quick-drawn-a · 1 year
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     @watchiingover​ asked:
Mei hides behind a wall, shaping the handful of snow she had picked up into a ball with a mischievous smile, before suddenly jumping out from her hiding place. "It's hiiigh noon!" She exclaims before tossing the snowball at the cowboy with a giggle, hoping to have caught him off-guard.
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          God, did Cassidy hate the cold...
     — to make things worse? There’s cold, and then there’s whatever the fuck THIS was. It was beyond freezing...LITERALLY, and he was really starting to wonder if he still had all his fingers and toes, because it sure as hell didn’t feel like it.
     He’d been out here for going on thirty minutes now, Cassidy determined not to miss the sign off for the same incoming shipment for the THIRD TIME this week. There’s a glance at the time on his wrist, a chilled sigh escaping him as the clock struck — high noon apparently, and a snowball striking him in the shoulder.
          “Hey now, FRIENDLY FIRE!” There’s a faint hint of irritation in his voice, but his features are quick to soften after turning to find the culprit not to be some new recruit trying to test their luck, but Doctor Zhou.
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     “Oh, so that’s what we’re doin’, huh? Reckon you’ve no idea what y’just started, lil’ lady...” There’s a pretty hefty chuckle as he’s scooping up a handful of his own, packing it down as he readies himself in pitching position, never taking his eyes off the doctor as he calls out, “ — they ain’t call me DEADEYE for nothin’!” before hurling the snowball down field towards Mei.
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ataleoftwodragons · 1 year
“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I just can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
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The [ temporary ] loss of the visor as Winston works on it for repairs is never so keenly felt as now, when he feels her eyes on him and when she speaks.
Angela has knows the entirety of his injuries, had seen them––she was the one who had made him survive them, however angry he had been about that at the time and the one who had patched him up countless times since––and yet, he feels no less exposed now, even with only his visor missing from his [ armor ] suit. 
[ Perhaps he is not so at peace with himself as he had thought. ]
“… There are days that are more difficult than others…” he admits after a moment, his voice quiet, almost lost even in the [ relative ] hush of the lab. “… but those days are fewer now than they were then… I hope that one day, they will be fewer still.”
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’ I know you had something to do with this. ’ 
@watchiingover​ { Angela }
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“You do, do you?” he questions, looking to the Good Doctor, only the barest trace of annoyance breaking through his attempts to rein it in from the previous conversation with Jack and Company that had saddled him with another raw nerve. It isn’t Angela’s fault that it went the way it did, and he can certainly see where she might think what she does.
But that doesn’t mean he’s going to stand here and have accusations lobbed at him that he didn’t do anything to earn.
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“Is it so difficult for you to believe that this decision was made without my input? Or did you think they wanted someone that raw and that angry out in the spotlight to do what they would rather have done in the dark?”
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livesinthebalance · 1 year
"Why are you circling me? What were you, a vulture in another life?"
@watchiingover​ { Hana }
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“Whatever lies they told you to get you here, you are playing a very dangerous game, Miss Song,” the [ former intelligence operative ] assassin states, voice perfectly level and even.
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“Association with Overwatch will bring nothing but trouble to you and to any others who are so foolish.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   “that’s a big fuckin’ cat.”
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bombmate · 11 months
@watchiingover Cont.[X]
The junker looked around the lab. saw everything frozen and gave a whistle scratching his head. . "Shit is all a mess huh?" He looks at the state of her and seeing that hair dryer and raised an eyebrow.
"Why would I laugh at ya? Well, I admit it's funny but it sucks at the same time roight? My workshop once burned down everything. I lost my blueprints and a lot of my equipment. I was down for days. Hoggi even brought it tea boba for a week to cheer myself up. So I know this must be upsetting ya."
He touches Mei's shoulder to get her attention.
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"How about I help you? This hair dryer will take ages to melt this. I can lend you a slightly bigger blowtorch that will melt faster. I have two... so I can stay here and melt everything with you... what do ya think?" Jamie tilted his head to the side giving her a gentle smile.
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hxntresses · 1 year
I'm hesitantly trying to get some activity going on my other two multimuse blogs bc I completely neglected them and I've been feeling those muses too lately, so I apologise if activity slows down here-
If any of you have muses in Overwatch or FFXIV, feel free to hit up @watchiingover or @symphcnii!
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flashofyellowlights · 2 years
What shape does your pain take?
Your pain takes the shape of ghosts, haunting you, always there. No one would believe you if you told them, or understand even if they did. You don't know how to make them go away, or what they want. They just follow you, casting shadows over all you do, being your fears and the embodiment of all you've lost or are afraid of losing. 
They can't touch you though... Can they?
Tagged by: Stolen from @watchiingover​
Tagging: @dragxnfall @apoapsis @dustysixshooter @healingbrews @ciiberz @xrevolucionario @xynchronicity @buildabuddha @admonstrum
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“Hey, what happened between you two?”
@watchiingover​ { Angela }​
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“Nothing happened between us,” she answers without so much as missing a beat, as natural and easy as ever. 
It’s a knee-jerk reaction these days to lie, to hide the truth. She knows the tensions are high between Gabe and the others, and she knows why. What she also knows is that there’s nothing she could say to explain that wouldn’t be met with pity or sympathy for her plight or anger at him. 
She isn’t angry with him. Frustrated with what’s happening and the fact that she can’t seem to do anything to help and this time he doesn’t seem to want to let her… But she’s not angry at him, and she won’t contribute to this mess with anything that could be misconstrued, with anything that could be turned on him in an argument later when they need fresh ammunition. 
[ Partners protect each other, especially when the other is struggling. ]
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“With everything going on right now, Gabe seems to spend more time here than at home. If Overwatch could get all of this sorted, maybe that wouldn’t be the case.”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
Mei would not-so-subtly shuffle up to the archer, hesitant to approach due to his demeanor, but also wanting to get to know the man. He always seemed so lonely, and she wanted to offer him friendship if he would allow it. Standing in awkward silence for a moment, she eventually looks up at Hanzo with a warm but nervous smile. "Hi! I'm Mei! Umm... I-I saw you were new around here, so I wanted to welcome you."
@watchiingover { Mei }
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Why the young woman had felt the need to speak to him, he is uncertain. He had done his level best to look as unapproachable as possible, even standoffish with his own brother when Genji would attempt conversation––though that distance was of a different nature.
[ Guilt. How heavily it still weighs upon him. How heavily he thinks it may always weigh upon him. It is no easier to bear now that he and his brother have been reunited. It may be worse, in some ways, yet he will bear it all the same, if only because it means that his brother still lives and breathes. ]
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“… I know who you are. Genji has given names to all of you.”
He says nothing of his own name––surely she must know it if she had chosen this path––neither does he acknowledge her wish to greet him.
[ Is it a choice driven by poor judgment or naivety that she would go so far out of her way to welcome one such as him? ]
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
’ Are you.. happy? ’ 
 @watchiingover​ { Angela }
“Some days I am. Other days, I am… less so. I think, where happiness does not always remain a constant, more often than not I am, at the least, content.”
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“… But what of you, Angela? Are you happy?”
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“Hey, what happened between you two?”
@watchiingover​ { Angela }
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Ramona snaps back from where she had watched [ Gabe ] Reyes leave the room, wide eyes moving to Angela. 
Jack and Ana had taken turns lightly poking at him, trying to find out what he had done during his [ well-deserved ] leave time. He had shrugged it off and been generally uncooperative––he gave them half truths and vague answers as though solely to keep from letting them win––and then he had made an excuse to leave the room. 
… But not before giving her a look as he goes past that could only be described as conspiratorial and… [ dare she think it? ] maybe just a little bit soft …. She had given him a look in turn, a small smile, but amused and warm.
It had been a brief moment, exchanged only as he was walking past her. She thought it had gone unnoticed––Jack and Ana were still chatting, after all––yet apparently it hadn’t been completely so.
It takes a second for the question to finally register and then she puts on as close to a look of nonchalant confusion as she can manage.
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“What happened with which two?”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
“I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re hurt. It would have been a lot easier to treat if you’d mentioned it sooner.”
@watchiingover​ { Angela }
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“I…” he hesitates, looking down, the top of his visor shrouding his face in shadow.
“I did not mean to keep the injury from you, Angela, truly… I understand the importance of informing you of any damage I sustain, especially considering my… condition. It is only that……”
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“… It is only that I… did not realize… that I was injured…”
Another hesitation follows and he exhales a sigh, head bowed and eyes closed before he continues. When he speaks again, his voice is quieter, barely above a whisper.
“… I could not feel it.”
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If/When Gabe looks at another agent/operative after they've had to make a hard choice and they're struggling, and he says, "You need to get over it or get out." …
It comes across as being really rude and callous and inconsiderate, of course. Probably gets him labelled as a heartless bastard more often than not.
But at the end of the day, to him, it's one of the kindest things he can tell another person in their line of work [ with few exceptions for people he's actually close to and comfortable enough to be more open and, by consequence and necessity, vulnerable with, such as @quick-drawn ].
As he sees it, what he says is the summary of several things boiling down to this: at the end of the day, they'll either get over it because they have a job to do and they want to keep doing it, they'll burn out and quit because they realize they don't have the stomach for it, or they'll get killed because they DIDN'T get over it and they hesitated where their enemy didn't.
There's no room for doubt in a job like this. The decisions are instantaneous. The results are dire and extreme. Win or lose. Live or die. Kill or be killed.
So get over it… or get out, because if you don't, you're going to be another name for the wall.
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Ramona: What doesn't kill me better run, because now I'm pissed.
Gabriel: Give me your jacket so they can't pull it over your head in the fight.
The Reyes couple version of Go get 'em, baby. I'll hold your flower.
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Updated mains and exclusives page here but will need to do so on my other OW blogs as well.
I currently have two mains: watchiingover's Angela and chronal-anomaly's Lena.
I will write with others but they will get priority on replies, both with other interpretations of their respective muses and in general.
I also gave it a fair amount of thought and have moved quick-drawn to be an exclusive. I won't be writing with any other Jesse on this blog or my other OW blogs. If you're a multi who has Jesse/Cole on their blog and you have other muses you'd like to throw my way, I'm still happy to follow and to write with you, but quick-drawn will be the only Jesse I write with on my blogs.
As I have stated before, my mains and exclusives are never a critique on anyone else's writing ability or characterization. Sometimes my brain just clicks with a certain writer and their muse, and the things we've plotted become so ingrained in my understanding of the character they write and within my own characters' development that I can't untangle it.
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