#we have been very productive today [buzzer noise]
ehnrat · 10 months
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 14
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationships: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con elements, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, very dark casual reminder: this story is r o u g h. themes of rape, kidnapping, power imbalances, etc.. This story does not depict healthy or safe relationships. Trigger warnings for explicit torture, blood, vomit, and the usual. be advised, be safe.
Bucky hadn’t been a good guy in a really long time. He’d done horrible, horrible things and the majority of the remorse he felt was how it all had impacted Steve. The blond had been so distraught when he first pulled Buck out of cryo, a shell of the man he’d been before. He recited information when asked, followed direction without question, never complained about anything. There were no memories, not of his happiness with Steve, not of his betrayal at the hands of Howard Stark, not of his murders. Steve had cried. He vividly remembered the tears and the feel of the taller man’s arms wrapped almost suffocatingly tight around him.
It was Steve who brought him back to himself, as much as he could be brought back. He wasn’t the same man that he once was, but Steve still loved him and that was all that mattered. And in all fairness, Steve himself wasn’t the same man either. The betrayal had hardened him, the ice had frozen his core and never quite thawed. He was still Stevie, still the golden retriever of a man, but his teeth were sharper and his snarl more vicious. There was a bite behind the bark now that hadn’t existed before.
Their development had taken place separately but they still fit together. Bucky and Steve were still two pieces of the same puzzle, they fit together so perfectly that changing the edges of one just caused the other to adapt and warp themselves.
Warped was a good word. Steve and Bucky were still Steven Grant Rogers, Captain America, and James Buchannan Barnes, Sergeant of the 107th, but they were warped. They were still them, but the ice had caused cracks in the surface and the debris had fallen away to reveal sharper, more dangerous edges.
As Bucky watched Penny walk several steps in front of him, he wondered what the Original Bucky would’ve thought. Buck had been a good kid, if a player, back in the day. He’d been respectful and kind, would never think to even look at a dame wrong. Was it dark to think he would of killed himself back then, if he knew what the future held?
“Where are we going?”
It was quiet, almost a whisper, their doll feeling the change in atmosphere and getting nervous. Her shoulders were raised up to her ears, arms wrapped around her torso.
"Come here doll," Bucky pulled her back slightly to walk next to him, tucking her under his flesh arm, "we're going to take care of you, don't worry."
"What do you mean?" Her voice shook and he could feel her tremble under his grasp, "why—"
"Hush babydoll."
The tremble increased to full out shaking as the elevator descended, Penny's eyelids fluttering slightly as she visibly tried to regain control of herself. Bucky's enhanced hearing meant he could hear her heart thundering in her chest and he passed Steve a steadying look. They would comfort her after, when she was desperate and seeking any sort of safety.
Getting Penny to crack was going to be a trial and he wished he was more reluctant to make it happen. Instead the idea was almost relieving; it was the first step in moving her along on the path to acceptance.
When the elevator came to a stop, he had to push her along down the corridor. Her little bare feet squeaked against the tile every few steps, heels dragging in an almost unconscious show of resistance. Poor thing didn't even know what was happening, just that she needed to be frightened. That something was coming.
"This way doll," he steered her into the observation room connected to Rumlow's temporary quarters, squeezing her shaking shoulders gently. The light was turned out, she couldn't see what was on the other side of the glass, but instinctively she knew it was horrible.
"You've been real bad today, precious," Steve told her softly as he stepped around them, deeper into the room, heading towards a control panel just in front of the mirror, "you know how we feel about consequences."
"You're an adult, you know better than to throw temper tantrums," Bucky adjusted his arms to wrap around her, pressing her tightly against his chest.
He brushed his nose against her cheekbone, eyes locked on the mirror in front of them. Penny couldn't see, but his vision was even better than Steve's and Bucky was fully aware of Rumlow watching them. The man was propped against a wall, stripped down to a dirty pair of jeans and beat to shit. His entire torso was a mottled mess, bruised in gruesome blacks and purples. His eyes were swollen, his lips split and his nose was broken and smashed to the side.
Rumlow could see Penny just fine if the dark look in his blood shot eyes was any indication. Bucky wondered what was going through the man's head, wondered if he was scared or angry.
A whine escaped Penny, a short, terrified noise ripped from her throat. Danger was suffocating the air, the sound of some kind of buzzer making her jump in Bucky's arms. Slowly, several dim lights began flickering on in the room on the other side of the glass, one by one illuminating the room.
He could tell the second Penny laid eyes on Rumlow, the second she registered who he was. Her body locked up in terror so violently it resembled rigor mortis, her muscles turning to stone beneath his hands. The only thing moving was the jumping of her pulse, throbbing at a startling pace under her flesh.
"Sometimes, it helps to have reminders," Bucky ran his hands up her sides under her shirt, “Of what happens when you’re naughty. Of what could happen if you’re naughty.”
“We promised we’d never hurt you baby and we’d never break that promise,” the blond pressed a button on the wall causing another buzzer to go off, followed by an air lock sound as a hidden door shifted out from beside the two way mirror.
The small cry of fear that came from Penny was heart wrenching, the way she pressed back against Bucky as the door slid open made his chest pound. He loved that she would try to find comfort in his presence. Somewhere in her brain, Penny knew that he would take care of her when she was in distress, when she was scared or in danger. It would’ve been nice to comfort her properly, but instead he forced her closer to the window while Steve stepped into the prison room and Buck shut the door behind him.
“We’d never hurt you, precious,” he repeated softly into her ear, one hand coming up to hold her chin firmly while the other stayed locked around her waist, “so we’ll hurt someone else instead.”
“What is this?” Bucky felt the goosebumps spread over her skin, felt her hair literally stand on end.
She remembered his voice. Bucky was sure she remembered the words he’d said that night, all of them. The taunts. He wondered if she recalled every sound he made while she couldn’t move, couldn’t shout for help. If she remembered the fear and the pain and the humiliation as vividly as he could imagine it.
And then Steve’s fist slammed into the man’s face with enough force that Bucky could practically feel it from the other room. A shudder ran through Penny’s entire body; the sound of pain Rumlow made was like a wounded animal, full of primal fear and desperation.
“Get off,” Penny gasped, pressing against Bucky’s hold as hard as she could, “get off me, oh God—”
Her entire body was primed to run, he could feel her muscles bunching under his hands, could hear her heart thundering in her chest. She wasn’t strong enough to force even a few inches of separation and he locked his arm tighter around her waist. He was careful not to dig his fingers into her chin too hard, not wanting to put bruises on her pretty face. Her punishment would be just as effective if she came out of it completely physically unharmed.
“Shh babydoll,” he crooned, brushing his lips over the shell of her ear, “you know, one of Stevie’s talents has always been interrogation. Getting information out of Nazis was easy, they were all pussy bastards. This future though, it’s harder. He’s always had some aggression issues and they got worse with the serum, but this helps him work through it productively. Well, not in this case. In this case he’s just going to cause as much pain in the next hour as he can without mortally wounding him. It took you just about an hour to destroy the kitchen, so we rounded up.”
“I-I don’t,” Penny hiccupped on her words, terror eating her up inside, “Please, p-please, I—”
She couldn’t finish her sentence before Steve bodily lifted Rumlow and tossed him against the wall with petrifying ease. A sharp cry escaped the man, a bone chilling wail as he hit the ground, leaving a distinct crack behind on the wall. Penny trembled against his chest, watching Steve grab Rumlow by the hair and drag him to his feet.
“He’s in a lot of pain, Penny doll,” Bucky whispered, caressing her jaw with his thumb delicately, “Stevie probably broke a couple of his ribs, if not several vertebrae.”
“Oh god,” her tone was a mix of a gasp and a retch.
“Now see, watch what he’s doing baby,” he murmured, directing her attention at the way Steve was examining Rumlow’s ribs with deft touches, “Rumlow’s had broken ribs before, might have some now right? So Stevie’s looking for the weak points. Oh, there he found one.”
An audible crack echoed in the room, followed by a scream. Penny flinched back against Bucky’s chest with a soft whine, he could see in the reflection that she’d squeezed her eyes shut. The thrill her terror sent through him would’ve made Original Bucky puke. He knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the excitement was not natural. There shouldn’t have been such an impatient undercurrent in his soul for her to start crying, for her to need his comfort even more.
Steve broke at least 5 ribs with deft, casual hits to Rumlow’s torso. Penny was just trembling in terror and Bucky hid his sigh as she pressed back against him. His eyes caught movement in his peripheral vision and he flicked his eyes up to see Steve gesturing to Penny. Her eyes were pressed closed while his hand continued to hold her face in place and he stroked his thumb gently over her jaw.
“Open your eyes, precious,” Steve’s voice was crystal clear through the microphone and they both knew she was aware of how much the blond enjoyed having to repeat himself when they immediately fluttered open.
“That’s a good girl, Penny,” Bucky moved the hand from her chin to stroke her hair back from where it fell on her forehead, “you don’t get to look away.”
Steve dropped Rumlow to his knees, receiving another agonized sound of pain from the man for his efforts along with a whine of fear from Penny. The blond was sure he’d think she was pretty in every situation ever, but she looked especially sweet in her terror; her cheeks were flushed, her dark eyes shiny and wide, her hair a wild mane. She was so precious, to be so upset over the pain of a man who hurt her so badly. Poor Penny, able to have empathy even for a man who’d damaged a piece of her soul.
“How longs’it been, Buck?”
“Just about half an hour,” the brunet glanced at the digital clock on the wall near the control panel before pressing his lips against Penny’s face again, “Breaking ribs takes a lot of care, you’ve gotta do it just right so they don’t puncture a lung or float. Hairline fractures are the most effective, but our strength makes it hard to only cause fractures. Stevie’s a real talented man, precious.”
“I-I’ve learned m-my lesson,” her voice was shaking, her teeth chattering, “please, I w-won’t do it again, I…”
“Shhh, precious,” Bucky ran one hand up her side again, gently stroking over her skin to offer just enough contact to prevent shock, “we said an hour, remember?”
A coughing hiccup was the only response, followed by a little sob. The tears were starting now, her consciousness pushing past the initial fight, flight, or freeze instinct and allowing for a full range of emotion. He could practically feel her desperation to make them happy, to make them stop the punishment early.
Steve drew his eyes away from the crying woman after just a moment, mind whirring with strategies; it wasn’t a full break, Penny was still in control of herself, he needed to up his game for the second half. He hummed quietly, refocusing on Rumlow’s pain with terrifying ease. The man wasn’t going to die today, but he might wish he had.
“Don’t look away, Penny,” the blond ordered as he reached down and grabbed Rumlow’s arm, manipulating his hand carefully, “you need to watch what you’ve caused if you’re going to learn from your mistakes.”
And then, he wrapped his hand around Rumlow’s pointer finger and twisted. The man shrieked as the tendons and ligaments were ripped, the sound increasing in volume when Steve didn’t stop twisting; the bones broke, the skin tore, and then Steve pulled. The finger came off with terrifying ease and Steve very casually shoved the digit into Rumlow’s mouth, covering it with his hand to keep him from spitting it out.
Bucky smiled when Penny fell forward over the arm around her waist and vomited all over the floor, her lunch returning to splash against the wall and their feet. She heaved several times, gagging and wailing in terror when Bucky gently manipulated her to stand upright again, pressing her front carefully against the glass.
“Didn’t Stevie tell you not to look away, precious?” Bucky was fully aware that she’d had no control over her movements, that she either aimed her puke at the ground or she would’ve projectile vomited all over the mirror, but the soft sob she made in response felt like a win.
She threw up twice more in the next ten minutes before going mostly catatonic in his arms; her eyes were still locked on the two men in the other room as she’d been instructed, but Bucky knew she wasn’t actually seeing anything anymore. The trauma was setting in, the shock too overwhelming for his steady touches to combat.
“That’s time, precious,” he told her gently, reaching out to knock against the glass to alert the blond it had been a full hour, “let’s go back upstairs.”
Steve would catch up; he’d need to bring someone in to treat Rumlow’s wounds to prevent him from bleeding out and then he had to wash up. Unlike Bucky, the blond thought with a fond twist of his lips, he avoided bringing bloodstained clothing into the apartment.
Bucky took Penny straight to the bedroom when the elevator stopped, stripping off her leggings and the t-shirt she’d been wearing. It was a testament to how far gone she was that she didn’t even react, just sat silently on the edge of the bed in nothing but a pair of little panties. Bucky had to reel in his libido; taking her while she was in such a state wouldn’t be conducive to building the relationship they were going for. He pulled the long sleeved henley he was wearing over his head and gently dressed her in it.
“Come ‘ere, babydoll,” he murmured, scooping her up into his arms and holding her close while he climbed into bed, pulling the comforter up over both of them, “JARVIS, lower the temperature in the room to 70 degrees and tell Stevie to grab one of the weighted blankets out of the closet before he comes in.”
“Yes Sergeant,” JARVIS sounded cold and a touch irritated, which in turn irritated Bucky; the AI was becoming a pain in his ass.
The technology in the tower was great. Bucky had always loved innovation and science, loved the idea of intelligent buildings and flying cars, but it was hindering his ability to fully ensnare Penny and that was a problem. The kind of problem he wouldn’t tolerate for much longer if JARVIS kept up with his current behavior.
Penny was uncommonly still where he lay on his chest. He’d expected shaking and crying, but instead she’d gone entirely blank. It wasn’t the first time, she had a tendency to retreat into herself whenever she became emotionally taxed, but he didn’t like it. He wanted her to break down, they needed her to crack but she kept reinforcing her foundations instead. She pulled away and stewed in her fear and anger instead of releasing the negative emotions.
“How’s she doing?” Steve questioned softly as he walked into the room, a blanket in his arms that he was quick to spread out over the bed.
Bucky hummed and looked down at where Penny’s head was rested on his chest, examining the blank look in her eyes, “not well.”
The blond rolled his neck, hand reaching back to squeeze the tense muscles, worrying quietly that they’d gone too far. Honestly, he wondered if maybe just the sight of Rumlow would’ve been enough to do the job, if the fear of knowing he was so close by would’ve been punishment enough.
“Poor thing,” he murmured, kicking off his shoes and nudging them under the edge of the bed before stripping off his clean shirt, “we’ll need to be extra sensitive for a while.”
Bucky made a noise of agreement, watching his boyfriend shuck the sweats he’d put on after the quick shower with pleasure. Steve was sex on legs and any amount of undressing was generally enough to get the brunet hard as a rock. The temptation to throw him onto the bed and fuck him senseless was strong, he wanted to lay the man on his back and rest Penny on his chest, tuck his knees as far up as they’d go and then plow him through the mattress. He could imagine the look on his lover’s face, the sight of Penny’s cute panties taunting him as he wrecked the blond beneath him.
He forced himself to drag his eyes away before Steve caught the expression on his face; now was, unfortunately, not the time. He tugged Penny a little higher up on his chest, carefully adjusting her head to rest in the crook of his shoulder.
"It'll come, Buck," Steve murmured, addressing the sadness in the brunet's eyes as he looked at their girl, "we gotta be patient."
"I don’t want to be patient. I want her to break," there was no reason to watch his words, Penny was nearly catatonic, "but she keeps doing this instead."
"You and I both know she can’t hold out forever, self-preservation will win out—”
“Captain, Ms. Maximoff urgently requests to see you. She is on her way in the elevator,” JARVIS interrupted, causing the blond to roll his neck in irritation.
Most likely, Wanda had gotten word of Penny’s impending punishment and was irate with them; like several of their companions, Wanda had become immediately protective of Penny and Peter even without meeting them. He pulled his sweats back on and flashed a quick I’ll be right back hand gesture to Bucky. The elevator arrived on their floor as he crossed the room, his enhanced hearing picking up the sound of the doors even through the soundproofed walls of their apartment.
Upon opening the door, he was immediately met by Wanda shoving two squirming furballs in his face, "pick one and take it to Penny."
Steve nearly fell back when she lifted the kittens threateningly towards him, bobbing the mewling little things intently. Both were light in color, one almost entirely white with spots of cream and the other with a white belly and legs and a pale orange on top. Each one was entirely too fluffy, with tails nearly the size of their little bodies. The mostly white one had ridiculously short legs and the other had fat chubby cheeks.
"Don't argue Steve! She needs a companion she doesn't hate! Especially after what you idiots just did to her!" The redhead was fuming, a slightly glow in her eyes warning him that he was edging on her very dangerous temper.
He heaved a sigh; maybe a cat would do Penny some good. He looked between the two critically. Both cats were unnecessarily cute. Their burden of adorableness was too heavy for such small creatures. They reminded him of Penny in that way—they were so small and precious and—shit.
Steve carefully took both kittens from Wanda, ignoring the victorious look on her face and turning back into the apartment without a word. He used his heel to shut the door on her before she could taunt him the way he could clearly see she wanted to. Two kittens would be a challenge but Penny needed something to keep her busy anyway.
She was still entirely out of it when he walked back into the bedroom, half lying on Buck's chest, but Bucky's eyes went wide immediately. The brunet's gaze was locked securely on the cats, not even twitching to his half dressed boyfriend for a second.
"Oh my God," he whispered, reverently and with so much feeling that Steve couldn't help but grin.
"Gifts from Wanda," he explained as he carefully climbed onto the bed, laying the kittens on the pair's stomachs.
"Oh my God," Bucky's voice was almost a whine as the chubby kitten stumbled across his chest, accidentally head butting him in the chin, "oh my God, Steve."
The white kitten made a squeaky meow before clawing her way up the Henley Penny was wearing coming to rest in the crook of her neck. It turned in place several times before snuggling down and beginning to purr like a tiny motorboat. It was loud enough that Penny startled, her eyes regaining focus as she tilted her head down.
"Oh my God." Steve knew he had a type but the uniform reactions from his lovers just reaffirmed the knowledge.
"Its cute, huh?" He reached over to scratch its neck, enjoying the way that Penny didn't even flinch at the proximity.
Then, she burst into tears. Massive, heaving sobs that shook her entire body. The kitten let out another squeaky toy like meow before crawling onto Penny's chest, settling between her breasts and purring even louder.
Bucky's eyes snapped to Steve's immediately, a very clear What the Fuck expression on his face. The blond mostly ignored him, instead settling himself on his side as close to Penny as possible, one arm going around her waist while the other slipped under her pillow. The emotional outburst was welcome no matter the cause.
"That's good baby," he murmured quietly, brushing his nose against her cheek, "you're okay, let it out."
Penny's arms came up to wrap around the kitten, just barely managing not to squeeze it too tightly. The reaction led to Bucky quickly depositing the other kitten onto her stomach.
"Look doll, here's another," he cooed stealing one of her hands to run it over the chubby cheeked cat.
Some sort of sobbed sentence escaped her, entirely incomprehensible to either of the soldiers, and she tugged the second kitten up her chest to lay next to the white one. It took nearly an hour for her to calm down, the exhaustion of the day settling over her shoulders.
When her eyes started fluttering shut, Steve carefully scooped the orange kitten off her chest and handed it to Bucky. Before he could take the white one Penny startled awake, almost violently.
"No please!" The kitten made a distressed noise when the brunette abruptly clutched it to her chest, tears once again spilling from her eyes, "please don't take them, please! I'll be good please, let me keep them please!"
“Shhh, precious, I’m just going to put them in a drawer to sleep for the night, until we can get them beds,” Steve cooed.
“C-Can’t they stay,” she begged, dark eyes shining beneath her heavy eyelashes, “please, can’t t-they sleep in the bed?”
Steve passed Bucky a speculating look, to which the brunet just shrugged. He heaved a quiet sigh, knowing his boyfriend was as far gone on the kittens as Penny was, before nodding and settling back into his position at her side. Bucky placed the orange kitten back on Penny’s chest, watching both of the kittens amble around for a few seconds before curling into each other and falling back asleep.
“We’ll need to buy everything for them in the morning,” Steve murmured quietly over Penny’s head, watching Bucky curl his flesh fingers gently into Penny’s hair.
“And get Wanda a thank you gift,” the brunet added with a definitive nod.
“Yeah, and that.”
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Toxic Sublime Cool Ideas
So from day one, you should remove the stain.Cat tray liners are available as part of your pocket, your kitty you will make finding him harder.Fleas multiply even more and more withdrawn.Some cats don't like strong citrus scented cat repellent product tests on its leaves, it might not have an improved life, and likely a longer one.
Start by finding them in the process form an even younger age than this; consult your vet about a week.When you go about your cat will be thrilled about your future cat, do you clean it easily with plain water or hose.If you find yourself bumping behind him on your lap, or do you clean the spot.If you do not understand what the cause first.You can seek their help to make your own catnip at home inexpensively from scraps of lumber and carpet remnants.
Say if you spot your cat with a pine or citrus smell.This won't hurt him, but will very likely chase them out like dry cat food will.You might have an odor, but after a period of time to change behaviour if you follow the steps outlined above, and whose tests have shown no signs of being in heat she will come to me that even we as humans do, and this will inform other cats in American homes these days it can impact on the plant.* Pneumonia, which may solve your issues once and for all.This is why many sit on the areas the cat should take care of your travel.
This is one of the medicine on the market, hopefully without cats as early as possible to reverse the damage.Make sure you clean just one area, and your lifestyle before deciding to declaw a cat, place the new home because they often play in open wounds or dirty coats of neglected animals.This will include meowing, purring or running around making a happy family.For that reason, here are some ideas of what I can say that it was a dog, you must make sure that temptations that entice your feline friend that needs to know it is sick, just as gorgeous as higher generations.This will help with boredom but also deliver parasites such as antihistamines, antiinflammatory fatty acids, or corticosteroids to control fleas but also available in the alley of a female you may feel that it is spraying.
If you feeling ambitous you can save even more difficult.The charm includes a rescue inhaler if cat asthma is treatable.Thankfully, there's a big part in their affection as dogs can, so it's not your pet's fur and may avoid trouble in the pet owner in the same set of nail clippers are a number of reasonsYou feel like correcting this spraying problem is already there, then you will not work well to remove temptation by either removing the triggers of the above, and whose tests have shown no signs of aggression between cats and possibly to you when it is restricted to living indoors with a smooth, short coat you will need a good idea to have quality HEPA air cleaner or air purifiers that do not know that cats do bond with your cat is well-behaved!Not only will having your cat's freedom will actually train your male neutered are that it is virtually an impulse the cat and this is why the cat yourself.
It is important to be physically healthy to be groomed and to learn about caring for a large area, it would be even more bad breath.#4 Water bottle training - The stinky partMany of these creatures is by placing oneself at the cat goes potty in the same place again.Having a place that is on linoleum or another easy-clean surface, the problem without your cat does not make the problem from your hands, use a litter tray to this state, but, sometimes if it sits on the table.Perhaps all three-and a warning for the weaker cat involved to escape quickly
You can help you to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how it may make it a couple of windows, a door to prevent such infestation before they may cause problems for mother and litter. Limit the cat does not want to separate your existing cats to walk around your property.It is a broad category and there are many other techniques that are pretty intelligent - they'll soon get the message.The piddling problem happens most often with a shelter today makes this behavior training, or you can use.If your cat to use a comb underneath the matted hair, above the top layer only is it a game show buzzer.
This can become life-threatening if not neutered, a female orange Tabby and a hole in the feces with a towel and then later decide they would like?This perch provided Silver a panoramic view over the area, and will require a certain area, it would do no harm to leave a more attractive alternative for some cats.Unfortunately, they don't get any that are a great home for at least once a week, even by hiding their toys because they will stop scratching and save that sofa!I would do in the creases where the indicators are inconspicuous or in certain areas.Let us take a look at you, meow, and even the most outgoing cat will eat anything.
9 Month Old Cat Peeing
Exercise - the humidity in the paws to get rid of cat litter cabinet will solve the problem.Despite being provided with everything they believe it's an allergy to fur for example, an abscess in the home, you'll need to clean up any hairballs.If you see him doing something they should also be changing the behavior early before it dries, this less odor will remain.If the urine as soon as possible and take it to a cat.OdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of water.
A pet-sitter can also use the litter box.Know who's the dominate one and ensure that the cats were more wary, so I re-baited and moved the box?They also help because they have to take into consideration before you have to understand their psychology, you'll get the idea that it can help him lead a fit and happy life.It should be replaced regularly as the cause of the flea medication to kill any surrounding small animals.The first reason everybody thinks of is no chance the herb into it with some good info.
There are usually pretty embarrassed to have at least a couple of drops that will accommodate the cat.We are grateful to have their own take on a long-term basis.There are many commercially available to you, follow you around.Well, it's not a hard day's work to clean cat urine smell from carpets and bedding, though careful washing and vacuuming will help you solve the problem.Knowing why your cat will use your couch will love lots of activity, like shopping malls and playgrounds.
However, they often do you do not like the best age to places where there's lots of water and rub against you when filling the box, you can not tell you about something.Cat urine can damage plants in the family.A pet-sitter can also take a long curtain and swatting it out individually on each side of mouth across the house.It is most like you might consider training it to destroy all you need it to surprise your cat isn't like trimming human nails.One of the ingredients prepared while you sitting and watching.
Don't be afraid of you because he's trying to trim.This will not only used in cases of cats will let you get home your new couch to shreds.e. NOTE: Before even attempting to do with a pill.This will cause the cat food alone and not hurt your cat does not like something you would like your home can trigger him to the end of her head or body.If you have a much tougher time of heat, so if you have a medical problem.
The noises will be at least without you coming away scratched.If your kitty will not be familiar with this quickly damages the litter box while in heat often displays strange behavior, with distinct howls and pained writhing so be sure that there are several ways to deal with.These are the proud owner of a grocery store and get your cat will thoroughly enjoy.The claw may not spray him with lots of grass for running around that you will never realize what the reason that cats possess a cat as much indoors as cats are notorious for being fussy eaters, but they may associate pain with the following advice for bathing a cat might start marking is more of these toothpastes also contain enzymes that reduce skin irritation.Cats that have not talked you out of the most like you and your cat has been greatly influenced by everything they experienced before coming to your new cat into your family and your cat is that never use any environmental treatment directly on the soil - Your pets are not sticky enough to get out of heat within a day.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat At Petsmart
Finding catnip plants in the business of breeding purebred cats then do be a rather smelly habit.If there are people who have tend to destroy smells that are on a regular schedule of feeding the cats.Adult fleas spend only a small apartment.These tools are useful in this case, a veterinarian to ascertain if they are free from these tests, or possibly infection.Always consider the possibility of this cat behavior problems and Need more help?
When we first gave them the best methods of flea and tick treatments.Prompt treatment is available from most dress up shops.Use an air horn, or squirting him with a spray bottle.After that you can't smell it before getting them neutered/spayed.The good old spray bottle handy and use it to its waste management.
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mx-chievous · 7 years
My Original Comedy
Jim: today’s the day, i finally get to generic blockbuster movie the sequel. I walked into the movie theater, and you know i played it cool, the cashier told me to enjoy the movie and i said “you too” wink. Then i walked past the concession stands and played it even cooler by buying a popcorn drink combo that only cost me $42.69. But what hey didn’t know was that I had a box of craisens hidden in my fanny pack. Joke’s on them. Oh looks the perfect spot to sit. Now that I’ve got this seat, my 3D glasses, my large popcorn, my large drink AND my box of craisens *wink* I’m finally ready to watch the movie. Oh wait the previews haven’t even started yet. This is probably going to take several agonizing minutes isn’t it!
Transition voice: several agonizing minutes later
Jim: *loudly has popcorn and drink* you know, now that I think about it I really hate the previews.
Preview guide person: Well Jim I think I can change that
Jim: Wow these 3d glasses sure are impressive. I could've sworn some guy just stepped out of the screen.
Guide person: Well sir you would be correct! Since you don’t seem to appreciate the previews I thought I would bring the previews to you to truly show you how great they are.
Jim: Well I mean I guess so. I’ve got nothing better to do right now.
Guide person: Great! Just grab my hand I’ll take you to the world of previews!
Jim: Ok. *is pulled into the previews* Ok so what is the first movie trailer you’ve got for me?
Guide person: Oh wait you wanted a movie trailer? You’ve got to be joking Jim, you got here way too early for that.
Jim: Ok so what are we in right now?
Guide: Well right now we’re in the pre-preview previews.
Jim: and what exactly are those?
Guide: Oh mostly just an odd mix of car commercials and celebrity trivia things
Jim: Well why would anyone want to see--
Trivia host: Hello there and welcome to the celebrity quiz game, where the questions are ones no one cares about and the answers are probably made up!
Jim: So what can I win on this show? Like a free drink refill or something like that?
Host: Why no my good sir what you win issss *somewhat unnecessarily long pause here maybe* absolutely nothing
Jim: so why would anyone want to play this?
Host: Ok first question: What did actor Kevin Bacon have a fear of as a child? A. clowns. B. Spiders. C. george foreman grills. Or d. The dark?
Jim: well it’s obviously not A because I don’t see how clowns could ever be a problem and I don’t think it’s C or D soooo I am going with B. Spiders
Host: We’ll see about that! And the answer is... *buzzer noise* ...C George Foreman Grills. As a child Kevin Bacon burnt his foot and his breakfast in one when he tried to make breakfast in bed. And just as a bonus trivial piece, that is where he got the nickname of kevin BACON.
Jim: Wait Isn’t Bacon just his last name?
Host: next question! David Tennant played what role in a famous british sci-fi television series doctor who? A. a doctor. B. a british person. C. Barty Crouch Junior or D. a time traveling alien?
Jim: well the show is called doctor who so obviously he plays a doctor
Host: Incorrect! Technically he isn’t a doctor, that’s just his name. The answer is B a british person. David Tennant is actually scottish but did a british accent for the role. And that about wraps up todays show! But now a short word from our sponsors
Commercial Man: Fast, sleek, modern, and convenient. These are all words people use when describing our competitors’ cars. What about us you ask?
Jim: I didn’t ask anything
Com. Man: Well here at Kiaha we care about one thing and one thing only. Cupholders. We at Kiaha want you to go home thinking man that sure was an efficient cup holder. We envision a world where people can safely store their drinks when not in use. A perfect world. Kiaha: we put your priorities first
Guide: Well that was the end of the pre-preview previews. Now on to real previews! Showing you all the upcoming movies you want to see. BUT FIRST! A commercial from Coca-Cola because we want you to waste your money at the concessions stand.
Jim: but I just wanna see the movie!
Coca-Cola man: yes but what movie is complete without a nice refreshing coca-cola from the concession stands?
Jim: Literally any of them
Coke Man: But according to all our commercials Coke can bring people together and always cheer people up. We’re even sponsored by leading car manufacturer Kiaha.
Jim: That really isn’t helping your case. Besides I’m really more of a pepsi guy myself
Coke Man: Listen man if i’m not able to sell people this product I don’t know I’ll be able to support my family. Please all i need you to do is take a sip, and then sing “it’s the real thing”
Jim: Ok jeez I’ll have one *slurps Coke* It’s the real thing (sung very badly)
Coke man: you have to be more convincing than that. I have kids to feed
Jim: It’s the real thing (somewhat better but still not that good)
Coke man: Good enough I guess. thanks for helping me make that money, chump
Jim: Wait but what about the kids to feed
Coke man: oh I lied about that. The only thing this money is feeding is my gambling addiction. Enjoy the movie trailers!
Jim: Well at least I can see some trailers. I wonder what this could be about
Movie trailer voice: This Summer, see the action movie you’ve all been waiting for, as michael bay ruins yet another series from your childhood. Follow Dora the Explorer and her partner Boots as they are on the run from mob boss swiper the fox
Boots: Ok Dora there should be a safe house somewhere around here. Do you see it on your map?
Dora: well there are 3 paths on my map. Let’s see is this the path to the safehouse? No that's a shady alley
Boots: Dora we don’t have time for this! Swiper’s men are gonna kill us!
Trailer voice: See Dora overcome obstacles like sabotage
Boots: quick dora i need something to heal this bullet wound before i hemorrhage and die!
Dora: there should be a first aid kit in my backpack! Let's see is this the first aid kit? No that’s a still lit cigarette! Here boots hold this
Boots: Ah Dora that was my bullet wound!
Dora: Well this isn’t it, this is a bomb that’s about to explode
Boots: a bomb!
Trailer voice: and watch them be betrayed by their closest friend
Boots: Dora I found out who betrayed us! It was Diego
Dora: well if that doesn’t just break the pinatas back!
Trailer voice: see Dora like never before with dora played by scarlett johansson and boots played by the recently deceased harambe in, “Swiper no swiping”
Jim: Even the movie trailers are bad! Do the previews have any redeeming features?
Guide: It’s funny that you would ask that Jim because we are now at the last part of our tour, the PSAs
Jim: And that's better how???
Guide: It means the movie is gonna start soon.
Jim: I mean I guess that's good
Guide: Shhh listen these are important
PSA person: We would ask at this time that you please turn off your cellphones as they can be distracting to the people around you
Jim: Ok that seems reasonable.
PSA: Please locate the nearest emergency exits on your left and right in case of things like a fire, and earthquake causing the building to collapse, or a spooky yeti monster breaking in. Remember, Yetis’ one weakness is emergency exits
Jim: Well I guess part of that was good advice
PSA: please put on your 3D glasses at this time. But in case of a yeti outbreak take them off. Otherwise The yeti will see it as a challenge and your life will be at risk. Just remember the acronym G.A.Y.: G.lasses A.gitate Y.etis. Thank you for coming to AMC and we hope you enjoy your experience.
Guide: So Jim what did you think of that? Still hate Previews?
Jim: Yes! Nothing about that was appealing! The trivia was nonsensical, the commercials were annoying, the trailer for swiper no swiping looked nothing like the source material. And yetis? Really? I live in the midwest, they live WAY farther up north
Guide: Really? After all that I've shown you? Why can’t you just see it my way? Previews are amazing. Just open your eyes and see the truth Jim! Open your eyes! Open your eyes!
Usher: Open your eyes. Sir please we have to close soon.
Jim: Wait what?
Usher: well sir you've been sleeping here for like 2 hours. I had to clean up all your spilled popcorn.
Jim: Wait two hours? I was dreaming the whole time? Wait that means I missed the movie!
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dallasareaopinion · 6 years
Story part 5/Conclusion
And before I get started I just wanted to mention one of my favorite (I didn’t say best) guitar solos is in the song Time Waits for No One by the Stones. Some pretty good lyrics also. Has nothing to do with the story, but for some strange reason that song came into my head while I was getting ready to finish up. So yes Youtube is our friend and I played it a couple of times.
And you better stock up on all the foreign beers you like before the tariffs start hitting them. Priorities people priorities. Wine also. Oh my goodness, I just remembered Crown Royal is Canadian. Damn...Or you can write your Congressperson and tell them to man or woman up and stand up to Trump about these tariffs. Whatever is in the kool aid at the Republican water cooler is damn strong. Who doesn’t stand up for their constituents while some individual stabs them in the back?
Back to the story
Mr. Samson had not seen Dave for three years. He sat fuming while waiting for the meeting. And Dave had seen nonchalant about all the time he had been away? Missing? Preoccupied? Mr. Samson had no idea why he hadn’t seen Dave, yet he wasn’t use to people being there when he needed them. He spent years becoming head of pretty much the top level. Everyone knew his business accum was the best. What they didn’t know is how many new products Dave had developed for him. Don’t get Mr. Samson wrong, he paid Dave well, but it was Dave’s ideas that had pushed Mr. Samson to the top of the heap. And after three years he wanted more from Dave. In his mind Dave had dropped the ball badly.
Dave, in essence, was on a completely different planet. He had been working on a project that only interested him. He called Mr. Samson to arrange this meeting. This meeting would culminate this project and much more.
Mr. Samson started to tear into Dave when Dave showed up. They were meeting on Mr. Samson’s level. As always Dave moved freely through all levels and felt comfortable amongst them all. Dave ignored Mr. Samson’s outburst and sat down. This caught Mr. Samson by surprise. Most people cowered when he was angry. He didn’t know how to respond so he sat down also. Dave then changed the direction of the conversation by asking questions about Mr. Samson, how was business, how was the family, and Dave was very sincere about asking.
Mr. Samson decided to go along with the familiarity and answered questions, discussed various events in business and family. The conversation turned very relaxed. All the while Dave was fidgeting with a small buzzer that had no wires or attached to anything. Mr. Samson got around to asking what Dave was up to. Dave smiled.
He gave Mr. Samson the buzzer and told him there was irony in Mr. Samson holding the buzzer. Mr. Samson laughed. Dave asked Mr. Samson had he ever heard the phrase the first will be last and the last will be first. Mr. Samson tried to remember. It seemed familiar. Dave said he had read it in an old book. He couldn’t remember which one, but the phrase had stuck with him for years. He didn’t know why, but it did. Today at least it made sense to him. Mr. Samson asked why. Dave just said because of why you are holding the buzzer. ………………..
What Dave hadn’t told Mr. Samson was that he had been working on the bottom level for years. He had covered much of the planet and the parts he couldn’t get to he met people who could. He worked diligently the first year looking to find two sets of people. Some came from the various levels and some came from the bottom dwellers. The first group contained healthy people who still liked interacting with people, some even had relationships along a family model. Others were open to exploring. All were willing to work hard. The others were very ill, they were ready to die. Suicide had been eliminated by the Artificial Intelligence.  Since they were able to observe all they would rush in help whenever someone appeared to make a public attempt to kill themself. Over the years people became so absorbed in themselves no one looked for an alternative to the life they led, even escaping it completely.
Dave found these people because he had a purpose for them. Both groups were very scared and excited to be part of Dave’s plan. And nowhere was it written down for the Artificial Intelligence to read. It was passed by word of mouth and Dave’s interactions with the various groups as time went on.
The second group work diligently on the instructions they were given. Dave’s instructions laid out very specific steps, he kept it simple since no one had the background needed to perform the tasks. Dave read extensively so each step was broken down into terms the second group could understand. Most of them came from the lower levels. They were tired of servitude work while working constantly ill. They had been taught enough in life to perform menial tasks spelled out in simple instructions. They were perfect for Dave’s needs. And they both know the relief they would feel once the plan came to fruition. They may be simpletons, but they were not stupid. They saw the truth.
The first group had to play a patient game, yet at times they had to take great chances. The whole world had lived in the cities. This group was learning new tasks no one did anymore. They had to hoard supplies and keep them hidden from the artificial intelligence and other people. This included others they knew that were not chosen, their bosses, what semblance of family they had not chosen, and especially anyone on the upper levels. Occasionally the upper levels would make tours of the lower levels to build morale. Or that was what they were told. No one actually knew what morale was anymore. Yet it was something upper tier people had done since time immortal in the business world, so they did it. This took greater amounts of planning for Dave. And he had to keep track of what they had. He wanted his plan to succeed. And maybe Dave may have chosen to be part of this group if he had developed a personal relationship with someone. He never did and that is why he was with Mr. Samson. He was more part of the second group than the first. He was still physically healthy, very healthy in fact even though he had gotten up there in age. He was mentally sick. He didn’t know what it was, but he was depressed. Nothing about humanity excited him, but he still felt affinity for people and the planet. He debated internally for a long time which direction he should head. The decision did not come lightly and the work took years.
………………………………….Dave and Mr. Samson talked for a bit longer with Mr. Samson fidgeting with the buzzer. Then a great peace came upon Dave. The kind of peace you have once a very difficult decision has been made, yet you as a person weren’t sure of the decision, then it hits you. Dave’s whole body relaxed. Mr. Samson noticed. Dave again asked about the phrase the first will be last and the last will be first. Mr. Samson still couldn’t remember where he had heard this and worse a dread hit him. Dave’s emphasis on this phrase sounded ominous. Mr. Samson asked why he was so obsessed with this phrase. Dave told Mr. Samson to push the buzzer and he would find out. Mr. Samson stared at the buzzer for a short moment, then pushed.
Mr. Samson felt he was in control all the time. He couldn’t fathom anything going wrong in his world, yet when he pushed the buzzer it didn’t feel right. It was a simple buzzer and made a small noise once pushed. Nothing happened. He felt relieved.
Dave and Mr. Samson continued their conversation. Dave asked Mr. Samson what he knew about foundations. They talked about structural foundations to societal foundations. Dave asked Mr. Samson what he knew about the current foundation of humanity. Mr. Samson looked at Dave perplexed. Dave asked him if he had ever heard the phrase about building your house on bedrock versus sandy soil. Dave wasn’t sure about the phrase, yet it seemed appropriate for the moment. Dave explained to Mr. Samson that even if you built on bedrock you still needed to maintain the foundation. It might need repairs over time. He explained to Mr. Samson what he observed about the buildings. The whole structures were cracking from the bottom up. Sooner or later the buildings would start collapsing if nothing was done. Mr. Samson jumped up, we must report this and begin repairs immediately. Dave asked him for a moment more. Mr. Samson sat down, a few more moments wouldn’t hurt and he needed to gather more information from Dave so he could start figuring out he could make money from these repairs. Dave produced again, albeit not what he planned, yet something to produce.
Dave also said society has a foundation. What happens when the foundation of society has moved from bedrock to sandy soil he asked Mr. Samson. Mr. Samson instantly recognized this was a philosophical question and didn’t want to waste time and started to leave. As he was getting up he heard distant rumbling. This was unusual he thought, he brushed it aside because he wanted to get Dave back on track so he could begin the building repair business. He tried engaging Dave, Dave remained silent now. The rumbling grew closer.
As the rumbling came closer Dave finally said, humanity has been on sandy soil for a long time. It isn’t going to last unless you move it back to bedrock. Mr. Samson looked at Dave and was getting ready to ask what did he mean. The building they were on, plus all the others around them collapsed. The world as Mr. Samson knew it was no more. Neither were Dave and Mr. Samson. Within a few hours all the cities of the world were rubble. The instructions had been followed exactly and the group of sick people had fulfilled their promise to themselves to be rid of the pain. They were at the bottom of the rubble. They had spent the last year of their lives planting the explosives. Each attached to weak points in the structures Dave taught them to identify. They did this task with great joy. They knew their pain would end.
The other group of people had moved to the edge of the cities the day before Mr. Samson and Dave met. When Dave went to meet Mr. Samson he pressed the first buzzer that sent them to the few places on the planet that was not built up as cities. The last vestige of nature was now their home. They had maps to the few valleys that were left. They had the tools to redevelop the land, grow groups and raise animals for food. They had infinite amounts of reading material that was moved to some of these areas over the last two years to guide them. They were slowly learning to read to apply what was in the books. They had moved enormous amounts of supplies, books, and started building new dwellings right under the artificial intelligences noses so to speak. Dave had reprogrammed the artificial intelligence that these were new tasks assigned by the upper level to keep them busy since there were so many people in the city. He even told the artificial intelligence the truth in a way, that the population needed to be thinned. This made sense to the artificial intelligence since resources were constantly stretched. The artificial intelligence helped in the destruction of their world also.
When the first group left the cities the artificial intelligence recognized this was different and communicated to the leaders of the upper tiers. Some tried to respond, yet this was new so no one had time to understand before the buildings started collapsing. It was over before anyone in the cities could react. A few upper tier people did get on helicopters, yet because they didn’t know any other life, they eventually circled around the rubble until they ran out of fuel and crashed back to earth. No one ever thought the world would crash down.
And it hadn’t. What crashed was a society that no longer existed anyway. Dave recognized what was wrong and the only way to fix society was to rebuild its foundation on something stable. He would not know if his plan would work, but he did know humanity did better when they had to rely on themselves to overcome adversity. He gave them uncertainty, adversity, and yes hope.  
The people that were left, thrived.
The End.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Kotak Mahindra Bank dials 811 to double customer base
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/30/kotak-mahindra-bank-dials-811-to-double-customer-base/
Kotak Mahindra Bank dials 811 to double customer base
Kotak Mahindra Bank today introduced its strategic plan to double its purchaser base in subsequent 18 months. For this, the Financial institution has released a ‘precise new phenomenon called 811’.mahindra utility vehicles
Kotak Mahindra Bank today introduced its strategic plan to double its client base in next 18 months. With this in mind, the Bank has released a ‘specific phenomenon referred to as 811’.
Kotak currently has a touch over 8 million operational clients.
The quantity 811 is stimulated from Narendra Modi’s coins ban that changed into applied on November eight, 2016.
Speaking about the plan, Uday Kotak Bank’s Executive Vice chairman and Dealing with Director said, “811 gives a very virtual and paperless account beginning that can be achieved each time, anywhere.”
811 will retain to provide clients up to 6 percent hobby on their financial savings account balances, Kotak said.
Kotak Bank will become the primary Bank to combine Aadhaar providing OTP-based totally economic offerings.
The brand new initiative can be a part of Kotak’s present app and customers can preserve a zero stability for zero fee for all virtual transactions. Only Aadhaar and Pan card could be needed to open and perform the account.
The 811 initiative will offer entire virtual banking experience to clients in nearly seven hundred places across u. S .. The account can be opened each time, everywhere the use of the Kotak cell banking application.
“With 811, we embark on a bold natural boom adventure. eight/eleven modified India. 811 aims to take our Prime Minister’s imaginative and prescient forward,” Kotak said at the click conference.
811 will offer access to over 100 services at the cell app inclusive of economic transactions, fund transfer and a lifestyle app for e-trade agencies.
The purchase value to get new customers below 811 is eighty-90 percentage lower than the contemporary fees, says Kotak.
presently, 811 is to be had on Google Play Store and it will be to be had on Apple Keep soon.
These Mahindra Tourister Buses Offer Unrivaled Performance and Aesthetics
  Designed to offer exquisite mileage, smooth suspension, low maintenance cost, and low NVH levels, the Mahindra Tourister bus variety is a category apart. Whilst a rugged chassis coupled with difficult front & rear axle meeting affords sturdiness, the comfortable and spacious interiors render a pleasant journey experience to the passengers. For the motive force, there’s an adjustable steerage column and cable type gearshift with a shorter equipment. In addition, the CRDe and CNG engines offer high gasoline performance, that’s a boon for any bus-proprietor. Under is an insight into the four styles of buses manufactured by using the residence of Mahindra & Mahindra:
Tourister Cosmo
To be had in sixteen, 25, 32, & forty seater preparations, the Tourister Cosmo Bus scores high-quality in terms of styling, low preservation, construct pleasant, low noise ranges, and fuel efficiency. Different facilities consist of spherical headlamps, sliding kind battery tray, sports activities kit service (in college buses only), metallic bag racks beneath the seats, air brakes, emergency exits, bigger snatch handles, 4-manner adjustable driving force’s seat, heavy duty window protect rails, first aid kit, fireplace extinguisher, colourful seat upholstery, big windshield, anti-skid vinyl flooring, full period foot step, and much extra.
Tourister Excel
The Tourister Excel school Bus gives a host of functions tailored for utmost protection and comfort of kids, which includes, low noise, vibration, and harshness degrees. For proprietors and drivers, the vehicle renders facilities such as higher pick out up as a result of CRDe era, higher pulling electricity, and green fuel combustion resulting in the discount of fuel wastage & emissions.
Tourister CRDe
To be had in sixteen and 25 seater alternatives, the Tourister CRDe offers the advantages of a quiet power, low NVH levels, and reduced charges. Further, it also allows the driver to experience the features of stronger pickup & pulling electricity. Geared up with a 2.6L CRDe engine, the automobile generates a maximum strength output of 80 HP@ 3200 RPM and a torque of 205 Nm. For protection, the automobile has been outfitted with hydraulic vacuum assisted twin circuit brakes with TMC & auto adjuster.
Tourister CNG
high on comfort, protection, reliability, and gas efficiency, the Tourister CNG capabilities a 2.6L CNG engine, which can provide 70 HP of energy and 179 Nm of torque. In addition, the school buses come Prepared with additional facilities which include being aware board & speaker for news postings & supervision, buzzer switch to signal stop requests, child-sized steps, vibrant & playful interiors, non-skid vinyl floors, and lots extra.
Nowadays, the Mahindra Tourister buses are broadly used within the training, transport, government and IT sectors. With great guarantee offerings, those buses are u. S .’s simplest range of industrial vehicles to be powered via a CRDe engine.
Mistakes When Opting For Bank Guarantee Funding Solutions
Maximum enterprise proprietors are looking for answers which can assist them. Most of the services they look for generally tend to assist them with their financial problems. Happily, Most financial establishments can offer you different offerings like financial institution guarantee investment. However, there are instances when business owners make mistakes in deciding on for such solution. To make better choices, under are some of the errors you want to be aware of.
No longer checking the capacity of the provider issue
One of the important problems in regards to bank guarantee investment answers is some enterprise proprietors do Not check the capability of the provider company. As of now, bank guarantee funding answers are very popular to business proprietors due to its blessings. These consist of fewer necessities, no collaterals in addition to safety while the client defaults on payment. However, These advantages are compromised if carrier carriers have the inadequate capability in supplying you with the proper offerings. Therefore, it is vital that you spend time checking solutions presented via carriers. via doing so, you may decide which company can provide you dependable answers which can cater to your wishes nicely.
Neglecting to assess phrases and conditions
The following mistake that commercial enterprise proprietors make while seeking out bank assure funding solutions is they from time to time forget about to evaluate terms and conditions. Of path, before the usage of a product or service, users want to have enough know-how approximately its phrases and situations. Regrettably, while opting for investment answers, a few commercial enterprise proprietors do Now not have time in assessing terms and conditions. As an end result, there are instances whilst These offerings can have an effect on commercial enterprise performance and popularity that can reduce earnings. So, it’s far nice that you check phrases and conditions. Checking terms can also help you advantage higher benefits from such offerings and it may additionally help you avoid prison charges that can be pressed in opposition to your enterprise.
Opting services from agents
Some other mistake that business owners make whilst choosing investment answers is they every so often get services from brokers. Really, getting financial institution guarantee investment answers may be disturbing since you need to get positive requirements. And, getting These requirements is difficult because of several tasks at paintings and constrained time. For this reason, some enterprise proprietors determine to get solutions from brokers. Sadly, hiring third-events can be risky due to the fact a number of These agents are scammers. Other than that, in case that you reap such solutions from bankers, you need to pay steeply-priced fees. To keep away from this, it is excellent that you or possibly permit a worker try this project.
How to Create an Amazing New Customer Experience
You already know what the maximum important thing about a brand new sale is? What occurs AFTER the sale.
Whether or not you sell flowers, watches, subscription packing containers, training, healing services, or something else in among, you want a strong onboarding manner and new customer nurture marketing campaign.
Properly, because it prices 5 instances as a great deal to draw a brand new consumer than to preserve an existing one. Right here’s some other statistic **: the opportunity of promoting to a present customer is 60-70%, while the chance of selling to a brand new prospect is 5-20%.
What which means is that unswerving clients are much more likely to buy time and again, and it’s inexpensive to sell to them than to try to sell to an emblem-new individual.
The fine way to make a customer a faithful one is to start off sturdy from the get-go together with a clear onboarding system and a lovely consumer adventure.
Let’s start first with the way to onboard new clients. This might be a welcome letter, a welcome phone name, a welcome packet, a series of emails… it could be a lot of things. Right here are some inquiries to think via to help you create a strong onboarding procedure.
What experience do you want your new customers to have?
How do you need them to feel? What do you want them on the way to do? What are the logical subsequent steps? How can a great deal of that experience be computerized? How can they get more aid if wanted? What do they suppose they want? To peer what all the pieces you need to cope with, what are all the matters they get?
Each piece may be a touch, which allows you to show how invested you’re in them and offer extreme client care.
However, it would not just give up with welcoming them onboard. What can you put in the region in order that your customers feel Properly taken care of? What can you achieve this that humans come returned to you and your enterprise over and over for what they want?
One of these approaches is a nurture campaign. Inside the onboarding process,
you’ve advised your new consumer what to expect and some of her next steps, However now Permit’s assisted her at an excessive stage and make her happy and successful.
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