#was this new information or did chlothar mention it
sleepless-rants · 3 months
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i knew it.
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Because I don't wanna make a video essay, so have a written essay instead because I absolutely can.
I'm gonna talk about the Loom of Fate, the 5 Sinners, and theorized what will happen to Teyvat.
I must warn you that these are all theories made by what's given by Genshin so far, so please don't take anything too seriously until we finally get the full picture.
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Ok, so after AQ Bedtime Story (good god, that was a rollercoaster, although it was short), we've gathered a few things;
Loom of Fate is essentially made to replace or at least be on par with Irminsul, hence the connection between Ley Lines and people's memories.
The caused of the Khaenri'ah cataclysm wasn't the Khaenri'ahns entirely, but the 5 Sinners.
Celestia had been asleep ever since the cataclysm and hadn't woken up, even when Irminsul was altered and Focalors destroying her throne.
The Sinners (+ Dain) are trying to go up against a Vinster King.
The Sinners in question left Khaenri'ah when the cataclysm happened, leaving all of their people to deal with the bullshit they themselves had made. Talk about responsibility.
The Sinners
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Hroptatyr The Wise: I assume that he will have something to do with the Forbidden Knowledge, that's why he was titled "the wise". We have not attain any information about him from any characters as of now.
Vedrfolnir The Visionary: We found out that he is Dainsleif's older brother, and we also found out that he is also the voice that we (reliving as our Sibling in memory) heard as "The Voice in The Head", and was the one who inspired Chlothar into founding the Abyss Order in the first place.
Rhinedottir Gold: We know that she is the creator of Albedo and his siblings. She was the one who brought abyssal monsters into Teyvat in the first place. For the longest time, I've suspected that she had been dead by getting killed, but now I think that she's still alive due to Kaeya's voiceline saying; "The Sinners are the ones that remains".
Surtalogi The Foul: We know that he is the master of Skirk. He was the one who brought the All-Devouring Narwhal onto Teyvat, and we know the whale isn't from Teyvat itself, and it came from somewhere in space. The whale got attracted by the many Primordial Sea because of the Fontainians are beings made out of Primordial Sea until they became fully human.
Rerir Rächer of Solnari: In mythology, Rerir wanted to avenge his father's death. Rerir in Genshin (who is a female due to the Rächer noun is feminine) could be indicating something similar, but what? Maybe... A death of a loved one?
Vinster King
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So the Sinners are trying to go up against the Vinster King because of... Something.
First and foremost, the identity of Vinster King.
I believed that it's Phanes, aka the Primordial One. The one that created the 4 Shining Shades, and the one who founded the Heavenly Principles in the first place.
Why do I say that? Realized that Dain said that their goal is to stop the Vinster King from "continuing the rock foundation of this world"?
Phanes, in a sense did create Teyvat. Killing the Dragon Sovereigns and taking over their land, not to mention creating the civilization we know now is a form of "creating" this world, the world of Teyvat we all know now.
The Sinners had a reason to try and fight the Vinster King, or I guess in this case, the Primordial One.
But what? What happened between them that angered Phanes so much?
Creating a New World
I believe that the reason of the Sinners trying to fight Celestia was that they're trying to create a new world.
Was this a bit of a stretch? Maybe. But they are the ones who left Khaenri'ah when the abyss started to take over and when Celestia have to do what they could to stop it from spreading towards to the other nations.
Loom of Fate was one of the key factors into creating this new world, the same way Irminsul was. There could be other factors into making this new world the Sinners are trying to make, and one of them could involve the Forbidden Knowledge.
See, although Phanes did "make" Teyvat in a sense, it was still a stolen land by the end of the day, so maybe the Sinners are trying to create a world made by their own hands, and transporting the people of Teyvat to that new world, so they could live in a "pure world", where it was entirely theirs. Loom of Fate could also be made to make people forget about Celestia altogether, making the new world a purely-humanity-based world with no divine intervention.
Now, why would they do this? As mentioned before, these 5 people were the best in their fields, better than their own peers. I'd assume they got greedy and selfish, and when they found the power of the abyss, it brought them to the point of insanity, so they made these insane stunts to reach their goal, even if it meant putting their own people, and by extent everyone in the world into a bridge of chaos and suffering.
Hroptatyr & Rerir
We know 3 people so far, but how about the other 2?
Hroptatyr is called "the wise", which he is most likely to tie himself onto knowledge, and probably academically unparalleled back then among his people.
What if he got greedy, trying to get more knowledge? The Forbidden Knowledge was most likely his key to an otherworldly knowledge, something that no one, not even Rukkhadevata could understand as the god of knowledge. It won't be far fetched, since the power of the abyss was so powerful it can either be on par or exceed the power of the heavens to the point Celestia can't cure it.
Forbidden Knowledge can be very essential for creating the new world theory I mentioned in the previous section. Creating the very foundation of a world requires a ton of knowledge, so who's to say that Hroptatyr aren't trying to get his hands to that knowledge so he can't start making that world?
Rerir here is trying to avenge something (hence the word "Rächer"), but what? In the original Germanic mythology, Rerir is the son of Sigi, succeeds his murdered father and avenges his death. He rules in Hunaland and becomes a powerful ruler.
So, Rerir here in Genshin must've had something to do that's tied to death at some point. A dead loved one maybe that got killed by being murdered?
If that's the case, then Rerir is trying to avenge her loved one, or maybe a comrade, but to where? Maybe Phanes got something to do with it, but I'm not entirely sure.
I have my own speculations that Rerir is trying to resurrect that said person. Which, I get it, it doesn't follow through her title, but given that she attains the power of the abyss, who's to say that she won't try to do the art of resurrection? She'll definitely try to take advantage of that power and do whatever she could think off possible to make whatever she wished come true, including bringing back the dead.
Maybe that person got involved with Celestia, and Celestia was the cause of that person's death. Which would make sense if Rerir getting involved with Phanes herself because of it; she doesn't accept that the person she cares about being killed by the person who was supposed to be a god who loved humanity.
Celestia, as we know it, is the cause of plenty of shit;
The one who destroyed an entire nation
The one who put a curse on said nation
The one who the archons are putting their distance at
The one who drove our Sibling to continue the Loom of Fate operation
The one who made the Tsaritsa going grocery shopping for the other archons' gnoses
The one who made the prophecy to drown Fontaine because Egeria made the sin of making Oceanids into humans
Stole a whole planet upon arrival
Killed the original residents of said planet
Using the remnants of the 3rd Descenders into making the gnoses
What we didn't know until a while ago about Celestia was;
Destroying the entire nation because there's no cure for the abyss and they're trying to protect the other nations
The power of the abyss was so powerful, it drained them to the point of slumber
Cursing the people of the nation because they thought the people responsible for creating the cataclysm was still there, not realizing that they had already left. Though I still disapprove of them cursing the entire population when they had absolutely nothing to do with it and was caught in a crossfire
Celestia wasn't the one who started the eradication of Khaenri'ah in the first place because they disapprove of the nation's independence; they were merely trying to protect the world from the abyss because it's the only way the knew best and are the only powerful method they had
Celestia exhaust themselves so badly, they went into a slumber that not even Focalors' stunt could even wake them up. So they've been inactive for the last 500 years
For the longest time, we've been under the impression that Celestia is the ultimate big bad of the game, which we have reasons why; the archons are against Celestia, a whole nation got destroyed by Celestia because it was assumed that they're being erased because of their independence, hell even trapping us into Teyvat without any way of leaving and locking our powers away.
In a sense, Celestia is still a big bad, but maybe not as big as the Sinners? I know I said that they're probably transporting the people from Teyvat to a new world they're making, but considering the fact that they left their own people to die, who's to say that they would most likely let the world perish and recreate their society and the entire humanity from scratch? And in order to do that, the existence of the previous humanity of the previous world have to be eradicated.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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Farewell Atossa
I apologize for making you know me unwillingly
Still, I do not wish you to forget me
(Translation by me, cuz good god this took so damn long translating this letter by letter-)
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I'm so unwell y'all- :')
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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𝐂𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐋. I think that among all the AQ Dain has participated so far (including Caribert), Requiem of the Echoing Depths is the meatier one in terms of what we learn about him not solely by getting new information, but because we also see him being more emotional and on the edge in certain moments. Because of this, it'll be split in various parts.
✦ While this is something I mentioned in the past on brief occasions, it never fails to impress me that for all the tricks the Abyss Order can pull out of their sleeves and go as far as to even have the capability to corrupt the minds of former deities or creatures affiliated to gods, that every time Dain comes to corner strong opponents such as Abyss Heralds they just run away instead of trying their hand at capturing him or defeating him. I think that this is telling of how feared he is and that they probably think that it is for the best to escape than to face him, as most likely than not over the past 400-500 years they saw that he's an unwavering soul that can have his way against them.
✧ The premise that Abyss portals are an entire network instead of leading from one point to another of their desire is highly interesting to me and somehow reminiscent of what the Aranara can do by using their connection to the Ley Lines and using these as their own particular network. Considering that Ley Lines spread everywhere to sustain the world with the seven elements that come from Irminsul, it can be a really handful trick by itself to somehow counter the Abyss'. It would be interesting to give a thought of what exactly there is to make a network, some energy already existent or that they deposit somewhere or if they can go wherever they want arbitrarily without nothing that can be present there for them. Furthermore, based on Dain's experience of being bamboozled into reaching the Stormterror's lair, it's safe to assume that this place is of the Abyss Order interest.
✦ I won't go too deep into this one here as I did in other posts, but it's always painful to think that one of the reasons of the journey during the Cataclysm around Teyvat is to find his fate in a moment where he had lost everything he had and he doesn't know what to do.
✧ In the past I talked about the difference between the curse of immortality and the corruption (what turns people into Abyss monsters), but hearing Dain again saying that the environment of the Chasm soothes the effects of the curse laid by the gods confirms, once again, that this curse has ties to the Abyss and that the reason why it's soothing to linger in the depths of the Abyss is because of the influence of the sapphire nail Phanes dropped to mend the land from the Abyss during the Apocalypse, out of fear that the world would be destroyed otherwise.
✦ ◜For centuries, I have suffered daily from the curse that was laid upon me. But here... I suddenly feel a small amount of relief from this suffering. And right here, right now, I can feel my body sending a strong message to me... It is telling me, "stay".◞
This speaks volumes of the cruelty of the curse of immortality, about how much it hurts to be aware of the pain it causes day by day. At first I thought it would only be in a mental way, but later on during AQ: Caribert I came to the conclusion that it must also affect to the body given Chlothar's struggle to make a potion. The notion that Dain can find a place (potentially other places too where this soothing aura is present) where he feels relief is quite emotional to even think about, after all those centuries.
✧ ◜The curse of "immortality" denies death to those affected with it... and yet, it does not truly mean that they will never die. The body and the soul will continue to be eroded until they are virtually nonexistent, even if "death" is not the form that this erosion takes.◞
In a way, I can't help but think that while people who bear this curse can still die, they won't die in the typical way everyone thinks of first. Egeria might be a good example for this, even if she wasn't affected by this curse. While she's considered to have "died", her spirit or lingering energy still exists in the Realm of Farakhkert and still has such a manner of sentience that she can still suffer from the surrounding corrosion. So as Dain explains, the soul and body become virtually nonexistent, but there will be something there that will continue to exist. If I'm not mistaken, something like this is addressed in Hu Tao's SQ in which she explains that her family's duty began with the existence of something left behind by death during the war and the need for someone to cleanse it out or taking it somewhere else, lest those remnants cause illnesses to the living.
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