#we put a libre on him but they wouldnt just send me the link for the data export instructions???
fairy-ganj-mother · 3 months
why are all the veterinarians and vet techs in my life some of the best people but then I can't find a vet office that doesn't totally piss me off for my cat🥲
#apollo really needs his other mom tbh#poor diabetic baby cannot find a vet who cares enough to tell me what the fuck to do to get his glucose curve#even when ive paid high fees and gone thru all the right channels to ask#he's been diagnosed for over 6 months and we almost have his first curve done#his alphatrak didnt work#we put a libre on him but they wouldnt just send me the link for the data export instructions???#they asked a bunch of condescending questions like if i took any readings while it was on him#bitch of fucking course i did#are you fucking kidding me#and then said to just write down the data - date time glucose - for every reading#there are 110 readings???? what a goddamn waste of my time? bc i know the app can probs export all this in 2 seconds????#also there's data in between the readings that they wouldnt get from me writing it down????????#so stupid#my questions were valid but for some reason could not be answered until the third person that i talked to?????#and also i called and then they didnt know so i got texts later and then i was like uhhh you clearly dont understand the q#and asked them to call me back today#also bc it was 8pm and i was stoned and was like wtf im not doing this rn#so today.... they text me again! and start with oh we see you asked for a call but we like text#and im like yall must like miscommunication bc that's all that's happening#ugh im so annoyed#i just want my cat to be taken care of and his diabetes to be better managed!#im doing my best like his last vet was super hands off and weird once he got diagnosed so we switched#and i told them my issues and they were like wow thats odd#but this only miscommunicating via text shit is not cool#ugh okay this is so long for a rant abt my cats vet#but he is my world and he is unwell so it's really important to me and frustrating as hell too#t
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