alexahndar · 4 months
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@wcntedmore: cont.
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   Alex had done and said all of the wrong things when he’d ended things with Manny. And he’d only ended it in the first place because he was leaving, going off to New York to study law and he couldn’t be focused on a relationship and school because it would never work. At least, that’s what Alex thought. It didn’t help that he had divorced parents and he didn’t have good role models to look up to there, but that didn’t mean he should’ve been a dick to Manny. At least, those were the words that both June and Nora had used. It was June and Nora who told him to quit moping and go back to see him. He was on break anyway, he could apologize. So he stopped by a local flower shop and asked for the best flowers for apology and held those behind his back while he knocked on Manny’s door with his other hand.
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   “I know, Manny,” Alex said, nodding, a sad and regretful look on his face. “I never meant to make you feel you weren’t worthy of love. I was just trying to …,” he let out a breath and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I was awful to you and I don’t deserve any forgiveness from you, but I’ve felt terrible for what I did to you and ending things the way I did. That’s not me. And I’m sorry you had to deal with that, that I made you feel that way.” He didn’t expect forgiveness, didn’t expect Manny to want anything to do with him again, but he had to at least let him know he hadn’t meant to hurt him. “You deserve better than what I did to you.”
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huntrcsss · 4 months
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❛  what’s  that  supposed  to  mean ?  ❜ / @wcntedmore
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"It means I got hired to help out with a. . .infestation." Well, she's not going to openly tell him about a possible possession going on.
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firstscn · 3 months
send “🎲” (or "dice") for me to randomize the following settings // a picnic that's set up in the middle of a grassy field, the sun has just started to set - ( Mannie ) @wcntedmore
They should probably pack up and go HOME soon, because it's Spring, and even in Texas that means it gets cold once the night approaches, but he's enjoying himself too much to leave just yet. And by the looks of it, the other man feels the same. Alex' fingers trail up Mannie's arm with a smile, his face turned towards the smile. "I can't believe we're going back tomorrow,"
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wehavefoundthestars · 4 months
i think about you a lot, actually. more than i'd like to admit. // @wcntedmore
"Wait you do?" Elio asks looking at him with wide eyes. He doesn't exactly know if Manny is implying what he thinks he is or that his mind is making up things. After all, if you barely let anyone in then you couldn't think about many other people could you?
Nope, no he was not going there not anymore. His mind was not the boss of him and he wasn't a mindreader. He could speculate all he wanted but there was only one way to be sure they were on the same page. He takes in a deep breath before saying, "I think about you too. A lot." A short pause before he asks, "Is that a bad thing?"
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petitsdieu · 4 months
cont. 𝒇𝒕. @fcntciics / @wcntedmore
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Manny had impeccable timing showing up at her place when he did. It's like whenever she's in need, some logical part of her brain shuts off and she resorts to similar patterns. The pattern she's trying to avoid takes the shape of a tall dirty blonde with electric touch and the skillset to elicit the most melodic sounds from her. But he also has a sharp ability to hurt her heart.
Fever Dream by Cannons is the album of the evening. Easy to dance to, too too busy or loud. Manny doesn't seem bothered by it. She's just had a bath; vanilla and cocoa butter spreads throughout her small apartment as a result of that. She has a glass of wine in one hand and Manny's hand in the other. She pulls him from his spot at the island to dance with her on the plush rug. "No, no, no! Don't leave me yet. Dance with me!"
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nightmdic · 4 months
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"Shouldn't you be resting right now, Manny?"
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faerytle · 4 months
𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 ?
A being from somewhere distant, ( far from here ). Ethereal, enigmatic, mysterious, kind, and a catalyst for greatness in others.
tagged by: @spllcat ( thank you!! )
tagging: @dutyled, @wcntedmore, @sapphircs, @ssolessurvivor, @inkdreamt, @hellgiven & anyone who wants to do the thing!
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greedaeye · 4 months
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@wcntedmore asked: 🌸
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alexahndar · 4 months
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theagcd : you demanded, here he is. boyfriend of the year. hands off, manny is mine.
send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / @wcntedmore
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wehavefoundthestars · 4 months
🍪   to   bake   cookies   with   my   muse. / @wcntedmore
"I warned you I was bad at this..." Elio reminded him when he nearly added salt instead of sugar to the cookies they were making. "I'm not sure I should be allowed in any kitchen, especially not unsupervised." So far he had been more of a hindrance than helpful in his mind but Manny didn't seem to feel the same way.
"You on the other hand are great at this." He states while he watches Manny finish the dough before starting to cut out shapes of it with confidence and an ease that gave away this wasn't the first time he had done this. "Who taught you how to do this?"
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wehavefoundthestars · 4 months
@wcntedmore continued from here (x)
A smile curved around his mouth at the lame joke. "I think that's a very wise decision on your part," Elio replies, "Before you know it, the milk turns out to be sour or something."
Cutting out shapes was something he was at least reasonable at or at least he liked to think so. At least if he messed this up the cookies would still be edible in the end. "Your friend did a good job teaching you." He remarks while trying to turn the next cookie into a heart. Elio had noticed that Louie had been staring for a while but he doubted glances in his direction only to see him give a treat to Louie who had been eagerly eyeing everything since they had started.
After finishing another shape he looked up from his work. Pushing away some of the curls that had fallen in front of his face he managed to spread flour on himself but he didn't even notice. "I doubt she has forgotten about you. You're not as easy to forget as you seem to think. You should reach out. I bet she would love to hear from you."
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