#𝐢𝐢𝐢. answered ask ✦ a letter has been received
alexahndar · 4 months
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@unbound-tales asked: [ 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩 ] : receiver finds the sender trapped and unable to escape [from Henry, for Alex]
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   Fear lodged itself inside Alex’s throat when he finally found Henry. They’d separated them, after the emails had leaked they’d been forced apart and Alex hadn’t been allowed to see Henry. He hadn’t heard from him in weeks either and now … well, now here he was, locked in a gilded cage, as it were. The irony of it, because the bars were quite gold and the room was an unfamiliar one to Alex. He’d only managed to get here because of Shaan, who had been doing everything he could himself to get Henry out, to no avail.
   “My mom has people coming,” Alex said, fingers curled around the bars. Let Henry’s people try to stop his mother, Alex thought. If they didn’t want an international scandal on their hands, they would let Ellen and Alex take Henry away to safety. “We’re going to get you out of there. I promise.”
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waehles · 5 months
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@resignedworkaholics said: they will kill you if they get the chance. - Spy stuff~
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   It wasn’t that Henry didn’t believe him, it was that, it was more that he knew how too real it was. He was too soft for the lot of them, too different. And because he didn’t always follow too closely to the rules, they’d one day realize how true that ones and just end it all for him. “Trust me, I know,” Henry said as he ran a hand through his hair, a soft sigh escaping his mouth. He wondered if his dad had known, it was probably why he’d assigned Shaan to him. “Do you have any suggestions for what I do about it?”
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evahlast · 7 months
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@viciouslostones said: " are you ok? are you hurt? " from kas
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   Cassandra took the offered hand and she let him help her up. "I'm okay, thank you for lending me a hand there. I must have not noticed that bump there in the walkway. Something the city should get fixed, huh? Thank you, again. Can I give you something in return for you help?" If she was near the Eatery, she'd have offered him a pastry. "I'm Cassie, by the way. Suppose I should introduce myself to my rescuer."
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isleprince · 3 months
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@redhead-reporter asked: 💍
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   When Gabriel woke up with a ring on his finger and a headache that he was currently scolding himself for, he knew that he had done the most cliche of all cliche things. At least, given the woman in bed with him was anything to go by, he could make a guess. This, he thought, was not something that he was going to post on social media because he very much doubted that she would want to be married to a prince. And what was her name anyway. Jane, something? He had vague memories of last night, but that’s just it, they were vague and all in a haze.
   Ah well, they would have to sort this out either way. Thankfully he wasn’t at home though, because he was sure to get even more of a scolding from his father and mother both if they found out, regardless of the fact that he was an adult. He still had a family image to uphold, not that he had been regarding that well here, clearly.
   Wondering if room service could bring up some over the counter meds, Gabe reached over and made the phone call, quiet so that he didn’t disturb her. Deciding to be extra polite, he ordered her, them both really, some breakfast as well. Once the call was over, Gabriel shifted out of bed quietly, being sure to keep her covered in the process to give her privacy as he went about finding his clothes to get dress. They’d clearly made a right mess of themselves last night and he wondered exactly how much he’d drunk to end up in this situation. He was finally fully dressed when he heard shifting noises. She was awake. And just in time too, because room service arrived. Gabe opened the door a little, taking the tray and thanking them, making a mental note to leave an extra tip when they checked out.
   “I hope you’re hungry. And I’ve got some meds if you want to take them for that headache I’m sure you have if you’re anything like me,” Gabriel said, keeping his voice low because he knew for himself loud noises didn’t feel too good right now.
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waehles · 2 months
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@lcve0n said: All will be well, love can be found in a marriage. If not love, at least, good company. / manny bc i have brainrot for this now
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   Henry hoped that was true. If they could not love each other, at least they could be friends. It was maybe a lot to hope for, but the hope was there all the same. "I hope that is true. I do like to think that we are friends already. Maybe we can be lucky and find love with each other in the future as well. Just know, that regardless of what happens, I will be here to support you. We may have had this thrust upon us, but I'm not going to just be cold and ignore you like some maybe would in the situation. We've got to at least try, don't we?"
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waehles · 2 months
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@hstoryhuh said: Ever since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about. ( from alex )
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   An arranged marriage was the last thing that Henry thought would happen to him. Yes, it was typical of his family, but he was so far in line that it wasn’t worth worrying about. Besides, he was fairly certain his grandmother knew what ‘his type’ was and she likely wouldn’t be interested in settling him with someone of his preference. And then he had met Alex. Negotiations had apparently been made between their countries and their future marriage was involved. At first he wanted nothing to do with the man. He was too outgoing, too different from him and yet, the more he spent time with Alex, the more he realized that he did in fact want him. And it wasn’t as if they hadn’t met before, they had done so years ago, at the Olympics when they’d been teenagers. One would think no one would be interested in throwing them together again, but here they were.
   Alex had been brought back again after his first initial visit there, a second time to get more aquatinted with the palace and Henry and they were expected to spend some quality time together. To say Henry was surprised by Alex’s statement was an understatement. His heart began to go fast in his chest and he was pretty sure that was butterflies he was feeling in his stomach.
   “I — that’s … ,” he swallowed nervously, not sounding like himself at all. Damn, Claremont-Diaz. Of course he’d be the one to get Henry flustered. “I didn’t think … I thought you hated me.” And he certainly didn’t think he was deserving of such notions, but it wasn’t as if he could stop Alex of thinking that way, nor did he want to. “I thought you didn’t want all of this.” He gestured between them and what was meant to be the future in front of them. Apparently he was wrong about everything.
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alexahndar · 4 months
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theagcd : you demanded, here he is. boyfriend of the year. hands off, manny is mine.
send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / @wcntedmore
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waehles · 4 months
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@hstoryhuh said: "I hate when people ask me to explain my thought process. Like hell if I know." ( from alex )
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   “Tell me about it,” Henry said with a wry chuckle. He had a hand in Alex’s hair, fingers absentmindedly brushing through his familiar curls. They were even curlier in the morning when Alex hadn’t gotten to combing through them yet. Sometimes he felt like telling him to leave them alone, he liked them looking like this. “Sometimes it’s like, why bother? We can’t always put into words what we’re thinking. But then, it’s always nice when we meet someone who just gets it too, ya know?” Of course Alex would know, because Alex was that for him. He often felt like he didn’t have to explain what he was feeling to him, at least not these days. He leaned in and brushed a lazy morning kiss to his mouth.
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waehles · 3 months
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@maramcna said: hey. it's me. would you please let me in?- from Arthur 🥺
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   There were usually only a very few people he would even allow in his room or his supposedly secret spaces and his father was one of them. As far as Philip was concerned, he could f off, though he was sure his father had sent him to try before. He could tell Philip had sounded more annoyed than anything else. There would have been more luck with Bea, but it seemed that his father had given up on that. Henry sniffed and wiped at his face, hoping he wasn’t looking as much of a mess as he felt when he opened the door.
   “If you’re here to try to make me feel better …,” Henry murmured, voice soft as his eyes looked downcast. He had been irritable ever since he found out about his father’s diagnosis and part of himself had been distancing himself from the man because of it. Even though he knew that was the last thing that he should be doing right now. “I’m sorry … I just …,” he trailed off and shook his head, unsure how to voice what he was feeling right now.
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alexahndar · 4 months
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theagcd: that's hrh to you, but all mine to me.
send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / @princedickhead
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waehles · 4 months
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@goldenboybarracuda said: “do you need me to grab that for you?”
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   "You are not that much taller than me, you know," Henry said with a huff as he grabbed the offending item off of the shelf. So what if he'd had to lean up a little, it was not a big deal and they were nearly the same height! "See. I got it. Now if you ask nicely I'll share with you."
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isleprince · 3 months
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@lcve0n asked: 🍴 Muse A and Muse B go on an outdoorsy picnic date for Valentine's, and it's a beautiful day. / manny
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   The whole thing had really started out as an idea on both of their parts. Gabriel had heard Emanuel mention how much he wanted to go on a picnic and thus, the plan took action. Valentine’s day was even better. So he took Manny’s hand and guided him to the nearest state park, where he’d already had everything set up and arranged, mostly by himself but the rest with a little help. The picnic spread was lovely, a checkered blanket and everything and the basket was full of local goodies that he’d ordered throughout town. The candles might be a bit much, but as it was starting to become twilight, he didn’t think that it was that big of a deal. “Please, have a seat,” Gabriel said, gesturing to the plush but firm enough pillows laid out for them to lean against. What was even better, he’d managed to make sure that this area wouldn’t be disturbed, it helped that he had guard nearby to make sure that happened. Then again, they would have done so without him needing to even ask it. Gabe took a seat next and asked, “Well, what do you think?”
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isleprince · 3 months
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@dscvrdbctter said: i choose to be kind. / bb manny
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   “I too have found that kindness, versus bad moods go along way. Even if you’re not feeling the best, it helps to brighten up someone else’s day. It seems you and I both can agree on the kindness front, because I too do my best to be kind every day. Sometimes, too, it pays off eventually, because you never know who you are helping with your kindness.” Gabriel should’ve known from the start that he and Manny would get along, actually he had done. There had just been something about him that had been just so right and familiar to be around. “I’m really glad to have gotten to know you, Manny.”
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isleprince · 3 months
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@apurekindness said: ❛  do you think we're gonna survive this?  ❜
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   Reaching out, Gabriel took her hands in his own and squeezed gently. “I know this situation is less than ideal, for the both of us, but yes. We’ll survive it. I’ll be sure of it. And regardless of us being forced into it, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, alright? Prince’s honor and all that.”
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isleprince · 3 months
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@ofsnarkandmagic said: ❝ There’s nothing better than waking up in the morning with no pants and flowers in your hair.❞
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   “You could say that again,” Gabriel said with a smirk as he reached over to twirl a finger in Melvin’s hair before tucking it aside behind his ear. The other might be competing him there for curlier hair, at least in the morning and he was not complaining. “Mind reminding me how we ended up here like this?” There were flowers everywhere, perhaps he had tried his hand at being a romantic last night, not that he wasn’t on a normal basis.
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isleprince · 3 months
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@dscvrdbctter said: i'm just trying to look out for you. / scott
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   "Is that your way of saying I'm a little too reckless?" Honestly, it was something he'd been told before and Gabriel knew it wasn't in a negative way, more of a concerning one. "You needn't have anything to worry about, but ... thank you. I am appreciative of the fact that you care." Reaching out, he gave Scott's arm a squeeze. "You could join me, you know. The waves are not as scary as they appear."
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