Trans Duck Newton, one of my biggest concerns was making sure that I showed off everyone’s derby names, after that it was describing cool derby moves, stuff like ‘plot’ came in after that…..
Part 1
Aubrey hadn’t realized just how hot she was until the water hit her face. She gasped at the chill–tilting her head back to let the last few droplets roll down her neck. You know, in this context, the bathroom is kind of freeing, she thought idly. There wasn’t anyone to see her splash water all over the floor as she cooled off, no one to see her trying to catch her breath. No one to catch her like this. 
Shaking the water off her hands, she pulled out a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall and began to rub them over her face. We’ve only been playing for an hour, she thought to herself, but it feels like it’s been days. It wasn’t the team’s fault - as the captain of the Amnesty Valley Rollers, Aubrey made sure that everyone on the roster had practiced every drill, wall, formation, and potential outcome that they could come up with, and the wins that they had scored from the previous pre-regional games were proof of that. It’s those fuckin’ Hornets, she thought bitterly. We’ve never been up against anything like them before, and it’s not like I have drills for teams who play like this-
You could have, if you thought to plan for this. A voice, one not unlike her own, cut through her thoughts. Now they’re left flailing out there in front of everyone, all thanks to their loyal, brave captain. Slowly, she lifted her head up to face her reflection in the bathroom mirror. It’s not the team’s fault, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. And it’s definitely not the Hornets fault. She put some of the towels under the running faucet and pressed them to her eyes, desperately trying to ignore the burning sensation in the back of her throat. The whole team had worked so hard, trusting my training to get them this far.  They gave me everything. 
Dani’s figure appeared in the mirror, spattered with water from the messy cool-down earlier. In lieu of her typical long peasant skirts - the kind that Aubrey thought looked funny on herself, but that Dani could really rock - her girlfriend was decked out in the Amnesty Valley Rollers’ red and black uniform. She had a bad case of helmet hair, but to Aubrey, it didn’t matter - Dani always looked amazing. In her hand, a bottle of water was dripping with condensation. “Hey, Jake brought drinks for everyone, and I wanted to make sure that ‘The Lady Payne’ didn’t miss out,” she joked, referring to Aubrey’s derby name. Her crestfallen expression gave Dani pause. “Is- is it a bad time? I can head out if you need me to.”
“No,” Aubrey said after a moment. “No, you’re fine.” She pushed off from the sink and slowly rolled over to where Dani stood, holding out the bottle to her like she was passing a baton. She drank down half of the water before wiping her mouth with her wrist and giving a refreshed sigh. “You’re a lifesaver, babe. I was starting to melt out there.” 
Dani laughed, and even through her guilt, Aubrey could feel her stomach flip. “Yeah, when you’re on roller skates and fighting your way through a crowd of people twice your size, you might get a little winded.”
“It’s not my fault everyone in West Virginia is gigantic! That mountain air does something to you all. ” She brushed an especially wild piece of hair behind Dani’s ear and brightened at her answering smile, “Besides, I think it’s actually because I have my super hot girlfriend as the brains and brawn on my team. That’ll take the wind out of anybody.”
“You know what they say about flattery, Aubrey Little.” Gently, she took Aubrey’s hand and grinned. “It will get you places.”
“I’m not kidding,” Aubrey said. “You’re the one out there selling candy bars for our annual fundraiser, or teaching people how to stand on skates during the recruitment drives, or helping me come up with new plays. We would have never gotten this far without you.”
“You save that sweet talk for your speech after we get to regionals. I want to be recognized for my contributions.”
Her comment brought Aubrey back to reality in full force, with the knowledge of what she had done sinking in. She glanced away from Dani and took a sip from her bottle. “Yeah. Regionals.”
Dani stared at her in confusion. “Aubrey? What’s wrong?”
Aubrey wasn’t great with words at the best of times, let alone in times of derby-induced panic. But whenever Dani used that tone–gentle and understanding and wanting to help–the words in her chest got knocked loose. “I… I fucked up. Back in the final part of the last period, the other team set up a trap, and I fell right into it. And I cost the team twenty points.” She let out a nervous laugh. “I-I panicked, because I couldn’t get out even when I started hip and shoulder checking. And it wasn’t like anybody on the team could come and help me because they didn’t even know what to do, because I didn’t even teach them what to do!”
Dani waited patiently until Aubrey stopped speaking. When she herself started talking, it was slow, as if she was trying to figure out what to say. “Well, yes, Aubrey. The Hornets are using zone play, which is completely new to us. There isn’t really any way short of weird, like, time-travel shenanigans, that you could have taught the Rollers how to deal with it.” 
On a surface level, Aubrey was aware that Dani was just trying to help. She was more than grateful for it - Dani always had a way of finding the right things to say and the right ways to say them - but just the fact that Aubrey knew she was right made her feel like crumbling even more. “Yeah, but it’s not like it’s the first time I’ve heard of it. The big derby blogs have been talking about zone play since the beginning of the year, and three other teams in last year’s Nationals championship used it, and I chose to think that we weren’t gonna see it this early in the season. You can say I couldn’t know, but it’s my job to know. And now we’re gonna lose the whole season because of it.”
“Aubrey…” Hesitantly, Dani looked at Aubrey and spoke quietly. “Being twenty points behind the other team is not a death sentence. I mean, it’s not good, but we’re at halftime right now. We have, like, an hour left in the game. An hour and a half if we can get it to overtime.” She reached over and took Aubrey’s hand again, giving it the smallest of squeezes. “I know it looks bad, but it’s not over just yet.” 
Aubrey allowed herself a glance at Dani. She knew it - she had that beautiful, stubborn, determined look on her face, the one that she got when she couldn’t be convinced of anything else. Aubrey sniffled hard and sighed. “Okay. Say we somehow figure out how to get past the Hornets’ blockers in the first loop. How do we get past them in the second loop? Or the third?”
“Mmm…” Dani looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought. “Well, what is it they’re doing that’s throwing us off, and what do you need when they’re doing it?”
“What they’re doing down there, zone play - it’s this thing where the blockers work more to try and control your moves than to physically stop you, like they’ll stop on their skates in front of you, or surround you so that you’ll move slower.” 
“Huh.” Her brow furrowed as her gaze focused on something behind Aubrey. “Huuuh.” Slowly, she put one skate in front of the other, gently rolling around the room as she thought out loud to herself.
Aubrey watched intently as Dani did this. It wasn’t the first time that she’d reached out to her girlfriend for suggestions, and with Dani’s knack for tactics, she was sure that it wouldn’t be her last. To Aubrey, it made sense - Dani put just as much sweat, blood, and tears into the team as any of the other players did.  If she could get them through everything else, she could get them through this, too.
After a few minutes of silence, Dani spoke. “Well, the whole idea of zone play is to control the jammer, right? What if you could get rid of that control entirely?” 
As Dani explained her idea, Aubrey’s eyes grew wider and wider in excitement. The team might not have recognized how to take on the Hornets’ style, but it wasn’t like the Amnesty Valley Rollers had forgotten how to play. And this made sure that the Amnesty Valley Rollers’ skills were used. It was quick. It was decisive. It was brutal. Most important of all, it used their strengths and took advantage of the Hornets’ weaknesses, all the while ensuring that the Amnesty Valley Rollers didn’t need to know how to combat zone play. “Babe,” Aubrey breathed. “You’re a genius.”
Dani turned bright red as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugged. “I watch a lot of derby footage.”
“Damn! Maybe I need to start doing that more, iron out my skills and all that.” 
“Believe you me, it has nothing to do with skills, if your footwork on the track is any proof.” Gently, Dani reached out to brush a stray wrinkle from Aubrey’s uniform. “Just next time, don’t be afraid to ask us for help, ‘kay?” Ignoring the look of surprise on Aubrey’s face, she continued. “We’d hate to have you worrying by yourself and feeling the weight of the world. We can all come up with something together if anything comes up.” At this, she smiled. “Kind of like we did now.” 
Aubrey could feel herself growing heated and red under Dani’s gaze. They had been dating for about two years now, but sometimes Dani did these things that just left Aubrey a gooey mess. She met Dani’s gaze and grinned. “Hell yeah, we did. But next time, I’ll see if I can’t keep you guys in the loop more often instead of like-” she winced. “Running off to avenge you all, like in Braveheart. You ever see that movie?”
The sound of skates slamming down on linoleum echoed in the distance, growing closer and louder with each step. Jake Coolice appeared in the doorway. “Aubrey, Dani, Madeline wants you to know that you have about thirty minutes ‘til halftime’s up and we start the third period. ”
“JAKE!” Aubrey’s shout sent Jake rolling backwards and bumping gently against the tiled bathroom wall. “Can you get the team together for a meeting before we start up again? Dani just came up with a really good idea, and I want to give it a shot…”
Part two
Aubrey had never been more terrified in her life.
Okay, so maybe there were moments in her life where she had been just as terrified - boarding down Death Mountain with Jake came to mind - but here, in the engagement zone, facing down the Hornets again, this particular moment stood out. Worst-case scenarios flooded her mind. What if I trip? What if the team loses track of me? What if the Hornets go and did something else entirely and they screw up our plan?
She forced the knot that tensed in her belly down and let out a nervous sigh. Just concentrate on the plan, Aubrey reminded herself. Dani had gone over the whole thing in detail during the suit-up and, as a consequence, her words echoed through Aubrey’s mind. The most important thing about this, Dani had told her earlier, is that you have to know exactly where Jake and I are, and we have to know where you are.
She could see the two of them behind her, on her far right. So far, so good, she thought to herself. In front of her were three of the Hornets’ blockers. Right in front of her, to her left, was one - NEST IN PEACE, their jersey read. To her right and further up ahead was another - MISBEEHIVING. That’s not a hornet pun, Aubrey thought irritably. They have a theme, they should stick to it! Furthest ahead, on the left, was the final blocker, a tall, wiry guy. Their jersey read KEITHING IT REAL across the back, in bold block letters. Guess they ran out of ideas.
Dani had mentioned it earlier, and now Aubrey could see the zig-zag pattern that their team set up in. I know for a fact that that’s a trap. I guess I could try to go around it, but that might throw off Jake and Dani…so the trap it is. Aubrey leaned to her left and made as if to bank between NEST and MISBEEHIVING. Immediately, the three Hornets swarmed in on her. KEITHING slammed on his brakes, forcing Aubrey to slam on her own and taking the proper fall position. MISBEEHIVING swooped in from the right, blocking off Aubrey’s escape, and while she couldn’t turn around, she could hear NEST directly behind her. Once their ranks were formed, KEITHING started picking up his speed, but only barely. The other Hornets blockers followed suit, leaving Aubrey cocooned in the middle.
If I weren’t so pissed off, she mused, I could appreciate this more. It was brilliant - by closing off her escapes and controlling her speed, they could ensure that she didn’t pass their blockers or inhibit their jammer. Not to mention they could easily push her out of bounds if she tried to break free. Ignoring the sound of her heart pounding in her chest, she sighed nervously. Now I just have to wait for-
Jake raced in from behind on Aubrey’s right, Dani skating frantically to keep by his side. With a mighty whoop, he swung his left hip at the blockers surrounding Aubrey, sending them flying. NEST was forced backwards, teetering wildly in an effort to keep their balance. MISBEEHIVING flew past the ring’s boundaries, landing in the track’s middle circle. With a groan, MISBEEHIVING regained their stance and started their clockwise loop around the track. Aubrey herself was trying not to whoop out loud - the same team that had devastated the Rollers in the first half were barely hanging onto their–
Right, she thought dazedly as she was bounced back from the impact. That guy. KEITHING skated in front of Aubrey, glaring over his shoulder at her. He’s the ‘mimic my every move’ guy, right? So he’s just gonna do that again. Leaning to the right, she made to skate around him. Immediately, he caught up to her, slamming hard on his breaks, making Aubrey fly back, her eyes wide and her chest heaving. So I probably have about thirty seconds left before his teammates finish recovering and meet up with him, she thought in dismay, and then…. She racked her brain for ideas, searching for weak spots in his wall, but all that she generated was the droning static that came with panic. In the distance, she could already hear skates rushing up to meet him…
A blur of black and red flew past her right. Her team colors. They were moving slow enough that she could make out the name on the back of their jersey: SEAL THE DEAL. Oh. That’s Jake, then. Directly behind him was another player with a black and red jersey, and a blonde ponytail that was long enough to flutter in the breeze, but not long enough to block out the name on the back: DA-KNEE YA. As she rolled by, she jerked her head to the right and gave Aubrey a knowing glance. Come on!
Ohhh. Realization hit Aubrey like a wave as she reached out and grasped Dani’s hips, coasting forward on her momentum. From the corner of her eye, she could see KEITHING scrambling to catch up with them as Jake battered him back. The Hornet needn’t have bothered - she and Dani were already leagues ahead.  Once safely past him, she tilted her head back to look at Aubrey. “You ready?”
No, Aubrey thought. “Yeah!” Aubrey said. In response, Dani nodded in response and returned her focus to the track, bending her knees a little to give Aubrey the room for what she needed to do. Guess I can’t make Dani do this by herself, Aubrey thought nervously as she drew herself closer to her girlfriend. With as much effort as she could muster, she pushed off from Dani’s hips, rocketing herself past her girlfriend, past the Rollers’ other two blockers, and past the Hornets’ final blocker and their jammer.
She broke out of the engagement zone in no time, her lungs and skates screaming with the crowd as she darted forward. Upon rounding the track, she was able to see a little more of the action occurring behind her. For all of the hell that the Hornets’ strategy gave them, it was evident that they still needed to work on it. They had put only one of their blockers with their jammer, leaving them helpless against the onslaught that the Amnesty Valley Roller’s other two jammers, DUCK AND COVER and NIGHT OF THE LIVING NED, were laying down. From her vantage point, Aubrey could see the Hornets’ blocker slam on their skates in front of them, just as KEITHING had done to her earlier. Duck didn’t even stop skating to sweep them aside with a devastating shoulder check, the trans pride flag that he wore around his shoulders fluttering dramatically behind him. Meanwhile, the Hornets’ jammer - SUPERFLY, according to their jersey - was flitting about behind the two of them, fruitlessly trying to break through their wall. In an attempt to free them, the Hornets’ other three blockers had joined the fray, Jake and Dani following after to try and stop them. Quickly, the players became enmeshed in a pit of flailing limbs, flying skates, and shouted swears. And they say derby’s boring, Aubrey thought smugly.
From the middle of the pit, Aubrey could see a black and yellow something fly forward - the Hornets’ jammer cap. The blocker - no, the pivot, she realized in horror - in front of Duck and Ned caught it effortlessly and slid it over their helmet, taking off immediately from the mass of players. Even from her distance, Aubrey could see Jake and Dani talking with each other as they raced after the pivot, literally strategizing on the fly. For her part, she leaned forward and desperately worked to increase her speed, but it wasn’t long before she heard the sound of skates behind her. In no time at all, the two of them were neck and neck, racing towards the start of the engagement zone. From what Aubrey could make out, they were short, muscular, compactly built, and fast as hell - the perfect pivot, essentially. Driven, too - they barely even acknowledged Aubrey as they barreled down the track, concentrating entirely on passing her and navigating the track. Not a bad idea, Aubrey thought, To see who’s up ahead. She herself checked the track. First up was Dani and Jake blocking-
Wait. Aubrey cut her speed, letting the pivot skate past her. “You go on ahead,” she said politely. Jarringly, it was the only time that Aubrey found herself able to generate a reaction from the pivot: they looked back to give her a confused, annoyed glare, but a reaction nonetheless. Shrugging, they turned around and continued racing ahead…
Straight into Dani and Jake.
Aubrey counted herself lucky to catch sight of it all as she skated past. It was something straight out of Derby 101 - the Hornets’ pivot shoulder checked and thrashed against the wall that Jake and Dani had forged, but it was clear that the two weren’t going anywhere. It was now that Aubrey could get a good look at their jersey name - MAULLIS. Jake held steady throughout their assault, never flinching when checked and delivering blows back with deadly precision. Holding out on the other side was Dani, keeping the wall up throughout it all, shouting out commands and calling to Jake for help when she needed him. She was cool under fire, never once showing panic or unease, and maintaining the situation with a sort of casual grace. Just like off the track, Aubrey thought proudly.
The two didn’t say much to Aubrey while she passed them. She didn’t mind - they seemed preoccupied. Guess I’ll be too, she thought as she saw the Hornets’ blockers up ahead. KEITHING had joined ranks with NEST IN PEACE again, abandoning the zig-zag pattern of zone play to stand side-by-side, the two of them wearing a look suggesting that they were eager for revenge. Oh, so now they’re doing walls, Aubrey noted with irritation, before shrugging. Nothing we can’t handle.
As she raced ahead, a voice cut through the cheers of the audience, the muffled curses of the players, and the squeal of skates on the floor below:
“Give ‘em hell, Aubrey!”
Seconds before impacting the Hornets’ blockers, Aubrey beamed. “You know it, Dani!”
Flat track: A roller derby track that is…flat. It’s often made with masking or duct tape.
Blocker: They try and stop the other team’s jammer from passing them and scoring points against their team, while trying to advance their own team’s jammer. There can be four of them on a track at a time. They don’t have any symbol on their helmet cover.
Jammer: The point scorer in roller derby, so to speak. Their job is to pass the other team’s blockers and score points for their own team. They’re identified by the star on their helmet cover.
Pivot: Someone who can serve as a blocker or a jammer. They can serve as a jammer if the jammer gives them the star cap. They’re identified by the stripe on their helmet, unless they’re wearing the jammer cap.
Engagement zone: the ten feet of space where blockers and pivots can block, serve hits, and prevent jammers and pivots from passing blockers. Outside of it, only jammers can block, hit, etc. each other.
Quick rules:
An average game lasts about four periods, each period being thirty minutes each, with the first and second half having two periods each.
The goal is for each team to aid their jammer in passing other team’s blockers, and by doing that, score points for their own team, while preventing the other team’s jammers from passing their blockers.
Don’t hit anyone in the head or the stomach.
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gobigorgohome2016 · 5 years
All the Cliches
When I started writing this post in my head, I was going to title it something like Out of Hibernation, yet make it known that I wasn’t planning to bore you with a 1,300 word soliloquy comparing myself to a Bleeding Heart (which is apparently a Spring perennial and, you know, we’re all about cliches here) blooming through the last remnants of Winter frost.
Then I thought, no, do I really need an intro to tell everyone I’m back on my bullshit after a few steps forward and another step back?  
Then I realized...isn’t running really just the epitome of a giant cliche?  
TL;DR I had a big accomplishment in the fall and thought the momentum would carry over super easily into the Spring.  I ignored some symptoms, realized I was anemic, felt really sad, and now I’m starting to feel like myself again.  aka, the simple, common, cliched journey of every.single.runner.
Even though this experience is the embodiment of what it means to be an endurance athlete, why do we act surprised every single time?  Leading up to Philadelphia, after my year of mystery illness [which, it turns out, had another plot twist.  Remember how I was having a massive immune system reaction and pretty terrible quality of life?  Well, after we found mold in the house the problem went 90% away.  The remaining 10% was still driving me crazy.  Long story short, the installation of a whole-home water filter has returned me to a fully functioning human being.  Hello, my name is Anna and I’m just your local canary in the coal mine] I vowed I would do a better job about just letting life go with the flow and not try to fight the current every step of the way.  I guess I got too big for my britches because - lo and behold - I found myself avoiding what I pretty much knew all along.
After Philadelphia, I took 2 weeks off and really enjoyed my down time.  The highlight was a day trip to French Lick, where Dave and I hit the casino (I won $25), ate all the sweets, shopped, split an amazing kobe beef burger, got day drunk, and took the scenic drive home.  The next day I started running again and, much to my surprise, felt way better than I normally do after two weeks of zero exercise.  This felt like a big win. 
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December turned out to be extra crazy, then at the end of January I co-hosted a women’s running retreat, BAnna Camp.  Any fatigue I was feeling during December and January I just chalked up to stress and the typical things you do when you’re in that awkward in-between period from one race to another:  less sleep, less healthy food, less fitness.  
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^have to make sure this post never dies
The first day I was in Austin, Becki and I did a workout together.  It was my first “real” workout back (other than some fartleks and strides), and it wasn’t even supposed to be hard:  3 x 7 min @ 6:00 pace.  I STRUGGLED.  I couldn’t breathe, my quads were heavy, and the paces felt much more difficult than they seemed like they should.  But, there were plenty of excuses:  it’s windy, we were running a net uphill, I was dehydrated from travel, I was stressed about the upcoming camp, etc. etc.  Midway through that workout I had a very distinct thought of oh shit, this feels very anemic right now.  That night I texted my friend who would be joining us later in the week and asked her to bring some iron pills, since I had forgotten my supplement.  
The following week my workout didn’t feel great, but again, it was easy to make excuses.  I was on a treadmill.  I was still catching up on sleep from camp.  Maybe I’m more out of shape than I thought. 
Longer efforts didn’t feel great, but I was getting them done.  My paces felt quick, but, winter training never feels amazing.  Plus, it seemed like every workout I did was into a strong wind, so how can you really judge pace and effort?  
In early February, I had my first race of the season which was a 5 miler in downtown Indy.  I had told Dave I was going to hold 5:30 pace for as long as I could and see what happened.  My first mile was 5:54, and Dave said he could hear me breathing before he could see me.  I was 3rd that day in just under 30:00.  Again, there were plenty of excuses.  It was windy.  We had celebrated Valentine’s Day the night before, so maybe steak, lobster, buttered mashed potatoes, and wine wasn’t the best pre-race meal?  
During my sulking about the race I had an aha moment.  In December, prior to realizing we had an issue with our water, I was trying to figure out what was still causing skin rashes and GI issues.  The only thing I was taking every day was ferrous sulfate, which is an iron supplement that is gentle on your stomach but has some suspect ingredients (food colorings, sorbate, etc.).  I decided to switch my supplement (one that had worked for me for YEARS) to something that seemed “cleaner”:  ionic iron.  While I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what could be wrong, it occurred to me to check my iron dosage.  
I was taking ~10% of my normal ferrous sulfate dosage, and honestly don’t even know how absorbable ionic iron even is.  That day I made the switch back to ferrous sulfate, but knew that if my iron/ferritin was low, it would take about 6 weeks before I felt a difference.
If at this point you’re reading along and thinking to yourself, it’s not expensive to just go and get a blood test to find out whether your iron is low - you are absolutely correct.  I should have just scheduled an appointment to take a blood test and find out.  But, I’m stubborn.
Two weeks after my 5 mile race I flew to Atlanta for the Road to Gold, an 8 mile race on the 2020 Olympic Trials course.  This is a whole other post in and of itself, but I will say that the hype is real.  That course is going to be hard.  
While the experience was great, my time was not.  My goal had been to run 5:45 pace through the first 4 miles and then pick up the pace.  While I did go through the first 4 miles in 22:50, just under my goal, I went through the next 4 miles in 24:20ish, and again felt as though I couldn’t breathe.  I finally conceded it was time for a blood test. 
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The results were pretty much exactly what I thought they would be:  low ferritin, high CO2 in my blood, and borderline-low Vitamin D.  After weeks of agonizing over whether I was out of shape I finally had an answer (albeit one I should have just figured out sooner).  So, I upped my iron supplement and looked ahead.  
Nowhere to go but up, right?
In the following weeks I paid better attention to meal timing (i.e., if I was having a steak for dinner I wasn’t pairing it with red wine or other iron-inhibiting foods).  I cut out my second cup of coffee in the afternoon so that my body could have a better chance at iron absorption.  I focused more on sleep.  I got back on nutrient tracking to make sure I was getting everything I needed from my diet.  
and it paid off
6 weeks after my miserable 5 mile race where I could barely run faster than 5:58 pace for 5 miles, I ran 1:16:37 in the Carmel half marathon on a less-than-ideal day with rain and wind.  
During race week I cut out all caffeine and red wine to hopefully give my body the extra boost it needed to absorb iron.  I meal prepped early in the week so that I had nutrient-rich options readily available.  I said no to a couple work-related opportunities that popped up in favor of less stress, and I gave myself my best chance to succeed.  
In truth, sometimes setting yourself up for success is scary.  What if you do everything possible and you don’t succeed?  I have seen so many talented athletes give up because they went all in and it didn’t immediately pay off.  But, that’s probably another post for another day, too. 
Come race day we had 15 mph winds, pouring rain, and puddles on the course.  It will sound sarcastic when I say this, but that truly is my favorite racing weather.  Going into the race my A goal (not accounting for weather) was 75 min, B goal 76 min, and C goal 77 min.  My plan was to run the first 10 at 5:45 effort, then see how fast I could go the last 5k.  
Starting off, I was very pleased to find myself in a pack of men and through the first mile around 5:40.  I NEVER trust my GPS, so all splits I give will be those from the course.  I went through 4 miles in 22:50 - the exact same time I went through 4 miles in Atlanta, only this time I felt so much better.  I went through 6.55 (again, as marked on the course, not my GPS) in 37:26 and felt like I really had a chance at sub 75 still.  Through 10 miles I was right at 58 min.  I felt strong for the first time in a long time. 
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Around mile 11 I started to get tired, and just focused on getting through 0.5 miles at a time.  T last couple miles were definitely the toughest, as they were mostly uphill/into the wind.  76:38 is my fourth fastest half [74:03, Houston, PERFECT weather; 75:20, ‘17 US championships, goal race full taper, 75:59, Columbus half, 4 weeks out from Philly], and this gives me a lot of encouragement considering some sub-par months of training.    
Now that I am feeling the effects of higher ferritin, I’m beginning to wonder if I wasn’t a little bit low during my Philly build up.  I have had some of my best long runs and workouts the past couple weeks - ones that would have blown away what I did leading up to Philly.  It also makes sense, given how I felt the last half of my Philly race, that my ferritin may have been low.  Moving forward, I’m going to schedule blood work much more regularly so that I don’t have preventable problems like this occur.  Definitely kicking myself, but, as with all failures in life it was a great opportunity to learn and grow.  
My next race is in 6 weeks and I’ll be at the 25k championships in Grand Rapids.  I’m looking forward to seeing what another 6 weeks of quality training and (hopefully) warmer weather can do for my fitness!  
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
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The street To NCAAs: Taylor Houchin, Nebraska Compete For Others
A solid all-arounder, Houchin brings a vault that begins out of a ten.0. She has a remarkable form of the air and gets appropriate amplitude. She has scored a nine.800 or higher 9 times this season and has a 9.900 or better four times.
Taylor Houchin
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Houchin has competed inside the all-around 8 times this season. Her best overall performance came in the very last domestic meet of the season, wherein she scored a 39.650 in opposition to California, Southeast Missouri, and Utah State. She posted a season first-class on vault, bars, and beam and tied her season high on ground exercise.
Nebraska will face Huge Ten rival Michigan and a quartet of SEC teams — Florida, LSU, Alabama, and Georgia — on Friday night time within the 2nd semifinal of the NCAA Championships in St. Louis.
FloGymnastics: What’s your favorite occasion to perform on and why? Taylor Houchin: I might say vault because it’s an event where I can be as powerful as I want. I do not must virtually manipulate it a whole lot so that’s high-quality. Quite a few [the other] events, you need to really use your mind and clearly cognizance on it. [Vault] is one of the ones where you may permit your self go and simply move it.
What’s the maximum challenging talent you’ve found out and what made it tough for you? The most difficult would Likely be my vault because it’s an honestly lengthy procedure that took me from level nine thus far to fully get the talent. It takes the time to accumulate the inspiration of that vault.
What changed into the biggest element you took away from regionals that you’ll use heading into nationals? I would say how effective it is to work as a team and to paintings for something apart from ourselves. We attempted to awareness on placing all of our accept as true within a person. So we did the allow Your Mild Shine venture, so I permit my Mild shine for my grandpa. Some humans did it for the crew, Some humans did it for other own family members or friends. I suppose what was vital became to no longer get egocentric inside the competition. If something goes wrong, to recall why we’re doing it and placed our faith back into the one’s human beings or our teammates [instead of] making all of it approximately ourselves.
How has the adversity that your team has confronted in the course of this season helped put together you for the postseason? I suppose it’s helped us in A lot of methods now not just with gymnastics but with lifestyles itself, due to the fact matters aren’t continually going to go flawlessly and it is essential to learn how to cope with the one’s matters earlier than they get thrown at you. We’ve got found out about a way to manage those troubles earlier than they come alongside so that way if we get to nationals and perhaps we don’t begin the manner we need to. Rather than giving up, we can push thru that and dig deeper.
What has the transition been like going from club to college? it’s been very specific. The toughest component could Possibly be the back-to-back weekends. That element’s been problematic and tough on our body and stuff like that. it’s been very rewarding for the equal time and it’s first-class to have 14 other girls who are going via the same component that I’m and a coaching team of workers that has been doing this for a while and knows the problem that incorporates it and the hassle and the way this occurs nearly on every occasion. [They] supply us a little bit of slack with the transition period and no longer being too difficult on us or making it any more difficult than it has to be.
Has there been something which you’ve accomplished to put together for that regular grind of competition week in and week out? What is a quality about the university is that you have a steady personnel on the obligation for assisting you with accidents and stuff like that? so that component when it comes to doing remedy and ice tube and taping, it all just allows with regards to the grind. You just have to alternate your mindset. I do not want to say push your frame to the factor wherein it’s now not safe, as it’s obviously nonetheless secure, but finding that extra push deep down in you which you did not recognize you had.
How do you get better from a fall? In my view, I simply try to put it behind me and cognizance on whoever’s up. I recognize that my teammates have my again and I understand that each woman is capable of hitting that ordinary the manner that they exercise. I suppose the biggest issue for me For my part is setting it in my past and simply seeking to overlook approximately it and not reflect consideration on what I may want to have completed in another way. I just attempt to push that at the back of me. Inside our group, I suppose the most important aspect is simply believed. When you have to move up after someone falls, you recognize there may be a glaringly greater strain on you to hit. So As opposed to focusing on that pressure, I think we strive to surely assist that character earlier than they go and clearly inspire them, (announcing) “You have got this. We exercise this every day. That is you.” I simply try to remind that individual up until that they have this and attempt not to let them get off their head an excessive amount of approximately the strain that comes with it.
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March Insanity For Venues – NCAA Men’s Basketball very last four Arenas
On Choice Sunday, March 15th, sixty-5 teams are selected for the 2009 NCAA Division I Guys’ Basketball Championship match. This starts March Insanity and the pressure to look who makes it to the very last four events at Ford Area in Detroit.
The NCAA basketball tournament means it is display time for the venues who host the video games. Attendance is predicted to bounce to over seven-hundred,000 this yr, making March Insanity a mini-stimulus package deal for the host city and a danger for venues to shine on a countrywide level.
TD Banknorth Lawn in Boston, Massachusetts East Local – March 26 & 28, 2009 Boston has a protracted and successful history as a sports activities metropolis and the NCAA East Regional Championship video games will, no question, construct on Boston’s reputation for being a top-notch host for Large occasions. Within the TD Banknorth Gardens is the sports Museum of recent England. For $6 for adults, $4 for youngsters and $15 in keeping with own family site visitors can see Larry Hen’s locker, a Boston Lawn penalty container, lots of Purple Sox memorabilia and more.
When you arrive In the Lawn you have to take a few minutes to look up at all the championship banners putting dinner this building. With the Celtics triumphing 17 NBA titles and the Bruins triumphing 5 Stanley Cups and numerous Division titles, TD Banknorth Gardens is embellished with traces of banners placing proudly above the crowd.
remember your Identity While you head to TD Banknorth Gardens. To buy alcohol you need to have a Massachusetts Id that indicates you are 21 years vintage. When you have an out of Country Identity you need to be 25 years antique and bring any other form of identity at the side of your license. They’re tight with this rule so that you are forewarned to have your drinking credentials equipped.
The University of Phoenix Stadium in recognized for taking care of their disabled visitors. The group of workers goes out of their manner to accommodate visitors with unique wishes starting with over 2000 areas for disabled guests to park. Speaking of parking, you may want to make certain You have got a parking pass earlier than you arrive. They’re normally included in the ticket fee, however, if you don’t have one you may turn out to be in a far away lot, driving a bus to the entrance.
Whilst you go to, test out the roof. The roof is retractable and translucent. guests enjoy natural Mild even when the roof is closed. The sturdy, dark trusses at the roof appearance incredible mentioned through the intense fabric cowl.
Take the time to go to the Bud Mild Region at Lucas Oil Stadium. It has a further large window with fantastic views of the stadium and downtown Indianapolis. That is the high-quality vicinity within the stadium to experience a drink.
you could park around Lucas Oil Stadium and you will still have sufficient cash left over for that drink within the Bud Light Region. This vicinity is full of top, cheap parking. It’s going to fee you $5 to $30 to park close to the stadium and in case you get there early you could even be able to nab a unfastened area. there’s an entire listing of parking on recognizing Your Venue.
One of the fine things about the FedEx Discussion board is its vicinity. just steps from famous Beale Road, the place offers fans ample possibilities to devour, drink and be merry. If you like to stay song together with your basketball just take a walk down Beale and your Air Jordon’s might be tapping.
Inside the Discussion board, fans will locate the theme is more track than basketball. Reflecting the city’s Blues background, site visitors will experience murals of super musicians and entertainers like B.B. King, Johnny Coins and, of the path, Elvis Presley.
The Motor town is the stop of The street to the very last four. The Championship teams will make it legit right here and Ford Area expects a massive basketball crowd. Ford Field can accommodate eighty,000 enthusiasts for basketball games; most basketball arenas have a potential of round 20,000.
The fun and pleasure of the March Insanity start the Friday earlier than the game. fans can head over to Cobo Center and revel in the NCAA Basketball Enjoy at Hoop city. fans have a threat to win prizes, play ball, examine new movements and get autographs. it is $8 if you’re over 12 and $6 for below 12, college students, military, and seniors.
On Friday fans can capture a championship team exercise. All 4 teams may be practicing at Ford Discipline beginning at 12 pm on Friday and it is unfastened. And also you won’t want to miss The Large Dance. at the Detroit, Riverfront fanatics can experience a festival full of entertainment, celebrities, games and more. The great part is that it is loose. Head down close to the Renaissance Middle April third – 5th to rejoice ‘The Large Dance’ of March Madness.
Over 700,000 enthusiasts are expected to attend NCAA match games this March. greater than 70,000 human beings have tickets to the final video games at Ford Subject. Thousands and thousands will watch the games on tv and nonetheless extra will view the video games streaming on their computer systems. Something way you song in, let March Insanity be your distraction for all of the craziness occurring within the international. check out a sport, experience a venue, get in on a workplace pool, root for the underdog, root for the top dog, and experience. Reality will be waiting whilst the Insanity stops.
KnowYourVenue.Com is a one prevent spot for facts on stadiums, arenas, NASCAR tracks, amphitheaters, performing arts centers and more. We’ve got parking records, seating tips, guidelines, clean to locate a list of prohibited gadgets and venue regulations, restaurants and lodges close to the venue and more.
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sbknews · 7 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/marquez-pedrosa-enjoy-perfect-end-2017-season-honda-racing-thanks-day/
Marquez and Pedrosa enjoy a perfect end to 2017 season at Honda Racing Thanks Day
Biker Tshirts by Superbike News 
   A beautiful, sunny day and twenty-four thousand fans packing Motegi’s grandstand for the 2017 edition of Honda Racing Thanks Day today welcomed newly crowned MotoGP World Champion Marc Marquez and teammate Dani Pedrosa, along with fellow HRC motorsport personalities including MotoGP rider Takaaki Nakagami, Trial riders Takashisa Fujinami, MXGP rider Tim Gajser, home star Takuma Sato (who this year became the first Japanese driver to win the Indianapolis 500), Jenson Button and Stoffel Vandoorne.
Bringing together official riders and drivers from Honda’s various motorsport programmes, the event offers fans and their families the opportunity to meet and greet their heroes in a relaxed and easy-going context.
Marc and Dani began the weekend on Friday night with a dinner party at Tokyo’s Shangri-La Hotel, celebrating the conquest of the Riders, Constructors, and Team World Championships, and on Saturday they moved to the Motegi Twin Ring Circuit, where they enjoyed driving a Japanese F3 Championship machine for the first time.
Today, fans were able to watch the Repsol Honda duo having a great time taking part in two- and four-wheel races and exhibitions. Competitions using Karts, Super Cubs, and Honda Sport & Eco Fit cars (Jazz) were included in the track activities, and they even had the opportunity to give zip-lining a try before moving back to Tokyo in the evening for a night-time flight home.
Marc Marquez 93 Rider – MotoGP “I really enjoy Honda Racing Thanks Day because every year it gets more and more interesting and enjoyable for us. Everything is always perfectly organized, and we get to try many different cars and bikes. This year, for instance, we had the chance to drive an F3 car. It was a new experience that I liked a lot, so thanks to Honda for this special treat. Today it was an honour to make a lap together with Takuma (Sato) who won at Indy! It was also very good to meet so many Japanese fans. When we come here for the GP they’re always so supportive and make us feel really welcome, so I’m happy to be here for them and to be able to celebrate another great season together. The Riders Title was our main target, but having also achieved the Triple Crown with the Constructors and Team Titles is a particularly special feeling.”
Dani Pedrosa 26 Rider – MotoGP “I enjoy this event very much. The season is of course demanding on the mind, as you must keep focused all the time, so it’s really nice when we come here in December when we’re completely ‘stress-free’ and can have fun with the cars and bikes. I really enjoyed driving the F3 car; I think it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had at Honda Racing Thanks Day, and one of the best overall apart from riding my MotoGP bike! Last year we tried the NSX, which was very nice, but this time was even better—maybe because I could feel the air, like on my bike. It’s possible to brake so late into the corners, and the entire time that I was driving I was thinking about what it would be like in an F1 car! It was an amazing experience. I think this event is also very special for the fans because they can really get quite close to us, and we also have more time to dedicate to them. That’s great because when we come here for the race it’s more difficult to spend time with them. There’s always a great atmosphere here and just fun.”
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   Jules Cluzel and Gradinger join Nerds Racing Team at WorldSSP Championship
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