#walked all the way to the plaza and all over walmart and then walked home carrying bags cuz i'm too cheap/broke to call a cab
naomiknight-17 · 2 years
I had pleasant small talk at the glasses shop today with both the optician and another customer
I am getting a good grade in social interaction which is a normal thing to want and possible to do
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duallygirl178 · 3 years
Dearest O'Malley Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Robin, Gonzo and I were trying to think of some challenges to do for a summer fun project. Gonzo thought and suggested; “why don’t we do an Elvis prance or Elvis parade to show off our best impression.”  Robin hummed to himself, thought, and said; “nah, “ I had an idea to start so I said; “I know, we’ll have some sort of pickle challenge, but can’t copy the other kinds of challenges that involve pickles. We need something new. Like a pickle bath and flour challenge.” Robin thought hard about it and asked ; “what would we do with the flour part?” that was a good question to think about. I thought a minute and said; “cover ourselves with it to look like ghosts  to chase people around.” Robin imagined what fun that would be like. He laughed and said; “good idea, man. I know a brand  of flour we could use.” that same day, the three of us; Nathan, Natalie and I went shopping at a big supermarket. I already told Natalie what I needed which was Pillsbury flour. So about 15 minutes later, they came out with groceries, loaded them into the trunk, and we headed home. Gonzo  was there, providing the kiddie pool we were going to dunk ourselves in and told me that Robin went to go get pickles from Sam’s club; a big grocery store that was behind WALMART in town. It was already sunset and he still hadn’t returned.  Gonzo had to go home but he said he and Robin will do it tomorrow since we didn’t get to do it today. Then they’d start the pickle challenge. I told Gonzo; “that would be a good idea since we aren’t really prepared and set up.” Then Gonzo agreed and headed home.
That night, I watched some TV with Nathan and Natalie. I thought about other challenges that Robin Gonzo and I could do. Something different that others could do. I began to think about it but couldn’t think of anything else to try. The pickle bath and flour challenge was the only one I had in mind. I could have suggested a “Mountain Dew” and corn chips challenge but wasn’t sure if Gonzo and Robin liked Mountain Dew” soda pop. I’ve never seen any of them drink it before. I thought of doing a 24 hour challenge to stay awake but that would be hard and a few people were able to do it. Ironically, I wondered what people would do if I pranked Ol’ Reliable by involving firecrackers. Maybe folks would think I was a bully by picking on little cars. I knew I didn’t want to make all the Chevy cars have a bad reputation. I later on thought I’d better ask Gonzo and Robin if they had any ideas for a few other challenges that people could do to spread all over the world.  The next day after the barbeque, Robin, Gonzo came over and the three o us thought up a challenge to do because Robin had a video camera and an account with YOUTUBE. He wanted to post it to see if anyone would participate after we did the pickle bath and flour challenge. So Robin asks Ol’ Reliable to be the cameraman for the day. Ol Reliable cooperated as Robin was directing Ol’ Reliable how to use his camera, Gonzo and I poured about 28 gallon jars of pickles we bought from Sam’s Club into the kiddie pool that Gonzo brought over. The smell was revolting! But at least there was 3 bags of flour setting out and ready on the porch. When Ol’ Reliable got the camera recording, Robin faced the camera and said; “hello fellow YOUTUBERS. Today’s challenge is the pickle bath and flour challenge and what we’re doing is getting 3 people;  meaning O’Malley, Gonzo, and me to roll in a kiddie pool  of pickles and pickle juice and then covering ourselves with Pillsbury flour after we’re nice and covered with pickle brine. Next, we’re going to the park to chase people around for fun. And you too can try this too, just make sure you’re careful. So I challenge you to try this.” Ol’ Reliable  chuckled and said; “This should be fun.” Robin went in first. It was a quick roll and dunk for him, because Robin couldn’t  bare the smell of pickles. He got out  fast and gasped like a fish out of water. I laughed, teased Robin and said; “We should call you ’Pickle Fins’ because you got pickle brine all over you. I mean what are you? A sissy?” Gonzo bursted out laughing and said; “HA! Pickle fins.” Robin frowned ever so fake-like, splashed himself with flour and said; “Oh yeah, O’Malley. Let’s see how you like this.” Robin picked me up happily, and tossed me into the pool. Juice got all over me. Ol” Reliable, Gonzo, and Robin laughed belly down. It might have been funny to them, but I had a better idea. I took a huge sip of pickle brine , swallowed it down, and as they made sick faces, I said; “Hey Robin, come here. I want to tell you something.” Robin came close and he said; “Yeah?” then, I let out a huge deep belch and blew it in his face.  Robin’s face turned green with nausea as he made a sick noise. I laughed and said; “Ah…hallelujah that was swinging.”  Gonzo laughed and pointed at Robin as he looked like he was going to faint. I rolled in the juice and covered my  whole body with juice. Next I got out and covered myself with one of the bags of flour and said; “Okay Gonzo, you’re turn.” Gonzo right away jumped in and spent an uncomfortable retched 10 minutes in pickle juice. Then he got out and said; “Dappa papa mow, how do you like me now?” as we laughed as Gonzo dumped another bag of flour on himself.
The next thing we had to do was drive in town, Ol’ Reliable followed and captured  everyone’s reaction on camera. There were people holding their noses and some were fanning the air. Then Robin started chasing people and dogs as we came to the Brookside park. Gonzo followed after Robin and was making noise that all dogs hated to hear. I watched for a few minutes as Ol’ Reliable filmed. I thought the whole point of having a pickle bath and flour challenge was to roll in juice and get fluffed out by dumping flour all over the challenge taker’s body, but chasing people and animals in the park was stupid. Then Gonzo screamed out “Pickle ghosts!” while Robin did his perfect Taz manian devil Looney toon character noise to whoever they were chasing after. I couldn’t bare waiting. Ol’ Reliable kept filming and said; “Well, go on Grandpa. Join them. I know you want to.” I watched Robin and Gonzo laugh and boy, did it look fun. So I  jumped in the chase and joined the two candy-prats  in their game. Folks in the park ran and ran. One of them fell to the ground and was crawling to get out of the way. Another wet his good pair of pants and darted towards an  SUV our chase lasted up to an hour and when a sheriff arrived, we were done and already gone. Ol’ Reliable stopped filming by the time we got to my house. We got cleaned up as we were laughing from all the fun we enjoyed. Robin bathed first while Gonzo and I waited our turn. We thought of other challenges to do that would be safe. Earlier today, Gonzo suggested we would try the Elvis challenge and I thought that would be a good idea to try. Gonzo put it as the “Elvis prance”  which would be a popular thing to do since so many people loved Elvis Presley. When Robin came out, Gonzo had a turn to clean off. Robin posted the video of the pickle bath using Nathan’s laptop for YOUTUBE.com. I talked to him about Gonzo’s idea. Robin thought about it and said; “I think we should try Gonzo’s idea. You only live once to make your print on the world.”  the question was, who had an Elvis costume, wig, sunglasses and clothes? When Gonzo came out, Robin asks him; “You you have any Elvis costumes around your house? I’ve decided to do the Elvis challenge.” Gonzo looked at Robin, smiled almost too embarrassed and said; “Yes. I have three costumes stored in a room. Their in a tote box. Impa, O’Malley and I used to dress up as Elvis Presley mobiles for Halloween in the seventies . Why?” Robin shrugged and said; “Next challenge is for all the Elvis enthusiasts.” all those memories with Impa had me remembering of Halloween in the’70s  when Gonzo, Impa and I would dress up like Elvis-mobiles and we’d always do the impressions to people walking by. We would go up to people’s doors and do Elvis dance poses and impressions in different positions and make them laugh until the wet themselves. What a bunch of magical Halloween pleasure to be doing that every Halloween year! But enough memories. I was the last one to wash off the pickle brine.
When I got all washed up and cleaned, Robin told me what he and Gonzo were talking about. Robin looked stoked about it and said; “I was discussing  with Gonzo about doing the Elvis challenge. I came to a conclusion that we should try it and I think it’s fair that you and Gonzo  put on the costumes, do impressions and dance in town since Elvis did wear a lot of white. You know, around the plaza. Gonzo has the costumes.” I wasn’t sure if I liked the sound of that idea. Gonzo went home to get the Elvis costumes about 30 minutes later. When he came back, he had two Elvis costumes and he said; “Okay, O’Malley man. Get changed.” embarrassed, my face blushed. I had given up playing dress up years ago. Robin unplugged his fully charged video camera from the USB port and started recording while I was dressing up. The outfit was a bit tight since I last wore it. Robin turned on the video camera and pointed it towards him. He smiled and said; “today’s challenge is for all lf you Elvis Presley lovers, so, O’Malley and Gonzo are going to do impressions in town for people.” then,  the camera turned to me. I had my “Elvis” on. When Gonzo was fixing the wig, I  said; “I knew I didn’t like the sound of this idea. Robin, this is unacceptable.” Gonzo sprayed some hairspray  on the wig and was fiddling with it trying to get to fit right on me. I cleaned off the sunglass lenses while Robin was holding the camera. He giggled and said; “Come on man, do it for all those Elvis Presley fans out there.” I knew I didn’t want to because I was done with playing dress up, but I had no choice. I had to…for all the Elvis fans. For the king of rock and roll and to make Gonzo and Robin to stop begging. I started to feel self-conscious and when I was about to say something, Gonzo cut me off and said; “Don’t worry, I’ll dress up  too so you don’t feel self-conscious.” Robin laughed as he pointed the camera in on me for my facial expression while Gonzo was finishing up putting the wig on me. Then he pointed it at Gonzo. He was getting on the wig himself. The wigs were large and were meant for people who were dressing their cars up for  show. I shook my hood in disappointment and humiliated and said; “You better be happy that I agreed to this and that I love you two kooks.”  Gonzo laughed and said; “Now we go town .”So, out the door we went with the Elvis hip swinging maneuver . Gonzo and I put on our large sunglasses  while Robin met us in the yard and watched us come out. I swear to graham crackers, we looked like the Blues Brothers! It was terrible. Robin laughed with joy and said; “Hey, it’s the Elvis crew, Yo! You two look great” I didn’t know about Gonzo, but I was humiliated to daylights in this costume. We drove to down town and even did Elvis Presley imitations on the side of the road, while Robin kept filming. People honked, stopped to take pictures of us and filmed us doing seven Elvis moves and quotes.  Robin got all the footage on camera and when we went further in town, people gave us money for no apparent reason. Maybe they were Elvis fans or enjoyed watching us make fools out of ourselves. They were sticking twenty dollar bills in our windshields and doors, as we were doing different poses that Elvis did much more earlier in his years. An hour later, we swung by Dairy Queen, got some lunch of burgers and fries with Blizzard ice cream treats. People commented us and took pictures of us. I was starting to have fun today. I usually don’t get attention much from people in car shows, but I get eyes gazing at me when I’m not in a car show. After lunch, we headed to my house while Robin uploaded his video on YOUTUBE.com. Gonzo and I had a beer while Robin’s video got a ton of likes, reviews, and good comments. He suddenly gasped and said; “No way!! Four hundred smacker-roos! We’re practically famous!!” I almost spewed out my beer and said; “Say what? C’mon now!” Gonzo and I looked at the video. Unexpectedly, there were over four hundred dollars donated, before you could say ‘hallelujah, Saint Jordan’. We discovered they all came from the Elvis
lovers of America. Robin had added several Elvis songs in the video including; King of the whole wide world,  Blue Suede Shoes and Don’t be cruel. On a comment below the video, it read out; “Thank goodness for Elvis Presley.” there was also a link to the website belonging to the enthusiasts of Elvis Presley. Then on another page, there was a paragraph about the really real Elvis. Authorities found a body identifying a man that was the actual Elvis Presley in California. We were shocked because all those years of Elvis facts, we didn’t expect to see this. We had been celebrating  early of Elvis’ birthday which was until August 9th. National Elvis day was celebrated in August 9 through the 17th  in Memphis.  But this was summer and altogether we said; “Oh crud” like professional duets. We saw another link at the end of the Elvis website that linked us to some more videos of Elvis impressionists that we checked out. There were many videos of people dressing up like Elvis and doing what Elvis did best.
So there we had it. National Elvis day was a party in Memphis, Tennessee . He really was an inspiration for the world.
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mateasers · 5 years
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— Welcome to Wade, Illinois!
Voted “Best Place to Live” in some magazine circa 1974. It hasn’t changed much since, which might explain why it never made the list again. 
There are rows, and rows of homes that all look the same on each street. They all have vinyl siding, and they all have black mailboxes. The lawns are well taken care of, and the blinds are tightly shut. If you keep riding your bike from street, to street, you might begin to think you’re lost. Have I been here before? Did I make a wrong turn? You can’t tell. Everything looks the same. You can’t even pick out which house is yours anymore. It all looks the same. By some miracle you manage to get home just before it begins getting dark. Perfect timing. Your mother is happy about that, and she let’s you know, doting on you as soon as you walk through the door. People haven’t been staying out past dark since Josie went missing. Better safe than sorry.
Whenever you go into the grocery store you are assaulted by the bright, fluorescent lights that line the aisles, and by the girls you went to high school who never made anything of themselves. You two pretend that you don’t know each other’s names, but you shared a homeroom three years in a row. Your father used to work with her father, and so on, and so-forth. She checks you out wordlessly, with minimal if any eye contact, but you know she’s judging you for buying condoms when you’re not in a serious relationship. Either she’ll tell her mother, and the ladies who play bridge on Tuesday at Tanya Redding’s house will deem you some kind of hussy, or she’ll tell her girlfriends, and they’ll whisper other things about you when you pass by them at the mall. “Why buy something you don’t need?” Giggle, giggle. Those types of girls are always giggling. It’s a shallow, and an empty sound. There’s nothing behind it. You don’t stop them because that giggle is the only thing they’ve got. They’re rotting.
You run into your neighbor on your way home. You’re always running into your neighbor. She is simply unavoidable. You wonder if she waits by her window just to know when you step outside your door. She always has some type of plan to tell you, some kind of message to give your parents, some kind of condolence to give… Some kind of comment about the way you look. You wish she wouldn’t concern herself with any of it, especially with you. “That new haircut sure looks nice.” You know she doesn’t mean it. She’s always lying about stupid things like that. You wish she’d save her breath. Sometimes you wish she’d disappear. But don’t speak too soon, now, because you can’t take that back. And you’d hate to see her go the same way as Josie.
Speaking of Josie, the old men at the diner are talking about her again. They think she must have been in some kind of a cult, and they wonder if Red is a part of it, too. You wonder if they should be talking about the man in his own establishment. They certainly shouldn’t be doing it when he’s in earshot. They look down at their plates (meatloaf, it’s the special) with mild concern as to exactly WHAT type of meat they’re ingesting. For some reason, they don’t push their plates away in disgust, as you would expect, they simply keep on eating. You feel your stomach doing somersaults. You just came in for a coffee. You probably won’t eat anything at Red’s Diner ever again. On second thought, the pancakes, and sausage that the waitress is bringing to the next booth over look awfully good. And those rumors PROBABLY aren’t true, anyway.
 There’s a thirty year old man who works at the roller rink on the edge of town, and sells weed to kids behind the dumpster on the side. People talk about him like he’s some kind of legend because he procures the only thing that makes this town at least somewhat bearable for the restless youth. You think that pot is laced with something because they’re all so wild eyed. Their pupils turn to pin pricks, and they can barely form sentences when you try to speak to them. You can’t believe the police department hasn’t cracked down on this guy yet. What are they doing all day, twiddling their thumbs? 
Maybe if they worked a little harder, Josie wouldn’t have gone missing at all, and everyone in town wouldn’t be acting like they’ve got something to hide. Yes, this town is chock-full of people who you pretend you know like the back of your hand, but you’ve never really known them at all. You wonder if you even know your parents– as you sit across from them at the dinner table, and they’re wearing those tight-lipped grins again. You’re having meatloaf tonight, too. They tell you they love you, but it falls flat to the ear. You can’t tell if they were always like this: beautiful, but so two-dimensional, like cardboard cutouts. They don’t feel like real people. But then again, you’ve never left this town, you probably wouldn’t know a “real” person if you met one.
 A familiar feeling comes over you again, and you feel like you have to escape. You jump up from the dinner table, but your parents don’t budge. Your mother is staring straight ahead at your father, though she speaks directly to you without eve looking towards you, “… Won’t you say excuse me?” You practically want to scream, a real horror movie scream, but instead you say excuse me in a calm voice that you’re sure isn’t yours. The people in Wade have good old-fashioned American manners. You run towards the door, and you grab the keys to the used car you got for your sixteenth birthday. It’s raining out, and the station wagon stalls when you try to turn they key. It feels like a horror movie again, but there’s no one chasing you. At least from what you can see. You turn the key once more, and again, until finally the motor starts to hum. You breathe a sigh of relief, and begin backing out of the driveway, and onto the street. You’re certain you know the way to the highway, and you begin driving in that direction.
It’s nearly been two hours since you burst out of the house, and you still haven’t moved an inch. You swear you’re driving, but all you see are the same houses. You pass them, one by one, and than you pass your own. You make a left turn, you make a right turn, but you always end up back on your street. Why can’t you just leave? Chicago is only a couple of hours away, you could make it there by morning if you could just find the highway. After what feels like an eternity of driving, you turn back into your driveway. The light in the neighbors’ living room is on, and you can see something poking through the drapes. You know it’s her. When your eyes meet, she steps back quickly, out of embarrassment, you assume. She’s such a gossip. You know she’ll be talking about why you were out so late.
Your parents are still sitting at the dinner table when you enter the house. It’s nearly two in the morning, and they haven’t touched their plates. Tomorrow you’ll try leave again, but you never do.
MIDDLE AMERICA is a literate, skeleton roleplay, which chronicles the lives of the all too normal residents of Wade, Illinois, a seemingly sleepy suburban town, practically set back in time, where nothing ever happens… except for when it does. The group will play heavily on the gothic, and science fiction genres—aiming to spook, confuse and thrill all those involved throughout the course of the gameplay. It is for this reason that the roleplay does not have a typical “plot line” as one might expect to see, where all the facts are laid out for writers – rather there will be a series of plot drops, and events as time goes on that will help everyone develop their own theories, and ideas as to what the hell is going on in Wade. The truth will slowly be revealed (or maybe it’s been there all along). 
WHEN WE BEGIN: As Middle America opens up, Wade can be thought of as your typical American small town. There aren’t many chain restaurants, or stores, and you have to drive about a half an hour to get to the nearest mall, or Walmart. Everyone knows their neighbors, and secrets aren’t exactly well kept. The town itself is a troupe, and its filled with characters that are heavily influenced by small-town-y troupes as well, so if you have any basic ideas about what the suburbs are like, you’ve basically got Wade nailed down. The houses are too close together, the people are highly critical of each other, and everyone is deeply invested in the “safety, and sanctity” of their neighborhood. Everyone’s itching to get out of town, and make something of themselves… But they never do. The most exciting news on any given day is typically what’s on the menu at the local diner, or some he-said/she-said story that one of the soccer mom’s has been telling anyone who’ll listen to her. 
Though in recent years, there have been some unsettling developments that have caused something of an outcry from longtime citizens of Wade, such as permits for building large, commercialized plazas, and exclusive housing communities. The average house in Wade is a moderately sized raised ranch, but with the influx of young, wealthy professionals, some “McMansions” of sorts have begun to spring up towards the outskirts of town. This has resulted in general discomfort on the part of older residents who are more set in their ways, and distrustful, and jealous of the upper crust. These newcomers are often blamed for the wide array of weird, creepy, and inexplicable things that have been taking place in Wade for the last year– all of which seem to have culminated in the death of Josie Johnson, a local town treasure, gone too soon.
She used to bake the best cherry pies, and give the warmest welcomes; she would even speak to complete strangers as if they were some of her oldest friends. The gruesome, almost unfathomable details of her death have left the people of Wade wondering whom they can trust, and how well they really know each other after all. It’s still very much the talk of the town, though it’s been a couple months now since her passing.
Before Josie’s death, there had been a few unusual occurrences as well, but those seem mild in comparison; however, in a dull town like this one, things like this are considered incredibly unnerving, and downright shocking. Days before Josie’s death someone drove their luxury car into the pharmacy because they fell asleep at the wheel, but had no memory of the incident when they were questioned, glowing eyes have been seen frequently spotted in the dead of night, and one of the three little Williams girls wandered off into the lake behind the recreation center, and nearly drown though she’d been taking swimming lessons for three months. Weirdest of all, only days before Josie’s death, one of Wade’s police officers was found dead in his car, in his garage in an apparent suicide with a singular hole to the head… a perfectly circular hole. Though ultimately the cause of death was determined to be carbon monoxide poisoning rather than a gunshot wound; his police issued weapon hadn’t been shot within twenty-four hours of his death, and wasn’t even in the car with him.
All undoubtedly STRANGE considering the craziest thing to happen in town prior to this year was a massage parlor on Main Street closed down for offering “happy endings” to its customers under the table in the late nineties. This is not to mention that some of the locals have been acting different, and calls about short disappearances of the same nature as Josie’s are coming in quicker than the police department can manage to investigate them. Everyone is constantly looking over his or her shoulder; everyone is suspicious of one, and other. Any irregular behavior, no matter how small, or how easily explainable could be misinterpreted as dangerous, and anyone may be written off as part of Wade’s “ great, big problem” so to speak. The town is truly on edge, and something has to give before it descends into utter chaos… unless it already has.
What is happening, and why it’s happening in Wade (or if ANYTHING is happening at all) remains to be seen. More answers will be coming throughout the course of game play. Patience, and curiosity is appreciated. 
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
27. Part 3
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I wanted to wake up and see Cassius with me, but that did not happen. It’s nine in the morning and I was hoping they would have released him and they didn’t, checking my phone and there was nothing but messages from the group chat with my friends, let me check this because there is a lot of messages in this thing. Tapping on the group chat, the first thing I read is ‘Sofia are you ok?’ I am guessing they know, let me speak to Mia because then she can tell them whatever. Tapping on Mia’ name, I am so tired right now. I still feel tired but I need to take my tablets, I need to do that for my baby “what the hell Sofia?” Mia spat, I was going to speak but then she continued “this is all over social media and I see you in the video, Cassius got arrested. You’re here? What the hell?” I have a headache now “well yes I am here, just Cassius friend Lamar he died so we came here just for this, we were supposed to go back but obviously he got arrested, Jordan got shot and so did the two police officers, it’s a mess. Don’t hate me for not seeing any of you, I didn’t want to be here but I am for Cassius and now this has happened, I just really want to be with my man right now and I can’t. He is innocent, he didn’t do anything if you think he did” they are going to judge him as they do “oh, I mean I am reading that, like they are saying they arrested a dope dealer boss and I am like that is Cassius? He’s the super sweet guy, you know. I don’t get it, I know he did some things wrong but a dope dealer boss? I mean you would have said, like I understand he’s done wrong, he’s been locked away for wrong doing” rubbing my face “it’s lies, they see a guy with a record there and they arrest him, I am fine though. I thank you for all caring but I am ok, I just need some time to think. There is a lot going on right now, please don’t think bad of him because he is not that. I know that bitch is in the chat thinking shit when her life is a mess. We will talk when I am less stressed” god I feel it again, I am going to be sick “look Sofia, it’s fine just take your time. We are here for you ok?, also you and Ivy need to talk it out, I hate this bullshit but remember, we are here for you ok?” I smiled lightly “and I love you for that” I need to run to be sick right now.
This baby is not feeling it at all, kicking my ass with tireness and sickness, like I get it you’re there. I totally didn’t know what to wear downstairs so I just wore Cassius’ sweatpants and hoodie, I look so stupid, they are huge on me. I tightened the sweatpants around my waist as much as I could, slowly walking the steps. Maybe Cassius is downstairs, I mean that is wishful thinking “why don’t you go back to Cali? Why are you here? Mom tell her to go back, she is never there” hearing Josiah say “why don’t you be a failed model flop, you’re a flop. How you going to model a pair of shoes? Your face ain’t even cute Josiah” Jasmine really got him there “you’re a waste of money, I will tell Cassius that. He don’t play that shit!” Josiah said back “you would think I am with kids, you’re not! Now shut up and eat!” Monique shouted, walking into the dining room “oh hey Sofia” Monique got up from her seat “sit down, we was just eating pancakes, I made you some” I smiled at her “you didn’t have too” she really didn’t “I am sure the being sick all night took your energy, I heard you girl” pulling the chair back “even Sofia didn’t want you” Jasmine doesn’t stop “what did I say!? Jasmine Warren you shut your mouth while you are here! You bunch of children” Jasmine just laughed “was it the pizza that made you ill?” Jasmine asked, I took in a deep breath “erm yes, it did” I rather not everyone know “Josiah, can you do me a favour. I would do it myself but I can’t bring myself to even eat right now, I have some tablets I need. They are at The Plaza, I will give you the keycard. They are on the side table, there is three packets. Bring them” Josiah didn’t look like he wanted too “he will” Monique said “you can take me a for a drive actually” Jasmine said to Josiah but I think he’s about to snap on her ass soon.
Jasmine and Josiah went to go and get me the tablets, Jasmine said she would bring me some of my clothes too “where is Carnell?” I asked, he is always never around “he is at work, he works part time at Walmart, I said to him you have nothing else better to do, he gets under my feet at times. He likes it, gets him out of the house too” poking the pancake with my fork “Cassius gets his ways from you, clearly” he does actually, Monique laughed “you know, he’s actually like his dad. Old age got to Carnell, he was very hard headed when I met Carnell. He swept me off my feet, he was” Monique laughed “he was doing silly things, he wanted to change. I fully knew he didn’t change but I love him. The difference is that he allows me to be this way but he does have his way, you know it’s always the quiet ones. That is why Carnell and Cassius is the same. So he gets it from Carnell but I never wanted Cassius to be that, that was Carnell all over” Monique drifted off, did Monique just expose the fact Carnell did pimp his son out, let me just be quiet “Cassius is my special boy, he was the most wanted out of all of them three, shit. I cried when I had twins, I didn’t want more kids but it happened and I love them but Cassius, he is the one special boy. He got all of my love, he got both of ours actually. That is why I knew he was sensitive, I know I gave him love so I know he has that side to him. From a young age, he was doing numbers in his diapers. He was clever, he wanted to be something, and it hurts. We did have nothing when Cassius was fifteen because my stupid husband got in trouble, we had to give everything we had. This home was not big, it was three bedroom, them boys shared. Then Carnell realised he had Cassius to use, I told him no but I was not vocal enough, that was taken from me and when that happened I had to toughen my ass up. Cassius came to me when he was seventeen and said mom I don’t want this, but he realised he didn’t have that choice, because of me he continued, my fault. So Carnell is not the quiet man that everyone thinks, the sweet man people think” I sat staring at Monique “I am sorry, I just speak too much but is the baby ok? You have tablets you need?” she changed the subject.
“So Carnell always dealt on the low?” I asked “yeah, we fought on it. Carnell is now like this because the kids are older, Carnell knows Cassius would beat him. I failed my kids, I put Cassius there because he saw Carnell was upsetting me. We don’t speak on it, but it’s only now I run this house because these are my kids, Cassius threatened Carnell and from then he’s always been quiet but Carnell, that is all his doing. Kyle, Myles and Cassius, they learnt from him and I admit I am not a good person but I am trying to be now. The reason why Cassius is my special boy, I met Carnell when I was fourteen, we dated. He cheated but we got back together. So we was together for years, I got engaged to him, and one night Carnell made a remark, I can’t get pregnant, mind you we been together since I was fourteen, we had sex. I struggled for years, I had Cassius when I was twenty three. So yes, I cried so much and he’s always been the wanted one, he is my heart and I do love him” this all adds up, this all does add up in my mind “I am sorry, I am like an open book. Jordan, Josiah and Jasmine don’t know the bad even when they was in the house, they was so blind to it but my boy, my Cassius he was aware and saw it. He calls Carnell the bad guy” my mind is blown right now “I know he does love you, I was shocked he wanted to move with me to Atlanta. I know he does love you, I mean just you the most” Monique put her head down “I pushed him away, I was so stupid” she shook her head “don’t be sorry for opening up, it’s ok. Honestly” placing my hand over hers, it just happened “I don’t know why I just told you this but I just want you to understand the family a little more, I don’t have friends at all. We tend to keep the circle small even with the extended family, we see them at times” nodding my head, I am in shock hearing all of this.
I am still feeling a little shook, I mean this woman has opened it all up. It does really add up to me, it does now. I think I triggered Monique when I said Cassius is like her, that must have triggered her. So did Carnell abuse Monique, I mean I didn’t pick up on it and she didn’t say it but she insinuated it, I wonder how old Carnell is now, maybe Carnell met her and she was under age then, he may have manipulated her back then, oh this is so playing on my mind “Jasmine, how old is your mom and dad?” Jasmine looked away from the TV “oh shit, good question. My dad, I swear he’s going on sixty. Oh wait he’s fifty seven and my mom is fifty two, right dad?” Carnell walked “what is it Jasmine?” Carnell sat down “you’re fifty seven ain’t you?” Carnell nodded his head “yeah and what is this trash you got on” so there is a five year difference, she met him when she was fourteen, oh ok. This is interesting “look who has finally arrived” Monique walked into the room with Bryce, I cooed out “it’s Bryce” he is so adorable, with his glasses too. God, he makes me so happy seeing him “oh it’s my little superman!!” Jasmine yelped jumping off of the couch.
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“Lucas, they are fucking depriving me of my phone call. They have released everyone but me, do your fucking job! I pay you thousands” I am going crazy now “Cassius it’s me, I will get you out! Let them talk their shit now and be done with it, they have nothing. I promise you this now, they have nothing. They a clutching at nothing, don’t worry ok? I will be getting you out, just follow the plan” the door opened up “I want my phone call” I said as soon as Kalia walked in with Ann “should have had that earlier Cassius” Ann said “oh you mean when you didn’t let me have outside time? Y’all funny, so have you found anything?” Kalia opened the file up “confirm that this SUV is yours, it’s registered to you. On the night of the shootout you was in this car” looking up at her “it’s my car, what you trying to prove?” I don’t get it “also this is you and Sofia Bundy, the woman your bother is now locked up for, you helped get locked up. So you telling us you wouldn’t set up your brother to get shot, this is you and Sofia arriving at JFK, we know in your world you would kill family. You wanted to get rid of your brother so you can be with his ex” shaking my head sitting back on the seat “congratulations, I am dating Sofia. Wow, is that it? Why don’t you bring up the police video huh? The one where the real shooters are shown, you trying to pin these two events on me, it’s not working out. That is my car, and? I got attacked and yet you blaming me!?” Lucas patted my shoulder “my client is highly upset, I demand you release him based on the evidence shown you are wasting time” Lucas said, Kalia stared at me “we believe you have murdered Cassius” sitting forward “with what evidence, you just stalking me. I can date who I want, it just so happens it’s my brother’ ex” they playing, they are trying it “we will always watch you Cassius” she closed the file her eyes not leaving mine “you’re releasing my client now, you have no evidence” they want me to break when they have the real evidence right there with the footage, they even made up a story too.
Lucas drove me back home “you keep coming back here, the more they going to get at you. They really want to get you Cassius, just go to Atlanta and lay low. They are watching you, and they will always be told about you coming in and out of here. I don’t want you to ever end up like the others did, I don’t think you will. You’re clever, you’re above them with everything that happens so I doubt it, they think I am corrupt too but they can’t prove that either. They are always going to chase you, follow you. You just keep that in mind ok?” Lucas parked up outside my crib “thank you, I have a lot to think about. They don’t know, they lock me up either way this shit will still be running. They are dying inside on the fact it is running, I can’t say that one day they won’t get me. I think the more they rush to get me put away, it won’t happen. I will either be dead or locked up but right now, I have family I need to see. Thank you for the ride” dapping Lucas as I got out of the car, I am fucking tired.
Closing the door behind me, walking slowly into the living room “Cassius!” Jasmine spat as she got up “oh my god! Bryce?” he is here, hugging my sister “good to see you out but you stank” she pushed me away, I gasped “Bryce, I missed you” he is being shy hiding behind my mom, walking towards my mom “hey champ, you not going to hug?” he is really playing up now “my baby boy, they let you go” leaning down and hugging my mom “yeah, they ain’t got shit on me, they did this for nothing but we good mom” kissing her cheek, moving back from my mom “come here you!” picking him up “you not hug uncle C? Why? Why you not hug me boy” Bryce finally hugged me “love you boy” hugging him close “C!” he finally said it “I missed that, you been good? I am sorry, I know I not seen you in so long, I am here now though” Bryce lifted his head up, he giggled and then rested his head on my shoulder “they hurt you Cassius? Look at your eye, I would kill them!” my mom said, turning around “I know, where is Sofia? Don’t tell me y’all argued, I didn’t want that mom” now I am annoyed “she is actually asleep upstairs, she was tired. She had us going to the hotel for tablets, that place is so fancy! I took so many pictures and then flexed on Insta to make out it was mine for the night” Jasmine is stupid but I am shocked “ok, I can relax now. I better go and see her, you going to let me go now? No relaxing in this crib boy” he lifted his head up grinning at me “he has his cards with him, you can show uncle after Bryce what you got. He learned new things” placing him down.
Closing my bedroom door behind me, my smile grew. This woman has legit closed the blinds and is in bed asleep, I thought it would be a nap but she is fully asleep. I am so happy that she is here, nobody threw anyone out and everything good. This is so annoying though because her ass is sleeping on one side, if I was in bed she would be all on me pushing me off the bed and look at her, all innocent sleeping peacefully to one side. Getting down onto my knees at the side of the bed, I am so happy to just watch Sofia sleep peacefully like this but I can’t do that to her “Sofia” touching her cheek with the back of my hand “Sofia, wake up” leaning down and pressing kisses to the side of her face “bub, wake up” travelling towards her lips “huh” she said on groggily “wake up” pressing a kiss to he lips “Cassius?” moving back a little “Cass? Oh my god, you’re here!” she spat, hooking her am around my neck as she held me “oh my god, I have missed you so much. Oh god, thank you god. You’re here with me, I have missed you so much Cassius, we have missed you” I am so blessed to have Sofia “who is we?” I questioned, her grip still firmly around my neck “our baby” I grinned wide “our baby is six weeks too” I ain’t forget, Sofia moved her face back to look at me “I need sex” Sofia just laughed and pressed a kiss to my lips “I am so happy you’re back with me!” Sofia kissed my lips again.
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dearrachell-blog · 7 years
Lilly Week 1
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Moving into Indy was a pretty smooth transition! There weren’t any complications with my flight or baggage retrieval, and lyfting (for my first time) to my apartment complex was a simple process overall as well. My roommate helped me lug all my belongings upstairs because I discovered a lack of elevators, and our relationship got off to a good start. I had ample time to unpack my things, settle in, and unwind for the rest of the night, which was much needed and relaxing. 
Memorial Monday was an adventurous day! Waking up later than anticipated, my roommate and I still made time to walk around and explore downtown. The scenery is so peaceful here despite living on the edge of the city, and the proximity to everything is convenient and beyond my expectations. After a 2.5 hour hike through Military Park, past the circle fountain, through the Circle Center Mall, and down many random people-filled streets, we actually reached Lilly on the other side of the city. It felt surreal seeing the corporate buildings and research labs before my eyes for the first time. Having only seen Lilly from the satellite view on google maps, I didn’t expect Lilly to appear so grand, but it did and I couldn’t help but grow more excited for my next 10 weeks in the real world. The walk home would have been grueling, so we took a lyft to a few blocks before out apartment and walked the remaining distance home. After recovering from our slightly tiring journey, we embarked on another short expedition to Walmart to do some weekly grocery shopping. I learned from my mistakes and will never again purchase sweet canned peas or wheat tortillas. Also!! I found out the day after that my credit card information was stolen... just my luck. Every time I resettle in a new area, something dramatic and out of the blue has to occur. I grew anxious and paranoid, and wondered if this annoying situation would foreshadow the rest of my summer. But I’m grateful that everything worked out for the most part, and I’m trying to not make assumptions about this area. Staying optimistic is probably the only thing that will get me through these next few weeks.
My roommate had her orientation Tuesday, so I had the entire day to myself. Lazy to go out early in the day, I finished every house chore that I could think of and was finally able to live in my room and kitchen comfortably. In the afternoon, I finally got myself to walk outside for a little over an hour, exploring the IUPUI campus, walking in and out of buildings, and across many courtyards. I discovered that majority of the buildings and areas of study revolved around medicine and research, which was interesting. The facilities were nice and modern, and I’m glad I found a Starbucks nearby!!! I also walked the extra mile and a half to a plaza filled with fast food and casual restaurants, and I’m comforted by the fact that I won’t starve. :’) 
Wednesday, AKA orientation day and the first day of stepping foot into the future! Bless Sean for rides to and from work because being car-less here is QUITE the inconvenience. Naturally, I gravitated towards a table of all girls at orientation, but I’m glad that I did because they’re some of the people that I see most often throughout the day, and they’re all really friendly! It sucks that I can’t go out and enjoy nightlife with everyone else because underage probs, but I’m hoping that we all still grow close enough to hang out casually outside of work! Now, the CAMPUS, was INCREDIBLE. From the views on the rooftop of the CEO’s offices, to the private L-shaped pond right outside our building, to the on-campus gym, to the three different cafeterias, to my plain and simple cube, I was overwhelmed by the grandeur of everything. Some perks of the day included free breakfast, free lunch, a Lilly backpack, my new work laptop, and a salary. But the best part was probably meeting my supervisor for the first time and everyone else he introduced me to in our CFR division. He is the nicest and most patient man, and I can’t wait to learn more from his example this summer. 
Thursday and Friday were my first days in the office as a full-time intern! I felt definitely overwhelmed as I got lost in the many many buildings and interconnected pathways, navigated my way to the peer mentor event, and as I was assigned my pension benchmarking projects, but things were looking up! I got situated with my laptop and wifi set up, my mouse, second monitor, lock and keys, and before I knew it, my first casual Friday was over, and the weekend had come. 
Thank gooood my friend Akane moved in the next day so I finally had comfortable company. My roommate and I have a decent living dynamic and we are definitely cordial companions, but I honestly don’t see us becoming close friends anytime soon based on our backgrounds, perspectives, and interests. Over the weekend, I chilled with Akane with wine and grapes, went grocery shopping at the shady Kroger and much nicer Marsh, meal prepped, and took the two days to relax before the upcoming week. Although I wasn’t doing much throughout the week because I took a long time to understand my tasks and grow acclimated, getting through a 7:30-4:30 or -5:00 day was draining, especially with my messed up sleep schedule. But overall, week 1 exceeded my expectations and I’m looking forward to the rest! 
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I still love you.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, so many years have gone by since we last met, and yet, I cannot forget our memories we shared. It started as a favor owed by a friend and blossomed into something that has fundamentally changed the core of who I am. It set into motion a chain of events that could not be stopped, and even when I didn’t know it, I did. I loved you from day 1 and it took a mistake for me to realize it. One whole year went by, and I was stricken with this immeasurable sadness, I had dated other girls, but I couldn’t get you out of my mind. It was a crushing weight that lingered even through the nights, but that ship had sailed, and you had someone else. I spent my days with you behind me, and when my home life crippled into a warzone, I still had you to fall back on.
When the time was right, I pushed. I confronted a friend of yours, and told her exactly what I had thought of you, after all; I had a year to think of every possible thing I loved about you. The next four years were the moment’s poets and writers exclaimed about for millennium; they were right all along. Time ticked closer and closer to our departure, but we weren’t finished yet. We still shared so many intimate moments, moments that are forever burned in my head. One of them always seems to stand out, we had left your house, and walked down the plaza as we always would, browsing for new books to satisfy our lives. When we had finished, we were walking towards the end of the plaza, when we sat down on a bench that faced towards the tree lines. We sat and although no words came out, we stared as the sun set, your head on mine, and mine on yours. In that moment, I felt eternal. Nothing from my past or the violence that raged on the home front could ever harm this moment. In that moment, there was a future for me, for us. My entire being began to change, where I didn’t care about school, and religion was a fallacy, it all began to change. My grades began to sore, and a new found place was created for a God. I had been given a reason to find joy in life. Although at first, I did depend on you for happiness, I later discovered further ways to increase my outlook. I did all of these things at first to give you a life that you could love. Something that you could find peace in; and a greater life for us both. That moment never left my heart. However, the ominous cloud that grew from our home lives began to get bigger and bigger with each day. Ripping at the very fabric of what we had built. Then, in a blink of an eye. It was over, and the light at the end of the tunnel suddenly and abruptly faded away from sight. I still do not know to this day what went wrong, I probably never will.
Our story doesn’t end there though. Although our relationship had changed, our bond did not. The first few months were silence. Until one night, you called me, crying, stoned and drunk. I sat in silence and listened to how badly he treated you. The state of which your life had fallen, was mirrored in mine. This became a regular thing nightly; during the day you spit venom designed to cripple me. I persisted ever so. For two long agonizing years, I sat by and listened. One night, in particular, my friends had come to get me, to drag me out of the house to improve my mood. They weren’t aware Everclear had filled the bottle I carried beside me. So they drug me to Walmart, where we sat and talked. Until something caught my eye. A figure moved quickly past my vision, I turned and saw you trying to sneak away. Naturally, I was overcome with rage. I couldn’t get you away from me. I knew that you had become the toxin of my life. Angered I knocked items from the shelves and stormed out the exit where you confronted me, in my drunken state I only remember your cousin saying “Come on, let’s go see your boyfriend that’s not a drunk.” At this point, I was defeated. I chucked what remained of my water bottle into the parking lot; we walked home in silence. That was the last night my friends talked to me. I had isolated them, and I knew it. I was on a path of self-destruction. My father and I fought physically more and more. After two agonizing years of sleeping pills and vodka. I made a decision. I blocked your number, erased everything you had written to me on social media, deleted you’re number from my phone and tore down anything that reminded me of you. It tore me apart doing this, but it was either rid you or let depression kill me. While I managed to kill the physical reminders of you, the moments of you and I did not recede, and only grew brighter, as if to taunt me.
We were freshmen when we began to talk again. I still very cautious, began to message you more and more. A friendship arose; and as the nights faded to mornings, we still didn’t stop. We talked and talked, and the moments that existed in my head became less and less loud. We eventually saw each other again. It was a cold winter night, you asked me if you could borrow a router. I, of course, said yes, as I had no need of it, and it gave me an opportunity to see you again. When I saw you, we both had changed; but it didn’t matter. We sat and talked and talked. No time had passed between us; and when the night finally had to end, you walked me to my door, and we kissed. You didn’t kiss me, and I didn’t kiss you. It just happened. We both smiled, and it warmed us both. We didn’t say anything further, actions had spoken louder than words ever could have, but it wasn’t enough to start the flame again. You said it was a mistake. I knew it wasn’t. We stopped talking for a while again. Not saying much to each other; our days went by, and eventually, we said nothing to each other. Another year rolled by; and with it, came more talking. This time, deeper. We called each other pet names and spread words of “I love you” over our screens, but eventually that faded as well. I soon found the reason, you had someone new. As did I; and we grew apart yet again. You had a child, and I had a failed marriage proposal. Yet we still kept circling back around, an eternal dance that couldn’t be broken.
Flash forward to my failed engagement. You were there for me, and even though I wasn’t in the state you saw me in after we ended, you still knew it had left a scar. We traded words of encouragement for each other, as both of us still fought with demons. Yet I didn’t seize to love you. Throughout the decade and a half, I never once questioned my love for you. To those I have told this long story too, they believe me to be crazy; if I am indeed crazy, so be it. I knew I wanted to spend my life with you; and although that ship has in all likeliness sailed. I won’t leave your life again. I would rather be the shoulder to cry on; or the person that makes you smile, than not be in your life. Even though we are not involved romantically, I want you to succeed in your life. I want you to find happiness. I want you to be the person I know you can be. Every day, you move closer and closer to those goals. I am so, so very proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. I had watched you grow stronger every day. The truth is though, I still love you. I always have, and I always will. We both came so far from where it ended; both at each other’s throats, both wanting to cause harm. Now here we are; 5 and a half years later. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I’ll love you tomorrow. If you do ever find this one day, rather a year from now, or decades from now. I won’t ever act on this so long as you have someone, and are happy. It’s not my place, and as long as you are happy, that is all that matters; but I still love you. Even though I know you and I can’t be, I know I can still be someone you can trust with anything and everything. One day, you will find the happiness you want. I promise you that. One day your demons will grow tired, and they will fade to silence, and you will truly smile for the first time since you were young. You will find the light you search for but know this.
          I still love you. I always will.
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noplanwithavan · 7 years
We drove as far South as we would make it on this journey. Twisting deep through the terraced Berber heartlands of the fragrant Ameln Valley. Hillsides sprayed a delicate white and pink with almond blossom. Our destination, Tafraoute. Nicknamed “Valley of the Vans” , it’s reputation grew in the 1960’s when tie-dyed hippies first arrived in their combie vans. For the last month Tafraoute was a name we had heard on the lips of many travellers we met.  All spoke of it as a legendary place, eyes glazed over with a reverence which masked a certain lack in specific detail.
I’m not sure what we were expecting exactly - some sort of campervanner’s mecca maybe. A kind of Utopia on wheels, combining community with creativity. Meeting other families is as rare as hen’s teeth in Morocco, but maybe here, surely here, we would strike lucky. Perhaps some industrious soul would even have set up the odd workshop. You know the kind of thing: morning yoga followed by essential life skills after lunch.
Unsurprisingly, it was a disappointment. Nestled within a prehistoric-looking landscape, sunlight playing shadows across giant-sized boulders, the place itself didn’t disappoint. If you could imagine dinosaurs roaming the earth anywhere, it would be here. But not perhaps amongst this forrest of sedate, gleaming white motorhomes. Satellite dishes like super-size lenses winking at the sun.
“I call them snow birds,” said Willy. At 67 Willy Witting was no spring chicken, but he clearly differentiated himself from the retired masses which had set up camp around him. For unlike them, Wily was not migrating south to escape the European winter. This was his life. As it had been for the last 14 years.
A former machine operator for the construction industry, Willy retired early due to ill health in 1995. He was just 45 years old. With only a small pension to draw on, he began casting around for a new way to live.
“I had a van - a 1964 Mercedes 710 - that I’d built myself. It used to be a specialist ambulance for disasters, but I converted it into a camper van,” Willy told me.
In 2003 he decided to leave Germany and ship his van over to North America. It was only supposed to be for 2 years. Back then the van had 20,000 kilometres on the clock. Today it’s notched up 500,000, on a journey that’s taken him the length and breadth of the American and European continents.
He started alone, but has now accrued a small retinue. There is his wife, Marga López, whom he met while searching for the Monarch butterfly in the mountains of Mexico. And his dog, Scot, and cat George. Marga tells me it took her a little while to get used to life on the road at first. “My family thought I was crazy,” she grins.
“But I like it. As long as the weather’s not cold I’m happy.”
We’re talking inside their van. Compared to the bland band of vanilla campers all around, it stands out. An impressively looking robust 4 wheel drive. But, typically, space is at a premium. And the combined living and kitchen area is squeezed compactly into 2 x 3 metres.
“Sometimes I miss being in a house, having a stove to bake bread, space to entertain guests,” admits Marga. She tells me they have a house in Marvatio in Mexico, and when they go back it’s nice to enjoy the room to cook and have friends to stay.
“But when the evening’s over we always go back into the van to go to bed,” adds Willy. “I just can’t sleep in houses anymore.”
Most of the couple’s time has been spent exploring North, South and Central America. In 2014 they decided to ship the van back to Germany so Marga could see Willy’s home country and explore Europe. They tell me Canada is their favourite place to travel. “It’s so free, the distances are so great. And of course there’s the artic circle too. I saw the Aurora Borealis there, you don’t forget that.”
“But for life, for food, and for living, it has to be Mexico,” Marga interjects. “And the friendliest people we met were in Serbia.”
I’m curious as to know how George the cat copes with all this, given the aversion to travel characteristic of his species.  
“He copes just fine,” beams Willy. “Well, I guess he’s used to it by now. He has no other choice.”
Springing to his feet suddenly to fling open the van door, Willy curses in German and directs a sheepish looking Scot out from the small living room and into the front driver’s seat. It takes me a few seconds to comprehend this banishment. Willy and Marga apologise profusely, as a toxic smelling vapour seeps over us.
“He might stink, but that dog saved my life,” Willy barks, flapping his hand in front of his nose to dispel the smell. “In Alaska, we’d gone camping in the wilderness. Scot woke me up in the middle of the night barking. There was a grizzly bear right outside the tent. He ran out, and circled that bear. He made such a racket it scared him off.”
Most people consider pets an impediment to free travel. After all you can’t take a cat for a walk can you? Well, try telling that to Willy. They all travel together. George was on that Alaskan camping trip too - carried along in a backpack. Appalled at the lack of animal welfare in many countries - including here in Morocco - the couple even rescued and raised 6 kittens in their van, before finding homes for them along their travels.
In all this time on the road, only 10 nights have been spent in campsites. They are seasoned pros at the art of free camping.
“You develop a sense of where’s safe and where’s not,” Willy tells me. They’ve been robbed twice - once in South America and then in Bulgaria, but never encountered any violence. In 2010 they were passing through Ecuador and came across an erupting volcano, “La Tunguragua”. Civilians were being evacuated, but the couple tell me they decided to stay put, “to hear the mountain growling”. It was only after awakening on their third morning to find the entire van, inside and out, covered with black ash, that they decided to move along.
The most secure place they’ve ever stayed was Colombia, just outside a military camp, surrounded by soldiers bearing machine guns.
“We’d pulled over in this town because the road was really bad,” explains Willy “And before long we spotted tanks and then there was a knock on the door.”
Concerned they’d stumbled into a FAARC guerrilla area, the military had come to warn the couple and give them an escort back to an army base camp.
Many believe you have to be wealthy to travel. But Willy and Marga are clearly proud of their modest existence.
“You don’t need much to travel the world,” Willy confides. “We get by on our combined pension of €1,200. It’s plenty.”
Avoiding big cities helps to keep down the cost. Opting for smaller towns if necessary, pulling up by a plaza or square for a water connection.
“Even in America it’s easy. Did you know you can park in Walmart overnight for free?” Willy leans forward intently, making sure I’ve noted this detail, visibly incredulous at how capitalism could allow this.
Hobbies keep them busy, including a shared love of walking and archery. Marga also has an eye for pretty things - dolls and stones - showing me her international collection. Yet as we near the end of our conversation it becomes clear there is another driving force at work too. References to the bible - maxims, anecdotes - are sprinkled, lightly at first. Then Willy is keen to show me one passage in particular, in reference to the United Nations. It is from the book of Isaiah, “nation shall not lift up sword against nation.”
The penny drops. “Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?” I ask. “Is this why you travel - to spread the word?”
“No, it’s not the main reason. But Marga likes to preach, going door to door when she can,” Willy concedes. “ I prefer a more indirect approach, speaking to people when the opportunity arises. Like I have been doing with you.”
And I can’t help appreciating the irony. To think it was me who came a calling. Clutching a leaflet, and making my way out, I mask a sly smile. Well I never expected that.
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digestinol · 4 years
Exercise during the Pandemic
Even if many stores and restaurants are open, and many of us were called into work already, life is still not quite the same as it was before the pandemic started.
This season has brought so much stress for everyone...Babies, kids and adults all over the world have suffered and still are suffering the consequences of this pandemic. And for those of us who suffer from digestive troubles, we all know stress is definitely not our friend. It’s actually one of our biggest enemies, because it triggers more symptoms and make us feel even worse.
A great way to combat this enemy, is with exercise. But many gyms are still closed and we don't know yet when will they re-open.  In the meantime, it’s important we find other ways to stay active. But where can you go to do exercise? Many of us find that working out from home, in front of a TV or computer is very boring and not really motivating.
So we've worked on a few creative ideas for you, where you can go for a walk, go jogging, swimming and more!  We hope you give these a try, because doing exercise is very important and beneficial for your health.
1. The Strip Mall
Many shopping plazas are not open yet, so take advantage of these deserted outdoor malls and plazas, where you can walk around and exercise. You may be even able to jog! Keep away from plazas that have big stores, like Target or Walmart, or supermarkets or hardware stores, because these will probably be open and you'll find lots of traffic and people.
2. The Dock
Do you live near the beach? Find out if there's a pier or dock that is open, where you can go and keep active. You'll have such an inspirational view and fresh, clean air that you'll love to go there every day! Keep in mind some charge an entrance fee, even if you are not going fishing.
3. The Beach
Even if you don't live too close to a beach, it’s worth going, at least once a week. Most of them are open now and they are big enough to hold large amounts of people. Avoid the very popular or touristic beaches and go for the more quiet ones. Also avoid going on the weekends, as you'll find much more people. There's nothing like fresh, pure air, plus after your jog, you can go for a quick swim to freshen up. If parking is extremely close to the beach, bring a chair, an umbrella, a cooler with lunch and your favorite book, you'll enjoy a great afternoon there.
4. The Park
Most parks are also open too and you can easily enjoy a great morning, walking around the park. You can even tag along with a friend and jog together, practicing safe social distancing! There are beautiful parks that have hills, so instead of jogging or walking every day, you can alternate and go hiking once or twice a week and get your heart pumping. Rollerblading and biking are also great ideas.
5. Empty parking lots at Schools.
If you live near a school and you have free access to enter the parking lot, take advantage of it.
Schools are closed for the season and there is no summer school either. Having this big empty lot all to yourself is a perfect way to get creative with your exercising. You can even bring an old car tire and push it along the lot or simply jog or walk. If there's stair access, you can also climb up for maximum exercising. Please note that if there's a gate at the parking lot and its locked, do not attempt to go in, because that's considered private property and that lock is there for a reason.
Also, be sure, there are no cars parked or near where you are. You don't want to be doing exercising in a place where cars are driving around.
6. School Sport Fields
Many of these are also abandoned this season and are a perfect place to exercise. You can run, work on your abs, do jumping jacks, etc. all in the football field. You can also climb up on the bleachers and no matter if you go fast or slow, you'll be working out. Pick a pace that feels good for you and your body. You don't want to go too fast that you lose balance and fall.
8. The Lake
If you love to swim and you live near a lake, take advantage of these peaceful places to swim and even practice yoga and meditation. Summer is here and the water will be so refreshing!
7. Your Neighborhood
There's no excuse for anyone not being able to work out. Walking, jogging, riding a bike around your neighborhood is one of the most accessible ways to do exercise. Enjoy different routes and avoid the big intersections or busy streets. Even if you walk for 2-3 laps around your neighborhood, your body will thank you. And you'll lower your stress levels and feel great!
As a safety precaution, don't forget to read these savvy tips:
•Bring lots of water to drink, and drink often to avoid being dehydrated.
•Warm up and cool down for 10-15 minutes before and after you exercise.
•Bring a hat, glasses, sunscreen to sunny places and only stay there for a short time if the sun is too strong.
•Take as many rests as you like. This is not a competition, slowly increase as your body builds up strength.
•Shady spots to rest are the best.
•Bring a snack in case you get hungry after you exercise.
•Tell a friend of your working out whereabouts and try avoiding places that are very solitary, at any time of the day.
•Avoid late hours for your workouts, unless you are doing a neighborhood walk.
•Bring mosquito repellent.
•Bring a friend(s) to a place you've never been before.
•If you haven't exercised in a long time, start with 2-3 workout days a week for the first 2 weeks, then add a day every week or two. Whichever feels good for your body. As long as you go exercise 2-3 times a week, you'll be helping your body lots.
Digestinol is an all-natural supplement that helps support and promote digestive health as well as support your immune system. Its biggest benefit is the ability to target and reduce inflammation within your digestive system. Inflammation along your digestive system is one of the main reasons for pain/discomfort associated with digestive disorders. It can help with both constipation as well as diarrhea, because it gets your body back to normal so the amount of fluid in your colon is regulated the way it should be.
What is Digestinol?
Our product contains AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides) which is an all-natural molecule found in the aloe vera plant. It is known to enhance the body’s immune system due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. We have a 97-98% success rate reported from people who take Digestinol as directed for 90 days or longer.
If you are not interested in prescription medications to treat your condition and prefer a more natural approach, Digestinol makes all-natural capsules that contain a very specific form of Aloe Polysaccharides to target the inflammation along your digestive tract.
These capsules also provide your body with the nutrients that it is lacking in order to take back control of itself. Digestinol isn't just Aloe Vera powder, Aloe Vera (contains Aloein) which irritates your digestive system and can cause diarrhea. Digestinol undertakes very specific additional steps in order to remove the Aloein during their extraction process to focus on only the beneficial portions of the Aloe Leaf, the long chain Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules.
Since Digestinol is 100% all-natural it doesn't bring along the side effects that other chemically based prescription medications have. We tell our customers to think of Digestinol as an all-natural digestive system specific vitamin that reduces inflammation and provides your body with specific nutrients that allow it to take back control of itself.
Our Digestinol capsules will also help to balance the good and bad bacteria levels in your body allowing it to regain control of its normal operations.
For more information, visit us at www.Digestinol.com or:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Digestinol
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/digestinol-research-ba1651116
Tumblr – http://digestinol.tumblr.com
Digestinol Blog – http://digestinol-blog-digestinol.com
Instagram - @Digestinol
Twitter - @Digestinol1
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happy2bmyownboss · 4 years
Hey everybody… it feels like its been FOREVER since I’ve posted. I have really missed you all… that might sound funny but I love seeing the notifications from readers and reading the comments that others leave… it makes me feel like maybe, just maybe I am helping someone in some way.
I think my last post was on January 30th! I had written a little bit about this pregnancy and some of the surprises, stresses, and worries it has brought with it. We are so blessed to have this little one in our lives and we just can’t wait to meet her!
I also told about some of the unexpected events that had transpired with our new house which we still haven’t officially moved into completely yet although I might spend more time there than I do here right now.
Someone did end up coming out to fix the electrical and plumbing issues but yesterday when I went to use the dishwasher it wouldn’t work… HMMMM???!!! The girls were not thrilled when I told them this news today… lol. I told them we now have a very expensive new dish drying rack!
January was full of ups and downs with the house, an ultrasound, and some other family activities that I wrote about HERE. I stayed pretty busy and tried to get things a little bit more organized… you can read about that in this post… the time spent on getting organized has paid off in some ways as I couldn’t have seen the newest issues that were yet to come.
Our homeschool adventures have been on hold for a couple of weeks as we’ve been focusing on getting the house ready to move in and I’ve been dealing with some new pregnancy-related? health issues.
So where to begin? That’s a good question because SO MUCH has happened. February was such a blur that I can’t even believe it has come and gone already!
Well, let’s start with baby news. We had a doctor’s appointment on Valentine’s which was a bit crazy. Not long after checking in there was a FIRE DRILL! Well, it wasn’t a drill as the alarm had been triggered and the entire four-story medical plaza had to be evacuated!
Guess what floor we were on? Yep, the fourth! I’ve been dealing with a lot of heart palpitations and shortness of breath so walking down four flights of stairs was no fun… then we had to walk back up them when the firefighters cleared the building. I seriously thought I was gonna pass out.
I was still quite winded when the doctor came into the room (we had a new doctor as the previous one NEVER responded to my requests to have my medication refilled!) He was quite nice and we both liked him. We discussed the possibility/probability of C-section… I’ve never had one so it is a little scary to think about. He also had some blood work ordered for my thyroid and a glucose screening done.
The doctor also put in a referral for me to see a cardiologist and one for the baby to have a fetal echocardiogram done as there were concerns from the previous ultrasound.
The following morning, my 43rd birthday!, the doctor called to tell me to quit taking my thyroid medicine because it was too much. He also called in a new prescription for me to start taking later that week. This may or may not have been part of the reason for the heart flutters and shortness of breath which I still have. He also informed me that I had failed the glucose screening so lucky me gets to do the 3-hour screening at my next appointment… YAY!
The glucose screening was done a bit early this time as my last pregnancies have been large babies and the doctor just wants to keep a close eye on this baby and her weight gain… he wants to keep a close eye on the possibility of gestational diabetes as this can cause babies to be quite large as well.
Just a few of my birthday spoils… even little Ms. Priss got a few things that have me so excited to start shopping. Mr. Awesome also bought me several cute maternity shirts as my clothes have been getting a little bit snug. We have also been gifted a beautiful cradle and antique wooden high chair… I will try to walk over and get a picture of them a bit later today.
Since that appointment, I am still having tons of shortness of breath as well as frequent bouts of nausea. I have spent quite a bit of time resting in the recliner or laying on my left side. It is frustrating to not be able to get up and go like I want to do but I know that this phase will not last forever and it is so important to take of myself as I do have this special little blessing growing inside of me and I have to make sure to keep her as safe as I can.
Not being able to do anything without becoming winded has affected my square dancing. I still try my best to attend the dances and on a good night I might dance half a tip but I can’t do much more than that right now. We also did not get to attend the State Convention this year although I had greatly enjoyed it last year. The kiddos did go stay with their big sister and big brother for the weekend so we had a little break nonetheless.
I did have to run a few errands yesterday and at one of those, I was asked if I was trying to keep up with the Duggars and the Bates! Well… if I could get a TV show and make a ton of money… maybe… All jokes aside this will most likely be my last baby… I refuse to say NEVER because I have been proven wrong many times. You just never know what plans God has in store for you and I am constantly AMAZED at the blessings he has bestowed on us and the paths he has led us down so I choose to trust him even when things seem IMPOSSIBLE.
When I have good days I try to do a little bit of batch cooking/freezer cooking and this has saved dinner quite a few times lately. Mr. Awesome has been pretty good about helping out around the house and in the kitchen… even it is just bringing home some pizza or fast food for them to eat… you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I try to do my Walmart Grocery Pickup every so often to keep some healthy foods and necessities on hand. Yesterday I did go into the store and I was so exhausted by the time I finished all I wanted was a nap when I got home. You can find lots of Freezer Meal information HERE.
**This post does contain affiliate links to products and/or services that we use. If you happen to click through a link and make a purchase we may earn a teensy-weensy small commission (at NO EXTRA cost to you) if a purchase is made through these links. These links help to support our family, our blog, and our homeschooling mission. This means that we can keep bringing you great recipes, ideas, and tips for FREE! Click HERE for a full disclaimer.
  In other news, the house was coming along quickly until I broke the bathtub. It was completely accidental but a blessing in disguise. When Mr. Awesome went to rip out the old tub he fell through the bathroom floor! Yeah… the whole floor was rotted so it was just a matter of time before it became a HUGE issue.
      The bathroom has been gutted and the floors have been repaired so now we just have to put the bathroom back together before we can get completely moved in.
    The kitchen is 95% completed and it looks so much better than it did before. We are happy with the way it turned out and I have been trying to get it all organized… a little bit at a time. I’ll try to get a post together about the products we used for our kitchen.
We’ve been carrying things over a little at a time as you can see in the pictures above. This makes it easy to get things put away but it is such a slow process. I will be so glad when Mr. Awesome has a couple of free days so he can bring the trailer over and we can load it up with some of the bigger items.
This morning we carried a couple of loads of kitchen things over and we made and ate breakfast at the house… the kids were so excited! I had high hopes of getting quite a bit accomplished today but that idea quickly disappeared when one of the kiddos had a tantrum and meltdown.
As many of you know I have two special needs children who are greatly affected by the moon phases. We have a time change coming along with a full moon that is VERY CLOSE so things have been a bit trying this week and I don’t foresee that next week will be much better.
We ended up putting away the things we had brought over, cleaning up the breakfast mess, and then headed back over to the little house. I thought it might give me a chance to catch you guys up and I also started a pot of tea and put some chicken in the crockpot for dinner. I’ll probably add some sweet and sour sauce to it later and serve it with some rice and steamed broccoli.
We had expected to have our new washer and dryer delivered today but things don’t always go as expected. I got the scheduling call yesterday but they informed me that they had ‘lost’ our dryer! I’m not sure how that happened but they couldn’t locate another one so they have reordered it and we should have them Saturday morning.
I love hanging our clothes out but I will definitely appreciate these new appliances as I will be able to use my little spurts of energy in other areas right now. Mr. Awesome has a clothesline on his ‘Honey Do’ list but that is not at the top of the list right now and I haven’t even really decided where I want to put it.
You might be wondering about what type of washer and dryer we decided on so I’ll tell you a little about them… really I was just not into shopping that day so I let Mr. Awesome lead the decision. He found this Whirpool Load and Go washer that will let me load up to 20 loads of detergent into it and then, we believe, program a wash cycle so that the kids can just push a button to wash their laundry.
I prefer the front loaders right now as they allow the kids to be a little bit more independent in helping with the laundry. This pair was on sale when we bought them so we saved quite a bit of money. We did go ahead and purchase the extended warranty because this was quite an investment to make and we just wanted to make sure that we were covered in the event of an unexpected repair.
I’m sure that I will post some more about the features of this pair as I get to use them and learn more about them. We also like that they have the option to stack them which is something we may consider later on.
Another thing that happened last month was that Mr. William had the opportunity to attend one of the Night To Shine Special Needs Proms hosted by Tim Tebow. He had a blast and is looking forward to going again next year. This is a wonderful event and I encourage everyone to support it if you can.
Well, that about wraps up the past month or so… I hope you have all had a great month and I pray that this coming month is even better for you. I will try my best not to wait so long between posts and I will get to work on the kitchen update post soon.
As always we want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers… talk to you soon!
  Life Update: We’re Still Here! Hey everybody... it feels like its been FOREVER since I've posted. I have really missed you all...
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A Glimpse into the Enchanted Land of New Mexico
There’s this guy I know who is a collosal dreamer. There’s really nothing wrong with associating yourself with people like that; unless perhaps you’re intent on surrounding yourself with only the more well-grounded, mundane types. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t recommend engaging this guy in anything more than casual conversation. I let my guard down just once around him and he had me nearly convinced he knew the whereabouts of some hidden treasure chest worth millions. Had I possessed anything less than the most superb rational mind, I would’ve packed my suitcase that very moment, grabbed my fedora and compass, and booked the very first flight to New Mexico.
Well, the last I spoke to this adventurous fellow, he had descrambled a bunch of secret passages in some old man’s book, purchased a flight to Albuquerque, and turned an entire wilderness area north of Santa Fe completely upside down. Unfortunately, the treasure had eluded him just like the thousands of others before. Suprisingly though, his failed expedition left him completely undaunted. He actually seemed assured that he was closer now to finding it than ever before. He told me he had simply strayed off course due to a matter of simple semantics and was planning to pick up the trail again in the coming months. I told him he should quit chasing waterfalls and come back down to level ground. He just sort of smirked at me and walked away. That’s how this guy is. He’s quite the character!
Anyway, not long after that peculiar encounter, I happened to visit the Land of Enchantment myself. Now don’t go spreading any rumors here. I wasn’t there trying to find any 11th century treasure chest full of precious gems and golden nuggets.  I was simply there to get some tasty New Mexican cuisine. I heard the green and red chili toppings were to die for. Since my wife, my son, and my friend were also feeling hungry, they came along for the ride. We had quite the adventure and before departing our 47th state, the beauty of New Mexico had us all a bit entranced.
Big John and team follow the old cattle trails to a mesa top with a view.
  My son, Jonah, on a dusty trail west of Cimarron.
  It was in a charred forest not too far from here where Smokey the Bear was rescued as a cub.
  Big John and Mr. Ford taking in the crisp mountain air while admiring God’s handiwork.
Not only does New Mexico possess a diverse and magnificent landscape, the state has some of the most colorful history in in all of our country. From Spanish Conquistadors, Apache Indians, outlaw gangs, to rough-and-tumble mountaineers on the Old Santa Fe Trail, this place is teeming with its legends and lore.
A plaque adorns the wall of this old Santa Fe jail cell that allegedly housed Billy the Kidd.
Famous rustlers and outlaws such as the Dalton Gang, Butch Cassidy, and Billy the Kidd once called New Mexico their home.
  The San Miguel Mission in Santa Fe, built in 1610, is the oldest surviving church in the United States.
    Jonah, Big John, and the lovely Miss Rebecca all pose in front of this grand old church.
  With centuries of worshipers, could you imagine the stories told if these walls could talk?
    Reminds me of a famous book entitled “For Whom the Bell Tolls”.
  I can easily count two of my blessings inside the confines of these church walls.
Just outside the doors of the oldest church in America rests the oldest house in the country as well. The De Vargas Street House began as the foundation of an ancient Indian pueblo built around 1200 A.D.
The De Vargas Street House is the oldest house in Santa Fe and America.
  The original builders of this adobe style hearth probably had to wait just a little while before the invention of microwave popcorn came around.
  Jonah seemed quite surprised when I informed him that the house was even older than me.
  The Pueblo architecture found throughout Santa Fe and the rest of New Mexico offers some insight into the state’s earliest inhabitants.
    La Fonda on the Plaza is just one of Santa Fe’s luxury hotels offering an authentic Southwestern experience.
  Built in 1931, the Lensic Theater is still operational, adding to Santa Fe’s old-style charm.
  This beautiful church, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, is another much celebrated landmark of Santa Fe.
    One can’t help but admire the artistry in these beautifully crafted cathedral doors.
  The Palace of the Governors has been a vital part of Santa Fe’s history since around 1610.
  Since the time of its construction, the Palace of the Governors has flown three different flags: The Spanish, the Mexican, and finally the American.
  The palace is now a great place to find local artisans peddling their wares through the Native American Vendor Program.
With over 240 amazing art galleries in town, visitors easily discover why Santa Fe is the art mecca of the Southwest.
    New Mexico is the home of numerous Native American tribes, to include the Navaho, Tewa, Ute, Pueblo, Pecos, Apache, and many more.
  Many of these galleries offer not only the amazing opportunity to appreciate creative expression; they also allow visitors to witness real pieces of history and culture on display.
  Eagle and Indian sculpture outside of Mountain Trails Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
  Chili Peppers are the flavor of the day when at the plaza in Santa Fe.
  New Mexico’s big game species include deer, elk, bear, cougar, pronghorn antelope, Barbary sheep, bighorn sheep, and more.
  The Palisades Sill is a popular natural landmark located on the Cimarron River canyon between Eagle Nest and Cimarron in the northern part of the state. It can be seen in the eastern part of Cimarron Canyon State Park.
  One of the best places to eat in all of New Mexico can be found in Taos. Bella’s Mexican Grill provides a beautiful, comfortable  venue with a patio serving modern spins on traditional Mexican cuisine. The fish tacos & tortilla soup comes highly recommended! 
  New Mexico is arguably the best state in the country to embark on a road trip through one of nature’s most diverse landscapes.
  Constructed in 1793, the San Felipe de Neri Parish is the oldest church in Albuquerque.
  I didn’t dare make any eye contact. These Abuquerque desperados were just itchin’ for a fight!
  There’s always something festive happening in Old Town, Albuquerque!
  Literally every place in New Mexico is like visiting a fountain of youth. These places won’t actually make you any younger, but many are so old that you will just naturally feel much younger by comparison. This restaurant, La Placita, has been serving up dishes since 1788. Yeah, they must be doing something right!
  Did I mention that Albuquerque was named the low-rider capital of the world?
    Where’s Waldo?
  The Kimo Theater, another historic Albuquerque landmark, rests just a stone’s throw away from that historic Route 66.
  After touring Santa Fe, Taos, and Albuquerque, we decided to break from the hustle and bustle and get back into the wonders of God’s creation.
  Rebecca and Jonah briefly halt for a snapshot before disappearing in the slot canyons of Kashu-Katuwe.
    Kasha-Katuwe, meaning “white cliffs” is  a national park near Santa Fe famous for its tent-rock formations and slot canyons.
Over the span of time, weathering and erosion has created these magnificent canyons and tent rocks. The tent rocks themselves are cones formed of soft  pumice and tuff buried beneath harder caprocks. They vary in height from a few feet and upwards of ninety feet.
    Jonah tries to find a bit of shade under the exposed trunk of this tree. Man, is it starting to get hot!
  There she is! My one and only!
  These layers of rock show evidence of weathering throughout the years.
    What’s that pretty girl looking at? 
  She must be up to something!
  I think I’ll follow her!
    She’s always one step ahead of me.
    I tried stalking her from above but I’m almost certain she’s spotted me!
  I love all of the cacti and other desert plant life. Just keep those rattlers away!
  It’s becoming a tight squeeze through these canyon walls. Even Jonah is walking sideways!
      Jonah is able to capture some fantastic photos to share on his Facebook page!
  Squeezing through these cramped passages, I could only hope that all of these rocks had already fallen.
  My wife and son lead the way as we hike through the canyon and up to the top.
    …and that, folks, is why they are are called “tent-rocks”!
      Sometimes my smartphone camera just doesn’t do the scenery any justice.
        It’s almost hard to believe these formations weren’t man-made.
I wonder if anybody’s ever pulled out their swiss-army knife and set about carving themselves a home? I imagine, if there’s a Walmart nearby, that a guy could live fairly well in one of these pointy rocks. Although, I would recommend picking up a few other essentials like an air mattress, water, and lots of trail mix and beef jerky.
    I don’t know why this cacti plant fascinated me so much. It just sort of looked like some alien lifeform. Yeah, I think the heat was getting to me.
      This reminds me of the desert scene from Young Guns. (For all you too young to know anything, that was a hit movie in 1988 starring Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez).
    With our very lovely guide leading the way, Jonah and I made it all the way to the top!
          What can I say? She likes to live dangerously.
    She was playing hard to get, but now she’s letting me get the gain on her.
  Later on, I tried to get her to explore this cave with me. She didn’t really go for that idea.
  As you can see, we had an amazing time in New Mexico. Thank you for visiting my page and I hope this site inspires you to pack those suitcases and make some of your own adventures.
Please feel free to explore other areas of Big John’s Adventures in Travel and show me a little love on social media. Come back soon.
Happy travels,
Big John
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nulawtoronto · 6 years
Charges Laid after Children Left in Hot Car Alone
In the small space of a car, temperatures can rise rapidly. This can result in an individual being unable to regulate their internal temperature. In this type of environment, the body (especially a small body) can go into shock quickly, and circulation to vital organs can fail. Due to their size, infants and small children can dramatically be affected by extreme temperatures. Their core temperature can increase three to five times faster than that of an adult. Hyperthermia can occur when the body’s temperature rises to dangerously high levels and threatens your health. The average body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius.  An individual is considered to be suffering from hyperthermia when the body’s core temperature reaches 40.5 degrees Celsius. General Motors of Canada funded a study that found that on a 35 degree Celsius day a previously air-conditioned small car when exposed to the sun can rise in temperature to over 50 degrees Celsius within 20 minutes. Within 40 minutes, the temperature inside the car can rise to 65.5 degrees Celsius. More than half of all children left in hot cars were trapped there unintentionally. These children were often left behind in a moment of forgetfulness or trapped after playing unsupervised in an unlocked vehicle. According to the Canada Safety Council, an average of 37 people die each year in the United States as a result of being locked in a hot car. There are no statistics of this nature available for Canada. RECENT EVENTS Earlier this week, a 29-year-old woman, Thuy Thanh Tam Nguyen (“Nguyen”), was criminally charged after leaving her infant in a locked parked car. Halton police attended a plaza at Trafalgar Road and Dundas in Oakville last Sunday afternoon following a 911 call. Paramedics were called to examine the 11 month old infant boy. Fortunately, the infant suffered no physical harm. Nguyen was allegedly shopping at a nearby store for approximately 90 minutes. Nguyen has been charged with abandoning a child and failing to provide the necessaries of life. She will return to court in Milton in July. Just two weeks ago, police charged a 53-year-old Hamilton man after he left his friend’s young child alone in a locked car. A woman walking in a Walmart parking lot spotted the child in the car and coached him on how to unlock the vehicle. The 7-year-old child ”was soaking wet from head to toe in sweat”. He was examined by paramedics and cleared at the scene. The man is to appear in court on June 20, 2018. CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE CAUSING DEATH In the circumstances when a child dies after being left alone in a car, the adult who was entrusted with taking care of the child is often charged with criminal negligence causing death. This was the case when a three-year-old boy died in Burlington after being left in a hot car on May 23, 2018. By the time police arrived on scene, the boy was outside of the car and was pronounced dead. The temperature that day had reached 26.6 degrees Celsius. An autopsy determined that the preliminary cause of death was hyperthermia. Shaun Pennell faces one count of criminal negligence causing death and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life. Pennell will appear back in court in Milton on June 27. Typically, a conviction of criminal negligence causing death occurs when the accused person does not mean to injure or cause bodily harm through their reckless actions. Section 219 of the Criminal Code defines the accused as showing “wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons”. The maximum sentence is life in jail. There are a wide range of sentences available in cases of criminal negligence causing death due to the numerous ways in which the offence can be committed. In the case of 2-year-old Eva Ravikovich ("Eva"), who died when she was left in a car by a daycare worker in Vaughan, Olena Panfilova ("Panfilova") was sentenced to 22 months in jail and three years on probation. Panfilova pleaded guilty to criminal negligence causing death. Panfilova had 35 children in her illegal daycare and had forgotten that she left Eva in the car outside the daycare. She also tried to cover up her forgetfulness by pretending that the child died during a nap. In the recent case of R. v. Simons, Elmarie Simons pleaded guilty to criminal negligence causing death and was sentenced last month in Calgary. Simons, an unlicensed daycare home operator, had left an 18-month-old toddler in a car seat in a dark closet to run errands at Walmart and McDonald’s. The child died from asphyxiation caused by the car seat strap as the leg straps of the seat were not properly buckled and the child slid down in the car seat to such a degree that the chest harness strap choked her. Simons was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended to always keep cars locked while in garages or on driveways to prevent children from inadvertently becoming trapped in a vehicle. It is also suggested that adults keep their car keys in a safe place. It is also recommended to make it a habit to place your cell phone or purse in the back seat. This would require the driver to check the back seat before leaving the vehicle on a regular basis. If you come across a child or animal in distress that has been left alone in a hot vehicle it is imperative that you call 911 immediately. It cannot be emphasized enough that no child or pet should be left alone in a hot vehicle, even for a few minutes. If you have questions about your legal rights, please contact the experienced and knowledgeable criminal lawyers at Affleck & Barrison LLP online or at 905-404-1947. We have a 24-hour phone service for your convenience. Full Article: https://criminallawoshawa.com/charges-laid-after-children-left-in-hot-car-alone/
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Soccer, Poland: NKP Podhale Nowy Targ live scores, results, components. Cottage with amazing views of the Tatra Mountains and Nowy Targ. If you desire to market your location to eat on Nowy Targ Traveling as well as Tourist Guide allow us understand. Equifax introduced recently it experienced an information violation that could possibly affect 143 million consumers in the United States. The business said it initially saw questionable web traffic on July 29. Please note that email distribution can take up to 10 minutes. Betway are Guaranteeing all Customers the most effective Odds on all UK and also Irish Horse Race Victor Wagers today positioned after 9:00 am! From the mid-nineteenth century the location was wistfully glamorized by painters as well as poets, and many Poles maintain a soft-spot for the region. Marine Fighter Assault Squadron 121 held participants of Japan Air Self-Defense Force's Third Air Wing for an academic scenic tour and class centered around the F-35A Lightning II at Marine Corps Air base Iwakuni, Japan, Sept Our simple-to-use reservation engine makes looking for great bargains convenient and also very easy; just enter your traveling days and also departure city, and also let do the rest! Pressure: 1007 hpa Timezone: CEST Domain name: NEMS4 Last version run: 2017-09-14 09:36. The apartment lies in a prime area of the city: In the prompt location there are stores, a bakery, restaurants, discos, reasonable Tatra. Warto pamiętać, że na południu Polski wojna i okupacja miała niemieckie i słowackie oblicze. All Windows computers because Windows Vista are impacted by the Bluetooth Pineapple" vulnerability which permits an attacker to do a Man-in-The-Middle assault (CVE-2017-8628). 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Doorperson, a Harvard Regulation grad, has thought a pivotal behind the curtain function in the administration, working even prior to Kelly's arrival to create type from disorder as well as to serve as an honest broker in between the competing intrigues that occupy the Trump White Residence. Kanapa jest dwuosobowa szerokości po rozłożeniu 140cm natomiast łóżko jest pełnowymiarowe jednoosobowe (90x200cm). It additionally offers the students tools as well as tasks to assist them find out how you can compose cohesive essays. Rosemont police on Friday launched video clips that depict Kenneka Jenkins startling alone through a deserted kitchen area of the Crowne Plaza 'Hare Hotel, but they do not show her entering the walk-in fridge freezer in which her body was found. There's simply no replacement for wonderful prices fit to your travel needs and backed by superb consumer assistance. Emmanuel Macron doit dévoiler boy program complet le 2 mars prochain. With two significant tornados countering to back, causing several of the most awful flooding our region has ever before seen, the American Red Cross has seen a major spike in volunteer initiatives both across the country as well as locally. In policy conferences on profession, as an example, Concierge has been left to moderate conflicts in between National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, who prefers open market, as well as protectionist Peter Navarro, the head of the White Home's National Profession Council. This information is drawn from notes and experience of a nationally understand vet who is deep right into treatment as well as research of canine disease's, and my own experience for over 3 years utilizing this medication. In the middle of the 18th century a number of Jewish households gained their living trading vodka and also renting a neighborhood brewery. Enjoy Second County Sheriff's investigators detain two wanted offenders outside the Auburn Safeway. The cottages are equipped in a simple however modern method as well as the names of specific objects reflect the interior decoration of each of them. Preference eligibles with a 10 percent or more disability are positioned in the finest classification (in advance of the non-preference eligibles). Dlatego warto przypomnieć te momenty i cieszyć się z dzisiejszych dobrosąsiedzkich klimatów w przygranicznym pasie. An Intern appointed without a NTE day might be advertised when a company has an excepted solution policy for promos of staff members in excepted service positions, and the Intern meets the certification requirements for the higher-graded placement. Ladbrokes will refund your money back as a Free Wager if one choice allows you down on your International Football 5+ Collector! Mauldin was primary security officer at the firm, among the country's three biggest credit history reporting firms, from 2013 up until Friday. Somewhere else in Poland the term usually refers to a choir. Specific place information is given after a reservation is confirmed. Agencies give OPM with information concerning their teaching fellowship opportunities and also blog post information publicly on USAJOBS concerning ways to request certain positions. Ryan Bizzarro (D - Erie Area) claimed this strategy would certainly get rid of long-term funding for the Erie schools and also jeopardizes this year's financing unless it is consisted of in a code expense. Shopping by voice is obtaining a little bit easier on the Google House connected speaker with a collaboration with Walmart. Wikipedia has loads of pages devoted to Robert Lees and also Bob Lees, including musician Robert Lee, who additionally occurs to be Bruce's bro. The Krakow Royal Stroll is a sensible means of discovering the city as well as a few of the cultural and architectural elegance Krakow possesses. Simply put your order for chili con carne on AHA, as well as quickly one of Flytrex's flying drones will certainly drop it off at your home or workplace. Anna and also her husband got on hand in order to help with any one of our queries, they are wonderful hosts. Blighted buildings are afflicting the city of Erie, in addition to Erie region. Nowy Targ with around 30000 citizens, exists north of the High Tatras, regarding 65km south of Krakow. But there is no problem to the long lack of the guests, the host included timber to the fire. Or to register for free identity burglary protection and credit score documents tracking. REDDIT and also the ALIEN Logo are registered hallmarks of reddit inc Lots of Poles allow themselves a charitable quantity of time to offer and enjoy their joyful dishes, particularly Xmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter morning meal which might take a number of days to prepare in their totality. They appreciated the memorable minute at New Era Area prior to the Buffalo Costs played the New York Jets. Nowy Targ has actually had a very stormy newer history as well, during the dividing, Nowy Targ came from the Austrian government. Podhale is the level area in between the Tatra Mountains as well as the Gorce mountains, and its main community is Nowy Targ, an old settlement that currently acts as an active commercial centre with few old houses to have actually endured the disturbance of history. An automobile, called a silver or grey Chevrolet Impala with front end damage, showed up around 7 a.m. at the Bates Collision building website in the 5100 block of Buffalo Roadway, detectives said. From the top of capital, the Podhale landscape fans out to the north with its gentle fluctuates, whilst behind, the Tatra mountains dominate the horizon, Poland's all-natural boundary to the south. Celebrity Taylor Trensch will certainly step into the title role after Ben Platt's separation. The new mobile labs enable instructors as well as students connect to the internet as well as accessibility their coursework from anywhere on school. Kids under 2 have to either being in laps or in seats. San Antonio Spurs Aide Train Becky Hammon remained in community Wednesday evening to talk with trainees at Penn State Behrend. Nowy Targ 1 - 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Moderate rain (overall 10mm), heaviest on Sunlight morning. . Cassini studied Saturn and also its numerous moons for 13 amazing as well as effective years prior to finally plunging right into the ringed earth intentionally on Sept The upstairs has a large bedroom with 2 large beds as well as different living room area with sectional sofa which youngsters liked to hang around in. There is one more couch downstairs. The musical retrospective of the life and job of visionary director-producer Harold Royal prince, encapsulating over six years of Broadway background, makes its long-awaited New York debut. The steps come greater than a week because the credit-reporting company revealed an information breach possibly affecting 143 million individuals in the U.S. Digital innovations are providing our activities, public and also exclusive, into data sets that governments as well as companies can track, control, as well as typically own outright. The idea, it appears, would be for programs to earn added content that would run just on Break as a method to raise involvement. Could get a percentage of sales for items bought from these web links. This material is offered tailored for our worldwide target market. In this age of geographical information systems, the Web, as well as homeland protection, geographical names information are even more crucial and extra difficult. As he scuttled in between the shining funding cities of Europe-- from London as well as Munich to Vienna and also Prague-- Lenin discovered assistance among fellow émigrés as well as revolutionaries in the underground motion. In the large bulk of states, a freeze remains in place up until you ask the debt reporting business to momentarily raise it or eliminate it completely. You can obtain these offers absolutely free by subscribing to our e-newsletters. Organized labor from Erie and Crawford Region have partnered with the United Method for more than 75 years. Join the regular e-newsletter and also never miss out on new tips, tutorials, and much more. Cozy house for a family or group of friendsIn near the lifts Lengthy Glade and work. Rookie defensive take on Nazair Jones is off to a great start in his initial NFL training camp. It remains in Nowy Targ Region, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Malopolska. Après avoir témoigné à charge contre le géant du lait dans un reporting diffusé en octobre dans "Envoyé Spécial" sur France 2, les cinq éleveurs de vaches avaient vu leur contrat de fourniture de lait remis en cause. Federal bucks are set to run out in simply a few months, and lawmakers are clambering for a remedy. The ASME Journal of Confirmation, Recognition and Uncertainty Quantification (JVVUQ) is currently approving documents for magazine later on this year and also in future issues of the journal. Marine Week Detroit began with an opening event at School Martius Park, Sept Choose the ones you intend to include in your faves so you can obtain the news that rate of interests you-- like company, technology, style, sporting activities, and also much more. Nicole Kidman aurait pu devenir Madame Nicole Kravitz. In the close area of Nowy Targ, there are additionally four national parks: Gorce, Pieniny (concerning 30km), Babia Góra and the Tatra (regarding 20km) National Park.
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livingthervdream · 7 years
Rapids to Rodeos!
Today we leave Yellowstone. I am driving the Suburban with the girls while GB and Andrew are driving the RV. Our plan was to head to the dump site to empty before we head to Cody. We had no hookups at our site but they had a communal drop site for waste. Unfortunately the line was extremely long and people were taking forever. We had to make a water Rapid excursion Cody at 1245 and it was 2 hours away. It’s 1000 and we didn’t want to press our look so we decided we would just take care of everything when we pull up at our campsite in Cody. So on the road we go to Cody Wyoming!
As we pull out of our campground, I just soak up the view: The Forrest, Lake Yellowstone, the mountains…just everything that we didn’t make…nature did. My eyes start to well up as we head out on the road so sad to go. I’m sure I was welling up for a combination of reasons. This was the peak of our trip and what a cherry on top of the sundae it was. From here, we still had Cody but it really was our trend back to reality. The craziness of work and back to our schedule of life. It was so nice to just get away with the 4 people I care about most. I can’t remember another time that I truly cried at the end of a vacation. We had our ups and downs but how often do I get to spend 14 days without work and home hustle bustle to enjoy the company of my family. It maybe took a couple days 😜but the kids were for the most part getting along and playing with each other…instead of fighting constantly. Playing pretend games in the woods or in the car and not distracted by TV, Electronics, School and their everyday responsibilities. There were also tears of absolute gratefulness and thanks for a husband who took the time to plan this amazing experience. How he did it i will never know, between work and fire fighter school not to mention tending to his every day responsibilities…I truly am the lucky one. Ok enough with the tears…ohhh and please remind me to reread this later on when I say my family is driving me up a wall! Which hopefully will be longer than a week from now😜 As we are leaving Yellowstone, we are able to caravan to a couple pull outs for some photo ops. Of course, we stop at the exit. That welcome to Yellowstone sign that we missed when we arrived (we were in no condition for photos after 12+ hours driving) was forever captured in photo by the Bransons! All were smiles for nice photo and crazy photo! GB got his head shot photo with his Hixton Travel Plaza trucker hat. (Inside joke: GB has a friend who owns this truck stop in Hixton, WI. Without his friend knowing, he had a cousin by this hat and mail it to us for our trip. GB has been taking headshots with his glasses on, hat on and deadpan face at all our sites and sign pictures. He has then been texting his friend all these photos! Apparently they are going to launch a clothing line and who knows…you may see a certain someone modeling the headgear at Yellowstone or Corn Palace! I laugh everyday!) We roll into Cody around 1215. We have just enough time to park the RV at Walmart. Side note: if you ever have an RV and don’t know where to park. Apparently you can park at Walmart and they don’t care. So thanks Walmart for being our parking spot while we went rafting! Luckily the rafting adventure was in downtown Cody only 5 minutes away from Walmart. We had enough time to grab some grub at Arby’s and head to our meeting spot with 10 minutes to spare. Luckily all of us already had our swimsuits on with shirt cover ups so all we needed was the spraydown of Sunscreen and we were good to go. This rafting trip was GB’s idea. There was an all day, a half day, and a 2 hour trip. I heavily recommended the 2 hour seeing as how I thought that was all about Libby could take. I would love to take a day trip if it were just the two of us but I think 2 hours for the kids would leave it more of a positive experience. I was also unsure about Libby’s age and size. I mean we have 3 kids as a backup in case we lose any but I don’t think I would like to see my youngest just float down the river. GB assured me that he had spoken with the lady at reservations and she said she would be fine. Well, as we pull up I see a woman who has a dachshund with her. The kids loved the dog and asked who is watching the dog while she is rafting. The woman responded “she is coming rafting too.” Really?? Ok now I am really wondering what kind of trip this that this dog can also come on? We are all fit with our life vest and they have a perfect one for Libby. What that tells me is the last kid that wore it came back alive and in the boat so she has a fighting chance! They drive us to the rafting site and unload us as well as the boats. There are 3 tours going on simultaneously and all 3 are manually inflating the boats. This looks like a fun job, definitely an UE work out! They go over safety rules and what to do if someone falls off the raft. Apparently you float on your back in T-formation and wait for them to throw this small pillow to you where you don’t hold onto the pillo you hold onto the rope in order to get towed in. Now I was kind of lost a little so I can only imagine my kids are lost and that is if they are even paying attention. They then talk about always hold onto your paddle so as not to lose it down the river. They also mention that when a command of “hang on” is called out you should grip the outer red rope and lean into the boat. Ok I can totally see hanging on but I know my kids would have to reach half way out of the boat to grab onto it and then the whole lean into the boat…yup that’s it…someone here is not going to make it. I had this picture of the Colorado river and losing half my family in it as they floated down far beyond the boat. I am sure GB didn’t sign us up for such an intense Rapid ride but that is the only picture I had in my head. Sending up prayers to St. Jude for this one! The groups are split up. Our family is grouped with the woman who has the dog. Ok this is going to get really interesting. The woman begins to put the dog in this cloth tote. Really? She’s going to stay in there the whole time?? This I gotta see. She is loaded in front with her dog, GB and I are in middle row with Libby in between us. Ok, that is a safe spot, I am starting to calm. The back row is a new hire (she looks sharp…not too worried) Ali in the middle and Andrew with a paddle. He needed a couple verbal and manual cues for proper paddle hold but he definitely needed a good upper body work out…his OT would have been proud with how he didn’t complain a bit and liked it actually a lot. Maybe we need a rower machine for work😊. Our guide sat in rear to help direct the boot. I must say he was a very good guide with a loud booming voice that I couldn’t help but repeat his commands after he said them. More so that Andrew would have another reminder of what to do. We are hit our first bumps and Andrew holds his own while I remind Libby and Ali to hang on to the grips next to them. Unfortunately, the dog didn’t like the idea of getting wet and really just didn’t care about eh whole white water rafting experience. She was shaking and clawing her way to the back of the boat. The poor thing was shaking and wet and clawing it’s way almost out of the boat. Libs and I got scratched a bit by its sharp claws but you couldn’t blame the dog…the poor thing wanted out and the tour just started. There were times that the dog was wrapped around her owner’s neck like a mink just shaking and digging in her claws for dear life. Now our guide was jousting on orders such as paddle forward and so on. GB and I did most of the paddling. The woman in front was too busy hanging onto her dog to really contribute to the paddling and Andrew tried but really couldn’t accomplish what an adult could do I can say GB and I definitely got the UE workout we paid for! We hit some rapids and Libby got doused with water! It was great! She sat there looking at me laughing but shaking from being wet and cold. All she could say is “Momma where’s the car?” after laughing of course. The other 2 were having tons of fun laughing and screaming the whole time. We ended our tour with everyone still inside our boat including the dog. The poor thing calmed down after a while and just hung onto her owner. The kids were freezing after taking off their jackets just wanting to wrap up in their towel. Once we got back to the car, which was warm inside from sitting out in the sun, the kids changed back into dry clothes and finished heir drinks that they had gotten at lunch. We headed back to the RV to get set up at the campsite. Goodness knows we weren’t camping out in the Walmart parking lot. The kids were so excited to head back to the campsite. Once everything was loaded and hooked up, we all took a much needed hot shower. Afterwards, the kids were pumped to head to the jumping mat and just bounce around for a while. There was also a nice playground that the kids hung out at helping to kill time before dinner and the rodeo. Once everyone was ready, we headed off to dinner. We ended up eating at a place called Irma’s. It was an old time restaurant that they restored keeping some of the old decor that was there in the past. Large animal heads hung on the wall while a showcase of rifles was set up behind the bar. They had a buffet where the girls ate for free (awesome!) and Greg saw Country fried steak on the menu so everyone was happy. I headed to the buffet to get plates for the kids. By the third time, the guy running the buffet began to question how fast I was eating. I told him I was getting plates for my kids but I would be back for my plate soon enough. When I came back for my plate, the gentleman picked out my family as he said the kids were eyeing me everywhere I walked. It’s the mom life I said.
After dinner, we headed to the rodeo. The night had gotten colder, good thing this awesome mom packed hooded sweatshirts and pants for everyone! The kids and I had never been to the rodeo before...this actually was our first rodeo! To start the rodeo, the color guard came out on horses. Each was holding a flag and they moved out in different formations, how hard that must have been. Afterwards, everyone bent their head down in prayer and then they played then national anthem. I didn't realize how patriotic and religious these rodeos were, I guess I never heard about that part. The roping of the cows was Libby's favorite. She kept rooting for the cow to get away and not get roped. When they would walk away she would say "the cow won! Good job cow!" Not sure the cowboy would agree with her! We got to see both men and women rope cows along with cowboys sitting on bucking bulls. That was crazy! GB kept telling us to watch their heads before the gate opens, apparently they always adjust their hats. Well, I watched and noticed that they were all wearing helmets...and boy did they need them. The way they go flying off those bulls and then how close their bodies get to the feet of those bulls...yikes😬! Andrew got a chance to head down to the arena with other kids and try to chase 2 calfs. You could see him run hard for the first 2 minutes then after that the calves were running circles around all these kids. He was exhausted but he had fun. Libby didn't want to leave but unfortunately Ali was freezing to death and was not happy so we bid our goodbyes to the cowboys. Libby was none too happy saying "but it's not over yet!" Unfortunately, it was for us. Cody was a lot of fun but none of us were looking forward to the car rides home.
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