nicatoons · 7 months
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Solo quería ver cómo se veía tlatecuhtli con sus serpientes moviéndose así que hice ese dibujo :) 🐍
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nicatoons · 9 months
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He is the god Tlaloc, known as the god of rain and lightning, one of the most important gods on earth, known for his ability to control water and provide the so-called liquor of the earth that contributed to the growth of corn crops.
In Warmaout, Tlaloc was the first to know that Tlaltecuhtli was in the human world and without memory, so he took on a human appearance with his wife Xochiquetzal, who pretended to be a couple of foreign neighbors to be close since Tlaloc loves Tlaltecuhtli and promised to do everything possible to protect her while she is vulnerable on earth.
Tlaltecuhtli unaware of all this he only thinks that they are normal humans who are good people.
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Y bien, aquí les dejo una situación graciosa en español antes de dormir, entre Quetzalcóatl y Tlaltecuhtli espero que les guste :)
Para este dibujo use una referencia que encontre, la cual pueden ver a continuacion de esta imagen.
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Here you have the god Quetzalcóatl, I think some of you already know him but if not, he is a god known as a feathered serpent, he is one of the most important gods of Mesoamerican culture, In warmout, he is held in very high esteem as one of the major deities but truly, he is an egocentric and vain being who wants power for himself, he blamed his brother Tezcatlipoca for all natural disasters and bringing chaos to earth, all this caused by his whim for Tlaltecuhtli, soon they will know more about him
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nicatoons · 7 months
I just wanted to see what tlatecuhtli looked like with an 80s anime drawing style :) 🐍
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nicatoons · 7 months
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Aunque no participo en este reto de dibujar a los dioses este mes , quise dibujar a Tezcatlipoca tocando su flauta para Tlatecuhtli por eso las hojas bailotean a su alrededor en señal de aprobación :) 🍃
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Una pequeña situación entre Tezcatlipoca y Tlaltecuhtli en español antes de dormir :)
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nicatoons · 10 months
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He is Tezcatlipoca, he is the brother of Quetzalcóatl for those who do not know him, he is a creator and destroyer god, counterpart of Quetzalcóatl, he was also known for being an invisible god, who walked everywhere, in the sky, on the They said that he himself incited some against others to have wars and for this they called him Necoc Yáotl, which means sower of discord on both sides.
In warmout after he helped his brother Quetzalcoatl split Tlaltecuhtli in half, Tezcatlipoca was accused by Quetzalcoatl of causing chaos on earth and sending the monstrous beings that cause natural disasters, without giving him a chance to prove his innocence. of the,
At present Tezcatlipoca has an alter ego called: Tlazopilli: precious prince, who is known as a mime because he is dressed as a mime, since he poses as a street artist to get closer to Tlaltecuhtli without being feared. Soon you will know more about him.
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nicatoons · 10 months
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The 4 guardians of nature
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nicatoons · 10 months
Coming soon
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Coming soon...
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nicatoons · 8 months
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Aquí les dejo esta situación entre Quetzalcóatl y Tlaltecuhtli en español antes de ir a dormir.
Si te preguntas por qué Quetzalcóatl ha sometido a Tlaltecuhtli, en esta historia es porque Quetzalcóatl después de la vergüenza que le hizo pasar en el pasado su hermano Tezcatlipoca, a Quetzalcóatl le tomó mucho tiempo pensar en una buena forma de venganza, ya que Querían destruir a los humanos actuales para crear nuevos humanos que eran prácticamente esclavos sin voluntad, ya que estos seres según Quetzalcóatl solo lo verían como el único amo y el único dios al que debían adorar, ignorando a los demás dioses mexicas, y por ser capaz de recrear a los nuevos humanos que quería, necesitaba depositar su semilla en el vientre de la tierra para dar vida a estos nuevos seres sin voluntad, ya que surgirian de la tierra, pero Tlaltecuhtli al conocer los verdaderos planes de Quetzalcoalt y al negase rotundamente Quetzalcoatl le mostro su verdadera cara, lo que le costo un gran precio a Tlaltecuhtli que tuvo que pagar por el bien de la tierra y de los humanos actuales.
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nicatoons · 9 months
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He is the god Tonatiuh known as the Lord of Turquoise and the fifth and current sun in Aztec vision. In warmout Tonatiuh had a great emotional bond and a friendship with Tlaltecuhtli to the point that when he found out that Tlaltecuhtli had disappeared because he could no longer feel his divine presence, added to the fact that Quetzalcoatl told him that Tlaltecuhtli was dead so that he would forget about her. , Tonatiuh entered a kind of mourning, thus lowering its brightness a bit, Quetzalcoatl seeing this, is happy since he wants to become a main deity.
and well I hope you like it :)
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nicatoons · 9 months
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Some chibi sketches of two of the most popular gods of Mexican mythology, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca :)
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Warmaout cover Tlaltecuhtli vs Quetzalcóatl
Drawing and painting process of this poster here:
Nicatoons studios (@nicatoons_studio) | Instagram
Nicatoons studios (@nicatoons_studio) | Instagram
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Here is the original form of tlaltecuhtli / tlalcihuatl / Jose Hudson Since he lost his memory, he cannot resort to his true divine form, but when he does, will it be the end?
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nicatoons · 10 months
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Una pequeña situación entre Tezcatlipoca y Tlaltecuhtli en español antes de dormir :) ya que en esta historia Tezcatlipoca salvo en varias ocaciones a Tlaltecuhtli en especial en los fuertes ataques directos que Quetzalcoatl le hacia a Tlaltecuhtli
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