#wait... isn't it MerMay lmao
soursoppi · 1 month
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it just occurred to me that I haven't done a proper selkie design for Selkiehua
(also feat. MBJ showing off his catch)
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ghostlspirit · 1 year
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(Male!Yan x gn! Mermaid/Siren Reader)
(part 1)
tw: Yandere, Imprisonment, mentions of cutting you open, Blood, idk I still try to keep things tame
note: Still trying to get comfortable lmao. I know mermay is over but I just had to write this. Exams are over and I can work on stuff now wohoo!! Hope this isn't too long. Happy Pride and I hope you enjoy~
You were a never-before-seen species. A mythical creature, a mermaid, a siren. Gifted with beautiful scales, a luscious tail, and captivating eyes. Every one is mesmerized.
Especially Krish, a researcher and part of the team of caretakers for you. He was also there when they found you, and boy, was that a day to remember. He remembers your open mouth full of sharp teeth trying to bite through the nets, and your voice, oh your voice, letting out screams and hisses as they dragged you up on boat.
He couldn't wait to research you! Who would have thought that a mermaid exists? Who knows how many more are out there, waiting to be discovered. He was beyond curious on your behavior and diet, how intelligent you are and if you understand humans. You must be curious too, Krish know it, you must be curious too, he says, while you look at him with those mesmerizing eyes. You never let him out of your sight, always watching him, hissing when he gets too close. You must be able to remember faces, he notes down in his notebook.
He watches you swim in your aquarium. Because of your size, and the lack of preparation, they opted to letting you stay in a Zoo aquarium for the meantime. Of course, no visitors are allowed here, and all the animals were moved, so you're alone in this...fake ocean, held up inside these glass walls.
You hated it. You hated everything, even yourself. Your mother always told you not to be stupid, not to be foolish and swim too high. Yet you just had to fight with her, argue and rebel, swimming in hopes of a new life, outside of your home. You wanted adventure, taste other seas and swim through different coral reefs. She was always against it, always so cautious and protective. You felt suffocated. What irony you find yourself in. Here you are, fake coral reefs surrounding you in a closed off space, swimming in water that tastes off, and some dammed creature watching you. You feel more suffocated than ever. This isn't what you wanted.
You're scared, terrified even. No tales, stories or warnings could have prepared you for this situation. What are you going to do? How are you going to get out? Will you ever see your mother again? Where even are you? What will they do to you? Are they going to eat you? Do they want your scales, or maybe eyes? You anxiously search for a corner to hide in to collect yourself, away from their gaze, away from his gaze.
Krish notes ever flicker of your tail, ever movement of your arms, everything you observe. You're probably struggling to get comfortable in your environment, is it too bright maybe? Or do you just need time? He has so many questions rushing through his mind, eyes practically shining like a kid opening presents.
The other researchers are just as excited as him, your very existence opening so many doors of possibilities. They have so much planned for you, from taking your measurements to opening you up to explore your insides. Not that Krish is unaware of their plans, he just suggests it would be more beneficial to observe and get to know you before putting you under the mercy of a scalpel. Thank God he has some authority, otherwise he doesn't get to experience your curiosity. Plus, who wouldn’t be more fitted for the task of getting to know you other than him?
Because of your sharp teeth he opts to getting you different kind of fishes, shells, and algae, to guess your preferences. Though for the first few days you seem to refuse to eat. After five days of having to fish out the remains of uneaten food, Krish comes personally to deliver the food at the opening at the top of the tank, in hopes of figuring you out. No, he isn't worried. You’ve been hiding, he is thinking of removing those hiding spots so he can have a better view. But that might make you more stressed, he can’t have that.
Krish has his blond hair in a bun, rain boots on, as he dangles a fish above the waters, occasionally dipping it in to create commotion. “Come one now, I know you’re hungry,” another dip, “It’s alright, you can come out,” he tries to keep his voice soft, as if he’s speaking to a puppy, “I know you want it.” Another few dips and now he’s keeping the fish in the water and swirling it around. Still no response. “You have to eat.” Still nothing. With a sigh he turns around and asks the assistant to dim the lights. He doesn’t notice the hand is still holding the fish under the water. He also doesn’t notice your predatory eyes, glowing in the depths, fixating on the fish.
A second passes, it’s as if time stopped, as you dart out of your spot. Krish turns around in time, and unaware, he meets your captivating eyes, right in front of him in the waters. He doesn’t even register anything else as everything happened so fast, he doesn’t even notice he has let go of the fish. With a quick bite you turn around, your tail splashing water in Krish’s face, as you dart back into your hiding place, fish between your teeth. The fish is leaving a trail of blood, and slowly Krish registers what happened. He blinks, dumbfounded, as your eyes and the sudden rush of adrenalin ignite a flame in him.
Drenched, he lets the voices of the worried assistance become a buzz in his mind. The trail of blood looking like a red string, connecting you both. It’s the proof that grounds his mind, knowing this interaction just happened, as short it might’ve been.
“The lights should stay dimmed”, he frantically scribbles in his notebook, “And order more of that fish.”
We wouldn’t want you to starve now.
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