#we work with numerous embassies
brexiiton · 5 months
Ecuador 'in state of war' against drug cartels' terror campaign
Schools and stores are shuttered, people are staying home as soldiers roam the streets of Ecuador's biggest cities.
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Members of Ecuador's armed forces patrol a street during a security operation in the capital, Quito. [AFP]
With city streets largely deserted apart from a massive military deployment, Ecuador found itself in a "state of war" as drug cartels waged a brutal campaign of kidnappings and attacks in response to a government crackdown.
Hundreds of soldiers patrolled the capital, Quito, where residents were gripped by fear over a surge in violence that has also prompted alarm abroad.
The small South American country has been plunged into crisis after years of increasing control by transnational cartels that use its ports to ship cocaine to the United States and Europe.
The latest outburst of violence was sparked by the discovery on sunday of the prison escape of one of the country's most powerful narco bosses, Jose Adolfo Macias, known by the alias "Fito".
On Monday, President Daniel Noboa imposed a state of emergency and nighttime curfew, but the gangs hit back with declaration of "war" - threatening to execute civilians and security forces.
They also instigated numerous prison riots, set off explosions in public places and waged attacks in which at least 14 people have been killed.
More than 100 prison guards and administrative staff have been taken hostage, the prisons authority said.
In the port city of Guayaquil, attackers wearing balaclavas stormed a state-owned TV station on Tuesday, briefly taking several journalists and staff members hostage and firing shots in dramatic scenes broadcast live before police arrived.
Local media reported some of the attackers were as young as 16.
This attack, in particular, spread panic among the general population, many of whom left work and closed shops to return to the safety of their homes.
"Today we are not safe, anything can happen," said Luis Chiligano, a 53-year-old security guard in Quito who explained he was opting to hide rather than confront "the criminals, who are better armed".
Noboa said on Wednesday that the country was now in a "state of war," as he promised not to yield to the gangs.
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Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa gave orders on Tuesday to 'neutralise' the criminal gangs after gunmen stormed and opened fire in a TV studio, as bandits threatened random executions. [AFP]
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Gangs declared war on the government after Noboa announced a state of emergency following the prison escape pm January 7 of one of Ecuador's most powerful narco bosses. [AFP]
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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was 'very much alarmed by the deteriorating situation in the country as well as its disruptive impact on the lives of Ecuadorans,' according to his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric. [AFP]
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Peru declared a state of emergency on its border with Ecuador, sending an additional 500 police and soldiers to secure the frontier. [AFP]
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China's embassy and consulates in Ecuador suspended services to the public, while France and Russia advised citizens against travel to the country. [AFP]
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Brian Nichols, the top US diplomat for Latin America, said Washington was 'extremely concerned,' pledging to provide assistance and 'remain in close contact' with Noboa's team [AFP]
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Colombia's army also announced it was bolstering border security. [AFP]
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Ecuador's murder rate quadrupled from 2018 to 2022 and last year was the worst yet, with 7,800 murders in a population of about 17 million, and a record 220 tonnes of drugs seized. [AFP]
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Never Safe - One Shot
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Summary: When Connie and Steve organise a day out with you and Javier to hopefully repair the fractured relationship you two have, things don’t go as planned.
Relationship: Javier Peña x Reader, Steve Murphy x Connie Murphy
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to list any warnings.
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When Steve had suggested that you all spend your very rare day off together at Lake Guatavit, you’d initially been sceptical. Now you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want to visit the place, you’d made a bucket list of things to do in Colombia when you’d learned you were going to be stationed there.
No the reason you’d been sceptical was because of Javier Peña.
The Bogota Batchelor.
The most desired man in the Embassy.
And you had bagged him on your second day.
You had expected him to brush you off after that. After all, it had been two people scratching an itch. At least that's what it had been for you. But then he went and developed feelings for you and any chance of a working relationship fell to pieces.
Fast forward to today, five months on and things were strained. He had resorted to the cold shoulder after your numerous rejections, his ego too bruised to be ‘just friends’ with you and you tolerated it. You were there to do a job after all. Yet you’d also be lying if you said that you didn’t have any feelings at all for the man. You just had no intention of acting on them.
The drive to Lake Guatavita was gruelling. Steve and Connie desperately trying to find anything to talk about but after the first hour, you decided sleeping was the best course of action.
Steve and Javi then started to talk quietly to each other in the front and when the subject of your relationship cropped up, you couldn’t help but listen in.
“When are you and Espina going to sort your shit out?” Steve asked and Javier sighed “I know you fucked her, is that why you two hate each other? You pump and dump her?”
“Was the other way around.” Javier confessed lowly, his head rolling to look at the passing trees through the window “She was different Steve. She got under my skin and I laid myself bare for her and she rejected me.” You winced at his statement, your guilt starting to bubble a little under the surface.
“So what?” Steve snorted “You get your feelings hurt and you decide that being pissed off all the time is the best way to handle that?”
“I don’t wanna get into this Murphy.” He sighed and Steve just waved him off, no point in pushing.
They moved on to more trivial subjects after that. Mainly about the case and you found it easy to slip off to sleep then. Before you knew it the car came to a halt and everyone started to get themselves ready for the small hike from the car park to the lake. Connie pulled the picnic she’d made from the boot of the car and you started to ask her about what she’d decided to put in there. Anything to try and distract yourself from the guilt you had brewing inside of you.
When you reached the top of the path, the view of the lake was stunning. It was like a rich jade that glittered in the bright sunshine, nestled in the middle of a lush forest. It brought a smile to your face that Javier couldn’t help but find himself mesmerized by and he allowed himself to admire you for a moment before he was trekking down the path towards the water.
You’d picked a good day to visit. The temperature was just right and there wasn’t another soul to be seen. When paying entry, the desk clerk had seemed relieved to see you all and you wondered if she’d perhaps expected a slow day. Tourism had taken a bit of a nose dive in recent years.
A few hours later you had found a nice spot to sit and enjoy the picnic that Connie had brought, the guys sipping on their slightly warm beers as you enjoyed some freshly made lemonade with her.
“So, glad we came?” Steve asked as he picked up a few more chips and threw them in his mouth.
“Definitely.” You replied almost breathlessly “I have been meaning to come and visit since we arrived but it seems that we never have time to visit anywhere,” You finished with a chuckle.
“I’d happily suggest a few other places you could visit Espina.” Javier piped up, his tone soft which made your guilt start to simmer once again “I had a chance to visit a few places when I first arrived.” He finished with a shrug, eyes then darting down to the bottle in his hands.
“I’d like that Javi.” You replied sweetly and his head shot up in surprise at your reply “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He replied, a little stunned.
There was a reason you’d been named Espina. You’d developed a reputation for having a prickly personality as Steve had worded it. Javier had continuously referred to you as the thorn in his side and after your first operation with Carillo, he’d gifted you the nickname.
And you kinda liked it.
“So I was thinking we could trek for a bit longer, walk all this food off and then we can head back?” Connie piped up, pulling all eyes to her.
“Yeah… Yeah uh… That sounds good.” You replied distractedly as you shook your head of the static that had taken up residence and started to help pack everything away again.
Once everything was packed, you started up your trek again. Javier walked ahead of Steve and you trailed behind a little with Connie, talking to her about her work at the Communa and yours at the embassy. When the terrain started to get a little difficult the four of your stopped, admiring your surroundings as you sipped at your waters.
“Probably best to start heading back now.” Suggested Steve and everyone agreed, you and Connie then took the lead as you turned around and started to trek back up the hill.
“Ahh.” Expelled Javier as he felt a nip at his ankle.
“You okay man?” Steve asked, looking over his shoulder at his partner.
“Yeah,��� Javier replied, shaking his head a moment before following everyone else.
The walk then passed into a comfortable silence as everyone focused on getting back up the hill and to the car. When you reached the peak, you turned to admire the view again a moment, smiling at Steve as he passed you before your eyes drifted to Javier who was trailing quite a bit behind. He looked exhausted and you smirked at the sight as he traipsed up the last few steps.
“Think someone needs to quit smoking.” You teased once he was in earshot, grinning at him as he came to a stop just a few feet in front of you.
Your smile dropped when he did.
It seemed to happen in slow motion. One moment he was standing there, then next he was on the ground, gasping like a fish out of water. You were at his side in the blink of an eye.
“Javi?” You said panicked as you noted his skin was pale and his whole body seemed to be wracked with chills “CONNIE.” You screamed as loudly as you could “Stay awake Javi, stay with me now…. Come on.” You pleaded when his eyes started to droop and then your head shot up when you heard thumping footsteps on the earth beside you.
“What happened?” She asked as she dropped to your side and you shook your head, tears starting to form as you looked back at Pena.
“He just collapsed.” You managed to choke out and Connie nodded as she started to check Javier over.
“Javi… Javi, can you hear me?” She asked, smiling when he weakly nodded at her “Good, that's really good Javi. Now I need you to tell me what happened?” She asked, sighing when the agent didn’t answer her.
Feeling his pulse, she found it pounding rapidly beneath her fingertips. Then her brain went into medical mode.
Rapid pulse… Chills… Difficulty breathing…
Her eyes shot open as the dots started to connect.
“Check his ankles.” She ordered and you gave her a bemused look.
“Just do it.” She said sternly and you nodded, shifting so you could take a look and lifting his pant leg, you found something “Connie…”
Her eyes shot up to what you were showing her and then to Steve who’d been standing silently, watching in shock at what was unfurling before him.
“What?” He asked, finally finding the strength to speak “What is it?”
“Snakebite.” Connie replied grimly and you sobbed “We need to get him to a hospital.”
“Don’t we need to find the snake?” You asked and Connie just shook her head “We don’t know where or when he was bitten… Snakes probably long gone.”
“When we turned back.” Steve said out of the blue, grabbing your’s and Connie’s attention.
“What was that Steve?” His wife asked.
“When we turned around to walk back. He said ow and I asked if he was okay. That must have been when it bit him.” He elaborated and you sobbed.
“That was over an hour ago.” You choked; your attention was grabbed by Javier as he started to gasp in your arms.
“There’s no time to go look. We need to get him to the car and to a hospital ASAP.” Connie ordered and Steve sprang into action, lifting his partner into his arms and practically sprinting back in the direction of the truck.
As soon as you made it back, it was a blur of Connie clambering into the back and helping Steve lay Javier down over the back seat of his truck. You then leapt into the passenger seat as Steve took up position in the drivers, the vehicle screaming to life and kicking up dust in its wake as Murphy screamed out of the park and towards the main road. You turned your head to see Connie stroking Javier’s hair affectionately as she monitored his strained breathing. If it were possible, Javi looked every worse than he had when he collapsed. His lips had started to turn blue, and his lids drooped severely.
“We’re going to get you to help Javier.” Said Connie softly as she cupped his cheek in the hope to ground him “You just need to keep breathing, okay?”
You watched him closely, noting the tiniest little nod of affirmation from the agent as he visibly leaned into Connie’s touch. You couldn’t believe this was happening. What was supposed to be a day to mend fences and spend time with the people you cared most about had turned into utter chaos.
“Javier… Javier, you need to breathe Hunny.” Said Connie, pulling you from your thoughts and your eyes snapped to the agent who was now struggling to pull in any air whatsoever.
Steve was driving like a demon, but you knew you still had a while till you reached the hospital, Javier was running out of time and quickly. Your eyes locked with his and you gave him a soft smile, praying that it would give him any sort of comfort and when he weakly held out his hand to you, you took it without question. He seemed to relax a little then, pulling in a few weak breaths and so, despite how uncomfortable the position was, if you could help Javier by holding his hand, that’s what you were going to do.
The drive seemed to stretch on forever. Your arm had come to sleep some time ago and your back was starting to ache from the twisted position you were seated in but that was nothing in comparison to the state that Javier was in.
“We’re ten minutes out.” Steve announced when the familiar streets of Bogota filled his vision and you smiled.
“Hear that Javi?” You said sweetly as you turned your head to look at him again “We’re almost there.”
The corner of his lips seemed to twitch slightly as if attempting to smile but then his eyes slipped shut and his hand left your grasp.
“Javi?” You questioned as Connie positioned her ear over his mouth “Javi?” You called again, sobbing when Connie then turned her head and started to blow rescue breaths into his mouth.
“What’s happening?” Steve questioned, noting you shaking your head and sobbing as you repeated ‘no’ over and over again like a prayer.
“He’s stopped breathing,” Connie announced as she started compressions, somehow holding firm when the car jolted as it sped up.
You watched hopelessly as Connie performed CPR on your partner, desperately trying to keep him alive those last few minutes until they arrived at the hospital. Then the car came to an abrupt stop and Steve was out, screaming for help as he rounded the car to get to his partner.
Then everything was a flurry of activity.
You followed them as they wheeled him in, Steve flashing his badge at anyone that tried to force them out.
“What happened?” Ask the doctor and you breathed a sigh of relief that he spoke English.
“He’s been bitten by a snake.” Connie answered, “We don’t know what though.” She finished and the doctor nodded.
Alarms blaring grabbed their attention and soon the three of you were being pushed to one side and they started to work. In what seemed like the drop of a pin, he was intubated, and a nurse was pumping air into his struggling lungs whilst another prepared a machine that made your stomach turn. They shocked him once, air was pumped, and the alarm continued to ring out that dreaded single tone. He was shocked a second time and still nothing.
“Javi, please.” You squeaked, holding onto Steve so tightly that you were sure you’d break his arm.
Then, he was shocked a third time and the tone changed its tune. Everyone breathed a consecutive sigh of relief before they jumped into action. He was whisked away again and this time you were able to follow.
“We need to figure out what bit him.” The doctor stated to Connie, the only one still keeping her cool “We will update you as soon as we can.” With that, he left and you were escorted to a waiting area, the three of you huddling together in preparation for the long wait you had ahead of you.
“I used him and treated him horribly.” You piped up after some time, your hands shaking as you spoke.
“What’s that sweetheart?” Connie asked as she looked up at you.
“Javi and I, we uh… Well a few days after I arrived, we hooked up.” You confessed, noting Connie’s surprised expression “He wanted more and I kept shutting him down. I guess part of me found it hard to believe that Javier Pena, the notorious lady’s man, would want to go steady with me.” You chuckled sadly as you looked down at your hands “I kept shutting him down in such awful ways, hoping he’d get put off but I just ended up hurting him… And now he could die, never knowing how I actually feel about him.” You sobbed as your guilt gripped your heart like a vice.
“And how do you actually feel about him?” Steve asked, blue eyes boring into you.
“I’m crazy about him.” You confessed “He lives rent-free inside my head. I… Well, I suppressed these feelings for so long that I guess I managed to fool myself into thinking that I could just ignore them but seeing him like that, and knowing now that I might never see him again… Well turns out I was an idiot.”
“Javi’s strong, he’s going to pull through this.” She said softly, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
“He’s still going to hate me at the end of it.” You sobbed, your head dropping to Connie’s shoulder.
“I don’t think he hates you.” Steve piped up, remembering the tortured expression on his friend's face when they spoke earlier “Just make sure that if he comes through this, you make sure you mend things… Life’s too short.”
It was several more hours before you received the news. You were sitting staring at a medical poster, trying your hardest to work out what it said, when the doctor appeared in front of you looking as tired as you all felt.
“How is he?” Steve asked, his voice a little shaky.
“He’s stable.” The doctor confirmed, “It was touch and go there for a moment.” He confessed “The venom hit him hard, but he is responding well to treatment. As long as there are no complications, I think he will be okay.” He finished and sobbed, letting out the breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding.
“When can we see him?” You asked, your voice so quiet that the doctor almost missed it.
“Now is fine, I will get a nurse to show you to his room.” He finished.
“Thanks, doc.” Steve said as he shook the man's hand “For everything.”
“Just doing my job.” He replied with a shrug before giving you all a small nod and leaving the room.
Sure enough, a short while later, a nurse fetched you all and led you to a small, plainly decorated room with Javier laying in a bed centred along the far wall. He looked a lot better than he had when you’d last seen him. The colour in his skin had started to return and his eye no longer dropped the way they had before. He gave you all a weak smile as you entered, watching you closely as you perched yourself on the edge of his bed.
“How are you feeling brother?” Steve asked as he came to a stop on the other side of the bed, placing a friendly hand on Javier’s shoulder.
“Like I almost died.” The agent joked, eyes flitting to you again before returning to the Murphy’s.
“I owe you my life.” He said, his brows knitting together and his bottom lip wobbling “If you guys hadn’t-“
“Let’s not think about that now.” You interrupted, taking his hand and stroking your thumb over his knuckles “You’re okay and that’s all that matters.”
Javier nodded as his gaze locked with yours, his expression softening at the sweet smile filling your features. Connie's coughing pulled your attention away from each other and your heart raced as you both looked at her.
“We’re going to go find some coffee, you want some?”
“Please.” You replied in unison, and she smiled before motioning for her husband to follow her.
Leaving the two of you in tense silence.
It remained that way a while before you both couldn’t take it a moment longer.
“I’m sorry.” You both said in unison, then both sporting a similarly confused expression.
“Why are you sorry Javi?” You asked softly and he sighed.
“For trying to push my feelings on you then acting like a child about not getting my way.” He replied, “You don’t feel the same and I respect that.” He paused a moment as he let his head fall back onto the pillow then roll to look at you “I would like us to start over… If we can.”
“Javi I…” You trailed off a moment as you fought to find the words to express how you feel. Now was your moment and you weren’t going to waste it “I do feel the same.”
“What?” Javier whispered, his brow drawing together as he awaited your reply.
“I uh… I do feel the same way about you, Javier… I’m sorry it took you almost dying for me to admit that I can’t keep suppressing these feelings I have.” You sob “You own me Javier and I can’t get you out of my head so… I want to start over too.” You agreed, a small smile spreading across your face “How about we start with dinner?”
“Like a date?” Javier asked, his voice wobbling as tears started to pool.
“Yeah, Javier… Like a date.” You chuckled “What’ya say?”
“I say…” He trailed off a moment his expression turning stony and making your stomach twist a little “I’ll think about it.” He finished, his face splitting into a grin as he winked at you.
“Asshole.” You grumbled as you playfully punched his arm.
“Yeah but you love me.” He teased as he smiled at you sweetly.
“Yeah.” You agreed as you beamed at him “Yeah I do.”
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Elrond and Gil Galad short fic
Gil Galad was stirred from his paperwork by a dagger imbedding itself into his desk. He had already started the ridiculously familiar phrase of ‘Elrond,knives, we’ve talked about this’ when he looked up at Elrond’s face and stopped. He tried to discreetly see the piece of paperwork that had been slammed onto his desk with said knife. Ah. So this was how he died.
‘What,’ Elrond’s voice was calm and pleasant sounding yet still managed to shake with rage, ‘Is this piece of bigoted bile that lies before me, and why may I ask is your seal beside it.’ He should have been expecting this he supposes. He tries to offer an explanation but is intercepted instantly by Elrond’s voice rattling off the contents of the cursed document as if he were talking about the weather. ‘It has been passed into law that for the purpose of diplomacy, any members of Lindon’s diplomatic delegation may be denied participation on any embassy based on possible offence to the customs of the people in question’. ‘That’s only a summary of it there are numerous clauses-’, but he stopped knowing it was fruitless.
‘This is an invitation to put numerous elleths and members of same sex relationships out of the job and you know it,’ he stated as if Gil Galad hadn’t said anything, accompanied by a glare that contained somehow more threat than the fact that Elrond’s hand was still resting on the hilt of the dagger. ‘ Its plausible that you might have thought you could slide it by without raising too much public awareness, you are generally capable of discretion, but the idea that you thought I wouldn’t find out about it is laughable.’ This is perfectly true. He knows that through various back channels and connections in every faction little goes on in the world that Elrond doesn’t find out about. He’d never had this work against him before, it had helped him on numerous matters before and cut down the time needed to explain things, but then he’d never tried to conceal something from him before.
‘And why would you not want me to know? I refuse to believe I could be so poor a judge of character to support a king who held this kind of prejudice so why wouldn’t you let me help you work around it?’ he looked betrayed now and made Gil Galad feel sick to his stomach. He knew how much work had been needed to get any sort of trust from the Peredhel, with good reason considering how most of his relationships with his family had gone. The idea that he could have undone that progress was terrifying. He knew lying would make the situation so much worse and so finally decided the truth was his only hope.
‘There was significant pressure from the Numenoreans on the matter. They threatened to cut of all links and we need them Elrond. We would not have won without them and you’ve told me yourself we’ll need them again.’ Elrond went very still for a moment and when he spoke his voice was slow and dangerous ‘Do you realise, how much worse that makes it’. ‘Elros,’ and there it was the word that had been left unsaid but very much present in so many conversations ‘Has been dead for over a century’. And now this conversation was in the most dangerous territory yet, ‘I am insulted that you think I am too emotionally compromised to offer council on an entire country because my brothers descendants have adopted some messed up ideologies. What did you think I was going to do when I heard hmm? Were you worried I’d fling myself off a cliff? Sail away and never come back?’. ‘You can’t plan to convince me you’ve healed from all of it. I know you better than that.’ ‘Well I thought you did! Don’t you think if I was planning to do any of those things I’d have done them by now? I’ve had a century without Elros and numerous points over my life in much worse positions than I am now and I’m still here aren’t I? I’m not going anywhere anytime soon I’d appreciate not being treated like I’m so delicate I’ll break at any moment.’
‘Your right. I’m sorry, I should never have signed it and I certainly should have concealed it from you. I broke your trust and I understand if you hate me for it.’ he reached out and took his hand looking into his herald’s eyes unflinchingly. The anger had almost evaporated leaving a weariness and pain that had been beneath all the Peredhel’s actions of late. But there was strength as well. So much strength made even more so with the pain. He felt that the eyes were looking into his very soul and seeing all of it more clearly than he himself could. Knowing Elrond he probably was.
But Elrond must have been satisfied by what he saw because he released his hand to straighten his robes and spoke ‘Good. Well I suppose we should get to work than at reversing this thing. May sway in Numenorean politics is clearly not what it used to be but it is not nothing. If we pull on the right connections I think we can devise a strategy to reverse this thing without anyone being the wiser.’
And Gil Galad breathed a sigh of relief. Why he would ever think he could manage this without Elrond he didn’t know. They fell into their old routine and in a few weeks it was as if nothing had happened. He was seriously questioning how his guards hadn’t noticed the dagger though.
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pilawturkey · 5 months
Turkish Business Lawyer
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This article seeks to examine the particular role of Turkish Business Lawyers in Turkey. Turkey is surrounded on three sides by the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. Therefore, our country is based on a critical geography. It connects three continents including Africa, Asia and Europe. There is a growing interest of foreign entrepreneurs in making investments.
What is the meaning of Turkish Business Lawyer in Turkey?
Law and its application necessitates a great deal of knowledge about the legal framework in every single country. Every single investment project needs an embracing analysis of applicable Turkish norms. Commercial activities such as company formations, opening a branch, mergers and acquisitions, franchising system must be managed through an efficient legal guidance by foreign investors. Turkish business lawyers provide in-depth services to large, middle or small scale of corporations and|or individuals for their upcoming investment activities.
What is the role of Turkish Business Lawyers for the recent achievements of Pi Legal Consultancy?
Pi Legal Consultancy is a legal consulting and business consulting international law firm in Turkey. Pi Legal Consultancy working groups aim at setting up a wide network inside and outside Turkey. Currently, Pi Legal Consultancy enjoys solution partners and lawyers based in most European and African countries as well as Canada and the United States. Additionally we have three offices based in İstanbul, Ankara and Batman. It necessarily means that Pi Legal Consultancy has a robust network around the globe. Based on a detailed overview of our client profiles, our service quality, satisfying nature of our articles and papers together with our marketing and branding efforts, we have been recently chosen by the London-based Prestige Awards Group as the international law firm of 2022/2023. Currently, we provide legal and business consultancy to leading French, British, Norway, USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, Canadian and Kuwait companies and the Ministry of Health of Kuwait. We have also created a great collaboration with the Embassy and Istanbul Consulate General of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Pi Legal Consultancy also offers legal guidance to numerous foreigners living or working within the jurisdiction of Turkey. On one hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Ankara are of utmost importance in meeting the growing interest of particularly individual foreigners. On the other hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Istanbul are of great importance in offering detailed services to foreign corporations for their investment activities in Turkey.
Pi Legal Consultancy is very pleased to provide a comprehensive business consultancy to foreigners. Qualified commercial lawyers in Ankara and qualified commercial lawyers in Istanbul undertake paramount duties under the umbrella of Pi Legal Consultancy. They provide legal and business consulting to citizens of foreign countries. Form more information about this topic, please click to https://www.pilc.law/turkish-business-lawyer/
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mariacallous · 21 days
Following a series of high-profile failures and mass expulsions of uniformed “diplomats,” Russian intelligence has turned to more subtle methods, including leveraging scientific organizations with international ties. One such espionage “front” is the National Research Institute for the Development of Communications (NIIRK), which is led by ex-SVR and FSB officers. In Europe and neighboring countries, the institute organizes numerous conferences and internships. Here, intelligence officers and pro-Kremlin propagandists, under the pretense of promoting good neighborly relations, spread the notion that the West is an enemy, and that prosperity lies in friendship with Russia. The main targets are promising students and young scientists, who are ultimately groomed for espionage activities.
On June 19, 2023, Moscow’s usually quiet Korobeinikov Lane was unexpectedly closed off. Athletic-looking men with radios were bustling around its perimeter. Soon, an honor guard and official cars with flashing lights appeared. People carrying carnations gathered in front of the building that houses the National Research Institute for the Development of Communications (NIIRK). The last to arrive for the festivities was SVR head Sergey Naryshkin, who presided over the installation of a memorial plaque for former SVR director Vyacheslav Trubnikov. Speeches followed: “Vyacheslav Ivanovich worked here for two years,” “an outstanding intelligence officer and diplomat,” “a legend of intelligence,” “a knight of the Cold War,” and so on.
Before the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the house was home to actors Alexander Lensky and Alexander Yuzhin-Sumbatov of the Maly Theatre. Later, it was occupied by the NKVD, MGB, and KGB; the mansion hosted clandestine meetings with agents. After 1993, several businesses were based there, but over time, the place fell into disrepair, and homeless people took over the vacant premises. In April 2020, the restored mansion became the new home of NIIRK. Cars belonging to the embassies of Central Asian and Transcaucasian republics began appearing outside.
What kind of institute is this? According to its website, NIIRK’s primary mission is “the development of multilateral dialogue among peoples, cultures, religions, states, international scientific and educational organizations, and civil society to strengthen peace and harmony.” The institute’s expert research and analysis are utilized by the Presidential Administration's Office for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign aid and cultural exchange agency Rossotrudnichestvo, the FSB's 5th Service, and the SVR.
The institute’s first official director was Irina Zavesnitskaya, co-founder of the PoiskSidelki LLC. A year later, she was succeeded by her husband, former FSB general and overseer of the Transcaucasian region, Vladislav Gasumyanov.
Friends of the Kremlin
As per The Insider's findings, over the past eighteen months, NIIRK has organized a total of twelve off-site conferences, forums, and roundtable discussions across various countries including Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Transnistria, Tajikistan, and Slovakia. Moreover, NIIRK has welcomed several delegations from these nations to Moscow for internships, with plans to host approximately ten more this year.
The institute primarily targets young scientists — aged 20 to 40 employed in research or academia. As one Armenian student shared with The Insider, “Throughout the internship, we were constantly reminded that without Russia, we would be doomed to become slaves to the West. Once, they casually asked me if I had relatives in Europe. Upon hearing my negative response, they lost interest in me.”
Key speakers at these conferences include General Gasumyanov, former SVR Academy head Nikolay Gribin, and former Slovak Prime Minister Jan Černogurský, who chairs the “Friends of Crimea” association. Černogurský frequently appears on Russian propaganda TV shows, where he advocates a pro-Kremlin agenda for his country of citizenship while predicting the imminent collapse of the dollar and the subsequent disintegration in the United States.
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eslvivakr · 9 days
Korean Embassy and Consulate | ESL Teacher Jobs Online
Are you an aspiring ESL teacher looking for an exciting opportunity abroad? Esl VivaCom Recruiting can help you turn your dreams into reality. With numerous ESL teacher jobs online and the support of the Korean Embassy and Consulate, teaching English in South Korea has never been more accessible. In this blog, we will explore the role of the Korean Embassy and Consulate in facilitating your journey and how Esl VivaCom Recruiting can assist you in securing the best ESL teaching positions.
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The Role of the Korean Embassy and Consulate
The Korean Embassy and Consulate play a pivotal role in assisting foreign nationals who wish to work and live in South Korea. They provide essential services, such as visa processing, legal advice, and cultural orientation, which are crucial for a smooth transition into your new role as an ESL teacher. When you apply for ESL teacher jobs online through Esl VivaCom Recruiting, the Korean Embassy and Consulate will be your primary point of contact for all official matters.
Visa Processing and Documentation
One of the first steps in your journey will be obtaining the appropriate visa. The Korean Embassy and Consulate streamline this process, ensuring that you have all the necessary documentation. Esl VivaCom Recruiting will guide you through the application process, making it hassle-free and straightforward. From gathering the required documents to scheduling your visa interview, you can rely on their expertise.
Legal Advice and Support
Navigating the legal landscape of a foreign country can be daunting. The Korean Embassy and Consulate provide invaluable legal advice to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an ESL teacher in South Korea. Esl VivaCom Recruiting works closely with these institutions to ensure that you are well-informed and prepared for any legal matters that may arise.
Cultural Orientation and Integration
Adapting to a new culture is an integral part of your journey. The Korean Embassy and Consulate offer cultural orientation programs that help you understand the local customs, traditions, and societal norms. This knowledge is vital for building strong relationships with your students and colleagues. Esl VivaCom Recruiting encourages all their candidates to participate in these programs to enhance their teaching experience.
Finding ESL Teacher Jobs Online with Esl VivaCom Recruiting
Securing ESL teacher jobs online can be challenging, but with Esl VivaCom Recruiting, the process is simplified and efficient. They have a wide network of schools and educational institutions in South Korea, providing you with numerous job opportunities.
Comprehensive Job Listings
Esl VivaCom Recruiting offers a comprehensive list of ESL teacher jobs online. Their platform is user-friendly, allowing you to filter positions based on your preferences and qualifications. Whether you are looking for a position in a bustling city like Seoul or a quieter town, you can find the perfect match through their extensive database.
Personalized Support and Guidance
From the moment you apply, Esl VivaCom Recruiting provides personalized support. Their team of experts will assist you in crafting an impressive resume, preparing for interviews, and negotiating contracts. Their goal is to ensure that you find a position that aligns with your career goals and personal preferences.
Ongoing Assistance
Esl VivaCom Recruiting’s support doesn’t end once you secure a job. They continue to offer assistance throughout your tenure in South Korea. Whether you need help with your contract, advice on living in South Korea, or support in your professional development, they are always available to help.
Embarking on a journey to teach English in South Korea is a rewarding experience, made simpler with the help of the Korean Embassy and Consulate and Esl VivaCom Recruiting. By securing ESL teacher jobs online through Esl VivaCom Recruiting, you can rest assured that you will have the support and resources needed for a successful and fulfilling career abroad. Explore the opportunities today and take the first step towards an exciting teaching adventure in South Korea!
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visacollect · 3 months
What is the best way to get a visa?
Setting out on a worldwide trip is an energising prospect, but the bureaucratic obstacles of getting a visa can be overwhelming. Whether you're arranging a get-away, seeking after higher instruction, or investigating work openings overseas, understanding the complexities of the visa application handle is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we are going to investigate the leading ways to get a visa, demystifying the complexities and giving you the information to explore the visa labyrinth effectively.
Inquire about and Arranging:
Some time recently plunging into the visa application handle, intensive inquire about and arranging are fundamental. Begin by distinguishing the sort of visa you would like based on your reason for travel. Distinctive nations have different visa categories such as traveller visas, student visas, work visas, and more. Each category comes with its claim set of prerequisites, so it's vital to select the one that adjusts together with your travel plans.
Visit the official site of the international safe haven or department of the nation you proposed to visit. These websites are treasure troves of data, giving point by point informational, application shapes, and up-to-date prerequisites. Familiarize yourself with the particular documentation, processing times, and expenses related with the visa application.
Understanding Visa Sorts:
Visas are not one-size-fits-all, and understanding the subtleties of each sort is imperative. Here are a few common visa categories and their purposes:
Visitor Visa: For people arranging a short-term visit for relaxation or recreational purposes.
Understudy Visa: Fundamental for those looking to seek after instruction abroad.
Work Visa: Required for people arranging to work in an outside nation.
Trade Visa: Custom-made for experts going to conferences, gatherings, or investigating trade openings.
Travel Visa: In the event that your travel schedule includes transiting through a nation, you'll require a travel visa. Each category has particular qualification criteria and documentation requirements. Guaranteeing that you simply apply for the right sort of visa is the primary step toward a fruitful application.
Plan a Comprehensive Application:
Once you've assembled all the essential data, it's time to plan a comprehensive application. Consideration to detail is vital at this organisation, as fragmented or wrong applications can lead to delays or dismissals.
Key components of a well-prepared visa application incorporate:
Precise Data: Provide honest and precise data on your application frame. Any inconsistencies may result in dismissal.
Supporting Archives: Incorporate all required supporting reports, such as confirmation of travel courses of action, convenience bookings, money related explanations, and letters of welcome (in case appropriate). Guarantee that these reports are current and meet the particular prerequisites laid out by the embassy or consulate.
Photographs: Take after the rules for passport-sized photos. In numerous cases, there are strict details with respect to estimate, foundation colour, and facial expression.
Cover Letter: Create a cover letter clarifying the reason for your visit, your ties to your domestic nation, and any other pertinent points of interest that could strengthen your application.
Language Proficiency: For certain visa categories, confirmation of dialect proficiency may be required. Guarantee you've got the essential dialect test scores, on the off chance that pertinent.
Accommodation Handle:
Once your application is fastidiously arranged, it's time to yield it to the fitting specialists. A few nations permit online accommodation, whereas others may require you to visit the government office or a visa application center in individual. Be beyond any doubt to plan an appointment if fundamental, and pay near consideration to the accommodation due dates.
It's prudent to keep duplicates of all your records, counting the completed application shape, as well as confirmation of accommodation. This will serve as a reference in case of any errors or follow-up request.
Be Understanding and Arrange Ahead
The visa application preparation can be time-consuming, with preparing times changing from many days to a few weeks or indeed months. It's basic to yield your application well in development of your arranged travel dates. Delays can happen due to tall application volumes, security checks, or additional documentation requests.
Work out patience during the holding up period and resist the encouragement to contact the embassy or office too much. However, if you have concerns about the handling time, check the official site for any upgrades or contact the important specialists using the designated communication channels.
Consider Visa Assistance Administrations
For those who discover the visa application is overpowering or time-consuming, visa assistance administrations can be a profitable choice. These administrations, regularly given by third-party agencies, assist applicants in planning their archives, filling out application shapes, and navigating the accommodation preparation.
Whereas these administrations come at an extra fetch, they can spare you time and diminish the chance of mistakes in your application. Guarantee merely select a legitimate benefit supplier with a demonstrated track record of effective visa applications.
Navigating the visa application preparation requires constancy, consideration to detail, and patience. By conducting careful investigation, understanding the particular prerequisites for your chosen visa category, and submitting a well-prepared application, you increase your chances of securing the fundamental travel authorization.
Keep in mind, getting a visa is a step-by-step handle that demands careful planning and adherence to guidelines. Whether you're investigating unused horizons for recreation, instruction, or career opportunities, following the best hones outlined in this direct will clear the way for a smooth and effective visa application encounter. Secure voyages!
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marwahstudios · 3 months
Award of Distinction for Film “Aitmatovdun Aalamy” from Kyrgyzstan
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Noida: The 12th Global Festival of Journalism Noida’s esteemed film board has meticulously sifted through numerous compelling documentaries, ultimately selecting 20 outstanding films for recognition. Among these remarkable works is the Kyrgyzstani film “Aitmatovdun Aalamy”.
Films serve as potent conduits for cultural understanding and insight into a nation’s ethos. In the spirit of fostering mutual understanding and appreciation between nations, the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan has collaborated closely with the Indo Kyrgyzstan Film and Cultural Forum. Dr. Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios & founder of Noida Film City, a prominent figure spearheading this initiative, expressed his profound satisfaction at the partnership’s fruitful outcomes.
“We have been working hand in hand with the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan to promote and strengthen the bonds between our two nations,” remarked Dr. Marwah, highlighting the invaluable contributions of Kyrgyzstan to various significant events.
In recognition of its exceptional merit, Dr. Sandeep Marwah proudly announced the bestowal of the Award of Distinction upon the film “Aitmatovdun Aalamy”. This prestigious accolade serves as a testament to the film’s profound impact and its ability to encapsulate the essence of Kyrgyzstan’s rich cultural tapestry. The official certificate commemorating this distinction will soon be presented to the esteemed representatives at the office of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan.
The recognition garnered by “Aitmatovdun Aalamy” not only celebrates the artistry and creativity of its creators but also serves as a beacon of cultural diplomacy, fostering deeper connections and understanding between nations. The event was supported by Asian Unity Alliance, WPDRF, AAFT and ICMEI.
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allindiaproperty · 5 months
Embassy Plots Sarjapur – New Plotted Development in Bangalore
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Introduction to Embassy Plots Sarjapur
Welcome to the vibrant city of Bangalore, where innovation and growth converge at every corner. If you're on the lookout for a prime investment opportunity in this bustling metropolis, then look no further than Embassy Plots Sarjapur! This exclusive new plotted development offers a rare chance to own your piece of paradise in one of Bangalore's most sought-after locations. With its unbeatable amenities, strategic accessibility, and promising future prospects, Embassy Plots Sarjapur is set to become the epitome of luxurious living. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey as we explore all that this prestigious project has to offer. So, without any further delay, let’s dive into the world of Embassy Plots Sarjapur!
Location and Accessibility
Embassy Plots Sarjapur is strategically located in one of the most sought-after areas in Bangalore. Situated in Sarjapur, a rapidly developing suburb, this plotted development offers easy access to all major parts of the city. Sarjapur has witnessed tremendous growth, attracting numerous residential and commercial projects. Its proximity to IT hubs like Electronic City and Whitefield makes it an ideal location for professionals working in these areas. Moreover, Embassy Plots Sarjapur is well-connected to other parts of Bangalore through various modes of transportation. The area is served by a network of wide roads and highways, ensuring seamless connectivity to important landmarks such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and entertainment centers. For those who prefer public transport, several bus stops nearby provide convenient travel options. Additionally, the upcoming metro line extension will enhance connectivity and make commuting even more convenient for residents. Embassy Plots Sarjapur's prime location ensures easy accessibility from both within Bangalore and neighboring cities. Its close proximity to key business districts as well as its excellent connectivity make it an attractive choice for homebuyers looking for convenience and accessibility in their daily lives.
Amenities and Facilities
Embassy Plots Sarjapur offers a wide range of amenities and facilities to cater to the needs and preferences of its residents. With an emphasis on providing a luxurious lifestyle, this plotted development leaves no stone unturned when it comes to offering top-notch facilities. There is a well-equipped clubhouse where residents can unwind and socialize with their neighbors. The clubhouse boasts best facilities, including a gymnasium and swimming pool, allowing residents to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For those who enjoy outdoor activities, Embassy Plots Sarjapur provides ample open spaces for sports like tennis and basketball courts. Additionally, there are beautifully landscaped gardens where residents can take leisurely walks or simply relax amidst nature's tranquility. Safety is also given utmost priority at Embassy Plots Sarjapur with 24/7 security personnel patrolling the premises. This ensures that residents feel safe and secure within the community at all times. Furthermore, the development includes essential amenities such as a 24/7 water supply, power backup, sewage treatment plant (STP), rainwater harvesting system, etc., ensuring convenience and sustainability for its occupants. Embassy Plots Sarjapur aims to provide an elevated living experience by offering world-class amenities that enhance comfort, convenience, and overall quality of life for its esteemed residents.
Advantages of Investing in Embassy Plots Sarjapur
Embassy Plots Sarjapur offers numerous advantages for those looking to invest in a prime location in Bangalore. The project is strategically located in Sarjapur, one of the fastest-growing areas in the city. This ensures that investors will benefit from excellent connectivity and easy access to key destinations such as IT hubs, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping malls, and entertainment centers. Moreover, investing in Embassy Plots Sarjapur Bangalore provides buyers with an opportunity for substantial appreciation in property value over time. With its reputation as one of India's leading real estate developers known for their quality construction and timely delivery of projects, Embassy Group assures customers an investment that will yield attractive returns. Investing here also gives individuals the chance to build their dream homes according to their preferences while enjoying a secure living environment provided by 24/7 security surveillance systems. Embassy Plots Sarjapur offers a lucrative investment opportunity due to its strategic location, modern amenities & facilities, and potential for high returns on investment. Don't miss out on being part of this prestigious development!
Investing in Embassy Plots Sarjapur is a smart decision for those looking to own property in Bangalore. With its prime location, excellent amenities and facilities, and the backing of a reputable developer like Embassy Group, this plotted development offers great potential for growth and returns on investment. Located in the bustling neighborhood of Sarjapur, Embassy Plots provides easy accessibility to major IT hubs, educational institutions, healthcare centers, shopping malls, and entertainment options. The connectivity through well-developed roads makes commuting convenient for residents. The project boasts an array of amenities such as landscaped gardens, jogging tracks, clubhouse with sports facilities, children's play area and more. These features ensure that residents have access to a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle within the community itself. Moreover, investing in plots allows buyers the freedom to design their dream home according to their preferences. Whether it's a spacious villa or a cozy bungalow surrounded by greenery – the possibilities are endless when it comes to designing your own abode. If you are seeking a lucrative investment opportunity or planning to build your dream home in Bengaluru - look no further than Embassy Plots Sarjapur. With its strategic location amidst thriving infrastructure developments coupled with top-notch amenities provided by Embassy Group – this plotted development promises not only value appreciation but also an elevated living experience for its residents. So why wait? Take advantage of this golden opportunity today before all plots are taken!
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Papers, Please: 10 Years Later
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/papers-please-10-years-later/
Papers, Please: 10 Years Later
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Before we read and wrote, we moved. Stories of people moving – migrating – have been told since time immemorial. The Mexica journey to central Mexico; Moses leading the Jewish people across the desert; the founding of Rome – as told by Virgil – by those that fled the fall of Troy. Unsurprisingly, then, video games also tell stories of migration. On August 8, 2013, game designer Lucas Pope, the man behind the studio 3909, released Papers, Please, a game about managing migration.
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Papers, Please, subtitled “A Dystopian Document Thriller,” was for some the first time they played a game whose core design ethos challenged their worldviews and understanding. Other games have placed the topic of migration front and center. Path Out (Causa Creations, 2014), an adventure game that retells the journey of Abdullah Karam, a young Syrian artist who escapes the country’s decade-long civil war in 2014; and Escape from Woomera (2003), a game about a refugee, Mustafa, stuck in the infamous Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre in South Australia, are two stand-outs. Papers, Please tackles the subject from a different perspective. You play an inspector examining documents, determining whether a person can enter the fictional country of Arstotzka.
A decade after its release, the bureaucratic nightmare in Papers, Please is an increasing reality for many around the world. We see this on the news: anguished faces looking for prospects either fleeing war, environmental catastrophe, or lack of economic and social opportunities. According to the Migration Policy Institute, at the end of 2022, over 100 million people were displaced globally. Along with revisiting Papers, Please, I interviewed Pope for his perspective on the game 10 years on. I also talked to former United States diplomat Josef Burton, who worked in several consulates and embassies around the world processing visa applications, for his thoughts on the game.
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Papers, Please is an odd commercial success. According to Pope, the indie game sold over five million copies across all platforms between August 8, 2013 and August 8, 2023. It also received numerous awards and acclaim from players and critics alike. It’s one of only 36 video games in the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection, alongside Tetris, Street Fighter II, and Portal. Pope feels he owes his career to the game. “It’s hard to look back and be anything but proud of it,” he says. “It’s not perfect, and maintaining it for 10 years gave me a good look at that, but I still consider it my best work so far.” High praise considering Pope also released the critically acclaimed Return of the Obra Dinn in 2018.
The game’s visuals and themes are heavily influenced by the last decade of the Cold War. Its story shares much in common with the books of John le Carré, where spies – really just bureaucrats – are placed in impossible situations within geo-political struggles with grand implications. Most don’t survive. If they do, the price paid for completing their work is often too high. The same is true of The Inspector in Papers, Please. The game turns the player into a villain or anti-hero.
At the beginning of the game, progress depends on how well you follow a handbook of rules and regulations created by Arstotzka’s Ministry of Admission. As you play, the work of Custom and Border Protection officials stops being an abstraction. Players must protect the border and not allow those unauthorized by the Arstotzka’s Ministry of Admission to enter; thus, you make cold and crucial determinations about people’s futures. This sort of determination is made every day across borders all over the real world.
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Migration stories are enthralling. Migrants, refugees, and asylees are – in the sincerest sense of the word – the first entrepreneurs. Papers, Please is an important game because it contextualizes the broader issues relating to migration enforcement in a visceral and tangible way. The point is not to moralize but to tell a story via interactive means. Players who can stomach playing as the inspector get a view of Pope’s vision of a dystopian altered reality inspired by former Communist Bloc nations.
Burton has mixed feelings about the game and its portrayal of immigration control. “The fantasy of Papers, Please is brutal because you’re this inhuman bureaucrat,” he says. “There’s this plotting, droning music […] and there is this dystopic kind of feeling like in the first level of Half-Life 2. You’re like, ‘No, absolutely not! Let’s examine your papers. You don’t have enough papers.’ I think that we’ve departed from that. What I would take away from my time at the State Department, in the Foreign Service, and in Consular Affairs is that it’s much more insidious than you would think. In seven and a half years, I only caught one person based on just documents. And that case was a really sloppy attempt at identity theft.”
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Pope does not claim that Papers, Please represents the complexities of international immigration policy “in anything other than a vastly simplified way.” Ultimately, he chose to highlight “some of the bigger talking points, and there are hints of real-world associations, but to keep things flexible, I figured it was best to not follow reality too closely.”
Looking back, Pope adds, “When I made the game in 2013, immigration as a topic was in the news but felt to me like an issue that had made some recent progress and was on track to get better. Unfortunately, that was all an illusion – the situation for immigrants and refugees has only gotten worse since then. In a perfect world, the game would’ve fallen out of relevance immediately, and we wouldn’t be talking about it anymore.”
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Papers, Please is a Cold War tale. When I first played the game, the opening lyrics of Yellow Magic Orchestra’s song “Ballet” played in my head. “Turning faded pages…She was a refugee from across the wall. Acting out a story written in Air.” You turn a lot of paper in the game. You also can’t help but make up stories about each person who appears at your window to present their passports and other documents.
For Pope, the entire premise was “…mostly inspired by the mechanical side of the game’s design. Just moving the papers around was fun for me personally, and so I did my best to build on that. What kinds of things would a resource-limited border inspector see? How would they be expected to react? How can these activities be turned into interesting things for the player to do? The concept and setting were enough to keep the ideas coming until I felt like I had a whole game.”
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The earnestness of Papers, Please, overwhelms players. Waiting in line to be interviewed by an immigration official brings with it a feeling of uncertainty, maybe even insecurity. Readers of the German sociologist Max Weber might be familiar with how bureaucracy is dehumanizing by design. It must be impersonal to function at a large scale. Welcome to the machine. Pope doesn’t take this aspect of the system for granted.
Papers, Please forces players to make unethical decisions. I asked Pope what the gameplay loop at the heart of the game says about migration and border control. He responded, “Something I tried to capture in the game is the dehumanizing aspect of bureaucracy. I think border control is a good example of how rules made in one place in response to a political issue really look when they reach the actual people that enforce them and the people that are affected by them. Those bureaucracy-driven elements were convenient for the design too, where rules can change from day to day arbitrarily to ratchet up the pressure or direct the story.”
Oh, and how they change!
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The narrative design and gameplay in Papers, Please are at the zeitgeist of an epoch-defining trend: mass migration and increased border enforcement. The decade following Papers, Please has had a whirlwind of immigration policy changes and practices worldwide. Just this year alone in the United States, we witnessed the end of Title 42 (pandemic-era immigration restrictions in the United States), a backlog of over one million asylum applications as of May 2023, overworked staff, and a sharp increase in student visa denials. Globally, people are leaving their homes. Spurred by large-scale armed conflicts, economic devastation, climate change, and the hope of opportunity, rationally, people migrate. We haven’t seen migration at this scale since the Second World War. Imagine being the inspector in Papers, Please and processing immigration claims by people on the Southern border of the United States or in Eastern Europe processing Ukrainian refugees at the Polish border.
Pope spoke about players telling him “…that the game reflected their experience immigrating from one place to another and the complications they faced. All horror stories, basically.” The bureaucratic work players are tasked with in Papers, Please is not dissimilar from that performed by Customs and Border Patrol, specifically before the creation of the Asylum Corps (a cadre of officers trained to review and adjudicate domestic refugee processing) in 1991. In its inception, the Asylum Corps was predominantly composed of individuals trained in immigration law. Before the Asylum Corps’ creation, it was the job of border inspectors to adjudicate asylum claims on top of their other duties. Asylees are the ones who would fall under the purview of the inspector in Papers, Please, as these individuals have to present themselves at a legal port of entry and state their claim to asylum.
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Papers, Please gamifies the process of policing migration. Yet, one key distinction between migration processing in Papers, Please, and our contemporary world is how borders now operate as extended zones, often outside the specific national border itself. Burton shared his insights on this matter. “Borders as a larger expanded geographical defuse area is a super recent phenomenon,” he says. “We are talking about 15 to 20 years ago. For example, the U.S. Customs and Board Agency starts functioning as far south as Peru. The U.S. border really starts at the Guatemala-Mexico border. The border with Europe starts in Mali, in Niger, in Burkina Faso, and moves through to the Mediterranean by the time you need border officials.”
As previously noted by Pope, this and other trends and procedures relating to migration are not covered by Papers, Please. The game offers an overly simplified version of migration control, both to the game’s benefit and to its detriment. It is not a complete or accurate depiction of the lived experiences of migrants and asylum-seekers. Also, deeply coloring its perspectives are older and now largely defunct ways in which destination countries (places where immigrants would like to ultimately reside) process migrants at their borders.
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Burton sees Papers, Please as “…almost like a replay of the 20th century’s ideas about borders. Which I think are shaped by, and the policy imperatives come by, the testimonies of all the people in Europe after the Second World War of the idea of being at the border and not being allowed in. Well, in the present day, you are not even going to get to the border. You already go through a period of scrutiny [before arriving at the country of destination] […] I had a pretty unique experience where I was the guy saying ‘no,’ but usually as part of an extremely diffuse process. I also think that it’s interesting that Papers, Please is set in an environment in what I guess you’ll call ‘real existing socialism.’ It’s clearly supposed to be in a Romania or Albania kind of analog. In a hyper isolated kind of independent eastern European communist country.” These kinds of “isolated” countries are rarer today.
Papers, Please is a towering achievement, regardless of how its mechnaics and view of migration differ from reality. Few games are as bold and interweave narrative and gameplay so succinctly. The game’s themes are malleable to the specific societal context that the player brings. Routinely, it’s used by academics in classrooms and continues to captivate players looking for more than just a few hours of entertainment.
A decade after its release, Papers, Please stands as a singular vision that is myopic, bleak, and unflinching. It is also riveting. The game is an example of Pope’s strong belief in the power of interactive media to build empathy. According to Pope, “If Papers, Please can raise awareness about these issues, then I’m very happy. I think a fundamental problem with understanding migration is that the topic is so distant from most people’s comfortable daily experience. Having the situations and challenges right up in your face, subject to your choices can hopefully encourage more empathetic ways to think about them.”
This article originally appeared in Issue 361 of Game Informer
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scholarshint · 7 months
GTB Internship Programme 2024
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GTB Internship Programme 2024: The GTB Internship Programme 2024 is a program offered by GTBank, one of Nigeria's leading financial institutions, to provide young graduates with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various departments within the bank. The GTB Internship Programme 2024 provides a fantastic opportunity for graduates to receive comprehensive training in the field of Banking operations. By assisting the Transaction Services team at GTB, interns will gain valuable hands-on experience and receive a competitive salary. The Internship Program is a great way to obtain basic knowledge about Banking operations. In this article, we will be examining the step-by-step process for the application. GTB Internship Programme Summary - Host: Guaranty Trust Bank GTB - Category: Internships - Eligible Country: Nigeria - Reward: Monthly Stipends | Attractive compensation - Deadline: Not Specified Eligibility Requirements for GTB Internship Programme To be considered for the GTB Internship Programme, you must: - One-year Industrial Training Letter from an Accredited Polytechnic - Guarantor Forms, Guarantor Staff ID Card  -Only One Guarantor is required if the Guarantor is a GTBank staff on ABO grade and above  -Two Guarantors are required if the Guarantor is a non GTBank staff. These Guarantors must work with recognized blue-chip companies full time. - Valid Student ID Card, Passport Photograph (White background only) - Birth certificate/Sworn Declaration of Age - SSCE (WAEC/NECO) Certificate with at least a credit pass in English Language, Mathematics and any other three relevant subjects. - Good communication skills, basic numerical skills and a willingness to learn. Benefits of GTB Internship Programme 2024 - Monthly Stipends - Other attractive bonuses Required Documents To apply, candidates must be ready to submit the following documents; - One-year Industrial Training Letter from an Accredited Polytechnic - Guarantor Forms, Guarantor Staff ID Card  -Only One Guarantor is required if the Guarantor is a GTBank staff on ABO grade and above  -Two Guarantors are required if the Guarantor is a non GTBank staff. These Guarantors must work with recognized blue-chip companies full time. - Valid Student ID Card, Passport Photograph (White background only) - Birth certificate/Sworn Declaration of Age - SSCE (WAEC/NECO) Certificate with at least a credit pass in English Language, Mathematics and any other three relevant subjects. How to Apply for GTB Internship Programme (Step by Step) Interested in applying for the GTB Internship Programme? Here is the step by step process to follow; - Click the link below to access the application portal. - Fill the form attached with your correct details - Attached the requested documents - Submit your applications.  official website: To know more about the GTB internship program, CLICK HERE to visit the official website. ALSO CHECKOUT: SCHOLARSHINT’S RECOMMENDATION FOR YOU! 😃 - Embassy of France Scholarship for Nigerian Students 2024 - Harvard University MBA Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded) - Study-in-UK: Eni University of Oxford Scholarship 2024 - King Abdulaziz University Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded) -  List of Fully Funded Scholarships for Masters Students 2024 - 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Scholarship - Must-Have Documents for Scholarship Applications in 2024  We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, thoughts, or experiences you’d like to share, we encourage you to leave a comment below. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to more updates via the bell icon. Disclaimer: Scholarship is an independent publisher, The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek more clarified details from the source’s official website   Read the full article
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visamintglobal · 8 months
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Milestone Achievement: US Consulate Surpasses 1 Million Visas Issued
In a remarkable milestone, the US consulate has exceeded one million non-immigrant visa issuances, with 10% of these being granted to Indian applicants. As per a report from usembassy.gov, the breakdown of visa types includes 20% for students and 65% for employment purposes.
Notably, the consulate reported a 20% increase in visas issued in 2023 compared to the pre-COVID year of 2019, despite facing limitations in personnel for visa processing. The newly established US consulate in Hyderabad has alleviated some of the workload from the existing consulates in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai. This new facility exclusively handles visa interviews, while biometrics, drop-box submissions, and passport pick-ups are managed through the Visa Application Centre (VAC).
The contributions of Indian visitors, whether for tourism, education, business, or investment, significantly impact the US economy. The introduction of interview waivers for certain visa categories, along with remote work options for staff to expedite visa processing, has played a pivotal role in achieving this historic visa issuance record. Embassies have diligently worked through pandemic-related application backlogs, resulting in a substantial improvement in interview scheduling, which had previously faced delays of up to two years.
This accomplishment underlines the robust partnership between India and the USA, reflecting a step forward in strengthening cooperation and fostering mutually beneficial policies for both nations to flourish effortlessly.
With a streamlined process for engaging with the USA, Indians now have the opportunity to pursue education, employment, or simply explore the country. Ensuring proper documentation and a clear purpose for the visit are crucial steps. At VisaMint Overseas Services, we are dedicated to realizing your dreams of international travel, leveraging our expertise from numerous successful applications. We understand the mix of excitement and anticipation that comes with embarking on a new journey in a foreign land, and we stand ready to guide you at every stage. Apply now to kickstart your journey!
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anuj1111 · 8 months
PGWP, Flagpoling, and Canadian Citizenship
Canada has long been a welcoming destination for immigrants, offering numerous pathways to achieving the dream of building a life in this beautiful and diverse country. In this blog, we will explore three crucial aspects of Canada's immigration system: the Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), the concept of Flagpoling, and the Canadian Citizenship application process. By understanding these key elements, you can better plan your immigration journey and make informed decisions about your future in the Great White North.
1. Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP)
The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) is an invaluable immigration tool for international students who wish to gain Canadian work experience after completing their studies. Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: To be eligible for a PGWP, you must have completed a program of study at a designated learning institution in Canada and have graduated from a program that lasts at least eight months. The PGWP can be issued for a duration of up to three years, depending on the length of your program.
   a. Gain Canadian Work Experience: The PGWP allows you to work in Canada, gaining valuable experience that can count towards your future immigration goals.
   b. Open Work Permit: Unlike most work permits, the PGWP is an open work permit, meaning you are not restricted to a specific employer or location, providing you with flexibility in your job search.
   c. Pathway to Permanent Residency: Gaining Canadian work experience through the PGWP can make you eligible for various immigration programs, such as the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), which can lead to permanent residency.
2. Flagpoling: A Creative Immigration Strategy
Flagpoling is a unique and sometimes underutilized method for renewing or changing your Canadian immigration status. It involves leaving Canada and re-entering at a border crossing or a Canadian consulate or embassy abroad to update your immigration documents. Flagpoling can be particularly useful when dealing with PGWP and other immigration matters. Here's how it works:
Renewing Your PGWP: If your PGWP is about to expire, you can flagpole to extend it. During the process, you will be issued a new work permit with an updated expiry date, allowing you to continue working in Canada.
Changing Your Status: Flagpoling can also be used to change your status from a temporary resident to a permanent resident. For instance, if you are eligible for Express Entry, flagpoling can be a quick way to obtain your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR).
Important Considerations:
   a. Prepare Proper Documentation: Ensure you have all the required documents, such as a job offer, study permit, or a positive Express Entry profile, when flagpoling.
   b. Border Wait Times: Be aware of potential wait times at border crossings, and choose a suitable location for flagpoling.
3. Canadian Citizenship Application
Once you've spent time in Canada as a temporary resident or a permanent resident, you may aspire to become a Canadian citizen:
   a. Permanent Residency: Generally, you must have been a permanent resident for at least 1,095 days out of the last five years before applying for citizenship.
   b. File Taxes: You must file your taxes for at least three years within the five-year period, demonstrating your commitment to Canadian society.
Language and Knowledge: You will need to prove your proficiency in English or French and pass a citizenship test that assesses your knowledge of Canada's history, values, symbols, and institutions.
Benefits of Canadian Citizenship:
   a. Full Rights and Benefits: As a Canadian citizen, you enjoy the same rights and benefits as those born in Canada, including access to healthcare and social services.
   b. Security and Stability: Canadian citizenship provides security and stability, as you are no longer subject to the rules and regulations of temporary residency.
   c. Passport: With Canadian citizenship, you can apply for a Canadian passport, allowing for easy international travel.
Canada's immigration system offers a wide range of opportunities for international students and newcomers to build a life in this beautiful and diverse country. Understanding the Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), the concept of Flagpoling, and the Canadian Citizenship application process is crucial for making informed decisions about your immigration journey. By utilizing these tools and pathways, you can unlock the potential for a brighter future in Canada.
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lexidys-blog · 8 months
Golden Visa in Spain
Spain, a country known for its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant lifestyle, has a lot more to offer than just a tourist destination. It beckons individuals seeking a second home, business opportunities, or a European gateway through its Golden Visa in Spain program. The Golden Visa not only grants you residency but also provides access to Spain's high-quality healthcare and education systems, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a European lifestyle.
The Golden Visa in Spain is an attractive opportunity for individuals looking to obtain European residency. This program, introduced in 2013, allows non-EU citizens to secure Spanish residency by making a significant investment in the country. Spain offers various investment options, with real estate being the most popular. To qualify for the program, you need to make a minimum investment of €500,000 in Spanish property.
What is a Golden Visa?
A Golden Visa, also known as an Investor Visa, is a residency-by-investment program offered by various countries, including Spain. It enables non-EU citizens to obtain residency in exchange for making a significant investment in the country. The program serves as an attractive option for those who wish to live, work, or retire in a foreign country and gain access to the European market.
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Spain's Golden Visa Program
Spain introduced its Golden Visa program in 2013 to stimulate foreign investment and boost its economy. It has since gained popularity for its flexibility and numerous benefits. The program offers a pathway to Spanish residency, allowing investors and their families to live, work, and study in Spain.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for Spain's Golden Visa, you need to meet specific criteria. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a clean criminal record, and not be in Spain irregularly. The main requirement is making a qualifying investment, which we will discuss in the following section.
Investment Options
Spain offers several investment options to obtain a Golden Visa. The most common one is real estate investment, which requires a minimum investment of €500,000. Additionally, you can invest €2 million in Spanish government bonds or deposit €1 million in a Spanish bank. Investing in a Spanish company or creating job opportunities can also lead to residency.
Benefits of a Golden Visa in Spain
Obtaining a Golden Visa in Spain comes with various advantages. It provides the flexibility to travel within the Schengen Area, which comprises 26 European countries, without the need for additional visas. Moreover, it offers access to Spain's excellent healthcare and education systems. Golden Visa holders can also apply for permanent residency or Spanish citizenship after specific periods.
Application Process
The application process for a Golden Visa in Spain is relatively straightforward. You must submit your application at the Spanish Consulate or Embassy in your home country. After approval, you'll receive a visa for one year, which can be renewed. The renewal process can eventually lead to permanent residency.
Documents Required: When applying for a Golden Visa, you'll need to provide various documents, including a valid passport, proof of investment, a clean criminal record certificate, and health insurance. The specific requirements may vary depending on your chosen investment option.
Processing Time: The processing time for a Golden Visa in Spain can vary, but it typically takes a few months. It's essential to ensure that all your documents are in order to avoid delays.
Renewal and Permanent Residency: After the initial visa is granted, you can renew it every two years, as long as you maintain your investment. After five years, you can apply for permanent residency. If you plan to live in Spain permanently, you can apply for Spanish citizenship after ten years.
Comparing Spain's Golden Visa with Other Countries
While Spain's Golden Visa program is enticing, it's essential to compare it with similar programs in other European countries to determine which one suits your needs best. Portugal, Greece, and Malta also offer competitive residency-by-investment options.
Tax Implications
Before obtaining a Golden Visa, it's crucial to understand the tax implications. Spain has its tax laws, and you should consult with a tax advisor to ensure compliance.
Real Estate Investment in Spain
Investing in real estate in Spain is a popular choice for obtaining a Golden Visa. The country's diverse landscapes, from stunning coastlines to historic cities, make it an attractive option. Additionally, it can be a lucrative investment opportunity.
Common Misconceptions
There are several misconceptions surrounding Golden Visas. One common misunderstanding is that you need to reside in Spain continuously. In reality, you only need to visit Spain once a year to maintain your Golden Visa.
Spain's Golden Visa program is an excellent way to gain European residency while enjoying the country's rich culture and diverse landscapes. It offers a variety of investment options, numerous benefits, and a relatively straightforward application process. So, if you've ever dreamt of living in the heart of Europe, the Golden Visa in Spain may be your golden ticket.
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bookoformon · 8 months
Alma Chapter 58. Part 1. "The Provisions."
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Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the city of Manti by a stratagem—The Lamanites withdraw—The sons of the people of Ammon are preserved as they stand fast in defense of their liberty and faith. About 63–62 B.C. וב‎ "and in" which refers to finally crossing the Jordan.
="To illuminate that which brings light to the darkness affecting social welfare."
1 And behold, now it came to pass that our next object was to obtain the city of Manti; "the Ten Harpstrings" but behold, there was no way that we could lead them out of the city by our small bands. For behold, they remembered that which we had hitherto done; therefore we could not decoy them away from their strongholds.
2 And they were so much more numerous than was our army that we durst not go forth and attack them in their strongholds.
3 Yea, and it became expedient that we should employ our men to the maintaining those parts of the land which we had regained of our possessions; therefore it became expedient that we should wait, that we might receive more strength from the land of Zarahemla and also a new supply of provisions.
Decoys are games we play with little kids to get them to stand in line, don't pee on other people, don't pull hair, don't call names, don't throw sand in the sandbox, raise your hand before speaking etc.
When these principals don't work and one finds oneself within an adult population using adult resources to engage in acts of terrorism and violence against the rest, then something needs to change in the way society is disciplined.
As the verse says about Manti there shouldn't be issues with adherence to the Ten Commandments anywhere on this world but ours is filled with them. The Book of Alma says every church on the land and every public official needs to be warned when this is happening:
4 And it came to pass that I thus did send an embassy to the governor of our land, to acquaint him concerning the affairs of our people. And it came to pass that we did wait to receive provisions and strength from the land of Zarahemla, "the place of enlightenment".
5 But behold, this did profit us but little; for the Lamanites were also receiving great strength from day to day, and also many provisions; and thus were our circumstances at this period of time. =lobbyists like from the disgusting and treacherous Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation.
6 And the Lamanites were sallying forth against us from time to time, resolving by stratagem to destroy us; nevertheless we could not come to battle with them, because of their retreats and their strongholds.
7 And it came to pass that we did wait in these difficult circumstances for the space of many months, even until we were about to perish for the want of food.
8 But it came to pass that we did receive food, AKA the Torah, which was guarded to us by an army of two thousand men to our assistance; and this is all the assistance which we did receive, to defend ourselves and our country from falling into the hands of our enemies, yea, to contend with an enemy which was innumerable.
9 And now the cause of these our embarrassments, or the cause why they did not send more strength unto us, we knew not; therefore we were grieved and also filled with fear, lest by any means the judgments of God should come upon our land, to our overthrow and utter destruction.
10 Therefore we did pour out our souls in prayer to God, that he would strengthen us and deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, yea, and also give us strength that we might retain our cities, and our lands, and our possessions, for the support of our people.
11 Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him.
12 And we did take courage with our small force which we had received, and were fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies, and to maintain our lands, and our possessions, and our wives, and our children, and the cause of our liberty.
13 And thus we did go forth with all our might against the Lamanites, who were in the city of Manti; and we did pitch our tents by the wilderness side, which was near to the city.
Again, 2,000 stripling hands means we need to follow the Dream of Jacob and use the information in the Torah to overcome the animal beast nature of the Republicans and their flock of fuckups that are ruining this planet.
They have left us with quite a large scope of work, not the least being we have to train an entire new generation of Americans what life is like without the tyranny of politics and weird religions interrupting the peace.
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taaltourism · 8 months
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Welcome to Taal Tourism: The Best Travel Agency In Dubai
Welcome to Taal Tourism, your trusted travel agency based in Dubai, dedicated to providing seamless and efficient visa services for worldwide travel. Our mission is to assist you in fulfilling your dreams of exploring the world by simplifying the visa application process and ensuring a smooth travel experience.
 Our Services
Visa Consultation and Assistance
Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed with the visa requirements of numerous countries across the globe. We provide expert guidance and comprehensive support throughout the entire visa application process, ensuring that all necessary documents are in order and submitted accurately.
Tailored Visa Solutions
At Taal Tourism, we understand that each traveler's needs are unique. We customize our services to cater to your specific travel requirements, whether it's for leisure, business, family visits, or any other purpose. Our tailored visa solutions ensure that you obtain the right visa for your journey.
Visa Application Processing
We handle the entire visa application process, from start to finish. Our team takes care of filling out forms, gathering necessary documents, and liaising with relevant authorities to process your visa application efficiently. We keep you informed at every step, providing a hassle-free experience.
Document Verification and Review
Accuracy and completeness of your visa application documents are critical for a successful application. We meticulously review and verify all your documents, ensuring they meet the requirements of the respective country's embassy or consulate.
Expert Guidance and Advice
We provide expert advice on visa types, entry requirements, and any changes in visa policies. Our team is here to address all your queries and concerns, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans.
Customer Support
Our dedicated customer support team is available round the clock to assist you with any inquiries or issues you may have. We believe in providing excellent customer service and ensuring your satisfaction at every stage of the visa application process.
Discover World with Taal Tourism:Your Gateway to Unforgettable Adventures
Taal Tourism, the best tourism company in Dubai, is more than just a travel agency; we are your travel partner, guiding you through the wonders of World and ensuring you have a seamless and delightful travel experience. Our team of passionate and experienced professionals is committed to crafting tailor-made itineraries that suit your preferences, making your trip a dream come true.
Why Taal Tourism?
Personalized Travel Solutions
We understand that every traveler is unique, and so are their aspirations. Our dedicated travel experts work closely with you to design tailor-made itineraries that align with your desires and expectations. Your journey with us is crafted to be an extension of your dreams.
Unmatched Expertise
Our team possesses an in-depth understanding of travel dynamics and trends. Drawing upon our expertise and extensive knowledge of destinations, we ensure you experience the best of each location, providing insights that go beyond the ordinary.
Exemplary Customer Service
Your comfort and satisfaction are our priority. From the moment you inquire about a trip to the time you return home, we provide seamless support and assistance, ensuring a smooth and delightful travel experience. Your happiness is our success.
Global Network and Partnerships
We have forged strong relationships with a global network of reputable partners, including hotels, airlines, tour operators, and local guides. This allows us to offer you competitive prices and exclusive access to a wide array of travel options.
Why Choose Taal Tourism For Visa Services?
Reliability: Taal Tourism is known for its reliability and efficiency in handling visa applications. We strive to make the process as smooth as possible, leaving you stress-free and excited about your upcoming journey.
Expertise: With our team of seasoned professionals, we possess in-depth knowledge of global visa regulations and requirements. We leverage this expertise to ensure your application stands the best chance of approval.
Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our priority. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and provide personalized assistance to ensure a seamless experience.
Global Reach: Taal Tourism has established connections with embassies and consulates worldwide, enabling us to assist you in obtaining visas for a wide range of destinations.
Let's Plan Your Next Adventure!
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Taal Tourism. Let us be your compass to navigate the world's wonders. Contact us today to start planning your next extraordinary adventure!
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