#we found wonderland   ›   primary timeline .
anistarrose · 1 month
I was going to make a post saying "Lucretia told everyone the truth there were seven Grand Relics instead of covering her ass and saying there were six because she's a storyteller, and six sounds objectively less cool than seven," but then I thought about it and actually, if you look at the timeline, I think this was probably a very pragmatic or at least tactically safe decision on her part?
When Lucretia founds the Bureau, Junior hasn't been born yet. Lucretia obviously doesn't even know Junior will be born someday. So once she inoculates Bureau members with Fisher — a necessity to staffing the Bureau in the first place — Lucretia can't keep any more secrets from them, with only one Voidfish at her disposal. And crucially, while Lucretia is the Bureau's primary source of info on the "Red Robes," basically all her recruits lived through the Relic Wars.
Upon inoculation, they'll all presumably remember at least some details about the Grand Relics. Obviously no one but Lucretia would know anywhere near everything about each Relic and their properties, not least of all because of a high eyewitness fatality rate, but part of the reason the wars were so deadly was because word of the Relics spread. Everyone in the world knew a few things about them.
So, if Lucretia were to tell her recruits: "oh, don't worry, there's only six terrible artifacts we need to destroy, tee hee!" then it's very possible that assorted Bureau members — especially Seekers, for whom looking into the Relics is literally their job — could start comparing memories amongst themselves, and put together that there was a seventh, leaving Lucretia with no option but to admit that she lied. If I recall correctly, the podcast never explicitly indicates what/how much damage the Bulwark Staff did to the world — but I find it hard to believe that it didn't do anything an inoculated person could later find record of or remember. (There's an admittedly good fanfic premise, though, in Lucretia leaving her Relic in someone's care to make it stationary, like how Magnus gave the Chalice to Jack, or how Barry is theorized to have given the Bell to the Wonderland twins.)
I digress, but the point is, Lucretia may have necessitated a lot of little lies for her future self by admitting there were seven Relics, but trying to winnow it down to six could've easily bit her in the ass, and she was definitely smart enough to realize that. She acted accordingly at the time.
And by the time Junior comes around, then of course she could theoretically use them to erase the Bulwark Staff from her employees' minds — but by then, she's been hiding the Staff under everyone's noses for about a year, and no one has gotten suspicious. So if it's working, why change it? She's no doubt also smart enough to reserve Junior's power for emergencies only — even if people forget information, they can still retain the feeling they're forgetting something. With people planetside, that's one thing — but with her employees on the moon, from whom she needs unshakeable trust?Probably not worth it.
Overall, a it's deceptively rational decision on Lucretia's part, honestly. And also, seven Grand Relics still sounds way more badass than just six.
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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‘  is  it  wrong  that  she  has  my  heart  racing ?   am  i  wrong  to  feel  this  way ?  ’    yan  zhi  asks  li  jing ,   rubbing  lips  together  rather  nervously .   just  thinking  about  her  has  mind  swirling ,   adoration  blooming  in  ghost  town  of  a  heart .
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    yan  zhi  &  li  jing  !
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selfshipstuff · 4 years
💡 give me all the fandoms ~Audrey
ARROWVERSE (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl)
In all Arrowverse AUs, my SI is a metahuman from Earth-1 with energy-based powers. I primarily exercise control over electricity, movement, and gravity, but with practice I could probably expand my repertoire to include light, heat, elasticity, radioactivity, sound-- all sorts of things. During my time on Teams Flash and Arrow, I go by the moniker Switchboard, and then in my Team Arson AU, Lonnie and Astra (@astralshipper) call me Sparks. 
In The Flash, my primary f/o is Cisco Ramon, and we have that best friends to lovers thing going on. I also love Becky Sharpe, although I don’t talk about her much! She’s girlfren, and I’m poly with the two of them in my Flash-centric Arrowverse AU-- she’s not dead, hush, I save her life and canon can eat my entire ass tbh.
I don’t have a romantic f/o on Arrow, but John Diggle is like a brother to me. I don’t have an AU that focuses solely on Team Arrow, because it’s not a primary thing for me, but when I’m on the team, it’s because I’m taking a break from Team Flash.
In my Supergirl-centric AU, instead of joining Team Arrow after leaving Team Flash, I actually use some of Cisco’s tech to hop on over to Earth-38 to make a new life for myself. Eventually, I end up helping out Team Supergirl, because once you start superheroing it’s not really something that has an off switch, and that’s how I meet Winn Schott. He and I click almost immediately and we have a best friends to lovers type thing similar to what Cisco and I had. I also have a small crush on both Lena Luthor and Mon-El, but I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do anything about it yet.
Finally, there’s the Team Arson AU, which isn’t really based on any of the shows in particular, but rather on one of the villains of Arrow: specifically, Lonnie Machin. This AU starts after I leave Team Arrow because of Oliver, John, and Felicity’s actions toward the newer team members; incensed by the hypocrisy of my fellow heroes, I run into Astra (@astralshipper) and Lonnie, who have turned into sort of an anti-hero team, and I join forces with them. This sometimes leads to problems when my ex-teammates come after us, but we handle it.
And last but not least, I actually forgot to mention, but there is an offshoot AU of the Team Arson storyline; it doesn’t have a catchy name, so I just call it the Team Arson and Michael AU, because it’s essentially the same thing as the regular Team Arson one except it incorporates Michael Collins from The Uniques as a new hero. In this AU, I eventually leave Team Arson to form a power-couple duo with Michael and go back to being a hero, mostly.
Not totally sure what my whole deal is going to be here, but I’m definitely an airbender. I know in canon they’re wiped out, but I’m just saying, there could definitely be a few in hiding; who’s to say all of them were at the air temples when the Fire Nation attacked? The air nomads were a highly mobile people, so yeah, while those were the hubs of activity, I don’t see it being where every single one of them would’ve been. 
Anyway, I don’t have a romantic f/o in this series, but the Gaang in general is just a little family I’d like to be a part of. In particular, Aang has little brother vibes, and I’m definitely gonna take him under my wing; I think it would be good for him to have another airbender around, and it would be cool to see how a traditional air nomad would interact with one whose views and values have been shaped by a century of other cultures dominating the world. It’s definitely sad, because cultural loss is a huge part of genocide, but it would be neat to see how the surviving families passed down that culture and mixed it with that of the world around them. Like, it would be a little bit of home for Aang, but also sort of like... a hope for something new, I guess? I dunno, I’m spitballing here
My SI timeline isn't the most well-defined for this one yet, but one thing I've decided on is that I pretty much end up adopting, fostering, and taking in kids that need help. Currently, it's sort of just... been the kids that are victimized during the team's cases, but that's a byproduct of the source material rather than a conscious decision.
In Criminal Minds, I ship with Spencer Reid and Emily Prentiss, who are my boyfriend and girlfriend, respectively; we’re poly, but they’re not dating each other. They are queerplatonic, though! Fun fact, I’ve adopted Hotch and Rossi as my dads; Hotch is the primary father figure, and Rossi was kind of like, uncle vibes? Until I realized how much romantic tension there is between the two of them, and now he’s like, stepdad. Hotch already sees Spencer as a son, and he’s close with Emily, so this works out really well.  
In EAH, I’m the eldest child of the White Rabbit-- yes, the one you know from the story of Alice in Wonderland. (Don’t ask how that works, because I don’t know.) Anyway, I was born and raised in Wonderland, along with my younger sister, Bunny. (Yes, her name is Bunny Rabbit.) Things were alright until sometime in my early teens when the Evil Queen tried to basically destroy the world of wonder; it was crazy and chaotic, and very few Wonderland folk managed to escape to Ever After before the Brothers Grimm closed the portals between the two worlds. I was among the handful that escaped: my sister, father, and friends were not. I was all alone in an unfamiliar world, and man, was that scary. Luckily, I was still school-aged, so it was easy enough to get a place to stay at the Grimms’ school-- Ever After High. 
I’ve got crushes on Raven Queen, Alistair Wonderland, Dexter Charming, Chase Redford, Northwind, and Cedar Wood, but no established romance.
Okay, so there are a few different timelines and AUs for this franchise. We’ll start with the most established one. Obviously, I’ve got the obligatory AU where I’m there for everything from the very beginning, but there’s also one I thought of back in middle school which goes something like this: I’m newly orphaned, so I’ve been sent to live with a relative in the UK. It’s the year of the Quidditch World Cup, not that I know anything about it, because my parents were Muggles and so is the great-aunt-twice-removed or whomever it is I now live with. I’m out for a walk, trying to clear my head and familiarize myself with the new neighborhood; out the back of the house, there’s a forest in the distance, hills, and marshland which seem suitably spooky and melancholy for my mood, so I head out exploring that way. After a while, I hear noise, like celebration and shouting, so I head over to check it out and stumble across the tent-grounds for the World Cup. 
Obviously, it’s a lot to take in at once, because it’s clearly magic-- but I’ve always believed in magic, in a sense. So I just grin and start exploring, getting friendly with the kids my age in the area, lie to the adults when they ask where my parents are (”oh, our tent is over there”) and nobody even thinks twice about my accent because people from all over the world are here for the event. Of course, I’m only 15, and eventually I run into one of the people who actually coordinates the grounds, so I’m found out fairly easily; cut to me being interrogated and scared half to death by the magical authorities before who else but Dumbledore swoops in and quietly talks to them. It’s a lot, and it’s too quiet for me to hear all of it, but I manage to take away something about me obviously being magic if I found the place-- and then suddenly, this old man is offering his hand and escorting me out, telling me about a whole other world I didn’t know I could be a part of. 
I do go to Hogwarts, and I have to do a LOT of remedial studying to catch up to the other students, but it helps that I love to read about magic and studying over the summer isn’t a problem. 
In some AUs, I’m poly with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley; in others, I’m with Fred and George Weasley. Sirius Black ends up taking me under his wing along with Harry, and he doesn’t die in my canon-- neither does Fred, Remus Lupin, or Tonks.
I also have a pretty big crush on Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but I haven’t got my AU timeline figured out for him yet.
Agents of SHIELD: This show is a separate AU from my other Marvel stories, but I have the same energy powers as usual. Basically, I’m an Inhuman on SHIELD’s watchlist for a long time, even before they know what Inhumans are; unlike some of the other individuals on the list, I’m friendly, cooperative. I consult on cases from time to time, mostly as needed until Phil Coulson starts putting together his dream team: that’s when he reaches out to me, asks me to be a permanent consultant to his team. I’m sort of hesitant, because permanence is restrictive when it comes to organizations like his, but I agree on my own terms. I find myself fitting in and warming up to the team more than I thought I would, and I even find myself crushing on Fitz and-- to a lesser extent-- Skye. When she gets her powers, it’s frickin’ neat as hell, but I end up fighting with the team for treating her so poorly afterward. 
Spider-Man (Tom Holland): Originally, I’m not even in New York, but rent in our area is going up, and the frequency with which certain areas in NY get destroyed leads to their rent actually being more appealing in an attempt to get people to move back. So, with everything going on, my family weighs their options and we move. It’s the end of summer when we get there, and it’s a different school district, so they make me take all sorts of tests to see where I’ll best fit in-- eventually, they put me into some prestigious school my parents are thrilled about and which I’ve never heard of. Of course, I’m much more thrilled after the first week or so: the classes are more engaging, and the students seem to know their stuff. Other than the classist rich kids, it’s paradise for nerds! And that’s before I develop a crush on a classmate (Peter Parker) and start paying attention to news about a local superhero. Around this time is when my powers start to show themselves; sparks fly, literally, and I find myself getting done with things faster than anyone else. It all comes to a head when, on my way home from school, someone falls from the upper floor of a building and I somehow manage to slow their fall so they land safely. Thoroughly freaked out, I start experimenting with my powers, seeing what I can do-- eventually, I put together my own suit and start helping out the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. (We end up dating out of costume.)
So, in the ML universe, I’m an American exchange student in Paris, and I end up figuring out the identities of the local heroes fairly quickly, which leads me to help out in the crises a lot more. After a while of this, Master Fu decides to gift me with the Mouse Miraculous, which has a different power than in canon, because I developed this before the debut of Kwami Buster and honestly I kind of think Multimouse has a stupid power? Anyway, as Souris Gris, I have the power of stealth. I realize pretty quickly that my accent is gonna be an easy identifier, so I take up Langue des Signes (French Sign Language, or LSF) to use while transformed-- as a bonus, it adds to the stealth thing. Meanwhile, as my civilian self, I’m still adjusting to using conversational and situational French 24/7.
Adrien Agreste (also known as Chat Noir) is my primary f/o from this, but there’s also an AU where we’re poly with Marinette Dupain-Cheng (also known as Ladybug), who we’re both dating. 
Okay, in the past with this one I’ve 100% focused on the romance, so I’m gonna make something up on the spot. I still would’ve been born to a lower middle-class family in Midwestern America-- flyover country-- but at some point in my youth, a family member wins the lottery-- literally, and not just as a figure of speech. It’s a big one, and instead of spending it, they invest; as I grow up, things start to look up for us. I’m a creative kid, and I’m bugging my parents to let me design and make my own books, games, and toys. Eventually, they cave, and that’s the story of how I become a “self-made” millionaire. 
At first, the products only really sell in North America, until a knock-off line comes out in Japan, and we release them there to curb the competition. The sales skyrocket in the Japanese isles and surrounding countries, so sometime in my preteens, my family moves to Japan to better oversee the majority of the business. After a lot of private tutoring and language classes, I beg my parents to let me go to a real school. Now, my parents, who are quickly becoming the snooty rich folks they used to curse, take some convincing, but we finally agree as long as they choose the school, which is how I end up enrolled at Ouran Academy. 
I eventually find myself meeting the host club and befriending them, which... also leads to me dating Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the notorious twins. We’re all lowkey crushing on Haruhi, but none of us do anything about it. 
I still haven’t decided how I end up on the team to begin with, but I do know that my powers are pretty much the same in The Uniques as they are in the Arrowverse. (This is mostly because that’s my default when it comes to superpowers. Energy powers are frickin’ neat, okay?) Again, they primarily cover electricity, movement, and gravity, but in this universe I also have a little more experience bending light and manipulating heat. 
One of my f/os from this is also mentioned in the Arrowverse section because of an AU, and that’s Michael Collins. He and Scout are my boyfriends, and they’re best buds. The rest of the team (the New Guard) are our best friends, so they’re platonic f/os.
WALKYVERSE (It’s Walky!, Shortpacked!)
Technically, the Walkyverse also includes Roomies!, which comes before It’s Walky! sequentially, but I don’t even really think about that part of the comic tbh. Basically, I’m an alien abductee, so I have powers-- neat!-- and I’m an agent of SEMME-- less neat. We’re a secret government agency fighting a hostile race of aliens known only as “aliens”, which I guess are separate from other extraterrestrial races because Martians are specified as a separate race within the comic...? Anyway. I’m a SEMME agent, and I have enhanced abilities like super-strength due to my status as an abductee. Originally, I was a part of a different squad, but a mission went south, leaving me as the only surviving member. 
By the time the retrieval unit showed up, most of my teammates were already dead, and I was just barely holding up a fallen building which would have crushed me had I let go. Upon my return to SEMME HQ, I was asked to wait outside an office for a moment while the Big Boss and some poor agent tasked with debriefing him duked it out behind the closed doors. There were whispers about me, being the sole survivor of my unit and having held up a building, and people had their suspicions, but it didn’t matter. The fact was that I was the only agent that had made it through a suicide mission, which is a feat in and of itself, disregarding the valuable intel I had gathered; Big Boss eventually reassigned me to Squad 128, the most infamously effective team on payroll, and sent me off to get checked out by medical. 
My main f/o in Walkyverse is Mike Warner, a fellow SEMME agent and abductee. I’m also FWB with the titular character before he gets married-- David Walkerton (Walky)-- and Marcie. 
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    bai  qian  &  li  jing  ! continued  from  here .
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‘  that  one .   on  your  face  right  now .  ’    bai  qian  gestures  towards  his  expression  that  was  one  of  a  kicked  dog .   she  watches  him  with  eyes  narrowing ,   pushing  loose  strands  of  dark  brown  back  into  place  whilst  other  hand  reaches  forward  to  pick  up  her  fan  once  more .
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moonedhalo · 4 years
there  has  been  such  a  long  expanse  of  time  it  felt  like .   a  dozen  wars ,   countless  fights .   stubble  lines  cheeks ,   jaw ,   and  around  mouth .   bags  show  fatigue  as  well  as  lines  of  exhaustion  creasing  around  mouth  and  forehead .   over  the  time  he  was  away ,   age  is  apparent  in  features  yet  he  remains  the  same  man  he  was .   just  more  blood  covers  hands ,   eyes  have  seen  more  poverty  and  horrible  things .   yet ,   with  lingers  of  war  on  him ,   with  blood  stained  hands  does  he  come  home  to  them .   anna  and  his  daughter ,   the  only  people  who  kept  him  sane .
anakin  places  his  robes  and  gear  aside  and  stepped  further  into  their  shared  stronghold ,   looking  around  for  the  two  girls  that  were  the  center  of  his  universe .    ‘  my  love ?   angel ?  ’
@thechimcra ,    anakin  &  anna  !
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    yan  zhi  &  ??  !
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‘  wait ,   are  you  actually  serious ?!   i  thought  you  were  joking .  ’
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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normally  olly  strays  from  going  after  one  of  minnie’s  friends  but  he  can’t  help  himself .   they  were  stunning ,   funny ,   and  he’s  found  himself  in  a  hole  of  feelings  he  never  meant  to  be  in .   olly  swore  he’d  N E V E R  catch  feelings  for  minnie  or  lena’s  friends ,   that  is  was  a  line  he’d  never  cross  because  then  things  were  awkward .   but  here  he  was ,   waiting  outside  of  their  work  like  that  was  never  a  rule  in  the  first  place .
open  starter ,    f / m / nb . muse :    lee  ‘’ olly  ‘’  minjae .   gamer  youtuber ,   silly .   good  boy  but  will  do  you  right    (  in  and  out  of  bed  wink  wonk  ) . based  on :    olly  and  your  muse  has  been  going  behind  minnie   (  my  muse  and  one  of  his  best  friend’s  )    back  and  seeing  each  other  despite  olly  swearing  he’d  never  go  after  a  friend  of  hers .
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    grayson  &  ??  !
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‘  let’s  just  order  in  since  i’m  still  editing  the  script  for  the  play .  ’
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    yeji  &  ??  !
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‘  i  must  look  like  a  fool .   i  really  must  have  idiot  tattooed  on  my  forehead  OR  hanging  above  me  in  a  neon  sign .  ’
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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‘  i  think  this  is  love .   i  think  i  love  him .   what  do  i  do ?  ’    despite  the  panic  she  feels ,   bai  qian  hides  it  well .   but  he  knows  her  well ,   zhe  yan  could  read  her  like  a  book .
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    bai  qian  &  zhe  yan  !
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    bai  qian  &  zhe  yan  !
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‘  don’t  look  at  me  like  that .  ’
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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‘  i  think  my  lips  need  a  magical  kiss  to  stop  the  ache .  ’    grayson  calls  out  to  haeju .   his  lips  most  definitely  do  not  hurt  but  whatever  it  took  for  more  kisses .
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    grayson  &  haeju  !
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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MEME ,    accepting !
@helldark​  asked :    ❝ I will lay down my life if it sets us free. ❞ [WEN NIIIIING]
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he’s  sat  by  the  river  bank ,   washing  paled  hands  carefully .   losing  track  of  the  days  spent  away ,   losing  track  of  the  hours  as  they  made  their  way  all  over .   wen  ning  doesn’t  even  remember  their  destination  at  this  point ,   wei  wuxian  just  assures  him  they  will  soon  rest .   and  rest  did  come .   fingers  brush  the  smooth  current  of  the  river ,   twirling  fingers  within  it’s  clear  expanse .   eyes  flicker  up  to  wei  wuxian ,   worry  and  concern  sparkling  in  doe  eyes .    ‘  wei  wuxian ,  ’    wen  ning  stammers  out ,   pulling  himself  up  onto  his  feet .    ‘  death  is  NOT  an  option  for  you .  ’    wen  ning  says  rather  sternly ,   holding  him  to  a  higher  standard .   he  cares  so  much  for  the  other ,   he  was  like  a  brother  to  wen  ning .   and  he  loved  and  cherished  him  deeply .
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@flowcrsoul ,    wen  ning  &  bai  fengjiu !
he’s  sitting  quietly ,   admiring  the  beautiful  flowers .   he  admired  the  beauty  in  ALL  things ,   entranced  by  the  vibrant  colors  and  softness  of  the  petals .   cautiously  does  wen  ning  reach  out  brush  tips  of  fingertips  along  the  stems  and  petals ,   as  if  affectionately  petting  the  flower .   it  was  until  foot  steps  echo  in  the  distance  does  hand  fall  away ,   inching  away  whilst  doe - like  eyes  flicker  over .   pale  hands  wring  out  of  nerves .
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moonedhalo · 4 years
incoming sms.
DAMIEN: lina baby
DAMIEN: i miss you
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moonedhalo · 4 years
incoming sms.
CHASE: darling ~
CHASE: what are you doing in a hour?
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