#was gonna get the samsung ones but all the reviews say they fall out really easily
bisexualbvck · 2 years
anyone have any good suggestions for some wireless earbuds?
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dailydosemiku · 6 years
So I just beat Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- 100%
I’m gonna write this as an in depth review I guess. So I got done just recently discussing it with an old friend, the very same friend who roughly a decade ago showed me the original game. We have pretty polar opposite opinions of the game and I’m seeing that seems to be the trend with people who have played it so far. This isn’t a call out post or “Your opinion is wrong and mine is right” bullshit. I just want to explain why I liked it and maybe help some people see the game from a different light.
First things first. I want to premise, if this even gets read, that nothing will ever top or match Yume Nikki the RPG maker game that has gained a cult following. Even Yume Nikki on a second playthrough, will never feel like Yume Nikki on a persons first playthrough in my opinion, granted that is if they enjoyed it. Before this re-imagining came out there were mostly 2 kinds of people and barely anyone in between. People who loved it for it’s entire concept and execution and people who thought it was the most boring chore in the world. There is barely anyone I know or have met that’s in between those who are just like “yeah it’s ok I guess” Just because this re-imagining came out does not mean the original is now bad or doesn’t exist and I will respect your opinion if you think one is better then the other, because it’s an opinion, and they aren’t the same.
Below this is the Steam Store page, I want anyone reading this to read it and read it again.
“Yume Nikki has been hailed as one of the greatest (and most controversial) games ever created with RPG Maker. The new YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- is not a remake, but a full reimagining of the original―reconstructed and enhanced using elements and styles of modern indie games. “
If you read this and thought this meant that this is going to be the same game, you went in with your expectations to high. One of the biggest reasons Yume Nikki was so beloved and how most people go into it was, THEY KNEW NOTHING, hell I knew nothing, I got like 2 sentences and like a 5 minute gameplay video of the game and that sold me. Then these people were to learn after diving into this strange game that only told you things with visuals, the creator disappears. For years even. So to do both games right I want to break them down into some basically game design elements to the best of my ability. Gameplay, Soundtrack, Story, Visuals, and Atmosphere/Presentation. Of course I’m going to reference both games because that’s what everyone else is doing for each of these.
Gameplay, well there really wasn’t much of a game to play in Yume Nikki the RPG maker game. I’m sorry I love Yume Nikki, but there’s not a lot of interactivity. It’s more of an experience, a long giant question of How and Why did this game get to this point? If you were at all like me, you kept playing to answer these questions and ultimately you either didn’t get an answer and were happy with it or you found your own answer, which if you ask me is part of the magic of that first playthrough. But as a 2D free RPG Maker game with no admission to entry, it was an experience and just that AN EXPERIENCE. As for Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- the 3D platformer, there’s actually a game to be played which understandable makes it very different then the RPG maker original. But this is an re-imagining, it’s not fair to directly compare the 2. They are in completely different medians and special in their own ways. In it’s essence, whether you agree or not both games at their element are about exploring an experience. If one having gameplay elements, that if you ask me were fairly well tested but not perfect, makes it less of an experience and was frustrating, then I don’t think you remember some of the frustrating non-sense that the RPG maker version had, such as navigating NES World, Locating the Bike which for most of the playthrough you were guaranteed to use because the normal movement speed was slow as shit and that’s usually what stopped a bunch of people from getting farther into it. But I say this with pride, it was part of the experience, it was part of the fun and by all technicality, was it’s own form of rudimentary puzzles and gameplay. Now yes I hear some of you die hard fans cry but there’s not as many effects and not as many doors and worlds, not as many themes and they took out so much. I am sad to say some of the things they took out I will miss, that is if the original game was wiped off the face of the planet with this games release, but it wasn’t.The original is still there as it always was. Because it can’t be replaced. It won’t ever be replaced, people have tried. So onto the point, the gameplay of the 3D one. It’s a horror platformer with puzzle solving and a few jumpscares I guess. You are sitting here reading this, I hope, going wow it’s that easy to categorize? Well yeah sorry to say guys it’s 2018 not 2004, in the time between the first RPG maker classic which I love to death and this newer retake of the very concept of Yume Nikki in 2018 we have had 3 different presidents, saw the rise and fall of many platforms like Vine, went through not 1, not 2 but 3 generations of Video Game Consoles, got 10 versions of the IPhone, like 8 versions of Samsungs Phones and a bunch of other stuff. Needless to say, times change, information is easier to access and we have gotten older and more analytical when it comes to the things we do as hobbies or otherwise. If we are to just look at the word re-imagining at face value and by definition.
reinterpret (an event, work of art, etc.) imaginatively; rethink. 
Is the new Yume Nikki a reinterpretation of the RPG classic? Absolutely, it’s a different take on what the game was. Key word different, problem is in 2018 things are easier to find then 2004, communities are larger, people are older, and things in general are going to less surprising. So from a gameplay standpoint is the new Yume Nikki the 3D Platformer a well thought out game from a gameplay standpoint? Yes it is, it has it’s bugs which is unfortunate, but even games that got GAME OF THE YEAR were horrible buggy messes when they came out and those were backed by Triple A developers, COUGH COUGH FALLOUT 3 EVEN THOUGH I LOVE YOU YOU ARE A MESS COUGH COUGH. Moral of the story for the gameplay, it’s different yes but that doesn’t make it bad just not the same. If you can effectively get from beginning to end regardless how the journey goes, the game did what it needed to do. If you felt obligated to finish -Dream Diary- that was nostalgia and that almost need to feel the magic of the first playthrough of the RPG Maker classic, meaning you aren’t taking Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- as it’s own game, you are trying to take it as a replacement for a beloved classic.
Now that I’m done with that portion I guess, hopefully my point was more or less digestible and hopefully didn’t come off as if you disagree I hate you, cause that’s not my intent, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, I just want to give a separate perspective. The Soundtrack. I think the Soundtrack in both games is just weird and beautiful and bizarre and conveys messages on a spectrum going from of uncomfortable to serene to almost intimidating. I’m no music expert or major or whatever but the music in Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- not only was very good and did what it meant to do in my opinion but was an incredible nod at the RPG Maker classic featuring a lot of remastered tracks from the original which I think portrayed similar emotions as I felt from the first game. I don’t have much else to say on the soundtrack, it’s timing and consistency felt as good as the original in it’s own special way but should not be interpreted as the same.
So the next thing I want to bring up is story. Now if you are a fan of the RPG Maker classic, you know as well as I do that the story is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, it’s almost entirely up to interpretation. The story was what you thought it was, you just get kind of a beginning and kind of a ending. People who wanted a classical game with a story with a beginning middle and end, would not really even touch this game. Cause it doesn’t hold your hand, but not in a “is this the dark souls of RPG Maker games?” kind of way. It’s entire conception, how it came to be, how the game played, how the game ends and how you get an ending to begin with and the mysterious creator and their disappearance are all ultimately part of Yume Nikkis’ Story in my opinion. The time the game came out, the so little information about the game that was known, the fact that Youtube was still young, fuck me I was using SKYPE when I played this game in like 2008, it was the perfect storm but only because of the games story outside of the game as well as inside. It was a mess, but it was such an amazing mess that was so hard to describe and time and time and time again the only thing people could really say is “you just have to play it, I can’t explain it without ruining it” That was also a part of the games story if you ask me. It was so strange and so meta but it always made people say the same thing. Now 14 years later, the developer is back, is older, sees his own mistakes better then any of us ever could, and I know if anyone reads this, some of you are artists or content creators or game designers and you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about being hyper critical of your own work. And now he has help now, a team of developers and even though he worked side by side with these people, of course there’s going to be a disconnect, something lost in translation, that’s exactly what fangames are, an interpretation of the original. So yes sadly there’s a bit more going on that’s coherent now but it’s 14 years later being lead by a guy who knows his own mistakes for a game he made alone, which is an achievement yes, but he has seen and allowed to be published in the very beginning of this new game a nod at where his last game left off. Meaning of course he acknowledges what he made and knows people adored it, but people also hated it. It was a judgement call, and you may not like the result but I assure you it was a decision in good faith, at least that the message I got from this game. Now enough beating around the bush, this games story? It does it;s job without telling you to much and honestly I still feel like in this games case like the last one, explaining what happens loses the impact, and some of the impact is because I played the game prior. So I think it does it’s job at re-imagining the story of Yume Nikki the RPG maker game well enough.
Next is visuals, now as an RPG Maker game you could argue it’s not good looking, till you think about it, that one guy, made all of that basically from scratch, it’s poetic, it’s awe-inspiring, that this one guy makes this strange game and it moved people so much and all you really do is just look at things. It’s a stunning game to the eyes because you want to know what this guy could have possibly created next and each environment is so different from the last, each effect so silly and cute or scary and gross all at the same time making you feel these mixed emotions of joy, excitement, nausea, tension all at the same time. It almost mesmerizes you into this feeling of wanting to do everything while simultaneously fearing when it’s all over and the dream ends both literally and metaphorically. It’s only because of this, in my opinion is why visually the RPG maker game is such a work of art. Now for Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- if you ask me I think the game is breathtaking, there’s so much care put into so many little details, yes there are clipping issues and the animations aren’t great but remember Yume Nikki the RPG Maker game wasn’t perfect either, we didn’t care though, we were young, we just wanted to take whatever it was in for what it was worth. From a technical standpoint I feel like this game is stunning in the visual department, but it’s not that complicated compared to games of it’s time, much like the older classic. The older classic came out the same year as Half Life 2, which was a technical marvel when it came out, now it’s kinda dated but regardless that didn’t make Yume Nikki in 2004 any less of an unique experience, and I feel like that same way of thinking should be applied to this new title as best as a person can. I’m going to steal a line from another reviewer loosely, Portal 2s biggest flaw is that it came out after Portal 1.  I must have heard those words 5 years ago or something and they still stick with me. If you look at Portal 2 it’s literally an evolved embodiment of Portal, but you already knew the concept of Portal cause it already came out so it’s shock value, it’s rare and raw punch is lessened because something did that already. It’s the same reasons fangames and Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- won’t feel the exact same. Cause it came out afterwards.
Lastly I wish to touch on a final point before closing this review I guess, more of an analysis. The presentation and atmosphere. Broken down as simply as I can both games share this. They are Surreal Horror Exploration games whose job is to seemingly immerse you in the strange world of a little Japanese girls dreams. That’s where the disconnect begins. Cause even though you wouldn’t think of the RPG Maker classic to be a horror game it has horror themes and the occasional jumpscare or visual for shock value. Now as a re-imagining does the new Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- fit the bill for an amazing strange atmosphere just like the first? Absolutely, it tells most of it’s story passively, no dialogue, nothing crazy, just you and a simple platformer. But alas, it’s a platformer with tension and parts with severely more interaction then the original causing you to feel urgency and demand to escape or jump the next hurdle or challenge, which is not the same as original. Which understandably is this games biggest flaw, if from the very beginning it said it was a remake and that the original is no longer an actual concept. If we were to look at Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- the same way as the original, where we had nothing to compare it too, it’s a lot better of a game and it’s creepy atmosphere is on point, the environments are great and the nods it makes to the older game make me happy.
All in all I think that even with it’s flaws on release that Yume Nikki -Dream Diary- is a stunning love letter to the original game, written by a team of people copying down the words of the creator, ultimately dedicated to those of us who gave Yume Nikki it’s following while simultaneously being something more accessible to wider audience so that by chance they may also play the original game to fully understand why this game exists and what purpose it serves. It’s a thank you letter, an attempt to redo in a different sense what we have tried ourselves many times to recreate and even though a lot of the fan games are great they don’t feel the exact same and neither does this, it’s fantastic but we should all know by now that it can’t be done again, that’s why it’s special. But the creator knew this and wanted to try again but with more knowledge this time and I respect him for it, I respect the team who worked on this game, flaws and all. Perfect or not they wanted us to feel that special feeling one more time, and maybe it wasn’t what you wanted but I don’t even know what I wanted.
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oceandetail06 · 4 years
Where to find the Perfect Smartphone for your Young Adults
My toddler is going to be 2 years old, and his most liked plaything is undoubtedly my iPhone 10. I stash it almost everywhere: behind plush teddy bears, among books, inside boxes. He locates it each time and runs up to all of us, holding it in his very small fist and moans every time I said no, he falls onto the floor and cries. Maybe it's more serious, I believe. A few weeks back, was his turn to stash your cell phone. Right until somewhat recently, it was suggested that adults avoid showing children under 2 displays of any kind, including television, iPads, or phones. In 2017, it somewhat eased the guidelines. We violated this rule a long time ago. I do not keep in mind whenever we first cradled an iPhone before his face, but during the last couple of months, we've viewed in horror as my son has developed a full-blown dependence on phones, long before he's actually old enough to possess one. Over the last decade, very much continues to be written about the fantastic screen time debate: how often should our children come in contact with screens, and at what age? As recently as Oct 2016, a paper published an attribute that decorated a dark eyesight of children and screens, having a estimate from a Facebook professional assistant saying that only poor stuff lurks in our devices. Immediately after researching the story, we went into 100 % panic mode and implemented a rule inside our house where no one is allowed to give our boy a smartphone. For the time being, this has kept the devil at bay. Nonetheless, I understand there should come a period when I'll yield towards the inevitable and purchase my son his first mobile phone. The possibility already makes me stressed. Regarding to a 2014 record, 72 percent of children between the age groups of 13 and 16 possess their own phone, whilst a 2018 study signifies that nearly 44 percent of children get their own cell phone program between the ages of 10 and 12. In connected homes people with a lot more than 3 gadgets, kids get their first tablet if they are 6 years of age, and their first phone at age seven. Nowadays, many adults are having tech in youngsters' hands when they can hold them. But when it comes to what kinds of phones parents should actually buy their kids, the market offers hardly any options: There is no iPhone equal for children, and there by no means has been. Generally, kids are stuck with their parents' hand-me-down smartphones, as well as the responsability is definitely on the mother or father to install the required parental controls. Therefore, why hasn't the sector profitably produced a telephone for children? And if it did, what would such a device actually look like? Although couples tend to be shamed for utilizing monitors to amuse their little children or watch over them by proxy, many people will concur that giving their a child a mobile phone is also part and parcel of being a responsible parent in 2019. In a ideal world, a smart cell phone for young children ought to be mainly because strong as is possible, probably it would have some way to text when there is a school crisis or some other type of unexpected emergency, or not really allow them to carefully turn off their navigation or delete messages. Others claim that such a device should be social media-free. No photo no internet is the point we kept hearing from adults. Without a camera or connection, kids are unable to take selfies or engage with social networking, two activities parents are eager to control. Even though tablets have been effectively marketed to teens, efforts to develop cell phones for young kids have nearly universally failed. https://www.digit.in/top-products/best-nokia-phones-in-india-14.html We've seen a whole lot of mobile phones for children over the years and they're all junk. In 2014, one young kids' tech business unveiled the Kurio Android phone, that was designed to operate and appearance just like an adult cell phone, although with safety features and usage limitations to hide all scenarios. While pretty bland-looking, the telephone had almost everything an anxious mother or father would've dreamed of: it blacklisted 415 million internet sites, allowed parents to remotely view text messages and call logs, and provided period limits in apps long before Apple introduced similar features. It actually included a customizable in case there is emergency form, featuring the child's allergic reaction information and blood type. Later in 2017, VTech, a toy business, launched the KidiBuzz, a cellphone for kids between the age groups of 3 and 10 that allows kids to receive and send texts, photographs, and voice messages. The kids smartphone was a marvelous flop and it was forgotten the same year it was introduced. The machine was costly to manufacture, but as it was not top quality, it could not be marketed at an effective price, it was not Samsung or Apple, and the age group the cellphone was targeted at, pre-tweens/tweens, is very brand and look-self-conscious. In the mean time, the KidiBuzz provides 32 percent one-star reviews about Amazon, with 1 commenter noticing that it doesn't even make a fine paperweight. Area of the concern with child-focused phones is functionality: many of these devices occupy an amorphous grey space among a toy and tool. The KidiBuzz, for example, gives features like games and applications, but does not actually allow users place phone calls. Adults searching for wise smartphones for children on Amazon may also run into dozens upon dozens of nonfunctional play telephone items, gadgets that look like cell phones but are in fact toys that come equipped with different ringtones and blinking lights. One more added challenge is that products marketed mainly because kid-friendly, have an integral expiration time. There's not a lot of activity taking place in the child-specific space, because it simply doesn't scale well. You're discussing a very small segment from it: kids age range 5 to 10 or 7 to 14, etc. And it's really actually even smaller than that, simply because at a certain age I don't think children want the particular phone. They want the same gadget you are using. By and large, the truth is the devices people want to use are the devices from the big manufacturers. So why build some thing that is motive-built and a single model of these devices when you could fundamentally consider any manufacturer's design and work with a parental handles app to help control that? Still, there is true anxiousness around giving developing kids access to products that are nothing lacking addictive to grown adults. And even more research has surfaced linking unnecessary screen time for you to, among other things, depression, reduced sleep, and speech postpone in newborns. All which has pushed a small number of entrepreneurs to make option solutions for kids. The main issue with offering young adults phones, is that, for insufficient a better term, it's such an attractive, glossy device, you want to download games, open the web. That's almost natural to the telephone. I feel it even myself in my cellphone. It is a very powerful issue. https://www.zdnet.com/article/lenovo-rolls-out-new-ideapad-laptops-chromebooks-budget-android-tablets/ The first iteration of the Light Phone was designed to be used less than possible: it might place phone calls, and mainly nothing else. The impending Light Phone 2 will also allow users textual content. It is among a small number of entries in the minimalist, or dumb telephone movement, which was spurred by an evergrowing concern about cellphone dependency. Although not designed for kids, the Light Phone has gotten significant amounts of attention from couples with children. Couples with children struggle with this problem: they want a smart phone so their child can contact them within an crisis, but Snapchat really scares all of them. The Jitterbug, which features a good sized screen and larger type, is another dumb cellphone typically cited as a good option for young kids - though it was developed for elderly people. The Jitterbug can place telephone calls and receive and send texts; at significantly less than $50 for the flip smart phone version, it is also considerably cheaper than the Light Phone 2, which includes not delivered out however but happens to be priced at $290. Some producers are bypassing cell phones altogether by entering the wearables market. GizmoWatch, for example, enables couples to track their children' specific location and provides alerts if they enterprise outside a specific radius; in addition, it lets young children text and make calls to up to 10 friends on the preprogrammed contact list, permitting parents in which to stay touch using their kids while curbing their screen time. Without technically a wearable (though you can hook it to clothes using a carabiner-like accessory), the Relay, an identical to walkie-talkie gadget, is an additional entry in the kids' technology space. The device presents itself being a middle ground for much less tech-savvy parents who are concerned about display period, but don't desire to navigate the complicated world of parental control apps. There's no way to watch an undesirable YouTube video or search for something unacceptable using the smartphone, because there's no display. Though devices just like the Relay and the GizmoWatch also appear to be exactly what they are: products for children. And that could be a issue. There's always some chance with wearables, but I am just a little reluctant to say they're gonna be a big seller. The demand compared to alternate options is such that the effect is commonly fairly limited. I could get my child a kid smartwatch, that they may or may not wear, or I can provide them with a phone. Smart watches, are not gonna replace mobile phones for teens. Kids want more. They are inundated with messaging to stay connected frequently. This is the world children are growing up in. With out better answers, couples with children are largely trapped passing off their worn out iPhones or Androids or buying an old mobile phone, which in turn still costs you hundreds of dollars. There's only a certain comfort level there because that is what father and mother have always used. Handing down our previous smartphones is normally low-cost and the parental settings work fairly well. Kids aren't some particular animal that want special tools with regards to cell phones. They may be little human beings, and I prefer to respect them when it comes to tech. And rather than creating services, producers have begun adding features to create their adult-oriented items more kids-friendly. Apple's new iOS 12 parental adjustments include a Display Time feature, that allows you to create period limits for particular applications and monitor how much period they're shelling out for their mobile phones. Google has introduced Google Family Link, a free of charge app that allows parents to monitor their children' screen time as well while remotely lock their gadgets if they are spending a lot of time using them. All these application work-arounds aren't perfect - kids are apparently hacking Apple's Screen Time simply by changing the time setting on their device, but they're a recognition that kids of a certain age want to possess a similar thing everybody else has. And if everybody else has an iPhone or an Android, many will not accept anything less.
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Yet ultimately the anxiety parents experience around what sorts of devices to buy their teens and when can also be a means of projecting worries about our own complicated romantic relationships with cellphones. The answer may possibly not be finding the right device for our kids, but wrangling our own impulses, especially because plenty of experts say that couples with children who are overly distracted by their devices are establishing behavioral issues in their young kids. Little Children can do what you carry out, not everything you tell them to do. You must model great digital habits. In fact, a 2016 study found that although 77 percent of couples with children thought they were modeling great screen behaviors for his or her kids, these were spending typically nine hours per day with their displays, far more time than their young kids were. When I noticed that I had been spending far more time scrolling through my e-mail and Twitter than I was playing on the floor with my child, I understood that the problem wasn't with screens warping his vulnerable brain. It had been that I'd currently allowed my phone to bend mine. So these days, we do not use our phones at all before our son. This is a habit that can be easily designed for later years and really depends on the couples with children to keep our teenagers away from mobile phones before they understand responsibility.
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