orderbourne · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “    “I…do tend to attract older women…”
"I'm not so sure. Poly relations tend to go the more... darker routes. Partcularly more on what they call 'yandere' I believe?"
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    “I never said anything about a harem!”
He could barely handle one woman after all...
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barusuknight · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “Just so you know, I’m infamous for being so annoying that, no one can...”
"Oh, you're just a treat, aren't you?"
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“Sometimes, I am. Sometimes I am not. All depends on your attitude.”
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unladylikc · 4 years
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「 @waking-malitiae​ 」 — writes:
"Ah, salutations, my dear! I am Ser Sanctus, at your service. The pleasure is mine." The pale man gives a brief bow, showing a prowess of manners and esteem for others.
always accepting → unprompted !!
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      “ ...And what, pray tell, does this gentleman named ‘Ser Sanctus’ want with some ol’ commoner? ” she’ll question, allowing absentminded surprise to seep it’s way through her voice. Truth be told, Vivian can’t even pretend she actually knew what he wanted, much less ascertain the reason why he was introducing himself out of the blue like that; either way, she couldn’t help answering in an  EXAGGERATEDLY  formal fashion.
    When it came down to it, though, Sanctus didn’t look that much older than her. Why, Vivian reckons he must be at least 23 or 24; regardless, she’ll wait, allowing her head to cant towards the side. Come to think of it, should she also be introducing herself or should she just wait until Sanctus asked her himself?
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open rp
The news about about a gathering of monsters amassing to the north came in about a week ago. It honestly wasn't good. Well over a thousand monsters of various kinds were going across the land, destroying anything in their path. Reports had come in about several small villages and unwalled towns falling to the horde and that there were even sapient monsters commanding them! needless to say, the city was recieving it’s fair share of refugees. Since then, Karisa had been working nonstop to create a sizable golem malitia to defend the city she called home. Golem Shield bearers, Pikeman, Swordsman and several golem warhounds, hundreds of golems were all set and heading for the front line outside the city gate as the first line of defense against the monster threat to hopefully take the brunt of the assault and diminish loss of life. She wasn't alone in her endeavor either! Dwarven smiths, goblin mechanics, and even some Elven archers and mages were all contributing to provide the city with weapons, ballistae and magic barriers.
At the top of the wall, a cloud of dust and smoke could be seen approaching from several miles away. Karisa had given a map marking and controlling all of the golems but Grom to the commander in charge of the cities defense and was now watching as the horde slowly advanced on her city.
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“A week. A whole WEEK of nothing but wood, stone, metal and fire. I feel like i could go to bed and not wake up for a fucking month. But do these cunts give a shit? NO! Here they are marching on my home and keeping me from my bed!”
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onlyhorn · 4 years
💋 (any kind, really)
Smooches! 4/5
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“ You are still trying to earn that kiss, aren’t you? “
She laughs. It’s a hearty laughter - one that was almost playful in a sense. Well, if it would get him to calm down instead of constantly trying to impress her, she’ll grant that for him. But like hell if he’s getting exactly what he’s asking for.
“ Welllll, I suppose I could give you what you want - after all, “
  She raises her hand, morphing the world around her. Everything fades away in a flash of light, and is soon replaced with an open field in the middle of some dark woods. A single silhouette stands in the middle of the open field, a face he may also recognize, a face he’d likely have no chance of being able to swoon, instead stared at him with an almost lustful look on her face.
                                              This is my world.
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“ Just this once - if it would help you feel better -- I’ll grant you what you seek. “
An apparition who looked exactly like one of Eris’s many appearances begins to approach Sanctus. Fearlessly, and without hesitation, she reaches forward and cups his cheeks in her hands, leans her head forward, and plants a long, lasting smooch on his horrible lips.
It’s a moment that feels like it lasts for an eternity.... until suddenly the world is wiped away in a gust of wind, blown away into dust, and replaced instead with Echidna still sat at her table, handling a cup of tea, swirling it with amusement.
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“ I do hope that was to your hideous tastes, Sanctus. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
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“ ... “
Tipheni, don’t you think being out this late at night is a little dangerous?
Of course it is. That’s the best part.
Y-- yeah, but... I really think that we should head back inside. Father won’t be happy to hear about us getting hurt out here.. 
Then let him be upset. You can go back if you want. He won’t be mad at you.
B-- But I don’t want to just leave you out here by yourself!
What, you think I can’t handle myself? I’m being trained by the greatest knight ever. I don’t need to worry about those stupid beasts!
A... Are you sure?
.. Okay, well, um... I’ll try to tell him you’ll be back soon.
You know I probably won’t.
Goodnight, Erethi.
Goodnight, Tiph..
Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?
S--sorry! I forgot...
It’s fine.. Just don’t want people thinking my name is stupid.
I don’t think it’s stupid, Sis..
Yeah. Yeah.. I know. 
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“ It’s really not funny. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
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She would gladly welcome the void at any point now.
Satella honey, if you can hear me, please end my existence.
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “"Oh, my dear despair. A greedy witch has licked my finger with her...”
"Now dear, I understand that you're upset, but know licking a finger is nothing compared than what I'll let you do to me!" He smiles at despair.
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I DON͏'̶T CA͞RE͘ ̵WH̡ÀT͟ ̡I̶'̵LL ̀DO̵ ̡TO ̷Y̴O͏U̴ ͢I͡'͏M THE҉ ̵ONL̀Ý ON̸E W͏HO̴ ͠GE̷ŢS ̡T̛O D͏O T͢H͠AT ̡TO ́YOU ..̵.͝ ͟
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “Covers her eyes with gloved hands from behind, smiling”
Tilts a head in surprise. "I'd be careful licking fingers from other people. Unless you'd wish to anger her, of course..."
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“ Please, don’t tell Despair-chan anything about what conspired here, I couldn’t possibly imagine what kind of horrors it would have waiting for me. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
Covers her eyes with gloved hands from behind, smiling
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“ .... Let’s see. “
She reaches for one of his hands - keeping her eyes closed, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand down to her mouth - to which she licks one of his fingers. A loud slurp, and she releases his hand, twirling out of his grip and staring him down with a smirk.
“ You’re not subtle. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “waking-malitiae replied to your post “waking-malitiae replied to your...”
"Well, what is it then?"
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“ Tiphereth. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
"Apologies, Miss Bishop. It appears my simple greeting was misinterpreted as something else. Pay those silly grey faces no mind."
@waking-malitiae gave the anons the wrong idea.
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“ Breaking and tearing and tearing and breaking and crushing and snapping and crushing and crushing and crushing and bleeding and gouging and choking and dying, dying, dying minds, broken beyond repair, hearing the whispers of the dark, the endless mouths feeding, feeding, feeding, all for nothing, for nothing... “
She’s just muttering nonsensically to herself at this point.
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post ““ It’s alright to thank me, you know? “”
"No thank you."
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“ So this is the gratitude I am greeted with... how very disappointing. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “waking-malitiae replied to your post “Wylan in a maid uniform….”...”
"Actually, I'll give you something to think about. Have you ever wondered about just how far space goes?"
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It’s too late - she’s already daydreaming about her boyfriend in a maid outfit. There’s no stopping her now.
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post “Wylan in a maid uniform….”
"Please never speak such words again in my sound receptors ever again."
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“ I didn’t say anything. You’re the one reading my thoughts. “
“ So I’m going to think about him in a maid uniform harder to make you uncomfortable. “
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onlyhorn · 4 years
waking-malitiae replied to your post ““ … “ ________________________________________________________...”
"Something wrong...?" Grins more
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“ .. No. “
Tiphereth turns, beginning to walk away. She seems a little peeved.
“ Go away. Your face and your voice are annoying. “
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