#we have to consider Hresvelg Grey but given how the nin dev interview from 2020 dgaf about it
randomnameless · 1 month
"#IDK IF THOSE 10K YEARS OF LORE WERE EVEN GOING TO BE CONSISTENT" I feel like the 10k lore (if it even exists‚ cause I feel like at that point they would have sold it already) at the very least‚ a single event happen at Year X then a huge time jump to Year Y for event Z with maybe a little bit of background explanation then repeat until 10k. I also think that I would have the reaction‚ "Okay but none of this is important to the games." At most it would affect the Agarthans‚ but they are so(1/2)
evil that it would feel like you're forcing sympathies when the games barely show reasons to give them. There's also the Nabateans‚ but I don't really know what could be said to expand upon them (maybe why two saints decide to live alone and in non-human form). Anyways‚ any reveals you would want to show up in the 10k lore (‚ and any that don't conflict with the setting's love for Grey tea)? (2/2)
Yeah, I think so too, we wouldn't have something as detailed as "-10000 Sothis creates the world but then still explores the infinite space ; -9987 Sothis' spaceship crashes in this new world she created, -9980 Sothis says hello to the inhabitants living there" etc etc.
IIRC the other timelines also have huge gaps like what you suggest, even if they don't cover 10k years lol
As for what I'd have prefered...
Well, it's no surprise I'm a sucker for WoH events, but I guess even some "-1400 Nabateans start visiting other places than the continent where Zanado is" could have been nice, or even some sort of rough draft of how events happened regarding Agarthans, we know from word of God they were salty about Sothis and her kin having power but at one time they were sharing tech at least peacefully, until the Agarthans started to nuke other lands and, in time, tried to nuke Sothis herself.
Also, maybe more intel about what Fodlan was like before Willy and Seiros created Adrestia and started the WoH.
However, I disagree, even the random "-9874 Sothis brings a lamp to the first humans she sees" is, relevant to the game because we have two factions (and a clown) drastically opposed to the idea that Sothis and humans/people could/can coexist in Fodlan. In that sense, unless they only reveal events like big eruptions or flood or whatnot, intel depicting Sothis/her kids as not tyrannical ovelords who are colonising people or whatever was being said in a certain discord is bound to cause friction with those two major factions - no one gives a fig about Agarthans bar some very devoted people, but Supreme Leader? What would happen to "You are a Nabatean you cannot rule over Humans" if the 10k years of lore reveal that humans, under Sothis' guidance, thrived and lived peacefully until Agarthan salt became too salty and was used to create missiles?
Nonetheless, I'd like to have some intel on how the "first" Nabatean-Agarthan war happened and ended, if Sothis "healing" the land meant she also re-created "humans" at the end of this conflict (like Raphael ?) or if Agarthans call beast the "humans" who sided with Nabateans in this war, and the setting of the War of Heroes, why Seiros'n'Willy took 14 years after declaring the war to fight in Gronder, why did it take so long, how that happened, how Cichol'n'co joined, if other Nabateans were part of the war effort, etc etc.
lbr i just want to know how many times Rhea had to fake her death and how many wigs she pulled off from 100 to 1180 with no one noticing that she's the same person
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