#wayr fic
ambyandony · 2 months
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piningbellarke · 4 years
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who are you, really? 
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter seven: hate to see your heart break
For the first time Clarke can remember, walking the street in a tank top is a leisure she can afford. The turning point of spring coaxes her out of her jackets and long sleeves, and her practice with Bellamy dares her to take to the crowded sidewalks with her walls down and arms exposed. Strangers brush by, and Clarke hardly spares them a thought.
Bellamy’s smile is downright radiant, as warm as the rays of fading sunlight on Clarke’s skin. Together they wander the golden-soaked streets of Arkadia without pretense or a destination.
Originally the idea was to plan for ways to track Charlotte as well as a coming mission over dinner at Bellamy’s place, but the open window brought a warm breeze neither of them could ignore. When Clarke looked at Bellamy to suggest going out, he already had a matching spark in his eyes.
Clarke gets shouldered a few times in the foot traffic, but she’s more enthusiastic than irritated. It’s been so long since she could go outside without worrying about staying in her own head; trips into the city have always exhausted her, becoming something to avoid unless Wells stole her off her couch. Now it’s nearly second nature.
But she still needs practice, if the prickle behind her right eye is any indication. Or water. It’s entirely possible she’s just dehydrated.
Clarke pushes the twinge aside and follows Bellamy down the sidewalk, making a show of knocking her shoulder against his for the sake of it. He responds with a good-natured shove of his own and one of Clarke’s favorite smiles—the light-hearted kind that answers her goofiness: endeared and fake-annoyed all at once.
Still, the prickle in Clarke’s head crescendos to a full throb as they walk. Another block and it’s a stabbing pain.
They pass a lounge/club-type building with music bleeding through each swing of the door despite the early evening hour. Several bouncers loom on either side.
Clarke’s vision goes white.
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clood · 3 years
how are we up to 13k words already??? to many it may not seem like a lot but this is my longest fic yet and we are not yet halfway ;u;
also is it annoying to post these weekly?? i’m afraid of self promo lmfao but it feels right >:3
anyways happy wayr sunday!!!
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bipercabeth · 4 years
Hey. Its the who are you really anon. I'm assuming you saw the episode or at least heard about it. It hurt me so much. I just wanted to say I hope your doing okay and to again thank you for writing them so beautifully 💕🖤
that episode pissed me off so much that i brazenly vowed never to write t100 fic again. however i hate leaving fics unfinished and i adore wayr, so i bought t100 books in an attempt to salvage my love and to spite jroth. thank u for ur constant encouragement on that fic, it truly means the world
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ambyandony · 2 months
Chapter 7 of who are you, really?: Inno del Re Breve has been posted!
promo art coming soon
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ambyandony · 2 months
i still havent figured out the deal with prosciutto and pesci in wayr
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ambyandony · 3 months
lamenting about the characters i ship not getting along. in my own fanfic that i am writing
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ambyandony · 2 months
guess who's about to end the who are you, really? hiatus instead of doing his schoolwork at literal physical school
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ambyandony · 26 days
🖍 Post Any sentence from your wip
Ok so I couldn’t decide which so here’s just a bunch of random short excerpts (one or two per) from various fics; jjba fanfic (almost exclusively squatizi, one is about Doppio and Diavolo though and one is a late chapter of WAYR); and jjba oc fics (which are unlikely to see the light of day because nobody would care which is the only reason I haven’t posted any of my limistancia fics)
all of these fics also have cool specific names but I’ve chosen not to label them so that people can just ask since that’s another option on the send-an-ask list.
Two from the 50 page squatizi au fic (the one with the smut)
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IV. (OC)
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5. (OC)
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6. this one’s long bc it’s sick as fuck and I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it
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8. (OC ft Squatizi)
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13. (OC)
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16. (OC ft Squatizi)
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17. (OC ft Squatizi)
(this is referring to a character’s eyes and I thought the wording was fucking sick)
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18. absolutely fucking pathetic
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19. (OC)
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20. he’s so useless I love him
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21. (OC)
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22. (OC ft Squatizi)
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piningbellarke · 4 years
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who are you, really?
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter six: you’ve been lonely too long
It was an offhand comment, a sarcastic remark, a hey, if touching people is a problem because you never do it, why don’t we practice?  
What a catch-22 that question was. An offer stood underneath the teasing tone, just light enough for plausible deniability.
That’s how they end up on Clarke’s couch, wrapped in comfy clothes while a midday breeze blows through an open window. The air is crisp in a way that’s rare and welcome this time of year—breathing is easier, lighter, now that frigid air doesn’t seep into Clarke’s lungs.
So they practice. And it should be weird—Bellamy stretched out next to Clarke on the couch, the soft skin of his inner arm warm against her palm. This isn’t a warehouse training session or emergency stay over. She’d opened the door to him in joggers and a thin long sleeve rolled to his elbows, not snuck his armored body in through the window. He took the elevator.
Clarke tucks her legs underneath her and faces Bellamy, eager to keep her focus as she nears her record of staying in her own head.
“Okay, my turn to ask a question,” she says. And, yeah. That’s a thing too. When touch alone was no longer an obstacle, distracted touch became the next objective.
She sneaks a peek at the stove clock over Bellamy’s shoulder, ignoring his voice in her head droning on about how the whole point of this is to lose track of time. Clarke is too competitive for that. Two minutes.
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piningbellarke · 5 years
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who are you, really?
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter one: for now, it’s time to run
Arkadia is a restless city. It’s a city that tosses and turns, even in the dark, quiet hours of the night. There is still pain, still suffering despite the lack of people on the streets after darkness sweeps over them.
Clarke balances on the rooftop, her hood billowing in the wind that howls along the skyline. She’s a part of that skyline now, if you look closely enough; a hooded, costumed woman perched atop a building, listening to the city cry.
Gradually, she lowers the walls of her mind, spreading her consciousness over the surrounding blocks to observe, unsure if she wants to hear what she’s searching for. Sounds of humanity rapidly crowd her mind: an over-anxious performer practicing, their annoyed neighbor, a fighting couple, someone crying over lost love. Nothing she can act on.
This part of patrol will never get easier, she’s sure. Clarke is eager to prove herself, to finally use her powers for good, but hoping for tragedy to befall an innocent person so she can intervene feels like the opposite of what a hero should do. At least, that’s what her limited research of old superhero movies tells her.
But there’s a murderer on the loose. Clarke thinks she’s allowed to want to catch them, and she can’t unless they attack. It’s okay to be eager as long as she gets there before they hurt someone.
It has to be a fellow metahuman; there’s no way they would’ve made it past the high security places to pull off such high-profile kills.
Whoever it is, they have guts. Clarke will give them that. Taking down three prominent government workers in a week is no small feat, even for a stronger meta. Maybe they’re a phaser, or have invisibility. Surely stealth is a part of the picture here.
Clarke pauses her mind sweep and presses her hands against her mask. It doesn’t have any special properties outside protecting her identity, serving as a reminder of why she’s here in the first place:
To finish what her father started.
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piningbellarke · 4 years
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who are you, really?
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter five: who would save a wretch like me? 
Clarke isn’t sure when she and Bellamy became non-registry-related partners, but it’s a welcome development. Patrolling solo is a lonely practise with nothing to focus on but the cold seeping into her bones and the wind whipping at her exposed skin. In an ideal world, criminals would look at the weather and call it a night, but Arkadia is far from ideal.
Nights like this make Clarke grateful for having someone to watch the city with. A blizzard swept through the day before, leaving Arkadia coated in a blanket of white that’s only interrupted by the occasional set of footprints. For once, the city is quiet.
Still, if Bellamy and Clarke are taking advantage of the cover snow provides, there’s a chance that someone with worse intentions is doing the same. God forbid a water elemental causes trouble on a night like this.
Snow slows its descent, easing from a flurry to a soft sprinkle. It wraps Arkadia in its pale arms with the delicacy of a lover. Clarke glances at the man next to her, all stoic silence as the light reflected off the snow glitters on his face.
As she has countless times in the weeks after finding out who Nero is, Clarke gives silent thanks that his armor hides so much of him. Unless Clarke stands close enough to see his freckles and the scar on his upper lip—which she avoids for fear of remembering how it felt to kiss said lips—she can’t tell he’s the same man who came to her gallery, let alone the man she went home with.
Clarke banishes that thought from her mind the same moment Bellamy turns to her. Scratch that, she thinks, the eyes are the same.
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piningbellarke · 5 years
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who are you, really?
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter two: see me bare my teeth for you
The Griffin Estate is among Clarke’s least favorite places in this city, but she swings her legs through her childhood window and leaps to the floor anyway. Of all the safe places to enter, of course the least detectable has to take her here. Every time her boots hit the soft carpet, Clarke swears she’ll sneak out without sparing the room a single glance. Yet somehow she always ends up rifling through the mess of canvases, sketchbooks, and art supplies scattered haphazardly.
To a stranger’s eye, it looks like Clarke still lives here. Her bed is made, the floor is a mess, and her desk is untouched from the day she left. For all anyone knows, Abby Griffin’s daughter could come home any minute and find comfort in knowing her room is waiting exactly as she left it.
Nothing brings Clarke less comfort.
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piningbellarke · 4 years
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who are you, really?
bellarke | explicit | enemies to friends to lovers | angst with a happy ending
chapter three: similar acts and a different name
Wind whooshes past Clarke’s face as Nero’s fist cuts through the air in front of it. She lurches back, ducking underneath the arm that follows his missed punch, and backing out of range of his hands. 
They circle each other, footsteps echoing in the empty warehouse. The reprieve is short-lived—too short, if you ask Clarke’s heaving lungs. 
“C’mon, Psyren. Use your head,” Nero pants before lunging at her. 
She raises her arm to block his initial hit and follows with a chop to his elbow, forcing his arm down and away. Use your head. That’s all Clarke ever does.
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clood · 3 years
it is done!!!! i am so so happy and thankful to have been able to complete this fic :) sappy reflection under the cut
this was my first ever multi-chapter fic since coming back to writing (and i’m talking about coming back to it after stopping around age thirteen) and i am just so proud of myself!! 
it ended up being far longer than i ever could have planned for, the final word count is 36,565... but i was just so into this idea that i couldn’t help it. i love hill house and it has really caused me to develop a soft spot for ghosts--it’s not their fault a lot of the time and most ghost stories are tragic anyway!! i wanted to try my hand at something like that and i am so glad i did.
while i am very happy with it, i am already stricken with Hate It Because You Made It syndrome, so let’s dive into some of my qualms, things i would change if i were that kind of person 
firstly, i think there were a lot of plot holes which i did not fill--mainly i didn’t talk about illumi’s needle torture thing except for briefly after killua came back, which was super dumb of me because it was such a large factor in the big reveal. i definitely should have introduced it earlier (even as early as that first vague torture scene in chapter 1, honestly) but i’m just glad i even talked about it at all. somewhere along the line i also changed up why gon couldn’t write the article and how we were going to deal with ging coming to the house, and i think things got a little muddled there as well. 
secondly, i think i would have liked to expand a little more on alluka and have had gon find the room where they kept her, honored her for her sacrifice, yaddah yaddah. i didn’t know how or where to stick that into the order of events because i was afraid of making it seem too cluttered but i think having kurapika mention it vaguely was just enough to make it not so weird. 
lastly, i think i could have made it more of a slow burn. i think killua fell a little too fast but also i don’t blame him as he’s been starved of any form of love or positive interaction for years so i will excuse it this once. that being said, it was already pretty long so i don’t think that would have been very fun to read. 
now onto some things i really did like! 
i was happy with how i wove alluka into the story leorio and kurapika tell, i wasn’t planning on giving her such a tragic ending (in fact, i was going to have her be the person who held onto the house until she passed but i didn’t like that very much) but it kind of just spilled out and that’s how i liked it. i enjoyed that brief sequence of writing that lore, if you will, and i was pleased with it. 
i was also very glad about the new caretakers who i briefly mention in the epilogue. i will not spoil in case anyone does choose to read this monstrosity of a self-babble before reading the final chapter, but it just made my little heart warm. 
i also loved just choosing a setting and background things that made it feel a little more special. i don’t know if it came across well, but the 80's setting was so fun to think about and the brief instances of flower language i included?? fabulous i love flowers. 
anyway. if anyone ended up reading this thanks for following along on this journey with me, i had a lot of fun and this reflection is in no way me putting myself down. i love how wayr turned out and i can’t wait to start on some new projects i was frantically outlining last night :’) 
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bipercabeth · 4 years
i need to get my shit together and catch up on your fics like omg.. i still have to read who are we really AND i am no orpheus AND smoke filled room. next weekend is gonna be dedicated to binge reading these
i physically cannot imagine reading all of wayr in one weekend. i am no orpheus is A Lot but it’s only 4k while wayr is all that emotion spanned over like. 60k. godspeed ruch, it’s a roller coaster.
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